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<title i18n-content="title"></title>
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html[dir=rtl] #header {
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#header h1 {
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  display: inline;
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html[dir=rtl] #header h1 {
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body.hideDevModeInitial .showInDevMode {
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body.hideDevMode .showInDevMode {
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body.showDevModeInitial .showInDevMode {
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body.showDevMode .showInDevMode {
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.developer-mode-image {
  margin-top: 2px;

.developer-mode-link {
  margin-right: 3px;
  white-space: nowrap;

.developer-mode-link a {
  font-size: 97%;

.developer-mode {
  background: #f4f6fc;
  border-bottom: 1px solid #edeff5;
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html[dir=rtl] .developer-mode {
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.extension_disabled td {
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  color: #a0a0a0;
  padding-bottom: 4px;
  padding-top: 5px;

.extension_enabled td {
  padding-bottom: 4px;
  padding-top: 5px;

.extension {
  border-bottom: 1px solid #cdcdcd;

.extension-name {
  font-weight: bold;

.no-extensions {
  margin: 6em 0 0;
  text-align: center;
  font-size: 1.2em;

#try-gallery {
  margin-top: 1em;
  font-weight: normal;

#get-moar-extensions {
  margin-top: 1em;
  text-align: right;
  font-weight: bold;

html[dir=rtl] #get-moar-extensions {
   text-align: left;

.extension-description {
  margin-top: 0.4em;

.extension-details {
  margin-top: 0.5em;

.extension-actions {

.extension-actions-div {
  margin-top: 0.4em;

.extension-actions input {
  margin: 0 3px 0 10px;
  vertical-align: text-bottom;

.extension-views {
  margin: 0 0 0;
  margin-left: 2ex;
  padding: 0;
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html[dir=rtl] .extension-views {
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button {
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#dialog input[type=text] {
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#dialog {
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  border: 1px solid #3A75BD;
  border-radius: 6px 6px;
  font-size: 12px;
  width: 500px;
  -webkit-box-orient: vertical;

html[dir=rtl] #dialog {
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#dialogHeader {
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html[dir=rtl] #dialogHeader {
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  -webkit-box-orient: vertical;

#dialogContentHeader {
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.dialogBrowseRow {
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  -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
  -webkit-box-pack: end;

html[dir=rtl] .dialogBrowseRow {
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  /* margin-left: 0px; */

.dialogBrowseRow>* {
  margin: 2px

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  margin-left: -12px;
  margin-top: 20px;

html[dir=rtl] #dialogContentFooter {
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  margin-left: 0px;

.inspectPopupNote {
  color: grey;

.incognitoWarning {
  margin: 0.75em 0;
  display: none;
  opacity: 0;
  -webkit-transition: opacity .2s ease-out;

.incognitoWarning .yellow {
  padding:2px 5px;
 * This variable structure is here to document the structure that the template
 * expects to correctly populate the page.
var extensionDataFormat = {
  'developerMode': false,
  'extensions': [
      'id': '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
      'name': 'Google Chrome',
      'description': 'Extension long format description',
      'version': '1.0.231',
      'enabled': 'true',
      'enabledIncognito': 'false',
      'allow_reload': true,
      'order': 1,
      'options_url': 'options.html',
      'icon': 'relative-path-to-icon.png',
      'content_scripts': [
          'js': ['script1_file1.js', 'script1_file2.js'],
          'css': ['script1_file1.css', 'script1_file2.css'],
          'matches': ['http://*/*', 'http://other.com/*']
          'js': ['script2_file1.js', 'script2_file2.js'],
          'css': ['script2_file1.css', 'script2_file2.css'],
          'matches': ['http://*/*', 'http://other.com/*']
      // TODO(aa): It would be nice to also render what type of view each one
      // is, like 'toolstrip', 'background', etc. Eventually, if we can also
      // debug and inspect content scripts, maybe we don't need to list the
      // components, just the views.
      'views': [
          'path': 'toolstrip.html',
          'renderViewId': 1,
          'renderProcessId': 1
          'path': 'background.html',
          'renderViewId': 2,
          'renderProcessId': 1
      'id': '0000000000000000000000000000000000000001',
      'name': 'RSS Subscriber',
      'description': 'Extension long format description',
      'version': '1.0.231',
      'enabled': 'true',
      'enabledIncognito': 'false',
      'allow_reload': false,
      'order': 2,
      'icon': '',
      'content_scripts': [
          'js': ['script1_file1.js', 'script1_file2.js'],
          'css': ['script1_file1.css', 'script1_file2.css'],
          'matches': ['http://*/*', 'http://other.com/*']
          'js': ['script2_file1.js', 'script2_file2.js'],
          'css': ['script2_file1.css', 'script2_file2.css'],
          'matches': ['http://*/*', 'http://other.com/*']
      'views': [
          'path': 'foo/bar/toolstrip.html',
          'renderViewId': 3,
          'renderProcessId': 1
      "hasPopupAction": false

// Keeps track of whether the developer mode subsection has been made visible
// (expanded) or not.
var devModeExpanded = false;

 * Toggles the devModeExpanded, and notifies the c++ dom_ui to toggle the
 * extensions.ui.developer_mode which saved in the preferences.
function toggleDevModeExpanded() {
  devModeExpanded = !devModeExpanded;
  chrome.send('toggleDeveloperMode', []);

 * Takes the |extensionsData| input argument which represents data about the
 * currently installed/running extensions and populates the html jstemplate with
 * that data. It expects an object structure like the above.
 * @param {Object} extensionsData Detailed info about installed extensions
function renderTemplate(extensionsData) {
  // Sort by order specified in the data or (if equal) then sort by
  // extension name (case-insensitive).
  extensionsData.extensions.sort(function(a, b) {
    if (a.order == b.order) {
      a = a.name.toLowerCase();
      b = b.name.toLowerCase();
      return a < b ? -1 : (a > b ? 1 : 0);
    } else {
      return a.order < b.order ? -1 : 1;

  // This is the javascript code that processes the template:
  var input = new JsEvalContext(extensionsData);
  var output = document.getElementById('extensionTemplate');
  jstProcess(input, output);

 * Asks the C++ ExtensionDOMHandler to get details about the installed
 * extensions and return detailed data about the configuration. The
 * ExtensionDOMHandler should reply to returnExtensionsData() (below).
function requestExtensionsData() {
  chrome.send('requestExtensionsData', []);

// Used for observing function of the backend datasource for this page by
// tests.
var domui_responded_ = false;

// Used to only do some work the first time we render.
var rendered_once_ = false;

 * Called by the dom_ui_ to re-populate the page with data representing
 * the current state of installed extensions.
function returnExtensionsData(extensionsData){
  domui_responded_ = true;
  devModeExpanded = extensionsData.developerMode;

  var bodyContainer = document.getElementById('body-container');
  var body = document.body;

  // Set all page content to be visible so we can measure heights.
  bodyContainer.style.visibility = 'hidden';
  body.className = '';
  var slidables = document.getElementsByClassName('showInDevMode');
  for (var i = 0; i < slidables.length; i++)
    slidables[i].style.height = 'auto';


  // Explicitly set the height for each element that wants to be 'slid' in and
  // out when the devModeExpanded is toggled.
  var slidables = document.getElementsByClassName('showInDevMode');
  for (var i = 0; i < slidables.length; i++)
    slidables[i].style.height = slidables[i].offsetHeight + 'px';

  // Reset visibility of page based on the current dev mode.
  document.getElementById('collapse').style.display =
     devModeExpanded ? 'inline' : 'none';
  document.getElementById('expand').style.display =
     devModeExpanded ? 'none' : 'inline';
  bodyContainer.style.visibility = 'visible';
  body.className = devModeExpanded ?
     'showDevModeInitial' : 'hideDevModeInitial';

  if (rendered_once_)

  // Blech, JSTemplate always inserts the strings as text, which is usually a
  // feature, but in this case it contains HTML that we want to be rendered.
  var elm = document.getElementById('try-gallery');
  if (elm)
    elm.innerHTML = elm.textContent;

  elm = document.getElementById('get-moar-extensions');
  if (elm)
    elm.innerHTML = elm.textContent;

  rendered_once_ = true;

 * Tell the C++ ExtensionDOMHandler to inspect the page detailed in |viewData|.
function sendInspectMessage(viewData) {
  // TODO(aa): This is ghetto, but DOMUIBindings doesn't support sending
  // anything other than arrays of strings, and this is all going to get
  // replaced with V8 extensions soon anyway.
  chrome.send('inspect', [
    String(viewData.renderProcessId), String(viewData.renderViewId)

 * Handles a 'reload' button getting clicked.
function handleReloadExtension(node) {
  // Tell the C++ ExtensionDOMHandler to reload the extension.
  chrome.send('reload', [node.extensionId]);

 * Handles a 'enable' or 'disable' button getting clicked.
function handleEnableExtension(node, enable) {
  // Tell the C++ ExtensionDOMHandler to reload the extension.
  chrome.send('enable', [node.extensionId, String(enable)]);

 * Handles the 'enableIncognito' checkbox getting changed.
function handleToggleExtensionIncognito(node) {
  var warning = node;

  while (warning.className != "extension")
    warning = warning.parentNode;

  warning = warning.getElementsByClassName("incognitoWarning")[0];
  if (!node.checked) {
    warning.style.display = "none";
    warning.style.opacity = "0";
  } else {
    warning.style.display = "block";

    // Must set the opacity later. Otherwise, the fact that the display is
    // changing causes the animation to not happen.
    window.setTimeout(function() {
      warning.style.opacity = "1";
    }, 0);

  chrome.send('enableIncognito', [node.extensionId, String(node.checked)]);

 * Handles an 'uninstall' button getting clicked.
function handleUninstallExtension(node) {
  // Tell the C++ ExtensionDOMHandler to uninstall an extension.
  chrome.send('uninstall', [node.extensionId]);

 * Handles an 'options' button getting clicked.
function handleOptions(node) {
  chrome.send('options', [node.extensionId]);

* Utility function which asks the C++ to show a platform-specific file select
* dialog, and fire |callback| with the |filePath| that resulted. |selectType|
* can be either 'file' or 'folder'. |operation| can be 'load', 'packRoot',
* or 'pem' which are signals to the C++ to do some operation-specific
* configuration.
function showFileDialog(selectType, operation, callback) {
  handleFilePathSelected = function(filePath) {
    handleFilePathSelected = function() {};

  chrome.send('selectFilePath', [selectType, operation]);

 * Handles the "Load extension..." button being pressed.
function loadExtension() {
  showFileDialog('folder', 'load', function(filePath) {
    chrome.send('load', [String(filePath)]);

 * Handles the "Pack extension..." button being pressed.
function packExtension() {
  var extensionPath = document.getElementById('extensionPathText').value;
  var privateKeyPath = document.getElementById('privateKeyPath').value;
  chrome.send('pack', [extensionPath, privateKeyPath]);

 * Shows to modal HTML pack dialog.
function showPackDialog() {
  document.getElementById('dialogBackground').style.display = '-webkit-box';

 * Hides the pack dialog.
function hidePackDialog() {
  document.getElementById('dialogBackground').style.display = 'none'

 * Toggles visibility of the developer mode.
function toggleDeveloperMode() {

  document.getElementById('collapse').style.display =
      devModeExpanded ? 'inline' : 'none';
  document.getElementById('expand').style.display =
      devModeExpanded ? 'none' : 'inline';

  document.body.className =
      devModeExpanded ? 'showDevMode' : 'hideDevMode';

 * Pop up a select dialog to capture the extension path.
function selectExtensionPath() {
  showFileDialog('folder', 'packRoot', function(filePath) {
    document.getElementById('extensionPathText').value = filePath;

 * Pop up a select dialog to capture the private key path.
function selectPrivateKeyPath() {
  showFileDialog('file', 'pem', function(filePath) {
    document.getElementById('privateKeyPath').value = filePath;

 * Handles the "Update extensions now" button being pressed.
function autoUpdate() {
  chrome.send('autoupdate', []);

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', requestExtensionsData);

<body i18n-values=".style.fontFamily:fontfamily;.style.fontSize:fontsize">
  <div id="dialogBackground">
    <div id="dialogHBackground">
      <div id="dialog">
        <div id="dialogHeader" i18n-content="packDialogTitle">
        <div id="dialogBody">
          <div id="dialogContentHeader" i18n-content="packDialogHeading">
          <div class="dialogBrowseRow">
            <div i18n-content="rootDirectoryLabel">
              <input type="text" id="extensionPathText">
              <input type="button" value="BROWSE"
          <div class="dialogBrowseRow">
            <div i18n-content="privateKeyLabel">
              <input type="text" id="privateKeyPath">
              <input type="button" value="BROWSE"
          <div class="dialogBrowseRow" id="dialogContentFooter">
              <input type="button" value="OK"
                  i18n-values="value:okButton" onclick="packExtension();">
              <input type="button" value="CANCEL"
                  i18n-values="value:cancelButton" onclick="hidePackDialog();">

  <div id="body-container" style="visibility:hidden">

    <div id="header"><h1 i18n-content="title">TITLE</h1></div>

    <div id="extensionTemplate">

      <div id="container" class="vbox-container">
      <div id="top" class="wbox" style="padding-right: 5px">

        <div class="section-header">
          <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
          <tr valign="center">
              <span class="section-header-title" i18n-content="title"
              <span class="section-header-title"
                    jsdisplay="extensions.length > 0">(<span
            <td width="18" padding="">
              <img id="collapse" class="developer-mode-image"
                   style="display:none" onclick="toggleDeveloperMode();"
              <img id="expand" class="developer-mode-image"
                   onclick="toggleDeveloperMode();" src="plus.png">
            <td width="50" align="right">
              <div class="developer-mode-link">
                <a onclick="toggleDeveloperMode();" style="cursor: default"

      <div id="developer_tools" class="wbox-dev-mode showInDevMode">
        <div class="developer-mode">
          <span i18n-content="devModePrefix">DEVELOPER_MODE:</span>
          <button onclick="loadExtension()"
          <button onclick="showPackDialog()"
          <button onclick="autoUpdate()"

      <div class="content">
        <div class="extension-name no-extensions" jsdisplay="extensions.length === 0">
          <div i18n-content="noExtensions">NO_EXTENSIONS_ARE_INSTALLED</div>
          <div i18n-content="suggestGallery" id="try-gallery">TRY_GALLERY</div>

        <div jsdisplay="extensions.length > 0">
        <div class="extension" jsselect="extensions">
          <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
          <tr jsvalues=".className:enabled ? 'extension_enabled' : 'extension_disabled'">
          <td width="62" height="50" align="center" valign="top">
            <span jsdisplay="icon"><img jsvalues=".src:icon" width="48"
          <td valign="top">
              <a jsdisplay="galleryUrl.length > 0"
              <span class="extension-name"
                    jscontent="name">EXTENSION NAME</span></a>
              <span class="extension-name"
                    jsdisplay="galleryUrl.length == 0"
                    jscontent="name">EXTENSION NAME</span>
              - <span i18n-content="extensionVersion">VERSION</span>
              <span jscontent="version">x.x.x.x</span>
              <span jsdisplay="!enabled"
              <span jsdisplay="order == 1"
                    i18n-content="inDevelopment">(IN DEVELOPMENT)</span>

            <div class="extension-description" jscontent="description"></div>
            <div class="showInDevMode">
              <div class="extension-details">
                <span i18n-content="extensionId">ID_LABEL: </span>
                <span jscontent="id"></span>
              <div class="extension-details">
                <span jsdisplay="views.length > 0 || hasPopupAction" i18n-content="inspectViews">
                  INSPECT ACTIVE VIEWS:
                <ul class="extension-views">
                  <li jsselect="views">
                    <a jsvalues=".extensionView:$this" href="#"
                       onclick="sendInspectMessage(this.extensionView); return false;">
                       <span jscontent="path"></span>
                  <li i18n-content="inspectPopupsInstructions" 
                      class="inspectPopupNote" jsdisplay="hasPopupAction">
            <div class="extension-actions-div">
              <span class="extension-actions">
                  jsdisplay="enabled && allow_reload"
                  href="javascript:void 0;"
                <span jsdisplay="enabled && allow_reload">-</span>
                  onclick="handleEnableExtension(this, false)"
                  href="javascript:void 0;"
                  onclick="handleEnableExtension(this, true)"
                  href="javascript:void 0;"
                  >ENABLE</a> -
                  href="javascript:void 0;"
                <span jsdisplay="options_url && enabled">-</span>
                  jsdisplay="options_url && enabled"
                  href="javascript:void 0;"
                <input type="checkbox"
                  jseval="this.checked = enabledIncognito"
                <span i18n-content="enableIncognito">ALLOW THIS EXTENSION TO RUN IN INCOGNITO</span></label>
            <div class="incognitoWarning">
              <span class="yellow" i18n-values=".innerHTML:incognitoWarning">WARNING - CHROME CANNOT PREVENT THIS EXTENSION FROM RECORDING YOUR BROWSING HISTORY</span>

        <div id="get-moar-extensions" jsdisplay="extensions.length > 0"