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return function(e) { if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); // Prepend the bound arguments to the current arguments. var newArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); newArgs.unshift.apply(newArgs, args); return fn.apply(this, newArgs); }; } function supportsPdf() { return 'application/pdf' in navigator.mimeTypes; } var currentSavedPath = ''; var currentNode = -1; var menus = []; var currentImageMenu = ''; var inFullMode = false; var inSelectMode = false; var videoPlaybackElement = null; var photoPreviewElement = null; var numColumns = 0; var divArray = []; var rootsDiv = null; var currentlySelectedItems = []; var currentlySelectedPaths = []; var multiSelect = false; var selectFolder = false; var inSaveMode = false; var currentMenu = null; var mainColumn = null; var localStrings; var downloadList = []; var advancedEnabled = false; var mediaPlayerEnabled = false; // strings var kPauseDownload; var kResumeDownload; function enabledResult(info) { advancedEnabled = info.enabled; mediaPlayerEnabled = info.mpEnabled; mainColumn = $('main'); if (!advancedEnabled) { $('header').style.display = 'none'; } if(document.documentElement.clientWidth <= 600) { inFullMode = false; if (chrome.dialogArguments) { var args = JSON.parse(chrome.dialogArguments); if (args.type == 'open') { multiSelect = false; selectFolder = false; } else if (args.type == 'save') { inSaveMode = true; selectFolder = false; } else if (args.type == 'open_multiple') { multiSelect = true; selectFolder = false; } else if (args.type == 'folder') { multiSelect = false; selectFolder = true; } else { alert ('got unknown type' + args.type); } inSelectMode = true; if (inSaveMode) { var main = mainColumn; main.className = 'containerwithsavebuttons'; var savemenu = document.createElement('div'); savemenu.className = 'savecontainer'; var savebutton = document.createElement('div'); savebutton.id = 'savebutton'; savebutton.className = 'filebutton openbutton disabled'; savebutton.onclick = dialogSaveClick; savebutton.textContent = localStrings.getString('save'); savemenu.appendChild(savebutton); var cancelbutton = document.createElement('div'); cancelbutton.className = 'filebutton cancelbutton'; savemenu.appendChild(cancelbutton); cancelbutton.textContent = localStrings.getString('confirmcancel'); cancelbutton.onclick = dialogCancelClick; var filenameprompt = document.createElement('div'); filenameprompt.className = 'filenameprompt'; filenameprompt.textContent = localStrings.getString('filenameprompt'); savemenu.appendChild(filenameprompt); var backbutton = $('back'); if (backbutton) { backbutton.style.top = '5px'; } var filename = document.createElement('input'); filename.className = 'filename'; filename.id = 'filename'; filename.value = args.current_file; savemenu.appendChild(filename); if (advancedEnabled) { var newfolderbutton = document.createElement('div'); newfolderbutton.id = 'newfolderbutton'; newfolderbutton.className = 'filebutton newfolderbutton disabled'; newfolderbutton.textContent = localStrings.getString('newfolder'); newfolderbutton.onclick = dialogNewFolderClick; savemenu.appendChild(newfolderbutton); } document.body.appendChild(savemenu); } else { var main = mainColumn; main.className = 'containerwithopenbuttons'; var openmenu = document.createElement('div'); openmenu.className = 'opencontainer'; var openbutton = document.createElement('div'); openbutton.id = 'openbutton'; openbutton.className = 'filebutton openbutton disabled'; var cancelbutton = document.createElement('div'); cancelbutton.className = 'filebutton cancelbutton'; openmenu.appendChild(openbutton); openbutton.onclick = dialogOkClick; openmenu.appendChild(cancelbutton); cancelbutton.onclick = dialogCancelClick; openbutton.textContent = localStrings.getString('open'); cancelbutton.textContent = localStrings.getString('confirmcancel'); document.body.appendChild(openmenu); var backbutton = $('back'); if (backbutton) { backbutton.style.top = '5px'; } } } } else { var main = mainColumn; main.className = 'fullcontainer'; var innerContainer = document.createElement('div'); innerContainer.className = 'container'; innerContainer.id = 'inner'; main.appendChild(innerContainer); inFullMode = true; $('back').style.display = 'none'; } if (document.location.href.indexOf('#') != -1) { var currentpathArray = document.location.href.split('#'); var path = currentpathArray[1]; if (path == 'scanningdevice') { setUpForScanning(); } else { currentNode++; currentSavedPath = path; getDataForPath(path); } } else { currentNode++; if (advancedEnabled) { currentSavedPath = 'roots'; getDataForPath('roots'); } else { currentSavedPath = localStrings.getString('downloadpath'); getDataForPath(currentSavedPath); } } chrome.send("getDownloads", []); } function goBackInList() { currentNode--; if (currentSavedPath == localStrings.getString('downloadpath')) { currentSavedPath = 'roots' } else { var lastDirArray = currentSavedPath.split('/'); lastDirArray.splice(lastDirArray.length-1, 1); currentSavedPath = lastDirArray.join('/'); } if (currentSavedPath == localStrings.getString('mediapath')) { currentSavedPath = 'roots'; } getDataForPath(currentSavedPath); } function toggleFullscreen() { if (videoPlaybackElement != null) { if (videoPlaybackElement.className == 'fullscreenplayback') { videoPlaybackElement.className = 'playbackelement'; } else { videoPlaybackElement.className = 'fullscreenplayback'; } } } var lastScrollLeft = 0; function animateScrollRight() { var main = mainColumn; main.scrollLeft += 20; // since if its larger than a size, we know we reached the leftmost part when // it stops growing, so clear it out and no more timeouts. if (lastScrollLeft != main.scrollLeft) { lastScrollLeft = main.scrollLeft; setTimeout('animateScrollRight()', 15); } else { lastScrollLeft = 0; } } function getCurrentContainer() { if (inFullMode) { var newContainer = document.createElement('div'); var main = $('inner'); numColumns++; main.style.width = (numColumns * 250) + 'px'; newContainer.className = 'column'; main.appendChild(newContainer); animateScrollRight(); return newContainer; } else { return mainColumn; } } function clearList(list) { if (list.hasChildNodes()) { while (list.childNodes.length >=1) { list.removeChild(list.firstChild); } } } function rootsChanged() { if (inFullMode) { chrome.send('getRoots', []); } } function browseFileResult(info, results) { var lastDirArray = info.path.split('/'); var lastDir = lastDirArray[lastDirArray.length - 1]; if (info.functionCall == 'getRoots') { if (rootsDiv) { clearList(rootsDiv); createNewList(lastDir, results, rootsDiv, info.path); } else { var main = getCurrentContainer(); rootsDiv = main; divArray.push(main); createNewList(lastDir, results, main, info.path); } } else if (info.functionCall == 'getChildren') { var main = getCurrentContainer(); main.addEventListener('dragover', function(e) { if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy'; return false; }, false); main.addEventListener('drop', function(e) { if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); var src = e.dataTransfer.getData('Text'); var path = getPathAndFilenameForPath(src); var dest = currentSavedPath + '/' + path[2]; var dirId = $('list/dir/' + currentSavedPath); if (dirId) { var element = $(dest); if (!element) { // TODO(dhg): We probably should do some checking for // existance. element = createNewFakeItem(path[2], dest, false, true); } dirId.appendChild(element); element.scrollIntoView(); } chrome.send('copyFile', [src, dest]); return false; }, false); main.id = 'dir/' + info.path; divArray.push(main); document.location.hash = info.path; createNewList(lastDir, results, main, info.path); } else if (info.functionCall == 'refresh') { var main = $('dir/' + info.path); if (main) { clearList(main); createNewList(lastDir, results, main, info.path); } else { // not currently displayed, so just return. return; } } chrome.send("getDownloads", []); } function moveScrollLeft() { var main = mainColumn; main.scrollLeft += 10; } function getClassForPath(path, isDirectory) { if (isDirectory) { return 'icon iconfolder'; } else if (pathIsImageFile(path)) { return 'icon iconphoto'; } else if (pathIsVideoFile(path)) { return 'icon iconmedia'; } else if (pathIsAudioFile(path)) { return 'icon iconmusic'; } return 'icon iconfile'; } function getDataForPath(path) { if (path == 'roots' ) { if (inSaveMode) { if (advancedEnabled) { var newfolderbutton = $('newfolderbutton'); newfolderbutton.className = 'filebutton newfolderbutton disabled'; } var savebutton = $('savebutton'); savebutton.className = 'filebutton openbutton disabled'; } else if (inSelectMode) { var openbutton = $('openbutton'); openbutton.className = 'filebutton openbutton disabled'; } chrome.send('getRoots', []); } else { if (inSaveMode) { if (advancedEnabled) { var newfolderbutton = $('newfolderbutton'); newfolderbutton.className = 'filebutton newfolderbutton'; } var savebutton = $('savebutton'); savebutton.className = 'filebutton openbutton'; } else if (inSelectMode) { var openbutton = $('openbutton'); openbutton.className = 'filebutton openbutton'; } chrome.send('getChildren', [path]); } }; function setUpForScanning() { var header = $('header'); document.body.removeChild(header); var main = mainColumn; main.className = 'scanningcontainer'; main.textContent = localStrings.getString('scanning'); }; function dialogOkClick() { if (currentlySelectedPaths.length == 0) { return; } if (!multiSelect) { chrome.send('DialogClose', [JSON.stringify({'path' : currentlySelectedPaths[0]})]); } else { chrome.send('DialogClose', [JSON.stringify({'path' : currentlySelectedPaths})]); } }; function dialogCancelClick() { chrome.send('DialogClose', ['']); }; function dialogSaveClick() { var filenameInput = $('filename'); var filename = filenameInput.value; var currentPath = currentSavedPath; if (currentPath == 'roots') { return; } currentPath += '/'; currentPath += filename; chrome.send('validateSavePath', [currentPath]); filenameInput.disabled = true; $('savebutton').disabled = true; }; function onValidatedSavePath(valid, savePath) { var filenameInput = $('filename'); filenameInput.disabled = false; $('savebutton').disabled = false; if (valid) { filenameInput.classList.remove('error'); chrome.send('DialogClose', [JSON.stringify({'path' : savePath})]); } else { filenameInput.classList.add('error'); } } function createNewFormItem(initialName, isDirectory, id, blurcallback, keypresscallback) { var element = document.createElement('li'); element.className = 'filebrowserow'; element.id = 'listItem' + elementIdCounter; elementIdCounter++; var link; link = document.createElement('div'); link.className = 'rowlink'; var icon = document.createElement('div'); icon.className = getClassForPath('', isDirectory); link.appendChild(icon); var input = document.createElement('input'); input.className = 'name'; input.id = 'newfoldername'; input.onblur = blurcallback; input.onkeypress = keypresscallback; input.value = initialName; link.appendChild(input); element.appendChild(link); return element; }; function createFolder(elementId) { var currentPath = currentSavedPath; var element = $('newfoldername'); if (element) { element.id = ''; var filename = element.value; currentPath += '/'; currentPath += filename; var existingfolder = $(currentPath); var counter = 1; while (existingfolder) { var testfilepath = currentPath; testfilepath = testfilepath + counter; existingfolder = $(testfilepath); if (!existingfolder) { currentPath = testfilepath; filename = filename + counter; break; } counter++; } if (filename == '') { return false; } var parent = element.parentNode; parent.removeChild(element); listitem = parent.parentNode; parent.onclick = getFunctionForItem(currentPath, listitem.id, true); var span = document.createElement('span'); if (inSelectMode) { span.className = 'name'; } else { span.className = 'namelink'; } span.textContent = filename; parent.appendChild(span); var rightArrow = document.createElement('span'); rightArrow.textContent = 'ยป'; rightArrow.className = 'rightarrow'; parent.appendChild(rightArrow); chrome.send('createNewFolder', [currentPath]); } return false; } function deleteFile(path) { chrome.send('deleteFile', [path]); } function removeDeleteConfirm(path) { var element = menus[path]; element.firstChild.removeChild(element.firstChild.lastChild); } function deleteFileConfirm(path) { var askingDiv = document.createElement('div'); askingDiv.className = 'confirmdelete'; askingDiv.textContent = localStrings.getString('confirmdelete'); var yes = document.createElement('div'); yes.className = 'deleteYes'; yes.textContent = localStrings.getString('confirmyes'); yes.onclick = partial(deleteFile, path); var no = document.createElement('div'); no.onclick = partial(removeDeleteConfirm, path); no.textContent = localStrings.getString('confirmcancel'); no.className = 'deleteNo'; askingDiv.appendChild(yes); askingDiv.appendChild(no); yes.scrollIntoView(); var element = menus[path]; if (element) { element.firstChild.appendChild(askingDiv); } window.event.stopPropagation(); } function createFolderTyping(elementId) { if (window.event.keyCode == 13) { createFolder(elementId); } } function getDirectoryForPath(path) { var index = path.lastIndexOf('/'); if (index == -1) { return path; } return path.substr(path, index); } function pauseToggleDownload(id) { var element = $('downloaditem' + id); if (element.textContent == kPauseDownload) { element.textContent = kResumeDownload; } else { element.textContent = kPauseDownload; } // Have to convert to a string, the system wasn't accepting ints chrome.send('pauseToggleDownload', ['' + id]); } function allowDownload(id, path) { var element = $(path); element.removeAttribute('dangerous'); var pauseDiv = $('downloaditem' + id); if (pauseDiv) { if (pauseDiv.firstChild) { pauseDiv.removeChild(pauseDiv.firstChild); } pauseDiv.onclick = partial(pauseToggleDownload, id); pauseDiv.textContent = kPauseDownload; } chrome.send('allowDownload', ['' + id]); } function cancelDownload(id, path) { var element = $(path); element.removeAttribute('dangerous'); chrome.send('cancelDownload', ['' + id]); } function getPathAndFilenameForPath(path) { return path.match(/(.*)[\/\\]([^\/\\]+\.\w+)$/); } function newDownload(results) { for (var x = 0; x < results.length; x++) { var element = $(results[x].file_path); if (!element && results[x].state != 'CANCELLED') { var extracted = getPathAndFilenameForPath(results[x].file_path); var dirId = $('list/dir/' + extracted[1]); if (dirId) { element = createNewItem(results[x].file_name, results[x].file_path, false); downloadList.push(element); if (dirId.firstChild) { dirId.insertBefore(element, dirId.firstChild); } else { dirId.appendChild(element); } element.scrollIntoView(); } } } } function removeDownload(element, dirId) { var status = undefined; var pause = undefined; for (var x = 0; x < element.children.length; x++) { if (element.children[x].className == 'downloadstatus') { var child = element.children[x]; status = child; } else if (element.children[x].className == 'downloadpause') { var child = element.children[x]; pause = child; } } if (status) { element.removeChild(status); } if (pause) { element.removeChild(pause); } element.className = 'filebrowserow'; var elementList = []; for (var x = 0; x < downloadList.length; x++) { if (element != downloadList[x]) { elementList.push(downloadList[x]); } } downloadList = elementList; if (dirId) { dirId.removeChild(element); } } function downloadsList(results) { var removeDownloads = []; removeDownloads.pushUnique = function (element) { if (this.indexOf(element) === -1) { this.push(element); } }; for (var y = 0; y < downloadList.length; y++) { var found = false; for (var x = 0; x < results.length; x++) { var element = $(results[x].file_path); if (downloadList[y] == element) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { removeDownloads.pushUnique(downloadList[y]); } } for (var i = 0; i< results.length; ++i) { downloadUpdated(results[i]); } for (var x = 0; x < removeDownloads.length; x++) { var element = removeDownloads[x]; var extracted = getPathAndFilenameForPath(element.id); var dirId = $('list/dir/' + extracted[1]); removeDownload(element, dirId); } } function downloadUpdated(result) { var element = $(result.file_path); var extracted = getPathAndFilenameForPath(result.file_path); var dirId = $('list/dir/' + extracted[1]); if (!element && result.state != 'CANCELLED') { if (dirId) { element = createNewItem(result.file_name, result.file_path, false); if (dirId.firstChild) { dirId.insertBefore(element, dirId.firstChild); } else { dirId.appendChild(element); } element.scrollIntoView(); } } if (element) { if (result.state == 'CANCELLED') { element.parentNode.removeChild(element); continue; } if (result.percent < 100 || result.state == 'DANGEROUS') { var progressDiv = null; for (var y = 0; y < element.children.length; y++) { if (element.children[y].className == 'downloadstatus') { progressDiv = element.children[y]; } } if (progressDiv == null) { downloadList.push(element); element.className = 'filebrowserow downloading'; fixTitleForItem(element, result); var progressDiv = document.createElement('div'); progressDiv.className = 'downloadstatus'; element.appendChild(progressDiv); var pauseDiv = document.createElement('div'); pauseDiv.onclick = partial(pauseToggleDownload, result.id); pauseDiv.className = 'downloadpause'; if (result.state == "DANGEROUS") { element.setAttribute('dangerous', 'true'); pauseDiv.onClick = undefined; var prompt = document.createElement('div'); prompt.textContent = localStrings.getString('allowdownload'); prompt.className = 'prompt'; pauseDiv.appendChild(prompt); var yes = document.createElement('div'); yes.className = 'link'; yes.textContent = localStrings.getString('confirmyes'); yes.onclick = partial(allowDownload, result.id, result.file_path); var no = document.createElement('div'); no.onclick = partial(cancelDownload, result.id, result.file_path); no.textContent = localStrings.getString('confirmcancel'); no.className = 'link'; pauseDiv.onclick = undefined; pauseDiv.appendChild(yes); pauseDiv.appendChild(no); progressDiv.textContent = ''; } pauseDiv.id = 'downloaditem' + result.id; element.appendChild(pauseDiv); } var pauseDiv = $('downloaditem' + result.id); if (pauseDiv && result.state == "PAUSED" && pauseDiv.textContent != kResumeDownload) { pauseDiv.textContent = kResumeDownload; } else if (pauseDiv && result.state == "IN_PROGRESS" && pauseDiv.textContent != kPauseDownload) { pauseDiv.textContent = kPauseDownload; } if (result.percent < 100 && result.state != 'DANGEROUS') { progressDiv.textContent = result.progress_status_text; } } else { removeDownloadIfDone(element, dirId); } } } function removeDownloadIfDone(element, dirId) { var len = downloadList.length; while (len--) { if (element.title === downloadList[len].title) { if (element.id !== downloadList[len].id) { // Dangerous download. removeDownload(downloadList[len], dirId); } else { removeDownload(downloadList[len]); } break; } } } function dialogNewFolderClick() { var newfolderbutton = $('newfolderbutton'); if (newfolderbutton.className.indexOf('disabled') != -1) { return; } var main = divArray[divArray.length - 1]; var list; for (var x = 0; x < main.childNodes.length; x++ ) { if (main.childNodes[x].className == 'columnlist' || main.childNodes[x].className == 'columnlistadv') { list = main.childNodes[x].firstChild; break; } } var id = 'listItem' + elementIdCounter; elementIdCounter++; var element = createNewFormItem('', true, id, partial(createFolder, id), partial(createFolderTyping, id)); list.appendChild(element); element.scrollIntoView(); var inputelement = $('newfoldername'); inputelement.focus(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Document Functions: /** * Window onload handler, sets up the page. */ function load() { localStrings = new LocalStrings(); kPauseDownload = localStrings.getString('pause'); kResumeDownload = localStrings.getString('resume'); chrome.send('isAdvancedEnabled', ['']); }; function jumpToNode(nodeNumber) { if (currentNode == nodeNumber) { return; } if (inFullMode) { var main = $('inner'); for (var x = (nodeNumber+1); x < divArray.length ; x++ ) { main.removeChild(divArray[x]); numColumns--; } divArray = divArray.slice(0,nodeNumber+1); } currentNode = nodeNumber; } function descend(path, nodeNumber) { jumpToNode(nodeNumber); currentNode++; if (selectFolder) { currentlySelectedPaths = []; currentlySelectedPaths.push(path); } currentSavedPath = path; getDataForPath(path); } function clearPreviewPane() { if (videoPlaybackElement != null) { document.body.removeChild($('fullscreentoggle')); document.body.removeChild(videoPlaybackElement); videoPlaybackElement = null; } if (photoPreviewElement != null) { document.body.removeChild(photoPreviewElement); photoPreviewElement = null; } } function playMediaFile(path) { var newPath = 'file://' + path; chrome.send('playMediaFile', [newPath]); } function enqueueMediaFile(path) { var newPath = 'file://' + path; chrome.send('enqueueMediaFile', [newPath]); } function showImage(path) { if (inFullMode) { if (photoPreviewElement == null) { photoPreviewElement = document.createElement('img'); photoPreviewElement.className = 'imagepreview'; photoPreviewElement.src = 'file://' + path; document.body.appendChild(photoPreviewElement); } else { photoPreviewElement.src = 'file://' + path; } } else { chrome.send('openNewFullWindow', ['chrome://slideshow#' + path]); } } function showPath(path) { chrome.send('openNewFullWindow', ['file://' + path]); } function clearMenus() { if (currentMenu) { currentMenu.firstChild.style.display = 'none'; currentMenu.style.opacity = ''; currentMenu = null; } }; function uploadImage(path) { var status = $('status'); status.style.display = 'block'; var extracted = getPathAndFilenameForPath(path); var main = $('dir/' + extracted[1]); main.style.bottom = '30px'; status.textContent = 'Uploading'; chrome.send('uploadToPicasaweb', [path]); } function showMenu(path) { var element = menus[path]; if (element.firstChild.style.display == 'block') { // Second click should clear the menu. clearMenus(); } else { clearMenus(); element.firstChild.style.display = 'block'; element.style.opacity = '1'; currentMenu = element; currentMenu.scrollIntoView(); } window.event.stopPropagation(); } function uploadComplete(result) { var element = $('status'); if (result.status_code == 201) { element.innerHTML = '<a href=' + result.url + ' target="_blank">Uploaded</a>'; } else { element.textContent = 'Error'; } } function findInArray(arr, element) { for (var x = 0; x < arr.length; x++) { if (arr[x] == element) { return x; } } return -1; } function selectItem(elementid, path) { var element = $(elementid); if (element.className == 'filebrowserow downloading') { return; } var index; if ((index = findInArray(currentlySelectedItems, element)) != -1) { // the user must want to toggle currentlySelectedItems.splice(index, 1); element.classname = 'filebrowserow'; index = findInArray(currentlySelectedPaths, path); currentlySelectedPaths.splice(index, 1); } else { if (!multiSelect) { // clear out previous selected elements for (var x = 0; x < currentlySelectedItems.length; x++) { currentlySelectedItems[x].className = 'filebrowserow'; } currentlySelectedItems = []; currentlySelectedPaths = []; } element.className = 'selected filebrowserow'; currentlySelectedItems.push(element); currentlySelectedPaths.push(path); if (inSaveMode) { var extracted = getPathAndFilenameForPath(path); var file = $('filename'); file.value = extracted[2]; } } } function setItemInfoText(element, text) { var span; if (element.childNodes.length == 2) { span = document.createElement('span'); span.className = 'name'; span.textContent = text; element.appendChild(span); element.childNodes.item(1).style.display = 'none'; } else { span = element.childNodes.item(2); span.textContent = text; } } function getUnknownFileTypeHandler() { return function() { var element = event.currentTarget; setItemInfoText(element, localStrings.getStringF('error_unknown_file_type', element.childNodes.item(1).textContent)); }; } function getFunctionForItem(path, id, isDirectory) { if (isDirectory) { return function() { descend(path, currentNode); }; } if (inSelectMode) { return function() { selectItem(id, path); }; } if (pathIsAudioFile(path)) { return function() { playMediaFile(path); }; } if (pathIsVideoFile(path)) { return function() { playMediaFile(path); }; } if (pathIsImageFile(path)) { return function() { showImage(path); } } if (pathIsHtmlFile(path)) { return function() { showPath(path); } } if (pathIsPdfFile(path) && supportsPdf()) { return function() { showPath(path); } } return getUnknownFileTypeHandler(); } /** * Double click handler for items. * * @param {string} path The file path of the item. * @param {string} id The id for this item. * @param {boolean} isDirectory Whether this item is a directory. * @return {Function} The function to handle the double click. */ function getDoubleClickForItem(path, id, isDirectory) { if (isDirectory) { return function() {}; } if (inSelectMode) { return function() { selectItem(id, path); dialogOkClick(); }; } return function() {}; } var elementIdCounter = 0; function createNewFakeItem(title, path, isDirectory, hasspinner) { var element = document.createElement('li'); element.className = 'filebrowserow'; element.id = path; elementIdCounter++; var link; link = document.createElement('div'); link.className = 'rowlink'; var icon = document.createElement('div'); icon.className = getClassForPath(path, isDirectory); link.appendChild(icon); var span = document.createElement('span'); span.className = 'name'; span.textContent = title; link.appendChild(span); element.appendChild(link); // Setup Menu var currentPath = currentSavedPath; if (hasspinner) { var spinicon = document.createElement('div'); spinicon.align = 'right'; spinicon.className = 'spinicon'; element.appendChild(spinicon); } return element; } function createNewItem(title, path, isDirectory) { var element = document.createElement('li'); element.setAttribute('draggable', 'true'); element.addEventListener('dragstart', function (e) { e.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'copy'; e.dataTransfer.setData('Text', this.id); }, false); element.className = 'filebrowserow'; element.title = title; /*element.id = 'listItem' + elementIdCounter;*/ element.id = path; elementIdCounter++; var link; link = document.createElement('div'); link.onclick = getFunctionForItem(path, element.id, isDirectory); link.ondblclick = getDoubleClickForItem(path, element.id, isDirectory); link.className = 'rowlink'; var icon = document.createElement('div'); icon.className = getClassForPath(path, isDirectory); link.appendChild(icon); var span = document.createElement('span'); if (inSelectMode) { span.className = 'name'; } else { span.className = 'namelink'; } span.textContent = title; link.appendChild(span); element.appendChild(link); // Setup Menu var currentPath = currentSavedPath; if (currentPath != 'roots') { var menuicon = document.createElement('div'); var menu = document.createElement('div'); menu.className = 'menu'; if ((pathIsVideoFile(path) || pathIsAudioFile(path)) && mediaPlayerEnabled) { var enqueueitem = document.createElement('div'); enqueueitem.textContent = localStrings.getString('enqueue'); enqueueitem.className = 'menuitem'; enqueueitem.onclick = partial(enqueueMediaFile, path); menu.appendChild(enqueueitem); } var deleteitem = document.createElement('div'); deleteitem.textContent = localStrings.getString('delete'); deleteitem.className = 'menuitem'; deleteitem.onclick = partial(deleteFileConfirm, path); menu.appendChild(deleteitem); menuicon.align = 'right'; menuicon.className = 'menuicon'; menuicon.onclick = partial(showMenu, path); menuicon.appendChild(menu); element.appendChild(menuicon); menus[path] = menuicon; } if (isDirectory) { var rightarrow = document.createElement('span'); rightarrow.innerHTML = ' »'; rightarrow.className = 'rightarrow'; link.appendChild(rightarrow); } return element; } function fixTitleForItem(element, result) { element.title = result.file_name; // This is a bit fragile. element.getElementsByTagName('span')[0].textContent = result.file_name; } function clearChildren(element) { element.innerHTML = ''; } function popout(path) { var newPath = 'chrome://filebrowse#' + path; chrome.send('openNewPopupWindow', [newPath]); } function createNewList(title, results, main, path) { downloadList = []; clearChildren(main); var mainList = document.createElement('div'); if (advancedEnabled) { mainList.className = 'columnlistadv'; } else { mainList.className = 'columnlist'; } var list = document.createElement('ul'); list.className = 'filebrowselist'; list.id = 'list/dir/' + path; document.title = title; if (advancedEnabled) { var header = document.createElement('div'); header.className = 'header'; var divTitle = document.createElement('div'); divTitle.className = 'title'; if (inFullMode) { divTitle.style['text-align'] = 'center'; } divTitle.innerText = title; if (inFullMode && (path.length != 0)) { var popOutButton = document.createElement('div'); popOutButton.innerHTML = '∏'; popOutButton.className = 'popout'; popOutButton.onclick = partial(popout, path); header.appendChild(popOutButton); } header.appendChild(divTitle); main.appendChild(header); } main.appendChild(mainList); for (var x=0; x < results.length; x++) { var element = createNewItem(results[x].title, results[x].path, results[x].isDirectory); list.appendChild(element); } mainList.appendChild(list); } </script> <body onload='load();' onclick='clearMenus()' onselectstart='return false' i18n-values=".style.fontFamily:fontfamily"> <div id='header' class=''> <div id='back' class='backbutton controlbutton' onclick='goBackInList();return false;'> <img src="shared/images/filebrowse_back.png"> </div> <div id='currenttitle' class=''></div> </div><br> <div id='main' class='container'></div> <div id='status' class='status'></div> </body> </html>