// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. /** * @fileoverview An UI component to authenciate to Chrome. The component hosts * IdP web pages in a webview. A client who is interested in monitoring * authentication events should pass a listener object of type * cr.login.GaiaAuthHost.Listener as defined in this file. After initialization, * call {@code load} to start the authentication flow. */ cr.define('cr.login', function() { 'use strict'; var IDP_ORIGIN = 'https://accounts.google.com/'; var IDP_PATH = 'ServiceLogin?skipvpage=true&sarp=1&rm=hide'; var CONTINUE_URL = 'chrome-extension://mfffpogegjflfpflabcdkioaeobkgjik/success.html'; var SIGN_IN_HEADER = 'google-accounts-signin'; var EMBEDDED_FORM_HEADER = 'google-accounts-embedded'; var SAML_HEADER = 'google-accounts-saml'; /** * The source URL parameter for the constrained signin flow. */ var CONSTRAINED_FLOW_SOURCE = 'chrome'; /** * Enum for the authorization mode, must match AuthMode defined in * chrome/browser/ui/webui/inline_login_ui.cc. * @enum {number} */ var AuthMode = { DEFAULT: 0, OFFLINE: 1, DESKTOP: 2 }; /** * Enum for the authorization type. * @enum {number} */ var AuthFlow = { DEFAULT: 0, SAML: 1 }; /** * Initializes the authenticator component. * @param {webview|string} webview The webview element or its ID to host IdP * web pages. * @param {Authenticator.Listener=} opt_listener An optional listener for * authentication events. * @constructor * @extends {cr.EventTarget} */ function Authenticator(webview, opt_listener) { this.webview_ = typeof webview == 'string' ? $(webview) : webview; assert(this.webview_); this.listener_ = opt_listener || null; this.email_ = null; this.password_ = null; this.gaiaId_ = null, this.sessionIndex_ = null; this.chooseWhatToSync_ = false; this.skipForNow_ = false; this.authFlow_ = AuthFlow.DEFAULT; this.loaded_ = false; this.idpOrigin_ = null; this.continueUrl_ = null; this.continueUrlWithoutParams_ = null; this.initialFrameUrl_ = null; this.reloadUrl_ = null; } // TODO(guohui,xiyuan): no need to inherit EventTarget once we deprecate the // old event-based signin flow. Authenticator.prototype = Object.create(cr.EventTarget.prototype); /** * An interface for receiving notifications upon authentication events. * @interface */ Authenticator.Listener = function() {}; /** * Invoked when authentication UI is ready. */ Authenticator.Listener.prototype.onReady = function(e) {}; /** * Invoked when authentication is completed successfully with credential data. * A credential data object looks like this: *
   * {@code
   * {
   *   email: 'xx@gmail.com',
   *   password: 'xxxx',  // May be null or empty.
   *   usingSAML: false,
   *   chooseWhatToSync: false,
   *   skipForNow: false,
   *   sessionIndex: '0'
   * }
   * }
* @param {Object} credentials A credential data object. */ Authenticator.Listener.prototype.onSuccess = function(credentials) {}; /** * Invoked when the requested URL does not fit the container. * @param {string} url Request URL. */ Authenticator.Listener.prototype.onResize = function(url) {}; /** * Invoked when a new window event is fired. * @param {Event} e Event object. */ Authenticator.Listener.prototype.onNewWindow = function(e) {}; /** * Loads the authenticator component with the given parameters. * @param {AuthMode} authMode Authorization mode. * @param {Object} data Parameters for the authorization flow. */ Authenticator.prototype.load = function(authMode, data) { this.idpOrigin_ = data.gaiaUrl || IDP_ORIGIN; this.continueUrl_ = data.continueUrl || CONTINUE_URL; this.continueUrlWithoutParams_ = this.continueUrl_.substring(0, this.continueUrl_.indexOf('?')) || this.continueUrl_; this.isConstrainedWindow_ = data.constrained == '1'; this.initialFrameUrl_ = this.constructInitialFrameUrl_(data); this.reloadUrl_ = data.frameUrl || this.initialFrameUrl_; this.authFlow_ = AuthFlow.DEFAULT; this.webview_.src = this.reloadUrl_; this.webview_.addEventListener( 'newwindow', this.onNewWindow_.bind(this)); this.webview_.request.onCompleted.addListener( this.onRequestCompleted_.bind(this), {urls: ['*://*/*', this.continueUrlWithoutParams_ + '*'], types: ['main_frame']}, ['responseHeaders']); this.webview_.request.onHeadersReceived.addListener( this.onHeadersReceived_.bind(this), {urls: [this.idpOrigin_ + '*'], types: ['main_frame']}, ['responseHeaders']); window.addEventListener( 'message', this.onMessage_.bind(this), false); }; /** * Reloads the authenticator component. */ Authenticator.prototype.reload = function() { this.webview_.src = this.reloadUrl_; this.authFlow_ = AuthFlow.DEFAULT; }; Authenticator.prototype.constructInitialFrameUrl_ = function(data) { var url = this.idpOrigin_ + (data.gaiaPath || IDP_PATH); url = appendParam(url, 'continue', this.continueUrl_); url = appendParam(url, 'service', data.service); if (data.hl) url = appendParam(url, 'hl', data.hl); if (data.email) url = appendParam(url, 'Email', data.email); if (this.isConstrainedWindow_) url = appendParam(url, 'source', CONSTRAINED_FLOW_SOURCE); return url; }; /** * Invoked when a main frame request in the webview has completed. * @private */ Authenticator.prototype.onRequestCompleted_ = function(details) { var currentUrl = details.url; if (currentUrl.lastIndexOf(this.continueUrlWithoutParams_, 0) == 0) { if (currentUrl.indexOf('ntp=1') >= 0) { this.skipForNow_ = true; } this.onAuthCompleted_(); return; } if (this.isConstrainedWindow_) { var isEmbeddedPage = false; if (this.idpOrigin_ && currentUrl.lastIndexOf(this.idpOrigin_) == 0) { var headers = details.responseHeaders; for (var i = 0; headers && i < headers.length; ++i) { if (headers[i].name.toLowerCase() == EMBEDDED_FORM_HEADER) { isEmbeddedPage = true; break; } } } if (!isEmbeddedPage && this.listener_) { this.listener_.onResize(currentUrl); return; } } if (currentUrl.lastIndexOf(this.idpOrigin_) == 0) { this.webview_.contentWindow.postMessage({}, currentUrl); } if (!this.loaded_) { this.loaded_ = true; if (this.listener_) { this.listener_.onReady(); } } }; /** * Invoked when headers are received in the main frame of the webview. It * 1) reads the authenticated user info from a signin header, * 2) signals the start of a saml flow upon receiving a saml header. * @return {!Object} Modified request headers. * @private */ Authenticator.prototype.onHeadersReceived_ = function(details) { var headers = details.responseHeaders; for (var i = 0; headers && i < headers.length; ++i) { var header = headers[i]; var headerName = header.name.toLowerCase(); if (headerName == SIGN_IN_HEADER) { var headerValues = header.value.toLowerCase().split(','); var signinDetails = {}; headerValues.forEach(function(e) { var pair = e.split('='); signinDetails[pair[0].trim()] = pair[1].trim(); }); // Removes "" around. var email = signinDetails['email'].slice(1, -1); if (this.email_ != email) { this.email_ = email; // Clears the scraped password if the email has changed. this.password_ = null; } this.gaiaId_ = signinDetails['obfuscatedid'].slice(1, -1); this.sessionIndex_ = signinDetails['sessionindex']; } else if (headerName == SAML_HEADER) { this.authFlow_ = AuthFlow.SAML; } } }; /** * Invoked when an HTML5 message is received. * @param {object} e Payload of the received HTML5 message. * @private */ Authenticator.prototype.onMessage_ = function(e) { if (e.origin != this.idpOrigin_) { return; } var msg = e.data; if (msg.method == 'attemptLogin') { this.email_ = msg.email; this.password_ = msg.password; this.chooseWhatToSync_ = msg.chooseWhatToSync; } }; /** * Invoked to process authentication completion. * @private */ Authenticator.prototype.onAuthCompleted_ = function() { if (!this.listener_) { return; } if (!this.email_ && !this.skipForNow_) { this.webview_.src = this.initialFrameUrl_; return; } this.listener_.onSuccess({email: this.email_, gaiaId: this.gaiaId_, password: this.password_, usingSAML: this.authFlow_ == AuthFlow.SAML, chooseWhatToSync: this.chooseWhatToSync_, skipForNow: this.skipForNow_, sessionIndex: this.sessionIndex_ || ''}); }; /** * Invoked when the webview attempts to open a new window. * @private */ Authenticator.prototype.onNewWindow_ = function(e) { if (!this.listener_) { return; } this.listener_.onNewWindow(e); }; Authenticator.AuthFlow = AuthFlow; Authenticator.AuthMode = AuthMode; return { // TODO(guohui, xiyuan): Rename GaiaAuthHost to Authenticator once the old // iframe-based flow is deprecated. GaiaAuthHost: Authenticator }; });