// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Redefine '$' here rather than including 'cr.js', since this is
// the only function needed. This allows this file to be loaded
// in a browser directly for layout and some testing purposes.
var $ = function(id) { return document.getElementById(id); };
* A generic WebUI for configuring preference values used by Chrome's gesture
* recognition systems.
* @param {string} title The user-visible title to display for the configuration
* section.
* @param {string} prefix The prefix for the configuration fields.
* @param {!Object} fields An array of fields that contain the name of the pref
* and user-visible labels.
function GeneralConfig(title, prefix, fields) {
this.title = title;
this.prefix = prefix;
this.fields = fields;
GeneralConfig.prototype = {
* Sets up the form for configuring all the preference values.
buildAll: function() {
* Dynamically builds web-form based on the list of preferences.
buildForm: function() {
var buf = [];
var section = $('section-template').cloneNode(true);
var title = section.querySelector('.section-title');
title.textContent = this.title;
for (var i = 0; i < this.fields.length; i++) {
var field = this.fields[i];
var row = $('section-row-template').cloneNode(true);
var label = row.querySelector('.row-label');
var input = row.querySelector('.input');
var units = row.querySelector('.row-units');
var reset = row.querySelector('.row-reset');
label.setAttribute('for', field.key);
label.innerHTML = field.label;
input.id = field.key;
input.min = field.min || 0;
if (field.max)
input.max = field.max;
input.step = field.step || 'any';
if (field.units)
units.innerHTML = field.units;
reset.id = field.key + '-reset';
gesture_config.updateResetButton(reset, true);
* Initializes the form by adding appropriate event listeners to elements.
initForm: function() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.fields.length; i++) {
var field = this.fields[i];
var config = this;
$(field.key).onchange = (function(key) {
config.setPreferenceValue(key, $(key).value);
gesture_config.updateResetButton($(key + '-reset'), false);
}).bind(null, field.key);
$(field.key + '-reset').onclick = (function(key) {
}).bind(null, field.key);
* Requests preference values for all the relevant fields.
loadForm: function() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.fields.length; i++)
* Handles processing of "Reset All" button.
* Causes all form values to be updated based on current preference values.
* @return {boolean} Returns false.
onReset: function() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.fields.length; i++) {
var field = this.fields[i];
return false;
* Requests a preference setting's value.
* This method is asynchronous; the result is provided by a call to
* updatePreferenceValueResult.
* @param {string} prefName The name of the preference value being requested.
updatePreferenceValue: function(prefName) {
chrome.send('updatePreferenceValue', [this.prefix + prefName]);
* Sets a preference setting's value.
* @param {string} prefName The name of the preference value being set.
* @param {value} value The value to be associated with prefName.
setPreferenceValue: function(prefName, value) {
[this.prefix + prefName, parseFloat(value)]);
* Resets a preference to its default value and get that callback
* to updatePreferenceValueResult with the new value of the preference.
* @param {string} prefName The name of the requested preference.
resetPreferenceValue: function(prefName) {
chrome.send('resetPreferenceValue', [this.prefix + prefName]);
* Returns a GeneralConfig for configuring gestures.* preferences.
* @return {object} A GeneralConfig object.
function GestureConfig() {
/** The title of the section for the gesture preferences. **/
/** @const */ var GESTURE_TITLE = 'Gesture Configuration';
/** Common prefix of gesture preferences. **/
/** @const */ var GESTURE_PREFIX = 'gesture.';
/** List of fields used to dynamically build form. **/
key: 'fling_max_cancel_to_down_time_in_ms',
label: 'Maximum Cancel to Down Time for Tap Suppression',
units: 'milliseconds',
key: 'fling_max_tap_gap_time_in_ms',
label: 'Maximum Tap Gap Time for Tap Suppression',
units: 'milliseconds',
key: 'semi_long_press_time_in_seconds',
label: 'Semi Long Press Time',
units: 'seconds',
step: 0.1
key: 'max_separation_for_gesture_touches_in_pixels',
label: 'Maximum Separation for Gesture Touches',
units: 'pixels'
key: 'fling_acceleration_curve_coefficient_0',
label: 'Touchscreen Fling Acceleration',
units: 'x3',
min: '-1'
key: 'fling_acceleration_curve_coefficient_1',
label: '+',
units: 'x2',
min: '-1'
key: 'fling_acceleration_curve_coefficient_2',
label: '+',
units: 'x1',
min: '-1'
key: 'fling_acceleration_curve_coefficient_3',
label: '+',
units: 'x0',
min: '-1'
key: 'tab_scrub_activation_delay_in_ms',
label: 'Tab scrub auto activation delay, (-1 for never)',
units: 'milliseconds'
* Returns a GeneralConfig for configuring overscroll.* preferences.
* @return {object} A GeneralConfig object.
function OverscrollConfig() {
/** @const */ var OVERSCROLL_TITLE = 'Overscroll Configuration';
/** @const */ var OVERSCROLL_PREFIX = 'overscroll.';
key: 'horizontal_threshold_complete',
label: 'Complete when overscrolled (horizontal)',
units: '%'
key: 'vertical_threshold_complete',
label: 'Complete when overscrolled (vertical)',
units: '%'
key: 'minimum_threshold_start_touchpad',
label: 'Start overscroll gesture (horizontal; touchpad)',
units: 'pixels'
key: 'minimum_threshold_start',
label: 'Start overscroll gesture (horizontal; touchscreen)',
units: 'pixels'
key: 'vertical_threshold_start',
label: 'Start overscroll gesture (vertical)',
units: 'pixels'
key: 'horizontal_resist_threshold',
label: 'Start resisting overscroll after (horizontal)',
units: 'pixels'
key: 'vertical_resist_threshold',
label: 'Start resisting overscroll after (vertical)',
units: 'pixels'
return new GeneralConfig(OVERSCROLL_TITLE,
* Returns a GeneralConfig for configuring flingcurve.* preferences.
* @return {object} A GeneralConfig object.
function FlingConfig() {
/** @const */ var FLING_TITLE = 'Fling Configuration';
/** @const */ var FLING_PREFIX = 'flingcurve.';
key: 'touchscreen_alpha',
label: 'Touchscreen fling deacceleration coefficients',
units: 'alpha',
min: '-inf'
key: 'touchscreen_beta',
label: '',
units: 'beta',
min: '-inf'
key: 'touchscreen_gamma',
label: '',
units: 'gamma',
min: '-inf'
key: 'touchpad_alpha',
label: 'Touchpad fling deacceleration coefficients',
units: 'alpha',
min: '-inf'
key: 'touchpad_beta',
label: '',
units: 'beta',
min: '-inf'
key: 'touchpad_gamma',
label: '',
units: 'gamma',
min: '-inf'
* WebUI instance for configuring preference values related to gesture input.
window.gesture_config = {
* Build and initialize the gesture configuration form.
initialize: function() {
var g = GestureConfig();
var o = OverscrollConfig();
var f = FlingConfig();
$('reset-all-button').onclick = function() {
* Checks if all gesture preferences are set to default by checking the status
* of the reset button associated with each preference.
* @return {boolean} True if all gesture preferences are set to default.
areAllPrefsSetToDefault: function() {
var resets = $('gesture-form').querySelectorAll('.row-reset');
for (var i = 0; i < resets.length; i++) {
if (!resets[i].disabled)
return false;
return true;
* Updates the status and label of a preference reset button.
* @param {HTMLInputElement} resetButton Reset button for the preference.
* @param {boolean} isDefault Whether the preference is set to the default
* value.
updateResetButton: function(resetButton, isDefault) {
/** @const */ var TITLE_DEFAULT = 'Default';
/** @const */ var TITLE_NOT_DEFAULT = 'Reset';
resetButton.innerHTML = isDefault ? TITLE_DEFAULT : TITLE_NOT_DEFAULT;
resetButton.disabled = isDefault;
* Updates the status and label of "Reset All" button.
* @param {boolean} isDefault Whether all preference are set to their default
* values.
updateResetAllButton: function(isDefault) {
/** @const */ var TITLE_DEFAULT = 'Everything is set to default';
/** @const */ var TITLE_NOT_DEFAULT = 'Reset All To Default';
var button = $('reset-all-button');
button.innerHTML = isDefault ? TITLE_DEFAULT : TITLE_NOT_DEFAULT;
button.disabled = isDefault;
* Handle callback from call to updatePreferenceValue.
* @param {string} prefName The name of the requested preference value.
* @param {value} value The current value associated with prefName.
* @param {boolean} isDefault Whether the value is the default value.
updatePreferenceValueResult: function(prefName, value, isDefault) {
prefName = prefName.substring(prefName.indexOf('.') + 1);
$(prefName).value = value;
this.updateResetButton($(prefName + '-reset'), isDefault);
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', gesture_config.initialize);