// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. cr.define('hotword', function() { 'use strict'; /** * Class used to manage the interaction between hotwording and the * NTP/google.com. Injects a content script to interact with NTP/google.com * and updates the global hotwording state based on interaction with those * pages. * @param {!hotword.StateManager} stateManager * @constructor */ function PageAudioManager(stateManager) { /** * Manager of global hotwording state. * @private {!hotword.StateManager} */ this.stateManager_ = stateManager; /** * Mapping between tab ID and port that is connected from the injected * content script. * @private {!Object.} */ this.portMap_ = {}; /** * Chrome event listeners. Saved so that they can be de-registered when * hotwording is disabled. */ this.connectListener_ = this.handleConnect_.bind(this); this.tabCreatedListener_ = this.handleCreatedTab_.bind(this); this.tabUpdatedListener_ = this.handleUpdatedTab_.bind(this); this.tabActivatedListener_ = this.handleActivatedTab_.bind(this); this.windowFocusChangedListener_ = this.handleChangedWindow_.bind(this); // Need to setup listeners on startup, otherwise events that caused the // event page to start up, will be lost. this.setupListeners_(); this.stateManager_.onStatusChanged.addListener(function() { this.updateListeners_(); }.bind(this)); }; var CommandToPage = hotword.constants.CommandToPage; var CommandFromPage = hotword.constants.CommandFromPage; PageAudioManager.prototype = { /** * Helper function to test if a URL path is eligible for hotwording. * @param {!string} url URL to check. * @param {!string} base Base URL to compare against.. * @return {boolean} True if url is an eligible hotword URL. * @private */ checkUrlPathIsEligible_: function(url, base) { if (url == base || url == base + '/' || url.indexOf(base + '/_/chrome/newtab?') == 0 || // Appcache NTP. url.indexOf(base + '/?') == 0 || url.indexOf(base + '/#') == 0 || url.indexOf(base + '/webhp') == 0 || url.indexOf(base + '/search') == 0) { return true; } return false; }, /** * Determines if a URL is eligible for hotwording. For now, the valid pages * are the Google HP and SERP (this will include the NTP). * @param {!string} url URL to check. * @return {boolean} True if url is an eligible hotword URL. * @private */ isEligibleUrl_: function(url) { if (!url) return false; var baseGoogleUrls = [ 'https://www.google.', 'https://encrypted.google.' ]; // TODO(amistry): Get this list from a file in the shared module instead. var tlds = [ 'com', 'co.uk', 'de', 'fr', 'ru' ]; // Check for the new tab page first. if (this.checkUrlPathIsEligible_(url, 'chrome://newtab')) return true; // Check URLs with each type of local-based TLD. for (var i = 0; i < baseGoogleUrls.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < tlds.length; j++) { var base = baseGoogleUrls[i] + tlds[j]; if (this.checkUrlPathIsEligible_(url, base)) return true; } } return false; }, /** * Locates the current active tab in the current focused window and * performs a callback with the tab as the parameter. * @param {function(?Tab)} callback Function to call with the * active tab or null if not found. The function's |this| will be set to * this object. * @private */ findCurrentTab_: function(callback) { chrome.windows.getAll( {'populate': true}, function(windows) { for (var i = 0; i < windows.length; ++i) { if (!windows[i].focused) continue; for (var j = 0; j < windows[i].tabs.length; ++j) { var tab = windows[i].tabs[j]; if (tab.active) { callback.call(this, tab); return; } } } callback.call(this, null); }.bind(this)); }, /** * This function is called when a tab is activated (comes into focus). * @param {Tab} tab Current active tab. * @private */ activateTab_: function(tab) { if (!tab) { this.stopHotwording_(); return; } if (tab.id in this.portMap_) { this.startHotwordingIfEligible_(); return; } this.stopHotwording_(); this.prepareTab_(tab); }, /** * Prepare a new or updated tab by injecting the content script. * @param {!Tab} tab Newly updated or created tab. * @private */ prepareTab_: function(tab) { if (!this.isEligibleUrl_(tab.url)) return; chrome.tabs.executeScript( tab.id, {'file': 'audio_client.js'}, function(results) { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { // Ignore this error. For new tab pages, even though the URL is // reported to be chrome://newtab/, the actual URL is a // country-specific google domain. Since we don't have permission // to inject on every page, an error will happen when the user is // in an unsupported country. // // The property still needs to be accessed so that the error // condition is cleared. If it isn't, exectureScript will log an // error the next time it is called. } }); }, /** * Updates hotwording state based on the state of current tabs/windows. * @private */ updateTabState_: function() { this.findCurrentTab_(this.activateTab_); }, /** * Handles a newly created tab. * @param {!Tab} tab Newly created tab. * @private */ handleCreatedTab_: function(tab) { this.prepareTab_(tab); }, /** * Handles an updated tab. * @param {number} tabId Id of the updated tab. * @param {{status: string}} info Change info of the tab. * @param {!Tab} tab Updated tab. * @private */ handleUpdatedTab_: function(tabId, info, tab) { // Chrome fires multiple update events: undefined, loading and completed. // We perform content injection on loading state. if (info['status'] != 'loading') return; this.prepareTab_(tab); }, /** * Handles a tab that was just became active. * @param {{tabId: number}} info Information about the activated tab. * @private */ handleActivatedTab_: function(info) { this.updateTabState_(); }, /** * Handles a change in Chrome windows. * Note: this does not always trigger in Linux. * @param {number} windowId Id of newly focused window. * @private */ handleChangedWindow_: function(windowId) { this.updateTabState_(); }, /** * Handles a content script attempting to connect. * @param {!Port} port Communications port from the client. * @private */ handleConnect_: function(port) { if (port.name != hotword.constants.CLIENT_PORT_NAME) return; var tab = /** @type {!Tab} */(port.sender.tab); // An existing port from the same tab might already exist. But that port // may be from the previous page, so just overwrite the port. this.portMap_[tab.id] = port; port.onDisconnect.addListener(function() { this.handleClientDisconnect_(port); }.bind(this)); port.onMessage.addListener(function(msg) { this.handleMessage_(msg, port.sender, port.postMessage); }.bind(this)); }, /** * Handles a client content script disconnect. * @param {Port} port Disconnected port. * @private */ handleClientDisconnect_: function(port) { var tabId = port.sender.tab.id; if (tabId in this.portMap_ && this.portMap_[tabId] == port) { // Due to a race between port disconnection and tabs.onUpdated messages, // the port could have changed. delete this.portMap_[port.sender.tab.id]; } this.stopHotwordingIfIneligibleTab_(); }, /** * Disconnect all connected clients. * @private */ disconnectAllClients_: function() { for (var id in this.portMap_) { var port = this.portMap_[id]; port.disconnect(); delete this.portMap_[id]; } }, /** * Sends a command to the client content script on an eligible tab. * @param {hotword.constants.CommandToPage} command Command to send. * @param {number} tabId Id of the target tab. * @private */ sendClient_: function(command, tabId) { if (tabId in this.portMap_) { var message = {}; message[hotword.constants.COMMAND_FIELD_NAME] = command; this.portMap_[tabId].postMessage(message); } }, /** * Sends a command to all connected clients. * @param {hotword.constants.CommandToPage} command Command to send. * @private */ sendAllClients_: function(command) { for (var idStr in this.portMap_) { var id = parseInt(idStr, 10); assert(!isNaN(id), 'Tab ID is not a number: ' + idStr); this.sendClient_(command, id); } }, /** * Handles a hotword trigger. Sends a trigger message to the currently * active tab. * @private */ hotwordTriggered_: function() { this.findCurrentTab_(function(tab) { if (tab) this.sendClient_(CommandToPage.HOTWORD_VOICE_TRIGGER, tab.id); }); }, /** * Starts hotwording. * @private */ startHotwording_: function() { this.stateManager_.startSession( hotword.constants.SessionSource.NTP, function() { this.sendAllClients_(CommandToPage.HOTWORD_STARTED); }.bind(this), this.hotwordTriggered_.bind(this)); }, /** * Starts hotwording if the currently active tab is eligible for hotwording * (i.e. google.com). * @private */ startHotwordingIfEligible_: function() { this.findCurrentTab_(function(tab) { if (!tab) { this.stopHotwording_(); return; } if (this.isEligibleUrl_(tab.url)) this.startHotwording_(); }); }, /** * Stops hotwording. * @private */ stopHotwording_: function() { this.stateManager_.stopSession(hotword.constants.SessionSource.NTP); this.sendAllClients_(CommandToPage.HOTWORD_ENDED); }, /** * Stops hotwording if the currently active tab is not eligible for * hotwording (i.e. google.com). * @private */ stopHotwordingIfIneligibleTab_: function() { this.findCurrentTab_(function(tab) { if (!tab) { this.stopHotwording_(); return; } if (!this.isEligibleUrl_(tab.url)) this.stopHotwording_(); }); }, /** * Handles a message from the content script injected into the page. * @param {!Object} request Request from the content script. * @param {!MessageSender} sender Message sender. * @param {!function(Object)} sendResponse Function for sending a response. * @private */ handleMessage_: function(request, sender, sendResponse) { switch (request[hotword.constants.COMMAND_FIELD_NAME]) { // TODO(amistry): Handle other messages such as CLICKED_RESUME and // CLICKED_RESTART, if necessary. case CommandFromPage.SPEECH_START: this.stopHotwording_(); break; case CommandFromPage.SPEECH_END: case CommandFromPage.SPEECH_RESET: this.startHotwording_(); break; } }, /** * Set up event listeners. * @private */ setupListeners_: function() { if (chrome.runtime.onConnect.hasListener(this.connectListener_)) return; chrome.runtime.onConnect.addListener(this.connectListener_); chrome.tabs.onCreated.addListener(this.tabCreatedListener_); chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(this.tabUpdatedListener_); chrome.tabs.onActivated.addListener(this.tabActivatedListener_); chrome.windows.onFocusChanged.addListener( this.windowFocusChangedListener_); }, /** * Remove event listeners. * @private */ removeListeners_: function() { chrome.runtime.onConnect.removeListener(this.connectListener_); chrome.tabs.onCreated.removeListener(this.tabCreatedListener_); chrome.tabs.onUpdated.removeListener(this.tabUpdatedListener_); chrome.tabs.onActivated.removeListener(this.tabActivatedListener_); chrome.windows.onFocusChanged.removeListener( this.windowFocusChangedListener_); }, /** * Update event listeners based on the current hotwording state. * @private */ updateListeners_: function() { if (this.stateManager_.isSometimesOnEnabled()) { this.setupListeners_(); } else { this.removeListeners_(); this.stopHotwording_(); this.disconnectAllClients_(); } } }; return { PageAudioManager: PageAudioManager }; });