// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

'use strict';

 * Worker for requests. Fetches requests from a queue and processes them
 * synchronously, taking into account priorities. The highest priority is 0.
function Worker() {
   * List of requests waiting to be checked. If these items are available in
   * cache, then they are processed immediately after starting the worker.
   * However, if they have to be downloaded, then these requests are moved
   * to pendingRequests_.
   * @type {Array.<Request>}
   * @private
  this.newRequests_ = [];

   * List of pending requests for images to be downloaded.
   * @type {Array.<Request>}
   * @private
  this.pendingRequests_ = [];

   * List of requests being processed.
   * @type {Array.<Request>}
   * @private
  this.activeRequests_ = [];

   * Hash array of requests being added to the queue, but not finalized yet.
   * @type {Object}
   * @private
  this.requests_ = {};

   * If the worker has been started.
   * @type {boolean}
   * @private
  this.started_ = false;

 * Maximum download requests to be run in parallel.
 * @type {number}
 * @const

 * Adds a request to the internal priority queue and executes it when requests
 * with higher priorities are finished. If the result is cached, then it is
 * processed immediately once the worker is started.
 * @param {Request} request Request object.
Worker.prototype.add = function(request) {
  if (!this.started_) {
    this.requests_[request.getId()] = request;

  // Enqueue the request, since already started.


 * Removes a request from the worker (if exists).
 * @param {string} requestId Unique ID of the request.
Worker.prototype.remove = function(requestId) {
  var request = this.requests_[requestId];
  if (!request)

  // Remove from the internal queues with pending tasks.
  var newIndex = this.pendingRequests_.indexOf(request);
  if (newIndex != -1)
    this.newRequests_.splice(newIndex, 1);
  var pendingIndex = this.pendingRequests_.indexOf(request);
  if (pendingIndex != -1)
    this.pendingRequests_.splice(pendingIndex, 1);

  // Cancel the request.
  delete this.requests_[requestId];

 * Starts handling requests.
Worker.prototype.start = function() {
  this.started_ = true;

  // Process tasks added before worker has been started.
  this.pendingRequests_ = this.newRequests_;
  this.newRequests_ = [];

  // Start serving enqueued requests.

 * Sorts pending requests by priorities.
 * @private
Worker.prototype.sortPendingRequests_ = function() {
  this.pendingRequests_.sort(function(a, b) {
    return a.getPriority() - b.getPriority();

 * Processes pending requests from the queue. There is no guarantee that
 * all of the tasks will be processed at once.
 * @private
Worker.prototype.continue_ = function() {
  // Run only up to MAXIMUM_IN_PARALLEL in the same time.
  while (this.pendingRequests_.length &&
         this.activeRequests_.length < Worker.MAXIMUM_IN_PARALLEL) {
    var request = this.pendingRequests_.shift();

    // Try to load from cache. If doesn't exist, then download.
        this.finish_.bind(this, request),
        function(currentRequest) {
              this.finish_.bind(this, currentRequest));
        }.bind(this, request));

 * Handles finished requests.
 * @param {Request} request Finished request.
 * @private
Worker.prototype.finish_ = function(request) {
  var index = this.activeRequests_.indexOf(request);
  if (index < 0)
    console.warn('Request not found.');
  this.activeRequests_.splice(index, 1);
  delete this.requests_[request.getId()];

  // Continue handling the most important requests (if started).
  if (this.started_)