// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. var MIN_VERSION_TAB_CLOSE = 25; var MIN_VERSION_TARGET_ID = 26; var MIN_VERSION_NEW_TAB = 29; var MIN_VERSION_TAB_ACTIVATE = 30; function sendCommand(command, args) { chrome.send(command, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); } function sendTargetCommand(command, target) { sendCommand(command, target.source, target.id); } function removeChildren(element_id) { var element = $(element_id); element.textContent = ''; } function onload() { var tabContents = document.querySelectorAll('#content > div'); for (var i = 0; i != tabContents.length; i++) { var tabContent = tabContents[i]; var tabName = tabContent.querySelector('.content-header').textContent; var tabHeader = document.createElement('div'); tabHeader.className = 'tab-header'; var button = document.createElement('button'); button.textContent = tabName; tabHeader.appendChild(button); tabHeader.addEventListener('click', selectTab.bind(null, tabContent.id)); $('navigation').appendChild(tabHeader); } onHashChange(); initSettings(); sendCommand('init-ui'); } function onHashChange() { var hash = window.location.hash.slice(1).toLowerCase(); if (!selectTab(hash)) selectTab('devices'); } /** * @param {string} id Tab id. * @return {boolean} True if successful. */ function selectTab(id) { var tabContents = document.querySelectorAll('#content > div'); var tabHeaders = $('navigation').querySelectorAll('.tab-header'); var found = false; for (var i = 0; i != tabContents.length; i++) { var tabContent = tabContents[i]; var tabHeader = tabHeaders[i]; if (tabContent.id == id) { tabContent.classList.add('selected'); tabHeader.classList.add('selected'); found = true; } else { tabContent.classList.remove('selected'); tabHeader.classList.remove('selected'); } } if (!found) return false; window.location.hash = id; return true; } function populateTargets(source, data) { if (source == 'renderers') populateWebContentsTargets(data); else if (source == 'workers') populateWorkerTargets(data); else if (source == 'adb') populateRemoteTargets(data); else console.error('Unknown source type: ' + source); } function populateWebContentsTargets(data) { removeChildren('pages-list'); removeChildren('extensions-list'); removeChildren('apps-list'); removeChildren('others-list'); for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (data[i].type === 'page') addToPagesList(data[i]); else if (data[i].type === 'background_page') addToExtensionsList(data[i]); else if (data[i].type === 'app') addToAppsList(data[i]); else addToOthersList(data[i]); } } function populateWorkerTargets(data) { removeChildren('workers-list'); for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) addToWorkersList(data[i]); } function populateRemoteTargets(devices) { if (!devices) return; if (window.modal) { window.holdDevices = devices; return; } function alreadyDisplayed(element, data) { var json = JSON.stringify(data); if (element.cachedJSON == json) return true; element.cachedJSON = json; return false; } function insertChildSortedById(parent, child) { for (var sibling = parent.firstElementChild; sibling; sibling = sibling.nextElementSibling) { if (sibling.id > child.id) { parent.insertBefore(child, sibling); return; } } parent.appendChild(child); } var deviceList = $('devices-list'); if (alreadyDisplayed(deviceList, devices)) return; function removeObsolete(validIds, section) { if (validIds.indexOf(section.id) < 0) section.remove(); } var newDeviceIds = devices.map(function(d) { return d.id }); Array.prototype.forEach.call( deviceList.querySelectorAll('.device'), removeObsolete.bind(null, newDeviceIds)); $('devices-help').hidden = !!devices.length; for (var d = 0; d < devices.length; d++) { var device = devices[d]; var deviceSection = $(device.id); if (!deviceSection) { deviceSection = document.createElement('div'); deviceSection.id = device.id; deviceSection.className = 'device'; deviceList.appendChild(deviceSection); var deviceHeader = document.createElement('div'); deviceHeader.className = 'device-header'; deviceSection.appendChild(deviceHeader); var deviceName = document.createElement('div'); deviceName.className = 'device-name'; deviceHeader.appendChild(deviceName); var deviceSerial = document.createElement('div'); deviceSerial.className = 'device-serial'; deviceSerial.textContent = '#' + device.adbSerial.toUpperCase(); deviceHeader.appendChild(deviceSerial); var devicePorts = document.createElement('div'); devicePorts.className = 'device-ports'; deviceHeader.appendChild(devicePorts); var browserList = document.createElement('div'); browserList.className = 'browsers'; deviceSection.appendChild(browserList); var authenticating = document.createElement('div'); authenticating.className = 'device-auth'; deviceSection.appendChild(authenticating); } if (alreadyDisplayed(deviceSection, device)) continue; deviceSection.querySelector('.device-name').textContent = device.adbModel; deviceSection.querySelector('.device-auth').textContent = device.adbConnected ? '' : 'Pending authentication: please accept ' + 'debugging session on the device.'; var devicePorts = deviceSection.querySelector('.device-ports'); devicePorts.textContent = ''; if (device.adbPortStatus) { for (var port in device.adbPortStatus) { var status = device.adbPortStatus[port]; var portIcon = document.createElement('div'); portIcon.className = 'port-icon'; if (status > 0) portIcon.classList.add('connected'); else if (status == -1 || status == -2) portIcon.classList.add('transient'); else if (status < 0) portIcon.classList.add('error'); devicePorts.appendChild(portIcon); var portNumber = document.createElement('div'); portNumber.className = 'port-number'; portNumber.textContent = ':' + port; if (status > 0) portNumber.textContent += '(' + status + ')'; devicePorts.appendChild(portNumber); } } var browserList = deviceSection.querySelector('.browsers'); var newBrowserIds = device.browsers.map(function(b) { return b.id }); Array.prototype.forEach.call( browserList.querySelectorAll('.browser'), removeObsolete.bind(null, newBrowserIds)); for (var b = 0; b < device.browsers.length; b++) { var browser = device.browsers[b]; var majorChromeVersion = browser.adbBrowserChromeVersion; var pageList; var browserSection = $(browser.id); if (browserSection) { pageList = browserSection.querySelector('.pages'); } else { browserSection = document.createElement('div'); browserSection.id = browser.id; browserSection.className = 'browser'; insertChildSortedById(browserList, browserSection); var browserHeader = document.createElement('div'); browserHeader.className = 'browser-header'; var browserName = document.createElement('div'); browserName.className = 'browser-name'; browserHeader.appendChild(browserName); browserName.textContent = browser.adbBrowserName; if (browser.adbBrowserVersion) browserName.textContent += ' (' + browser.adbBrowserVersion + ')'; browserSection.appendChild(browserHeader); if (majorChromeVersion >= MIN_VERSION_NEW_TAB) { var newPage = document.createElement('div'); newPage.className = 'open'; var newPageUrl = document.createElement('input'); newPageUrl.type = 'text'; newPageUrl.placeholder = 'Open tab with url'; newPage.appendChild(newPageUrl); var openHandler = function(sourceId, browserId, input) { sendCommand( 'open', sourceId, browserId, input.value || 'about:blank'); input.value = ''; }.bind(null, browser.source, browser.id, newPageUrl); newPageUrl.addEventListener('keyup', function(handler, event) { if (event.keyIdentifier == 'Enter' && event.target.value) handler(); }.bind(null, openHandler), true); var newPageButton = document.createElement('button'); newPageButton.textContent = 'Open'; newPage.appendChild(newPageButton); newPageButton.addEventListener('click', openHandler, true); browserHeader.appendChild(newPage); } pageList = document.createElement('div'); pageList.className = 'list pages'; browserSection.appendChild(pageList); } if (alreadyDisplayed(browserSection, browser)) continue; pageList.textContent = ''; for (var p = 0; p < browser.pages.length; p++) { var page = browser.pages[p]; // Attached targets have no unique id until Chrome 26. For such targets // it is impossible to activate existing DevTools window. page.hasNoUniqueId = page.attached && (majorChromeVersion && majorChromeVersion < MIN_VERSION_TARGET_ID); var row = addTargetToList(page, pageList, ['name', 'url']); if (page['description']) addWebViewDetails(row, page); else addFavicon(row, page); if (majorChromeVersion >= MIN_VERSION_TAB_ACTIVATE) { addActionLink(row, 'focus tab', sendTargetCommand.bind(null, 'activate', page), false); } if (majorChromeVersion) { addActionLink(row, 'reload', sendTargetCommand.bind(null, 'reload', page), page.attached); } if (majorChromeVersion >= MIN_VERSION_TAB_CLOSE) { addActionLink(row, 'close', sendTargetCommand.bind(null, 'close', page), page.attached); } } } } } function addToPagesList(data) { var row = addTargetToList(data, $('pages-list'), ['name', 'url']); addFavicon(row, data); if (data.guests) addGuestViews(row, data.guests); } function addToExtensionsList(data) { var row = addTargetToList(data, $('extensions-list'), ['name', 'url']); addFavicon(row, data); if (data.guests) addGuestViews(row, data.guests); } function addToAppsList(data) { var row = addTargetToList(data, $('apps-list'), ['name', 'url']); addFavicon(row, data); if (data.guests) addGuestViews(row, data.guests); } function addGuestViews(row, guests) { Array.prototype.forEach.call(guests, function(guest) { var guestRow = addTargetToList(guest, row, ['name', 'url']); guestRow.classList.add('guest'); addFavicon(guestRow, guest); }); } function addToWorkersList(data) { var row = addTargetToList(data, $('workers-list'), ['name', 'description', 'url']); addActionLink(row, 'terminate', sendTargetCommand.bind(null, 'close', data), data.attached); } function addToOthersList(data) { addTargetToList(data, $('others-list'), ['url']); } function formatValue(data, property) { var value = data[property]; if (property == 'name' && value == '') { value = 'untitled'; } var text = value ? String(value) : ''; if (text.length > 100) text = text.substring(0, 100) + '\u2026'; var span = document.createElement('div'); span.textContent = text; span.className = property; return span; } function addFavicon(row, data) { var favicon = document.createElement('img'); if (data['faviconUrl']) favicon.src = data['faviconUrl']; row.insertBefore(favicon, row.firstChild); } function addWebViewDetails(row, data) { var webview; try { webview = JSON.parse(data['description']); } catch (e) { return; } addWebViewDescription(row, webview); if (data.adbScreenWidth && data.adbScreenHeight) addWebViewThumbnail( row, webview, data.adbScreenWidth, data.adbScreenHeight); } function addWebViewDescription(row, webview) { var viewStatus = { visibility: '', position: '', size: '' }; if (!webview.empty) { if (webview.attached && !webview.visible) viewStatus.visibility = 'hidden'; else if (!webview.attached) viewStatus.visibility = 'detached'; viewStatus.size = 'size ' + webview.width + ' \u00d7 ' + webview.height; } else { viewStatus.visibility = 'empty'; } if (webview.attached) { viewStatus.position = 'at (' + webview.screenX + ', ' + webview.screenY + ')'; } var subRow = document.createElement('div'); subRow.className = 'subrow webview'; if (webview.empty || !webview.attached || !webview.visible) subRow.className += ' invisible-view'; if (viewStatus.visibility) subRow.appendChild(formatValue(viewStatus, 'visibility')); subRow.appendChild(formatValue(viewStatus, 'position')); subRow.appendChild(formatValue(viewStatus, 'size')); var mainSubrow = row.querySelector('.subrow.main'); if (mainSubrow.nextSibling) mainSubrow.parentNode.insertBefore(subRow, mainSubrow.nextSibling); else mainSubrow.parentNode.appendChild(subRow); } function addWebViewThumbnail(row, webview, screenWidth, screenHeight) { var maxScreenRectSize = 50; var screenRectWidth; var screenRectHeight; var aspectRatio = screenWidth / screenHeight; if (aspectRatio < 1) { screenRectWidth = Math.round(maxScreenRectSize * aspectRatio); screenRectHeight = maxScreenRectSize; } else { screenRectWidth = maxScreenRectSize; screenRectHeight = Math.round(maxScreenRectSize / aspectRatio); } var thumbnail = document.createElement('div'); thumbnail.className = 'webview-thumbnail'; var thumbnailWidth = 3 * screenRectWidth; var thumbnailHeight = 60; thumbnail.style.width = thumbnailWidth + 'px'; thumbnail.style.height = thumbnailHeight + 'px'; var screenRect = document.createElement('div'); screenRect.className = 'screen-rect'; screenRect.style.left = screenRectWidth + 'px'; screenRect.style.top = (thumbnailHeight - screenRectHeight) / 2 + 'px'; screenRect.style.width = screenRectWidth + 'px'; screenRect.style.height = screenRectHeight + 'px'; thumbnail.appendChild(screenRect); if (!webview.empty && webview.attached) { var viewRect = document.createElement('div'); viewRect.className = 'view-rect'; if (!webview.visible) viewRect.classList.add('hidden'); function percent(ratio) { return ratio * 100 + '%'; } viewRect.style.left = percent(webview.screenX / screenWidth); viewRect.style.top = percent(webview.screenY / screenHeight); viewRect.style.width = percent(webview.width / screenWidth); viewRect.style.height = percent(webview.height / screenHeight); screenRect.appendChild(viewRect); } row.insertBefore(thumbnail, row.firstChild); } function addTargetToList(data, list, properties) { var row = document.createElement('div'); row.className = 'row'; var subrowBox = document.createElement('div'); subrowBox.className = 'subrow-box'; row.appendChild(subrowBox); var subrow = document.createElement('div'); subrow.className = 'subrow main'; subrowBox.appendChild(subrow); var description = null; for (var j = 0; j < properties.length; j++) subrow.appendChild(formatValue(data, properties[j])); if (description) addWebViewDescription(description, subrowBox); var actionBox = document.createElement('div'); actionBox.className = 'actions'; subrowBox.appendChild(actionBox); addActionLink(row, 'inspect', sendTargetCommand.bind(null, 'inspect', data), data.hasNoUniqueId || data.adbAttachedForeign); list.appendChild(row); return row; } function addActionLink(row, text, handler, opt_disabled) { var link = document.createElement('span'); link.classList.add('action'); if (opt_disabled) link.classList.add('disabled'); else link.classList.remove('disabled'); link.textContent = text; link.addEventListener('click', handler, true); row.querySelector('.actions').appendChild(link); } function initSettings() { $('discover-usb-devices-enable').addEventListener('change', enableDiscoverUsbDevices); $('port-forwarding-enable').addEventListener('change', enablePortForwarding); $('port-forwarding-config-open').addEventListener( 'click', openPortForwardingConfig); $('port-forwarding-config-close').addEventListener( 'click', closePortForwardingConfig); $('port-forwarding-config-done').addEventListener( 'click', commitPortForwardingConfig.bind(true)); } function enableDiscoverUsbDevices(event) { sendCommand('set-discover-usb-devices-enabled', event.target.checked); } function enablePortForwarding(event) { sendCommand('set-port-forwarding-enabled', event.target.checked); } function handleKey(event) { switch (event.keyCode) { case 13: // Enter if (event.target.nodeName == 'INPUT') { var line = event.target.parentNode; if (!line.classList.contains('fresh') || line.classList.contains('empty')) { commitPortForwardingConfig(true); } else { commitFreshLineIfValid(true /* select new line */); commitPortForwardingConfig(false); } } else { commitPortForwardingConfig(true); } break; case 27: commitPortForwardingConfig(true); break; } } function setModal(dialog) { dialog.deactivatedNodes = Array.prototype.filter.call( document.querySelectorAll('*'), function(n) { return n != dialog && !dialog.contains(n) && n.tabIndex >= 0; }); dialog.tabIndexes = dialog.deactivatedNodes.map( function(n) { return n.getAttribute('tabindex'); }); dialog.deactivatedNodes.forEach(function(n) { n.tabIndex = -1; }); window.modal = dialog; } function unsetModal(dialog) { for (var i = 0; i < dialog.deactivatedNodes.length; i++) { var node = dialog.deactivatedNodes[i]; if (dialog.tabIndexes[i] === null) node.removeAttribute('tabindex'); else node.setAttribute('tabindex', tabIndexes[i]); } if (window.holdDevices) { populateRemoteTargets(window.holdDevices); delete window.holdDevices; } delete dialog.deactivatedNodes; delete dialog.tabIndexes; delete window.modal; } function openPortForwardingConfig() { loadPortForwardingConfig(window.portForwardingConfig); $('port-forwarding-overlay').classList.add('open'); document.addEventListener('keyup', handleKey); var freshPort = document.querySelector('.fresh .port'); if (freshPort) freshPort.focus(); else $('port-forwarding-config-done').focus(); setModal($('port-forwarding-overlay')); } function closePortForwardingConfig() { $('port-forwarding-overlay').classList.remove('open'); document.removeEventListener('keyup', handleKey); unsetModal($('port-forwarding-overlay')); } function loadPortForwardingConfig(config) { var list = $('port-forwarding-config-list'); list.textContent = ''; for (var port in config) list.appendChild(createConfigLine(port, config[port])); list.appendChild(createEmptyConfigLine()); } function commitPortForwardingConfig(closeConfig) { if (closeConfig) closePortForwardingConfig(); commitFreshLineIfValid(); var lines = document.querySelectorAll('.port-forwarding-pair'); var config = {}; for (var i = 0; i != lines.length; i++) { var line = lines[i]; var portInput = line.querySelector('.port'); var locationInput = line.querySelector('.location'); var port = portInput.classList.contains('invalid') ? portInput.lastValidValue : portInput.value; var location = locationInput.classList.contains('invalid') ? locationInput.lastValidValue : locationInput.value; if (port && location) config[port] = location; } sendCommand('set-port-forwarding-config', config); } function updateDiscoverUsbDevicesEnabled(enabled) { var checkbox = $('discover-usb-devices-enable'); checkbox.checked = !!enabled; checkbox.disabled = false; } function updatePortForwardingEnabled(enabled) { var checkbox = $('port-forwarding-enable'); checkbox.checked = !!enabled; checkbox.disabled = false; } function updatePortForwardingConfig(config) { window.portForwardingConfig = config; $('port-forwarding-config-open').disabled = !config; } function createConfigLine(port, location) { var line = document.createElement('div'); line.className = 'port-forwarding-pair'; var portInput = createConfigField(port, 'port', 'Port', validatePort); line.appendChild(portInput); var locationInput = createConfigField( location, 'location', 'IP address and port', validateLocation); line.appendChild(locationInput); locationInput.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) { if (e.keyIdentifier == 'U+0009' && // Tab !e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey && !e.shiftKey && !e.metaKey && line.classList.contains('fresh') && !line.classList.contains('empty')) { // Tabbing forward on the fresh line, try create a new empty one. if (commitFreshLineIfValid(true)) e.preventDefault(); } }); var lineDelete = document.createElement('div'); lineDelete.className = 'close-button'; lineDelete.addEventListener('click', function() { var newSelection = line.nextElementSibling; line.parentNode.removeChild(line); selectLine(newSelection); }); line.appendChild(lineDelete); line.addEventListener('click', selectLine.bind(null, line)); line.addEventListener('focus', selectLine.bind(null, line)); checkEmptyLine(line); return line; } function validatePort(input) { var match = input.value.match(/^(\d+)$/); if (!match) return false; var port = parseInt(match[1]); if (port < 1024 || 65535 < port) return false; var inputs = document.querySelectorAll('input.port:not(.invalid)'); for (var i = 0; i != inputs.length; ++i) { if (inputs[i] == input) break; if (parseInt(inputs[i].value) == port) return false; } return true; } function validateLocation(input) { var match = input.value.match(/^([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]+):(\d+)$/); if (!match) return false; var port = parseInt(match[2]); return port <= 65535; } function createEmptyConfigLine() { var line = createConfigLine('', ''); line.classList.add('fresh'); return line; } function createConfigField(value, className, hint, validate) { var input = document.createElement('input'); input.className = className; input.type = 'text'; input.placeholder = hint; input.value = value; input.lastValidValue = value; function checkInput() { if (validate(input)) input.classList.remove('invalid'); else input.classList.add('invalid'); if (input.parentNode) checkEmptyLine(input.parentNode); } checkInput(); input.addEventListener('keyup', checkInput); input.addEventListener('focus', function() { selectLine(input.parentNode); }); input.addEventListener('blur', function() { if (validate(input)) input.lastValidValue = input.value; }); return input; } function checkEmptyLine(line) { var inputs = line.querySelectorAll('input'); var empty = true; for (var i = 0; i != inputs.length; i++) { if (inputs[i].value != '') empty = false; } if (empty) line.classList.add('empty'); else line.classList.remove('empty'); } function selectLine(line) { if (line.classList.contains('selected')) return; unselectLine(); line.classList.add('selected'); } function unselectLine() { var line = document.querySelector('.port-forwarding-pair.selected'); if (!line) return; line.classList.remove('selected'); commitFreshLineIfValid(); } function commitFreshLineIfValid(opt_selectNew) { var line = document.querySelector('.port-forwarding-pair.fresh'); if (line.querySelector('.invalid')) return false; line.classList.remove('fresh'); var freshLine = createEmptyConfigLine(); line.parentNode.appendChild(freshLine); if (opt_selectNew) freshLine.querySelector('.port').focus(); return true; } document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', onload); window.addEventListener('hashchange', onHashChange);