<!-- Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. --> <h2>Processes</h2> <div id="os-view">OS: <span id="os-value">unknown</span></div> <div id="uptime-view">Uptime: <span id="uptime-value">unknown</span></div> <table class="list" id="snapshot-view"> <tr class="header"> <th rowspan="2" class="process-id bottom">PID <th rowspan="2" class="process-info bottom">Name <th colspan="2" class="process-memory">Memory [KB] <tr class="header bottom"> <th class="process-memory-private">Private <th class="process-memory-v8">V8<br>Used / Alloc <tr id="process-template"> <td class="process-id"> <td class="process-info"> <td class="process-memory-private"> <td class="process-memory-v8"> </table>