// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. /** * This view displays information on the host resolver: * * - Shows the current host cache contents. * - Has a button to clear the host cache. * - Shows the parameters used to construct the host cache (capacity, ttl). * * @constructor */ function DnsView(mainBoxId, cacheTbodyId, clearCacheButtonId, capacitySpanId, ttlSuccessSpanId, ttlFailureSpanId) { DivView.call(this, mainBoxId); // Hook up the UI components. this.cacheTbody_ = document.getElementById(cacheTbodyId); this.capacitySpan_ = document.getElementById(capacitySpanId); this.ttlSuccessSpan_ = document.getElementById(ttlSuccessSpanId); this.ttlFailureSpan_ = document.getElementById(ttlFailureSpanId); var clearCacheButton = document.getElementById(clearCacheButtonId); clearCacheButton.onclick = g_browser.sendClearHostResolverCache.bind(g_browser); // Register to receive changes to the host resolver cache. g_browser.addHostResolverCacheObserver(this); } inherits(DnsView, DivView); DnsView.prototype.onHostResolverCacheChanged = function(hostResolverCache) { // Clear the existing values. this.capacitySpan_.innerHTML = ''; this.ttlSuccessSpan_.innerHTML = ''; this.ttlFailureSpan_.innerHTML = ''; this.cacheTbody_.innerHTML = ''; // No cache. if (!hostResolverCache) return; // Fill in the basic cache information. addTextNode(this.capacitySpan_, hostResolverCache.capacity); addTextNode(this.ttlSuccessSpan_, hostResolverCache.ttl_success_ms); addTextNode(this.ttlFailureSpan_, hostResolverCache.ttl_failure_ms); // Fill in the cache contents table. for (var i = 0; i < hostResolverCache.entries.length; ++i) { var e = hostResolverCache.entries[i]; var tr = addNode(this.cacheTbody_, 'tr'); var hostnameCell = addNode(tr, 'td'); addTextNode(hostnameCell, e.hostname); var familyCell = addNode(tr, 'td'); addTextNode(familyCell, e.address_family); var addressesCell = addNode(tr, 'td'); if (e.error != undefined) { addTextNode(addressesCell, 'error: ' + e.error); } else { for (var j = 0; j < e.addresses.length; ++j) { var address = e.addresses[j]; if (j != 0) addNode(addressesCell, 'br'); addTextNode(addressesCell, address); } } var expiresDate = g_browser.convertTimeTicksToDate(e.expiration); var expiresCell = addNode(tr, 'td'); addTextNode(expiresCell, expiresDate.toLocaleString()); } };