// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

 * Dictionary of constants (initialized by browser).
var LogEventType = null;
var LogEventPhase = null;
var ClientInfo = null;
var LogSourceType = null;
var NetError = null;
var LoadFlag = null;

 * Object to communicate between the renderer and the browser.
 * @type {!BrowserBridge}
var g_browser = null;

 * Main entry point. called once the page has loaded.
function onLoaded() {
  g_browser = new BrowserBridge();

  // Create the view which displays requests lists, and lets you select, filter
  // and delete them.
  var requestsView = new RequestsView('requestsListTableBody',

                                      // IDs for the details view.

                                      // IDs for the layout boxes.

  // Create a view which will display info on the proxy setup.
  var proxyView = new ProxyView("proxyTabContent",

  // Create a view which will display information on the host resolver.
  var dnsView = new DnsView("dnsTabContent",

  // Create a view which will display import/export options to control the
  // captured data.
  var dataView = new DataView("dataTabContent", "exportedDataText",

  // Create a view which will display the results and controls for connection
  // tests.
  var testView = new TestView("testTabContent", "testUrlInput",
                              "connectionTestsForm", "testSummary");

  var httpCacheView = new HttpCacheView("httpCacheTabContent",

  // Create a view which lets you tab between the different sub-views.
  var categoryTabSwitcher =
      new TabSwitcherView(new DivView('categoryTabHandles'));

  // Populate the main tabs.
  categoryTabSwitcher.addTab('requestsTab', requestsView, false);
  categoryTabSwitcher.addTab('proxyTab', proxyView, false);
  categoryTabSwitcher.addTab('dnsTab', dnsView, false);
  categoryTabSwitcher.addTab('socketsTab', new DivView('socketsTabContent'),
  categoryTabSwitcher.addTab('httpCacheTab', httpCacheView, false);
  categoryTabSwitcher.addTab('dataTab', dataView, false);
  categoryTabSwitcher.addTab('testTab', testView, false);

  // Build a map from the anchor name of each tab handle to its "tab ID".
  // We will consider navigations to the #hash as a switch tab request.
  var anchorMap = {};
  var tabIds = categoryTabSwitcher.getAllTabIds();
  for (var i = 0; i < tabIds.length; ++i) {
    var aNode = document.getElementById(tabIds[i]);
    anchorMap[aNode.hash] = tabIds[i];
  // Default the empty hash to the data tab.
  anchorMap['#'] = anchorMap[''] = 'dataTab';

  window.onhashchange = function() {
    var tabId = anchorMap[window.location.hash];
    if (tabId)

  // Make this category tab widget the primary view, that fills the whole page.
  var windowView = new WindowView(categoryTabSwitcher);

  // Trigger initial layout.

  // Select the initial view based on the current URL.

  // Tell the browser that we are ready to start receiving log events.

 * This class provides a "bridge" for communicating between the javascript and
 * the browser.
 * @constructor
function BrowserBridge() {
  // List of observers for various bits of browser state.
  this.logObservers_ = [];
  this.connectionTestsObservers_ = [];
  this.proxySettings_ = new PollableDataHelper('onProxySettingsChanged');
  this.badProxies_ = new PollableDataHelper('onBadProxiesChanged');
  this.httpCacheInfo_ = new PollableDataHelper('onHttpCacheInfoChanged');
  this.hostResolverCache_ =
      new PollableDataHelper('onHostResolverCacheChanged');

  // Cache of the data received.
  // TODO(eroman): the controls to clear data in the "Requests" tab should be
  //               affecting this as well.
  this.passivelyCapturedEvents_ = [];
  this.activelyCapturedEvents_ = [];

 * Delay in milliseconds between polling of certain browser information.
BrowserBridge.POLL_INTERVAL_MS = 5000;

// Messages sent to the browser

BrowserBridge.prototype.sendReady = function() {

  // Some of the data we are interested is not currently exposed as a stream,
  // so we will poll the browser to find out when it changes and then notify
  // the observers.
      this.doPolling_.bind(this), BrowserBridge.POLL_INTERVAL_MS);

BrowserBridge.prototype.sendGetProxySettings = function() {
  // The browser will call receivedProxySettings on completion.

BrowserBridge.prototype.sendReloadProxySettings = function() {

BrowserBridge.prototype.sendGetBadProxies = function() {
  // The browser will call receivedBadProxies on completion.

BrowserBridge.prototype.sendGetHostResolverCache = function() {
  // The browser will call receivedHostResolverCache on completion.

BrowserBridge.prototype.sendClearBadProxies = function() {

BrowserBridge.prototype.sendClearHostResolverCache = function() {

BrowserBridge.prototype.sendStartConnectionTests = function(url) {
  chrome.send('startConnectionTests', [url]);

BrowserBridge.prototype.sendGetHttpCacheInfo = function() {

// Messages received from the browser

BrowserBridge.prototype.receivedLogEntry = function(logEntry) {
  if (!logEntry.wasPassivelyCaptured)
  for (var i = 0; i < this.logObservers_.length; ++i)

BrowserBridge.prototype.receivedLogEventTypeConstants = function(constantsMap) {
  LogEventType = constantsMap;

BrowserBridge.prototype.receivedClientInfo =
function(info) {
  ClientInfo = info;

BrowserBridge.prototype.receivedLogEventPhaseConstants =
function(constantsMap) {
  LogEventPhase = constantsMap;

BrowserBridge.prototype.receivedLogSourceTypeConstants =
function(constantsMap) {
  LogSourceType = constantsMap;

BrowserBridge.prototype.receivedLoadFlagConstants = function(constantsMap) {
  LoadFlag = constantsMap;

BrowserBridge.prototype.receivedNetErrorConstants = function(constantsMap) {
  NetError = constantsMap;

BrowserBridge.prototype.receivedTimeTickOffset = function(timeTickOffset) {
  this.timeTickOffset_ = timeTickOffset;

BrowserBridge.prototype.receivedProxySettings = function(proxySettings) {

BrowserBridge.prototype.receivedBadProxies = function(badProxies) {

BrowserBridge.prototype.receivedHostResolverCache =
function(hostResolverCache) {

BrowserBridge.prototype.receivedPassiveLogEntries = function(entries) {
  this.passivelyCapturedEvents_ =
  for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; ++i) {
    var entry = entries[i];
    entry.wasPassivelyCaptured = true;

BrowserBridge.prototype.receivedStartConnectionTestSuite = function() {
  for (var i = 0; i < this.connectionTestsObservers_.length; ++i)

BrowserBridge.prototype.receivedStartConnectionTestExperiment = function(
    experiment) {
  for (var i = 0; i < this.connectionTestsObservers_.length; ++i) {

BrowserBridge.prototype.receivedCompletedConnectionTestExperiment =
function(info) {
  for (var i = 0; i < this.connectionTestsObservers_.length; ++i) {
        info.experiment, info.result);

BrowserBridge.prototype.receivedCompletedConnectionTestSuite = function() {
  for (var i = 0; i < this.connectionTestsObservers_.length; ++i)

BrowserBridge.prototype.receivedHttpCacheInfo = function(info) {


 * Adds a listener of log entries. |observer| will be called back when new log
 * data arrives, through:
 *   observer.onLogEntryAdded(logEntry)
BrowserBridge.prototype.addLogObserver = function(observer) {

 * Adds a listener of the proxy settings. |observer| will be called back when
 * data is received, through:
 *   observer.onProxySettingsChanged(proxySettings)
 * |proxySettings| is a formatted string describing the settings.
 * TODO(eroman): send a dictionary instead.
BrowserBridge.prototype.addProxySettingsObserver = function(observer) {

 * Adds a listener of the proxy settings. |observer| will be called back when
 * data is received, through:
 *   observer.onBadProxiesChanged(badProxies)
 * |badProxies| is an array, where each entry has the property:
 *   badProxies[i].proxy_uri: String identify the proxy.
 *   badProxies[i].bad_until: The time when the proxy stops being considered
 *                            bad. Note the time is in time ticks.
BrowserBridge.prototype.addBadProxiesObsever = function(observer) {

 * Adds a listener of the host resolver cache. |observer| will be called back
 * when data is received, through:
 *   observer.onHostResolverCacheChanged(hostResolverCache)
BrowserBridge.prototype.addHostResolverCacheObserver = function(observer) {

 * Adds a listener for the progress of the connection tests.
 * The observer will be called back with:
 *   observer.onStartedConnectionTestSuite();
 *   observer.onStartedConnectionTestExperiment(experiment);
 *   observer.onCompletedConnectionTestExperiment(experiment, result);
 *   observer.onCompletedConnectionTestSuite();
BrowserBridge.prototype.addConnectionTestsObserver = function(observer) {

 * Adds a listener for the http cache info results.
 * The observer will be called back with:
 *   observer.onHttpCacheInfoChanged(info);
BrowserBridge.prototype.addHttpCacheInfoObserver = function(observer) {

 * The browser gives us times in terms of "time ticks" in milliseconds.
 * This function converts the tick count to a Date() object.
 * @param {String} timeTicks.
 * @returns {Date} The time that |timeTicks| represents.
BrowserBridge.prototype.convertTimeTicksToDate = function(timeTicks) {
  // Note that the subtraction by 0 is to cast to a number (probably a float
  // since the numbers are big).
  var timeStampMs = (this.timeTickOffset_ - 0) + (timeTicks - 0);
  var d = new Date();
  return d;

 * Returns a list of all the events that were captured while we were
 * listening for events.
BrowserBridge.prototype.getAllActivelyCapturedEvents = function() {
  return this.activelyCapturedEvents_;

 * Returns a list of all the events that were captured passively by the
 * browser prior to when the net-internals page was started.
BrowserBridge.prototype.getAllPassivelyCapturedEvents = function() {
  return this.passivelyCapturedEvents_;

BrowserBridge.prototype.doPolling_ = function() {
  // TODO(eroman): Optimize this by using a separate polling frequency for the
  // data consumed by the currently active view. Everything else can be on a low
  // frequency poll since it won't impact the display.

 * This is a helper class used by BrowserBridge, to keep track of:
 *   - the list of observers interested in some piece of data.
 *   - the last known value of that piece of data.
 *   - the name of the callback method to invoke on observers.
 * @constructor
function PollableDataHelper(observerMethodName) {
  this.observerMethodName_ = observerMethodName;
  this.observers_ = [];

PollableDataHelper.prototype.addObserver = function(observer) {

 * Helper function to handle calling all the observers, but ONLY if the data has
 * actually changed since last time. This is used for data we received from
 * browser on a poll loop.
PollableDataHelper.prototype.update = function(data) {
  var prevData = this.currentData_;

  // If the data hasn't changed since last time, no need to notify observers.
  if (prevData && JSON.stringify(prevData) == JSON.stringify(data))

  this.currentData_ = data;

  // Ok, notify the observers of the change.
  for (var i = 0; i < this.observers_.length; ++i)
    var observer = this.observers_[i];