// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. /** * This view displays information on the state of all socket pools. * * - Shows a summary of the state of each socket pool at the top. * - For each pool with allocated sockets or connect jobs, shows all its * groups with any allocated sockets. * * @constructor */ function SocketsView(mainBoxId, socketPoolDivId, socketPoolGroupsDivId) { DivView.call(this, mainBoxId); g_browser.addSocketPoolInfoObserver(this); this.socketPoolDiv_ = document.getElementById(socketPoolDivId); this.socketPoolGroupsDiv_ = document.getElementById(socketPoolGroupsDivId); } inherits(SocketsView, DivView); SocketsView.prototype.onSocketPoolInfoChanged = function(socketPoolInfo) { this.socketPoolDiv_.innerHTML = ''; this.socketPoolGroupsDiv_.innerHTML = ''; if (!socketPoolInfo) return; var socketPools = SocketPoolWrapper.createArrayFrom(socketPoolInfo); var tablePrinter = SocketPoolWrapper.createTablePrinter(socketPools); tablePrinter.toHTML(this.socketPoolDiv_, 'styledTable'); // Add table for each socket pool with information on each of its groups. for (var i = 0; i < socketPools.length; ++i) { if (socketPools[i].origPool.groups != undefined) { var p = addNode(this.socketPoolGroupsDiv_, 'p'); var br = addNode(p, 'br'); var groupTablePrinter = socketPools[i].createGroupTablePrinter(); groupTablePrinter.toHTML(p, 'styledTable'); } } };