// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Network status constants. const StatusConnected = 'connected'; const StatusDisconnected = 'disconnected'; const StatusConnecting = 'connecting'; const StatusError = 'error'; const NetworkOther = 'other'; // Setup css canvas 'spinner-circle' (function() { var lineWidth = 3; var r = 8; var ctx = document.getCSSCanvasContext('2d', 'spinner-circle', 2 * r, 2 * r); ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth; ctx.lineCap = 'round'; ctx.lineJoin = 'round'; ctx.strokeStyle = '#4e73c7'; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(lineWidth / 2, r - lineWidth / 2); ctx.arc(r, r, r - lineWidth / 2, Math.PI, Math.PI * 3 / 2); ctx.stroke(); })(); /** * Sends "connect" using the 'action' WebUI message. */ function sendConnect(index, passphrase, identity, auto_connect) { chrome.send('action', ['connect', String(index), passphrase, identity, auto_connect ? '1' : '0']); } var networkMenuItemProto = (function() { var networkMenuItem = cr.doc.createElement('div'); networkMenuItem.innerHTML = '
' + '
' + '
' + '' + '
' + '' + '' + '
'; return networkMenuItem; })(); var NetworkMenuItem = cr.ui.define(function() { return networkMenuItemProto.cloneNode(true); }); NetworkMenuItem.prototype = { __proto__: MenuItem.prototype, ssidEdit: null, passwordEdit: null, autoConnectCheckbox: null, /** * The label element. * @private */ get label_() { return this.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.firstElementChild; }, /** * The icon element. * @private */ get icon_() { return this.label_.nextElementSibling; }, /** * The status area element. * @private */ get status_() { return this.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.nextElementSibling; }, /** * The action area container element. * @private */ get action_() { return this.status_.nextElementSibling; }, /** * Set status message. * @param {string} message The message to display in status area. * @private */ setStatus_: function(message) { if (message) { this.status_.textContent = message; this.status_.classList.remove('hidden'); } else { this.status_.classList.add('hidden'); } }, /** * Set status icon. * @param {string} icon Source url for the icon image. * @private */ setIcon_: function(icon) { if (icon) { this.icon_.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + icon + ')'; this.icon_.classList.remove('hidden'); } else { this.icon_.classList.add('hidden'); } }, /** * Handle reconnect. * @private */ handleConnect_ : function(e) { var index = this.menu_.getMenuItemIndexOf(this); if (this.ssidEdit && this.passwordEdit) { if (this.ssidEdit.value) { sendConnect(index, this.passwordEdit.value, this.ssidEdit.value, this.autoConnectCheckbox.checked); } } else if (this.passwordEdit) { if (this.passwordEdit.value) { sendConnect(index, this.passwordEdit.value, '', this.autoConnectCheckbox.checked); } } else { if (this.attrs.remembered) { sendConnect(index, this.attrs.passphrase, '', this.attrs.auto_connect); } else { sendConnect(index, '', '', this.autoConnectCheckbox.checked); } } }, /** * Handle keydown event in ssid edit. * @private */ handleSsidEditKeydown_: function(e) { if (e.target == this.ssidEdit && e.keyIdentifier == 'Enter') { this.passwordEdit.focus(); } }, /** * Handle keydown event in password edit. * @private */ handlePassEditKeydown_: function(e) { if (e.target == this.passwordEdit && e.keyIdentifier == 'Enter') { this.handleConnect_(); } }, /** * Returns whether action area is visible. * @private */ isActionVisible_: function() { return !this.action_.classList.contains('hidden'); }, /** * Show/hide action area. * @private */ showAction_: function(show) { var visible = this.isActionVisible_(); if (show && !visible) { this.action_.classList.remove('hidden'); } else if (!show && visible) { this.action_.classList.add('hidden'); } }, /** * Add network name edit to action area. * @private */ addSsidEdit_: function() { this.ssidEdit = this.ownerDocument.createElement('input'); this.ssidEdit.type = 'text'; this.ssidEdit.placeholder = localStrings.getString('ssid_prompt'); this.ssidEdit.pattern = '^\\S+$'; this.ssidEdit.addEventListener('keydown', this.handleSsidEditKeydown_.bind(this)); var box = this.ownerDocument.createElement('div'); box.appendChild(this.ssidEdit); this.action_.appendChild(box); }, /** * Add password edit to action area. * @private */ addPasswordEdit_: function() { this.passwordEdit = this.ownerDocument.createElement('input'); this.passwordEdit.type = 'password'; this.passwordEdit.placeholder = localStrings.getString('pass_prompt'); this.passwordEdit.pattern = '^\\S+$'; this.passwordEdit.addEventListener('keydown', this.handlePassEditKeydown_.bind(this)); var box = this.ownerDocument.createElement('div'); box.appendChild(this.passwordEdit); this.action_.appendChild(box); }, /** * Add auto-connect this network check box to action area. * @private */ addAutoConnectCheckbox_: function() { this.autoConnectCheckbox = this.ownerDocument.createElement('input'); this.autoConnectCheckbox.type = 'checkbox'; this.autoConnectCheckbox.checked = this.attrs.auto_connect; var autoConnectSpan = this.ownerDocument.createElement('span'); autoConnectSpan.textContent = localStrings.getString('auto_connect_this_network'); var autoConnectLabel = this.ownerDocument.createElement('label'); autoConnectLabel.appendChild(this.autoConnectCheckbox); autoConnectLabel.appendChild(autoConnectSpan); this.action_.appendChild(autoConnectLabel); }, /** * Internal method to initiailze the MenuItem. * @private */ initMenuItem_: function() { // *TODO: eliminate code duplication with menu.js // MenuItem.prototype.initMenuItem_(); var attrs = this.attrs; this.classList.add(attrs.type); this.menu_.addHandlers(this, this); //////// NetworkMenuItem specific code: // TODO: Handle specific types of network, connecting icon. this.label_.textContent = attrs.label; if (attrs.network_type == NetworkOther) { this.addSsidEdit_(); this.addPasswordEdit_(); this.addAutoConnectCheckbox_(); } else if (attrs.status && attrs.status != 'unknown') { if (attrs.status == StatusConnected) { this.setStatus_(attrs.ip_address); } else if (attrs.status == StatusConnecting) { this.setStatus_(attrs.message); this.icon_.classList.add('spinner'); this.icon_.classList.remove('hidden'); } else if (attrs.status == StatusError) { this.setStatus_(attrs.message); this.setIcon_('chrome://theme/IDR_WARNING'); var button = this.ownerDocument.createElement('button'); button.textContent = localStrings.getString('reconnect'); button.addEventListener('click', this.handleConnect_.bind(this)); var box = this.ownerDocument.createElement('div'); box.appendChild(button); this.action_.appendChild(box); this.showAction_(true); } if (attrs.need_passphrase) { this.addPasswordEdit_(); } this.addAutoConnectCheckbox_(); } //////// End NetworkMenuItem specifi code if (attrs.font) { this.label_.style.font = attrs.font; var base_font = attrs.font.replace(/bold/, '').replace(/italic/, ''); this.status_.style.font = base_font; this.action_.style.font = base_font; } }, /** @inheritDoc */ activate: function() { // Close action area and connect if it is visible. if (this.isActionVisible_()) { this.showAction_(false); this.handleConnect_(); return; } // Show action area for encrypted network and 'other' network. if ((this.attrs.network_type == NetworkOther || this.attrs.status == StatusDisconnected) && this.attrs.need_passphrase && !this.isActionVisible_()) { this.showAction_(true); return; } MenuItem.prototype.activate.call(this); } }; var NetworkMenu = cr.ui.define('div'); NetworkMenu.prototype = { __proto__: Menu.prototype, /** @inheritDoc */ createMenuItem: function(attrs) { if (attrs.type == 'command') { return new NetworkMenuItem(); } else { return new MenuItem(); } }, /** @inheritDoc */ onClick_: function(event, item) { // If item is a NetworkMenuItem, it must have at least one of the following. if (item.autoConnectCheckbox || item.ssidEdit || item.passwordEdit) { // Ignore clicks other than on the NetworkMenuItem itself. if (event.target == item.autoConnectCheckbox || event.target == item.autoConnectCheckbox.nextElementSibling || event.target == item.ssidEdit || event.target == item.passwordEdit) { return; } } Menu.prototype.onClick_.call(this, event, item); }, };