// Helpers // TODO(arv): Remove these when classList is available in HTML5. // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20709 function hasClass(el, name) { return el.nodeType == 1 && el.className.split(/\s+/).indexOf(name) != -1; } function addClass(el, name) { var names = el.className.split(/\s+/); if (names.indexOf(name) == -1) { el.className += ' ' + name; } } function removeClass(el, name) { var names = el.className.split(/\s+/); el.className = names.filter(function(n) { return name != n; }).join(' '); } function findAncestorByClass(el, className) { return findAncestor(el, function(el) { return hasClass(el, className); }); } /** * Return the first ancestor for which the {@code predicate} returns true. * @param {Node} node The node to check. * @param {function(Node) : boolean} predicate The function that tests the * nodes. * @return {Node} The found ancestor or null if not found. */ function findAncestor(node, predicate) { var last = false; while (node != null && !(last = predicate(node))) { node = node.parentNode; } return last ? node : null; } // WebKit does not have Node.prototype.swapNode // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=26525 function swapDomNodes(a, b) { var afterA = a.nextSibling; if (afterA == b) { swapDomNodes(b, a); return; } var aParent = a.parentNode; b.parentNode.replaceChild(a, b); aParent.insertBefore(b, afterA); } function bind(fn, selfObj, var_args) { var boundArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2); return function() { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); args.unshift.apply(args, boundArgs); return fn.apply(selfObj, args); } } var loading = true; var mostVisitedData = []; var gotMostVisited = false; function mostVisitedPages(data, firstRun) { logEvent('received most visited pages'); // We append the class name with the "filler" so that we can style fillers // differently. var maxItems = 8; data.length = Math.min(maxItems, data.length); var len = data.length; for (var i = len; i < maxItems; i++) { data[i] = {filler: true}; } mostVisitedData = data; renderMostVisited(data); gotMostVisited = true; onDataLoaded(); // Only show the first run notification if first run. if (firstRun) { showFirstRunNotification(); } } var tipCache = {}; function tips(data) { logEvent('received tips'); tipCache = data; renderTip(); } function createTip(data) { if (data.length) { try { return parseHtmlSubset(data[0].tip_html_text); } catch (parseErr) { console.error('Error parsing tips: ' + parseErr.message); } } // Return an empty DF in case of failure. return document.createDocumentFragment(); } function renderTip() { var tipElement = $('tip-line'); // There should always be only one tip. tipElement.textContent = ''; tipElement.appendChild(createTip(tipCache)); fixLinkUnderlines(tipElement); } function recentlyClosedTabs(data) { logEvent('received recently closed tabs'); // We need to store the recent items so we can update the layout on a resize. recentItems = data; renderRecentlyClosed(); } var recentItems = []; function renderRecentlyClosed() { // We remove all items but the header and the nav var recentlyClosedElement = $('recently-closed'); var headerEl = recentlyClosedElement.firstElementChild; var navEl = recentlyClosedElement.lastElementChild; for (var el = navEl.previousElementSibling; el != headerEl; el = navEl.previousElementSibling) { recentlyClosedElement.removeChild(el); } // Create new items recentItems.forEach(function(item) { var el = createRecentItem(item); recentlyClosedElement.insertBefore(el, navEl); }); layoutRecentlyClosed(); } function createRecentItem(data) { var isWindow = data.type == 'window'; var el; if (isWindow) { el = document.createElement('span'); el.className = 'item link window'; el.tabItems = data.tabs; el.tabIndex = 0; el.textContent = formatTabsText(data.tabs.length); } else { el = document.createElement('a'); el.className = 'item'; el.href = data.url; el.style.backgroundImage = url('chrome://favicon/' + data.url); el.dir = data.direction; el.textContent = data.title; } el.sessionId = data.sessionId; el.xtitle = data.title; var wrapperEl = document.createElement('span'); wrapperEl.appendChild(el); return wrapperEl; } function onShownSections(mask) { logEvent('received shown sections'); if (mask != shownSections) { var oldShownSections = shownSections; shownSections = mask; // Only invalidate most visited if needed. if ((mask & Section.THUMB) != (oldShownSections & Section.THUMB) || (mask & Section.LIST) != (oldShownSections & Section.LIST)) { mostVisited.invalidate(); } mostVisited.updateDisplayMode(); renderRecentlyClosed(); } } function saveShownSections() { chrome.send('setShownSections', [String(shownSections)]); } function getThumbnailClassName(data) { return 'thumbnail-container' + (data.pinned ? ' pinned' : '') + (data.filler ? ' filler' : ''); } function url(s) { // http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#uris // Parentheses, commas, whitespace characters, single quotes (') and double // quotes (") appearing in a URI must be escaped with a backslash var s2 = s.replace(/(\(|\)|\,|\s|\'|\"|\\)/g, '\\$1'); // WebKit has a bug when it comes to URLs that end with \ // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=28885 if (/\\\\$/.test(s2)) { // Add a space to work around the WebKit bug. s2 += ' '; } return 'url("' + s2 + '")'; } function renderMostVisited(data) { var parent = $('most-visited'); var children = parent.children; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var d = data[i]; var t = children[i]; // If we have a filler continue var oldClassName = t.className; var newClassName = getThumbnailClassName(d); if (oldClassName != newClassName) { t.className = newClassName; } // No need to continue if this is a filler. if (newClassName == 'thumbnail-container filler') { continue; } t.href = d.url; t.querySelector('.pin').title = localStrings.getString(d.pinned ? 'unpinthumbnailtooltip' : 'pinthumbnailtooltip'); t.querySelector('.remove').title = localStrings.getString('removethumbnailtooltip'); // There was some concern that a malformed malicious URL could cause an XSS // attack but setting style.backgroundImage = 'url(javascript:...)' does // not execute the JavaScript in WebKit. var thumbnailUrl = d.thumbnailUrl || 'chrome://thumb/' + d.url; t.querySelector('.thumbnail-wrapper').style.backgroundImage = url(thumbnailUrl); var titleDiv = t.querySelector('.title > div'); titleDiv.xtitle = titleDiv.textContent = d.title; var faviconUrl = d.faviconUrl || 'chrome://favicon/' + d.url; titleDiv.style.backgroundImage = url(faviconUrl); titleDiv.dir = d.direction; } } /** * Calls chrome.send with a callback and restores the original afterwards. */ function chromeSend(name, params, callbackName, callback) { var old = global[callbackName]; global[callbackName] = function() { // restore global[callbackName] = old; var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); return callback.apply(global, args); }; chrome.send(name, params); } var LayoutMode = { SMALL: 1, NORMAL: 2 }; var layoutMode = useSmallGrid() ? LayoutMode.SMALL : LayoutMode.NORMAL; function handleWindowResize() { if (window.innerWidth < 10) { // We're probably a background tab, so don't do anything. return; } var oldLayoutMode = layoutMode; layoutMode = useSmallGrid() ? LayoutMode.SMALL : LayoutMode.NORMAL if (layoutMode != oldLayoutMode){ mostVisited.invalidate(); mostVisited.layout(); renderRecentlyClosed(); } } function showSection(section) { if (!(section & shownSections)) { shownSections |= section; // THUMBS and LIST are mutually exclusive. if (section == Section.THUMB) { // hide LIST shownSections &= ~Section.LIST; } else if (section == Section.LIST) { // hide THUMB shownSections &= ~Section.THUMB; } switch (section) { case Section.THUMB: case Section.LIST: mostVisited.invalidate(); mostVisited.updateDisplayMode(); mostVisited.layout(); break; case Section.RECENT: renderRecentlyClosed(); break; case Section.TIPS: $('tip-line').style.display = ''; break; case Section.SYNC: $('sync-status').style.display = ''; break; } } } function hideSection(section) { if (section & shownSections) { shownSections &= ~section; switch (section) { case Section.THUMB: case Section.LIST: mostVisited.invalidate(); mostVisited.updateDisplayMode(); mostVisited.layout(); break; case Section.RECENT: renderRecentlyClosed(); break; case Section.TIPS: $('tip-line').style.display = 'none'; break; case Section.SYNC: $('sync-status').style.display = 'none'; break; } } } var mostVisited = { addPinnedUrl_: function(data, index) { chrome.send('addPinnedURL', [data.url, data.title, data.faviconUrl || '', data.thumbnailUrl || '', String(index)]); }, getItem: function(el) { return findAncestorByClass(el, 'thumbnail-container'); }, getHref: function(el) { return el.href; }, togglePinned: function(el) { var index = this.getThumbnailIndex(el); var data = mostVisitedData[index]; data.pinned = !data.pinned; if (data.pinned) { this.addPinnedUrl_(data, index); } else { chrome.send('removePinnedURL', [data.url]); } this.updatePinnedDom_(el, data.pinned); }, updatePinnedDom_: function(el, pinned) { el.querySelector('.pin').title = localStrings.getString(pinned ? 'unpinthumbnailtooltip' : 'pinthumbnailtooltip'); if (pinned) { addClass(el, 'pinned'); } else { removeClass(el, 'pinned'); } }, getThumbnailIndex: function(el) { var nodes = el.parentNode.querySelectorAll('.thumbnail-container'); return Array.prototype.indexOf.call(nodes, el); }, swapPosition: function(source, destination) { var nodes = source.parentNode.querySelectorAll('.thumbnail-container'); var sourceIndex = this.getThumbnailIndex(source); var destinationIndex = this.getThumbnailIndex(destination); swapDomNodes(source, destination); var sourceData = mostVisitedData[sourceIndex]; this.addPinnedUrl_(sourceData, destinationIndex); sourceData.pinned = true; this.updatePinnedDom_(source, true); var destinationData = mostVisitedData[destinationIndex]; // Only update the destination if it was pinned before. if (destinationData.pinned) { this.addPinnedUrl_(destinationData, sourceIndex); } mostVisitedData[destinationIndex] = sourceData; mostVisitedData[sourceIndex] = destinationData; }, blacklist: function(el) { var self = this; var url = this.getHref(el); chrome.send('blacklistURLFromMostVisited', [url]); addClass(el, 'hide'); // Find the old item. var oldUrls = {}; var oldIndex = -1; var oldItem; for (var i = 0; i < mostVisitedData.length; i++) { if (mostVisitedData[i].url == url) { oldItem = mostVisitedData[i]; oldIndex = i; } oldUrls[mostVisitedData[i].url] = true; } // Send 'getMostVisitedPages' with a callback since we want to find the new // page and add that in the place of the removed page. chromeSend('getMostVisited', [], 'mostVisitedPages', function(data) { // Find new item. var newItem; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (!(data[i].url in oldUrls)) { newItem = data[i]; break; } } if (!newItem) { // If no other page is available to replace the blacklisted item, // we need to reorder items s.t. all filler items are in the rightmost // indices. mostVisitedPages(data); // Replace old item with new item in the mostVisitedData array. } else if (oldIndex != -1) { mostVisitedData.splice(oldIndex, 1, newItem); mostVisitedPages(mostVisitedData); addClass(el, 'fade-in'); } // We wrap the title in a . We pass an empty // string to the notifier function and use DOM to insert the real string. var actionText = localStrings.getString('undothumbnailremove'); // Show notification and add undo callback function. var wasPinned = oldItem.pinned; showNotification('', actionText, function() { self.removeFromBlackList(url); if (wasPinned) { self.addPinnedUrl_(oldItem, oldIndex); } chrome.send('getMostVisited'); }); // Now change the DOM. var removeText = localStrings.getString('thumbnailremovednotification'); var notifySpan = document.querySelector('#notification > span'); notifySpan.textContent = removeText; }); }, removeFromBlackList: function(url) { chrome.send('removeURLsFromMostVisitedBlacklist', [url]); }, clearAllBlacklisted: function() { chrome.send('clearMostVisitedURLsBlacklist', []); }, updateDisplayMode: function() { if (!this.dirty_) { return; } var thumbCheckbox = $('thumb-checkbox'); var listCheckbox = $('list-checkbox'); var mostVisitedElement = $('most-visited'); if (shownSections & Section.THUMB) { thumbCheckbox.checked = true; listCheckbox.checked = false; removeClass(mostVisitedElement, 'list'); removeClass(mostVisitedElement, 'collapsed'); } else if (shownSections & Section.LIST) { thumbCheckbox.checked = false; listCheckbox.checked = true; addClass(mostVisitedElement, 'list'); removeClass(mostVisitedElement, 'collapsed'); } else { thumbCheckbox.checked = false; listCheckbox.checked = false; addClass(mostVisitedElement, 'collapsed'); } }, dirty_: false, invalidate: function() { this.dirty_ = true; }, layout: function() { if (!this.dirty_) { return; } var d0 = Date.now(); var mostVisitedElement = $('most-visited'); var thumbnails = mostVisitedElement.children; var collapsed = false; if (shownSections & Section.LIST) { addClass(mostVisitedElement, 'list'); } else if (shownSections & Section.THUMB) { removeClass(mostVisitedElement, 'list'); } else { collapsed = true; } // We set overflow to hidden so that the most visited element does not // "leak" when we hide and show it. if (collapsed) { mostVisitedElement.style.overflow = 'hidden'; } applyMostVisitedRects(); // Only set overflow to visible if the element is shown. if (!collapsed) { afterTransition(function() { mostVisitedElement.style.overflow = ''; }); } this.dirty_ = false; logEvent('mostVisited.layout: ' + (Date.now() - d0)); }, getRectByIndex: function(index) { return getMostVisitedLayoutRects()[index]; } }; // Recently closed function layoutRecentlyClosed() { var recentShown = shownSections & Section.RECENT; updateSimpleSection('recently-closed', Section.RECENT); if (recentShown) { var recentElement = $('recently-closed'); var style = recentElement.style; // We cannot use clientWidth here since the width has a transition. var spacing = 20; var headerEl = recentElement.firstElementChild; var navEl = recentElement.lastElementChild; var navWidth = navEl.offsetWidth; // Subtract 10 for the padding var availWidth = (useSmallGrid() ? 690 : 918) - navWidth - 10; // Now go backwards and hide as many elements as needed. var elementsToHide = []; for (var el = navEl.previousElementSibling; el != headerEl; el = el.previousElementSibling) { if (el.offsetLeft + el.offsetWidth + spacing > availWidth) { elementsToHide.push(el); } } elementsToHide.forEach(function(el) { el.parentNode.removeChild(el); }); } } /** * This function is called by the backend whenever the sync status section * needs to be updated to reflect recent sync state changes. The backend passes * the new status information in the newMessage parameter. The state includes * the following: * * syncsectionisvisible: true if the sync section needs to show up on the new * tab page and false otherwise. * msgtype: represents the states - "error", "presynced" or "synced". * title: the header for the sync status section. * msg: the actual message (e.g. "Synced to foo@gmail.com"). * linkisvisible: true if the link element should be visible within the sync * section and false otherwise. * linktext: the text to display as the link in the sync status (only used if * linkisvisible is true). * linkurlisset: true if an URL should be set as the href for the link and false * otherwise. If this field is false, then clicking on the link * will result in sending a message to the backend (see * 'SyncLinkClicked'). * linkurl: the URL to use as the element's href (only used if linkurlisset is * true). */ function syncMessageChanged(newMessage) { var syncStatusElement = $('sync-status'); var style = syncStatusElement.style; $('sync-menu-item').style.display = 'block'; // Hide the section if the message is emtpy. if (!newMessage['syncsectionisvisible'] || !(shownSections & Section.SYNC)) { style.display = 'none'; return; } style.display = 'block'; // Set the sync section background color based on the state. if (newMessage.msgtype == 'error') { style.backgroundColor = 'tomato'; } else { style.backgroundColor = ''; } // Set the text for the header and sync message. var titleElement = syncStatusElement.firstElementChild; titleElement.textContent = newMessage.title; var messageElement = titleElement.nextElementSibling; messageElement.textContent = newMessage.msg; // Remove what comes after the message while (messageElement.nextSibling) { syncStatusElement.removeChild(messageElement.nextSibling); } if (newMessage.linkisvisible) { var el; if (newMessage.linkurlisset) { // Use a link el = document.createElement('a'); el.href = newMessage.linkurl; } else { el = document.createElement('button'); el.className = 'link'; el.addEventListener('click', syncSectionLinkClicked); } el.textContent = newMessage.linktext; syncStatusElement.appendChild(el); fixLinkUnderline(el); } } /** * Invoked when the link in the sync status section is clicked. */ function syncSectionLinkClicked(e) { chrome.send('SyncLinkClicked'); e.preventDefault(); } /** * Returns the text used for a recently closed window. * @param {number} numTabs Number of tabs in the window. * @return {string} The text to use. */ function formatTabsText(numTabs) { if (numTabs == 1) return localStrings.getString('closedwindowsingle'); return localStrings.formatString('closedwindowmultiple', numTabs); } /** * We need both most visited and the shown sections to be considered loaded. * @return {boolean} */ function onDataLoaded() { if (gotMostVisited) { mostVisited.layout(); loading = false; // Remove class name in a timeout so that changes done in this JS thread are // not animated. window.setTimeout(function() { removeClass(document.body, 'loading'); }, 1); } } // Theme related function themeChanged() { $('themecss').href = 'chrome://theme/css/newtab.css?' + Date.now(); updateAttribution(); } function updateAttribution() { $('attribution-img').src = 'chrome://theme/theme_ntp_attribution?' + Date.now(); } function bookmarkBarAttached() { document.documentElement.setAttribute('bookmarkbarattached', 'true'); } function bookmarkBarDetached() { document.documentElement.setAttribute('bookmarkbarattached', 'false'); } function viewLog() { var lines = []; var start = log[0][1]; for (var i = 0; i < log.length; i++) { lines.push((log[i][1] - start) + ': ' + log[i][0]); } console.log(lines.join('\n')); } // Updates the visibility of the menu items. function updateOptionMenu() { var menuItems = $('option-menu').children; for (var i = 0; i < menuItems.length; i++) { var item = menuItems[i]; var command = item.getAttribute('command'); if (command == 'show' || command == 'hide') { var section = Section[item.getAttribute('section')]; var visible; if (section == Section.THUMB || section == Section.LIST) { visible = shownSections & Section.THUMB || shownSections & Section.LIST; // If visible we need to make sure we are hiding the visible section. if (visible) { item.setAttribute('section', shownSections & Section.THUMB ? 'THUMB' : 'LIST'); } } else { visible = shownSections & section; } item.setAttribute('command', visible ? 'hide' : 'show'); } } } // We apply the size class here so that we don't trigger layout animations // onload. handleWindowResize(); var localStrings = new LocalStrings(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Things we know are not needed at startup go below here function afterTransition(f) { if (loading) { // Make sure we do not use a timer during load since it slows down the UI. f(); } else { // The duration of all transitions are .15s window.setTimeout(f, 150); } } // Notification var notificationTimeout; function showNotification(text, actionText, opt_f, opt_delay) { var notificationElement = $('notification'); var f = opt_f || function() {}; var delay = opt_delay || 10000; function show() { window.clearTimeout(notificationTimeout); addClass(notificationElement, 'show'); } function delayedHide() { notificationTimeout = window.setTimeout(hideNotification, delay); } function doAction() { f(); hideNotification(); } // Remove any possible first-run trails. removeClass(notification, 'first-run'); var actionLink = notificationElement.querySelector('.link-color'); notificationElement.firstElementChild.textContent = text; actionLink.textContent = actionText; actionLink.onclick = doAction; actionLink.onkeydown = handleIfEnterKey(doAction); notificationElement.onmouseover = show; notificationElement.onmouseout = delayedHide; actionLink.onfocus = show; actionLink.onblur = delayedHide; // Enable tabbing to the link now that it is shown. actionLink.tabIndex = 0; show(); delayedHide(); } function hideNotification() { var notificationElement = $('notification'); removeClass(notificationElement, 'show'); var actionLink = notificationElement.querySelector('.link-color'); // Prevent tabbing to the hidden link. actionLink.tabIndex = -1; // Setting tabIndex to -1 only prevents future tabbing to it. If, however, the // user switches window or a tab and then moves back to this tab the element // may gain focus. We therefore make sure that we blur the element so that the // element focus is not restored when coming back to this window. actionLink.blur(); } function showFirstRunNotification() { showNotification(localStrings.getString('firstrunnotification'), localStrings.getString('closefirstrunnotification'), null, 30000); var notificationElement = $('notification'); addClass(notification, 'first-run'); } /** * This handles the option menu. * @param {Element} button The button element. * @param {Element} menu The menu element. * @constructor */ function OptionMenu(button, menu) { this.button = button; this.menu = menu; this.button.onmousedown = bind(this.handleMouseDown, this); this.button.onkeydown = bind(this.handleKeyDown, this); this.boundHideMenu_ = bind(this.hide, this); this.boundMaybeHide_ = bind(this.maybeHide_, this); this.menu.onmouseover = bind(this.handleMouseOver, this); this.menu.onmouseout = bind(this.handleMouseOut, this); this.menu.onmouseup = bind(this.handleMouseUp, this); } OptionMenu.prototype = { show: function() { updateOptionMenu(); this.menu.style.display = 'block'; addClass(this.button, 'open'); this.button.focus(); // Listen to document and window events so that we hide the menu when the // user clicks outside the menu or tabs away or the whole window is blurred. document.addEventListener('focus', this.boundMaybeHide_, true); document.addEventListener('mousedown', this.boundMaybeHide_, true); }, hide: function() { this.menu.style.display = 'none'; removeClass(this.button, 'open'); this.setSelectedIndex(-1); document.removeEventListener('focus', this.boundMaybeHide_, true); document.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.boundMaybeHide_, true); }, isShown: function() { return this.menu.style.display == 'block'; }, /** * Callback for document mousedown and focus. It checks if the user tried to * navigate to a different element on the page and if so hides the menu. * @param {Event} e The mouse or focus event. * @private */ maybeHide_: function(e) { if (!this.menu.contains(e.target) && !this.button.contains(e.target)) { this.hide(); } }, handleMouseDown: function(e) { if (this.isShown()) { this.hide(); } else { this.show(); } }, handleMouseOver: function(e) { var el = e.target; if (!el.hasAttribute('command')) { this.setSelectedIndex(-1); } else { var index = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(this.menu.children, el); this.setSelectedIndex(index); } }, handleMouseOut: function(e) { this.setSelectedIndex(-1); }, handleMouseUp: function(e) { var item = this.getSelectedItem(); if (item) { this.executeItem(item); } }, handleKeyDown: function(e) { var item = this.getSelectedItem(); var self = this; function selectNextVisible(m) { var children = self.menu.children; var len = children.length; var i = self.selectedIndex_; if (i == -1 && m == -1) { // Edge case when we need to go the last item fisrt. i = 0; } while (true) { i = (i + m + len) % len; item = children[i]; if (item && item.hasAttribute('command') && item.style.display != 'none') { break; } } if (item) { self.setSelectedIndex(i); } } switch (e.keyIdentifier) { case 'Down': if (!this.isShown()) { this.show(); } selectNextVisible(1); e.preventDefault(); break; case 'Up': if (!this.isShown()) { this.show(); } selectNextVisible(-1); e.preventDefault(); break; case 'Esc': case 'U+001B': // Maybe this is remote desktop playing a prank? this.hide(); break; case 'Enter': case 'U+0020': // Space if (this.isShown()) { if (item) { this.executeItem(item); } else { this.hide(); } } else { this.show(); } e.preventDefault(); break; } }, selectedIndex_: -1, setSelectedIndex: function(i) { if (i != this.selectedIndex_) { var items = this.menu.children; var oldItem = items[this.selectedIndex_]; if (oldItem) { oldItem.removeAttribute('selected'); } var newItem = items[i]; if (newItem) { newItem.setAttribute('selected', 'selected'); } this.selectedIndex_ = i; } }, getSelectedItem: function() { return this.menu.children[this.selectedIndex_] || null; }, executeItem: function(item) { var command = item.getAttribute('command'); if (command in this.commands) { this.commands[command].call(this, item); } this.hide(); } }; var optionMenu = new OptionMenu($('option-button'), $('option-menu')); optionMenu.commands = { 'clear-all-blacklisted' : function() { mostVisited.clearAllBlacklisted(); chrome.send('getMostVisited'); }, 'show': function(item) { var section = Section[item.getAttribute('section')]; showSection(section); saveShownSections(); }, 'hide': function(item) { var section = Section[item.getAttribute('section')]; hideSection(section); saveShownSections(); } }; $('most-visited').addEventListener('click', function(e) { var target = e.target; if (hasClass(target, 'pin')) { mostVisited.togglePinned(mostVisited.getItem(target)); e.preventDefault(); } else if (hasClass(target, 'remove')) { mostVisited.blacklist(mostVisited.getItem(target)); e.preventDefault(); } }); function handleIfEnterKey(f) { return function(e) { if (e.keyIdentifier == 'Enter') { f(e); } }; } function maybeReopenTab(e) { var el = findAncestor(e.target, function(el) { return el.sessionId !== undefined; }); if (el) { chrome.send('reopenTab', [String(el.sessionId)]); e.preventDefault(); // HACK(arv): After the window onblur event happens we get a mouseover event // on the next item and we want to make sure that we do not show a tooltip // for that. window.setTimeout(function() { windowTooltip.hide(); }, 2 * WindowTooltip.DELAY); } } function maybeShowWindowTooltip(e) { var f = function(el) { return el.tabItems !== undefined; }; var el = findAncestor(e.target, f); var relatedEl = findAncestor(e.relatedTarget, f); if (el && el != relatedEl) { windowTooltip.handleMouseOver(e, el, el.tabItems); } } var recentlyClosedElement = $('recently-closed'); recentlyClosedElement.addEventListener('click', maybeReopenTab); recentlyClosedElement.addEventListener('keydown', handleIfEnterKey(maybeReopenTab)); recentlyClosedElement.addEventListener('mouseover', maybeShowWindowTooltip); recentlyClosedElement.addEventListener('focus', maybeShowWindowTooltip, true); /** * This object represents a tooltip representing a closed window. It is * shown when hovering over a closed window item or when the item is focused. It * gets hidden when blurred or when mousing out of the menu or the item. * @param {Element} tooltipEl The element to use as the tooltip. * @constructor */ function WindowTooltip(tooltipEl) { this.tooltipEl = tooltipEl; this.boundHide_ = bind(this.hide, this); this.boundHandleMouseOut_ = bind(this.handleMouseOut, this); } WindowTooltip.trackMouseMove_ = function(e) { WindowTooltip.clientX = e.clientX; WindowTooltip.clientY = e.clientY; }; /** * Time in ms to delay before the tooltip is shown. * @type {number} */ WindowTooltip.DELAY = 300; WindowTooltip.prototype = { timer: 0, handleMouseOver: function(e, linkEl, tabs) { this.linkEl_ = linkEl; if (e.type == 'mouseover') { this.linkEl_.addEventListener('mousemove', WindowTooltip.trackMouseMove_); this.linkEl_.addEventListener('mouseout', this.boundHandleMouseOut_); } else { // focus this.linkEl_.addEventListener('blur', this.boundHide_); } this.timer = window.setTimeout(bind(this.show, this, e.type, linkEl, tabs), WindowTooltip.DELAY); }, show: function(type, linkEl, tabs) { window.addEventListener('blur', this.boundHide_); this.linkEl_.removeEventListener('mousemove', WindowTooltip.trackMouseMove_); window.clearTimeout(this.timer); this.renderItems(tabs); var rect = linkEl.getBoundingClientRect(); var bodyRect = document.body.getBoundingClientRect(); var rtl = document.documentElement.dir == 'rtl'; this.tooltipEl.style.display = 'block'; var tooltipRect = this.tooltipEl.getBoundingClientRect(); var x, y; // When focused show below, like a drop down menu. if (type == 'focus') { x = rtl ? rect.left + bodyRect.left + rect.width - this.tooltipEl.offsetWidth : rect.left + bodyRect.left; y = rect.top + bodyRect.top + rect.height; } else { x = bodyRect.left + (rtl ? WindowTooltip.clientX - this.tooltipEl.offsetWidth : WindowTooltip.clientX); // Offset like a tooltip y = 20 + WindowTooltip.clientY + bodyRect.top; } // We need to ensure that the tooltip is inside the window viewport. x = Math.min(x, bodyRect.width - tooltipRect.width); x = Math.max(x, 0); y = Math.min(y, bodyRect.height - tooltipRect.height); y = Math.max(y, 0); this.tooltipEl.style.left = x + 'px'; this.tooltipEl.style.top = y + 'px'; }, handleMouseOut: function(e) { // Don't hide when move to another item in the link. var f = function(el) { return el.tabItems !== undefined; }; var el = findAncestor(e.target, f); var relatedEl = findAncestor(e.relatedTarget, f); if (el && el != relatedEl) { this.hide(); } }, hide: function() { window.clearTimeout(this.timer); window.removeEventListener('blur', this.boundHide_); this.linkEl_.removeEventListener('mousemove', WindowTooltip.trackMouseMove_); this.linkEl_.removeEventListener('mouseout', this.boundHandleMouseOut_); this.linkEl_.removeEventListener('blur', this.boundHide_); this.linkEl_ = null; this.tooltipEl.style.display = 'none'; }, renderItems: function(tabs) { var tooltip = this.tooltipEl; tooltip.textContent = ''; tabs.forEach(function(tab) { var span = document.createElement('span'); span.className = 'item'; span.style.backgroundImage = url('chrome://favicon/' + tab.url); span.dir = tab.direction; span.textContent = tab.title; tooltip.appendChild(span); }); } }; var windowTooltip = new WindowTooltip($('window-tooltip')); function getCheckboxHandler(section) { return function(e) { if (e.type == 'keydown') { if (e.keyIdentifier == 'Enter') { e.target.checked = !e.target.checked; } else { return; } } if (e.target.checked) { showSection(section); } else { hideSection(section); } saveShownSections(); } } $('thumb-checkbox').addEventListener('change', getCheckboxHandler(Section.THUMB)); $('thumb-checkbox').addEventListener('keydown', getCheckboxHandler(Section.THUMB)); $('list-checkbox').addEventListener('change', getCheckboxHandler(Section.LIST)); $('list-checkbox').addEventListener('keydown', getCheckboxHandler(Section.LIST)); window.addEventListener('load', bind(logEvent, global, 'Tab.NewTabOnload', true)); window.addEventListener('load', onDataLoaded); window.addEventListener('resize', handleWindowResize); document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', bind(logEvent, global, 'Tab.NewTabDOMContentLoaded', true)); // Whether or not we should send the initial 'GetSyncMessage' to the backend // depends on the value of the attribue 'syncispresent' which the backend sets // to indicate if there is code in the backend which is capable of processing // this message. This attribute is loaded by the JSTemplate and therefore we // must make sure we check the attribute after the DOM is loaded. document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', callGetSyncMessageIfSyncIsPresent); // This link allows user to make new tab page as homepage from the new tab // page itself (without going to Options dialog box). document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', showSetAsHomePageLink); /** * The sync code is not yet built by default on all platforms so we have to * make sure we don't send the initial sync message to the backend unless the * backend told us that the sync code is present. */ function callGetSyncMessageIfSyncIsPresent() { if (document.documentElement.getAttribute('syncispresent') == 'true') { chrome.send('GetSyncMessage'); } } function setAsHomePageLinkClicked(e) { chrome.send('setHomePage'); e.preventDefault(); } function showSetAsHomePageLink() { var setAsHomePageElement = $('set-as-home-page'); var style = setAsHomePageElement.style; if (document.documentElement.getAttribute('showsetashomepage') != 'true') { // Hide the section (if new tab page is already homepage). return; } style.display = 'block'; var buttonElement = setAsHomePageElement.firstElementChild; buttonElement.addEventListener('click', setAsHomePageLinkClicked); } function onHomePageSet(data) { $('set-as-home-page').style.display = 'none'; showNotification(data[0], data[1]); } function hideAllMenus() { optionMenu.hide(); } window.addEventListener('blur', hideAllMenus); window.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) { if (e.keyIdentifier == 'Alt' || e.keyIdentifier == 'Meta') { hideAllMenus(); } }, true); // Tooltip for elements that have text that overflows. document.addEventListener('mouseover', function(e) { // We don't want to do this while we are dragging because it makes things very // janky if (dnd.dragItem) { return; } var el = findAncestor(e.target, function(el) { return el.xtitle; }); if (el && el.xtitle != el.title) { if (el.scrollWidth > el.clientWidth) { el.title = el.xtitle; } else { el.title = ''; } } }); // DnD var dnd = { currentOverItem_: null, get currentOverItem() { return this.currentOverItem_; }, set currentOverItem(item) { var style; if (item != this.currentOverItem_) { if (this.currentOverItem_) { style = this.currentOverItem_.firstElementChild.style; style.left = style.top = ''; } this.currentOverItem_ = item; if (item) { // Make the drag over item move 15px towards the source. The movement is // done by only moving the edit-mode-border (as in the mocks) and it is // done with relative positioning so that the movement does not change // the drop target. var dragIndex = mostVisited.getThumbnailIndex(this.dragItem); var overIndex = mostVisited.getThumbnailIndex(item); if (dragIndex == -1 || overIndex == -1) { return; } var dragRect = mostVisited.getRectByIndex(dragIndex); var overRect = mostVisited.getRectByIndex(overIndex); var x = dragRect.left - overRect.left; var y = dragRect.top - overRect.top; var z = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); var z2 = 15; var x2 = x * z2 / z; var y2 = y * z2 / z; style = this.currentOverItem_.firstElementChild.style; style.left = x2 + 'px'; style.top = y2 + 'px'; } } }, dragItem: null, startX: 0, startY: 0, startScreenX: 0, startScreenY: 0, dragEndTimer: null, handleDragStart: function(e) { var thumbnail = mostVisited.getItem(e.target); if (thumbnail) { // Don't set data since HTML5 does not allow setting the name for // url-list. Instead, we just rely on the dragging of link behavior. this.dragItem = thumbnail; addClass(this.dragItem, 'dragging'); this.dragItem.style.zIndex = 2; } }, handleDragEnter: function(e) { if (this.canDropOnElement(this.currentOverItem)) { e.preventDefault(); } }, handleDragOver: function(e) { var item = mostVisited.getItem(e.target); this.currentOverItem = item; if (this.canDropOnElement(item)) { e.preventDefault(); } }, handleDragLeave: function(e) { var item = mostVisited.getItem(e.target); if (item) { e.preventDefault(); } this.currentOverItem = null; }, handleDrop: function(e) { var dropTarget = mostVisited.getItem(e.target); if (this.canDropOnElement(dropTarget)) { dropTarget.style.zIndex = 1; mostVisited.swapPosition(this.dragItem, dropTarget); // The timeout below is to allow WebKit to see that we turned off // pointer-event before moving the thumbnails so that we can get out of // hover mode. window.setTimeout(function() { mostVisited.invalidate(); mostVisited.layout(); }, 10); e.preventDefault(); if (this.dragEndTimer) { window.clearTimeout(this.dragEndTimer); this.dragEndTimer = null; } afterTransition(function() { dropTarget.style.zIndex = ''; }); } }, handleDragEnd: function(e) { // WebKit fires dragend before drop. var dragItem = this.dragItem; if (dragItem) { dragItem.style.pointerEvents = ''; removeClass(dragItem, 'dragging'); afterTransition(function() { // Delay resetting zIndex to let the animation finish. dragItem.style.zIndex = ''; // Same for overflow. dragItem.parentNode.style.overflow = ''; }); var self = this; this.dragEndTimer = window.setTimeout(function() { // These things needto happen after the drop event. mostVisited.invalidate(); mostVisited.layout(); self.dragItem = null; }, 10); } }, handleDrag: function(e) { // Moves the drag item making sure that it is not displayed outside the // browser viewport. var item = mostVisited.getItem(e.target); var rect = document.querySelector('#most-visited').getBoundingClientRect(); item.style.pointerEvents = 'none'; var x = this.startX + e.screenX - this.startScreenX; var y = this.startY + e.screenY - this.startScreenY; // The position of the item is relative to #most-visited so we need to // subtract that when calculating the allowed position. x = Math.max(x, -rect.left); x = Math.min(x, document.body.clientWidth - rect.left - item.offsetWidth - 2); // The shadow is 2px y = Math.max(-rect.top, y); y = Math.min(y, document.body.clientHeight - rect.top - item.offsetHeight - 2); // Override right in case of RTL. item.style.right = 'auto'; item.style.left = x + 'px'; item.style.top = y + 'px'; item.style.zIndex = 2; }, // We listen to mousedown to get the relative position of the cursor for dnd. handleMouseDown: function(e) { var item = mostVisited.getItem(e.target); if (item) { this.startX = item.offsetLeft; this.startY = item.offsetTop; this.startScreenX = e.screenX; this.startScreenY = e.screenY; } }, canDropOnElement: function(el) { return this.dragItem && el && hasClass(el, 'thumbnail-container') && !hasClass(el, 'filler'); }, init: function() { var el = $('most-visited'); el.addEventListener('dragstart', bind(this.handleDragStart, this)); el.addEventListener('dragenter', bind(this.handleDragEnter, this)); el.addEventListener('dragover', bind(this.handleDragOver, this)); el.addEventListener('dragleave', bind(this.handleDragLeave, this)); el.addEventListener('drop', bind(this.handleDrop, this)); el.addEventListener('dragend', bind(this.handleDragEnd, this)); el.addEventListener('drag', bind(this.handleDrag, this)); el.addEventListener('mousedown', bind(this.handleMouseDown, this)); } }; dnd.init(); /** * Whitelist of tag names allowed in parseHtmlSubset. * @type {[string]} */ var allowedTags = ['A', 'B', 'STRONG']; /** * Parse a very small subset of HTML. * @param {string} s The string to parse. * @throws {Error} In case of non supported markup. * @return {DocumentFragment} A document fragment containing the DOM tree. */ var allowedAttributes = { 'href': function(node, value) { // Only allow a[href] starting with http:// and https:// return node.tagName == 'A' && (value.indexOf('http://') == 0 || value.indexOf('https://') == 0); } } /** * Parse a very small subset of HTML. This ensures that insecure HTML / * javascript cannot be injected into the new tab page. * @param {string} s The string to parse. * @throws {Error} In case of non supported markup. * @return {DocumentFragment} A document fragment containing the DOM tree. */ function parseHtmlSubset(s) { function walk(n, f) { f(n); for (var i = 0; i < n.childNodes.length; i++) { walk(n.childNodes[i], f); } } function assertElement(node) { if (allowedTags.indexOf(node.tagName) == -1) throw Error(node.tagName + ' is not supported'); } function assertAttribute(attrNode, node) { var n = attrNode.nodeName; var v = attrNode.nodeValue; if (!allowedAttributes.hasOwnProperty(n) || !allowedAttributes[n](node, v)) throw Error(node.tagName + '[' + n + '="' + v + '"] is not supported'); } var r = document.createRange(); r.selectNode(document.body); // This does not execute any scripts. var df = r.createContextualFragment(s); walk(df, function(node) { switch (node.nodeType) { case Node.ELEMENT_NODE: assertElement(node); var attrs = node.attributes; for (var i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) { assertAttribute(attrs[i], node); } break; case Node.COMMENT_NODE: case Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: case Node.TEXT_NODE: break; default: throw Error('Node type ' + node.nodeType + ' is not supported'); } }); return df; } /** * Makes links and buttons support a different underline color. * @param {Node} node The node to search for links and buttons in. */ function fixLinkUnderlines(node) { var elements = node.querySelectorAll('a,button'); Array.prototype.forEach.call(elements, fixLinkUnderline); } /** * Wraps the content of an element in a a link-color span. * @param {Element} el The element to wrap. */ function fixLinkUnderline(el) { var span = document.createElement('span'); span.className = 'link-color'; while (el.hasChildNodes()) { span.appendChild(el.firstChild); } el.appendChild(span); } updateAttribution(); /* Close the promo notices when close button on the promo-line is clicked. */ $('promo-close').onclick = function (e) { $('promo-line').style.display = 'none'; $('bottom-right-promo').style.display = 'none'; chrome.send('stopPromoMessages'); e.preventDefault(); };