// Helpers function $(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } // TODO(arv): Remove these when classList is available in HTML5. // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20709 function hasClass(el, name) { return el.nodeType == 1 && el.className.split(/\s+/).indexOf(name) != -1; } function addClass(el, name) { el.className += ' ' + name; } function removeClass(el, name) { var names = el.className.split(/\s+/); el.className = names.filter(function(n) { return name != n; }).join(' '); } function findAncestorByClass(el, className) { return findAncestor(el, function(el) { return hasClass(el, className); }); } /** * Return the first ancestor for which the {@code predicate} returns true. * @param {Node} node The node to check. * @param {function(Node) : boolean} predicate The function that tests the * nodes. * @return {Node} The found ancestor or null if not found. */ function findAncestor(node, predicate) { var last = false; while (node != null && !(last = predicate(node))) { node = node.parentNode; } return last ? node : null; } // WebKit does not have Node.prototype.swapNode // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=26525 function swapDomNodes(a, b) { var afterA = a.nextSibling; if (afterA == b) { swapDomNodes(b, a); return; } var aParent = a.parentNode; b.parentNode.replaceChild(a, b); aParent.insertBefore(b, afterA); } function bind(fn, selfObj, var_args) { var boundArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2); return function() { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); args.unshift.apply(args, boundArgs); return fn.apply(selfObj, args); } } var loading = true; var mostVisitedData = []; var gotMostVisited = false; var gotShownSections = false; function mostVisitedPages(data) { logEvent('received most visited pages'); // We append the class name with the "filler" so that we can style fillers // differently. var maxItems = 8; data.length = Math.min(maxItems, data.length); var len = data.length; for (var i = len; i < maxItems; i++) { data[i] = {filler: true}; } mostVisitedData = data; renderMostVisited(data); gotMostVisited = true; onDataLoaded(); } function downloadsList(data) { logEvent('received downloads'); data.length = Math.min(data.length, 5); processData('#download-items', data); } function recentlyClosedTabs(data) { logEvent('received recently closed tabs'); data.length = Math.min(data.length, 5); processData('#tab-items', data); } function onShownSections(mask) { logEvent('received shown sections'); if (mask != shownSections) { // Only invalidate most visited if needed. if ((mask & Section.THUMB) != (shownSections & Section.THUMB) || (mask & Section.LIST) != (shownSections & Section.LIST)) { mostVisited.invalidate(); } shownSections = mask; mostVisited.updateDisplayMode(); layoutLowerSections(); updateOptionMenu(); } gotShownSections = true; onDataLoaded(); } function saveShownSections() { chrome.send('setShownSections', [String(shownSections)]); } function tips(data) { logEvent('received tips data'); data.length = Math.min(data.length, 5); processData('#tip-items', data); } // This global variable is used to skip parts of the DOM tree for the global // jst processing done by the i18n. var processing = false; function processData(selector, data) { var output = document.querySelector(selector); // Wait until ready if (typeof JsEvalContext !== 'function' || !output) { logEvent('JsEvalContext is not yet available, ' + selector); document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { processData(selector, data); }); } else { var d0 = Date.now(); var input = new JsEvalContext(data); processing = true; jstProcess(input, output); processing = false; logEvent('processData: ' + selector + ', ' + (Date.now() - d0)); } } function getThumbnailClassName(data) { return 'thumbnail-container' + (data.pinned ? ' pinned' : '') + (data.filler ? ' filler' : ''); } function renderMostVisited(data) { var parent = $('most-visited'); var children = parent.children; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var d = data[i]; var t = children[i]; // If we have a filler continue var oldClassName = t.className; var newClassName = getThumbnailClassName(d); if (oldClassName != newClassName) { t.className = newClassName; } // No need to continue if this is a filler. if (newClassName == 'thumbnail-container filler') { continue; } t.href = d.url; t.querySelector('.pin').title = localStrings.getString(d.pinned ? 'unpinthumbnailtooltip' : 'pinthumbnailtooltip'); t.querySelector('.remove').title = localStrings.getString('removethumbnailtooltip'); // There was some concern that a malformed malicious URL could cause an XSS // attack but setting style.backgroundImage = 'url(javascript:...)' does // not execute the JavaScript in WebKit. t.querySelector('.thumbnail-wrapper').style.backgroundImage = 'url("chrome://thumb/' + d.url + '")'; var titleDiv = t.querySelector('.title > div'); titleDiv.xtitle = titleDiv.textContent = d.title; titleDiv.style.backgroundImage = 'url("chrome://favicon/' + d.url + '")'; titleDiv.dir = d.direction; } } /** * Calls chrome.send with a callback and restores the original afterwards. */ function chromeSend(name, params, callbackName, callback) { var old = global[callbackName]; global[callbackName] = function() { // restore global[callbackName] = old; var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); return callback.apply(global, args); }; chrome.send(name, params); } function useSmallGrid() { return window.innerWidth <= 940; } var LayoutMode = { SMALL: 1, NORMAL: 2 }; var layoutMode = useSmallGrid() ? LayoutMode.SMALL : LayoutMode.NORMAL; function handleWindowResize() { if (window.innerWidth < 10) { // We're probably a background tab, so don't do anything. return; } var oldLayoutMode = layoutMode; layoutMode = useSmallGrid() ? LayoutMode.SMALL : LayoutMode.NORMAL if (layoutMode != oldLayoutMode){ mostVisited.invalidate(); mostVisited.layout(); layoutLowerSections(); } } /** * Bitmask for the different UI sections. * This matches the Section enum in ../dom_ui/shown_sections_handler.h * @enum {number} */ var Section = { THUMB: 1, LIST: 2, RECENT: 4, TIPS: 8 }; var shownSections = Section.THUMB | Section.RECENT | Section.TIPS; function showSection(section) { if (!(section & shownSections)) { shownSections |= section; // THUMBS and LIST are mutually exclusive. if (section == Section.THUMB) { // hide LIST shownSections &= ~Section.LIST; mostVisited.invalidate(); } else if (section == Section.LIST) { // hide THUMB shownSections &= ~Section.THUMB; mostVisited.invalidate(); } else { notifyLowerSectionForChange(section, false); layoutLowerSections(); } updateOptionMenu(); mostVisited.updateDisplayMode(); mostVisited.layout(); } } function hideSection(section) { if (section & shownSections) { shownSections &= ~section; if (section & Section.THUMB || section & Section.LIST) { mostVisited.invalidate(); } if (section & Section.RECENT|| section & Section.TIPS) { notifyLowerSectionForChange(section, true); layoutLowerSections(); } updateOptionMenu(); mostVisited.updateDisplayMode(); mostVisited.layout(); } } function notifyLowerSectionForChange(section, large) { // Notify recent and tips if they need to display more data. if (section == Section.RECENT || section == Section.TIPS) { // we are hiding one of them so if the other one is visible it is now // {@code large}. if (shownSections & Section.RECENT) { recentChangedSize(large); } else if (shownSections & Section.TIPS) { tipsChangedSize(large); } } } var mostVisited = { getItem: function(el) { return findAncestorByClass(el, 'thumbnail-container'); }, getHref: function(el) { return el.href; }, togglePinned: function(el) { var index = this.getThumbnailIndex(el); var data = mostVisitedData[index]; if (data.pinned) { removeClass(el, 'pinned'); chrome.send('removePinnedURL', [data.url]); } else { addClass(el, 'pinned'); chrome.send('addPinnedURL', [data.url, data.title, String(index)]); } data.pinned = !data.pinned; // Update tooltip el.querySelector('.pin').title = localStrings.getString(data.pinned ? 'unpinthumbnailtooltip' : 'pinthumbnailtooltip'); }, getThumbnailIndex: function(el) { var nodes = el.parentNode.querySelectorAll('.thumbnail-container'); return Array.prototype.indexOf.call(nodes, el); }, swapPosition: function(source, destination) { var nodes = source.parentNode.querySelectorAll('.thumbnail-container'); var sourceIndex = this.getThumbnailIndex(source); var destinationIndex = this.getThumbnailIndex(destination); swapDomNodes(source, destination); var sourceData = mostVisitedData[sourceIndex]; chrome.send('addPinnedURL', [sourceData.url, sourceData.title, String(destinationIndex)]); sourceData.pinned = true; addClass(source, 'pinned'); var destinationData = mostVisitedData[destinationIndex]; // Only update the destination if it was pinned before. if (destinationData.pinned) { chrome.send('addPinnedURL', [destinationData.url, destinationData.title, String(sourceIndex)]); } mostVisitedData[destinationIndex] = sourceData; mostVisitedData[sourceIndex] = destinationData; }, blacklist: function(el) { var self = this; var url = this.getHref(el); chrome.send('blacklistURLFromMostVisited', [url]); addClass(el, 'hide'); // Find the old item. var oldUrls = {}; var oldIndex = -1; var oldItem; for (var i = 0; i < mostVisitedData.length; i++) { if (mostVisitedData[i].url == url) { oldItem = mostVisitedData[i]; oldIndex = i; } oldUrls[mostVisitedData[i].url] = true; } // Send 'getMostVisitedPages' with a callback since we want to find the new // page and add that in the place of the removed page. chromeSend('getMostVisited', [], 'mostVisitedPages', function(data) { // Find new item. var newItem; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (!(data[i].url in oldUrls)) { newItem = data[i]; break; } } if (!newItem) { newItem = {filler: true}; } // Replace old item with new item in the mostVisitedData array. if (oldIndex != -1) { mostVisitedData.splice(oldIndex, 1, newItem); mostVisitedPages(mostVisitedData); addClass(el, 'fade-in'); } var text = localStrings.formatString('thumbnailremovednotification', oldItem.title); var actionText = localStrings.getString('undothumbnailremove'); // Show notification and add undo callback function. var wasPinned = oldItem.pinned; showNotification(text, actionText, function() { self.removeFromBlackList(url); if (wasPinned) { chromeSend('addPinnedURL', [url, oldItem.title, String(oldIndex)]); } chrome.send('getMostVisited'); }); }); }, removeFromBlackList: function(url) { chrome.send('removeURLsFromMostVisitedBlacklist', [url]); }, clearAllBlacklisted: function() { chrome.send('clearMostVisitedURLsBlacklist', []); }, updateDisplayMode: function() { if (!this.dirty_) { return; } var thumbCheckbox = $('thumb-checkbox'); var listCheckbox = $('list-checkbox'); var mostVisitedElement = $('most-visited'); if (shownSections & Section.THUMB) { thumbCheckbox.checked = true; listCheckbox.checked = false; removeClass(mostVisitedElement, 'list'); } else if (shownSections & Section.LIST) { thumbCheckbox.checked = false; listCheckbox.checked = true; addClass(mostVisitedElement, 'list'); } else { thumbCheckbox.checked = false; listCheckbox.checked = false; } thumbCheckbox.title = localStrings.getString( shownSections & Section.THUMB ? 'hidethumbnails' : 'showthumbnails'); listCheckbox.title = localStrings.getString( shownSections & Section.LIST ? 'hidelist' : 'showlist'); }, dirty_: false, invalidate: function() { this.dirty_ = true; }, layout: function() { if (!this.dirty_) { return; } var d0 = Date.now(); var mostVisitedElement = $('most-visited'); var thumbnails = mostVisitedElement.children; var small = useSmallGrid(); var cols = 4; var rows = 2; var marginWidth = 10; var marginHeight = 7; var borderWidth = 4; var thumbWidth = small ? 150 : 212; var thumbHeight = small ? 93 : 132; var w = thumbWidth + 2 * borderWidth + 2 * marginWidth; var h = thumbHeight + 40 + 2 * marginHeight; var sumWidth = cols * w - 2 * marginWidth; var sumHeight = rows * h; var opacity = 1; if (shownSections & Section.LIST) { w = (sumWidth + 2 * marginWidth) / 2; h = 45; rows = 4; cols = 2; sumHeight = rows * h; addClass(mostVisitedElement, 'list'); } else if (shownSections & Section.THUMB) { removeClass(mostVisitedElement, 'list'); } else { sumHeight = 0; opacity = 0; } mostVisitedElement.style.height = sumHeight + 'px'; mostVisitedElement.style.opacity = opacity; // We set overflow to hidden so that the most visited element does not // "leak" when we hide and show it. if (!opacity) { mostVisitedElement.style.overflow = 'hidden'; } var rtl = document.documentElement.dir == 'rtl'; if (shownSections & Section.THUMB || shownSections & Section.LIST) { for (var i = 0; i < thumbnails.length; i++) { var t = thumbnails[i]; // Remove temporary ID that was used during startup layout. t.id = ''; var row, col; if (shownSections & Section.THUMB) { row = Math.floor(i / cols); col = i % cols; } else { col = Math.floor(i / rows); row = i % rows; } if (shownSections & Section.THUMB) { t.style.left = (rtl ? sumWidth - col * w - thumbWidth - 2 * borderWidth : col * w) + 'px'; } else { t.style.left = (rtl ? sumWidth - col * w - w + 2 * marginWidth : col * w) + 'px'; } t.style.top = row * h + 'px'; if (shownSections & Section.LIST) { t.style.width = w - 2 * marginWidth + 'px'; } else { t.style.width = ''; } } } afterTransition(function() { // Only set overflow to visible if the element is shown. if (opacity) { mostVisitedElement.style.overflow = ''; } }); this.dirty_ = false; logEvent('mostVisited.layout: ' + (Date.now() - d0)); } }; function recentChangedSize(large) { // TODO(arv): Implement } function tipsChangedSize(large) { // TODO(arv): Implement } // Recent activities function layoutLowerSections() { // This lower sections are inline blocks so all we need to do is to set the // width and opacity. var lowerSectionsElement = $('lower-sections'); var recentElement = $('recent-activities'); var tipsElement = $('tips'); var spacer = recentElement.nextElementSibling; var totalWidth = useSmallGrid() ? 692 : 940; var spacing = 20; var rtl = document.documentElement.dir == 'rtl'; var recentShown = shownSections & Section.RECENT; var tipsShown = shownSections & Section.TIPS; if (recentShown || tipsShown) { lowerSectionsElement.style.height = '198px'; lowerSectionsElement.style.opacity = ''; } else { lowerSectionsElement.style.height = lowerSectionsElement.style.opacity = 0; } if (recentShown && tipsShown) { var w = (totalWidth - spacing) / 2; recentElement.style.width = tipsElement.style.width = w + 'px' recentElement.style.opacity = tipsElement.style.opacity = ''; spacer.style.width = spacing + 'px'; } else if (recentShown) { recentElement.style.width = totalWidth + 'px'; recentElement.style.opacity = ''; tipsElement.style.width = tipsElement.style.opacity = 0; spacer.style.width = 0; } else if (tipsShown) { tipsElement.style.width = totalWidth + 'px'; tipsElement.style.opacity = ''; recentElement.style.width = recentElement.style.opacity = 0; spacer.style.width = 0; } } /** * Returns the text used for a recently closed window. * @param {number} numTabs Number of tabs in the window. * @return {string} The text to use. */ function formatTabsText(numTabs) { if (numTabs == 1) return localStrings.getString('closedwindowsingle'); return localStrings.formatString('closedwindowmultiple', numTabs); } /** * We need both most visited and the shown sections to be considered loaded. * @return {boolean} */ function onDataLoaded() { if (gotMostVisited && gotShownSections) { mostVisited.layout(); loading = false; // Remove class name in a timeout so that changes done in this JS thread are // not animated. window.setTimeout(function() { removeClass(document.body, 'loading'); }, 1); } } // Theme related function themeChanged() { $('themecss').href = 'chrome://theme/css/newtab.css?' + Date.now(); updateAttribution(); } function updateAttribution() { // TODO(arv): Implement //$('attribution-img').src = 'chrome://theme/theme_ntp_attribution?' + // Date.now(); } function bookmarkBarAttached() { document.documentElement.setAttribute("bookmarkbarattached", "true"); } function bookmarkBarDetached() { document.documentElement.setAttribute("bookmarkbarattached", "false"); } function viewLog() { var lines = []; var start = log[0][1]; for (var i = 0; i < log.length; i++) { lines.push((log[i][1] - start) + ': ' + log[i][0]); } console.log(lines.join('\n')); } // Updates the visibility of the menu items. function updateOptionMenu() { var menuItems = $('option-menu').children; for (var i = 0; i < menuItems.length; i++) { var item = menuItems[i]; var section = Section[item.getAttribute('section')]; var show = item.getAttribute('show') == 'true'; // Hide show items if already shown. Hide hide items if already hidden. var hideMenuItem = show == !!(shownSections & section); item.style.display = hideMenuItem ? 'none' : ''; } } // We apply the size class here so that we don't trigger layout animations // onload. handleWindowResize(); var localStrings = new LocalStrings(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Things we know are not needed at startup go below here function afterTransition(f) { if (loading) { // Make sure we do not use a timer during load since it slows down the UI. f(); } else { // The duration of all transitions are 500ms window.setTimeout(f, 500); } } // Notification function showNotification(text, actionText, f) { var notificationElement = $('notification'); var actionLink = notificationElement.querySelector('.link'); notificationElement.firstElementChild.textContent = text; actionLink.textContent = actionText; actionLink.onclick = function() { f(); removeClass(notificationElement, 'show'); // Since we have a :hover rule to not hide the notification banner when the // mouse is over we need force it to hide. We remove the hide class after // a short timeout to allow the banner to be shown again. addClass(notificationElement, 'hide'); afterTransition(function() { removeClass(notificationElement, 'hide'); }) }; addClass(notificationElement, 'show'); window.setTimeout(function() { removeClass(notificationElement, 'show'); }, 10000); } /** * This handles the option menu. * @param {Element} button The button element. * @param {Element} menu The menu element. * @constructor */ function OptionMenu(button, menu) { this.button = button; this.menu = menu; this.button.onmousedown = bind(this.handleMouseDown, this); this.button.onkeydown = bind(this.handleKeyDown, this); this.boundHideMenu_ = bind(this.hide, this); this.boundMaybeHide_ = bind(this.maybeHide_, this); this.menu.onmouseover = bind(this.handleMouseOver, this); this.menu.onmouseout = bind(this.handleMouseOut, this); this.menu.onmouseup = bind(this.handleMouseUp, this); } OptionMenu.prototype = { show: function() { windowMenu.hide(); this.menu.style.display = 'block'; this.button.focus(); // Listen to document and window events so that we hide the menu when the // user clicks outside the menu or tabs away or the whole window is blurred. document.addEventListener('focus', this.boundMaybeHide_, true); document.addEventListener('mousedown', this.boundMaybeHide_, true); }, hide: function() { this.menu.style.display = 'none'; this.setSelectedIndex(-1); document.removeEventListener('focus', this.boundMaybeHide_, true); document.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.boundMaybeHide_, true); }, isShown: function() { return this.menu.style.display == 'block'; }, /** * Callback for document mousedown and focus. It checks if the user tried to * navigate to a different element on the page and if so hides the menu. * @param {Event} e The mouse or focus event. * @private */ maybeHide_: function(e) { if (!this.menu.contains(e.target) && !this.button.contains(e.target)) { this.hide(); } }, handleMouseDown: function(e) { if (this.isShown()) { this.hide(); } else { this.show(); } }, handleMouseOver: function(e) { var el = e.target; var index = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(this.menu.children, el); this.setSelectedIndex(index); }, handleMouseOut: function(e) { this.setSelectedIndex(-1); }, handleMouseUp: function(e) { var item = this.getSelectedItem(); if (item) { this.executeItem(item); } }, handleKeyDown: function(e) { var item = this.getSelectedItem(); var self = this; function selectNextVisible(m) { var children = self.menu.children; var len = children.length; var i = self.selectedIndex_; if (i == -1 && m == -1) { // Edge case when we need to go the last item fisrt. i = 0; } while (true) { i = (i + m + len) % len; item = children[i]; if (item && item.style.display != 'none') { break; } } if (item) { self.setSelectedIndex(i); } } switch (e.keyIdentifier) { case 'Down': if (!this.isShown()) { this.show(); } selectNextVisible(1); e.preventDefault(); break; case 'Up': if (!this.isShown()) { this.show(); } selectNextVisible(-1); e.preventDefault(); break; case 'Esc': case 'U+001B': // Maybe this is remote desktop playing a prank? this.hide(); break; case 'Enter': case 'U+0020': // Space if (this.isShown()) { if (item) { this.executeItem(item); } else { this.hide(); } } else { this.show(); } e.preventDefault(); break; } }, selectedIndex_: -1, setSelectedIndex: function(i) { if (i != this.selectedIndex_) { var items = this.menu.children; var oldItem = items[this.selectedIndex_]; if (oldItem) { oldItem.removeAttribute('selected'); } var newItem = items[i]; if (newItem) { newItem.setAttribute('selected', 'selected'); } this.selectedIndex_ = i; } }, getSelectedItem: function() { return this.menu.children[this.selectedIndex_] || null; }, executeItem: function(item) { var section = Section[item.getAttribute('section')]; var show = item.getAttribute('show') == 'true'; if (show) { showSection(section); } else { hideSection(section); } this.hide(); saveShownSections(); } }; var optionMenu = new OptionMenu($('option-button'), $('option-menu')); $('most-visited').addEventListener('click', function(e) { var target = e.target; if (hasClass(target, 'pin')) { mostVisited.togglePinned(mostVisited.getItem(target)); e.preventDefault(); } else if (hasClass(target, 'remove')) { mostVisited.blacklist(mostVisited.getItem(target)); e.preventDefault(); } }); function handleIfEnterKey(f) { return function(e) { if (e.keyIdentifier == 'Enter') { f(e); } }; } $('downloads').addEventListener('click', maybeOpenFile); $('downloads').addEventListener('keydown', handleIfEnterKey(maybeOpenFile)); function maybeOpenFile(e) { var el = findAncestor(e.target, function(el) { return el.fileId !== undefined; }); if (el) { chrome.send('openFile', [String(el.fileId)]); e.preventDefault(); } } var recentTabs = $('recent-tabs'); recentTabs.addEventListener('click', maybeReopenTab); recentTabs.addEventListener('keydown', handleIfEnterKey(maybeReopenTab)); function maybeReopenTab(e) { var el = findAncestor(e.target, function(el) { return el.sessionId !== undefined; }); if (el) { chrome.send('reopenTab', [String(el.sessionId)]); e.preventDefault(); } } recentTabs.addEventListener('mouseover', maybeShowWindowMenu); recentTabs.addEventListener('focus', maybeShowWindowMenu, true); function maybeShowWindowMenu(e) { var el = findAncestor(e.target, function(el) { return el.tabItems !== undefined; }); if (el) { windowMenu.show(e, el, el.tabItems); } } /** * This object represents a window/tooltip representing a closed window. It is * shown when hovering over a closed window item or when the item is focused. It * gets hidden when blurred or when mousing out of the menu or the item. * @param {Element} menuEl The element to use as the menu. * @constructor */ function WindowMenu(menuEl) { this.menuEl = menuEl; var self = this; this.boundHide_ = bind(this.hide, this); menuEl.onmouseover = function() { clearTimeout(self.timer); }; menuEl.onmouseout = this.boundHide_; } WindowMenu.prototype = { timer: 0, show: function(e, linkEl, tabs) { optionMenu.hide(); clearTimeout(this.timer); processData('#window-menu', tabs); var rect = linkEl.getBoundingClientRect(); var bodyRect = document.body.getBoundingClientRect() var rtl = document.documentElement.dir == 'rtl'; this.menuEl.style.display = 'block'; this.menuEl.style.left = (rtl ? rect.left + bodyRect.left + rect.width - this.menuEl.offsetWidth : rect.left + bodyRect.left) + 'px'; this.menuEl.style.top = rect.top + bodyRect.top + rect.height + 'px'; if (e.type == 'focus') { linkEl.onblur = this.boundHide_; } else { // mouseover linkEl.onmouseout = this.boundHide_; } }, hide: function() { // Delay before hiding. var self = this; this.timer = setTimeout(function() { self.menuEl.style.display = 'none'; }, 100); } }; var windowMenu = new WindowMenu($('window-menu')); function getCheckboxHandler(section) { return function(e) { if (e.type == 'keydown') { if (e.keyIdentifier == 'Enter') { e.target.checked = !e.target.checked; } else { return; } } if (e.target.checked) { showSection(section); } else { hideSection(section); } saveShownSections(); } } $('thumb-checkbox').addEventListener('change', getCheckboxHandler(Section.THUMB)); $('thumb-checkbox').addEventListener('keydown', getCheckboxHandler(Section.THUMB)); $('list-checkbox').addEventListener('change', getCheckboxHandler(Section.LIST)); $('list-checkbox').addEventListener('keydown', getCheckboxHandler(Section.LIST)); window.addEventListener('load', bind(logEvent, global, 'onload fired')); window.addEventListener('load', onDataLoaded); window.addEventListener('resize', handleWindowResize); document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', bind(logEvent, global, 'domcontentloaded fired')); function hideAllMenus() { windowMenu.hide(); optionMenu.hide(); } window.addEventListener('blur', hideAllMenus); window.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) { if (e.keyIdentifier == 'Alt' || e.keyIdentifier == 'Meta') { hideAllMenus(); } }, true); // Tooltip for elements that have text that overflows. document.addEventListener('mouseover', function(e) { var el = findAncestor(e.target, function(el) { return el.xtitle; }); if (el && el.xtitle != el.title) { if (el.scrollWidth > el.clientWidth) { el.title = el.xtitle; } else { el.title = ''; } } }); // DnD var dnd = { currentOverItem: null, dragItem: null, startX: 0, startY: 0, startScreenX: 0, startScreenY: 0, dragEndTimer: null, handleDragStart: function(e) { var thumbnail = mostVisited.getItem(e.target); if (thumbnail) { e.dataTransfer.setData('text/uri-list', mostVisited.getHref(thumbnail)); this.dragItem = thumbnail; addClass(this.dragItem, 'dragging'); this.dragItem.style.zIndex = 2; } }, handleDragEnter: function(e) { this.currentOverItem = mostVisited.getItem(e.target); if (this.canDropOnElement(this.currentOverItem)) { e.preventDefault(); } }, handleDragOver: function(e) { var item = mostVisited.getItem(e.target); if (this.canDropOnElement(item)) { e.preventDefault(); } }, handleDragLeave: function(e) { var item = mostVisited.getItem(e.target); if (item) { e.preventDefault(); } this.currentOverItem = null; }, handleDrop: function(e) { var dropTarget = mostVisited.getItem(e.target); if (this.canDropOnElement(dropTarget)) { dropTarget.style.zIndex = 1; mostVisited.swapPosition(this.dragItem, dropTarget); mostVisited.invalidate(); mostVisited.layout(); e.preventDefault(); if (this.dragEndTimer) { window.clearTimeout(this.dragEndTimer); this.dragEndTimer = null; } afterTransition(function() { dropTarget.style.zIndex = ''; }); } }, handleDragEnd: function(e) { // WebKit fires dragend before drop. var dragItem = this.dragItem; if (dragItem) { dragItem.style.pointerEvents = ''; removeClass(dragItem, 'dragging'); afterTransition(function() { // Delay resetting zIndex to let the animation finish. dragItem.style.zIndex = ''; // Same for overflow. dragItem.parentNode.style.overflow = ''; }); var self = this; this.dragEndTimer = window.setTimeout(function() { // These things needto happen after the drop event. mostVisited.invalidate(); mostVisited.layout(); self.dragItem = null; }, 10); } }, handleDrag: function(e) { var item = mostVisited.getItem(e.target); var rect = document.querySelector('#most-visited').getBoundingClientRect(); item.style.pointerEvents = 'none'; item.style.left = this.startX + e.screenX - this.startScreenX + 'px'; item.style.top = this.startY + e.screenY - this.startScreenY + 'px'; }, // We listen to mousedown to get the relative position of the cursor for dnd. handleMouseDown: function(e) { var item = mostVisited.getItem(e.target); if (item) { this.startX = item.offsetLeft; this.startY = item.offsetTop; this.startScreenX = e.screenX; this.startScreenY = e.screenY; } }, canDropOnElement: function(el) { return this.dragItem && el && hasClass(el, 'thumbnail-container') && !hasClass(el, 'filler'); }, init: function() { var el = $('most-visited'); el.addEventListener('dragstart', bind(this.handleDragStart, this)); el.addEventListener('dragenter', bind(this.handleDragEnter, this)); el.addEventListener('dragover', bind(this.handleDragOver, this)); el.addEventListener('dragleave', bind(this.handleDragLeave, this)); el.addEventListener('drop', bind(this.handleDrop, this)); el.addEventListener('dragend', bind(this.handleDragEnd, this)); el.addEventListener('drag', bind(this.handleDrag, this)); el.addEventListener('mousedown', bind(this.handleMouseDown, this)); } }; dnd.init();