// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. cr.define('ntp', function() { 'use strict'; var APP_LAUNCH = { // The histogram buckets (keep in sync with extension_constants.h). NTP_APPS_MAXIMIZED: 0, NTP_APPS_COLLAPSED: 1, NTP_APPS_MENU: 2, NTP_MOST_VISITED: 3, NTP_RECENTLY_CLOSED: 4, NTP_APP_RE_ENABLE: 16, NTP_WEBSTORE_FOOTER: 18, NTP_WEBSTORE_PLUS_ICON: 19, }; // Histogram buckets for UMA tracking of where a DnD drop came from. var DRAG_SOURCE = { SAME_APPS_PANE: 0, OTHER_APPS_PANE: 1, MOST_VISITED_PANE: 2, BOOKMARKS_PANE: 3, OUTSIDE_NTP: 4 }; var DRAG_SOURCE_LIMIT = DRAG_SOURCE.OUTSIDE_NTP + 1; /** * App context menu. The class is designed to be used as a singleton with * the app that is currently showing a context menu stored in this.app_. * @constructor */ function AppContextMenu() { this.__proto__ = AppContextMenu.prototype; this.initialize(); } cr.addSingletonGetter(AppContextMenu); AppContextMenu.prototype = { initialize: function() { var menu = new cr.ui.Menu; cr.ui.decorate(menu, cr.ui.Menu); menu.classList.add('app-context-menu'); this.menu = menu; this.launch_ = this.appendMenuItem_(); this.launch_.addEventListener('activate', this.onLaunch_.bind(this)); menu.appendChild(cr.ui.MenuItem.createSeparator()); this.launchRegularTab_ = this.appendMenuItem_('applaunchtyperegular'); this.launchPinnedTab_ = this.appendMenuItem_('applaunchtypepinned'); if (!cr.isMac) this.launchNewWindow_ = this.appendMenuItem_('applaunchtypewindow'); this.launchFullscreen_ = this.appendMenuItem_('applaunchtypefullscreen'); var self = this; this.forAllLaunchTypes_(function(launchTypeButton, id) { launchTypeButton.addEventListener('activate', self.onLaunchTypeChanged_.bind(self)); }); this.launchTypeMenuSeparator_ = cr.ui.MenuItem.createSeparator(); menu.appendChild(this.launchTypeMenuSeparator_); this.options_ = this.appendMenuItem_('appoptions'); this.details_ = this.appendMenuItem_('appdetails'); this.uninstall_ = this.appendMenuItem_('appuninstall'); this.options_.addEventListener('activate', this.onShowOptions_.bind(this)); this.details_.addEventListener('activate', this.onShowDetails_.bind(this)); this.uninstall_.addEventListener('activate', this.onUninstall_.bind(this)); if (!(cr.isChromeOS || cr.isMac)) { this.createShortcutSeparator_ = menu.appendChild(cr.ui.MenuItem.createSeparator()); this.createShortcut_ = this.appendMenuItem_('appcreateshortcut'); this.createShortcut_.addEventListener( 'activate', this.onCreateShortcut_.bind(this)); } document.body.appendChild(menu); }, /** * Appends a menu item to |this.menu|. * @param {?string} textId If non-null, the ID for the localized string * that acts as the item's label. */ appendMenuItem_: function(textId) { var button = cr.doc.createElement('button'); this.menu.appendChild(button); cr.ui.decorate(button, cr.ui.MenuItem); if (textId) button.textContent = loadTimeData.getString(textId); return button; }, /** * Iterates over all the launch type menu items. * @param {function(cr.ui.MenuItem, number)} f The function to call for each * menu item. The parameters to the function include the menu item and * the associated launch ID. */ forAllLaunchTypes_: function(f) { // Order matters: index matches launchType id. var launchTypes = [this.launchPinnedTab_, this.launchRegularTab_, this.launchFullscreen_, this.launchNewWindow_]; for (var i = 0; i < launchTypes.length; ++i) { if (!launchTypes[i]) continue; f(launchTypes[i], i); } }, /** * Does all the necessary setup to show the menu for the given app. * @param {App} app The App object that will be showing a context menu. */ setupForApp: function(app) { this.app_ = app; this.launch_.textContent = app.appData.title; this.forAllLaunchTypes_(function(launchTypeButton, id) { launchTypeButton.disabled = false; launchTypeButton.checked = app.appData.launch_type == id; launchTypeButton.hidden = app.appData.packagedApp; }); this.launchTypeMenuSeparator_.hidden = app.appData.packagedApp; this.options_.disabled = !app.appData.optionsUrl || !app.appData.enabled; this.details_.disabled = !app.appData.detailsUrl; this.uninstall_.disabled = !app.appData.mayDisable; if (this.createShortcut_ && cr.isMac) { // On Windows and Linux, these should always be visible. On ChromeOS, // they are never created. On Mac, shortcuts can only be created for // new-style packaged apps, so hide the menu item. this.createShortcutSeparator_.hidden = this.createShortcut_.hidden = !app.appData.packagedApp; } }, /** * Handlers for menu item activation. * @param {Event} e The activation event. * @private */ onLaunch_: function(e) { chrome.send('launchApp', [this.app_.appId, APP_LAUNCH.NTP_APPS_MENU]); }, onLaunchTypeChanged_: function(e) { var pressed = e.currentTarget; var app = this.app_; this.forAllLaunchTypes_(function(launchTypeButton, id) { if (launchTypeButton == pressed) { chrome.send('setLaunchType', [app.appId, id]); // Manually update the launch type. We will only get // appsPrefChangeCallback calls after changes to other NTP instances. app.appData.launch_type = id; } }); }, onShowOptions_: function(e) { window.location = this.app_.appData.optionsUrl; }, onShowDetails_: function(e) { var url = this.app_.appData.detailsUrl; url = appendParam(url, 'utm_source', 'chrome-ntp-launcher'); window.location = url; }, onUninstall_: function(e) { chrome.send('uninstallApp', [this.app_.appData.id]); }, onCreateShortcut_: function(e) { chrome.send('createAppShortcut', [this.app_.appData.id]); }, }; /** * Creates a new App object. * @param {Object} appData The data object that describes the app. * @constructor * @extends {HTMLDivElement} */ function App(appData) { var el = cr.doc.createElement('div'); el.__proto__ = App.prototype; el.initialize(appData); return el; } App.prototype = { __proto__: HTMLDivElement.prototype, /** * Initialize the app object. * @param {Object} appData The data object that describes the app. */ initialize: function(appData) { this.appData = appData; assert(this.appData_.id, 'Got an app without an ID'); this.id = this.appData_.id; this.setAttribute('role', 'menuitem'); this.className = 'app focusable'; if (!this.appData_.icon_big_exists && this.appData_.icon_small_exists) this.useSmallIcon_ = true; this.appContents_ = this.useSmallIcon_ ? $('app-small-icon-template').cloneNode(true) : $('app-large-icon-template').cloneNode(true); this.appContents_.id = ''; this.appendChild(this.appContents_); this.appImgContainer_ = this.querySelector('.app-img-container'); this.appImg_ = this.appImgContainer_.querySelector('img'); this.setIcon(); if (this.useSmallIcon_) { this.imgDiv_ = this.querySelector('.app-icon-div'); this.addLaunchClickTarget_(this.imgDiv_); this.imgDiv_.title = this.appData_.title; chrome.send('getAppIconDominantColor', [this.id]); } else { this.addLaunchClickTarget_(this.appImgContainer_); this.appImgContainer_.title = this.appData_.title; } var appSpan = this.appContents_.querySelector('.title'); appSpan.textContent = appSpan.title = this.appData_.title; this.addLaunchClickTarget_(appSpan); this.addEventListener('keydown', cr.ui.contextMenuHandler); this.addEventListener('keyup', cr.ui.contextMenuHandler); // This hack is here so that appContents.contextMenu will be the same as // this.contextMenu. var self = this; this.appContents_.__defineGetter__('contextMenu', function() { return self.contextMenu; }); this.appContents_.addEventListener('contextmenu', cr.ui.contextMenuHandler); this.addEventListener('mousedown', this.onMousedown_, true); this.addEventListener('keydown', this.onKeydown_); this.addEventListener('keyup', this.onKeyup_); }, /** * Sets the color of the favicon dominant color bar. * @param {string} color The css-parsable value for the color. */ set stripeColor(color) { this.querySelector('.color-stripe').style.backgroundColor = color; }, /** * Removes the app tile from the page. Should be called after the app has * been uninstalled. */ remove: function(opt_animate) { // Unset the ID immediately, because the app is already gone. But leave // the tile on the page as it animates out. this.id = ''; this.tile.doRemove(opt_animate); }, /** * Set the URL of the icon from |appData_|. This won't actually show the * icon until loadIcon() is called (for performance reasons; we don't want * to load icons until we have to). */ setIcon: function() { var src = this.useSmallIcon_ ? this.appData_.icon_small : this.appData_.icon_big; if (!this.appData_.enabled || (!this.appData_.offlineEnabled && !navigator.onLine)) { src += '?grayscale=true'; } this.appImgSrc_ = src; this.classList.add('icon-loading'); }, /** * Shows the icon for the app. That is, it causes chrome to load the app * icon resource. */ loadIcon: function() { if (this.appImgSrc_) { this.appImg_.src = this.appImgSrc_; this.appImg_.classList.remove('invisible'); this.appImgSrc_ = null; } this.classList.remove('icon-loading'); }, /** * Set the size and position of the app tile. * @param {number} size The total size of |this|. * @param {number} x The x-position. * @param {number} y The y-position. * animate. */ setBounds: function(size, x, y) { var imgSize = size * APP_IMG_SIZE_FRACTION; this.appImgContainer_.style.width = this.appImgContainer_.style.height = toCssPx(this.useSmallIcon_ ? 16 : imgSize); if (this.useSmallIcon_) { // 3/4 is the ratio of 96px to 128px (the used height and full height // of icons in apps). var iconSize = imgSize * 3 / 4; // The -2 is for the div border to improve the visual alignment for the // icon div. this.imgDiv_.style.width = this.imgDiv_.style.height = toCssPx(iconSize - 2); // Margins set to get the icon placement right and the text to line up. this.imgDiv_.style.marginTop = this.imgDiv_.style.marginBottom = toCssPx((imgSize - iconSize) / 2); } this.style.width = this.style.height = toCssPx(size); this.style.left = toCssPx(x); this.style.right = toCssPx(x); this.style.top = toCssPx(y); }, /** * Invoked when an app is clicked. * @param {Event} e The click event. * @private */ onClick_: function(e) { var url = !this.appData_.is_webstore ? '' : appendParam(this.appData_.url, 'utm_source', 'chrome-ntp-icon'); chrome.send('launchApp', [this.appId, APP_LAUNCH.NTP_APPS_MAXIMIZED, url, e.button, e.altKey, e.ctrlKey, e.metaKey, e.shiftKey]); // Don't allow the click to trigger a link or anything e.preventDefault(); }, /** * Invoked when the user presses a key while the app is focused. * @param {Event} e The key event. * @private */ onKeydown_: function(e) { if (e.keyIdentifier == 'Enter') { chrome.send('launchApp', [this.appId, APP_LAUNCH.NTP_APPS_MAXIMIZED, '', 0, e.altKey, e.ctrlKey, e.metaKey, e.shiftKey]); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } this.onKeyboardUsed_(e.keyCode); }, /** * Invoked when the user releases a key while the app is focused. * @param {Event} e The key event. * @private */ onKeyup_: function(e) { this.onKeyboardUsed_(e.keyCode); }, /** * Called when the keyboard has been used (key down or up). The .click-focus * hack is removed if the user presses a key that can change focus. * @param {number} keyCode The key code of the keyboard event. * @private */ onKeyboardUsed_: function(keyCode) { switch (keyCode) { case 9: // Tab. case 37: // Left arrow. case 38: // Up arrow. case 39: // Right arrow. case 40: // Down arrow. this.classList.remove('click-focus'); } }, /** * Adds a node to the list of targets that will launch the app. This list * is also used in onMousedown to determine whether the app contents should * be shown as active (if we don't do this, then clicking anywhere in * appContents, even a part that is outside the ideally clickable region, * will cause the app icon to look active). * @param {HTMLElement} node The node that should be clickable. */ addLaunchClickTarget_: function(node) { node.classList.add('launch-click-target'); node.addEventListener('click', this.onClick_.bind(this)); }, /** * Handler for mousedown on the App. Adds a class that allows us to * not display as :active for right clicks (specifically, don't pulse on * these occasions). Also, we don't pulse for clicks that aren't within the * clickable regions. * @param {Event} e The mousedown event. */ onMousedown_: function(e) { // If the current platform uses middle click to autoscroll and this // mousedown isn't handled, onClick_() will never fire. crbug.com/142939 if (e.button == 1) e.preventDefault(); if (e.button == 2 || !findAncestorByClass(e.target, 'launch-click-target')) { this.appContents_.classList.add('suppress-active'); } else { this.appContents_.classList.remove('suppress-active'); } // This class is here so we don't show the focus state for apps that // gain keyboard focus via mouse clicking. this.classList.add('click-focus'); }, /** * Change the appData and update the appearance of the app. * @param {Object} appData The new data object that describes the app. */ replaceAppData: function(appData) { this.appData_ = appData; this.setIcon(); this.loadIcon(); }, /** * The data and preferences for this app. * @type {Object} */ set appData(data) { this.appData_ = data; }, get appData() { return this.appData_; }, get appId() { return this.appData_.id; }, /** * Returns a pointer to the context menu for this app. All apps share the * singleton AppContextMenu. This function is called by the * ContextMenuHandler in response to the 'contextmenu' event. * @type {cr.ui.Menu} */ get contextMenu() { var menu = AppContextMenu.getInstance(); menu.setupForApp(this); return menu.menu; }, /** * Returns whether this element can be 'removed' from chrome (i.e. whether * the user can drag it onto the trash and expect something to happen). * @return {boolean} True if the app can be uninstalled. */ canBeRemoved: function() { return this.appData_.mayDisable; }, /** * Uninstalls the app after it's been dropped on the trash. */ removeFromChrome: function() { chrome.send('uninstallApp', [this.appData_.id, true]); this.tile.tilePage.removeTile(this.tile, true); }, /** * Called when a drag is starting on the tile. Updates dataTransfer with * data for this tile. */ setDragData: function(dataTransfer) { dataTransfer.setData('Text', this.appData_.title); dataTransfer.setData('URL', this.appData_.url); }, }; var TilePage = ntp.TilePage; // The fraction of the app tile size that the icon uses. var APP_IMG_SIZE_FRACTION = 4 / 5; var appsPageGridValues = { // The fewest tiles we will show in a row. minColCount: 3, // The most tiles we will show in a row. maxColCount: 6, // The smallest a tile can be. minTileWidth: 64 / APP_IMG_SIZE_FRACTION, // The biggest a tile can be. maxTileWidth: 128 / APP_IMG_SIZE_FRACTION, // The padding between tiles, as a fraction of the tile width. tileSpacingFraction: 1 / 8, }; TilePage.initGridValues(appsPageGridValues); /** * Creates a new AppsPage object. * @constructor * @extends {TilePage} */ function AppsPage() { var el = new TilePage(appsPageGridValues); el.__proto__ = AppsPage.prototype; el.initialize(); return el; } AppsPage.prototype = { __proto__: TilePage.prototype, initialize: function() { this.classList.add('apps-page'); this.addEventListener('cardselected', this.onCardSelected_); this.addEventListener('tilePage:tile_added', this.onTileAdded_); this.content_.addEventListener('scroll', this.onScroll_.bind(this)); }, /** * Highlight a newly installed app as it's added to the NTP. * @param {Object} appData The data object that describes the app. */ insertAndHighlightApp: function(appData) { ntp.getCardSlider().selectCardByValue(this); this.content_.scrollTop = this.content_.scrollHeight; this.insertApp(appData, true); }, /** * Similar to appendApp, but it respects the app_launch_ordinal field of * |appData|. * @param {Object} appData The data that describes the app. * @param {boolean} animate Whether to animate the insertion. */ insertApp: function(appData, animate) { var index = this.tileElements_.length; for (var i = 0; i < this.tileElements_.length; i++) { if (appData.app_launch_ordinal < this.tileElements_[i].firstChild.appData.app_launch_ordinal) { index = i; break; } } this.addTileAt(new App(appData), index, animate); }, /** * Handler for 'cardselected' event, fired when |this| is selected. The * first time this is called, we load all the app icons. * @private */ onCardSelected_: function(e) { var apps = this.querySelectorAll('.app.icon-loading'); for (var i = 0; i < apps.length; i++) { apps[i].loadIcon(); } }, /** * Handler for tile additions to this page. * @param {Event} e The tilePage:tile_added event. */ onTileAdded_: function(e) { assert(e.currentTarget == this); assert(e.addedTile.firstChild instanceof App); if (this.classList.contains('selected-card')) e.addedTile.firstChild.loadIcon(); }, /** * A handler for when the apps page is scrolled (then we need to reposition * the bubbles. * @private */ onScroll_: function(e) { if (!this.selected) return; for (var i = 0; i < this.tileElements_.length; i++) { var app = this.tileElements_[i].firstChild; assert(app instanceof App); } }, /** @override */ doDragOver: function(e) { // Only animatedly re-arrange if the user is currently dragging an app. var tile = ntp.getCurrentlyDraggingTile(); if (tile && tile.querySelector('.app')) { TilePage.prototype.doDragOver.call(this, e); } else { e.preventDefault(); this.setDropEffect(e.dataTransfer); } }, /** @override */ shouldAcceptDrag: function(e) { if (ntp.getCurrentlyDraggingTile()) return true; if (!e.dataTransfer || !e.dataTransfer.types) return false; return Array.prototype.indexOf.call(e.dataTransfer.types, 'text/uri-list') != -1; }, /** @override */ addDragData: function(dataTransfer, index) { var sourceId = -1; var currentlyDraggingTile = ntp.getCurrentlyDraggingTile(); if (currentlyDraggingTile) { var tileContents = currentlyDraggingTile.firstChild; if (tileContents.classList.contains('app')) { var originalPage = currentlyDraggingTile.tilePage; var samePageDrag = originalPage == this; sourceId = samePageDrag ? DRAG_SOURCE.SAME_APPS_PANE : DRAG_SOURCE.OTHER_APPS_PANE; this.tileGrid_.insertBefore(currentlyDraggingTile, this.tileElements_[index]); this.tileMoved(currentlyDraggingTile); if (!samePageDrag) { originalPage.fireRemovedEvent(currentlyDraggingTile, index, true); this.fireAddedEvent(currentlyDraggingTile, index, true); } } else if (currentlyDraggingTile.querySelector('.most-visited')) { this.generateAppForLink(tileContents.data); sourceId = DRAG_SOURCE.MOST_VISITED_PANE; } } else { this.addOutsideData_(dataTransfer); sourceId = DRAG_SOURCE.OUTSIDE_NTP; } assert(sourceId != -1); chrome.send('metricsHandler:recordInHistogram', ['NewTabPage.AppsPageDragSource', sourceId, DRAG_SOURCE_LIMIT]); }, /** * Adds drag data that has been dropped from a source that is not a tile. * @param {Object} dataTransfer The data transfer object that holds drop * data. * @private */ addOutsideData_: function(dataTransfer) { var url = dataTransfer.getData('url'); assert(url); // If the dataTransfer has html data, use that html's text contents as the // title of the new link. var html = dataTransfer.getData('text/html'); var title; if (html) { // It's important that we don't attach this node to the document // because it might contain scripts. var node = this.ownerDocument.createElement('div'); node.innerHTML = html; title = node.textContent; } // Make sure title is >=1 and <=45 characters for Chrome app limits. if (!title) title = url; if (title.length > 45) title = title.substring(0, 45); var data = {url: url, title: title}; // Synthesize an app. this.generateAppForLink(data); }, /** * Creates a new crx-less app manifest and installs it. * @param {Object} data The data object describing the link. Must have |url| * and |title| members. */ generateAppForLink: function(data) { assert(data.url != undefined); assert(data.title != undefined); var pageIndex = ntp.getAppsPageIndex(this); chrome.send('generateAppForLink', [data.url, data.title, pageIndex]); }, /** @override */ tileMoved: function(draggedTile) { if (!(draggedTile.firstChild instanceof App)) return; var pageIndex = ntp.getAppsPageIndex(this); chrome.send('setPageIndex', [draggedTile.firstChild.appId, pageIndex]); var appIds = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.tileElements_.length; i++) { var tileContents = this.tileElements_[i].firstChild; if (tileContents instanceof App) appIds.push(tileContents.appId); } chrome.send('reorderApps', [draggedTile.firstChild.appId, appIds]); }, /** @override */ setDropEffect: function(dataTransfer) { var tile = ntp.getCurrentlyDraggingTile(); if (tile && tile.querySelector('.app')) ntp.setCurrentDropEffect(dataTransfer, 'move'); else ntp.setCurrentDropEffect(dataTransfer, 'copy'); }, }; /** * Launches the specified app using the APP_LAUNCH_NTP_APP_RE_ENABLE * histogram. This should only be invoked from the AppLauncherHandler. * @param {string} appID The ID of the app. */ function launchAppAfterEnable(appId) { chrome.send('launchApp', [appId, APP_LAUNCH.NTP_APP_RE_ENABLE]); } return { APP_LAUNCH: APP_LAUNCH, AppsPage: AppsPage, launchAppAfterEnable: launchAppAfterEnable, }; });