/* Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ /* TODO(estade): handle overflow better? I tried overflow-x: hidden and overflow-y: visible (for the new dot animation), but this makes a scroll bar appear */ #dot-list { /* Expand to take up all available horizontal space. */ -webkit-box-flex: 1; /* Center child dots. */ -webkit-box-pack: center; display: -webkit-flex; height: 100%; list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; } html.starting-up #dot-list { display: none; } .dot { -webkit-margin-end: 10px; -webkit-padding-start: 2px; -webkit-transition: -webkit-margin-end 250ms, max-width 250ms, opacity 250ms; box-sizing: border-box; cursor: pointer; /* max-width: Set in new_tab.js. See measureNavDots() */ outline: none; text-align: left; } .dot:last-child { -webkit-margin-end: 0; } .dot:only-of-type { cursor: default; opacity: 0; pointer-events: none; } .dot.small { -webkit-margin-end: 0; max-width: 0; } .dot .selection-bar { -webkit-transition: border-color 200ms; border-bottom: 5px solid; border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); height: 10px; } .dot input { -webkit-appearance: caret; -webkit-margin-start: 2px; -webkit-transition: color 200ms; background-color: transparent; cursor: inherit; font: inherit; height: auto; margin-top: 2px; padding: 1px 0; width: 90%; } .dot input:focus { cursor: auto; } /* Everything below here should be themed but we don't have appropriate colors * yet. */ .dot input { color: #b2b2b2; } .dot:focus input, .dot:hover input, .dot.selected input { color: #7f7f7f; } .dot:focus .selection-bar, .dot:hover .selection-bar, .dot.drag-target .selection-bar { border-color: #b2b2b2; } .dot.selected .selection-bar { border-color: #7f7f7f; }