// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. /** * @fileoverview New tab page * This is the main code for the new tab page used by touch-enabled Chrome * browsers. For now this is still a prototype. */ // Use an anonymous function to enable strict mode just for this file (which // will be concatenated with other files when embedded in Chrome cr.define('ntp', function() { 'use strict'; /** * NewTabView instance. * @type {!Object|undefined} */ var newTabView; /** * The 'notification-container' element. * @type {!Element|undefined} */ var notificationContainer; /** * If non-null, an info bubble for showing messages to the user. It points at * the Most Visited label, and is used to draw more attention to the * navigation dot UI. * @type {!Element|undefined} */ var promoBubble; /** * If non-null, an bubble confirming that the user has signed into sync. It * points at the login status at the top of the page. * @type {!Element|undefined} */ var loginBubble; /** * true if |loginBubble| should be shown. * @type {boolean} */ var shouldShowLoginBubble = false; /** * The 'other-sessions-menu-button' element. * @type {!Element|undefined} */ var otherSessionsButton; /** * The time when all sections are ready. * @type {number|undefined} * @private */ var startTime; /** * The time in milliseconds for most transitions. This should match what's * in new_tab.css. Unfortunately there's no better way to try to time * something to occur until after a transition has completed. * @type {number} * @const */ var DEFAULT_TRANSITION_TIME = 500; /** * See description for these values in ntp_stats.h. * @enum {number} */ var NtpFollowAction = { CLICKED_TILE: 11, CLICKED_OTHER_NTP_PANE: 12, OTHER: 13 }; /** * Creates a NewTabView object. NewTabView extends PageListView with * new tab UI specific logics. * @constructor * @extends {PageListView} */ function NewTabView() { var pageSwitcherStart = null; var pageSwitcherEnd = null; if (loadTimeData.getValue('showApps')) { pageSwitcherStart = getRequiredElement('page-switcher-start'); pageSwitcherEnd = getRequiredElement('page-switcher-end'); } this.initialize(getRequiredElement('page-list'), getRequiredElement('dot-list'), getRequiredElement('card-slider-frame'), getRequiredElement('trash'), pageSwitcherStart, pageSwitcherEnd); } NewTabView.prototype = { __proto__: ntp.PageListView.prototype, /** @override */ appendTilePage: function(page, title, titleIsEditable, opt_refNode) { ntp.PageListView.prototype.appendTilePage.apply(this, arguments); if (promoBubble) window.setTimeout(promoBubble.reposition.bind(promoBubble), 0); } }; function gotShouldShowApps(shouldShowApps) { if (shouldShowApps != loadTimeData.getBoolean('showApps')) { // TODO(jeremya): update the UI in-place instead of reloading. window.location.reload(); return; } } /** * Invoked at startup once the DOM is available to initialize the app. */ function onLoad() { // This will end up calling ntp.gotShouldShowApps. chrome.send('getShouldShowApps'); sectionsToWaitFor = 0; if (loadTimeData.getBoolean('showMostvisited')) sectionsToWaitFor++; if (loadTimeData.getBoolean('showApps')) sectionsToWaitFor++; if (loadTimeData.getBoolean('isDiscoveryInNTPEnabled')) sectionsToWaitFor++; measureNavDots(); layoutFooter(); // Load the current theme colors. themeChanged(); newTabView = new NewTabView(); notificationContainer = getRequiredElement('notification-container'); notificationContainer.addEventListener( 'webkitTransitionEnd', onNotificationTransitionEnd); if (loadTimeData.getBoolean('showRecentlyClosed')) { cr.ui.decorate($('recently-closed-menu-button'), ntp.RecentMenuButton); chrome.send('getRecentlyClosedTabs'); } else { $('recently-closed-menu-button').hidden = true; } if (loadTimeData.getBoolean('showOtherSessionsMenu')) { otherSessionsButton = getRequiredElement('other-sessions-menu-button'); cr.ui.decorate(otherSessionsButton, ntp.OtherSessionsMenuButton); otherSessionsButton.initialize(loadTimeData.getBoolean('isUserSignedIn')); } else { getRequiredElement('other-sessions-menu-button').hidden = true; } if (loadTimeData.getBoolean('showMostvisited')) { var mostVisited = new ntp.MostVisitedPage(); // Move the footer into the most visited page if we are in "bare minimum" // mode. if (document.body.classList.contains('bare-minimum')) mostVisited.appendFooter(getRequiredElement('footer')); newTabView.appendTilePage(mostVisited, loadTimeData.getString('mostvisited'), false); chrome.send('getMostVisited'); } if (loadTimeData.getBoolean('isDiscoveryInNTPEnabled')) { var suggestions_script = document.createElement('script'); suggestions_script.src = 'suggestions_page.js'; suggestions_script.onload = function() { newTabView.appendTilePage(new ntp.SuggestionsPage(), loadTimeData.getString('suggestions'), false, (newTabView.appsPages.length > 0) ? newTabView.appsPages[0] : null); chrome.send('getSuggestions'); cr.dispatchSimpleEvent(document, 'sectionready', true, true); }; document.querySelector('head').appendChild(suggestions_script); } if (!loadTimeData.getBoolean('showWebStoreIcon')) { var webStoreIcon = $('chrome-web-store-link'); // Not all versions of the NTP have a footer, so this may not exist. if (webStoreIcon) webStoreIcon.classList.add('invisible'); } else { var webStoreLink = loadTimeData.getString('webStoreLink'); var url = appendParam(webStoreLink, 'utm_source', 'chrome-ntp-launcher'); $('chrome-web-store-link').href = url; $('chrome-web-store-link').addEventListener('click', onChromeWebStoreButtonClick); } if (loadTimeData.getString('login_status_message')) { loginBubble = new cr.ui.Bubble; loginBubble.anchorNode = $('login-container'); loginBubble.arrowLocation = cr.ui.ArrowLocation.TOP_END; loginBubble.bubbleAlignment = cr.ui.BubbleAlignment.BUBBLE_EDGE_TO_ANCHOR_EDGE; loginBubble.deactivateToDismissDelay = 2000; loginBubble.closeButtonVisible = false; $('login-status-advanced').onclick = function() { chrome.send('showAdvancedLoginUI'); }; $('login-status-dismiss').onclick = loginBubble.hide.bind(loginBubble); var bubbleContent = $('login-status-bubble-contents'); loginBubble.content = bubbleContent; // The anchor node won't be updated until updateLogin is called so don't // show the bubble yet. shouldShowLoginBubble = true; } if (loadTimeData.valueExists('bubblePromoText')) { promoBubble = new cr.ui.Bubble; promoBubble.anchorNode = getRequiredElement('promo-bubble-anchor'); promoBubble.arrowLocation = cr.ui.ArrowLocation.BOTTOM_START; promoBubble.bubbleAlignment = cr.ui.BubbleAlignment.ENTIRELY_VISIBLE; promoBubble.deactivateToDismissDelay = 2000; promoBubble.content = parseHtmlSubset( loadTimeData.getString('bubblePromoText'), ['BR']); var bubbleLink = promoBubble.querySelector('a'); if (bubbleLink) { bubbleLink.addEventListener('click', function(e) { chrome.send('bubblePromoLinkClicked'); }); } promoBubble.handleCloseEvent = function() { promoBubble.hide(); chrome.send('bubblePromoClosed'); }; promoBubble.show(); chrome.send('bubblePromoViewed'); } var loginContainer = getRequiredElement('login-container'); loginContainer.addEventListener('click', showSyncLoginUI); chrome.send('initializeSyncLogin'); doWhenAllSectionsReady(function() { // Tell the slider about the pages. newTabView.updateSliderCards(); // Mark the current page. newTabView.cardSlider.currentCardValue.navigationDot.classList.add( 'selected'); if (loadTimeData.valueExists('notificationPromoText')) { var promoText = loadTimeData.getString('notificationPromoText'); var tags = ['IMG']; var attrs = { src: function(node, value) { return node.tagName == 'IMG' && /^data\:image\/(?:png|gif|jpe?g)/.test(value); }, }; var promo = parseHtmlSubset(promoText, tags, attrs); var promoLink = promo.querySelector('a'); if (promoLink) { promoLink.addEventListener('click', function(e) { chrome.send('notificationPromoLinkClicked'); }); } showNotification(promo, [], function() { chrome.send('notificationPromoClosed'); }, 60000); chrome.send('notificationPromoViewed'); } cr.dispatchSimpleEvent(document, 'ntpLoaded', true, true); document.documentElement.classList.remove('starting-up'); startTime = Date.now(); }); preventDefaultOnPoundLinkClicks(); // From webui/js/util.js. } /** * Launches the chrome web store app with the chrome-ntp-launcher * source. * @param {Event} e The click event. */ function onChromeWebStoreButtonClick(e) { chrome.send('recordAppLaunchByURL', [encodeURIComponent(this.href), ntp.APP_LAUNCH.NTP_WEBSTORE_FOOTER]); } /* * The number of sections to wait on. * @type {number} */ var sectionsToWaitFor = -1; /** * Queued callbacks which lie in wait for all sections to be ready. * @type {array} */ var readyCallbacks = []; /** * Fired as each section of pages becomes ready. * @param {Event} e Each page's synthetic DOM event. */ document.addEventListener('sectionready', function(e) { if (--sectionsToWaitFor <= 0) { while (readyCallbacks.length) { readyCallbacks.shift()(); } } }); /** * This is used to simulate a fire-once event (i.e. $(document).ready() in * jQuery or Y.on('domready') in YUI. If all sections are ready, the callback * is fired right away. If all pages are not ready yet, the function is queued * for later execution. * @param {function} callback The work to be done when ready. */ function doWhenAllSectionsReady(callback) { assert(typeof callback == 'function'); if (sectionsToWaitFor > 0) readyCallbacks.push(callback); else window.setTimeout(callback, 0); // Do soon after, but asynchronously. } /** * Fills in an invisible div with the 'Most Visited' string so that * its length may be measured and the nav dots sized accordingly. */ function measureNavDots() { var measuringDiv = $('fontMeasuringDiv'); if (loadTimeData.getBoolean('showMostvisited')) measuringDiv.textContent = loadTimeData.getString('mostvisited'); // The 4 is for border and padding. var pxWidth = Math.max(measuringDiv.clientWidth * 1.15 + 4, 80); var styleElement = document.createElement('style'); styleElement.type = 'text/css'; // max-width is used because if we run out of space, the nav dots will be // shrunk. styleElement.textContent = '.dot { max-width: ' + pxWidth + 'px; }'; document.querySelector('head').appendChild(styleElement); } /** * Layout the footer so that the nav dots stay centered. */ function layoutFooter() { var menu = $('footer-menu-container'); var logo = $('logo-img'); if (menu.clientWidth > logo.clientWidth) logo.style.width = menu.clientWidth + 'px'; } function themeChanged(opt_hasAttribution) { $('themecss').href = 'chrome://theme/css/new_tab_theme.css?' + Date.now(); if (typeof opt_hasAttribution != 'undefined') { document.documentElement.setAttribute('hasattribution', opt_hasAttribution); } updateAttribution(); } function setBookmarkBarAttached(attached) { document.documentElement.setAttribute('bookmarkbarattached', attached); } /** * Attributes the attribution image at the bottom left. */ function updateAttribution() { var attribution = $('attribution'); if (document.documentElement.getAttribute('hasattribution') == 'true') { $('attribution-img').src = 'chrome://theme/IDR_THEME_NTP_ATTRIBUTION?' + Date.now(); attribution.hidden = false; } else { attribution.hidden = true; } } /** * Timeout ID. * @type {number} */ var notificationTimeout = 0; /** * Shows the notification bubble. * @param {string|Node} message The notification message or node to use as * message. * @param {Array.<{text: string, action: function()}>} links An array of * records describing the links in the notification. Each record should * have a 'text' attribute (the display string) and an 'action' attribute * (a function to run when the link is activated). * @param {Function} opt_closeHandler The callback invoked if the user * manually dismisses the notification. */ function showNotification(message, links, opt_closeHandler, opt_timeout) { window.clearTimeout(notificationTimeout); var span = document.querySelector('#notification > span'); if (typeof message == 'string') { span.textContent = message; } else { span.textContent = ''; // Remove all children. span.appendChild(message); } var linksBin = $('notificationLinks'); linksBin.textContent = ''; for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { var link = linksBin.ownerDocument.createElement('div'); link.textContent = links[i].text; link.action = links[i].action; link.onclick = function() { this.action(); hideNotification(); }; link.setAttribute('role', 'button'); link.setAttribute('tabindex', 0); link.className = 'link-button'; linksBin.appendChild(link); } function closeFunc(e) { if (opt_closeHandler) opt_closeHandler(); hideNotification(); } document.querySelector('#notification button').onclick = closeFunc; document.addEventListener('dragstart', closeFunc); notificationContainer.hidden = false; showNotificationOnCurrentPage(); newTabView.cardSlider.frame.addEventListener( 'cardSlider:card_change_ended', onCardChangeEnded); var timeout = opt_timeout || 10000; notificationTimeout = window.setTimeout(hideNotification, timeout); } /** * Hide the notification bubble. */ function hideNotification() { notificationContainer.classList.add('inactive'); newTabView.cardSlider.frame.removeEventListener( 'cardSlider:card_change_ended', onCardChangeEnded); } /** * Happens when 1 or more consecutive card changes end. * @param {Event} e The cardSlider:card_change_ended event. */ function onCardChangeEnded(e) { // If we ended on the same page as we started, ignore. if (newTabView.cardSlider.currentCardValue.notification) return; // Hide the notification the old page. notificationContainer.classList.add('card-changed'); showNotificationOnCurrentPage(); } /** * Move and show the notification on the current page. */ function showNotificationOnCurrentPage() { var page = newTabView.cardSlider.currentCardValue; doWhenAllSectionsReady(function() { if (page != newTabView.cardSlider.currentCardValue) return; // NOTE: This moves the notification to inside of the current page. page.notification = notificationContainer; // Reveal the notification and instruct it to hide itself if ignored. notificationContainer.classList.remove('inactive'); // Gives the browser time to apply this rule before we remove it (causing // a transition). window.setTimeout(function() { notificationContainer.classList.remove('card-changed'); }, 0); }); } /** * When done fading out, set hidden to true so the notification can't be * tabbed to or clicked. * @param {Event} e The webkitTransitionEnd event. */ function onNotificationTransitionEnd(e) { if (notificationContainer.classList.contains('inactive')) notificationContainer.hidden = true; } function setRecentlyClosedTabs(dataItems) { $('recently-closed-menu-button').dataItems = dataItems; } function setMostVisitedPages(data, hasBlacklistedUrls) { newTabView.mostVisitedPage.data = data; cr.dispatchSimpleEvent(document, 'sectionready', true, true); } function setSuggestionsPages(data, hasBlacklistedUrls) { newTabView.suggestionsPage.data = data; } /** * Set the dominant color for a node. This will be called in response to * getFaviconDominantColor. The node represented by |id| better have a setter * for stripeColor. * @param {string} id The ID of a node. * @param {string} color The color represented as a CSS string. */ function setFaviconDominantColor(id, color) { var node = $(id); if (node) node.stripeColor = color; } /** * Updates the text displayed in the login container. If there is no text then * the login container is hidden. * @param {string} loginHeader The first line of text. * @param {string} loginSubHeader The second line of text. * @param {string} iconURL The url for the login status icon. If this is null then the login status icon is hidden. * @param {boolean} isUserSignedIn Indicates if the user is signed in or not. */ function updateLogin(loginHeader, loginSubHeader, iconURL, isUserSignedIn) { if (loginHeader || loginSubHeader) { $('login-container').hidden = false; $('login-status-header').innerHTML = loginHeader; $('login-status-sub-header').innerHTML = loginSubHeader; $('card-slider-frame').classList.add('showing-login-area'); if (iconURL) { $('login-status-header-container').style.backgroundImage = url(iconURL); $('login-status-header-container').classList.add('login-status-icon'); } else { $('login-status-header-container').style.backgroundImage = 'none'; $('login-status-header-container').classList.remove( 'login-status-icon'); } } else { $('login-container').hidden = true; $('card-slider-frame').classList.remove('showing-login-area'); } if (shouldShowLoginBubble) { window.setTimeout(loginBubble.show.bind(loginBubble), 0); chrome.send('loginMessageSeen'); shouldShowLoginBubble = false; } else if (loginBubble) { loginBubble.reposition(); } if (otherSessionsButton) otherSessionsButton.updateSignInState(isUserSignedIn); } /** * Show the sync login UI. * @param {Event} e The click event. */ function showSyncLoginUI(e) { var rect = e.currentTarget.getBoundingClientRect(); chrome.send('showSyncLoginUI', [rect.left, rect.top, rect.width, rect.height]); } /** * Logs the time to click for the specified item. * @param {string} item The item to log the time-to-click. */ function logTimeToClick(item) { var timeToClick = Date.now() - startTime; chrome.send('logTimeToClick', ['NewTabPage.TimeToClick' + item, timeToClick]); } /** * Wrappers to forward the callback to corresponding PageListView member. */ function appAdded() { return newTabView.appAdded.apply(newTabView, arguments); } function appMoved() { return newTabView.appMoved.apply(newTabView, arguments); } function appRemoved() { return newTabView.appRemoved.apply(newTabView, arguments); } function appsPrefChangeCallback() { return newTabView.appsPrefChangedCallback.apply(newTabView, arguments); } function appsReordered() { return newTabView.appsReordered.apply(newTabView, arguments); } function enterRearrangeMode() { return newTabView.enterRearrangeMode.apply(newTabView, arguments); } function setForeignSessions(sessionList, isTabSyncEnabled) { if (otherSessionsButton) otherSessionsButton.setForeignSessions(sessionList, isTabSyncEnabled); } function getAppsCallback() { return newTabView.getAppsCallback.apply(newTabView, arguments); } function getAppsPageIndex() { return newTabView.getAppsPageIndex.apply(newTabView, arguments); } function getCardSlider() { return newTabView.cardSlider; } function leaveRearrangeMode() { return newTabView.leaveRearrangeMode.apply(newTabView, arguments); } function saveAppPageName() { return newTabView.saveAppPageName.apply(newTabView, arguments); } function setAppToBeHighlighted(appId) { newTabView.highlightAppId = appId; } // Return an object with all the exports return { appAdded: appAdded, appMoved: appMoved, appRemoved: appRemoved, appsPrefChangeCallback: appsPrefChangeCallback, enterRearrangeMode: enterRearrangeMode, getAppsCallback: getAppsCallback, getAppsPageIndex: getAppsPageIndex, getCardSlider: getCardSlider, onLoad: onLoad, gotShouldShowApps: gotShouldShowApps, leaveRearrangeMode: leaveRearrangeMode, logTimeToClick: logTimeToClick, NtpFollowAction: NtpFollowAction, saveAppPageName: saveAppPageName, setAppToBeHighlighted: setAppToBeHighlighted, setBookmarkBarAttached: setBookmarkBarAttached, setForeignSessions: setForeignSessions, setMostVisitedPages: setMostVisitedPages, setSuggestionsPages: setSuggestionsPages, setRecentlyClosedTabs: setRecentlyClosedTabs, setFaviconDominantColor: setFaviconDominantColor, showNotification: showNotification, themeChanged: themeChanged, updateLogin: updateLogin }; }); document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', ntp.onLoad); var toCssPx = cr.ui.toCssPx;