// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
cr.define('ntp', function() {
'use strict';
var Tile = ntp.Tile;
var TilePage = ntp.TilePage;
* Creates a new Thumbnail object for tiling.
* @constructor
* @extends {Tile}
* @extends {HTMLAnchorElement}
* @param {Object} config Tile page configuration object.
function Thumbnail(config) {
var el = cr.doc.createElement('a');
el.__proto__ = Thumbnail.prototype;
return el;
Thumbnail.prototype = Tile.subclass({
__proto__: HTMLAnchorElement.prototype,
* Initializes a Thumbnail.
* @param {Object} config TilePage configuration object.
initialize: function(config) {
Tile.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
this.addEventListener('mouseover', this.handleMouseOver_);
* Clears the DOM hierarchy for this node, setting it back to the default
* for a blank thumbnail.
reset: function() {
this.innerHTML =
'' +
'' +
'' +
this.tabIndex = -1;
this.data_ = null;
this.title = '';
* Update the appearance of this tile according to |data|.
* @param {Object} data A dictionary of relevant data for the page.
setData: function(data) {
Tile.prototype.setData.apply(this, arguments);
* Formats this tile according to |data|.
* @param {Object} data A dictionary of relevant data for the page.
* @private
formatThumbnail_: function(data) {
var title = this.querySelector('.title');
title.textContent = data.title;
title.dir = data.direction;
// Sets the tooltip.
this.title = data.title;
var dataUrl = data.url;
// Allow an empty string href (e.g. for a multiple tab thumbnail).
this.href = typeof data.href != 'undefined' ? data.href : dataUrl;
var thumbnailImage = this.querySelector('.thumbnail-image');
var banner = thumbnailImage.querySelector('.thumbnail-banner');
if (banner)
var favicon = thumbnailImage.querySelector('.thumbnail-favicon');
if (favicon)
var self = this;
var image = new Image();
// If the thumbnail image fails to load, show the favicon and URL instead.
// TODO(jeremycho): Move to a separate function?
image.onerror = function() {
banner = thumbnailImage.querySelector('.thumbnail-banner') ||
banner.className = 'thumbnail-banner';
// For now, just strip leading http://www and trailing backslash.
// TODO(jeremycho): Consult with UX on URL truncation.
banner.textContent = dataUrl.replace(/^(http:\/\/)?(www\.)?|\/$/gi, '');
favicon = thumbnailImage.querySelector('.thumbnail-favicon') ||
favicon.className = 'thumbnail-favicon';
favicon.style.backgroundImage =
url('chrome://favicon/size/16/' + dataUrl);
var thumbnailUrl = ntp.getThumbnailUrl(dataUrl);
thumbnailImage.style.backgroundImage = url(thumbnailUrl);
image.src = thumbnailUrl;
* Returns true if this is a thumbnail or descendant thereof. Used to
* detect when the mouse has transitioned into this thumbnail from a
* strictly non-thumbnail element.
* @param {Object} element The element to test.
* @return {boolean} True if this is a thumbnail or a descendant thereof.
* @private
isInThumbnail_: function(element) {
while (element) {
if (element == this)
return true;
element = element.parentNode;
return false;
* Increment the hover count whenever the mouse enters a thumbnail.
* @param {Event} e The mouse over event.
* @private
handleMouseOver_: function(e) {
if (this.isInThumbnail_(e.target) &&
!this.isInThumbnail_(e.relatedTarget)) {
* Creates a new ThumbnailPage object.
* @constructor
* @extends {TilePage}
function ThumbnailPage() {
var el = new TilePage();
el.__proto__ = ThumbnailPage.prototype;
return el;
ThumbnailPage.prototype = {
__proto__: TilePage.prototype,
config_: {
// The width of a cell.
cellWidth: 132,
// The start margin of a cell (left or right according to text direction).
cellMarginStart: 18,
// The border panel horizontal margin.
bottomPanelHorizontalMargin: 100,
// The height of the tile row.
rowHeight: 105,
// The maximum number of Tiles to be displayed.
maxTileCount: 10
* Initializes a ThumbnailPage.
initialize: function() {
/** @inheritDoc */
shouldAcceptDrag: function(e) {
return false;
return {
Thumbnail: Thumbnail,
ThumbnailPage: ThumbnailPage,