// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. cr.define('options', function() { var OptionsPage = options.OptionsPage; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CertificateManagerTab class: /** * blah * @param {!string} id The id of this tab. */ function CertificateManagerTab(id) { this.tree = $(id + '-tree'); options.CertificatesTree.decorate(this.tree); this.tree.addEventListener('change', this.handleCertificatesTreeChange_.bind(this)); var tree = this.tree; this.viewButton = $(id + '-view'); this.viewButton.onclick = function(e) { var selected = tree.selectedItem; chrome.send('viewCertificate', [selected.data.id]); } this.editButton = $(id + '-edit'); if (this.editButton !== null) { if (id == 'serverCertsTab') { this.editButton.onclick = function(e) { var selected = tree.selectedItem; chrome.send('editServerCertificate', [selected.data.id]); } } else if (id == 'caCertsTab') { this.editButton.onclick = function(e) { var data = tree.selectedItem.data; CertificateEditCaTrustOverlay.show(data.id, data.name); } } } this.backupButton = $(id + '-backup'); if (this.backupButton !== null) { this.backupButton.onclick = function(e) { var selected = tree.selectedItem; chrome.send('exportPersonalCertificate', [selected.data.id]); } } this.backupAllButton = $(id + '-backup-all'); if (this.backupAllButton !== null) { this.backupAllButton.onclick = function(e) { chrome.send('exportAllPersonalCertificates'); } } this.importButton = $(id + '-import'); if (this.importButton !== null) { if (id == 'personalCertsTab') { this.importButton.onclick = function(e) { chrome.send('importPersonalCertificate', [false]); } } else if (id == 'serverCertsTab') { this.importButton.onclick = function(e) { chrome.send('importServerCertificate'); } } else if (id == 'caCertsTab') { this.importButton.onclick = function(e) { chrome.send('importCaCertificate'); } } } this.importAndBindButton = $(id + '-import-and-bind'); if (this.importAndBindButton !== null) { if (id == 'personalCertsTab') { this.importAndBindButton.onclick = function(e) { chrome.send('importPersonalCertificate', [true]); } } } this.exportButton = $(id + '-export'); if (this.exportButton !== null) { this.exportButton.onclick = function(e) { var selected = tree.selectedItem; chrome.send('exportCertificate', [selected.data.id]); } } this.deleteButton = $(id + '-delete'); this.deleteButton.onclick = function(e) { var data = tree.selectedItem.data; AlertOverlay.show( loadTimeData.getStringF(id + 'DeleteConfirm', data.name), loadTimeData.getString(id + 'DeleteImpact'), loadTimeData.getString('ok'), loadTimeData.getString('cancel'), function() { tree.selectedItem = null; chrome.send('deleteCertificate', [data.id]); }); } } CertificateManagerTab.prototype = { /** * Update button state. * @private * @param {!Object} data The data of the selected item. */ updateButtonState: function(data) { var isCert = !!data && data.isCert; var readOnly = !!data && data.readonly; var extractable = !!data && data.extractable; var hasChildren = this.tree.items.length > 0; var isPolicy = !!data && data.policy; this.viewButton.disabled = !isCert; if (this.editButton !== null) this.editButton.disabled = !isCert || isPolicy; if (this.backupButton !== null) this.backupButton.disabled = !isCert || !extractable; if (this.backupAllButton !== null) this.backupAllButton.disabled = !hasChildren; if (this.exportButton !== null) this.exportButton.disabled = !isCert; this.deleteButton.disabled = !isCert || readOnly || isPolicy; }, /** * Handles certificate tree selection change. * @private * @param {!Event} e The change event object. */ handleCertificatesTreeChange_: function(e) { var data = null; if (this.tree.selectedItem) { data = this.tree.selectedItem.data; } this.updateButtonState(data); }, }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CertificateManager class: /** * Encapsulated handling of ChromeOS accounts options page. * @constructor */ function CertificateManager(model) { OptionsPage.call(this, 'certificates', loadTimeData.getString('certificateManagerPageTabTitle'), 'certificateManagerPage'); } cr.addSingletonGetter(CertificateManager); CertificateManager.prototype = { __proto__: OptionsPage.prototype, initializePage: function() { OptionsPage.prototype.initializePage.call(this); this.personalTab = new CertificateManagerTab('personalCertsTab'); this.serverTab = new CertificateManagerTab('serverCertsTab'); this.caTab = new CertificateManagerTab('caCertsTab'); this.otherTab = new CertificateManagerTab('otherCertsTab'); this.addEventListener('visibleChange', this.handleVisibleChange_); $('certificate-confirm').onclick = function() { OptionsPage.closeOverlay(); }; }, initalized_: false, /** * Handler for OptionsPage's visible property change event. * @private * @param {Event} e Property change event. */ handleVisibleChange_: function(e) { if (!this.initalized_ && this.visible) { this.initalized_ = true; OptionsPage.showTab($('personal-certs-nav-tab')); chrome.send('populateCertificateManager'); } } }; // CertificateManagerHandler callbacks. CertificateManager.onPopulateTree = function(args) { $(args[0]).populate(args[1]); }; CertificateManager.exportPersonalAskPassword = function(args) { CertificateBackupOverlay.show(); }; CertificateManager.importPersonalAskPassword = function(args) { CertificateRestoreOverlay.show(); }; CertificateManager.onModelReady = function(tpm_available) { if (tpm_available) $('personalCertsTab-import-and-bind').disabled = false; $('personalCertsTab-import').disabled = false; $('serverCertsTab-import').disabled = false; $('caCertsTab-import').disabled = false; }; // Export return { CertificateManagerTab: CertificateManagerTab, CertificateManager: CertificateManager }; });