// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

cr.define('options', function() {

   * Encapsulated handling of the keyboard overlay.
   * @constructor
  function KeyboardOverlay() {
    options.SettingsDialog.call(this, 'keyboard-overlay',
        $('keyboard-confirm'), $('keyboard-cancel'));


  KeyboardOverlay.prototype = {
    __proto__: options.SettingsDialog.prototype,

     * Initializes the page. This method is called in initialize.
    initializePage: function() {

      $('languages-and-input-settings').onclick = function(e) {

     * Show/hide the caps lock remapping section.
     * @private
    showCapsLockOptions_: function(show) {
      $('caps-lock-remapping-section').hidden = !show;

     * Show/hide the diamond key remapping section.
     * @private
    showDiamondKeyOptions_: function(show) {
      $('diamond-key-remapping-section').hidden = !show;

  // Forward public APIs to private implementations.
  ].forEach(function(name) {
    KeyboardOverlay[name] = function() {
      var instance = KeyboardOverlay.getInstance();
      return instance[name + '_'].apply(instance, arguments);

  // Export
  return {
    KeyboardOverlay: KeyboardOverlay