// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. cr.define('options', function() { var OptionsPage = options.OptionsPage; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CookiesView class: /** * Encapsulated handling of ChromeOS accounts options page. * @constructor */ function CookiesView(model) { OptionsPage.call(this, 'cookiesView', localStrings.getString('cookiesViewPage'), 'cookiesViewPage'); } cr.addSingletonGetter(CookiesView); CookiesView.prototype = { __proto__: OptionsPage.prototype, initializePage: function() { OptionsPage.prototype.initializePage.call(this); var cookiesTree = $('cookiesTree'); options.CookiesTree.decorate(cookiesTree); cookiesTree.addEventListener('change', this.handleCookieTreeChange_.bind(this)); $('cookiesSearchBox').addEventListener('keydown', this.handleQueryEditKeyDown_.bind(this)); var self = this; $('clearCookieSearchButton').onclick = function(e) { $('cookiesSearchBox').value = ''; self.searchCookie(); } $('remove-cookie').onclick = function(e) { var selected = cookiesTree.selectedItem; chrome.send('removeCookie', [selected.pathId]); } $('remove-all-cookie').onclick = function(e) { chrome.send('removeAllCookies', []); } this.addEventListener('visibleChange', this.handleVisibleChange_); this.clearCookieInfo(); }, /** * Set visible detailed info. * @param {string} name Name of the details info pane to made visible. */ updateVisibleDetailedInfo: function(name) { const infoPaneNames = [ 'cookiesInfo', 'appCacheInfo', 'webDbInfo', 'localStorageInfo', 'indexedDBInfo']; for (var i = 0 ; i < infoPaneNames.length; ++i) { var paneName = infoPaneNames[i]; var pane = $(paneName); if (name == paneName) { pane.classList.remove('hidden'); } else { pane.classList.add('hidden'); } } }, /** * Update remove button state. */ updateRemoveButtonState: function() { var cookiesTree = $('cookiesTree'); $('remove-cookie').disabled = !cookiesTree.children.length || !cookiesTree.selectedItem; $('remove-all-cookie').disabled = !cookiesTree.children.length; }, /** * Clears cookie info. */ clearCookieInfo: function() { $('cookieName').textContent = localStrings.getString('no_cookie'); $('cookieContent').textContent = localStrings.getString('no_cookie'); $('cookieDomain').textContent = localStrings.getString('no_cookie'); $('cookiePath').textContent = localStrings.getString('no_cookie'); $('cookieSendFor').textContent = localStrings.getString('no_cookie'); $('cookieCreated').textContent = localStrings.getString('no_cookie'); $('cookieExpires').textContent = localStrings.getString('no_cookie'); }, /** * Sets cookie info to display. */ setCookieInfo: function(cookie) { $('cookieName').textContent = cookie.name; $('cookieContent').textContent = cookie.content; $('cookieDomain').textContent = cookie.domain; $('cookiePath').textContent = cookie.path; $('cookieSendFor').textContent = cookie.sendfor; $('cookieCreated').textContent = cookie.created; $('cookieExpires').textContent = cookie.expires; }, /** * Sets app cache info to display. */ setAppCacheInfo: function(appCache) { $('appCacheManifest').textContent = appCache.manefest; $('appCacheSize').textContent = appCache.size; $('appCacheCreated').textContent = appCache.created; $('appCacheLastAccessed').textContent = appCache.accessed; }, /** * Sets web db info to display. */ setWebDbInfo: function(webDb) { $('webdbName').textContent = webDb.name; $('webdbDesc').textContent = webDb.desc; $('webdbSize').textContent = webDb.size; $('webdbLastModified').textContent = webDb.modified; }, /** * Sets local storage info to display. */ setLocalStorageInfo: function(localStorage) { $('localStorageOrigin').textContent = localStorage.origin; $('localStorageSize').textContent = localStorage.size; $('localStorageLastModified').textContent = localStorage.modified; }, /** * Sets IndexedDB info to display. */ setIndexedDBInfo: function(indexedDB) { $('indexedDBOrigin').textContent = indexedDB.origin; $('indexedDBSize').textContent = indexedDB.size; $('indexedDBLastModified').textContent = indexedDB.modified; }, lastQuery_ : null, /** * Search cookie using text in cookiesSearchBox. */ searchCookie: function() { this.queryDelayTimerId_ = 0; var filter = $('cookiesSearchBox').value; if (this.lastQuery_ != filter) { chrome.send('updateCookieSearchResults', [filter]); this.lastQuery_ = filter; } }, /** * Handles cookie tree selection change. * @private * @param {!Event} e The change event object. */ handleCookieTreeChange_: function(e) { this.updateRemoveButtonState(); var cookiesTree = $('cookiesTree'); var data = null; if (cookiesTree.selectedItem) { data = cookiesTree.selectedItem.data; } if (data && data.type == 'cookie') { this.setCookieInfo(data); this.updateVisibleDetailedInfo('cookiesInfo'); } else if (data && data.type == 'database') { this.setWebDbInfo(data); this.updateVisibleDetailedInfo('webDbInfo'); } else if (data && data.type == 'local_storage') { this.setLocalStorageInfo(data); this.updateVisibleDetailedInfo('localStorageInfo'); } else if (data && data.type == 'app_cache') { this.setAppCacheInfo(data); this.updateVisibleDetailedInfo('appCacheInfo'); } else if (data && data.type == 'indexed_db') { this.setIndexedDBInfo(data); this.updateVisibleDetailedInfo('indexedDBInfo'); } else { this.clearCookieInfo(); this.updateVisibleDetailedInfo('cookiesInfo'); } }, queryDelayTimerId_: 0, /** * Handles query edit key down. * @private * @param {!Event} e The event object. */ handleQueryEditKeyDown_: function(e) { if (this.queryDelayTimerId_) { window.clearTimeout(this.queryDelayTimerId_); } this.queryDelayTimerId_ = window.setTimeout( this.searchCookie.bind(this), 500); }, initalized_: false, /** * Handler for OptionsPage's visible property change event. * @private * @param {Event} e Property change event. */ handleVisibleChange_: function(e) { if (!this.initalized_ && this.visible) { this.initalized_ = true; this.searchCookie(); } } }; // CookiesViewHandler callbacks. CookiesView.onTreeItemAdded = function(args) { $('cookiesTree').addByParentId(args[0], args[1], args[2]); }; CookiesView.onTreeItemRemoved = function(args) { $('cookiesTree').removeByParentId(args[0], args[1], args[2]); }; CookiesView.loadChildren = function(args) { $('cookiesTree').loadChildren(args[0], args[1]); }; // Export return { CookiesView: CookiesView }; });