// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. cr.define('options', function() { var OptionsPage = options.OptionsPage; var ArrayDataModel = cr.ui.ArrayDataModel; /** * ManagedUserImportOverlay class. * Encapsulated handling of the 'Import existing managed user' overlay page. * @constructor * @class */ function ManagedUserImportOverlay() { var title = loadTimeData.getString('managedUserImportTitle'); OptionsPage.call(this, 'managedUserImport', title, 'managed-user-import'); }; cr.addSingletonGetter(ManagedUserImportOverlay); ManagedUserImportOverlay.prototype = { // Inherit from OptionsPage. __proto__: OptionsPage.prototype, /** @override */ canShowPage: function() { return !BrowserOptions.getCurrentProfile().isManaged; }, /** * Initialize the page. */ initializePage: function() { // Call base class implementation to start preference initialization. OptionsPage.prototype.initializePage.call(this); var managedUserList = $('managed-user-list'); options.managedUserOptions.ManagedUserList.decorate(managedUserList); var avatarGrid = $('select-avatar-grid'); options.ProfilesIconGrid.decorate(avatarGrid); var avatarIcons = loadTimeData.getValue('avatarIcons'); avatarGrid.dataModel = new ArrayDataModel(avatarIcons); managedUserList.addEventListener('change', function(event) { var managedUser = managedUserList.selectedItem; if (!managedUser) return; $('managed-user-import-ok').disabled = managedUserList.selectedItem.onCurrentDevice; }); var self = this; $('managed-user-import-cancel').onclick = function(event) { if (self.inProgress_) { self.updateImportInProgress_(false); // 'cancelCreateProfile' is handled by CreateProfileHandler. chrome.send('cancelCreateProfile'); } OptionsPage.closeOverlay(); }; $('managed-user-import-ok').onclick = this.showAvatarGridOrSubmit_.bind(this); $('managed-user-select-avatar-ok').onclick = this.showAvatarGridOrSubmit_.bind(this); }, /** * @override */ didShowPage: function() { // When the import link is clicked to open this overlay, it is hidden in // order to trigger a cursor update. We can show the import link again // now. TODO(akuegel): Remove this temporary fix when crbug/246304 is // resolved. $('import-existing-managed-user-link').hidden = false; options.ManagedUserListData.requestExistingManagedUsers().then( this.receiveExistingManagedUsers_, this.onSigninError_.bind(this)); options.ManagedUserListData.addObserver(this); this.updateImportInProgress_(false); $('managed-user-import-error-bubble').hidden = true; $('managed-user-import-ok').disabled = true; this.showAppropriateElements_(/* isSelectAvatarMode */ false); }, /** * @override */ didClosePage: function() { options.ManagedUserListData.removeObserver(this); }, /** * Shows either the managed user import dom elements or the select avatar * dom elements. * @param {boolean} isSelectAvatarMode True if the overlay should show the * select avatar grid, and false if the overlay should show the managed * user list. * @private */ showAppropriateElements_: function(isSelectAvatarMode) { var avatarElements = this.pageDiv.querySelectorAll('.managed-user-select-avatar'); for (var i = 0; i < avatarElements.length; i++) avatarElements[i].hidden = !isSelectAvatarMode; var importElements = this.pageDiv.querySelectorAll('.managed-user-import'); for (var i = 0; i < importElements.length; i++) importElements[i].hidden = isSelectAvatarMode; }, /** * Called when the user clicks the "OK" button. In case the managed * user being imported has no avatar in sync, it shows the avatar * icon grid. In case the avatar grid is visible or the managed user * already has an avatar stored in sync, it proceeds with importing * the managed user. * @private */ showAvatarGridOrSubmit_: function() { var managedUser = $('managed-user-list').selectedItem; if (!managedUser) return; $('managed-user-import-error-bubble').hidden = true; if ($('select-avatar-grid').hidden && managedUser.needAvatar) { this.showAvatarGridHelper_(); return; } var avatarUrl = managedUser.needAvatar ? $('select-avatar-grid').selectedItem : managedUser.iconURL; this.updateImportInProgress_(true); // 'createProfile' is handled by CreateProfileHandler. chrome.send('createProfile', [managedUser.name, avatarUrl, false, true, managedUser.id]); }, /** * Hides the 'managed user list' and shows the avatar grid instead. * It also updates the overlay text and title to instruct the user * to choose an avatar for the supervised user. * @private */ showAvatarGridHelper_: function() { this.showAppropriateElements_(/* isSelectAvatarMode */ true); $('select-avatar-grid').redraw(); $('select-avatar-grid').selectedItem = loadTimeData.getValue('avatarIcons')[0]; }, /** * Updates the UI according to the importing state. * @param {boolean} inProgress True to indicate that * importing is in progress and false otherwise. * @private */ updateImportInProgress_: function(inProgress) { this.inProgress_ = inProgress; $('managed-user-import-ok').disabled = inProgress; $('managed-user-select-avatar-ok').disabled = inProgress; $('managed-user-list').disabled = inProgress; $('select-avatar-grid').disabled = inProgress; $('managed-user-import-throbber').hidden = !inProgress; }, /** * Sets the data model of the managed user list to |managedUsers|. * @param {Array.<Object>} managedUsers An array of managed user objects. * Each object is of the form: * managedUser = { * id: "Managed User ID", * name: "Managed User Name", * iconURL: "chrome://path/to/icon/image", * onCurrentDevice: true or false, * needAvatar: true or false * } * @private */ receiveExistingManagedUsers_: function(managedUsers) { managedUsers.sort(function(a, b) { if (a.onCurrentDevice != b.onCurrentDevice) return a.onCurrentDevice ? 1 : -1; return a.name.localeCompare(b.name); }); $('managed-user-list').dataModel = new ArrayDataModel(managedUsers); if (managedUsers.length == 0) { this.onError_(loadTimeData.getString('noExistingManagedUsers')); $('managed-user-import-ok').disabled = true; } else { // Hide the error bubble. $('managed-user-import-error-bubble').hidden = true; } }, onSigninError_: function() { $('managed-user-list').dataModel = null; this.onError_(loadTimeData.getString('managedUserImportSigninError')); }, /** * Displays an error message if an error occurs while * importing a managed user. * Called by BrowserOptions via the BrowserOptionsHandler. * @param {string} error The error message to display. * @private */ onError_: function(error) { var errorBubble = $('managed-user-import-error-bubble'); errorBubble.hidden = false; errorBubble.textContent = error; this.updateImportInProgress_(false); }, /** * Closes the overlay if importing the managed user was successful. Also * reset the cached list of managed users in order to get an updated list * when the overlay is reopened. * @private */ onSuccess_: function() { this.updateImportInProgress_(false); options.ManagedUserListData.resetPromise(); OptionsPage.closeAllOverlays(); }, }; // Forward public APIs to private implementations. [ 'onSuccess', ].forEach(function(name) { ManagedUserImportOverlay[name] = function() { var instance = ManagedUserImportOverlay.getInstance(); return instance[name + '_'].apply(instance, arguments); }; }); // Export return { ManagedUserImportOverlay: ManagedUserImportOverlay, }; });