/* Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ /* Don't use the large margin used for the navigation bar. Settings App uses a * 20px margin for headings + 18px for sections. */ html.settings-app body.uber-frame { -webkit-margin-start: 38px; } /* There is a tweak in uber_shared.css to improve touch events around the * navigation bar (which is not used for the settings app) in reaction to a * webkit bug (wk95204). We need to reset back to the original style. */ @media(pointer:coarse) { html.settings-app body.uber-frame section { -webkit-padding-start: 18px; } html.settings-app body.uber-frame section > h3 { -webkit-margin-start: -18px; } } html.settings-app body.uber-frame header { left: 20px; min-width: 400px; } html.settings-app #content-settings-page .content-area { -webkit-margin-start: 18px; } /* Settings App is narrower due to no navigation margin, so the roomy language * overlay needs to be trimmed down. 25% is taken off the original height and * the width is trimmed proportional to (half) the reduction due to the removal * of the left margin. */ html.settings-app .language-options-left { height: 300px; width: 228px; } html.settings-app .language-options-right { height: 300px; width: 288px; }