// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. cr.define('options', function() { /** @const */ var OptionsPage = options.OptionsPage; /** * Encapsulated handling of a search bubble. * @constructor */ function SearchBubble(text) { var el = cr.doc.createElement('div'); SearchBubble.decorate(el); el.textContent = text; return el; } SearchBubble.decorate = function(el) { el.__proto__ = SearchBubble.prototype; el.decorate(); }; SearchBubble.prototype = { __proto__: HTMLDivElement.prototype, decorate: function() { this.className = 'search-bubble'; // We create a timer to periodically update the position of the bubbles. // While this isn't all that desirable, it's the only sure-fire way of // making sure the bubbles stay in the correct location as sections // may dynamically change size at any time. var self = this; this.intervalId = setInterval(this.updatePosition.bind(this), 250); }, /** * Attach the bubble to the element. */ attachTo: function(element) { var parent = element.parentElement; if (!parent) return; if (parent.tagName == 'TD') { // To make absolute positioning work inside a table cell we need // to wrap the bubble div into another div with position:relative. // This only works properly if the element is the first child of the // table cell which is true for all options pages. this.wrapper = cr.doc.createElement('div'); this.wrapper.className = 'search-bubble-wrapper'; this.wrapper.appendChild(this); parent.insertBefore(this.wrapper, element); } else { parent.insertBefore(this, element); } }, /** * Clear the interval timer and remove the element from the page. */ dispose: function() { clearInterval(this.intervalId); var child = this.wrapper || this; var parent = child.parentNode; if (parent) parent.removeChild(child); }, /** * Update the position of the bubble. Called at creation time and then * periodically while the bubble remains visible. */ updatePosition: function() { // This bubble is 'owned' by the next sibling. var owner = (this.wrapper || this).nextSibling; // If there isn't an offset parent, we have nothing to do. if (!owner.offsetParent) return; // Position the bubble below the location of the owner. var left = owner.offsetLeft + owner.offsetWidth / 2 - this.offsetWidth / 2; var top = owner.offsetTop + owner.offsetHeight; // Update the position in the CSS. Cache the last values for // best performance. if (left != this.lastLeft) { this.style.left = left + 'px'; this.lastLeft = left; } if (top != this.lastTop) { this.style.top = top + 'px'; this.lastTop = top; } }, }; /** * Encapsulated handling of the search page. * @constructor */ function SearchPage() { OptionsPage.call(this, 'search', templateData.searchPageTabTitle, 'searchPage'); } cr.addSingletonGetter(SearchPage); SearchPage.prototype = { // Inherit SearchPage from OptionsPage. __proto__: OptionsPage.prototype, /** * A boolean to prevent recursion. Used by setSearchText_(). * @type {Boolean} * @private */ insideSetSearchText_: false, /** * Initialize the page. */ initializePage: function() { // Call base class implementation to start preference initialization. OptionsPage.prototype.initializePage.call(this); var self = this; var searchField = $('search-field'); this.searchField = searchField; // Handle search events. (No need to throttle, WebKit's search field // will do that automatically.) searchField.onsearch = function(e) { self.setSearchText_(this.value); }; // We update the history stack every time the search field blurs. This way // we get a history entry for each search, roughly, but not each letter // typed. searchField.onblur = function(e) { var query = SearchPage.canonicalizeQuery(searchField.value); if (!query) return; // Don't push the same page onto the history stack more than once (if // the user clicks in the search field and away several times). var currentHash = location.hash; var newHash = '#' + escape(query); if (currentHash == newHash) return; // If there is no hash on the current URL, the history entry has no // search query. Replace the history entry with no search with an entry // that does have a search. Otherwise, add it onto the history stack. var historyFunction = currentHash ? window.history.pushState : window.history.replaceState; historyFunction.call( window.history, {pageName: self.name}, self.title, '/' + self.name + newHash); }; // Install handler for key presses. document.addEventListener('keydown', this.keyDownEventHandler_.bind(this)); }, /** * @inheritDoc */ get sticky() { return true; }, /** * Called after this page has shown. */ didShowPage: function() { // This method is called by the Options page after all pages have // had their visibilty attribute set. At this point we can perform the // search specific DOM manipulation. this.setSearchActive_(true); }, /** * Called before this page will be hidden. */ willHidePage: function() { // This method is called by the Options page before all pages have // their visibilty attribute set. Before that happens, we need to // undo the search specific DOM manipulation that was performed in // didShowPage. this.setSearchActive_(false); }, /** * Update the UI to reflect whether we are in a search state. * @param {boolean} active True if we are on the search page. * @private */ setSearchActive_: function(active) { // It's fine to exit if search wasn't active and we're not going to // activate it now. if (!this.searchActive_ && !active) return; this.searchActive_ = active; if (active) { var hash = location.hash; if (hash) this.searchField.value = unescape(hash.slice(1)); // Move 'advanced' sections into the main settings page to allow // searching. if (!this.advancedSections_) { this.advancedSections_ = $('advanced-settings-container').querySelectorAll('section'); for (var i = 0, section; section = this.advancedSections_[i]; i++) $('settings').appendChild(section); } } else { // Just wipe out any active search text since it's no longer relevant. this.searchField.value = ''; } var pagesToSearch = this.getSearchablePages_(); for (var key in pagesToSearch) { var page = pagesToSearch[key]; if (!active) page.visible = false; // Update the visible state of all top-level elements that are not // sections (ie titles, button strips). We do this before changing // the page visibility to avoid excessive re-draw. for (var i = 0, childDiv; childDiv = page.pageDiv.children[i]; i++) { if (active) { if (childDiv.tagName != 'SECTION') childDiv.classList.add('search-hidden'); } else { childDiv.classList.remove('search-hidden'); } } if (active) { // When search is active, remove the 'hidden' tag. This tag may have // been added by the OptionsPage. page.pageDiv.hidden = false; } } if (active) { this.setSearchText_(this.searchField.value); $('search-page-search-field-container').appendChild(this.searchField); this.searchField.focus(); } else { $('browser-options-search-field-container').appendChild( this.searchField); // After hiding all page content, remove any search results. this.unhighlightMatches_(); this.removeSearchBubbles_(); // Move 'advanced' sections back into their original container. if (this.advancedSections_) { for (var i = 0, section; section = this.advancedSections_[i]; i++) $('advanced-settings-container').appendChild(section); this.advancedSections_ = null; } } }, /** * Set the current search criteria. * @param {string} text Search text. * @private */ setSearchText_: function(text) { // Prevent recursive execution of this method. if (this.insideSetSearchText_) return; this.insideSetSearchText_ = true; // Cleanup the search query string. text = SearchPage.canonicalizeQuery(text); // Toggle the search page if necessary. if (text.length) { if (!this.searchActive_) OptionsPage.navigateToPage(this.name); } else { if (this.searchActive_) OptionsPage.showDefaultPage(); this.insideSetSearchText_ = false; return; } var foundMatches = false; // Remove any prior search results. this.unhighlightMatches_(); this.removeSearchBubbles_(); // Generate search text by applying lowercase and escaping any characters // that would be problematic for regular expressions. var searchText = text.toLowerCase().replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&'); // Generate a regular expression and replace string for hilighting // search terms. var regEx = new RegExp('(' + searchText + ')', 'ig'); var replaceString = '$1'; var page, length; var pagesToSearch = this.getSearchablePages_(); for (var key in pagesToSearch) { page = pagesToSearch[key]; var elements = page.pageDiv.querySelectorAll('section'); for (var i = 0, node; node = elements[i]; i++) { node.classList.add('search-hidden'); } } var bubbleControls = []; if (searchText.length) { // Search all top-level sections for anchored string matches. for (var key in pagesToSearch) { page = pagesToSearch[key]; var elements = page.pageDiv.querySelectorAll('section'); for (var i = 0, node; node = elements[i]; i++) { if (this.performReplace_(regEx, replaceString, node)) { node.classList.remove('search-hidden'); foundMatches = true; } } } // Search all sub-pages, generating an array of top-level sections that // we need to make visible. var subPagesToSearch = this.getSearchableSubPages_(); var control, node; for (var key in subPagesToSearch) { page = subPagesToSearch[key]; if (this.performReplace_(regEx, replaceString, page.pageDiv)) { this.revealAssociatedSections_(page); bubbleControls = bubbleControls.concat(this.getAssociatedControls_(page)); foundMatches = true; } } } // Configure elements on the search results page based on search results. $('searchPageNoMatches').hidden = foundMatches; // Create search balloons for sub-page results. length = bubbleControls.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) this.createSearchBubble_(bubbleControls[i], text); // Cleanup the recursion-prevention variable. this.insideSetSearchText_ = false; }, /** * Reveal the associated section for |subpage|, as well as the one for its * |parentPage|, and its |parentPage|'s |parentPage|, etc. * @private */ revealAssociatedSections_: function(subpage) { for (var page = subpage; page; page = page.parentPage) { var section = page.associatedSection; if (section) section.classList.remove('search-hidden'); } }, /** * @return {!Array.} all the associated controls for |subpage|, * including |subpage.associatedControls| as well as any controls on parent * pages that are indirectly necessary to get to the subpage. * @private */ getAssociatedControls_: function(subpage) { var controls = []; for (var page = subpage; page; page = page.parentPage) { if (page.associatedControls) controls = controls.concat(page.associatedControls); } return controls; }, /** * Performs a string replacement based on a regex and replace string. * @param {RegEx} regex A regular expression for finding search matches. * @param {String} replace A string to apply the replace operation. * @param {Element} element An HTML container element. * @return {boolean} true if the element was changed. * @private */ performReplace_: function(regex, replace, element) { var found = false; var div, child, tmp; // Walk the tree, searching each TEXT node. var walker = document.createTreeWalker(element, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, false); var node = walker.nextNode(); while (node) { // Perform a search and replace on the text node value. var newValue = node.nodeValue.replace(regex, replace); if (newValue != node.nodeValue) { // The text node has changed so that means we found at least one // match. found = true; // Create a temporary div element and set the innerHTML to the new // value. div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = newValue; // Insert all the child nodes of the temporary div element into the // document, before the original node. child = div.firstChild; while (child = div.firstChild) { node.parentNode.insertBefore(child, node); } // Delete the old text node and advance the walker to the next // node. tmp = node; node = walker.nextNode(); tmp.parentNode.removeChild(tmp); } else { node = walker.nextNode(); } } return found; }, /** * Removes all search highlight tags from the document. * @private */ unhighlightMatches_: function() { // Find all search highlight elements. var elements = document.querySelectorAll('.search-highlighted'); // For each element, remove the highlighting. var parent, i; for (var i = 0, node; node = elements[i]; i++) { parent = node.parentNode; // Replace the highlight element with the first child (the text node). parent.replaceChild(node.firstChild, node); // Normalize the parent so that multiple text nodes will be combined. parent.normalize(); } }, /** * Creates a search result bubble attached to an element. * @param {Element} element An HTML element, usually a button. * @param {string} text A string to show in the bubble. * @private */ createSearchBubble_: function(element, text) { // avoid appending multiple bubbles to a button. var sibling = element.previousElementSibling; if (sibling && (sibling.classList.contains('search-bubble') || sibling.classList.contains('search-bubble-wrapper'))) return; var parent = element.parentElement; if (parent) { var bubble = new SearchBubble(text); bubble.attachTo(element); bubble.updatePosition(); } }, /** * Removes all search match bubbles. * @private */ removeSearchBubbles_: function() { var elements = document.querySelectorAll('.search-bubble'); var length = elements.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) elements[i].dispose(); }, /** * Builds a list of top-level pages to search. Omits the search page and * all sub-pages. * @return {Array} An array of pages to search. * @private */ getSearchablePages_: function() { var name, page, pages = []; for (name in OptionsPage.registeredPages) { if (name != this.name) { page = OptionsPage.registeredPages[name]; if (!page.parentPage) pages.push(page); } } return pages; }, /** * Builds a list of sub-pages (and overlay pages) to search. Ignore pages * that have no associated controls. * @return {Array} An array of pages to search. * @private */ getSearchableSubPages_: function() { var name, pageInfo, page, pages = []; for (name in OptionsPage.registeredPages) { page = OptionsPage.registeredPages[name]; if (page.parentPage && page.associatedSection) pages.push(page); } for (name in OptionsPage.registeredOverlayPages) { page = OptionsPage.registeredOverlayPages[name]; if (page.associatedSection && page.pageDiv != undefined) pages.push(page); } return pages; }, /** * A function to handle key press events. * @return {Event} a keydown event. * @private */ keyDownEventHandler_: function(event) { /** @const */ var ESCAPE_KEY_CODE = 27; /** @const */ var FORWARD_SLASH_KEY_CODE = 191; switch (event.keyCode) { case ESCAPE_KEY_CODE: if (event.target == this.searchField) { this.setSearchText_(''); this.searchField.blur(); event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } break; case FORWARD_SLASH_KEY_CODE: if (!/INPUT|SELECT|BUTTON|TEXTAREA/.test(event.target.tagName) && !event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey) { this.searchField.focus(); event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } break; } }, }; /** * Standardizes a user-entered text query by removing extra whitespace. * @param {string} The user-entered text. * @return {string} The trimmed query. */ SearchPage.canonicalizeQuery = function(text) { // Trim beginning and ending whitespace. return text.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); }; // Export return { SearchPage: SearchPage }; });