// Determines whether certain gpu-related features are blacklisted or not. // A valid software_rendering_list.json file are in the format of // { // "version": "x.y", // "entries": [ // { // entry 1 // }, // ... // { // entry n // } // ] // } // // Each entry contains the following fields: // 1. "id" is an integer. 0 is reserved. This field is mandatory. // 2. "os" contains "type" and an optional "version". "type" could be "macosx", // "linux", "win", or "any". "any" is the same as not specifying "os". // "version" is a VERSION structure (defined below). // 3. "vendor_id" is a string. 0 is reserved. // 4. "device_id" is an array of strings. 0 is reserved. // 5. "driver_vendor" is a STRING structure (defined below). // 6. "driver_version" is a VERSION structure (defined below). // 7. "driver_date" is a VERSION structure (defined below). // The version is interpreted as "year.month.day". // 8. "gl_renderer" is a STRING structure (defined below). // 9: "Exceptions" is a list of entries. // 10. "blacklist" is a list of gpu feature strings, valid values include // "accelerated_2d_canvas", "accelerated_compositing", "webgl", // "multisampling", and "all". // This field is mandatory. // 11. "description" has the description of the entry. // 12. "webkit_bugs" is an array of associated webkit bug numbers. // 13. "cr_bugs" is an array of associated webkit bug numbers. // // VERSION includes "op" "number", and "number2". "op" can be any of the // following values: "=", "<", "<=", ">", ">=", "any", "between". "number2" is // only used if "op" is "between". "number" is used for all "op" values except // "any". "number" and "number2" are in the format of x, x.x, x.x.x, etc. // // STRING includes "op" and "value". "op" can be any of the following values: // "contains", "beginwith", "endwith", "=". "value" is a string. { "name": "software rendering list", // Please update the version number whenever you change this file. "version": "1.6", "entries": [ { "id": 1, "description": "ATI Radeon X1900 is not compatible with WebGL on the Mac.", "webkit_bugs": [47028], "os": { "type": "macosx" }, "vendor_id": "0x1002", "device_id": ["0x7249"], "blacklist": [ "webgl" ] }, { "id": 2, "description": "Intel GPUs with Mesa driver earlier than 7.9 do not support WebGL.", "cr_bugs": [66718,67345,67939], "os": { "type": "linux" }, "vendor_id": "0x8086", "driver_vendor": { "op": "=", "value": "mesa" }, "driver_version": { "op": "<", "number": "7.9" }, "blacklist": [ "webgl" ] }, { "id": 3, "description": "GL driver is software rendered. Accelerated compositing is disabled.", "cr_bugs": [59302], "os": { "type": "linux" }, "gl_renderer": { "op": "contains", "value": "software" }, "blacklist": [ "accelerated_compositing" ] }, { "id": 4, "description": "The Intel Mobile 945 Express family of chipsets is not compatible with WebGL.", "os": { "type": "any" }, "vendor_id": "0x8086", "device_id": ["0x27AE"], "blacklist": [ "webgl" ] }, { "id": 5, "description": "ATI cards in Linux do not support WebGL.", "cr_bugs": [71381], "os": { "type": "linux" }, "vendor_id": "0x1002", "blacklist": [ "webgl" ] }, { "id": 6, "description": "ATI Radeon HD2600 on Mac do not support WebGL or accelerated compositing.", "cr_bugs": [68859], "os": { "type": "macosx" }, "vendor_id": "0x1002", "device_id": ["0x9583"], "blacklist": [ "webgl", "accelerated_compositing" ] }, { "id": 7, "description": "ATI Radeon HD2400 on Mac do not support WebGL or accelerated compositing.", "cr_bugs": [68859], "os": { "type": "macosx" }, "vendor_id": "0x1002", "device_id": ["0x94c8"], "blacklist": [ "webgl", "accelerated_compositing" ] }, { "id": 8, "description": "NVIDIA GeForce FX Go5200 does not support WebGL or accelerated compositing.", "cr_bugs": [72938], "os": { "type": "any" }, "vendor_id": "0x10de", "device_id": ["0x0324"], "blacklist": [ "webgl", "accelerated_compositing" ] }, { // NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT on Mac, BUG=73794 "id": 10, "description": "NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT on Mac does not support WebGL.", "cr_bugs": [73794], "os": { "type": "macosx" }, "vendor_id": "0x10de", "device_id": ["0x0393"], "blacklist": [ "webgl" ] }, { "id": 11, "description": "ATI Radeon HD2600 XT on Mac does not support WebGL or accelerated compositing.", "cr_bugs": [68859], "os": { "type": "macosx" }, "vendor_id": "0x1002", "device_id": ["0x9588"], "blacklist": [ "webgl", "accelerated_compositing" ] }, { "id": 12, "description": "Drivers older than 2009-01 on Windows are assumed to be buggy.", "cr_bugs": [72979], "os": { "type": "win" }, "driver_date": { "op": "<", "number": "2009.1" }, "blacklist": [ "all" ] }, { "id": 13, "description": "ATI drivers older thn 10.6 on Windows XP are assumed to be buggy.", "cr_bugs": [74212], "os": { "type": "win", "version": { "op": "=", "number": "5" } }, "vendor_id": "0x1002", "driver_version": { "op": "<", "number": "8.741" }, "blacklist": [ "all" ] }, { "id": 14, "description": "NVIDIA drivers older thn 257.21 on Windows XP are assumed to be buggy.", "cr_bugs": [74212], "os": { "type": "win", "version": { "op": "=", "number": "5" } }, "vendor_id": "0x10de", "driver_version": { "op": "<", "number": "" }, "blacklist": [ "all" ] }, { "id": 15, "description": "Intel drivers older thn on Windows XP are assumed to be buggy.", "cr_bugs": [74212], "os": { "type": "win", "version": { "op": "=", "number": "5" } }, "vendor_id": "0x8086", "driver_version": { "op": "<", "number": "" }, "blacklist": [ "all" ] }, { "id": 16, "description": "Multiampling is buggy in ATI Mac drivers.", "cr_bugs": [67752], "os": { "type": "macosx" }, "vendor_id": "0x1002", "blacklist": [ "multisampling" ] } ] }