# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Presubmit script for Chromium JS resources. See chrome/browser/resources/PRESUBMIT.py """ class JSChecker(object): def __init__(self, input_api, output_api, file_filter=None): self.input_api = input_api self.output_api = output_api self.file_filter = file_filter def RegexCheck(self, line_number, line, regex, message): """Searches for |regex| in |line| to check for a particular style violation, returning a message like the one below if the regex matches. The |regex| must have exactly one capturing group so that the relevant part of |line| can be highlighted. If more groups are needed, use "(?:...)" to make a non-capturing group. Sample message: line 6: Use var instead of const. const foo = bar(); ^^^^^ """ match = self.input_api.re.search(regex, line) if match: assert len(match.groups()) == 1 start = match.start(1) length = match.end(1) - start return ' line %d: %s\n%s\n%s' % ( line_number, message, line, self.error_highlight(start, length)) return '' def ChromeSendCheck(self, i, line): """Checks for a particular misuse of 'chrome.send'.""" return self.RegexCheck(i, line, r"chrome\.send\('[^']+'\s*(, \[\])\)", 'Passing an empty array to chrome.send is unnecessary.') def ConstCheck(self, i, line): """Check for use of the 'const' keyword.""" if self.input_api.re.search(r'\*\s+@const', line): # Probably a JsDoc line return '' return self.RegexCheck(i, line, r'(?:^|\s|\()(const)\s', 'Use var instead of const.') def GetElementByIdCheck(self, i, line): """Checks for use of 'document.getElementById' instead of '$'.""" return self.RegexCheck(i, line, r"(document\.getElementById)\('", "Use $('id'), from chrome://resources/js/util.js, instead of " "document.getElementById('id'))") def error_highlight(self, start, length): """Takes a start position and a length, and produces a row of '^'s to highlight the corresponding part of a string. """ return start * ' ' + length * '^' def _makeErrorOrWarning(self, error_text, filename): """Takes a few lines of text indicating a style violation and turns it into a PresubmitError (if |filename| is in a directory where we've already taken out all the style guide violations) or a PresubmitPromptWarning (if it's in a directory where we haven't done that yet). """ # TODO(tbreisacher): Once we've cleaned up the style nits in all of # resources/ we can get rid of this function. path = self.input_api.os_path resources = self.input_api.PresubmitLocalPath() dirs = ( path.join(resources, 'extensions'), path.join(resources, 'help'), path.join(resources, 'history'), path.join(resources, 'net_internals'), path.join(resources, 'network_action_predictor'), path.join(resources, 'ntp4'), path.join(resources, 'options'), path.join(resources, 'print_preview'), path.join(resources, 'profiler'), path.join(resources, 'sync_promo'), path.join(resources, 'tracing'), path.join(resources, 'uber'), ) if filename.startswith(dirs): return self.output_api.PresubmitError(error_text) else: return self.output_api.PresubmitPromptWarning(error_text) def RunChecks(self): """Check for violations of the Chromium JavaScript style guide. See http://chromium.org/developers/web-development-style-guide#TOC-JavaScript """ import sys import warnings old_path = sys.path old_filters = warnings.filters try: closure_linter_path = self.input_api.os_path.join( self.input_api.change.RepositoryRoot(), "third_party", "closure_linter") gflags_path = self.input_api.os_path.join( self.input_api.change.RepositoryRoot(), "third_party", "python_gflags") sys.path.insert(0, closure_linter_path) sys.path.insert(0, gflags_path) warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=DeprecationWarning) from closure_linter import checker, errors from closure_linter.common import errorhandler finally: sys.path = old_path warnings.filters = old_filters class ErrorHandlerImpl(errorhandler.ErrorHandler): """Filters out errors that don't apply to Chromium JavaScript code.""" def __init__(self, re): self._errors = [] self.re = re def HandleFile(self, filename, first_token): self._filename = filename def HandleError(self, error): if (self._valid(error)): error.filename = self._filename self._errors.append(error) def GetErrors(self): return self._errors def HasErrors(self): return bool(self._errors) def _valid(self, error): """Check whether an error is valid. Most errors are valid, with a few exceptions which are listed here. """ is_grit_statement = bool( self.re.search("