// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // This code glues the RLZ library DLL with Chrome. It allows Chrome to work // with or without the DLL being present. If the DLL is not present the // functions do nothing and just return false. #include "chrome/browser/rlz/rlz.h" #include <windows.h> #include <process.h> #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/path_service.h" #include "base/task.h" #include "base/thread.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h" #include "chrome/browser/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/profile_manager.h" #include "chrome/browser/template_url_model.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h" #include "chrome/common/env_vars.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/google_update_settings.h" //#include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" //#include "chrome/common/pref_service.h" namespace { // The maximum length of an access points RLZ in wide chars. const DWORD kMaxRlzLength = 64; // The RLZ is a DLL that might not be present in the system. We load it // as needed but never unload it. volatile HMODULE rlz_dll = NULL; enum { ACCESS_VALUES_STALE, // Possibly new values available. ACCESS_VALUES_FRESH // The cached values are current. }; // Tracks if we have tried and succeeded sending the ping. This helps us // decide if we need to refresh the some cached strings. volatile int access_values_state = ACCESS_VALUES_STALE; extern "C" { typedef bool (*RecordProductEventFn)(RLZTracker::Product product, RLZTracker::AccessPoint point, RLZTracker::Event event_id, void* reserved); typedef bool (*GetAccessPointRlzFn)(RLZTracker::AccessPoint point, wchar_t* rlz, DWORD rlz_size, void* reserved); typedef bool (*ClearAllProductEventsFn)(RLZTracker::Product product, void* reserved); typedef bool (*SendFinancialPingFn)(RLZTracker::Product product, RLZTracker::AccessPoint* access_points, const WCHAR* product_signature, const WCHAR* product_brand, const WCHAR* product_id, const WCHAR* product_lang, void* reserved); } // extern "C" RecordProductEventFn record_event = NULL; GetAccessPointRlzFn get_access_point = NULL; ClearAllProductEventsFn clear_all_events = NULL; SendFinancialPingFn send_ping = NULL; template <typename FuncT> FuncT WireExport(HMODULE module, const char* export_name) { void* entry_point = ::GetProcAddress(module, export_name); return (module)? reinterpret_cast<FuncT>(entry_point) : NULL; } HMODULE LoadRLZLibraryInternal(int directory_key) { std::wstring rlz_path; if (!PathService::Get(directory_key, &rlz_path)) return NULL; file_util::AppendToPath(&rlz_path, L"rlz.dll"); return ::LoadLibraryW(rlz_path.c_str()); } bool LoadRLZLibrary(int directory_key) { rlz_dll = LoadRLZLibraryInternal(directory_key); if (!rlz_dll) { // As a last resort we can try the EXE directory. if (directory_key != base::DIR_EXE) rlz_dll = LoadRLZLibraryInternal(base::DIR_EXE); } if (rlz_dll) { record_event = WireExport<RecordProductEventFn>(rlz_dll, "RecordProductEvent"); get_access_point = WireExport<GetAccessPointRlzFn>(rlz_dll, "GetAccessPointRlz"); clear_all_events = WireExport<ClearAllProductEventsFn>(rlz_dll, "ClearAllProductEvents"); send_ping = WireExport<SendFinancialPingFn>(rlz_dll, "SendFinancialPing"); return true; } return false; } class DailyPingTask : public Task { public: virtual ~DailyPingTask() { } virtual void Run() { // We use a transient thread because we have no guarantees about // how long the RLZ lib can block us. _beginthread(PingNow, 0, NULL); } private: // Causes a ping to the server using WinInet. There is logic inside RLZ dll // that throttles it to a maximum of one ping per day. static void _cdecl PingNow(void*) { std::wstring lang; GoogleUpdateSettings::GetLanguage(&lang); if (lang.empty()) lang = L"en"; std::wstring brand; GoogleUpdateSettings::GetBrand(&brand); if (brand.empty()) brand = L"GGLD"; if (RLZTracker::SendFinancialPing(RLZTracker::CHROME, L"chrome", brand.c_str(), NULL, lang.c_str())) { access_values_state = ACCESS_VALUES_STALE; } } }; // Performs late RLZ initialization and RLZ event recording for chrome. // This task needs to run on the UI thread. class DelayedInitTask : public Task { public: explicit DelayedInitTask(int directory_key, bool first_run) : directory_key_(directory_key), first_run_(first_run) { } virtual ~DelayedInitTask() { } virtual void Run() { if (!LoadRLZLibrary(directory_key_)) return; // For non-interactive tests we don't do the rest of the initialization. if (::GetEnvironmentVariableW(env_vars::kHeadless, NULL, 0)) return; if (first_run_) { // Record the installation of chrome. RLZTracker::RecordProductEvent(RLZTracker::CHROME, RLZTracker::CHROME_OMNIBOX, RLZTracker::INSTALL); RLZTracker::RecordProductEvent(RLZTracker::CHROME, RLZTracker::CHROME_HOME_PAGE, RLZTracker::INSTALL); // Record if google is the initial search provider. if (IsGoogleDefaultSearch()) { RLZTracker::RecordProductEvent(RLZTracker::CHROME, RLZTracker::CHROME_OMNIBOX, RLZTracker::SET_TO_GOOGLE); } } // Schedule the daily RLZ ping. base::Thread* thread = g_browser_process->file_thread(); if (thread) thread->message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, new DailyPingTask()); } private: bool IsGoogleDefaultSearch() { if (!g_browser_process) return false; std::wstring user_data_dir; if (!PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_USER_DATA, &user_data_dir)) return false; ProfileManager* profile_manager = g_browser_process->profile_manager(); Profile* profile = profile_manager->GetDefaultProfile(user_data_dir); if (!profile) return false; const TemplateURL* url_template = profile->GetTemplateURLModel()->GetDefaultSearchProvider(); if (!url_template) return false; return url_template->url()->HasGoogleBaseURLs(); } int directory_key_; bool first_run_; DISALLOW_IMPLICIT_CONSTRUCTORS(DelayedInitTask); }; } // namespace bool RLZTracker::InitRlz(int directory_key) { return LoadRLZLibrary(directory_key); } bool RLZTracker::InitRlzDelayed(int directory_key, bool first_run) { // Schedule the delayed init items. const int kOneHundredSeconds = 100000; MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask(FROM_HERE, new DelayedInitTask(directory_key, first_run), kOneHundredSeconds); return true; } bool RLZTracker::RecordProductEvent(Product product, AccessPoint point, Event event) { return (record_event) ? record_event(product, point, event, NULL) : false; } bool RLZTracker::ClearAllProductEvents(Product product) { return (clear_all_events) ? clear_all_events(product, NULL) : false; } // We implement caching of the answer of get_access_point() if the request // is for CHROME_OMNIBOX. If we had a successful ping, then we update the // cached value. bool RLZTracker::GetAccessPointRlz(AccessPoint point, std::wstring* rlz) { static std::wstring cached_ommibox_rlz; if (!get_access_point) return false; if ((CHROME_OMNIBOX == point) && (access_values_state == ACCESS_VALUES_FRESH)) { *rlz = cached_ommibox_rlz; return true; } wchar_t str_rlz[kMaxRlzLength]; if (!get_access_point(point, str_rlz, kMaxRlzLength, NULL)) return false; if (CHROME_OMNIBOX == point) { access_values_state = ACCESS_VALUES_FRESH; cached_ommibox_rlz.assign(str_rlz); } *rlz = str_rlz; return true; } bool RLZTracker::SendFinancialPing(Product product, const wchar_t* product_signature, const wchar_t* product_brand, const wchar_t* product_id, const wchar_t* product_lang) { AccessPoint points[] = {CHROME_OMNIBOX, CHROME_HOME_PAGE, NO_ACCESS_POINT}; return (send_ping) ? send_ping(product, points, product_signature, product_brand, product_id, product_lang, NULL) : false; }