// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <limits> #include <set> #include "base/file_path.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/path_service.h" #include "base/perftimer.h" #include "base/rand_util.h" #include "base/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/test_file_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/safe_browsing_database.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h" #include "chrome/common/sqlite_compiled_statement.h" #include "chrome/common/sqlite_utils.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" namespace { // Base class for a safebrowsing database. Derived classes can implement // different types of tables to compare performance characteristics. class Database { public: Database() : db_(NULL) { } ~Database() { if (db_) { sqlite3_close(db_); db_ = NULL; } } bool Init(const FilePath& name, bool create) { // get an empty file for the test DB FilePath filename; PathService::Get(base::DIR_TEMP, &filename); filename = filename.Append(name); if (create) { file_util::Delete(filename, false); } else { DLOG(INFO) << "evicting " << name.value() << " ..."; file_util::EvictFileFromSystemCache(filename); DLOG(INFO) << "... evicted"; } const std::string sqlite_path = WideToUTF8(filename.ToWStringHack()); if (sqlite3_open(sqlite_path.c_str(), &db_) != SQLITE_OK) return false; statement_cache_.set_db(db_); if (!create) return true; return CreateTable(); } virtual bool CreateTable() = 0; virtual bool Add(int host_key, int* prefixes, int count) = 0; virtual bool Read(int host_key, int* prefixes, int size, int* count) = 0; virtual int Count() = 0; virtual std::string GetDBSuffix() = 0; sqlite3* db() { return db_; } protected: // The database connection. sqlite3* db_; // Cache of compiled statements for our database. SqliteStatementCache statement_cache_; }; class SimpleDatabase : public Database { public: virtual bool CreateTable() { if (DoesSqliteTableExist(db_, "hosts")) return false; return sqlite3_exec(db_, "CREATE TABLE hosts (" "host INTEGER," "prefixes BLOB)", NULL, NULL, NULL) == SQLITE_OK; } virtual bool Add(int host_key, int* prefixes, int count) { SQLITE_UNIQUE_STATEMENT(statement, statement_cache_, "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO hosts" "(host,prefixes)" "VALUES (?,?)"); if (!statement.is_valid()) return false; statement->bind_int(0, host_key); statement->bind_blob(1, prefixes, count*sizeof(int)); return statement->step() == SQLITE_DONE; } virtual bool Read(int host_key, int* prefixes, int size, int* count) { SQLITE_UNIQUE_STATEMENT(statement, statement_cache_, "SELECT host, prefixes FROM hosts WHERE host=?"); if (!statement.is_valid()) return false; statement->bind_int(0, host_key); int rv = statement->step(); if (rv == SQLITE_DONE) { // no hostkey found, not an error *count = -1; return true; } if (rv != SQLITE_ROW) return false; *count = statement->column_bytes(1); if (*count > size) return false; memcpy(prefixes, statement->column_blob(0), *count); return true; } int Count() { SQLITE_UNIQUE_STATEMENT(statement, statement_cache_, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM hosts"); if (!statement.is_valid()) { EXPECT_TRUE(false); return -1; } if (statement->step() != SQLITE_ROW) { EXPECT_TRUE(false); return -1; } return statement->column_int(0); } std::string GetDBSuffix() { return "Simple"; } }; class IndexedDatabase : public SimpleDatabase { public: virtual bool CreateTable() { return sqlite3_exec(db_, "CREATE TABLE hosts (" "host INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," "prefixes BLOB)", NULL, NULL, NULL) == SQLITE_OK; } std::string GetDBSuffix() { return "Indexed"; } }; class IndexedWithIDDatabase : public SimpleDatabase { public: virtual bool CreateTable() { return sqlite3_exec(db_, "CREATE TABLE hosts (" "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT," "host INTEGER UNIQUE," "prefixes BLOB)", NULL, NULL, NULL) == SQLITE_OK; } virtual bool Add(int host_key, int* prefixes, int count) { SQLITE_UNIQUE_STATEMENT(statement, statement_cache_, "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO hosts" "(id,host,prefixes)" "VALUES (NULL,?,?)"); if (!statement.is_valid()) return false; statement->bind_int(0, host_key); statement->bind_blob(1, prefixes, count * sizeof(int)); return statement->step() == SQLITE_DONE; } std::string GetDBSuffix() { return "IndexedWithID"; } }; } // namespace class SafeBrowsing: public testing::Test { protected: // Get the test parameters from the test case's name. virtual void SetUp() { logging::InitLogging( NULL, logging::LOG_ONLY_TO_SYSTEM_DEBUG_LOG, logging::LOCK_LOG_FILE, logging::DELETE_OLD_LOG_FILE); const testing::TestInfo* const test_info = testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()->current_test_info(); std::string test_name = test_info->name(); TestType type; if (test_name.find("Write") != std::string::npos) { type = WRITE; } else if (test_name.find("Read") != std::string::npos) { type = READ; } else { type = COUNT; } if (test_name.find("IndexedWithID") != std::string::npos) { db_ = new IndexedWithIDDatabase(); } else if (test_name.find("Indexed") != std::string::npos) { db_ = new IndexedDatabase(); } else { db_ = new SimpleDatabase(); } char multiplier_letter = test_name[test_name.size() - 1]; int multiplier = 0; if (multiplier_letter == 'K') { multiplier = 1000; } else if (multiplier_letter == 'M') { multiplier = 1000000; } else { NOTREACHED(); } size_t index = test_name.size() - 1; while (index != 0 && test_name[index] != '_') index--; DCHECK(index); const char* count_start = test_name.c_str() + ++index; int count = atoi(count_start); int size = count * multiplier; db_name_ = StringPrintf("TestSafeBrowsing"); db_name_.append(count_start); db_name_.append(db_->GetDBSuffix()); FilePath path = FilePath::FromWStringHack(ASCIIToWide(db_name_)); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Init(path, type == WRITE)); if (type == WRITE) { WriteEntries(size); } else if (type == READ) { ReadEntries(100); } else { CountEntries(); } } virtual void TearDown() { delete db_; } // This writes the given number of entries to the database. void WriteEntries(int count) { int prefixes[4]; SQLTransaction transaction(db_->db()); transaction.Begin(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { int hostkey = base::RandInt(std::numeric_limits<int>::min(), std::numeric_limits<int>::max()); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Add(hostkey, prefixes, 1)); } transaction.Commit(); } // Read the given number of entries from the database. void ReadEntries(int count) { int prefixes[4]; int64 total_ms = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { int key = base::RandInt(std::numeric_limits<int>::min(), std::numeric_limits<int>::max()); PerfTimer timer; int read; ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Read(key, prefixes, sizeof(prefixes), &read)); int64 time_ms = timer.Elapsed().InMilliseconds(); total_ms += time_ms; DLOG(INFO) << "Read in " << time_ms << " ms."; } DLOG(INFO) << db_name_ << " read " << count << " entries in average of " << total_ms/count << " ms."; } // Counts how many entries are in the database, which effectively does a full // table scan. void CountEntries() { PerfTimer timer; int count = db_->Count(); DLOG(INFO) << db_name_ << " counted " << count << " entries in " << timer.Elapsed().InMilliseconds() << " ms"; } enum TestType { WRITE, READ, COUNT, }; private: Database* db_; std::string db_name_; }; TEST_F(SafeBrowsing, DISABLED_Write_100K) { } TEST_F(SafeBrowsing, DISABLED_Read_100K) { } TEST_F(SafeBrowsing, DISABLED_WriteIndexed_100K) { } TEST_F(SafeBrowsing, DISABLED_ReadIndexed_100K) { } TEST_F(SafeBrowsing, DISABLED_WriteIndexed_250K) { } TEST_F(SafeBrowsing, DISABLED_ReadIndexed_250K) { } TEST_F(SafeBrowsing, DISABLED_WriteIndexed_500K) { } TEST_F(SafeBrowsing, DISABLED_ReadIndexed_500K) { } TEST_F(SafeBrowsing, DISABLED_WriteIndexedWithID_250K) { } TEST_F(SafeBrowsing, DISABLED_ReadIndexedWithID_250K) { } TEST_F(SafeBrowsing, DISABLED_WriteIndexedWithID_500K) { } TEST_F(SafeBrowsing, DISABLED_ReadIndexedWithID_500K) { } TEST_F(SafeBrowsing, DISABLED_CountIndexed_250K) { } TEST_F(SafeBrowsing, DISABLED_CountIndexed_500K) { } TEST_F(SafeBrowsing, DISABLED_CountIndexedWithID_250K) { } TEST_F(SafeBrowsing, DISABLED_CountIndexedWithID_500K) { } class SafeBrowsingDatabaseTest { public: SafeBrowsingDatabaseTest(const FilePath& filename) { logging::InitLogging( NULL, logging::LOG_ONLY_TO_SYSTEM_DEBUG_LOG, logging::LOCK_LOG_FILE, logging::DELETE_OLD_LOG_FILE); FilePath tmp_path; PathService::Get(base::DIR_TEMP, &tmp_path); path_ = tmp_path.Append(filename); } void Create(int size) { file_util::Delete(path_, false); scoped_ptr<SafeBrowsingDatabase> database(SafeBrowsingDatabase::Create()); database->SetSynchronous(); EXPECT_TRUE(database->Init(path_, NULL)); int chunk_id = 0; int total_host_keys = size; int host_keys_per_chunk = 100; std::deque<SBChunk>* chunks = new std::deque<SBChunk>; for (int i = 0; i < total_host_keys / host_keys_per_chunk; ++i) { chunks->push_back(SBChunk()); chunks->back().chunk_number = ++chunk_id; for (int j = 0; j < host_keys_per_chunk; ++j) { SBChunkHost host; host.host = base::RandInt(std::numeric_limits<int>::min(), std::numeric_limits<int>::max()); host.entry = SBEntry::Create(SBEntry::ADD_PREFIX, 2); host.entry->SetPrefixAt(0, 0x2425525); host.entry->SetPrefixAt(1, 0x1536366); chunks->back().hosts.push_back(host); } } database->InsertChunks("goog-malware", chunks); } void Read(bool use_bloom_filter) { int keys_to_read = 500; file_util::EvictFileFromSystemCache(path_); scoped_ptr<SafeBrowsingDatabase> database(SafeBrowsingDatabase::Create()); database->SetSynchronous(); EXPECT_TRUE(database->Init(path_, NULL)); PerfTimer total_timer; int64 db_ms = 0; int keys_from_db = 0; for (int i = 0; i < keys_to_read; ++i) { int key = base::RandInt(std::numeric_limits<int>::min(), std::numeric_limits<int>::max()); std::string url = StringPrintf("http://www.%d.com/blah.html", key); std::string matching_list; std::vector<SBPrefix> prefix_hits; std::vector<SBFullHashResult> full_hits; GURL gurl(url); if (!use_bloom_filter || database->NeedToCheckUrl(gurl)) { PerfTimer timer; database->ContainsUrl(gurl, &matching_list, &prefix_hits, &full_hits, base::Time::Now()); int64 time_ms = timer.Elapsed().InMilliseconds(); DLOG(INFO) << "Read from db in " << time_ms << " ms."; db_ms += time_ms; keys_from_db++; } } int64 total_ms = total_timer.Elapsed().InMilliseconds(); DLOG(INFO) << path_.BaseName().value() << " read " << keys_to_read << " entries in " << total_ms << " ms. " << keys_from_db << " keys were read from the db, with average read taking " << db_ms / keys_from_db << " ms"; } void BuildBloomFilter() { file_util::EvictFileFromSystemCache(path_); file_util::Delete(SafeBrowsingDatabase::BloomFilterFilename(path_), false); PerfTimer total_timer; scoped_ptr<SafeBrowsingDatabase> database(SafeBrowsingDatabase::Create()); database->SetSynchronous(); EXPECT_TRUE(database->Init(path_, NULL)); int64 total_ms = total_timer.Elapsed().InMilliseconds(); DLOG(INFO) << path_.BaseName().value() << " built bloom filter in " << total_ms << " ms."; } private: FilePath path_; }; // Adds 100K host records. TEST(SafeBrowsingDatabase, DISABLED_FillUp100K) { SafeBrowsingDatabaseTest db(FilePath(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("SafeBrowsing100K"))); db.Create(100000); } // Adds 250K host records. TEST(SafeBrowsingDatabase, DISABLED_FillUp250K) { SafeBrowsingDatabaseTest db(FilePath(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("SafeBrowsing250K"))); db.Create(250000); } // Adds 500K host records. TEST(SafeBrowsingDatabase, DISABLED_FillUp500K) { SafeBrowsingDatabaseTest db(FilePath(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("SafeBrowsing500K"))); db.Create(500000); } // Reads 500 entries and prints the timing. TEST(SafeBrowsingDatabase, DISABLED_ReadFrom250K) { SafeBrowsingDatabaseTest db(FilePath(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("SafeBrowsing250K"))); db.Read(false); } TEST(SafeBrowsingDatabase, DISABLED_ReadFrom500K) { SafeBrowsingDatabaseTest db(FilePath(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("SafeBrowsing500K"))); db.Read(false); } // Read 500 entries with a bloom filter and print the timing. TEST(SafeBrowsingDatabase, DISABLED_BloomReadFrom250K) { SafeBrowsingDatabaseTest db(FilePath(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("SafeBrowsing250K"))); db.Read(true); } TEST(SafeBrowsingDatabase, DISABLED_BloomReadFrom500K) { SafeBrowsingDatabaseTest db(FilePath(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("SafeBrowsing500K"))); db.Read(true); } // Test how long bloom filter creation takes. TEST(SafeBrowsingDatabase, DISABLED_BuildBloomFilter250K) { SafeBrowsingDatabaseTest db(FilePath(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("SafeBrowsing250K"))); db.BuildBloomFilter(); } TEST(SafeBrowsingDatabase, DISABLED_BuildBloomFilter500K) { SafeBrowsingDatabaseTest db(FilePath(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("SafeBrowsing500K"))); db.BuildBloomFilter(); }