// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Implementation of the MalwareDetails class.

#include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/malware_details.h"

#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
#include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/safe_browsing_service.h"
#include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/report.pb.h"
#include "chrome/common/render_messages.h"
#include "chrome/common/render_messages_params.h"
#include "content/browser/browser_thread.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host.h"
#include "content/browser/tab_contents/navigation_entry.h"
#include "content/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents.h"

using safe_browsing::ClientMalwareReportRequest;

// Keep in sync with KMaxNodes in renderer/safe_browsing/malware_dom_details
static const uint32 kMaxDomNodes = 500;

// static
MalwareDetailsFactory* MalwareDetails::factory_ = NULL;

// The default MalwareDetailsFactory.  Global, made a singleton so we
// don't leak it.
class MalwareDetailsFactoryImpl
    : public MalwareDetailsFactory {
  MalwareDetails* CreateMalwareDetails(
      TabContents* tab_contents,
      const SafeBrowsingService::UnsafeResource& unsafe_resource) {
    return new MalwareDetails(tab_contents, unsafe_resource);

  friend struct base::DefaultLazyInstanceTraits<

  MalwareDetailsFactoryImpl() { }


static base::LazyInstance<MalwareDetailsFactoryImpl>

// Create a MalwareDetails for the given tab.
/* static */
MalwareDetails* MalwareDetails::NewMalwareDetails(
    TabContents* tab_contents,
    const SafeBrowsingService::UnsafeResource& resource) {
  // Set up the factory if this has not been done already (tests do that
  // before this method is called).
  if (!factory_)
    factory_ = g_malware_details_factory_impl.Pointer();
  return factory_->CreateMalwareDetails(tab_contents, resource);

// Create a MalwareDetails for the given tab. Runs in the UI thread.
    TabContents* tab_contents,
    const SafeBrowsingService::UnsafeResource resource)
    : TabContentsObserver(tab_contents),
      resource_(resource) {

MalwareDetails::~MalwareDetails() {}

bool MalwareDetails::OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) {
  bool handled = true;
  IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(MalwareDetails, message)
    IPC_MESSAGE_UNHANDLED(handled = false)
  return handled;

bool MalwareDetails::IsPublicUrl(const GURL& url) const {
  return url.SchemeIs("http");  // TODO(panayiotis): also skip internal urls.

// Looks for a Resource for the given url in resources_.  If found, it
// updates |resource|. Otherwise, it creates a new message, adds it to
// resources_ and updates |resource| to point to it.
ClientMalwareReportRequest::Resource* MalwareDetails::FindOrCreateResource(
    const GURL& url) {
  ResourceMap::iterator it = resources_.find(url.spec());
  if (it != resources_.end()) {
    return it->second.get();

  // Create the resource for |url|.
  int id = resources_.size();
  linked_ptr<ClientMalwareReportRequest::Resource> new_resource(
      new ClientMalwareReportRequest::Resource());
  resources_[url.spec()] = new_resource;
  return new_resource.get();

void MalwareDetails::AddUrl(const GURL& url,
                            const GURL& parent,
                            const std::string& tagname,
                            const std::vector<GURL>* children) {
  if (!IsPublicUrl(url))

  // Find (or create) the resource for the url.
  ClientMalwareReportRequest::Resource* url_resource =
  if (!tagname.empty()) {
  if (!parent.is_empty() && IsPublicUrl(parent)) {
    // Add the resource for the parent.
    ClientMalwareReportRequest::Resource* parent_resource =
    // Update the parent-child relation
  if (children) {
    for (std::vector<GURL>::const_iterator it = children->begin();
         it != children->end(); it++) {
      ClientMalwareReportRequest::Resource* child_resource =

void MalwareDetails::StartCollection() {
  DVLOG(1) << "Starting to compute malware details.";
  report_.reset(new ClientMalwareReportRequest());

  if (IsPublicUrl(resource_.url)) {

  GURL page_url = tab_contents()->GetURL();
  if (IsPublicUrl(page_url)) {

  GURL referrer_url;
  NavigationEntry* nav_entry = tab_contents()->controller().GetActiveEntry();
  if (nav_entry) {
    referrer_url = nav_entry->referrer();
    if (IsPublicUrl(referrer_url)) {

  // Add the nodes, starting from the page url.
  AddUrl(page_url, GURL(), "", NULL);

  // Add the resource_url and its original url, if non-empty and different.
  if (!resource_.original_url.is_empty() &&
      resource_.url != resource_.original_url) {
    // Add original_url, as the parent of resource_url.
    AddUrl(resource_.original_url, GURL(), "", NULL);
    AddUrl(resource_.url, resource_.original_url, "", NULL);
  } else {
    AddUrl(resource_.url, GURL(), "", NULL);

  // Add the redirect urls, if non-empty. The redirect urls do not include the
  // original url, but include the unsafe url which is the last one of the
  // redirect urls chain
  GURL parent_url;
  // Set the original url as the parent of the first redirect url if it's not
  // empty.
  if (!resource_.original_url.is_empty()) {
    parent_url = resource_.original_url;
  // Set the previous redirect url as the parent of the next one
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < resource_.redirect_urls.size(); ++i) {
    AddUrl(resource_.redirect_urls[i], parent_url, "", NULL);
    parent_url = resource_.redirect_urls[i];

  // Add the referrer url.
  if (nav_entry && !referrer_url.is_empty()) {
    AddUrl(referrer_url, GURL(), "", NULL);

  // Get URLs of frames, scripts etc from the DOM.
  // OnReceivedMalwareDOMDetails will be called when the renderer replies.

// When the renderer is done, this is called.
void MalwareDetails::OnReceivedMalwareDOMDetails(
    const ViewHostMsg_MalwareDOMDetails_Params& params) {
  // Schedule this in IO thread, so it doesn't conflict with future users
  // of our data structures (eg GetSerializedReport).
      BrowserThread::IO, FROM_HERE,
          this, &MalwareDetails::AddDOMDetails, params));

void MalwareDetails::AddDOMDetails(
    const ViewHostMsg_MalwareDOMDetails_Params& params) {
  // Add the urls from the DOM to |resources_|.  The renderer could be
  // sending bogus messages, so limit the number of nodes we accept.
  DVLOG(1) << "Nodes from the DOM: " << params.nodes.size();
  for (uint32 i = 0; i < params.nodes.size() && i < kMaxDomNodes; ++i) {
    ViewHostMsg_MalwareDOMDetails_Node node = params.nodes[i];
    DVLOG(1) << node.url << ", " << node.tag_name << ", " << node.parent;
    AddUrl(node.url, node.parent, node.tag_name, &(node.children));

// Called from the SB Service on the IO thread, after the user has
// closed the tab, or clicked proceed or goback.  Since the user needs
// to take an action, we expect this to be called after
// OnReceivedMalwareDOMDetails in most cases. If not, we don't include
// the DOM data in our report.
const std::string* MalwareDetails::GetSerializedReport() {
  // The |report_| protocol buffer is now generated: We add all the
  // urls in our |resources_| maps.
  for (ResourceMap::const_iterator it = resources_.begin();
       it != resources_.end(); it++) {
    ClientMalwareReportRequest::Resource* pb_resource =

  scoped_ptr<std::string> request_data(new std::string());
  if (!report_->SerializeToString(request_data.get())) {
    DLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to serialize the malware report.";

  return request_data.release();