// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/protocol_manager.h" #include "base/environment.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram.h" #include "base/profiler/scoped_tracker.h" #include "base/rand_util.h" #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "base/strings/string_util.h" #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" #include "base/timer/timer.h" #include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/protocol_parser.h" #include "chrome/common/env_vars.h" #include "google_apis/google_api_keys.h" #include "net/base/escape.h" #include "net/base/load_flags.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "net/url_request/url_fetcher.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request_context_getter.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request_status.h" #if defined(OS_ANDROID) #include "net/base/network_change_notifier.h" #endif using base::Time; using base::TimeDelta; namespace { // UpdateResult indicates what happened with the primary and/or backup update // requests. The ordering of the values must stay the same for UMA consistency, // and is also ordered in this way to match ProtocolManager::BackupUpdateReason. enum UpdateResult { UPDATE_RESULT_FAIL, UPDATE_RESULT_SUCCESS, UPDATE_RESULT_BACKUP_CONNECT_FAIL, UPDATE_RESULT_BACKUP_CONNECT_SUCCESS, UPDATE_RESULT_BACKUP_HTTP_FAIL, UPDATE_RESULT_BACKUP_HTTP_SUCCESS, UPDATE_RESULT_BACKUP_NETWORK_FAIL, UPDATE_RESULT_BACKUP_NETWORK_SUCCESS, UPDATE_RESULT_MAX, UPDATE_RESULT_BACKUP_START = UPDATE_RESULT_BACKUP_CONNECT_FAIL, }; void RecordUpdateResult(UpdateResult result) { DCHECK(result >= 0 && result < UPDATE_RESULT_MAX); UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("SB2.UpdateResult", result, UPDATE_RESULT_MAX); } } // namespace // Minimum time, in seconds, from start up before we must issue an update query. static const int kSbTimerStartIntervalSecMin = 60; // Maximum time, in seconds, from start up before we must issue an update query. static const int kSbTimerStartIntervalSecMax = 300; // The maximum time, in seconds, to wait for a response to an update request. static const int kSbMaxUpdateWaitSec = 30; // Maximum back off multiplier. static const size_t kSbMaxBackOff = 8; // The default SBProtocolManagerFactory. class SBProtocolManagerFactoryImpl : public SBProtocolManagerFactory { public: SBProtocolManagerFactoryImpl() { } ~SBProtocolManagerFactoryImpl() override {} SafeBrowsingProtocolManager* CreateProtocolManager( SafeBrowsingProtocolManagerDelegate* delegate, net::URLRequestContextGetter* request_context_getter, const SafeBrowsingProtocolConfig& config) override { return new SafeBrowsingProtocolManager( delegate, request_context_getter, config); } private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SBProtocolManagerFactoryImpl); }; // SafeBrowsingProtocolManager implementation ---------------------------------- // static SBProtocolManagerFactory* SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::factory_ = NULL; // static SafeBrowsingProtocolManager* SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::Create( SafeBrowsingProtocolManagerDelegate* delegate, net::URLRequestContextGetter* request_context_getter, const SafeBrowsingProtocolConfig& config) { // TODO(cbentzel): Remove ScopedTracker below once crbug.com/483689 is fixed. tracked_objects::ScopedTracker tracking_profile( FROM_HERE_WITH_EXPLICIT_FUNCTION( "483689 SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::Create")); if (!factory_) factory_ = new SBProtocolManagerFactoryImpl(); return factory_->CreateProtocolManager( delegate, request_context_getter, config); } SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::SafeBrowsingProtocolManager( SafeBrowsingProtocolManagerDelegate* delegate, net::URLRequestContextGetter* request_context_getter, const SafeBrowsingProtocolConfig& config) : delegate_(delegate), request_type_(NO_REQUEST), update_error_count_(0), gethash_error_count_(0), update_back_off_mult_(1), gethash_back_off_mult_(1), next_update_interval_(base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds( base::RandInt(kSbTimerStartIntervalSecMin, kSbTimerStartIntervalSecMax))), update_state_(FIRST_REQUEST), chunk_pending_to_write_(false), version_(config.version), update_size_(0), client_name_(config.client_name), request_context_getter_(request_context_getter), url_prefix_(config.url_prefix), backup_update_reason_(BACKUP_UPDATE_REASON_MAX), disable_auto_update_(config.disable_auto_update), #if defined(OS_ANDROID) disable_connection_check_(config.disable_connection_check), #endif url_fetcher_id_(0), app_in_foreground_(true) { DCHECK(!url_prefix_.empty()); backup_url_prefixes_[BACKUP_UPDATE_REASON_CONNECT] = config.backup_connect_error_url_prefix; backup_url_prefixes_[BACKUP_UPDATE_REASON_HTTP] = config.backup_http_error_url_prefix; backup_url_prefixes_[BACKUP_UPDATE_REASON_NETWORK] = config.backup_network_error_url_prefix; // Set the backoff multiplier fuzz to a random value between 0 and 1. back_off_fuzz_ = static_cast(base::RandDouble()); if (version_.empty()) version_ = SafeBrowsingProtocolManagerHelper::Version(); } // static void SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::RecordGetHashResult( bool is_download, ResultType result_type) { if (is_download) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("SB2.GetHashResultDownload", result_type, GET_HASH_RESULT_MAX); } else { UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("SB2.GetHashResult", result_type, GET_HASH_RESULT_MAX); } } bool SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::IsUpdateScheduled() const { return update_timer_.IsRunning(); } SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::~SafeBrowsingProtocolManager() { // Delete in-progress SafeBrowsing requests. STLDeleteContainerPairFirstPointers(hash_requests_.begin(), hash_requests_.end()); hash_requests_.clear(); } // We can only have one update or chunk request outstanding, but there may be // multiple GetHash requests pending since we don't want to serialize them and // slow down the user. void SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::GetFullHash( const std::vector& prefixes, FullHashCallback callback, bool is_download, bool is_extended_reporting) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); // If we are in GetHash backoff, we need to check if we're past the next // allowed time. If we are, we can proceed with the request. If not, we are // required to return empty results (i.e. treat the page as safe). if (gethash_error_count_ && Time::Now() <= next_gethash_time_) { RecordGetHashResult(is_download, GET_HASH_BACKOFF_ERROR); std::vector full_hashes; callback.Run(full_hashes, base::TimeDelta()); return; } GURL gethash_url = GetHashUrl(is_extended_reporting); net::URLFetcher* fetcher = net::URLFetcher::Create(url_fetcher_id_++, gethash_url, net::URLFetcher::POST, this).release(); hash_requests_[fetcher] = FullHashDetails(callback, is_download); const std::string get_hash = safe_browsing::FormatGetHash(prefixes); fetcher->SetLoadFlags(net::LOAD_DISABLE_CACHE); fetcher->SetRequestContext(request_context_getter_.get()); fetcher->SetUploadData("text/plain", get_hash); fetcher->Start(); } void SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::GetNextUpdate() { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); if (request_.get() || request_type_ != NO_REQUEST) return; #if defined(OS_ANDROID) if (!disable_connection_check_) { net::NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionType type = net::NetworkChangeNotifier::GetConnectionType(); if (type != net::NetworkChangeNotifier::CONNECTION_WIFI) { ScheduleNextUpdate(false /* no back off */); return; } } #endif IssueUpdateRequest(); } // net::URLFetcherDelegate implementation ---------------------------------- // All SafeBrowsing request responses are handled here. // TODO(paulg): Clarify with the SafeBrowsing team whether a failed parse of a // chunk should retry the download and parse of that chunk (and // what back off / how many times to try), and if that effects the // update back off. For now, a failed parse of the chunk means we // drop it. This isn't so bad because the next UPDATE_REQUEST we // do will report all the chunks we have. If that chunk is still // required, the SafeBrowsing servers will tell us to get it again. void SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::OnURLFetchComplete( const net::URLFetcher* source) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); scoped_ptr fetcher; HashRequests::iterator it = hash_requests_.find(source); if (it != hash_requests_.end()) { // GetHash response. fetcher.reset(it->first); const FullHashDetails& details = it->second; std::vector full_hashes; base::TimeDelta cache_lifetime; if (source->GetStatus().is_success() && (source->GetResponseCode() == 200 || source->GetResponseCode() == 204)) { // For tracking our GetHash false positive (204) rate, compared to real // (200) responses. if (source->GetResponseCode() == 200) RecordGetHashResult(details.is_download, GET_HASH_STATUS_200); else RecordGetHashResult(details.is_download, GET_HASH_STATUS_204); gethash_error_count_ = 0; gethash_back_off_mult_ = 1; std::string data; source->GetResponseAsString(&data); if (!safe_browsing::ParseGetHash( data.data(), data.length(), &cache_lifetime, &full_hashes)) { full_hashes.clear(); RecordGetHashResult(details.is_download, GET_HASH_PARSE_ERROR); // TODO(cbentzel): Should cache_lifetime be set to 0 here? (See // http://crbug.com/360232.) } } else { HandleGetHashError(Time::Now()); if (source->GetStatus().status() == net::URLRequestStatus::FAILED) { RecordGetHashResult(details.is_download, GET_HASH_NETWORK_ERROR); DVLOG(1) << "SafeBrowsing GetHash request for: " << source->GetURL() << " failed with error: " << source->GetStatus().error(); } else { RecordGetHashResult(details.is_download, GET_HASH_HTTP_ERROR); DVLOG(1) << "SafeBrowsing GetHash request for: " << source->GetURL() << " failed with error: " << source->GetResponseCode(); } } // Invoke the callback with full_hashes, even if there was a parse error or // an error response code (in which case full_hashes will be empty). The // caller can't be blocked indefinitely. details.callback.Run(full_hashes, cache_lifetime); hash_requests_.erase(it); } else { // Update or chunk response. fetcher.reset(request_.release()); if (request_type_ == UPDATE_REQUEST || request_type_ == BACKUP_UPDATE_REQUEST) { if (!fetcher.get()) { // We've timed out waiting for an update response, so we've cancelled // the update request and scheduled a new one. Ignore this response. return; } // Cancel the update response timeout now that we have the response. timeout_timer_.Stop(); } net::URLRequestStatus status = source->GetStatus(); if (status.is_success() && source->GetResponseCode() == 200) { // We have data from the SafeBrowsing service. std::string data; source->GetResponseAsString(&data); // TODO(shess): Cleanup the flow of this code so that |parsed_ok| can be // removed or omitted. const bool parsed_ok = HandleServiceResponse( source->GetURL(), data.data(), data.length()); if (!parsed_ok) { DVLOG(1) << "SafeBrowsing request for: " << source->GetURL() << " failed parse."; chunk_request_urls_.clear(); if (request_type_ == UPDATE_REQUEST && IssueBackupUpdateRequest(BACKUP_UPDATE_REASON_HTTP)) { return; } UpdateFinished(false); } switch (request_type_) { case CHUNK_REQUEST: if (parsed_ok) { chunk_request_urls_.pop_front(); if (chunk_request_urls_.empty() && !chunk_pending_to_write_) UpdateFinished(true); } break; case UPDATE_REQUEST: case BACKUP_UPDATE_REQUEST: if (chunk_request_urls_.empty() && parsed_ok) { // We are up to date since the servers gave us nothing new, so we // are done with this update cycle. UpdateFinished(true); } break; case NO_REQUEST: // This can happen if HandleServiceResponse fails above. break; default: NOTREACHED(); break; } } else { if (status.status() == net::URLRequestStatus::FAILED) { DVLOG(1) << "SafeBrowsing request for: " << source->GetURL() << " failed with error: " << source->GetStatus().error(); } else { DVLOG(1) << "SafeBrowsing request for: " << source->GetURL() << " failed with error: " << source->GetResponseCode(); } if (request_type_ == CHUNK_REQUEST) { // The SafeBrowsing service error, or very bad response code: back off. chunk_request_urls_.clear(); } else if (request_type_ == UPDATE_REQUEST) { BackupUpdateReason backup_update_reason = BACKUP_UPDATE_REASON_MAX; if (status.is_success()) { backup_update_reason = BACKUP_UPDATE_REASON_HTTP; } else { switch (status.error()) { case net::ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED: case net::ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED: backup_update_reason = BACKUP_UPDATE_REASON_NETWORK; break; default: backup_update_reason = BACKUP_UPDATE_REASON_CONNECT; break; } } if (backup_update_reason != BACKUP_UPDATE_REASON_MAX && IssueBackupUpdateRequest(backup_update_reason)) { return; } } UpdateFinished(false); } } // Get the next chunk if available. IssueChunkRequest(); } bool SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::HandleServiceResponse( const GURL& url, const char* data, size_t length) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); switch (request_type_) { case UPDATE_REQUEST: case BACKUP_UPDATE_REQUEST: { size_t next_update_sec = 0; bool reset = false; scoped_ptr > chunk_deletes( new std::vector); std::vector chunk_urls; if (!safe_browsing::ParseUpdate(data, length, &next_update_sec, &reset, chunk_deletes.get(), &chunk_urls)) { return false; } base::TimeDelta next_update_interval = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(next_update_sec); last_update_ = Time::Now(); if (update_state_ == FIRST_REQUEST) update_state_ = SECOND_REQUEST; else if (update_state_ == SECOND_REQUEST) update_state_ = NORMAL_REQUEST; // New time for the next update. if (next_update_interval > base::TimeDelta()) { next_update_interval_ = next_update_interval; } else if (update_state_ == SECOND_REQUEST) { next_update_interval_ = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds( base::RandInt(15, 45)); } // New chunks to download. if (!chunk_urls.empty()) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("SB2.UpdateUrls", chunk_urls.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < chunk_urls.size(); ++i) chunk_request_urls_.push_back(chunk_urls[i]); } // Handle the case were the SafeBrowsing service tells us to dump our // database. if (reset) { delegate_->ResetDatabase(); return true; } // Chunks to delete from our storage. if (!chunk_deletes->empty()) delegate_->DeleteChunks(chunk_deletes.Pass()); break; } case CHUNK_REQUEST: { UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("SB2.ChunkRequest", base::Time::Now() - chunk_request_start_); const ChunkUrl chunk_url = chunk_request_urls_.front(); scoped_ptr > chunks(new ScopedVector); UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("SB2.ChunkSize", length); update_size_ += length; if (!safe_browsing::ParseChunk(data, length, chunks.get())) return false; // Chunks to add to storage. Pass ownership of |chunks|. if (!chunks->empty()) { chunk_pending_to_write_ = true; delegate_->AddChunks( chunk_url.list_name, chunks.Pass(), base::Bind(&SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::OnAddChunksComplete, base::Unretained(this))); } break; } default: return false; } return true; } void SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::Initialize() { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); // TODO(cbentzel): Remove ScopedTracker below once crbug.com/483689 is fixed. tracked_objects::ScopedTracker tracking_profile( FROM_HERE_WITH_EXPLICIT_FUNCTION( "483689 SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::Initialize")); // Don't want to hit the safe browsing servers on build/chrome bots. scoped_ptr env(base::Environment::Create()); if (env->HasVar(env_vars::kHeadless)) return; ScheduleNextUpdate(false /* no back off */); } void SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::ScheduleNextUpdate(bool back_off) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); if (disable_auto_update_) { // Unschedule any current timer. update_timer_.Stop(); return; } // Reschedule with the new update. base::TimeDelta next_update_interval = GetNextUpdateInterval(back_off); ForceScheduleNextUpdate(next_update_interval); } void SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::ForceScheduleNextUpdate( base::TimeDelta interval) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); DCHECK(interval >= base::TimeDelta()); // Unschedule any current timer. update_timer_.Stop(); update_timer_.Start(FROM_HERE, interval, this, &SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::GetNextUpdate); } // According to section 5 of the SafeBrowsing protocol specification, we must // back off after a certain number of errors. We only change |next_update_sec_| // when we receive a response from the SafeBrowsing service. base::TimeDelta SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::GetNextUpdateInterval( bool back_off) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); DCHECK(next_update_interval_ > base::TimeDelta()); base::TimeDelta next = next_update_interval_; if (back_off) { next = GetNextBackOffInterval(&update_error_count_, &update_back_off_mult_); } else { // Successful response means error reset. update_error_count_ = 0; update_back_off_mult_ = 1; } return next; } base::TimeDelta SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::GetNextBackOffInterval( size_t* error_count, size_t* multiplier) const { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); DCHECK(multiplier && error_count); (*error_count)++; if (*error_count > 1 && *error_count < 6) { base::TimeDelta next = base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes( *multiplier * (1 + back_off_fuzz_) * 30); *multiplier *= 2; if (*multiplier > kSbMaxBackOff) *multiplier = kSbMaxBackOff; return next; } if (*error_count >= 6) return base::TimeDelta::FromHours(8); return base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(1); } // This request requires getting a list of all the chunks for each list from the // database asynchronously. The request will be issued when we're called back in // OnGetChunksComplete. // TODO(paulg): We should get this at start up and maintain a ChunkRange cache // to avoid hitting the database with each update request. On the // otherhand, this request will only occur ~20-30 minutes so there // isn't that much overhead. Measure! void SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::IssueUpdateRequest() { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); request_type_ = UPDATE_REQUEST; delegate_->UpdateStarted(); delegate_->GetChunks( base::Bind(&SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::OnGetChunksComplete, base::Unretained(this))); } // The backup request can run immediately since the chunks have already been // retrieved from the DB. bool SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::IssueBackupUpdateRequest( BackupUpdateReason backup_update_reason) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); DCHECK_EQ(request_type_, UPDATE_REQUEST); DCHECK(backup_update_reason >= 0 && backup_update_reason < BACKUP_UPDATE_REASON_MAX); if (backup_url_prefixes_[backup_update_reason].empty()) return false; request_type_ = BACKUP_UPDATE_REQUEST; backup_update_reason_ = backup_update_reason; GURL backup_update_url = BackupUpdateUrl(backup_update_reason); request_ = net::URLFetcher::Create(url_fetcher_id_++, backup_update_url, net::URLFetcher::POST, this); request_->SetLoadFlags(net::LOAD_DISABLE_CACHE); request_->SetRequestContext(request_context_getter_.get()); request_->SetUploadData("text/plain", update_list_data_); request_->Start(); // Begin the update request timeout. timeout_timer_.Start(FROM_HERE, TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kSbMaxUpdateWaitSec), this, &SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::UpdateResponseTimeout); return true; } void SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::IssueChunkRequest() { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); // We are only allowed to have one request outstanding at any time. Also, // don't get the next url until the previous one has been written to disk so // that we don't use too much memory. if (request_.get() || chunk_request_urls_.empty() || chunk_pending_to_write_) return; ChunkUrl next_chunk = chunk_request_urls_.front(); DCHECK(!next_chunk.url.empty()); GURL chunk_url = NextChunkUrl(next_chunk.url); request_type_ = CHUNK_REQUEST; request_ = net::URLFetcher::Create(url_fetcher_id_++, chunk_url, net::URLFetcher::GET, this); request_->SetLoadFlags(net::LOAD_DISABLE_CACHE); request_->SetRequestContext(request_context_getter_.get()); chunk_request_start_ = base::Time::Now(); request_->Start(); } void SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::OnGetChunksComplete( const std::vector& lists, bool database_error, bool is_extended_reporting) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); DCHECK_EQ(request_type_, UPDATE_REQUEST); DCHECK(update_list_data_.empty()); if (database_error) { // The update was not successful, but don't back off. UpdateFinished(false, false); return; } // Format our stored chunks: bool found_malware = false; bool found_phishing = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < lists.size(); ++i) { update_list_data_.append(safe_browsing::FormatList(lists[i])); if (lists[i].name == safe_browsing_util::kPhishingList) found_phishing = true; if (lists[i].name == safe_browsing_util::kMalwareList) found_malware = true; } // If we have an empty database, let the server know we want data for these // lists. // TODO(shess): These cases never happen because the database fills in the // lists in GetChunks(). Refactor the unit tests so that this code can be // removed. if (!found_phishing) { update_list_data_.append(safe_browsing::FormatList( SBListChunkRanges(safe_browsing_util::kPhishingList))); } if (!found_malware) { update_list_data_.append(safe_browsing::FormatList( SBListChunkRanges(safe_browsing_util::kMalwareList))); } // Large requests are (probably) a sign of database corruption. // Record stats to inform decisions about whether to automate // deletion of such databases. http://crbug.com/120219 UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("SB2.UpdateRequestSize", update_list_data_.size()); GURL update_url = UpdateUrl(is_extended_reporting); request_ = net::URLFetcher::Create(url_fetcher_id_++, update_url, net::URLFetcher::POST, this); request_->SetLoadFlags(net::LOAD_DISABLE_CACHE); request_->SetRequestContext(request_context_getter_.get()); request_->SetUploadData("text/plain", update_list_data_); request_->Start(); // Begin the update request timeout. timeout_timer_.Start(FROM_HERE, TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kSbMaxUpdateWaitSec), this, &SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::UpdateResponseTimeout); } // If we haven't heard back from the server with an update response, this method // will run. Close the current update session and schedule another update. void SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::UpdateResponseTimeout() { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); DCHECK(request_type_ == UPDATE_REQUEST || request_type_ == BACKUP_UPDATE_REQUEST); request_.reset(); if (request_type_ == UPDATE_REQUEST && IssueBackupUpdateRequest(BACKUP_UPDATE_REASON_CONNECT)) { return; } UpdateFinished(false); } void SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::OnAddChunksComplete() { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); chunk_pending_to_write_ = false; if (chunk_request_urls_.empty()) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_LONG_TIMES("SB2.Update", Time::Now() - last_update_); UpdateFinished(true); } else { IssueChunkRequest(); } } void SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::HandleGetHashError(const Time& now) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); base::TimeDelta next = GetNextBackOffInterval( &gethash_error_count_, &gethash_back_off_mult_); next_gethash_time_ = now + next; } void SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::UpdateFinished(bool success) { UpdateFinished(success, !success); } void SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::UpdateFinished(bool success, bool back_off) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); #if defined(OS_ANDROID) if (app_in_foreground_) UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("SB2.UpdateSizeForeground", update_size_); else UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("SB2.UpdateSizeBackground", update_size_); #endif UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("SB2.UpdateSize", update_size_); update_size_ = 0; bool update_success = success || request_type_ == CHUNK_REQUEST; if (backup_update_reason_ == BACKUP_UPDATE_REASON_MAX) { RecordUpdateResult( update_success ? UPDATE_RESULT_SUCCESS : UPDATE_RESULT_FAIL); } else { UpdateResult update_result = static_cast( UPDATE_RESULT_BACKUP_START + (static_cast(backup_update_reason_) * 2) + update_success); RecordUpdateResult(update_result); } backup_update_reason_ = BACKUP_UPDATE_REASON_MAX; request_type_ = NO_REQUEST; update_list_data_.clear(); delegate_->UpdateFinished(success); ScheduleNextUpdate(back_off); } GURL SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::UpdateUrl(bool is_extended_reporting) const { std::string url = SafeBrowsingProtocolManagerHelper::ComposeUrl( url_prefix_, "downloads", client_name_, version_, additional_query_, is_extended_reporting); return GURL(url); } GURL SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::BackupUpdateUrl( BackupUpdateReason backup_update_reason) const { DCHECK(backup_update_reason >= 0 && backup_update_reason < BACKUP_UPDATE_REASON_MAX); DCHECK(!backup_url_prefixes_[backup_update_reason].empty()); std::string url = SafeBrowsingProtocolManagerHelper::ComposeUrl( backup_url_prefixes_[backup_update_reason], "downloads", client_name_, version_, additional_query_); return GURL(url); } GURL SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::GetHashUrl(bool is_extended_reporting) const { std::string url = SafeBrowsingProtocolManagerHelper::ComposeUrl( url_prefix_, "gethash", client_name_, version_, additional_query_, is_extended_reporting); return GURL(url); } GURL SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::NextChunkUrl(const std::string& url) const { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); std::string next_url; if (!base::StartsWith(url, "http://", base::CompareCase::INSENSITIVE_ASCII) && !base::StartsWith(url, "https://", base::CompareCase::INSENSITIVE_ASCII)) { // Use https if we updated via https, otherwise http (useful for testing). if (base::StartsWith(url_prefix_, "https://", base::CompareCase::INSENSITIVE_ASCII)) next_url.append("https://"); else next_url.append("http://"); next_url.append(url); } else { next_url = url; } if (!additional_query_.empty()) { if (next_url.find("?") != std::string::npos) { next_url.append("&"); } else { next_url.append("?"); } next_url.append(additional_query_); } return GURL(next_url); } SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::FullHashDetails::FullHashDetails() : callback(), is_download(false) { } SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::FullHashDetails::FullHashDetails( FullHashCallback callback, bool is_download) : callback(callback), is_download(is_download) { } SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::FullHashDetails::~FullHashDetails() { } SafeBrowsingProtocolManagerDelegate::~SafeBrowsingProtocolManagerDelegate() { }