// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/protocol_manager.h" #include "base/file_version_info.h" #include "base/histogram.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/rand_util.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/sys_info.h" #include "base/task.h" #include "base/timer.h" #include "chrome/browser/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/protocol_parser.h" #include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/safe_browsing_service.h" #include "chrome/common/env_vars.h" #include "chrome/common/stl_util-inl.h" #include "net/base/base64.h" #include "net/base/load_flags.h" // Maximum time, in seconds, from start up before we must issue an update query. static const int kSbTimerStartIntervalSec = 5 * 60; // Update URL for querying about the latest set of chunk updates. static const char* const kSbUpdateUrl = "http://safebrowsing.clients.google.com/safebrowsing/downloads?client=%s&appver=%s&pver=2.1"; // GetHash request URL for retrieving full hashes. static const char* const kSbGetHashUrl = "http://safebrowsing.clients.google.com/safebrowsing/gethash?client=%s&appver=%s&pver=2.1"; // New MAC client key requests URL. static const char* const kSbNewKeyUrl = "https://sb-ssl.google.com/safebrowsing/newkey?client=%s&appver=%s&pver=2.1"; #if defined(GOOGLE_CHROME_BUILD) static const char* const kSbClientName = "googlechrome"; #else static const char* const kSbClientName = "chromium"; #endif // Maximum back off multiplier. static const int kSbMaxBackOff = 8; // SafeBrowsingProtocolManager implementation ---------------------------------- SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::SafeBrowsingProtocolManager( SafeBrowsingService* sb_service, MessageLoop* notify_loop, const std::string& client_key, const std::string& wrapped_key) : sb_service_(sb_service), request_type_(NO_REQUEST), update_error_count_(0), gethash_error_count_(0), update_back_off_mult_(1), gethash_back_off_mult_(1), next_update_sec_(-1), update_state_(FIRST_REQUEST), initial_request_(true), chunk_pending_to_write_(false), notify_loop_(notify_loop), client_key_(client_key), wrapped_key_(wrapped_key) { // Set the backoff multiplier fuzz to a random value between 0 and 1. back_off_fuzz_ = static_cast<float>(base::RandDouble()); // The first update must happen between 0-5 minutes of start up. next_update_sec_ = base::RandInt(60, kSbTimerStartIntervalSec); scoped_ptr<FileVersionInfo> version_info( FileVersionInfo::CreateFileVersionInfoForCurrentModule()); if (!version_info.get()) version_ = "0.1"; else version_ = WideToASCII(version_info->product_version()); } SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::~SafeBrowsingProtocolManager() { // Delete in-progress SafeBrowsing requests. STLDeleteContainerPairFirstPointers(hash_requests_.begin(), hash_requests_.end()); hash_requests_.clear(); } // Public API used by the SafeBrowsingService ---------------------------------- // We can only have one update or chunk request outstanding, but there may be // multiple GetHash requests pending since we don't want to serialize them and // slow down the user. void SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::GetFullHash( SafeBrowsingService::SafeBrowsingCheck* check, const std::vector<SBPrefix>& prefixes) { // If we are in GetHash backoff, we need to check if we're past the next // allowed time. If we are, we can proceed with the request. If not, we are // required to return empty results (i.e. treat the page as safe). if (gethash_error_count_ && Time::Now() <= next_gethash_time_) { std::vector<SBFullHashResult> full_hashes; sb_service_->HandleGetHashResults(check, full_hashes, false); return; } std::string url = StringPrintf(kSbGetHashUrl, kSbClientName, version_.c_str()); if (!client_key_.empty()) { url.append("&wrkey="); url.append(wrapped_key_); } GURL gethash_url(url); URLFetcher* fetcher = new URLFetcher(gethash_url, URLFetcher::POST, this); hash_requests_[fetcher] = check; std::string get_hash; SafeBrowsingProtocolParser parser; parser.FormatGetHash(prefixes, &get_hash); fetcher->set_load_flags(net::LOAD_DISABLE_CACHE); fetcher->set_request_context(Profile::GetDefaultRequestContext()); fetcher->set_upload_data("text/plain", get_hash); fetcher->Start(); } void SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::GetNextUpdate() { if (initial_request_) { if (client_key_.empty() || wrapped_key_.empty()) { IssueKeyRequest(); return; } else { initial_request_ = false; } } if (!request_.get()) IssueUpdateRequest(); } // URLFetcher::Delegate implementation ----------------------------------------- // All SafeBrowsing request responses are handled here. // TODO(paulg): Clarify with the SafeBrowsing team whether a failed parse of a // chunk should retry the download and parse of that chunk (and // what back off / how many times to try), and if that effects the // update back off. For now, a failed parse of the chunk means we // drop it. This isn't so bad because the next UPDATE_REQUEST we // do will report all the chunks we have. If that chunk is still // required, the SafeBrowsing servers will tell us to get it again. void SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::OnURLFetchComplete( const URLFetcher* source, const GURL& url, const URLRequestStatus& status, int response_code, const ResponseCookies& cookies, const std::string& data) { scoped_ptr<const URLFetcher> fetcher; bool parsed_ok = true; bool must_back_off = false; // Reduce SafeBrowsing service query frequency. HashRequests::iterator it = hash_requests_.find(source); if (it != hash_requests_.end()) { // GetHash response. fetcher.reset(it->first); SafeBrowsingService::SafeBrowsingCheck* check = it->second; std::vector<SBFullHashResult> full_hashes; bool can_cache = false; if (response_code == 200 || response_code == 204) { can_cache = true; gethash_error_count_ = 0; gethash_back_off_mult_ = 1; bool re_key = false; SafeBrowsingProtocolParser parser; parsed_ok = parser.ParseGetHash(data.data(), static_cast<int>(data.length()), client_key_, &re_key, &full_hashes); if (!parsed_ok) { // If we fail to parse it, we must still inform the SafeBrowsingService // so that it doesn't hold up the user's request indefinitely. Not sure // what to do at that point though! full_hashes.clear(); } else { if (re_key) HandleReKey(); } } else if (response_code >= 300) { HandleGetHashError(); SB_DLOG(INFO) << "SafeBrowsing GetHash request for: " << source->url() << ", failed with error: " << response_code; } // Call back the SafeBrowsingService with full_hashes, even if there was a // parse error or an error response code (in which case full_hashes will be // empty). We can't block the user regardless of the error status. sb_service_->HandleGetHashResults(check, full_hashes, can_cache); hash_requests_.erase(it); } else { // Update, chunk or key response. DCHECK(source == request_.get()); fetcher.reset(request_.release()); if (response_code == 200) { // We have data from the SafeBrowsing service. parsed_ok = HandleServiceResponse(source->url(), data.data(), static_cast<int>(data.length())); if (!parsed_ok) { SB_DLOG(INFO) << "SafeBrowsing request for: " << source->url() << "failed parse."; } if (request_type_ == CHUNK_REQUEST) { if (parsed_ok) { chunk_request_urls_.pop_front(); } else { chunk_request_urls_.clear(); } } else if (request_type_ == GETKEY_REQUEST && initial_request_) { // This is the first request we've made this session. Now that we have // the keys, do the regular update request. initial_request_ = false; GetNextUpdate(); return; } } else if (response_code >= 300) { // The SafeBrowsing service error: back off. must_back_off = true; if (request_type_ == CHUNK_REQUEST) chunk_request_urls_.clear(); SB_DLOG(INFO) << "SafeBrowsing request for: " << source->url() << ", failed with error: " << response_code; } } // Schedule a new update request if we've finished retrieving all the chunks // from the previous update. We treat the update request and the chunk URLs it // contains as an atomic unit as far as back off is concerned. if (chunk_request_urls_.empty() && (request_type_ == CHUNK_REQUEST || request_type_ == UPDATE_REQUEST)) ScheduleNextUpdate(must_back_off); // Get the next chunk if available. IssueChunkRequest(); } bool SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::HandleServiceResponse(const GURL& url, const char* data, int length) { SafeBrowsingProtocolParser parser; switch (request_type_) { case UPDATE_REQUEST: { int next_update_sec = -1; bool re_key = false; bool reset = false; std::vector<SBChunkDelete>* chunk_deletes = new std::vector<SBChunkDelete>; std::vector<ChunkUrl> chunk_urls; if (!parser.ParseUpdate(data, length, client_key_, &next_update_sec, &re_key, &reset, chunk_deletes, &chunk_urls)) { delete chunk_deletes; return false; } last_update_ = Time::Now(); if (update_state_ == FIRST_REQUEST) update_state_ = SECOND_REQUEST; else if (update_state_ == SECOND_REQUEST) update_state_ = NORMAL_REQUEST; // New time for the next update. if (next_update_sec > 0) { next_update_sec_ = next_update_sec; } else if (update_state_ == SECOND_REQUEST) { next_update_sec_ = base::RandInt(15 * 60, 45 * 60); } // We need to request a new set of keys for MAC. if (re_key) HandleReKey(); // New chunks to download. if (!chunk_urls.empty()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < chunk_urls.size(); ++i) chunk_request_urls_.push_back(chunk_urls[i]); } // Handle the case were the SafeBrowsing service tells us to dump our // database. if (reset) { sb_service_->ResetDatabase(); return true; } // Chunks to delete from our storage. if (!chunk_deletes->empty()) sb_service_->HandleChunkDelete(chunk_deletes); break; } case CHUNK_REQUEST: { // Find list name from url. std::string url_path = url.ExtractFileName(); if (url_path.empty()) return false; std::string::size_type pos = url_path.find_first_of('_'); if (pos == std::string::npos) return false; const ChunkUrl chunk_url = chunk_request_urls_.front(); DCHECK(url.spec().find(chunk_url.url) != std::string::npos); bool re_key = false; std::deque<SBChunk>* chunks = new std::deque<SBChunk>; if (!parser.ParseChunk(data, length, client_key_, chunk_url.mac, &re_key, chunks)) { #ifndef NDEBUG std::string data_str; data_str.assign(data, length); std::string encoded_chunk; net::Base64Encode(data, &encoded_chunk); SB_DLOG(INFO) << "ParseChunk error for chunk: " << chunk_url.url << ", client_key: " << client_key_ << ", wrapped_key: " << wrapped_key_ << ", mac: " << chunk_url.mac << ", Base64Encode(data): " << encoded_chunk << ", length: " << length; #endif safe_browsing_util::FreeChunks(chunks); delete chunks; return false; } if (re_key) HandleReKey(); if (chunks->empty()) { delete chunks; } else { chunk_pending_to_write_ = true; std::string list_name(url_path, 0, pos); sb_service_->HandleChunk(list_name, chunks); } break; } case GETKEY_REQUEST: { std::string client_key, wrapped_key; if (!parser.ParseNewKey(data, length, &client_key, &wrapped_key)) return false; client_key_ = client_key; wrapped_key_ = wrapped_key; notify_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( sb_service_, &SafeBrowsingService::OnNewMacKeys, client_key_, wrapped_key_)); break; } default: return false; } return true; } void SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::Initialize() { // Don't want to hit the safe browsing servers on build/chrome bots. if (base::SysInfo::HasEnvVar(env_vars::kHeadless)) return; ScheduleNextUpdate(false /* no back off */); } void SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::ScheduleNextUpdate(bool back_off) { DCHECK(next_update_sec_ > 0); // Unschedule any current timer. update_timer_.Stop(); // Reschedule with the new update. const int next_update = GetNextUpdateTime(back_off); update_timer_.Start(TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(next_update), this, &SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::GetNextUpdate); } // According to section 5 of the SafeBrowsing protocol specification, we must // back off after a certain number of errors. We only change 'next_update_sec_' // when we receive a response from the SafeBrowsing service. int SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::GetNextUpdateTime(bool back_off) { int next = next_update_sec_; if (back_off) { next = GetNextBackOffTime(&update_error_count_, &update_back_off_mult_); } else { // Successful response means error reset. update_error_count_ = 0; update_back_off_mult_ = 1; } return next * 1000; // milliseconds } int SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::GetNextBackOffTime(int* error_count, int* multiplier) { DCHECK(multiplier && error_count); (*error_count)++; if (*error_count > 1 && *error_count < 6) { int next = static_cast<int>(*multiplier * (1 + back_off_fuzz_) * 30 * 60); *multiplier *= 2; if (*multiplier > kSbMaxBackOff) *multiplier = kSbMaxBackOff; return next; } if (*error_count >= 6) return 60 * 60 * 8; // 8 hours return 60; // 1 minute } // This request requires getting a list of all the chunks for each list from the // database asynchronously. The request will be issued when we're called back in // OnGetChunksComplete. // TODO(paulg): We should get this at start up and maintain a ChunkRange cache // to avoid hitting the database with each update request. On the // otherhand, this request will only occur ~20-30 minutes so there // isn't that much overhead. Measure! void SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::IssueUpdateRequest() { request_type_ = UPDATE_REQUEST; sb_service_->GetAllChunks(); } void SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::IssueChunkRequest() { // We are only allowed to have one request outstanding at any time. Also, // don't get the next url until the previous one has been written to disk so // that we don't use too much memory. if (request_.get() || chunk_request_urls_.empty() || chunk_pending_to_write_) return; ChunkUrl next_chunk = chunk_request_urls_.front(); DCHECK(!next_chunk.url.empty()); if (!StartsWithASCII(next_chunk.url, "http://", false) && !StartsWithASCII(next_chunk.url, "https://", false)) next_chunk.url = "http://" + next_chunk.url; GURL chunk_url(next_chunk.url); request_type_ = CHUNK_REQUEST; request_.reset(new URLFetcher(chunk_url, URLFetcher::GET, this)); request_->set_load_flags(net::LOAD_DISABLE_CACHE); request_->set_request_context(Profile::GetDefaultRequestContext()); request_->Start(); } void SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::IssueKeyRequest() { GURL key_url(StringPrintf(kSbNewKeyUrl, kSbClientName, version_.c_str())); request_type_ = GETKEY_REQUEST; request_.reset(new URLFetcher(key_url, URLFetcher::GET, this)); request_->set_load_flags(net::LOAD_DISABLE_CACHE); request_->set_request_context(Profile::GetDefaultRequestContext()); request_->Start(); } void SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::OnGetChunksComplete( const std::vector<SBListChunkRanges>& lists, bool database_error) { DCHECK(request_type_ == UPDATE_REQUEST); if (database_error) { ScheduleNextUpdate(false); return; } const bool use_mac = !client_key_.empty(); // Format our stored chunks: std::string list_data; bool found_malware = false; bool found_phishing = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < lists.size(); ++i) { list_data.append(FormatList(lists[i], use_mac)); if (lists[i].name == "goog-phish-shavar") found_phishing = true; if (lists[i].name == "goog-malware-shavar") found_malware = true; } // If we have an empty database, let the server know we want data for these // lists. if (!found_phishing) list_data.append(FormatList(SBListChunkRanges("goog-phish-shavar"), use_mac)); if (!found_malware) list_data.append(FormatList(SBListChunkRanges("goog-malware-shavar"), use_mac)); std::string url = StringPrintf(kSbUpdateUrl, kSbClientName, version_.c_str()); if (use_mac) { url.append("&wrkey="); url.append(wrapped_key_); } GURL update_url(url); request_.reset(new URLFetcher(update_url, URLFetcher::POST, this)); request_->set_load_flags(net::LOAD_DISABLE_CACHE); request_->set_request_context(Profile::GetDefaultRequestContext()); request_->set_upload_data("text/plain", list_data); request_->Start(); } void SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::OnChunkInserted() { chunk_pending_to_write_ = false; if (chunk_request_urls_.empty()) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_LONG_TIMES(L"SB.Update", Time::Now() - last_update_); sb_service_->UpdateFinished(); } else { IssueChunkRequest(); } } // static std::string SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::FormatList( const SBListChunkRanges& list, bool use_mac) { std::string formatted_results; formatted_results.append(list.name); formatted_results.append(";"); if (!list.adds.empty()) { formatted_results.append("a:" + list.adds); if (!list.subs.empty() || use_mac) formatted_results.append(":"); } if (!list.subs.empty()) { formatted_results.append("s:" + list.subs); if (use_mac) formatted_results.append(":"); } if (use_mac) formatted_results.append("mac"); formatted_results.append("\n"); return formatted_results; } void SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::HandleReKey() { client_key_.clear(); wrapped_key_.clear(); IssueKeyRequest(); } void SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::HandleGetHashError() { int next = GetNextBackOffTime(&gethash_error_count_, &gethash_back_off_mult_); next_gethash_time_ = Time::Now() + TimeDelta::FromSeconds(next); }