// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // #include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/safe_browsing_service.h" #include "base/path_service.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h" #include "chrome/browser/metrics/metrics_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/net/url_request_context_getter.h" #include "chrome/browser/profile_manager.h" #include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/protocol_manager.h" #include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/safe_browsing_blocking_page.h" #include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/safe_browsing_database.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/tab_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_constants.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_service.h" #include "chrome/common/url_constants.h" #include "net/base/registry_controlled_domain.h" #if defined(OS_WIN) #include "chrome/installer/util/browser_distribution.h" #endif using base::Time; using base::TimeDelta; static Profile* GetDefaultProfile() { FilePath user_data_dir; PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_USER_DATA, &user_data_dir); ProfileManager* profile_manager = g_browser_process->profile_manager(); return profile_manager->GetDefaultProfile(user_data_dir); } SafeBrowsingService::SafeBrowsingService() : database_(NULL), protocol_manager_(NULL), enabled_(false), update_in_progress_(false), closing_database_(false) { } void SafeBrowsingService::Initialize() { // Get the profile's preference for SafeBrowsing. PrefService* pref_service = GetDefaultProfile()->GetPrefs(); if (pref_service->GetBoolean(prefs::kSafeBrowsingEnabled)) Start(); } void SafeBrowsingService::ShutDown() { ChromeThread::PostTask( ChromeThread::IO, FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &SafeBrowsingService::OnIOShutdown)); } bool SafeBrowsingService::CanCheckUrl(const GURL& url) const { return url.SchemeIs(chrome::kHttpScheme) || url.SchemeIs(chrome::kHttpsScheme); } bool SafeBrowsingService::CheckUrl(const GURL& url, Client* client) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); if (!enabled_) return true; if (!MakeDatabaseAvailable()) { QueuedCheck check; check.client = client; check.url = url; queued_checks_.push_back(check); return false; } std::string list; std::vector<SBPrefix> prefix_hits; std::vector<SBFullHashResult> full_hits; base::Time check_start = base::Time::Now(); bool prefix_match = database_->ContainsUrl(url, &list, &prefix_hits, &full_hits, protocol_manager_->last_update()); UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("SB2.FilterCheck", base::Time::Now() - check_start); if (!prefix_match) return true; // URL is okay. // Needs to be asynchronous, since we could be in the constructor of a // ResourceDispatcherHost event handler which can't pause there. SafeBrowsingCheck* check = new SafeBrowsingCheck(); check->url = url; check->client = client; check->result = URL_SAFE; check->need_get_hash = full_hits.empty(); check->prefix_hits.swap(prefix_hits); check->full_hits.swap(full_hits); checks_.insert(check); ChromeThread::PostTask( ChromeThread::IO, FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &SafeBrowsingService::OnCheckDone, check)); return false; } void SafeBrowsingService::CancelCheck(Client* client) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); for (CurrentChecks::iterator i = checks_.begin(); i != checks_.end(); ++i) { // We can't delete matching checks here because the db thread has a copy of // the pointer. Instead, we simply NULL out the client, and when the db // thread calls us back, we'll clean up the check. if ((*i)->client == client) (*i)->client = NULL; } // Scan the queued clients store. Clients may be here if they requested a URL // check before the database has finished loading. for (std::deque<QueuedCheck>::iterator it(queued_checks_.begin()); it != queued_checks_.end(); ) { // In this case it's safe to delete matches entirely since nothing has a // pointer to them. if (it->client == client) it = queued_checks_.erase(it); else ++it; } } void SafeBrowsingService::DisplayBlockingPage(const GURL& url, ResourceType::Type resource_type, UrlCheckResult result, Client* client, int render_process_host_id, int render_view_id) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); // Check if the user has already ignored our warning for this render_view // and domain. for (size_t i = 0; i < white_listed_entries_.size(); ++i) { const WhiteListedEntry& entry = white_listed_entries_[i]; if (entry.render_process_host_id == render_process_host_id && entry.render_view_id == render_view_id && entry.result == result && entry.domain == net::RegistryControlledDomainService::GetDomainAndRegistry(url)) { MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &SafeBrowsingService::NotifyClientBlockingComplete, client, true)); return; } } UnsafeResource resource; resource.url = url; resource.resource_type = resource_type; resource.threat_type= result; resource.client = client; resource.render_process_host_id = render_process_host_id; resource.render_view_id = render_view_id; // The blocking page must be created from the UI thread. ChromeThread::PostTask( ChromeThread::UI, FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &SafeBrowsingService::DoDisplayBlockingPage, resource)); } void SafeBrowsingService::HandleGetHashResults( SafeBrowsingCheck* check, const std::vector<SBFullHashResult>& full_hashes, bool can_cache) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); if (checks_.find(check) == checks_.end()) return; DCHECK(enabled_); UMA_HISTOGRAM_LONG_TIMES("SB2.Network", Time::Now() - check->start); std::vector<SBPrefix> prefixes = check->prefix_hits; OnHandleGetHashResults(check, full_hashes); // 'check' is deleted here. if (can_cache && MakeDatabaseAvailable()) { // Cache the GetHash results in memory: database_->CacheHashResults(prefixes, full_hashes); } } void SafeBrowsingService::HandleChunk(const std::string& list, std::deque<SBChunk>* chunks) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); DCHECK(enabled_); safe_browsing_thread_->message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &SafeBrowsingService::HandleChunkForDatabase, list, chunks)); } void SafeBrowsingService::HandleChunkDelete( std::vector<SBChunkDelete>* chunk_deletes) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); DCHECK(enabled_); safe_browsing_thread_->message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &SafeBrowsingService::DeleteChunks, chunk_deletes)); } void SafeBrowsingService::UpdateStarted() { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); DCHECK(enabled_); DCHECK(!update_in_progress_); update_in_progress_ = true; safe_browsing_thread_->message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &SafeBrowsingService::GetAllChunksFromDatabase)); } void SafeBrowsingService::UpdateFinished(bool update_succeeded) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); DCHECK(enabled_); if (update_in_progress_) { update_in_progress_ = false; safe_browsing_thread_->message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &SafeBrowsingService::DatabaseUpdateFinished, update_succeeded)); } } void SafeBrowsingService::OnBlockingPageDone( const std::vector<UnsafeResource>& resources, bool proceed) { for (std::vector<UnsafeResource>::const_iterator iter = resources.begin(); iter != resources.end(); ++iter) { const UnsafeResource& resource = *iter; NotifyClientBlockingComplete(resource.client, proceed); if (proceed) { // Whitelist this domain and warning type for the given tab. WhiteListedEntry entry; entry.render_process_host_id = resource.render_process_host_id; entry.render_view_id = resource.render_view_id; entry.domain = net::RegistryControlledDomainService::GetDomainAndRegistry( resource.url); entry.result = resource.threat_type; white_listed_entries_.push_back(entry); } } } void SafeBrowsingService::OnNewMacKeys(const std::string& client_key, const std::string& wrapped_key) { PrefService* prefs = g_browser_process->local_state(); if (prefs) { prefs->SetString(prefs::kSafeBrowsingClientKey, ASCIIToWide(client_key)); prefs->SetString(prefs::kSafeBrowsingWrappedKey, ASCIIToWide(wrapped_key)); } } void SafeBrowsingService::OnEnable(bool enabled) { if (enabled) Start(); else ShutDown(); } // static void SafeBrowsingService::RegisterPrefs(PrefService* prefs) { prefs->RegisterStringPref(prefs::kSafeBrowsingClientKey, L""); prefs->RegisterStringPref(prefs::kSafeBrowsingWrappedKey, L""); } void SafeBrowsingService::CloseDatabase() { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); // Cases to avoid: // * If |closing_database_| is true, continuing will queue up a second // request, |closing_database_| will be reset after handling the first // request, and if any functions on the db thread recreate the database, we // could start using it on the IO thread and then have the second request // handler delete it out from under us. // * If |database_| is NULL, then either no creation request is in flight, in // which case we don't need to do anything, or one is in flight, in which // case the database will be recreated before our deletion request is // handled, and could be used on the IO thread in that time period, leading // to the same problem as above. // * If |queued_checks_| is non-empty and |database_| is non-NULL, we're // about to be called back (in DatabaseLoadComplete()). This will call // CheckUrl(), which will want the database. Closing the database here // would lead to an infinite loop in DatabaseLoadComplete(), and even if it // didn't, it would be pointless since we'd just want to recreate. // // The first two cases above are handled by checking DatabaseAvailable(). if (!DatabaseAvailable() || !queued_checks_.empty()) return; closing_database_ = true; if (safe_browsing_thread_.get()) { safe_browsing_thread_->message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &SafeBrowsingService::OnCloseDatabase)); } } void SafeBrowsingService::ResetDatabase() { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); DCHECK(enabled_); safe_browsing_thread_->message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &SafeBrowsingService::OnResetDatabase)); } void SafeBrowsingService::LogPauseDelay(TimeDelta time) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_LONG_TIMES("SB2.Delay", time); } SafeBrowsingService::~SafeBrowsingService() { // We should have already been shut down. If we're still enabled, then the // database isn't going to be closed properly, which could lead to corruption. DCHECK(!enabled_); } void SafeBrowsingService::OnIOInitialize( const std::string& client_key, const std::string& wrapped_key, URLRequestContextGetter* request_context_getter) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); enabled_ = true; MakeDatabaseAvailable(); // On Windows, get the safe browsing client name from the browser // distribution classes in installer util. These classes don't yet have // an analog on non-Windows builds so just keep the name specified here. #if defined(OS_WIN) BrowserDistribution* dist = BrowserDistribution::GetDistribution(); std::string client_name(dist->GetSafeBrowsingName()); #else #if defined(GOOGLE_CHROME_BUILD) std::string client_name("googlechrome"); #else std::string client_name("chromium"); #endif #endif protocol_manager_ = new SafeBrowsingProtocolManager(this, client_name, client_key, wrapped_key, request_context_getter); // Balance the reference added by Start(). request_context_getter->Release(); protocol_manager_->Initialize(); } void SafeBrowsingService::OnIOShutdown() { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); if (!enabled_) return; enabled_ = false; // This cancels all in-flight GetHash requests. delete protocol_manager_; protocol_manager_ = NULL; // Delete queued checks, calling back any clients with 'URL_SAFE'. // If we don't do this here we may fail to close the database below. while (!queued_checks_.empty()) { QueuedCheck check = queued_checks_.front(); if (check.client) check.client->OnUrlCheckResult(check.url, URL_SAFE); queued_checks_.pop_front(); } // Close the database. We don't simply DeleteSoon() because if a close is // already pending, we'll double-free, and we don't set |database_| to NULL // because if there is still anything running on the db thread, it could // create a new database object (via GetDatabase()) that would then leak. CloseDatabase(); // Flush the database thread. Any in-progress database check results will be // ignored and cleaned up below. // // Note that to avoid leaking the database, we rely on the fact that no new // tasks will be added to the db thread between the call above and this one. // See comments on the declaration of |safe_browsing_thread_|. safe_browsing_thread_.reset(); // Delete pending checks, calling back any clients with 'URL_SAFE'. We have // to do this after the db thread returns because methods on it can have // copies of these pointers, so deleting them might lead to accessing garbage. for (CurrentChecks::iterator it = checks_.begin(); it != checks_.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->client) (*it)->client->OnUrlCheckResult((*it)->url, URL_SAFE); delete *it; } checks_.clear(); gethash_requests_.clear(); } bool SafeBrowsingService::DatabaseAvailable() const { AutoLock lock(database_lock_); return !closing_database_ && (database_ != NULL); } bool SafeBrowsingService::MakeDatabaseAvailable() { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); DCHECK(enabled_); if (DatabaseAvailable()) return true; safe_browsing_thread_->message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &SafeBrowsingService::GetDatabase)); return false; } SafeBrowsingDatabase* SafeBrowsingService::GetDatabase() { DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == safe_browsing_thread_->message_loop()); if (database_) return database_; FilePath path; bool result = PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_USER_DATA, &path); DCHECK(result); path = path.Append(chrome::kSafeBrowsingFilename); Time before = Time::Now(); SafeBrowsingDatabase* database = SafeBrowsingDatabase::Create(); Callback0::Type* chunk_callback = NewCallback(this, &SafeBrowsingService::ChunkInserted); database->Init(path, chunk_callback); { // Acquiring the lock here guarantees correct ordering between the writes to // the new database object above, and the setting of |databse_| below. AutoLock lock(database_lock_); database_ = database; } ChromeThread::PostTask( ChromeThread::IO, FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &SafeBrowsingService::DatabaseLoadComplete)); UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("SB2.DatabaseOpen", Time::Now() - before); return database_; } void SafeBrowsingService::OnCheckDone(SafeBrowsingCheck* check) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); // If we've been shutdown during the database lookup, this check will already // have been deleted (in OnIOShutdown). if (!enabled_ || checks_.find(check) == checks_.end()) return; if (check->client && check->need_get_hash) { // We have a partial match so we need to query Google for the full hash. // Clean up will happen in HandleGetHashResults. // See if we have a GetHash request already in progress for this particular // prefix. If so, we just append ourselves to the list of interested parties // when the results arrive. We only do this for checks involving one prefix, // since that is the common case (multiple prefixes will issue the request // as normal). if (check->prefix_hits.size() == 1) { SBPrefix prefix = check->prefix_hits[0]; GetHashRequests::iterator it = gethash_requests_.find(prefix); if (it != gethash_requests_.end()) { // There's already a request in progress. it->second.push_back(check); return; } // No request in progress, so we're the first for this prefix. GetHashRequestors requestors; requestors.push_back(check); gethash_requests_[prefix] = requestors; } // Reset the start time so that we can measure the network time without the // database time. check->start = Time::Now(); protocol_manager_->GetFullHash(check, check->prefix_hits); } else { // We may have cached results for previous GetHash queries. HandleOneCheck(check, check->full_hits); } } void SafeBrowsingService::GetAllChunksFromDatabase() { DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == safe_browsing_thread_->message_loop()); bool database_error = true; std::vector<SBListChunkRanges> lists; GetDatabase(); // This guarantees that |database_| is non-NULL. if (database_->UpdateStarted()) { database_->GetListsInfo(&lists); database_error = false; } else { database_->UpdateFinished(false); } ChromeThread::PostTask( ChromeThread::IO, FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &SafeBrowsingService::OnGetAllChunksFromDatabase, lists, database_error)); } void SafeBrowsingService::OnGetAllChunksFromDatabase( const std::vector<SBListChunkRanges>& lists, bool database_error) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); if (enabled_) protocol_manager_->OnGetChunksComplete(lists, database_error); } void SafeBrowsingService::ChunkInserted() { DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == safe_browsing_thread_->message_loop()); ChromeThread::PostTask( ChromeThread::IO, FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &SafeBrowsingService::OnChunkInserted)); } void SafeBrowsingService::OnChunkInserted() { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); if (enabled_) protocol_manager_->OnChunkInserted(); } void SafeBrowsingService::DatabaseLoadComplete() { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); if (!enabled_) return; HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("SB.QueueDepth", queued_checks_.size()); if (queued_checks_.empty()) return; // If the database isn't already available, calling CheckUrl() in the loop // below will add the check back to the queue, and we'll infinite-loop. DCHECK(DatabaseAvailable()); while (!queued_checks_.empty()) { QueuedCheck check = queued_checks_.front(); HISTOGRAM_TIMES("SB.QueueDelay", Time::Now() - check.start); // If CheckUrl() determines the URL is safe immediately, it doesn't call the // client's handler function (because normally it's being directly called by // the client). Since we're not the client, we have to convey this result. if (check.client && CheckUrl(check.url, check.client)) check.client->OnUrlCheckResult(check.url, URL_SAFE); queued_checks_.pop_front(); } } void SafeBrowsingService::HandleChunkForDatabase( const std::string& list_name, std::deque<SBChunk>* chunks) { DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == safe_browsing_thread_->message_loop()); GetDatabase()->InsertChunks(list_name, chunks); } void SafeBrowsingService::DeleteChunks( std::vector<SBChunkDelete>* chunk_deletes) { DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == safe_browsing_thread_->message_loop()); GetDatabase()->DeleteChunks(chunk_deletes); } SafeBrowsingService::UrlCheckResult SafeBrowsingService::GetResultFromListname( const std::string& list_name) { if (safe_browsing_util::IsPhishingList(list_name)) { return URL_PHISHING; } if (safe_browsing_util::IsMalwareList(list_name)) { return URL_MALWARE; } SB_DLOG(INFO) << "Unknown safe browsing list " << list_name; return URL_SAFE; } void SafeBrowsingService::NotifyClientBlockingComplete(Client* client, bool proceed) { client->OnBlockingPageComplete(proceed); } void SafeBrowsingService::DatabaseUpdateFinished(bool update_succeeded) { DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == safe_browsing_thread_->message_loop()); GetDatabase()->UpdateFinished(update_succeeded); } void SafeBrowsingService::Start() { DCHECK(!safe_browsing_thread_.get()); safe_browsing_thread_.reset(new base::Thread("Chrome_SafeBrowsingThread")); if (!safe_browsing_thread_->Start()) return; // Retrieve client MAC keys. PrefService* local_state = g_browser_process->local_state(); std::string client_key, wrapped_key; if (local_state) { client_key = WideToASCII(local_state->GetString(prefs::kSafeBrowsingClientKey)); wrapped_key = WideToASCII(local_state->GetString(prefs::kSafeBrowsingWrappedKey)); } // We will issue network fetches using the default profile's request context. URLRequestContextGetter* request_context_getter = GetDefaultProfile()->GetRequestContext(); request_context_getter->AddRef(); // Balanced in OnIOInitialize. ChromeThread::PostTask( ChromeThread::IO, FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &SafeBrowsingService::OnIOInitialize, client_key, wrapped_key, request_context_getter)); } void SafeBrowsingService::OnCloseDatabase() { DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == safe_browsing_thread_->message_loop()); DCHECK(closing_database_); // Because |closing_database_| is true, nothing on the IO thread will be // accessing the database, so it's safe to delete and then NULL the pointer. delete database_; database_ = NULL; // Acquiring the lock here guarantees correct ordering between the resetting // of |database_| above and of |closing_database_| below, which ensures there // won't be a window during which the IO thread falsely believes the database // is available. AutoLock lock(database_lock_); closing_database_ = false; } void SafeBrowsingService::OnResetDatabase() { DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == safe_browsing_thread_->message_loop()); GetDatabase()->ResetDatabase(); } void SafeBrowsingService::CacheHashResults( const std::vector<SBPrefix>& prefixes, const std::vector<SBFullHashResult>& full_hashes) { DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == safe_browsing_thread_->message_loop()); GetDatabase()->CacheHashResults(prefixes, full_hashes); } void SafeBrowsingService::OnHandleGetHashResults( SafeBrowsingCheck* check, const std::vector<SBFullHashResult>& full_hashes) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); SBPrefix prefix = check->prefix_hits[0]; GetHashRequests::iterator it = gethash_requests_.find(prefix); if (check->prefix_hits.size() > 1 || it == gethash_requests_.end()) { HandleOneCheck(check, full_hashes); return; } // Call back all interested parties. GetHashRequestors& requestors = it->second; for (GetHashRequestors::iterator r = requestors.begin(); r != requestors.end(); ++r) { HandleOneCheck(*r, full_hashes); } gethash_requests_.erase(it); } void SafeBrowsingService::HandleOneCheck( SafeBrowsingCheck* check, const std::vector<SBFullHashResult>& full_hashes) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); if (check->client) { UrlCheckResult result = URL_SAFE; int index = safe_browsing_util::CompareFullHashes(check->url, full_hashes); if (index != -1) { result = GetResultFromListname(full_hashes[index].list_name); } else { // Log the case where the SafeBrowsing servers return full hashes in the // GetHash response that match the prefix we're looking up, but don't // match the full hash of the URL. if (!full_hashes.empty()) UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("SB2.GetHashServerMiss", 1); } // Let the client continue handling the original request. check->client->OnUrlCheckResult(check->url, result); } checks_.erase(check); delete check; } void SafeBrowsingService::DoDisplayBlockingPage( const UnsafeResource& resource) { // The tab might have been closed. TabContents* wc = tab_util::GetTabContentsByID(resource.render_process_host_id, resource.render_view_id); if (!wc) { // The tab is gone and we did not have a chance at showing the interstitial. // Just act as "Don't Proceed" was chosen. std::vector<UnsafeResource> resources; resources.push_back(resource); ChromeThread::PostTask( ChromeThread::IO, FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &SafeBrowsingService::OnBlockingPageDone, resources, false)); return; } // Report the malware sub-resource to the SafeBrowsing servers if we have a // malware sub-resource on a safe page and only if the user has opted in to // reporting statistics. const MetricsService* metrics = g_browser_process->metrics_service(); DCHECK(metrics); if (metrics && metrics->reporting_active() && resource.resource_type != ResourceType::MAIN_FRAME && resource.threat_type == SafeBrowsingService::URL_MALWARE) { GURL page_url = wc->GetURL(); GURL referrer_url; NavigationEntry* entry = wc->controller().GetActiveEntry(); if (entry) referrer_url = entry->referrer(); ChromeThread::PostTask( ChromeThread::IO, FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &SafeBrowsingService::ReportMalware, resource.url, page_url, referrer_url)); } SafeBrowsingBlockingPage::ShowBlockingPage(this, resource); } void SafeBrowsingService::ReportMalware(const GURL& malware_url, const GURL& page_url, const GURL& referrer_url) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); if (!enabled_) return; if (DatabaseAvailable()) { // Check if 'page_url' is already blacklisted (exists in our cache). Only // report if it's not there. std::string list; std::vector<SBPrefix> prefix_hits; std::vector<SBFullHashResult> full_hits; database_->ContainsUrl(page_url, &list, &prefix_hits, &full_hits, protocol_manager_->last_update()); if (!full_hits.empty()) return; } protocol_manager_->ReportMalware(malware_url, page_url, referrer_url); }