// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/safe_browsing_util.h" #include "base/hmac.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/sha2.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/google_util.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" #include "net/base/base64.h" #include "net/base/escape.h" #include "unicode/locid.h" static const int kSafeBrowsingMacDigestSize = 20; // Continue to this URL after submitting the phishing report form. // TODO(paulg): Change to a Chrome specific URL. static const char kContinueUrlFormat[] = "http://www.google.com/tools/firefox/toolbar/FT2/intl/%s/submit_success.html"; static const char kReportParams[] = "?tpl=generic&continue=%s&url=%s"; namespace safe_browsing_util { const char kMalwareList[] = "goog-malware-shavar"; const char kPhishingList[] = "goog-phish-shavar"; int GetListId(const std::string& name) { if (name == kMalwareList) return MALWARE; else if (name == kPhishingList) return PHISH; return -1; } std::string GetListName(int list_id) { switch (list_id) { case MALWARE: return kMalwareList; case PHISH: return kPhishingList; default: return ""; } } void GenerateHostsToCheck(const GURL& url, std::vector<std::string>* hosts) { // Per Safe Browsing Protocol 2 spec, first we try the host. Then we try up // to 4 hostnames starting with the last 5 components and successively // removing the leading component. The TLD is skipped. hosts->clear(); int hostnames_checked = 0; std::string host = url.host(); if (host.empty()) return; const char* host_start = host.c_str(); const char* index = host_start + host.size() - 1; bool skipped_tld = false; while (index != host_start && hostnames_checked < 4) { if (*index == '.') { if (!skipped_tld) { skipped_tld = true; } else { const char* host_to_check = index + 1; hosts->push_back(host_to_check); hostnames_checked++; } } index--; } // Check the full host too. hosts->push_back(host.c_str()); } // Per the Safe Browsing 2 spec, we try the exact path with/without the query // parameters, and also the 4 paths formed by starting at the root and adding // more path components. void GeneratePathsToCheck(const GURL& url, std::vector<std::string>* paths) { paths->clear(); std::string path = url.path(); if (path.empty()) return; if (url.has_query()) paths->push_back(path + "?" + url.query()); paths->push_back(path); if (path == "/") return; int path_components_checked = 0; const char* path_start = path.c_str(); const char* index = path_start; const char* last_char = path_start + path.size() - 1; while (*index && index != last_char && path_components_checked < 4) { if (*index == '/') { paths->push_back(std::string(path_start, index - path_start + 1)); path_components_checked++; } index++; } } int CompareFullHashes(const GURL& url, const std::vector<SBFullHashResult>& full_hashes) { if (full_hashes.empty()) return -1; std::vector<std::string> hosts, paths; GenerateHostsToCheck(url, &hosts); GeneratePathsToCheck(url, &paths); for (size_t h = 0; h < hosts.size(); ++h) { for (size_t p = 0; p < paths.size(); ++p) { SBFullHash key; base::SHA256HashString(hosts[h] + paths[p], key.full_hash, sizeof(SBFullHash)); for (size_t i = 0; i < full_hashes.size(); ++i) { if (key == full_hashes[i].hash) return static_cast<int>(i); } } } return -1; } bool IsPhishingList(const std::string& list_name) { return list_name.find("-phish-") != std::string::npos; } bool IsMalwareList(const std::string& list_name) { return list_name.find("-malware-") != std::string::npos; } static void DecodeWebSafe(std::string* decoded) { DCHECK(decoded); for (size_t i = 0; i < decoded->size(); ++i) { switch ((*decoded)[i]) { case '_': (*decoded)[i] = '/'; break; case '-': (*decoded)[i] = '+'; break; } } } bool VerifyMAC(const std::string& key, const std::string& mac, const char* data, int data_length) { std::string key_copy = key; DecodeWebSafe(&key_copy); std::string decoded_key; net::Base64Decode(key_copy, &decoded_key); std::string mac_copy = mac; DecodeWebSafe(&mac_copy); std::string decoded_mac; net::Base64Decode(mac_copy, &decoded_mac); base::HMAC hmac(base::HMAC::SHA1, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(decoded_key.data()), static_cast<int>(decoded_key.length())); const std::string data_str(data, data_length); unsigned char digest[kSafeBrowsingMacDigestSize]; if (!hmac.Sign(data_str, digest, kSafeBrowsingMacDigestSize)) return false; return memcmp(digest, decoded_mac.data(), kSafeBrowsingMacDigestSize) == 0; } void FreeChunks(std::deque<SBChunk>* chunks) { while (!chunks->empty()) { while (!chunks->front().hosts.empty()) { chunks->front().hosts.front().entry->Destroy(); chunks->front().hosts.pop_front(); } chunks->pop_front(); } } GURL GeneratePhishingReportUrl(const std::string& report_page, const std::string& url_to_report) { Locale locale = Locale::getDefault(); const char* lang = locale.getLanguage(); if (!lang) lang = "en"; // fallback const std::string continue_esc = EscapeQueryParamValue(StringPrintf(kContinueUrlFormat, lang)); const std::string current_esc = EscapeQueryParamValue(url_to_report); const std::string format = report_page + kReportParams; GURL report_url(StringPrintf(format.c_str(), continue_esc.c_str(), current_esc.c_str())); return google_util::AppendGoogleLocaleParam(report_url); } } // namespace safe_browsing_util const int SBEntry::kMinSize = sizeof(SBEntry::Data); SBEntry* SBEntry::Create(Type type, int prefix_count) { int size = Size(type, prefix_count); SBEntry *rv = static_cast<SBEntry*>(malloc(size)); memset(rv, 0, size); rv->set_type(type); rv->set_prefix_count(prefix_count); return rv; } void SBEntry::Destroy() { free(this); } bool SBEntry::IsValid() const { switch (type()) { case ADD_PREFIX: case ADD_FULL_HASH: case SUB_PREFIX: case SUB_FULL_HASH: return true; default: return false; } } int SBEntry::Size() const { return Size(type(), prefix_count()); } int SBEntry::Size(Type type, int prefix_count) { return sizeof(Data) + prefix_count * PrefixSize(type); } SBEntry* SBEntry::Enlarge(int extra_prefixes) { int new_prefix_count = prefix_count() + extra_prefixes; SBEntry* rv = SBEntry::Create(type(), new_prefix_count); memcpy(rv, this, Size()); rv->set_prefix_count(new_prefix_count); Destroy(); return rv; } void SBEntry::RemovePrefix(int index) { DCHECK(index < prefix_count()); int bytes_to_copy = PrefixSize(type()) * (prefix_count() - index - 1); void* to; switch (type()) { case ADD_PREFIX: to = &add_prefixes_[index]; break; case ADD_FULL_HASH: to = &add_full_hashes_[index]; break; case SUB_PREFIX: to = &sub_prefixes_[index]; break; case SUB_FULL_HASH: to = &sub_full_hashes_[index]; break; default: NOTREACHED(); return; } char* from = reinterpret_cast<char*>(to) + PrefixSize(type()); memmove(to, from, bytes_to_copy); set_prefix_count(prefix_count() - 1); } bool SBEntry::PrefixesMatch( int index, const SBEntry* that, int that_index) const { // If they're of different hash sizes, or if they're both adds or subs, then // they can't match. if (HashLen() != that->HashLen() || IsAdd() == that->IsAdd()) return false; if (ChunkIdAtPrefix(index) != that->ChunkIdAtPrefix(that_index)) return false; if (HashLen() == sizeof(SBPrefix)) return PrefixAt(index) == that->PrefixAt(that_index); return FullHashAt(index) == that->FullHashAt(that_index); } bool SBEntry::AddPrefixMatches(int index, const SBFullHash& full_hash) const { DCHECK(IsAdd()); if (HashLen() == sizeof(SBFullHash)) return full_hash == add_full_hashes_[index]; SBPrefix prefix; memcpy(&prefix, &full_hash, sizeof(SBPrefix)); return prefix == add_prefixes_[index]; } bool SBEntry::IsAdd() const { return type() == ADD_PREFIX || type() == ADD_FULL_HASH; } bool SBEntry::IsSub() const { return type() == SUB_PREFIX || type() == SUB_FULL_HASH; } int SBEntry::HashLen() const { if (type() == ADD_PREFIX || type() == SUB_PREFIX) return sizeof(SBPrefix); return sizeof(SBFullHash); } int SBEntry::PrefixSize(Type type) { switch (type) { case ADD_PREFIX: return sizeof(SBPrefix); case ADD_FULL_HASH: return sizeof(SBFullHash); case SUB_PREFIX: return sizeof(SBSubPrefix); case SUB_FULL_HASH: return sizeof(SBSubFullHash); default: NOTREACHED(); return 0; } } int SBEntry::ChunkIdAtPrefix(int index) const { if (type() == SUB_PREFIX) return sub_prefixes_[index].add_chunk; if (type() == SUB_FULL_HASH) return sub_full_hashes_[index].add_chunk; return chunk_id(); } void SBEntry::SetChunkIdAtPrefix(int index, int chunk_id) { DCHECK(IsSub()); if (type() == SUB_PREFIX) { sub_prefixes_[index].add_chunk = chunk_id; } else { sub_full_hashes_[index].add_chunk = chunk_id; } } const SBPrefix& SBEntry::PrefixAt(int index) const { DCHECK(HashLen() == sizeof(SBPrefix)); if (IsAdd()) return add_prefixes_[index]; return sub_prefixes_[index].prefix; } const SBFullHash& SBEntry::FullHashAt(int index) const { DCHECK(HashLen() == sizeof(SBFullHash)); if (IsAdd()) return add_full_hashes_[index]; return sub_full_hashes_[index].prefix; } void SBEntry::SetPrefixAt(int index, const SBPrefix& prefix) { DCHECK(HashLen() == sizeof(SBPrefix)); if (IsAdd()) { add_prefixes_[index] = prefix; } else { sub_prefixes_[index].prefix = prefix; } } void SBEntry::SetFullHashAt(int index, const SBFullHash& full_hash) { DCHECK(HashLen() == sizeof(SBFullHash)); if (IsAdd()) { add_full_hashes_[index] = full_hash; } else { sub_full_hashes_[index].prefix = full_hash; } } SBHostInfo::SBHostInfo() : size_(0) { } bool SBHostInfo::Initialize(const void* data, int size) { size_ = size; if (!size_) return true; data_.reset(new char[size_]); memcpy(data_.get(), data, size_); if (!IsValid()) { size_ = 0; data_.reset(); return false; } return true; } bool SBHostInfo::IsValid() { const SBEntry* entry = NULL; while (GetNextEntry(&entry)) { if (!entry->IsValid()) return false; } return true; } void SBHostInfo::Add(const SBEntry* entry) { int new_size = size_ + entry->Size(); char* new_data = new char[new_size]; memcpy(new_data, data_.get(), size_); memcpy(new_data + size_, entry, entry->Size()); data_.reset(new_data); size_ = new_size; DCHECK(IsValid()); } void SBHostInfo::AddPrefixes(SBEntry* entry) { DCHECK(entry->IsAdd()); bool insert_entry = true; const SBEntry* sub_entry = NULL; // Remove any prefixes for which a sub already came. while (GetNextEntry(&sub_entry)) { if (sub_entry->IsAdd() || entry->list_id() != sub_entry->list_id()) continue; if (sub_entry->prefix_count() == 0) { if (entry->chunk_id() != sub_entry->chunk_id()) continue; // We don't want to add any of these prefixes so just return. Also no // more need to store the sub chunk data around for this chunk_id so // remove it. RemoveSubEntry(entry->list_id(), entry->chunk_id()); return; } // Remove any matching prefixes. for (int i = 0; i < sub_entry->prefix_count(); ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < entry->prefix_count(); ++j) { if (entry->PrefixesMatch(j, sub_entry, i)) { entry->RemovePrefix(j--); if (!entry->prefix_count()) { // The add entry used to have prefixes, but they were all removed // because of matching sub entries. We don't want to add this // empty add entry, because it would block that entire host. insert_entry = false; } } } } RemoveSubEntry(entry->list_id(), entry->chunk_id()); break; } if (insert_entry) Add(entry); DCHECK(IsValid()); } void SBHostInfo::RemoveSubEntry(int list_id, int chunk_id) { scoped_array<char> new_data(new char[size_]); // preallocate new data char* write_ptr = new_data.get(); int new_size = 0; const SBEntry* entry = NULL; while (GetNextEntry(&entry)) { if (entry->list_id() == list_id && entry->chunk_id() == chunk_id && entry->IsSub() && entry->prefix_count() == 0) { continue; } SBEntry* new_sub_entry = const_cast<SBEntry*>(entry); scoped_array<char> data; if (entry->IsSub() && entry->list_id() == list_id && entry->prefix_count()) { // Make a copy of the entry so that we can modify it. data.reset(new char[entry->Size()]); new_sub_entry = reinterpret_cast<SBEntry*>(data.get()); memcpy(new_sub_entry, entry, entry->Size()); // Remove any matching prefixes. for (int i = 0; i < new_sub_entry->prefix_count(); ++i) { if (new_sub_entry->ChunkIdAtPrefix(i) == chunk_id) new_sub_entry->RemovePrefix(i--); } if (new_sub_entry->prefix_count() == 0) continue; // We removed the last prefix in the entry, so remove it. } memcpy(write_ptr, new_sub_entry, new_sub_entry->Size()); new_size += new_sub_entry->Size(); write_ptr += new_sub_entry->Size(); } size_ = new_size; data_.reset(new_data.release()); DCHECK(IsValid()); } void SBHostInfo::RemovePrefixes(SBEntry* sub_entry, bool persist) { DCHECK(sub_entry->IsSub()); scoped_array<char> new_data(new char[size_]); char* write_ptr = new_data.get(); int new_size = 0; const SBEntry* add_entry = NULL; // Remove any of the prefixes that are in the database. while (GetNextEntry(&add_entry)) { SBEntry* new_add_entry = const_cast<SBEntry*>(add_entry); scoped_array<char> data; if (add_entry->IsAdd() && add_entry->list_id() == sub_entry->list_id()) { if (sub_entry->prefix_count() == 0 && add_entry->chunk_id() == sub_entry->chunk_id()) { // When prefixes are empty, that means we want to remove the entry for // that host key completely. No need to add this sub chunk to the db. persist = false; continue; } else if (sub_entry->prefix_count() && add_entry->prefix_count()) { // Remove any of the sub prefixes from these add prefixes. data.reset(new char[add_entry->Size()]); new_add_entry = reinterpret_cast<SBEntry*>(data.get()); memcpy(new_add_entry, add_entry, add_entry->Size()); for (int i = 0; i < new_add_entry->prefix_count(); ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < sub_entry->prefix_count(); ++j) { if (!sub_entry->PrefixesMatch(j, new_add_entry, i)) continue; new_add_entry->RemovePrefix(i--); sub_entry->RemovePrefix(j--); if (sub_entry->prefix_count() == 0) persist = false; // Sub entry is all used up. break; } } } } // If we didn't modify the entry, then add it. Else if we modified it, // then only add it if there are prefixes left. Otherwise, it it had n // prefixes and now it has 0, if we were to add it that would mean all // prefixes from that host are in the database. if (new_add_entry == add_entry || new_add_entry->prefix_count()) { memcpy(write_ptr, new_add_entry, new_add_entry->Size()); new_size += new_add_entry->Size(); write_ptr += new_add_entry->Size(); } } if (persist && new_size == size_) { // We didn't find any matches because the sub came before the add, so save // it for later. Add(sub_entry); return; } size_ = new_size; data_.reset(new_data.release()); DCHECK(IsValid()); } bool SBHostInfo::Contains(const std::vector<SBFullHash>& prefixes, int* list_id, std::vector<SBPrefix>* prefix_hits) { prefix_hits->clear(); *list_id = -1; bool hits = false; const SBEntry* add_entry = NULL; while (GetNextEntry(&add_entry)) { if (add_entry->IsSub()) continue; if (add_entry->prefix_count() == 0) { // This means all paths for this url are blacklisted. return true; } for (int i = 0; i < add_entry->prefix_count(); ++i) { for (size_t j = 0; j < prefixes.size(); ++j) { if (!add_entry->AddPrefixMatches(i, prefixes[j])) continue; hits = true; if (add_entry->HashLen() == sizeof(SBFullHash)) { *list_id = add_entry->list_id(); } else { prefix_hits->push_back(add_entry->PrefixAt(i)); } } } } return hits; } bool SBHostInfo::GetNextEntry(const SBEntry** entry) { const char* current = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(*entry); // It is an error to call this function with a |*entry| outside of |data_|. DCHECK(!current || current >= data_.get()); DCHECK(!current || current + (*entry)->Size() <= data_.get() + size_); // Compute the address of the next entry. const char* next = current ? current + (*entry)->Size() : data_.get(); const SBEntry* next_entry = reinterpret_cast<const SBEntry*>(next); // Validate that the next entry is wholly contained inside of |data_|. const char* end = data_.get() + size_; if (next + SBEntry::kMinSize <= end && next + next_entry->Size() <= end) { *entry = next_entry; return true; } return false; }