// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/safe_browsing_util.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/strings/string_util.h" #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" #include "chrome/browser/google/google_util.h" #include "crypto/sha2.h" #include "net/base/escape.h" #include "url/gurl.h" #include "url/url_util.h" #if defined(OS_WIN) #include "chrome/installer/util/browser_distribution.h" #endif static const char kReportParams[] = "?tpl=%s&url=%s"; // SBChunk --------------------------------------------------------------------- SBChunk::SBChunk() : chunk_number(0), list_id(0), is_add(false) { } SBChunk::~SBChunk() {} // SBChunkList ----------------------------------------------------------------- SBChunkList::SBChunkList() {} SBChunkList::~SBChunkList() { clear(); } void SBChunkList::clear() { for (std::vector::iterator citer = chunks_.begin(); citer != chunks_.end(); ++citer) { for (std::deque::iterator hiter = citer->hosts.begin(); hiter != citer->hosts.end(); ++hiter) { if (hiter->entry) { hiter->entry->Destroy(); hiter->entry = NULL; } } } chunks_.clear(); } // SBListChunkRanges ----------------------------------------------------------- SBListChunkRanges::SBListChunkRanges(const std::string& n) : name(n) {} // SBChunkDelete --------------------------------------------------------------- SBChunkDelete::SBChunkDelete() : is_sub_del(false) {} SBChunkDelete::~SBChunkDelete() {} // SBEntry --------------------------------------------------------------------- // static SBEntry* SBEntry::Create(Type type, int prefix_count) { int size = Size(type, prefix_count); SBEntry *rv = static_cast(malloc(size)); memset(rv, 0, size); rv->set_type(type); rv->set_prefix_count(prefix_count); return rv; } void SBEntry::Destroy() { free(this); } // static int SBEntry::PrefixSize(Type type) { switch (type) { case ADD_PREFIX: return sizeof(SBPrefix); case ADD_FULL_HASH: return sizeof(SBFullHash); case SUB_PREFIX: return sizeof(SBSubPrefix); case SUB_FULL_HASH: return sizeof(SBSubFullHash); default: NOTREACHED(); return 0; } } int SBEntry::Size() const { return Size(type(), prefix_count()); } // static int SBEntry::Size(Type type, int prefix_count) { return sizeof(Data) + prefix_count * PrefixSize(type); } int SBEntry::ChunkIdAtPrefix(int index) const { if (type() == SUB_PREFIX) return sub_prefixes_[index].add_chunk; return (type() == SUB_FULL_HASH) ? sub_full_hashes_[index].add_chunk : chunk_id(); } void SBEntry::SetChunkIdAtPrefix(int index, int chunk_id) { DCHECK(IsSub()); if (type() == SUB_PREFIX) sub_prefixes_[index].add_chunk = chunk_id; else sub_full_hashes_[index].add_chunk = chunk_id; } const SBPrefix& SBEntry::PrefixAt(int index) const { DCHECK(IsPrefix()); return IsAdd() ? add_prefixes_[index] : sub_prefixes_[index].prefix; } const SBFullHash& SBEntry::FullHashAt(int index) const { DCHECK(!IsPrefix()); return IsAdd() ? add_full_hashes_[index] : sub_full_hashes_[index].prefix; } void SBEntry::SetPrefixAt(int index, const SBPrefix& prefix) { DCHECK(IsPrefix()); if (IsAdd()) add_prefixes_[index] = prefix; else sub_prefixes_[index].prefix = prefix; } void SBEntry::SetFullHashAt(int index, const SBFullHash& full_hash) { DCHECK(!IsPrefix()); if (IsAdd()) add_full_hashes_[index] = full_hash; else sub_full_hashes_[index].prefix = full_hash; } // Utility functions ----------------------------------------------------------- namespace safe_browsing_util { // Listnames that browser can process. const char kMalwareList[] = "goog-malware-shavar"; const char kPhishingList[] = "goog-phish-shavar"; const char kBinUrlList[] = "goog-badbinurl-shavar"; // We don't use the bad binary digest list anymore. Use a fake listname to be // sure we don't request it accidentally. const char kBinHashList[] = "goog-badbin-digestvar-disabled"; const char kCsdWhiteList[] = "goog-csdwhite-sha256"; const char kDownloadWhiteList[] = "goog-downloadwhite-digest256"; const char kExtensionBlacklist[] = "goog-badcrxids-digestvar"; const char kSideEffectFreeWhitelist[] = "goog-sideeffectfree-shavar"; const char kIPBlacklist[] = "goog-badip-digest256"; ListType GetListId(const std::string& name) { ListType id; if (name == safe_browsing_util::kMalwareList) { id = MALWARE; } else if (name == safe_browsing_util::kPhishingList) { id = PHISH; } else if (name == safe_browsing_util::kBinUrlList) { id = BINURL; } else if (name == safe_browsing_util::kBinHashList) { id = BINHASH; } else if (name == safe_browsing_util::kCsdWhiteList) { id = CSDWHITELIST; } else if (name == safe_browsing_util::kDownloadWhiteList) { id = DOWNLOADWHITELIST; } else if (name == safe_browsing_util::kExtensionBlacklist) { id = EXTENSIONBLACKLIST; } else if (name == safe_browsing_util::kSideEffectFreeWhitelist) { id = SIDEEFFECTFREEWHITELIST; } else if (name == safe_browsing_util::kIPBlacklist) { id = IPBLACKLIST; } else { id = INVALID; } return id; } bool GetListName(ListType list_id, std::string* list) { switch (list_id) { case MALWARE: *list = safe_browsing_util::kMalwareList; break; case PHISH: *list = safe_browsing_util::kPhishingList; break; case BINURL: *list = safe_browsing_util::kBinUrlList; break; case BINHASH: *list = safe_browsing_util::kBinHashList; break; case CSDWHITELIST: *list = safe_browsing_util::kCsdWhiteList; break; case DOWNLOADWHITELIST: *list = safe_browsing_util::kDownloadWhiteList; break; case EXTENSIONBLACKLIST: *list = safe_browsing_util::kExtensionBlacklist; break; case SIDEEFFECTFREEWHITELIST: *list = safe_browsing_util::kSideEffectFreeWhitelist; break; case IPBLACKLIST: *list = safe_browsing_util::kIPBlacklist; break; default: return false; } return true; } std::string Unescape(const std::string& url) { std::string unescaped_str(url); std::string old_unescaped_str; const int kMaxLoopIterations = 1024; int loop_var = 0; do { old_unescaped_str = unescaped_str; unescaped_str = net::UnescapeURLComponent(old_unescaped_str, net::UnescapeRule::CONTROL_CHARS | net::UnescapeRule::SPACES | net::UnescapeRule::URL_SPECIAL_CHARS); } while (unescaped_str != old_unescaped_str && ++loop_var <= kMaxLoopIterations); return unescaped_str; } std::string Escape(const std::string& url) { std::string escaped_str; const char* kHexString = "0123456789ABCDEF"; for (size_t i = 0; i < url.length(); i++) { unsigned char c = static_cast(url[i]); if (c <= ' ' || c > '~' || c == '#' || c == '%') { escaped_str.push_back('%'); escaped_str.push_back(kHexString[c >> 4]); escaped_str.push_back(kHexString[c & 0xf]); } else { escaped_str.push_back(c); } } return escaped_str; } std::string RemoveConsecutiveChars(const std::string& str, const char c) { std::string output(str); std::string string_to_find; std::string::size_type loc = 0; string_to_find.append(2, c); while ((loc = output.find(string_to_find, loc)) != std::string::npos) { output.erase(loc, 1); } return output; } // Canonicalizes url as per Google Safe Browsing Specification. // See section 6.1 in // http://code.google.com/p/google-safe-browsing/wiki/Protocolv2Spec. void CanonicalizeUrl(const GURL& url, std::string* canonicalized_hostname, std::string* canonicalized_path, std::string* canonicalized_query) { DCHECK(url.is_valid()); // We only canonicalize "normal" URLs. if (!url.IsStandard()) return; // Following canonicalization steps are excluded since url parsing takes care // of those :- // 1. Remove any tab (0x09), CR (0x0d), and LF (0x0a) chars from url. // (Exclude escaped version of these chars). // 2. Normalize hostname to 4 dot-seperated decimal values. // 3. Lowercase hostname. // 4. Resolve path sequences "/../" and "/./". // That leaves us with the following :- // 1. Remove fragment in URL. GURL url_without_fragment; GURL::Replacements f_replacements; f_replacements.ClearRef(); f_replacements.ClearUsername(); f_replacements.ClearPassword(); url_without_fragment = url.ReplaceComponents(f_replacements); // 2. Do URL unescaping until no more hex encoded characters exist. std::string url_unescaped_str(Unescape(url_without_fragment.spec())); url_parse::Parsed parsed; url_parse::ParseStandardURL(url_unescaped_str.data(), url_unescaped_str.length(), &parsed); // 3. In hostname, remove all leading and trailing dots. const std::string host = (parsed.host.len > 0) ? url_unescaped_str.substr(parsed.host.begin, parsed.host.len) : std::string(); const char kCharsToTrim[] = "."; std::string host_without_end_dots; TrimString(host, kCharsToTrim, &host_without_end_dots); // 4. In hostname, replace consecutive dots with a single dot. std::string host_without_consecutive_dots(RemoveConsecutiveChars( host_without_end_dots, '.')); // 5. In path, replace runs of consecutive slashes with a single slash. std::string path = (parsed.path.len > 0) ? url_unescaped_str.substr(parsed.path.begin, parsed.path.len) : std::string(); std::string path_without_consecutive_slash(RemoveConsecutiveChars(path, '/')); url_canon::Replacements hp_replacements; hp_replacements.SetHost(host_without_consecutive_dots.data(), url_parse::Component(0, host_without_consecutive_dots.length())); hp_replacements.SetPath(path_without_consecutive_slash.data(), url_parse::Component(0, path_without_consecutive_slash.length())); std::string url_unescaped_with_can_hostpath; url_canon::StdStringCanonOutput output(&url_unescaped_with_can_hostpath); url_parse::Parsed temp_parsed; url_util::ReplaceComponents(url_unescaped_str.data(), url_unescaped_str.length(), parsed, hp_replacements, NULL, &output, &temp_parsed); output.Complete(); // 6. Step needed to revert escaping done in url_util::ReplaceComponents. url_unescaped_with_can_hostpath = Unescape(url_unescaped_with_can_hostpath); // 7. After performing all above steps, percent-escape all chars in url which // are <= ASCII 32, >= 127, #, %. Escapes must be uppercase hex characters. std::string escaped_canon_url_str(Escape(url_unescaped_with_can_hostpath)); url_parse::Parsed final_parsed; url_parse::ParseStandardURL(escaped_canon_url_str.data(), escaped_canon_url_str.length(), &final_parsed); if (canonicalized_hostname && final_parsed.host.len > 0) { *canonicalized_hostname = escaped_canon_url_str.substr(final_parsed.host.begin, final_parsed.host.len); } if (canonicalized_path && final_parsed.path.len > 0) { *canonicalized_path = escaped_canon_url_str.substr(final_parsed.path.begin, final_parsed.path.len); } if (canonicalized_query && final_parsed.query.len > 0) { *canonicalized_query = escaped_canon_url_str.substr( final_parsed.query.begin, final_parsed.query.len); } } void GenerateHostsToCheck(const GURL& url, std::vector* hosts) { hosts->clear(); std::string canon_host; CanonicalizeUrl(url, &canon_host, NULL, NULL); const std::string host = canon_host; // const sidesteps GCC bugs below! if (host.empty()) return; // Per the Safe Browsing Protocol v2 spec, we try the host, and also up to 4 // hostnames formed by starting with the last 5 components and successively // removing the leading component. The last component isn't examined alone, // since it's the TLD or a subcomponent thereof. // // Note that we don't need to be clever about stopping at the "real" eTLD -- // the data on the server side has been filtered to ensure it will not // blacklist a whole TLD, and it's not significantly slower on our side to // just check too much. // // Also note that because we have a simple blacklist, not some sort of complex // whitelist-in-blacklist or vice versa, it doesn't matter what order we check // these in. const size_t kMaxHostsToCheck = 4; bool skipped_last_component = false; for (std::string::const_reverse_iterator i(host.rbegin()); i != host.rend() && hosts->size() < kMaxHostsToCheck; ++i) { if (*i == '.') { if (skipped_last_component) hosts->push_back(std::string(i.base(), host.end())); else skipped_last_component = true; } } hosts->push_back(host); } void GeneratePathsToCheck(const GURL& url, std::vector* paths) { paths->clear(); std::string canon_path; std::string canon_query; CanonicalizeUrl(url, NULL, &canon_path, &canon_query); const std::string path = canon_path; // const sidesteps GCC bugs below! const std::string query = canon_query; if (path.empty()) return; // Per the Safe Browsing Protocol v2 spec, we try the exact path with/without // the query parameters, and also up to 4 paths formed by starting at the root // and adding more path components. // // As with the hosts above, it doesn't matter what order we check these in. const size_t kMaxPathsToCheck = 4; for (std::string::const_iterator i(path.begin()); i != path.end() && paths->size() < kMaxPathsToCheck; ++i) { if (*i == '/') paths->push_back(std::string(path.begin(), i + 1)); } if (!paths->empty() && paths->back() != path) paths->push_back(path); if (!query.empty()) paths->push_back(path + "?" + query); } void GeneratePatternsToCheck(const GURL& url, std::vector* urls) { std::vector hosts, paths; GenerateHostsToCheck(url, &hosts); GeneratePathsToCheck(url, &paths); for (size_t h = 0; h < hosts.size(); ++h) { for (size_t p = 0; p < paths.size(); ++p) { urls->push_back(hosts[h] + paths[p]); } } } int GetHashIndex(const SBFullHash& hash, const std::vector& full_hashes) { for (size_t i = 0; i < full_hashes.size(); ++i) { if (hash == full_hashes[i].hash) return static_cast(i); } return -1; } int GetUrlHashIndex(const GURL& url, const std::vector& full_hashes) { if (full_hashes.empty()) return -1; std::vector patterns; GeneratePatternsToCheck(url, &patterns); for (size_t i = 0; i < patterns.size(); ++i) { SBFullHash key; crypto::SHA256HashString(patterns[i], key.full_hash, sizeof(SBFullHash)); int index = GetHashIndex(key, full_hashes); if (index != -1) return index; } return -1; } bool IsPhishingList(const std::string& list_name) { return list_name.compare(kPhishingList) == 0; } bool IsMalwareList(const std::string& list_name) { return list_name.compare(kMalwareList) == 0; } bool IsBadbinurlList(const std::string& list_name) { return list_name.compare(kBinUrlList) == 0; } bool IsBadbinhashList(const std::string& list_name) { return list_name.compare(kBinHashList) == 0; } bool IsExtensionList(const std::string& list_name) { return list_name.compare(kExtensionBlacklist) == 0; } GURL GeneratePhishingReportUrl(const std::string& report_page, const std::string& url_to_report, bool is_client_side_detection) { const std::string current_esc = net::EscapeQueryParamValue(url_to_report, true); #if defined(OS_WIN) BrowserDistribution* dist = BrowserDistribution::GetDistribution(); std::string client_name(dist->GetSafeBrowsingName()); #else std::string client_name("googlechrome"); #endif if (is_client_side_detection) client_name.append("_csd"); GURL report_url(report_page + base::StringPrintf(kReportParams, client_name.c_str(), current_esc.c_str())); return google_util::AppendGoogleLocaleParam(report_url); } SBFullHash StringToSBFullHash(const std::string& hash_in) { DCHECK_EQ(crypto::kSHA256Length, hash_in.size()); SBFullHash hash_out; memcpy(hash_out.full_hash, hash_in.data(), crypto::kSHA256Length); return hash_out; } std::string SBFullHashToString(const SBFullHash& hash) { DCHECK_EQ(crypto::kSHA256Length, sizeof(hash.full_hash)); return std::string(hash.full_hash, sizeof(hash.full_hash)); } } // namespace safe_browsing_util