// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_model.h" #include "app/l10n_util.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/environment.h" #include "base/stl_util-inl.h" #include "base/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extensions_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/google_url_tracker.h" #include "chrome/browser/history/history.h" #include "chrome/browser/history/history_notifications.h" #include "chrome/browser/net/url_fixer_upper.h" #include "chrome/browser/prefs/pref_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/rlz/rlz.h" #include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_prepopulate_data.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h" #include "chrome/common/env_vars.h" #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_service.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "chrome/common/url_constants.h" #include "net/base/net_util.h" using base::Time; // String in the URL that is replaced by the search term. static const char kSearchTermParameter[] = "{searchTerms}"; // String in Initializer that is replaced with kSearchTermParameter. static const char kTemplateParameter[] = "%s"; // Term used when generating a search url. Use something obscure so that on // the rare case the term replaces the URL it's unlikely another keyword would // have the same url. static const wchar_t kReplacementTerm[] = L"blah.blah.blah.blah.blah"; class TemplateURLModel::LessWithPrefix { public: // We want to find the set of keywords that begin with a prefix. The STL // algorithms will return the set of elements that are "equal to" the // prefix, where "equal(x, y)" means "!(cmp(x, y) || cmp(y, x))". When // cmp() is the typical std::less<>, this results in lexicographic equality; // we need to extend this to mark a prefix as "not less than" a keyword it // begins, which will cause the desired elements to be considered "equal to" // the prefix. Note: this is still a strict weak ordering, as required by // equal_range() (though I will not prove that here). // // Unfortunately the calling convention is not "prefix and element" but // rather "two elements", so we pass the prefix as a fake "element" which has // a NULL KeywordDataElement pointer. bool operator()(const KeywordToTemplateMap::value_type& elem1, const KeywordToTemplateMap::value_type& elem2) const { return (elem1.second == NULL) ? (elem2.first.compare(0, elem1.first.length(), elem1.first) > 0) : (elem1.first < elem2.first); } }; TemplateURLModel::TemplateURLModel(Profile* profile) : profile_(profile), loaded_(false), load_failed_(false), load_handle_(0), default_search_provider_(NULL), next_id_(1) { DCHECK(profile_); Init(NULL, 0); } TemplateURLModel::TemplateURLModel(const Initializer* initializers, const int count) : profile_(NULL), loaded_(true), load_failed_(false), load_handle_(0), service_(NULL), default_search_provider_(NULL), next_id_(1) { Init(initializers, count); } TemplateURLModel::~TemplateURLModel() { if (load_handle_) { DCHECK(service_.get()); service_->CancelRequest(load_handle_); } STLDeleteElements(&template_urls_); } // static std::wstring TemplateURLModel::GenerateKeyword(const GURL& url, bool autodetected) { // Don't autogenerate keywords for referrers that are the result of a form // submission (TODO: right now we approximate this by checking for the URL // having a query, but we should replace this with a call to WebCore to see if // the originating page was actually a form submission), anything other than // http, or referrers with a path. // // If we relax the path constraint, we need to be sure to sanitize the path // elements and update AutocompletePopup to look for keywords using the path. // See http://b/issue?id=863583. if (!url.is_valid() || (autodetected && (url.has_query() || !url.SchemeIs(chrome::kHttpScheme) || ((url.path() != "") && (url.path() != "/"))))) return std::wstring(); // Strip "www." off the front of the keyword; otherwise the keyword won't work // properly. See http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=6984 . return net::StripWWW(UTF8ToWide(url.host())); } // static std::wstring TemplateURLModel::CleanUserInputKeyword( const std::wstring& keyword) { // Remove the scheme. std::wstring result(UTF16ToWide(l10n_util::ToLower(WideToUTF16(keyword)))); url_parse::Component scheme_component; if (url_parse::ExtractScheme(WideToUTF8(keyword).c_str(), static_cast(keyword.length()), &scheme_component)) { // Include trailing ':'. result.erase(0, scheme_component.end() + 1); // Many schemes usually have "//" after them, so strip it too. const std::wstring after_scheme(L"//"); if (result.compare(0, after_scheme.length(), after_scheme) == 0) result.erase(0, after_scheme.length()); } // Remove leading "www.". result = net::StripWWW(result); // Remove trailing "/". return (result.length() > 0 && result[result.length() - 1] == L'/') ? result.substr(0, result.length() - 1) : result; } // static GURL TemplateURLModel::GenerateSearchURL(const TemplateURL* t_url) { DCHECK(t_url); const TemplateURLRef* search_ref = t_url->url(); // Extension keywords don't have host-based search URLs. if (!search_ref || !search_ref->IsValid() || t_url->IsExtensionKeyword()) return GURL(); if (!search_ref->SupportsReplacement()) return GURL(search_ref->url()); return GURL(search_ref->ReplaceSearchTerms( *t_url, kReplacementTerm, TemplateURLRef::NO_SUGGESTIONS_AVAILABLE, std::wstring())); } bool TemplateURLModel::CanReplaceKeyword( const std::wstring& keyword, const GURL& url, const TemplateURL** template_url_to_replace) { DCHECK(!keyword.empty()); // This should only be called for non-empty // keywords. If we need to support empty kewords // the code needs to change slightly. const TemplateURL* existing_url = GetTemplateURLForKeyword(keyword); if (existing_url) { // We already have a TemplateURL for this keyword. Only allow it to be // replaced if the TemplateURL can be replaced. if (template_url_to_replace) *template_url_to_replace = existing_url; return CanReplace(existing_url); } // We don't have a TemplateURL with keyword. Only allow a new one if there // isn't a TemplateURL for the specified host, or there is one but it can // be replaced. We do this to ensure that if the user assigns a different // keyword to a generated TemplateURL, we won't regenerate another keyword for // the same host. if (url.is_valid() && !url.host().empty()) return CanReplaceKeywordForHost(url.host(), template_url_to_replace); return true; } void TemplateURLModel::FindMatchingKeywords( const std::wstring& prefix, bool support_replacement_only, std::vector* matches) const { // Sanity check args. if (prefix.empty()) return; DCHECK(matches != NULL); DCHECK(matches->empty()); // The code for exact matches assumes this. // Find matching keyword range. Searches the element map for keywords // beginning with |prefix| and stores the endpoints of the resulting set in // |match_range|. const std::pair match_range( std::equal_range( keyword_to_template_map_.begin(), keyword_to_template_map_.end(), KeywordToTemplateMap::value_type(prefix, NULL), LessWithPrefix())); // Return vector of matching keywords. for (KeywordToTemplateMap::const_iterator i(match_range.first); i != match_range.second; ++i) { DCHECK(i->second->url()); if (!support_replacement_only || i->second->url()->SupportsReplacement()) matches->push_back(i->first); } } const TemplateURL* TemplateURLModel::GetTemplateURLForKeyword( const std::wstring& keyword) const { KeywordToTemplateMap::const_iterator elem( keyword_to_template_map_.find(keyword)); return (elem == keyword_to_template_map_.end()) ? NULL : elem->second; } const TemplateURL* TemplateURLModel::GetTemplateURLForHost( const std::string& host) const { HostToURLsMap::const_iterator iter = host_to_urls_map_.find(host); if (iter == host_to_urls_map_.end() || iter->second.empty()) return NULL; return *(iter->second.begin()); // Return the 1st element. } void TemplateURLModel::Add(TemplateURL* template_url) { DCHECK(template_url); DCHECK(template_url->id() == 0); DCHECK(find(template_urls_.begin(), template_urls_.end(), template_url) == template_urls_.end()); template_url->set_id(++next_id_); template_urls_.push_back(template_url); AddToMaps(template_url); if (service_.get()) service_->AddKeyword(*template_url); if (loaded_) { FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(TemplateURLModelObserver, model_observers_, OnTemplateURLModelChanged()); } } void TemplateURLModel::Remove(const TemplateURL* template_url) { TemplateURLVector::iterator i = find(template_urls_.begin(), template_urls_.end(), template_url); if (i == template_urls_.end()) return; if (template_url == default_search_provider_) { // Should never delete the default search provider. NOTREACHED(); return; } RemoveFromMaps(template_url); // Remove it from the vector containing all TemplateURLs. template_urls_.erase(i); if (loaded_) { FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(TemplateURLModelObserver, model_observers_, OnTemplateURLModelChanged()); } if (service_.get()) service_->RemoveKeyword(*template_url); if (profile_) { HistoryService* history = profile_->GetHistoryService(Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS); if (history) history->DeleteAllSearchTermsForKeyword(template_url->id()); } // We own the TemplateURL and need to delete it. delete template_url; } void TemplateURLModel::RemoveAutoGeneratedBetween(Time created_after, Time created_before) { for (size_t i = 0; i < template_urls_.size();) { if (template_urls_[i]->date_created() >= created_after && (created_before.is_null() || template_urls_[i]->date_created() < created_before) && CanReplace(template_urls_[i])) { Remove(template_urls_[i]); } else { ++i; } } } void TemplateURLModel::RemoveAutoGeneratedSince(Time created_after) { RemoveAutoGeneratedBetween(created_after, Time()); } void TemplateURLModel::RegisterExtensionKeyword(Extension* extension) { // TODO(mpcomplete): disable the keyword when the extension is disabled. if (extension->omnibox_keyword().empty()) return; Load(); if (!loaded_) { pending_extension_ids_.push_back(extension->id()); return; } const TemplateURL* existing_url = GetTemplateURLForExtension(extension); std::wstring keyword = UTF8ToWide(extension->omnibox_keyword()); scoped_ptr template_url(new TemplateURL); template_url->set_short_name(UTF8ToWide(extension->name())); template_url->set_keyword(keyword); // This URL is not actually used for navigation. It holds the extension's // ID, as well as forcing the TemplateURL to be treated as a search keyword. template_url->SetURL( std::string(chrome::kExtensionScheme) + "://" + extension->id() + "/?q={searchTerms}", 0, 0); template_url->set_safe_for_autoreplace(false); if (existing_url) { // TODO(mpcomplete): only replace if the user hasn't changed the keyword. // (We don't have UI for that yet). Update(existing_url, *template_url); } else { Add(template_url.release()); } } void TemplateURLModel::UnregisterExtensionKeyword(Extension* extension) { const TemplateURL* url = GetTemplateURLForExtension(extension); if (url) Remove(url); } const TemplateURL* TemplateURLModel::GetTemplateURLForExtension( Extension* extension) const { for (TemplateURLVector::const_iterator i = template_urls_.begin(); i != template_urls_.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->IsExtensionKeyword() && (*i)->url()->GetHost() == extension->id()) return *i; } return NULL; } std::vector TemplateURLModel::GetTemplateURLs() const { return template_urls_; } void TemplateURLModel::IncrementUsageCount(const TemplateURL* url) { DCHECK(url && find(template_urls_.begin(), template_urls_.end(), url) != template_urls_.end()); const_cast(url)->set_usage_count(url->usage_count() + 1); if (service_.get()) service_.get()->UpdateKeyword(*url); } void TemplateURLModel::ResetTemplateURL(const TemplateURL* url, const std::wstring& title, const std::wstring& keyword, const std::string& search_url) { TemplateURL new_url(*url); new_url.set_short_name(title); new_url.set_keyword(keyword); if ((new_url.url() && search_url.empty()) || (!new_url.url() && !search_url.empty()) || (new_url.url() && new_url.url()->url() != search_url)) { // The urls have changed, reset the favicon url. new_url.SetFavIconURL(GURL()); new_url.SetURL(search_url, 0, 0); } new_url.set_safe_for_autoreplace(false); Update(url, new_url); } void TemplateURLModel::SetDefaultSearchProvider(const TemplateURL* url) { if (default_search_provider_ == url) return; DCHECK(!url || find(template_urls_.begin(), template_urls_.end(), url) != template_urls_.end()); default_search_provider_ = url; if (url) { TemplateURL* modifiable_url = const_cast(url); // Don't mark the url as edited, otherwise we won't be able to rev the // templateurls we ship with. modifiable_url->set_show_in_default_list(true); if (service_.get()) service_.get()->UpdateKeyword(*url); const TemplateURLRef* url_ref = url->url(); if (url_ref && url_ref->HasGoogleBaseURLs()) { GoogleURLTracker::RequestServerCheck(); #if defined(OS_WIN) && defined(GOOGLE_CHROME_BUILD) RLZTracker::RecordProductEvent(rlz_lib::CHROME, rlz_lib::CHROME_OMNIBOX, rlz_lib::SET_TO_GOOGLE); #endif } } SaveDefaultSearchProviderToPrefs(url); if (service_.get()) service_->SetDefaultSearchProvider(url); if (loaded_) { FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(TemplateURLModelObserver, model_observers_, OnTemplateURLModelChanged()); } } const TemplateURL* TemplateURLModel::GetDefaultSearchProvider() { if (loaded_ && !load_failed_) return default_search_provider_; if (!prefs_default_search_provider_.get()) { TemplateURL* default_from_prefs; if (LoadDefaultSearchProviderFromPrefs(&default_from_prefs)) { prefs_default_search_provider_.reset(default_from_prefs); } else { std::vector loaded_urls; size_t default_search_index; TemplateURLPrepopulateData::GetPrepopulatedEngines(GetPrefs(), &loaded_urls, &default_search_index); if (default_search_index < loaded_urls.size()) { prefs_default_search_provider_.reset(loaded_urls[default_search_index]); loaded_urls.erase(loaded_urls.begin() + default_search_index); } STLDeleteElements(&loaded_urls); } } return prefs_default_search_provider_.get(); } void TemplateURLModel::AddObserver(TemplateURLModelObserver* observer) { model_observers_.AddObserver(observer); } void TemplateURLModel::RemoveObserver(TemplateURLModelObserver* observer) { model_observers_.RemoveObserver(observer); } void TemplateURLModel::Load() { if (loaded_ || load_handle_) return; if (!service_.get()) service_ = profile_->GetWebDataService(Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS); if (service_.get()) { load_handle_ = service_->GetKeywords(this); } else { loaded_ = true; NotifyLoaded(); } } void TemplateURLModel::OnWebDataServiceRequestDone( WebDataService::Handle h, const WDTypedResult* result) { // Reset the load_handle so that we don't try and cancel the load in // the destructor. load_handle_ = 0; if (!result) { // Results are null if the database went away or (most likely) wasn't // loaded. loaded_ = true; load_failed_ = true; NotifyLoaded(); return; } DCHECK(result->GetType() == KEYWORDS_RESULT); WDKeywordsResult keyword_result = reinterpret_cast< const WDResult*>(result)->GetValue(); // prefs_default_search_provider_ is only needed before we've finished // loading. Now that we've loaded we can nuke it. prefs_default_search_provider_.reset(); // Compiler won't implicitly convert std::vector to // std::vector, and reinterpret_cast is unsafe, // so we just copy it. std::vector template_urls(keyword_result.keywords.begin(), keyword_result.keywords.end()); const int resource_keyword_version = TemplateURLPrepopulateData::GetDataVersion(GetPrefs()); if (keyword_result.builtin_keyword_version != resource_keyword_version) { // There should never be duplicate TemplateURLs. We had a bug such that // duplicate TemplateURLs existed for one locale. As such we invoke // RemoveDuplicatePrepopulateIDs to nuke the duplicates. RemoveDuplicatePrepopulateIDs(&template_urls); } SetTemplateURLs(template_urls); if (keyword_result.default_search_provider_id) { // See if we can find the default search provider. for (TemplateURLVector::iterator i = template_urls_.begin(); i != template_urls_.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->id() == keyword_result.default_search_provider_id) { default_search_provider_ = *i; break; } } } if (keyword_result.builtin_keyword_version != resource_keyword_version) { MergeEnginesFromPrepopulateData(); service_->SetBuiltinKeywordVersion(resource_keyword_version); } // Always save the default search provider to prefs. That way we don't have to // worry about it being out of sync. if (default_search_provider_) SaveDefaultSearchProviderToPrefs(default_search_provider_); // Index any visits that occurred before we finished loading. for (size_t i = 0; i < visits_to_add_.size(); ++i) UpdateKeywordSearchTermsForURL(visits_to_add_[i]); visits_to_add_.clear(); loaded_ = true; FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(TemplateURLModelObserver, model_observers_, OnTemplateURLModelChanged()); NotifyLoaded(); } void TemplateURLModel::RemoveDuplicatePrepopulateIDs( std::vector* urls) { std::set ids; for (std::vector::iterator i = urls->begin(); i != urls->end(); ) { int prepopulate_id = (*i)->prepopulate_id(); if (prepopulate_id) { if (ids.find(prepopulate_id) != ids.end()) { if (service_.get()) service_->RemoveKeyword(**i); delete *i; i = urls->erase(i); } else { ids.insert(prepopulate_id); ++i; } } else { ++i; } } } std::wstring TemplateURLModel::GetKeywordShortName(const std::wstring& keyword, bool* is_extension_keyword) { const TemplateURL* template_url = GetTemplateURLForKeyword(keyword); // TODO(sky): Once LocationBarView adds a listener to the TemplateURLModel // to track changes to the model, this should become a DCHECK. if (template_url) { *is_extension_keyword = template_url->IsExtensionKeyword(); return template_url->AdjustedShortNameForLocaleDirection(); } *is_extension_keyword = false; return std::wstring(); } void TemplateURLModel::Observe(NotificationType type, const NotificationSource& source, const NotificationDetails& details) { if (type == NotificationType::HISTORY_URL_VISITED) { Details visit_details(details); if (!loaded()) visits_to_add_.push_back(*visit_details.ptr()); else UpdateKeywordSearchTermsForURL(*visit_details.ptr()); } else if (type == NotificationType::GOOGLE_URL_UPDATED) { if (loaded_) GoogleBaseURLChanged(); } else { NOTREACHED(); } } void TemplateURLModel::SetKeywordSearchTermsForURL(const TemplateURL* t_url, const GURL& url, const std::wstring& term) { HistoryService* history = profile_ ? profile_->GetHistoryService(Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS) : NULL; if (!history) return; history->SetKeywordSearchTermsForURL(url, t_url->id(), WideToUTF16Hack(term)); } void TemplateURLModel::Init(const Initializer* initializers, int num_initializers) { // Register for notifications. if (profile_) { // TODO(sky): bug 1166191. The keywords should be moved into the history // db, which will mean we no longer need this notification and the history // backend can handle automatically adding the search terms as the user // navigates. registrar_.Add(this, NotificationType::HISTORY_URL_VISITED, Source(profile_->GetOriginalProfile())); } registrar_.Add(this, NotificationType::GOOGLE_URL_UPDATED, NotificationService::AllSources()); // Add specific initializers, if any. for (int i(0); i < num_initializers; ++i) { DCHECK(initializers[i].keyword); DCHECK(initializers[i].url); DCHECK(initializers[i].content); size_t template_position = std::string(initializers[i].url).find(kTemplateParameter); DCHECK(template_position != std::wstring::npos); std::string osd_url(initializers[i].url); osd_url.replace(template_position, arraysize(kTemplateParameter) - 1, kSearchTermParameter); // TemplateURLModel ends up owning the TemplateURL, don't try and free it. TemplateURL* template_url = new TemplateURL(); template_url->set_keyword(initializers[i].keyword); template_url->set_short_name(initializers[i].content); template_url->SetURL(osd_url, 0, 0); Add(template_url); } // Request a server check for the correct Google URL if Google is the default // search engine, not in headless mode and not in Chrome Frame. const TemplateURL* default_provider = GetDefaultSearchProvider(); scoped_ptr env(base::Environment::Create()); if (default_provider && !env->HasVar(env_vars::kHeadless) && !CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(switches::kChromeFrame)) { const TemplateURLRef* default_provider_ref = default_provider->url(); if (default_provider_ref && default_provider_ref->HasGoogleBaseURLs()) GoogleURLTracker::RequestServerCheck(); } } void TemplateURLModel::RemoveFromMaps(const TemplateURL* template_url) { if (!template_url->keyword().empty()) { keyword_to_template_map_.erase(template_url->keyword()); } const GURL url(GenerateSearchURL(template_url)); if (url.is_valid() && url.has_host()) { const std::string host(url.host()); DCHECK(host_to_urls_map_.find(host) != host_to_urls_map_.end()); TemplateURLSet& urls = host_to_urls_map_[host]; DCHECK(urls.find(template_url) != urls.end()); urls.erase(urls.find(template_url)); if (urls.empty()) host_to_urls_map_.erase(host_to_urls_map_.find(host)); } } void TemplateURLModel::RemoveFromMapsByPointer( const TemplateURL* template_url) { DCHECK(template_url); for (KeywordToTemplateMap::iterator i = keyword_to_template_map_.begin(); i != keyword_to_template_map_.end(); ++i) { if (i->second == template_url) { keyword_to_template_map_.erase(i); // A given TemplateURL only occurs once in the map. As soon as we find the // entry, stop. break; } } for (HostToURLsMap::iterator i = host_to_urls_map_.begin(); i != host_to_urls_map_.end(); ++i) { TemplateURLSet::iterator url_set_iterator = i->second.find(template_url); if (url_set_iterator != i->second.end()) { i->second.erase(url_set_iterator); if (i->second.empty()) host_to_urls_map_.erase(i); // A given TemplateURL only occurs once in the map. As soon as we find the // entry, stop. return; } } } void TemplateURLModel::AddToMaps(const TemplateURL* template_url) { if (!template_url->keyword().empty()) keyword_to_template_map_[template_url->keyword()] = template_url; const GURL url(GenerateSearchURL(template_url)); if (url.is_valid() && url.has_host()) host_to_urls_map_[url.host()].insert(template_url); } void TemplateURLModel::SetTemplateURLs( const std::vector& urls) { // Add mappings for the new items. for (TemplateURLVector::const_iterator i = urls.begin(); i != urls.end(); ++i) { next_id_ = std::max(next_id_, (*i)->id()); AddToMaps(*i); template_urls_.push_back(*i); } } void TemplateURLModel::NotifyLoaded() { NotificationService::current()->Notify( NotificationType::TEMPLATE_URL_MODEL_LOADED, Source(this), NotificationService::NoDetails()); for (size_t i = 0; i < pending_extension_ids_.size(); ++i) { Extension* extension = profile_->GetExtensionsService()-> GetExtensionById(pending_extension_ids_[i], true); if (extension) RegisterExtensionKeyword(extension); } pending_extension_ids_.clear(); } void TemplateURLModel::MergeEnginesFromPrepopulateData() { // Build a map from prepopulate id to TemplateURL of existing urls. typedef std::map IDMap; IDMap id_to_turl; for (TemplateURLVector::const_iterator i(template_urls_.begin()); i != template_urls_.end(); ++i) { int prepopulate_id = (*i)->prepopulate_id(); if (prepopulate_id > 0) id_to_turl[prepopulate_id] = *i; } std::vector loaded_urls; size_t default_search_index; TemplateURLPrepopulateData::GetPrepopulatedEngines(GetPrefs(), &loaded_urls, &default_search_index); std::set updated_ids; for (size_t i = 0; i < loaded_urls.size(); ++i) { // We take ownership of |t_url|. scoped_ptr t_url(loaded_urls[i]); int t_url_id = t_url->prepopulate_id(); if (!t_url_id || updated_ids.count(t_url_id)) { // Prepopulate engines need a unique id. NOTREACHED(); continue; } IDMap::iterator existing_url_iter(id_to_turl.find(t_url_id)); if (existing_url_iter != id_to_turl.end()) { const TemplateURL* existing_url = existing_url_iter->second; if (!existing_url->safe_for_autoreplace()) { // User edited the entry, preserve the keyword and description. t_url->set_safe_for_autoreplace(false); t_url->set_keyword(existing_url->keyword()); t_url->set_autogenerate_keyword( existing_url->autogenerate_keyword()); t_url->set_short_name(existing_url->short_name()); } Update(existing_url, *t_url); id_to_turl.erase(existing_url_iter); } else { Add(t_url.release()); } if (i == default_search_index && !default_search_provider_) SetDefaultSearchProvider(loaded_urls[i]); updated_ids.insert(t_url_id); } // Remove any prepopulated engines which are no longer in the master list, as // long as the user hasn't modified them or made them the default engine. for (IDMap::iterator i(id_to_turl.begin()); i != id_to_turl.end(); ++i) { const TemplateURL* template_url = i->second; // We use default_search_provider_ instead of GetDefaultSearchProvider() // because we're running before |loaded_| is set, and calling // GetDefaultSearchProvider() will erroneously try to read the prefs. if ((template_url->safe_for_autoreplace()) && (template_url != default_search_provider_)) Remove(template_url); } } void TemplateURLModel::SaveDefaultSearchProviderToPrefs( const TemplateURL* t_url) { PrefService* prefs = GetPrefs(); if (!prefs) return; RegisterPrefs(prefs); const std::string search_url = (t_url && t_url->url()) ? t_url->url()->url() : std::string(); prefs->SetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderSearchURL, search_url); const std::string suggest_url = (t_url && t_url->suggestions_url()) ? t_url->suggestions_url()->url() : std::string(); prefs->SetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderSuggestURL, suggest_url); const std::string name = t_url ? WideToUTF8(t_url->short_name()) : std::string(); prefs->SetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderName, name); const std::string id_string = t_url ? base::Int64ToString(t_url->id()) : std::string(); prefs->SetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderID, id_string); const std::string prepopulate_id = t_url ? base::Int64ToString(t_url->prepopulate_id()) : std::string(); prefs->SetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderPrepopulateID, prepopulate_id); prefs->ScheduleSavePersistentPrefs(); } bool TemplateURLModel::LoadDefaultSearchProviderFromPrefs( TemplateURL** default_provider) { PrefService* prefs = GetPrefs(); if (!prefs || !prefs->HasPrefPath(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderSearchURL) || !prefs->HasPrefPath(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderSuggestURL) || !prefs->HasPrefPath(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderName) || !prefs->HasPrefPath(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderID)) { return false; } RegisterPrefs(prefs); std::string suggest_url = prefs->GetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderSuggestURL); std::string search_url = prefs->GetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderSearchURL); if (suggest_url.empty() && search_url.empty()) { // The user doesn't want a default search provider. *default_provider = NULL; return true; } std::wstring name = UTF8ToWide(prefs->GetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderName)); std::string id_string = prefs->GetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderID); std::string prepopulate_id = prefs->GetString(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderPrepopulateID); *default_provider = new TemplateURL(); (*default_provider)->set_short_name(name); (*default_provider)->SetURL(search_url, 0, 0); (*default_provider)->SetSuggestionsURL(suggest_url, 0, 0); if (!id_string.empty()) { int64 value; base::StringToInt64(id_string, &value); (*default_provider)->set_id(value); } if (!prepopulate_id.empty()) { int value; base::StringToInt(prepopulate_id, &value); (*default_provider)->set_prepopulate_id(value); } return true; } void TemplateURLModel::RegisterPrefs(PrefService* prefs) { if (prefs->FindPreference(prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderName)) return; prefs->RegisterStringPref( prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderName, std::string()); prefs->RegisterStringPref( prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderID, std::string()); prefs->RegisterStringPref( prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderPrepopulateID, std::string()); prefs->RegisterStringPref( prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderSuggestURL, std::string()); prefs->RegisterStringPref( prefs::kDefaultSearchProviderSearchURL, std::string()); } bool TemplateURLModel::CanReplaceKeywordForHost( const std::string& host, const TemplateURL** to_replace) { const HostToURLsMap::iterator matching_urls = host_to_urls_map_.find(host); const bool have_matching_urls = (matching_urls != host_to_urls_map_.end()); if (have_matching_urls) { TemplateURLSet& urls = matching_urls->second; for (TemplateURLSet::iterator i = urls.begin(); i != urls.end(); ++i) { const TemplateURL* url = *i; if (CanReplace(url)) { if (to_replace) *to_replace = url; return true; } } } if (to_replace) *to_replace = NULL; return !have_matching_urls; } bool TemplateURLModel::CanReplace(const TemplateURL* t_url) { return (t_url != default_search_provider_ && !t_url->show_in_default_list() && t_url->safe_for_autoreplace()); } void TemplateURLModel::Update(const TemplateURL* existing_turl, const TemplateURL& new_values) { DCHECK(existing_turl); DCHECK(find(template_urls_.begin(), template_urls_.end(), existing_turl) != template_urls_.end()); RemoveFromMaps(existing_turl); // Use the information from new_values but preserve existing_turl's id. TemplateURL::IDType previous_id = existing_turl->id(); TemplateURL* modifiable_turl = const_cast(existing_turl); *modifiable_turl = new_values; modifiable_turl->set_id(previous_id); AddToMaps(existing_turl); if (service_.get()) service_->UpdateKeyword(*existing_turl); if (default_search_provider_ == existing_turl) { // Force an update to happen to account for any changes // that occurred during the update. default_search_provider_ = NULL; SetDefaultSearchProvider(existing_turl); } if (loaded_) { FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(TemplateURLModelObserver, model_observers_, OnTemplateURLModelChanged()); } } PrefService* TemplateURLModel::GetPrefs() { return profile_ ? profile_->GetPrefs() : NULL; } void TemplateURLModel::UpdateKeywordSearchTermsForURL( const history::URLVisitedDetails& details) { const history::URLRow& row = details.row; if (!row.url().is_valid() || !row.url().parsed_for_possibly_invalid_spec().query.is_nonempty()) { return; } HostToURLsMap::const_iterator t_urls_for_host_iterator = host_to_urls_map_.find(row.url().host()); if (t_urls_for_host_iterator == host_to_urls_map_.end() || t_urls_for_host_iterator->second.empty()) { return; } const TemplateURLSet& urls_for_host = t_urls_for_host_iterator->second; QueryTerms query_terms; bool built_terms = false; // Most URLs won't match a TemplateURLs host; // so we lazily build the query_terms. const std::string path = row.url().path(); for (TemplateURLSet::const_iterator i = urls_for_host.begin(); i != urls_for_host.end(); ++i) { const TemplateURLRef* search_ref = (*i)->url(); // Count the URL against a TemplateURL if the host and path of the // visited URL match that of the TemplateURL as well as the search term's // key of the TemplateURL occurring in the visited url. // // NOTE: Even though we're iterating over TemplateURLs indexed by the host // of the URL we still need to call GetHost on the search_ref. In // particular, GetHost returns an empty string if search_ref doesn't support // replacement or isn't valid for use in keyword search terms. if (search_ref && search_ref->GetHost() == row.url().host() && search_ref->GetPath() == path) { if (!built_terms && !BuildQueryTerms(row.url(), &query_terms)) { // No query terms. No need to continue with the rest of the // TemplateURLs. return; } built_terms = true; if (PageTransition::StripQualifier(details.transition) == PageTransition::KEYWORD) { // The visit is the result of the user entering a keyword, generate a // KEYWORD_GENERATED visit for the KEYWORD so that the keyword typed // count is boosted. AddTabToSearchVisit(**i); } QueryTerms::iterator terms_iterator = query_terms.find(search_ref->GetSearchTermKey()); if (terms_iterator != query_terms.end() && !terms_iterator->second.empty()) { SetKeywordSearchTermsForURL( *i, row.url(), search_ref->SearchTermToWide(*(*i), terms_iterator->second)); } } } } void TemplateURLModel::AddTabToSearchVisit(const TemplateURL& t_url) { // Only add visits for entries the user hasn't modified. If the user modified // the entry the keyword may no longer correspond to the host name. It may be // possible to do something more sophisticated here, but it's so rare as to // not be worth it. if (!t_url.safe_for_autoreplace()) return; if (!profile_) return; HistoryService* history = profile_->GetHistoryService(Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS); if (!history) return; GURL url(URLFixerUpper::FixupURL(WideToUTF8(t_url.keyword()), std::string())); if (!url.is_valid()) return; // Synthesize a visit for the keyword. This ensures the url for the keyword is // autocompleted even if the user doesn't type the url in directly. history->AddPage(url, NULL, 0, GURL(), PageTransition::KEYWORD_GENERATED, history::RedirectList(), history::SOURCE_BROWSED, false); } // static bool TemplateURLModel::BuildQueryTerms(const GURL& url, QueryTerms* query_terms) { url_parse::Component query = url.parsed_for_possibly_invalid_spec().query; url_parse::Component key, value; size_t valid_term_count = 0; while (url_parse::ExtractQueryKeyValue(url.spec().c_str(), &query, &key, &value)) { if (key.is_nonempty() && value.is_nonempty()) { std::string key_string = url.spec().substr(key.begin, key.len); std::string value_string = url.spec().substr(value.begin, value.len); QueryTerms::iterator query_terms_iterator = query_terms->find(key_string); if (query_terms_iterator != query_terms->end()) { if (!query_terms_iterator->second.empty() && query_terms_iterator->second != value_string) { // The term occurs in multiple places with different values. Treat // this as if the term doesn't occur by setting the value to an empty // string. (*query_terms)[key_string] = std::string(); DCHECK(valid_term_count > 0); valid_term_count--; } } else { valid_term_count++; (*query_terms)[key_string] = value_string; } } } return (valid_term_count > 0); } void TemplateURLModel::GoogleBaseURLChanged() { bool something_changed = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < template_urls_.size(); ++i) { const TemplateURL* t_url = template_urls_[i]; if ((t_url->url() && t_url->url()->HasGoogleBaseURLs()) || (t_url->suggestions_url() && t_url->suggestions_url()->HasGoogleBaseURLs())) { RemoveFromMapsByPointer(t_url); t_url->InvalidateCachedValues(); AddToMaps(t_url); something_changed = true; } } if (something_changed && loaded_) { FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(TemplateURLModelObserver, model_observers_, OnTemplateURLModelChanged()); } }