// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/service/service_process_control.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/file_path.h" #include "base/process_util.h" #include "base/thread.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h" #include "chrome/browser/chrome_thread.h" #include "chrome/browser/io_thread.h" #include "chrome/common/child_process_host.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h" #include "chrome/common/service_messages.h" #include "chrome/common/service_process_util.h" // ServiceProcessControl::Launcher implementation. // This class is responsible for launching the service process on the // PROCESS_LAUNCHER thread. class ServiceProcessControl::Launcher : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe { public: Launcher(ServiceProcessControl* process, CommandLine* cmd_line) : process_(process), cmd_line_(cmd_line), launched_(false) { } // Execute the command line to start the process asynchronously. // After the comamnd is executed |task| is called with the process handle on // the UI thread. void Run(Task* task) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::UI)); ChromeThread::PostTask(ChromeThread::PROCESS_LAUNCHER, FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &Launcher::DoRun, task)); } bool launched() const { return launched_; } private: void DoRun(Task* task) { launched_ = base::LaunchApp(*cmd_line_.get(), false, true, NULL); ChromeThread::PostTask( ChromeThread::IO, FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &Launcher::DoDetectLaunched, task)); } void DoDetectLaunched(Task* task) { // TODO(hclam): We need to improve the method we are using to connect to // the service process. The approach we are using here is to check for // the existence of the service process lock file created after the service // process is fully launched. if (CheckServiceProcessRunning(kServiceProcessCloudPrint)) { // After the process is launched we listen on the file system for the // service process lock file to detect the service process has launched. ChromeThread::PostTask(ChromeThread::UI, FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &Launcher::Notify, task)); return; } // If the service process is not launched yet then check again in 2 seconds. const int kDetectLaunchRetry = 2000; ChromeThread::PostDelayedTask( ChromeThread::IO, FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &Launcher::DoDetectLaunched, task), kDetectLaunchRetry); } void Notify(Task* task) { task->Run(); delete task; } ServiceProcessControl* process_; scoped_ptr cmd_line_; bool launched_; }; // ServiceProcessControl implementation. ServiceProcessControl::ServiceProcessControl(Profile* profile, ServiceProcessType type) : profile_(profile), type_(type), message_handler_(NULL) { } ServiceProcessControl::~ServiceProcessControl() { } void ServiceProcessControl::Connect(Task* task) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::UI)); if (channel_.get()) { task->Run(); delete task; return; } // Saves the task. connect_done_task_.reset(task); ConnectInternal(); } void ServiceProcessControl::ConnectInternal() { LOG(INFO) << "Connecting to Service Process IPC Server"; // Run the IPC channel on the shared IO thread. base::Thread* io_thread = g_browser_process->io_thread(); // TODO(hclam): Determine the the channel id from profile and type. // TODO(hclam): Handle error connecting to channel. const std::string channel_id = GetServiceProcessChannelName(type_); channel_.reset( new IPC::SyncChannel(channel_id, IPC::Channel::MODE_CLIENT, this, NULL, io_thread->message_loop(), true, g_browser_process->shutdown_event())); channel_->set_sync_messages_with_no_timeout_allowed(false); } void ServiceProcessControl::Launch(Task* task) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::UI)); if (channel_.get()) { if (task) { task->Run(); delete task; } return; } // A service process should have a different mechanism for starting, but now // we start it as if it is a child process. FilePath exe_path = ChildProcessHost::GetChildPath(true); if (exe_path.empty()) { NOTREACHED() << "Unable to get service process binary name."; } CommandLine* cmd_line = new CommandLine(exe_path); cmd_line->AppendSwitchASCII(switches::kProcessType, switches::kServiceProcess); const CommandLine& browser_command_line = *CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess(); FilePath user_data_dir = browser_command_line.GetSwitchValuePath(switches::kUserDataDir); if (!user_data_dir.empty()) cmd_line->AppendSwitchPath(switches::kUserDataDir, user_data_dir); std::string logging_level = browser_command_line.GetSwitchValueASCII( switches::kLoggingLevel); if (!logging_level.empty()) cmd_line->AppendSwitchASCII(switches::kLoggingLevel, logging_level); if (browser_command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kWaitForDebuggerChildren)) { cmd_line->AppendSwitch(switches::kWaitForDebugger); } // And then start the process asynchronously. launcher_ = new Launcher(this, cmd_line); launcher_->Run( NewRunnableMethod(this, &ServiceProcessControl::OnProcessLaunched, task)); } void ServiceProcessControl::OnProcessLaunched(Task* task) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::UI)); if (launcher_->launched()) { // Now use the launch task as the connect task. connect_done_task_.reset(task); // After we have successfully created the service process we try to connect // to it. The launch task is transfered to a connect task. ConnectInternal(); } else if (task) { // If we don't have process handle that means launching the service process // has failed. task->Run(); delete task; } // We don't need the launcher anymore. launcher_ = NULL; } void ServiceProcessControl::OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) { if (!message_handler_) return; if (message.type() == ServiceHostMsg_GoodDay::ID) message_handler_->OnGoodDay(); } void ServiceProcessControl::OnChannelConnected(int32 peer_pid) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::UI)); if (!connect_done_task_.get()) return; connect_done_task_->Run(); connect_done_task_.reset(); } void ServiceProcessControl::OnChannelError() { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::UI)); channel_.reset(); if (!connect_done_task_.get()) return; connect_done_task_->Run(); connect_done_task_.reset(); } bool ServiceProcessControl::Send(IPC::Message* message) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::UI)); if (!channel_.get()) return false; return channel_->Send(message); } bool ServiceProcessControl::SendHello() { return Send(new ServiceMsg_Hello()); } bool ServiceProcessControl::Shutdown() { bool ret = Send(new ServiceMsg_Shutdown()); channel_.reset(); return ret; } bool ServiceProcessControl::EnableRemotingWithTokens( const std::string& user, const std::string& remoting_token, const std::string& talk_token) { return Send( new ServiceMsg_EnableRemotingWithTokens(user, remoting_token, talk_token)); } DISABLE_RUNNABLE_METHOD_REFCOUNT(ServiceProcessControl);