// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/sessions/session_restore.h" #include #include #include #include #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/bind_helpers.h" #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/debug/alias.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram.h" #include "base/run_loop.h" #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" #include "base/task/cancelable_task_tracker.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h" #include "chrome/browser/chrome_notification_types.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/search/search.h" #include "chrome/browser/sessions/session_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/sessions/session_service_factory.h" #include "chrome/browser/sessions/session_types.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_finder.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_navigator.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_tabrestore.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_tabstrip.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_window.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_strip_model.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/ntp/core_app_launcher_handler.h" #include "chrome/common/url_constants.h" #include "content/public/browser/child_process_security_policy.h" #include "content/public/browser/dom_storage_context.h" #include "content/public/browser/navigation_controller.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_registrar.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_service.h" #include "content/public/browser/render_process_host.h" #include "content/public/browser/render_widget_host.h" #include "content/public/browser/render_widget_host_view.h" #include "content/public/browser/session_storage_namespace.h" #include "content/public/browser/storage_partition.h" #include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h" #include "extensions/browser/extension_registry.h" #include "extensions/common/extension_set.h" #include "net/base/network_change_notifier.h" #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/boot_times_loader.h" #endif using content::NavigationController; using content::RenderWidgetHost; using content::WebContents; namespace { class SessionRestoreImpl; class TabLoader; TabLoader* shared_tab_loader = NULL; // Pointers to SessionRestoreImpls which are currently restoring the session. std::set* active_session_restorers = NULL; // TabLoader ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Initial delay (see class decription for details). static const int kInitialDelayTimerMS = 100; // TabLoader is responsible for loading tabs after session restore creates // tabs. New tabs are loaded after the current tab finishes loading, or a delay // is reached (initially kInitialDelayTimerMS). If the delay is reached before // a tab finishes loading a new tab is loaded and the time of the delay // doubled. // // TabLoader keeps a reference to itself when it's loading. When it has finished // loading, it drops the reference. If another profile is restored while the // TabLoader is loading, it will schedule its tabs to get loaded by the same // TabLoader. When doing the scheduling, it holds a reference to the TabLoader. // // This is not part of SessionRestoreImpl so that synchronous destruction // of SessionRestoreImpl doesn't have timing problems. class TabLoader : public content::NotificationObserver, public net::NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionTypeObserver, public base::RefCounted { public: // Retrieves a pointer to the TabLoader instance shared between profiles, or // creates a new TabLoader if it doesn't exist. If a TabLoader is created, its // starting timestamp is set to |restore_started|. static TabLoader* GetTabLoader(base::TimeTicks restore_started); // Schedules a tab for loading. void ScheduleLoad(NavigationController* controller); // Notifies the loader that a tab has been scheduled for loading through // some other mechanism. void TabIsLoading(NavigationController* controller); // Invokes |LoadNextTab| to load a tab. // // This must be invoked once to start loading. void StartLoading(); private: friend class base::RefCounted; typedef std::set TabsLoading; typedef std::list TabsToLoad; typedef std::set RenderWidgetHostSet; explicit TabLoader(base::TimeTicks restore_started); virtual ~TabLoader(); // Loads the next tab. If there are no more tabs to load this deletes itself, // otherwise |force_load_timer_| is restarted. void LoadNextTab(); // NotificationObserver method. Removes the specified tab and loads the next // tab. virtual void Observe(int type, const content::NotificationSource& source, const content::NotificationDetails& details) OVERRIDE; // net::NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionTypeObserver overrides. virtual void OnConnectionTypeChanged( net::NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionType type) OVERRIDE; // Removes the listeners from the specified tab and removes the tab from // the set of tabs to load and list of tabs we're waiting to get a load // from. void RemoveTab(NavigationController* tab); // Invoked from |force_load_timer_|. Doubles |force_load_delay_| and invokes // |LoadNextTab| to load the next tab void ForceLoadTimerFired(); // Returns the RenderWidgetHost associated with a tab if there is one, // NULL otherwise. static RenderWidgetHost* GetRenderWidgetHost(NavigationController* tab); // Register for necessary notifications on a tab navigation controller. void RegisterForNotifications(NavigationController* controller); // Called when a tab goes away or a load completes. void HandleTabClosedOrLoaded(NavigationController* controller); // TODO(sky): remove. For debugging 368236. void CheckNotObserving(NavigationController* controller); content::NotificationRegistrar registrar_; // Current delay before a new tab is loaded. See class description for // details. int64 force_load_delay_; // Has Load been invoked? bool loading_; // Have we recorded the times for a tab paint? bool got_first_paint_; // The set of tabs we've initiated loading on. This does NOT include the // selected tabs. TabsLoading tabs_loading_; // The tabs we need to load. TabsToLoad tabs_to_load_; // The renderers we have started loading into. RenderWidgetHostSet render_widget_hosts_loading_; // The renderers we have loaded and are waiting on to paint. RenderWidgetHostSet render_widget_hosts_to_paint_; // The number of tabs that have been restored. int tab_count_; base::OneShotTimer force_load_timer_; // The time the restore process started. base::TimeTicks restore_started_; // Max number of tabs that were loaded in parallel (for metrics). size_t max_parallel_tab_loads_; // For keeping TabLoader alive while it's loading even if no // SessionRestoreImpls reference it. scoped_refptr this_retainer_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TabLoader); }; // static TabLoader* TabLoader::GetTabLoader(base::TimeTicks restore_started) { if (!shared_tab_loader) shared_tab_loader = new TabLoader(restore_started); return shared_tab_loader; } void TabLoader::ScheduleLoad(NavigationController* controller) { CheckNotObserving(controller); DCHECK(controller); DCHECK(find(tabs_to_load_.begin(), tabs_to_load_.end(), controller) == tabs_to_load_.end()); tabs_to_load_.push_back(controller); RegisterForNotifications(controller); } void TabLoader::TabIsLoading(NavigationController* controller) { CheckNotObserving(controller); DCHECK(controller); DCHECK(find(tabs_loading_.begin(), tabs_loading_.end(), controller) == tabs_loading_.end()); tabs_loading_.insert(controller); RenderWidgetHost* render_widget_host = GetRenderWidgetHost(controller); DCHECK(render_widget_host); render_widget_hosts_loading_.insert(render_widget_host); RegisterForNotifications(controller); } void TabLoader::StartLoading() { // When multiple profiles are using the same TabLoader, another profile might // already have started loading. In that case, the tabs scheduled for loading // by this profile are already in the loading queue, and they will get loaded // eventually. if (loading_) return; registrar_.Add( this, content::NOTIFICATION_RENDER_WIDGET_HOST_DID_UPDATE_BACKING_STORE, content::NotificationService::AllSources()); this_retainer_ = this; #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) if (!net::NetworkChangeNotifier::IsOffline()) { loading_ = true; LoadNextTab(); } else { net::NetworkChangeNotifier::AddConnectionTypeObserver(this); } #else loading_ = true; LoadNextTab(); #endif } TabLoader::TabLoader(base::TimeTicks restore_started) : force_load_delay_(kInitialDelayTimerMS), loading_(false), got_first_paint_(false), tab_count_(0), restore_started_(restore_started), max_parallel_tab_loads_(0) { } TabLoader::~TabLoader() { DCHECK((got_first_paint_ || render_widget_hosts_to_paint_.empty()) && tabs_loading_.empty() && tabs_to_load_.empty()); net::NetworkChangeNotifier::RemoveConnectionTypeObserver(this); shared_tab_loader = NULL; } void TabLoader::LoadNextTab() { if (!tabs_to_load_.empty()) { NavigationController* tab = tabs_to_load_.front(); DCHECK(tab); tabs_loading_.insert(tab); if (tabs_loading_.size() > max_parallel_tab_loads_) max_parallel_tab_loads_ = tabs_loading_.size(); tabs_to_load_.pop_front(); tab->LoadIfNecessary(); content::WebContents* contents = tab->GetWebContents(); if (contents) { Browser* browser = chrome::FindBrowserWithWebContents(contents); if (browser && browser->tab_strip_model()->GetActiveWebContents() != contents) { // By default tabs are marked as visible. As only the active tab is // visible we need to explicitly tell non-active tabs they are hidden. // Without this call non-active tabs are not marked as backgrounded. // // NOTE: We need to do this here rather than when the tab is added to // the Browser as at that time not everything has been created, so that // the call would do nothing. contents->WasHidden(); } } } if (!tabs_to_load_.empty()) { force_load_timer_.Stop(); // Each time we load a tab we also set a timer to force us to start loading // the next tab if this one doesn't load quickly enough. force_load_timer_.Start(FROM_HERE, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(force_load_delay_), this, &TabLoader::ForceLoadTimerFired); } // When the session restore is done synchronously, notification is sent from // SessionRestoreImpl::Restore . if (tabs_to_load_.empty() && !SessionRestore::IsRestoringSynchronously()) { content::NotificationService::current()->Notify( chrome::NOTIFICATION_SESSION_RESTORE_DONE, content::NotificationService::AllSources(), content::NotificationService::NoDetails()); } } void TabLoader::Observe(int type, const content::NotificationSource& source, const content::NotificationDetails& details) { switch (type) { case content::NOTIFICATION_LOAD_START: { // Add this render_widget_host to the set of those we're waiting for // paints on. We want to only record stats for paints that occur after // a load has finished. NavigationController* tab = content::Source(source).ptr(); RenderWidgetHost* render_widget_host = GetRenderWidgetHost(tab); DCHECK(render_widget_host); render_widget_hosts_loading_.insert(render_widget_host); break; } case content::NOTIFICATION_WEB_CONTENTS_DESTROYED: { WebContents* web_contents = content::Source(source).ptr(); if (!got_first_paint_) { RenderWidgetHost* render_widget_host = GetRenderWidgetHost(&web_contents->GetController()); render_widget_hosts_loading_.erase(render_widget_host); } HandleTabClosedOrLoaded(&web_contents->GetController()); break; } case content::NOTIFICATION_LOAD_STOP: { NavigationController* tab = content::Source(source).ptr(); render_widget_hosts_to_paint_.insert(GetRenderWidgetHost(tab)); HandleTabClosedOrLoaded(tab); break; } case content::NOTIFICATION_RENDER_WIDGET_HOST_DID_UPDATE_BACKING_STORE: { RenderWidgetHost* render_widget_host = content::Source(source).ptr(); if (!got_first_paint_ && render_widget_host->GetView() && render_widget_host->GetView()->IsShowing()) { if (render_widget_hosts_to_paint_.find(render_widget_host) != render_widget_hosts_to_paint_.end()) { // Got a paint for one of our renderers, so record time. got_first_paint_ = true; base::TimeDelta time_to_paint = base::TimeTicks::Now() - restore_started_; UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_TIMES( "SessionRestore.FirstTabPainted", time_to_paint, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(10), base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(100), 100); // Record a time for the number of tabs, to help track down // contention. std::string time_for_count = base::StringPrintf("SessionRestore.FirstTabPainted_%d", tab_count_); base::HistogramBase* counter_for_count = base::Histogram::FactoryTimeGet( time_for_count, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(10), base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(100), 100, base::Histogram::kUmaTargetedHistogramFlag); counter_for_count->AddTime(time_to_paint); } else if (render_widget_hosts_loading_.find(render_widget_host) == render_widget_hosts_loading_.end()) { // If this is a host for a tab we're not loading some other tab // has rendered and there's no point tracking the time. This could // happen because the user opened a different tab or restored tabs // to an already existing browser and an existing tab painted. got_first_paint_ = true; } } break; } default: NOTREACHED() << "Unknown notification received:" << type; } // Delete ourselves when we're not waiting for any more notifications. If this // was not the last reference, a SessionRestoreImpl holding a reference will // eventually call StartLoading (which assigns this_retainer_), or drop the // reference without initiating a load. if ((got_first_paint_ || render_widget_hosts_to_paint_.empty()) && tabs_loading_.empty() && tabs_to_load_.empty()) this_retainer_ = NULL; } void TabLoader::OnConnectionTypeChanged( net::NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionType type) { if (type != net::NetworkChangeNotifier::CONNECTION_NONE) { if (!loading_) { loading_ = true; LoadNextTab(); } } else { loading_ = false; } } void TabLoader::RemoveTab(NavigationController* tab) { registrar_.Remove(this, content::NOTIFICATION_WEB_CONTENTS_DESTROYED, content::Source(tab->GetWebContents())); registrar_.Remove(this, content::NOTIFICATION_LOAD_STOP, content::Source(tab)); registrar_.Remove(this, content::NOTIFICATION_LOAD_START, content::Source(tab)); TabsLoading::iterator i = tabs_loading_.find(tab); if (i != tabs_loading_.end()) tabs_loading_.erase(i); TabsToLoad::iterator j = find(tabs_to_load_.begin(), tabs_to_load_.end(), tab); if (j != tabs_to_load_.end()) tabs_to_load_.erase(j); } void TabLoader::ForceLoadTimerFired() { force_load_delay_ *= 2; LoadNextTab(); } RenderWidgetHost* TabLoader::GetRenderWidgetHost(NavigationController* tab) { WebContents* web_contents = tab->GetWebContents(); if (web_contents) { content::RenderWidgetHostView* render_widget_host_view = web_contents->GetRenderWidgetHostView(); if (render_widget_host_view) return render_widget_host_view->GetRenderWidgetHost(); } return NULL; } void TabLoader::RegisterForNotifications(NavigationController* controller) { registrar_.Add(this, content::NOTIFICATION_WEB_CONTENTS_DESTROYED, content::Source(controller->GetWebContents())); registrar_.Add(this, content::NOTIFICATION_LOAD_STOP, content::Source(controller)); registrar_.Add(this, content::NOTIFICATION_LOAD_START, content::Source(controller)); ++tab_count_; } void TabLoader::HandleTabClosedOrLoaded(NavigationController* tab) { RemoveTab(tab); if (loading_) LoadNextTab(); if (tabs_loading_.empty() && tabs_to_load_.empty()) { base::TimeDelta time_to_load = base::TimeTicks::Now() - restore_started_; UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_TIMES( "SessionRestore.AllTabsLoaded", time_to_load, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(10), base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(100), 100); // Record a time for the number of tabs, to help track down contention. std::string time_for_count = base::StringPrintf("SessionRestore.AllTabsLoaded_%d", tab_count_); base::HistogramBase* counter_for_count = base::Histogram::FactoryTimeGet( time_for_count, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(10), base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(100), 100, base::Histogram::kUmaTargetedHistogramFlag); counter_for_count->AddTime(time_to_load); UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100("SessionRestore.ParallelTabLoads", max_parallel_tab_loads_); } } void TabLoader::CheckNotObserving(NavigationController* controller) { const bool in_tabs_to_load = find(tabs_to_load_.begin(), tabs_to_load_.end(), controller) != tabs_to_load_.end(); const bool in_tabs_loading = find(tabs_loading_.begin(), tabs_loading_.end(), controller) != tabs_loading_.end(); const bool observing = registrar_.IsRegistered( this, content::NOTIFICATION_WEB_CONTENTS_DESTROYED, content::Source(controller->GetWebContents())) || registrar_.IsRegistered( this, content::NOTIFICATION_LOAD_STOP, content::Source(controller)) || registrar_.IsRegistered( this, content::NOTIFICATION_LOAD_START, content::Source(controller)); base::debug::Alias(&in_tabs_to_load); base::debug::Alias(&in_tabs_loading); base::debug::Alias(&observing); CHECK(!in_tabs_to_load && !in_tabs_loading && !observing); } // SessionRestoreImpl --------------------------------------------------------- // SessionRestoreImpl is responsible for fetching the set of tabs to create // from SessionService. SessionRestoreImpl deletes itself when done. class SessionRestoreImpl : public content::NotificationObserver { public: SessionRestoreImpl(Profile* profile, Browser* browser, chrome::HostDesktopType host_desktop_type, bool synchronous, bool clobber_existing_tab, bool always_create_tabbed_browser, const std::vector& urls_to_open) : profile_(profile), browser_(browser), host_desktop_type_(host_desktop_type), synchronous_(synchronous), clobber_existing_tab_(clobber_existing_tab), always_create_tabbed_browser_(always_create_tabbed_browser), urls_to_open_(urls_to_open), active_window_id_(0), restore_started_(base::TimeTicks::Now()), browser_shown_(false) { // For sanity's sake, if |browser| is non-null: force |host_desktop_type| to // be the same as |browser|'s desktop type. DCHECK(!browser || browser->host_desktop_type() == host_desktop_type); if (active_session_restorers == NULL) active_session_restorers = new std::set(); // Only one SessionRestoreImpl should be operating on the profile at the // same time. std::set::const_iterator it; for (it = active_session_restorers->begin(); it != active_session_restorers->end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->profile_ == profile) break; } DCHECK(it == active_session_restorers->end()); active_session_restorers->insert(this); // When asynchronous its possible for there to be no windows. To make sure // Chrome doesn't prematurely exit AddRef the process. We'll release in the // destructor when restore is done. g_browser_process->AddRefModule(); } bool synchronous() const { return synchronous_; } Browser* Restore() { SessionService* session_service = SessionServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile_); DCHECK(session_service); session_service->GetLastSession( base::Bind(&SessionRestoreImpl::OnGotSession, base::Unretained(this)), &cancelable_task_tracker_); if (synchronous_) { { base::MessageLoop::ScopedNestableTaskAllower allow( base::MessageLoop::current()); base::RunLoop loop; quit_closure_for_sync_restore_ = loop.QuitClosure(); loop.Run(); quit_closure_for_sync_restore_ = base::Closure(); } Browser* browser = ProcessSessionWindows(&windows_, active_window_id_); delete this; content::NotificationService::current()->Notify( chrome::NOTIFICATION_SESSION_RESTORE_DONE, content::NotificationService::AllSources(), content::NotificationService::NoDetails()); return browser; } if (browser_) { registrar_.Add(this, chrome::NOTIFICATION_BROWSER_CLOSED, content::Source(browser_)); } return browser_; } // Restore window(s) from a foreign session. Returns newly created Browsers. std::vector RestoreForeignSession( std::vector::const_iterator begin, std::vector::const_iterator end) { StartTabCreation(); std::vector browsers; // Create a browser instance to put the restored tabs in. for (std::vector::const_iterator i = begin; i != end; ++i) { Browser* browser = CreateRestoredBrowser( static_cast((*i)->type), (*i)->bounds, (*i)->show_state, (*i)->app_name); browsers.push_back(browser); // Restore and show the browser. const int initial_tab_count = 0; int selected_tab_index = std::max( 0, std::min((*i)->selected_tab_index, static_cast((*i)->tabs.size()) - 1)); RestoreTabsToBrowser(*(*i), browser, initial_tab_count, selected_tab_index); NotifySessionServiceOfRestoredTabs(browser, initial_tab_count); } // Always create in a new window FinishedTabCreation(true, true); return browsers; } // Restore a single tab from a foreign session. // Opens in the tab in the last active browser, unless disposition is // NEW_WINDOW, in which case the tab will be opened in a new browser. Returns // the WebContents of the restored tab. WebContents* RestoreForeignTab(const SessionTab& tab, WindowOpenDisposition disposition) { DCHECK(!tab.navigations.empty()); int selected_index = tab.current_navigation_index; selected_index = std::max( 0, std::min(selected_index, static_cast(tab.navigations.size() - 1))); bool use_new_window = disposition == NEW_WINDOW; Browser* browser = use_new_window ? new Browser(Browser::CreateParams(profile_, host_desktop_type_)) : browser_; RecordAppLaunchForTab(browser, tab, selected_index); WebContents* web_contents; if (disposition == CURRENT_TAB) { DCHECK(!use_new_window); web_contents = chrome::ReplaceRestoredTab(browser, tab.navigations, selected_index, true, tab.extension_app_id, NULL, tab.user_agent_override); } else { int tab_index = use_new_window ? 0 : browser->tab_strip_model()->active_index() + 1; web_contents = chrome::AddRestoredTab( browser, tab.navigations, tab_index, selected_index, tab.extension_app_id, disposition == NEW_FOREGROUND_TAB, // selected tab.pinned, true, NULL, tab.user_agent_override); // Start loading the tab immediately. web_contents->GetController().LoadIfNecessary(); } if (use_new_window) { browser->tab_strip_model()->ActivateTabAt(0, true); browser->window()->Show(); } NotifySessionServiceOfRestoredTabs(browser, browser->tab_strip_model()->count()); // Since FinishedTabCreation() is not called here, |this| will leak if we // are not in sychronous mode. DCHECK(synchronous_); return web_contents; } virtual ~SessionRestoreImpl() { STLDeleteElements(&windows_); active_session_restorers->erase(this); if (active_session_restorers->empty()) { delete active_session_restorers; active_session_restorers = NULL; } g_browser_process->ReleaseModule(); } virtual void Observe(int type, const content::NotificationSource& source, const content::NotificationDetails& details) OVERRIDE { switch (type) { case chrome::NOTIFICATION_BROWSER_CLOSED: delete this; return; default: NOTREACHED(); break; } } Profile* profile() { return profile_; } private: // Invoked when beginning to create new tabs. Resets the tab_loader_. void StartTabCreation() { tab_loader_ = TabLoader::GetTabLoader(restore_started_); } // Invoked when done with creating all the tabs/browsers. // // |created_tabbed_browser| indicates whether a tabbed browser was created, // or we used an existing tabbed browser. // // If successful, this begins loading tabs and deletes itself when all tabs // have been loaded. // // Returns the Browser that was created, if any. Browser* FinishedTabCreation(bool succeeded, bool created_tabbed_browser) { Browser* browser = NULL; if (!created_tabbed_browser && always_create_tabbed_browser_) { browser = new Browser(Browser::CreateParams(profile_, host_desktop_type_)); if (urls_to_open_.empty()) { // No tab browsers were created and no URLs were supplied on the command // line. Open the new tab page. urls_to_open_.push_back(GURL(chrome::kChromeUINewTabURL)); } AppendURLsToBrowser(browser, urls_to_open_); browser->window()->Show(); } if (succeeded) { DCHECK(tab_loader_.get()); // TabLoader deletes itself when done loading. tab_loader_->StartLoading(); tab_loader_ = NULL; } if (!synchronous_) { // If we're not synchronous we need to delete ourself. // NOTE: we must use DeleteLater here as most likely we're in a callback // from the history service which doesn't deal well with deleting the // object it is notifying. base::MessageLoop::current()->DeleteSoon(FROM_HERE, this); // The delete may take a while and at this point we no longer care about // if the browser is deleted. Don't listen to anything. This avoid a // possible double delete too (if browser is closed before DeleteSoon() is // processed). registrar_.RemoveAll(); } #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) chromeos::BootTimesLoader::Get()->AddLoginTimeMarker( "SessionRestore-End", false); #endif return browser; } void OnGotSession(ScopedVector windows, SessionID::id_type active_window_id) { base::TimeDelta time_to_got_sessions = base::TimeTicks::Now() - restore_started_; UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_TIMES( "SessionRestore.TimeToGotSessions", time_to_got_sessions, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(10), base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1000), 100); #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) chromeos::BootTimesLoader::Get()->AddLoginTimeMarker( "SessionRestore-GotSession", false); #endif if (synchronous_) { // See comment above windows_ as to why we don't process immediately. windows_.swap(windows.get()); active_window_id_ = active_window_id; CHECK(!quit_closure_for_sync_restore_.is_null()); quit_closure_for_sync_restore_.Run(); return; } ProcessSessionWindows(&windows.get(), active_window_id); } Browser* ProcessSessionWindows(std::vector* windows, SessionID::id_type active_window_id) { VLOG(1) << "ProcessSessionWindows " << windows->size(); base::TimeDelta time_to_process_sessions = base::TimeTicks::Now() - restore_started_; UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_TIMES( "SessionRestore.TimeToProcessSessions", time_to_process_sessions, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(10), base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1000), 100); if (windows->empty()) { // Restore was unsuccessful. The DOM storage system can also delete its // data, since no session restore will happen at a later point in time. content::BrowserContext::GetDefaultStoragePartition(profile_)-> GetDOMStorageContext()->StartScavengingUnusedSessionStorage(); return FinishedTabCreation(false, false); } #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) chromeos::BootTimesLoader::Get()->AddLoginTimeMarker( "SessionRestore-CreatingTabs-Start", false); #endif StartTabCreation(); // After the for loop this contains the last TABBED_BROWSER. Is null if no // tabbed browsers exist. Browser* last_browser = NULL; bool has_tabbed_browser = false; // After the for loop, this contains the browser to activate, if one of the // windows has the same id as specified in active_window_id. Browser* browser_to_activate = NULL; #if defined(OS_WIN) int selected_tab_to_activate = -1; #endif // Determine if there is a visible window. bool has_visible_browser = false; for (std::vector::iterator i = windows->begin(); i != windows->end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->show_state != ui::SHOW_STATE_MINIMIZED) has_visible_browser = true; } for (std::vector::iterator i = windows->begin(); i != windows->end(); ++i) { Browser* browser = NULL; if (!has_tabbed_browser && (*i)->type == Browser::TYPE_TABBED) has_tabbed_browser = true; if (i == windows->begin() && (*i)->type == Browser::TYPE_TABBED && browser_ && browser_->is_type_tabbed() && !browser_->profile()->IsOffTheRecord()) { // The first set of tabs is added to the existing browser. browser = browser_; } else { #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) chromeos::BootTimesLoader::Get()->AddLoginTimeMarker( "SessionRestore-CreateRestoredBrowser-Start", false); #endif // Show the first window if none are visible. ui::WindowShowState show_state = (*i)->show_state; if (!has_visible_browser) { show_state = ui::SHOW_STATE_NORMAL; has_visible_browser = true; } browser = CreateRestoredBrowser( static_cast((*i)->type), (*i)->bounds, show_state, (*i)->app_name); #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) chromeos::BootTimesLoader::Get()->AddLoginTimeMarker( "SessionRestore-CreateRestoredBrowser-End", false); #endif } if ((*i)->type == Browser::TYPE_TABBED) last_browser = browser; WebContents* active_tab = browser->tab_strip_model()->GetActiveWebContents(); int initial_tab_count = browser->tab_strip_model()->count(); bool close_active_tab = clobber_existing_tab_ && i == windows->begin() && (*i)->type == Browser::TYPE_TABBED && active_tab && browser == browser_ && (*i)->tabs.size() > 0; if (close_active_tab) --initial_tab_count; int selected_tab_index = initial_tab_count > 0 ? browser->tab_strip_model()->active_index() : std::max(0, std::min((*i)->selected_tab_index, static_cast((*i)->tabs.size()) - 1)); if ((*i)->window_id.id() == active_window_id) { browser_to_activate = browser; #if defined(OS_WIN) selected_tab_to_activate = selected_tab_index; #endif } RestoreTabsToBrowser(*(*i), browser, initial_tab_count, selected_tab_index); NotifySessionServiceOfRestoredTabs(browser, initial_tab_count); // This needs to be done after restore because closing the last tab will // close the whole window. if (close_active_tab) chrome::CloseWebContents(browser, active_tab, true); #if defined(OS_WIN) selected_tab_to_activate = -1; #endif } if (browser_to_activate && browser_to_activate->is_type_tabbed()) last_browser = browser_to_activate; if (last_browser && !urls_to_open_.empty()) AppendURLsToBrowser(last_browser, urls_to_open_); #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) chromeos::BootTimesLoader::Get()->AddLoginTimeMarker( "SessionRestore-CreatingTabs-End", false); #endif if (browser_to_activate) browser_to_activate->window()->Activate(); // If last_browser is NULL and urls_to_open_ is non-empty, // FinishedTabCreation will create a new TabbedBrowser and add the urls to // it. Browser* finished_browser = FinishedTabCreation(true, has_tabbed_browser); if (finished_browser) last_browser = finished_browser; // sessionStorages needed for the session restore have now been recreated // by RestoreTab. Now it's safe for the DOM storage system to start // deleting leftover data. content::BrowserContext::GetDefaultStoragePartition(profile_)-> GetDOMStorageContext()->StartScavengingUnusedSessionStorage(); return last_browser; } // Record an app launch event (if appropriate) for a tab which is about to // be restored. Callers should ensure that selected_index is within the // bounds of tab.navigations before calling. void RecordAppLaunchForTab(Browser* browser, const SessionTab& tab, int selected_index) { DCHECK(selected_index >= 0 && selected_index < static_cast(tab.navigations.size())); GURL url = tab.navigations[selected_index].virtual_url(); const extensions::Extension* extension = extensions::ExtensionRegistry::Get(profile()) ->enabled_extensions().GetAppByURL(url); if (extension) { CoreAppLauncherHandler::RecordAppLaunchType( extension_misc::APP_LAUNCH_SESSION_RESTORE, extension->GetType()); } } // Adds the tabs from |window| to |browser|. Normal tabs go after the existing // tabs but pinned tabs will be pushed in front. // If there are no existing tabs, the tab at |selected_tab_index| will be // selected. Otherwise, the tab selection will remain untouched. void RestoreTabsToBrowser(const SessionWindow& window, Browser* browser, int initial_tab_count, int selected_tab_index) { VLOG(1) << "RestoreTabsToBrowser " << window.tabs.size(); DCHECK(!window.tabs.empty()); if (initial_tab_count == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < static_cast(window.tabs.size()); ++i) { const SessionTab& tab = *(window.tabs[i]); // Loads are scheduled for each restored tab unless the tab is going to // be selected as ShowBrowser() will load the selected tab. bool is_selected_tab = (i == selected_tab_index); WebContents* restored_tab = RestoreTab(tab, i, browser, is_selected_tab); // RestoreTab can return NULL if |tab| doesn't have valid data. if (!restored_tab) continue; // If this isn't the selected tab, there's nothing else to do. if (!is_selected_tab) continue; ShowBrowser( browser, browser->tab_strip_model()->GetIndexOfWebContents(restored_tab)); // TODO(sky): remove. For debugging 368236. CHECK_EQ(browser->tab_strip_model()->GetActiveWebContents(), restored_tab); tab_loader_->TabIsLoading(&browser->tab_strip_model() ->GetActiveWebContents() ->GetController()); } } else { // If the browser already has tabs, we want to restore the new ones after // the existing ones. E.g. this happens in Win8 Metro where we merge // windows or when launching a hosted app from the app launcher. int tab_index_offset = initial_tab_count; for (int i = 0; i < static_cast(window.tabs.size()); ++i) { const SessionTab& tab = *(window.tabs[i]); // Always schedule loads as we will not be calling ShowBrowser(). RestoreTab(tab, tab_index_offset + i, browser, false); } } } // |tab_index| is ignored for pinned tabs which will always be pushed behind // the last existing pinned tab. // |tab_loader_| will schedule this tab for loading if |is_selected_tab| is // false. WebContents* RestoreTab(const SessionTab& tab, const int tab_index, Browser* browser, bool is_selected_tab) { // It's possible (particularly for foreign sessions) to receive a tab // without valid navigations. In that case, just skip it. // See crbug.com/154129. if (tab.navigations.empty()) return NULL; int selected_index = tab.current_navigation_index; selected_index = std::max( 0, std::min(selected_index, static_cast(tab.navigations.size() - 1))); RecordAppLaunchForTab(browser, tab, selected_index); // Associate sessionStorage (if any) to the restored tab. scoped_refptr session_storage_namespace; if (!tab.session_storage_persistent_id.empty()) { session_storage_namespace = content::BrowserContext::GetDefaultStoragePartition(profile_)-> GetDOMStorageContext()->RecreateSessionStorage( tab.session_storage_persistent_id); } WebContents* web_contents = chrome::AddRestoredTab(browser, tab.navigations, tab_index, selected_index, tab.extension_app_id, false, // select tab.pinned, true, session_storage_namespace.get(), tab.user_agent_override); // Regression check: check that the tab didn't start loading right away. The // focused tab will be loaded by Browser, and TabLoader will load the rest. DCHECK(web_contents->GetController().NeedsReload()); // Set up the file access rights for the selected navigation entry. const int id = web_contents->GetRenderProcessHost()->GetID(); const content::PageState& page_state = tab.navigations.at(selected_index).page_state(); const std::vector& file_paths = page_state.GetReferencedFiles(); for (std::vector::const_iterator file = file_paths.begin(); file != file_paths.end(); ++file) { content::ChildProcessSecurityPolicy::GetInstance()->GrantReadFile(id, *file); } if (!is_selected_tab) tab_loader_->ScheduleLoad(&web_contents->GetController()); return web_contents; } Browser* CreateRestoredBrowser(Browser::Type type, gfx::Rect bounds, ui::WindowShowState show_state, const std::string& app_name) { Browser::CreateParams params(type, profile_, host_desktop_type_); if (!app_name.empty()) { const bool trusted_source = true; // We only store trusted app windows. params = Browser::CreateParams::CreateForApp(app_name, trusted_source, bounds, profile_, host_desktop_type_); } else { params.initial_bounds = bounds; } params.initial_show_state = show_state; params.is_session_restore = true; return new Browser(params); } void ShowBrowser(Browser* browser, int selected_tab_index) { DCHECK(browser); DCHECK(browser->tab_strip_model()->count()); browser->tab_strip_model()->ActivateTabAt(selected_tab_index, true); if (browser_ == browser) return; browser->window()->Show(); browser->set_is_session_restore(false); // TODO(jcampan): http://crbug.com/8123 we should not need to set the // initial focus explicitly. browser->tab_strip_model()->GetActiveWebContents()->SetInitialFocus(); if (!browser_shown_) { browser_shown_ = true; base::TimeDelta time_to_first_show = base::TimeTicks::Now() - restore_started_; UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_TIMES( "SessionRestore.TimeToFirstShow", time_to_first_show, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(10), base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1000), 100); } } // Appends the urls in |urls| to |browser|. void AppendURLsToBrowser(Browser* browser, const std::vector& urls) { for (size_t i = 0; i < urls.size(); ++i) { int add_types = TabStripModel::ADD_FORCE_INDEX; if (i == 0) add_types |= TabStripModel::ADD_ACTIVE; chrome::NavigateParams params(browser, urls[i], ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_AUTO_TOPLEVEL); params.disposition = i == 0 ? NEW_FOREGROUND_TAB : NEW_BACKGROUND_TAB; params.tabstrip_add_types = add_types; chrome::Navigate(¶ms); } } // Invokes TabRestored on the SessionService for all tabs in browser after // initial_count. void NotifySessionServiceOfRestoredTabs(Browser* browser, int initial_count) { SessionService* session_service = SessionServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile_); if (!session_service) return; TabStripModel* tab_strip = browser->tab_strip_model(); for (int i = initial_count; i < tab_strip->count(); ++i) session_service->TabRestored(tab_strip->GetWebContentsAt(i), tab_strip->IsTabPinned(i)); } // The profile to create the sessions for. Profile* profile_; // The first browser to restore to, may be null. Browser* browser_; // The desktop on which all new browsers should be created (browser_, if it is // not NULL, must be of this desktop type as well). chrome::HostDesktopType host_desktop_type_; // Whether or not restore is synchronous. const bool synchronous_; // The quit-closure to terminate the nested message-loop started for // synchronous session-restore. base::Closure quit_closure_for_sync_restore_; // See description of CLOBBER_CURRENT_TAB. const bool clobber_existing_tab_; // If true and there is an error or there are no windows to restore, we // create a tabbed browser anyway. This is used on startup to make sure at // at least one window is created. const bool always_create_tabbed_browser_; // Set of URLs to open in addition to those restored from the session. std::vector urls_to_open_; // Used to get the session. base::CancelableTaskTracker cancelable_task_tracker_; // Responsible for loading the tabs. scoped_refptr tab_loader_; // When synchronous we run a nested message loop. To avoid creating windows // from the nested message loop (which can make exiting the nested message // loop take a while) we cache the SessionWindows here and create the actual // windows when the nested message loop exits. std::vector windows_; SessionID::id_type active_window_id_; content::NotificationRegistrar registrar_; // The time we started the restore. base::TimeTicks restore_started_; // Set to true after the first browser is shown. bool browser_shown_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SessionRestoreImpl); }; } // namespace // SessionRestore ------------------------------------------------------------- // static Browser* SessionRestore::RestoreSession( Profile* profile, Browser* browser, chrome::HostDesktopType host_desktop_type, uint32 behavior, const std::vector& urls_to_open) { #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) chromeos::BootTimesLoader::Get()->AddLoginTimeMarker( "SessionRestore-Start", false); #endif DCHECK(profile); // Always restore from the original profile (incognito profiles have no // session service). profile = profile->GetOriginalProfile(); if (!SessionServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile)) { NOTREACHED(); return NULL; } profile->set_restored_last_session(true); // SessionRestoreImpl takes care of deleting itself when done. SessionRestoreImpl* restorer = new SessionRestoreImpl( profile, browser, host_desktop_type, (behavior & SYNCHRONOUS) != 0, (behavior & CLOBBER_CURRENT_TAB) != 0, (behavior & ALWAYS_CREATE_TABBED_BROWSER) != 0, urls_to_open); return restorer->Restore(); } // static void SessionRestore::RestoreSessionAfterCrash(Browser* browser) { uint32 behavior = 0; if (browser->tab_strip_model()->count() == 1) { const content::WebContents* active_tab = browser->tab_strip_model()->GetWebContentsAt(0); if (active_tab->GetURL() == GURL(chrome::kChromeUINewTabURL) || chrome::IsInstantNTP(active_tab)) { // There is only one tab and its the new tab page, make session restore // clobber it. behavior = SessionRestore::CLOBBER_CURRENT_TAB; } } SessionRestore::RestoreSession(browser->profile(), browser, browser->host_desktop_type(), behavior, std::vector()); } // static std::vector SessionRestore::RestoreForeignSessionWindows( Profile* profile, chrome::HostDesktopType host_desktop_type, std::vector::const_iterator begin, std::vector::const_iterator end) { std::vector gurls; SessionRestoreImpl restorer(profile, static_cast(NULL), host_desktop_type, true, false, true, gurls); return restorer.RestoreForeignSession(begin, end); } // static WebContents* SessionRestore::RestoreForeignSessionTab( content::WebContents* source_web_contents, const SessionTab& tab, WindowOpenDisposition disposition) { Browser* browser = chrome::FindBrowserWithWebContents(source_web_contents); Profile* profile = browser->profile(); std::vector gurls; SessionRestoreImpl restorer(profile, browser, browser->host_desktop_type(), true, false, false, gurls); return restorer.RestoreForeignTab(tab, disposition); } // static bool SessionRestore::IsRestoring(const Profile* profile) { if (active_session_restorers == NULL) return false; for (std::set::const_iterator it = active_session_restorers->begin(); it != active_session_restorers->end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->profile() == profile) return true; } return false; } // static bool SessionRestore::IsRestoringSynchronously() { if (!active_session_restorers) return false; for (std::set::const_iterator it = active_session_restorers->begin(); it != active_session_restorers->end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->synchronous()) return true; } return false; }