// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/sessions/tab_restore_service_helper.h" #include #include #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram.h" #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/tab_helper.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/sessions/session_types.h" #include "chrome/browser/sessions/tab_restore_service_delegate.h" #include "chrome/browser/sessions/tab_restore_service_observer.h" #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_constants.h" #include "chrome/common/url_constants.h" #include "content/public/browser/navigation_controller.h" #include "content/public/browser/navigation_entry.h" #include "content/public/browser/session_storage_namespace.h" #include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h" #include "extensions/browser/extension_registry.h" #include "extensions/common/extension.h" #include "extensions/common/extension_set.h" #if !defined(OS_ANDROID) #include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/ntp/core_app_launcher_handler.h" #endif using content::NavigationController; using content::NavigationEntry; using content::WebContents; namespace { void RecordAppLaunch(Profile* profile, const TabRestoreService::Tab& tab) { #if !defined(OS_ANDROID) GURL url = tab.navigations.at(tab.current_navigation_index).virtual_url(); const extensions::Extension* extension = extensions::ExtensionRegistry::Get(profile) ->enabled_extensions().GetAppByURL(url); if (!extension) return; CoreAppLauncherHandler::RecordAppLaunchType( extension_misc::APP_LAUNCH_NTP_RECENTLY_CLOSED, extension->GetType()); #endif // !defined(OS_ANDROID) } } // namespace // TabRestoreServiceHelper::Observer ------------------------------------------- TabRestoreServiceHelper::Observer::~Observer() {} void TabRestoreServiceHelper::Observer::OnClearEntries() {} void TabRestoreServiceHelper::Observer::OnRestoreEntryById( SessionID::id_type id, Entries::const_iterator entry_iterator) { } void TabRestoreServiceHelper::Observer::OnAddEntry() {} // TabRestoreServiceHelper ----------------------------------------------------- TabRestoreServiceHelper::TabRestoreServiceHelper( TabRestoreService* tab_restore_service, Observer* observer, Profile* profile, TabRestoreService::TimeFactory* time_factory) : tab_restore_service_(tab_restore_service), observer_(observer), profile_(profile), restoring_(false), time_factory_(time_factory) { DCHECK(tab_restore_service_); } TabRestoreServiceHelper::~TabRestoreServiceHelper() { FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(TabRestoreServiceObserver, observer_list_, TabRestoreServiceDestroyed(tab_restore_service_)); STLDeleteElements(&entries_); } void TabRestoreServiceHelper::AddObserver( TabRestoreServiceObserver* observer) { observer_list_.AddObserver(observer); } void TabRestoreServiceHelper::RemoveObserver( TabRestoreServiceObserver* observer) { observer_list_.RemoveObserver(observer); } void TabRestoreServiceHelper::CreateHistoricalTab( content::WebContents* contents, int index) { if (restoring_) return; TabRestoreServiceDelegate* delegate = TabRestoreServiceDelegate::FindDelegateForWebContents(contents); if (closing_delegates_.find(delegate) != closing_delegates_.end()) return; scoped_ptr local_tab(new Tab()); PopulateTab(local_tab.get(), index, delegate, &contents->GetController()); if (local_tab->navigations.empty()) return; AddEntry(local_tab.release(), true, true); } void TabRestoreServiceHelper::BrowserClosing( TabRestoreServiceDelegate* delegate) { closing_delegates_.insert(delegate); scoped_ptr window(new Window()); window->selected_tab_index = delegate->GetSelectedIndex(); window->timestamp = TimeNow(); window->app_name = delegate->GetAppName(); // Don't use std::vector::resize() because it will push copies of an empty tab // into the vector, which will give all tabs in a window the same ID. for (int i = 0; i < delegate->GetTabCount(); ++i) { window->tabs.push_back(Tab()); } size_t entry_index = 0; for (int tab_index = 0; tab_index < delegate->GetTabCount(); ++tab_index) { PopulateTab(&(window->tabs[entry_index]), tab_index, delegate, &delegate->GetWebContentsAt(tab_index)->GetController()); if (window->tabs[entry_index].navigations.empty()) { window->tabs.erase(window->tabs.begin() + entry_index); } else { window->tabs[entry_index].browser_id = delegate->GetSessionID().id(); entry_index++; } } if (window->tabs.size() == 1 && window->app_name.empty()) { // Short-circuit creating a Window if only 1 tab was present. This fixes // http://crbug.com/56744. Copy the Tab because it's owned by an object on // the stack. AddEntry(new Tab(window->tabs[0]), true, true); } else if (!window->tabs.empty()) { window->selected_tab_index = std::min(static_cast(window->tabs.size() - 1), window->selected_tab_index); AddEntry(window.release(), true, true); } } void TabRestoreServiceHelper::BrowserClosed( TabRestoreServiceDelegate* delegate) { closing_delegates_.erase(delegate); } void TabRestoreServiceHelper::ClearEntries() { if (observer_) observer_->OnClearEntries(); STLDeleteElements(&entries_); NotifyTabsChanged(); } const TabRestoreService::Entries& TabRestoreServiceHelper::entries() const { return entries_; } std::vector TabRestoreServiceHelper::RestoreMostRecentEntry( TabRestoreServiceDelegate* delegate, chrome::HostDesktopType host_desktop_type) { if (entries_.empty()) return std::vector(); return RestoreEntryById(delegate, entries_.front()->id, host_desktop_type, UNKNOWN); } TabRestoreService::Tab* TabRestoreServiceHelper::RemoveTabEntryById( SessionID::id_type id) { Entries::iterator i = GetEntryIteratorById(id); if (i == entries_.end()) return NULL; Entry* entry = *i; if (entry->type != TabRestoreService::TAB) return NULL; Tab* tab = static_cast(entry); entries_.erase(i); return tab; } std::vector TabRestoreServiceHelper::RestoreEntryById( TabRestoreServiceDelegate* delegate, SessionID::id_type id, chrome::HostDesktopType host_desktop_type, WindowOpenDisposition disposition) { Entries::iterator entry_iterator = GetEntryIteratorById(id); if (entry_iterator == entries_.end()) // Don't hoark here, we allow an invalid id. return std::vector(); if (observer_) observer_->OnRestoreEntryById(id, entry_iterator); restoring_ = true; Entry* entry = *entry_iterator; // If the entry's ID does not match the ID that is being restored, then the // entry is a window from which a single tab will be restored. bool restoring_tab_in_window = entry->id != id; if (!restoring_tab_in_window) { entries_.erase(entry_iterator); entry_iterator = entries_.end(); } // |delegate| will be NULL in cases where one isn't already available (eg, // when invoked on Mac OS X with no windows open). In this case, create a // new browser into which we restore the tabs. std::vector web_contents; if (entry->type == TabRestoreService::TAB) { Tab* tab = static_cast(entry); WebContents* restored_tab = NULL; delegate = RestoreTab(*tab, delegate, host_desktop_type, disposition, &restored_tab); web_contents.push_back(restored_tab); delegate->ShowBrowserWindow(); } else if (entry->type == TabRestoreService::WINDOW) { TabRestoreServiceDelegate* current_delegate = delegate; Window* window = static_cast(entry); // When restoring a window, either the entire window can be restored, or a // single tab within it. If the entry's ID matches the one to restore, then // the entire window will be restored. if (!restoring_tab_in_window) { delegate = TabRestoreServiceDelegate::Create(profile_, host_desktop_type, window->app_name); for (size_t tab_i = 0; tab_i < window->tabs.size(); ++tab_i) { const Tab& tab = window->tabs[tab_i]; WebContents* restored_tab = delegate->AddRestoredTab( tab.navigations, delegate->GetTabCount(), tab.current_navigation_index, tab.extension_app_id, static_cast(tab_i) == window->selected_tab_index, tab.pinned, tab.from_last_session, tab.session_storage_namespace.get(), tab.user_agent_override); if (restored_tab) { restored_tab->GetController().LoadIfNecessary(); RecordAppLaunch(profile_, tab); web_contents.push_back(restored_tab); } } // All the window's tabs had the same former browser_id. if (window->tabs[0].has_browser()) { UpdateTabBrowserIDs(window->tabs[0].browser_id, delegate->GetSessionID().id()); } } else { // Restore a single tab from the window. Find the tab that matches the ID // in the window and restore it. for (std::vector::iterator tab_i = window->tabs.begin(); tab_i != window->tabs.end(); ++tab_i) { const Tab& tab = *tab_i; if (tab.id == id) { WebContents* restored_tab = NULL; delegate = RestoreTab(tab, delegate, host_desktop_type, disposition, &restored_tab); web_contents.push_back(restored_tab); window->tabs.erase(tab_i); // If restoring the tab leaves the window with nothing else, delete it // as well. if (!window->tabs.size()) { entries_.erase(entry_iterator); delete entry; } else { // Update the browser ID of the rest of the tabs in the window so if // any one is restored, it goes into the same window as the tab // being restored now. UpdateTabBrowserIDs(tab.browser_id, delegate->GetSessionID().id()); for (std::vector::iterator tab_j = window->tabs.begin(); tab_j != window->tabs.end(); ++tab_j) { (*tab_j).browser_id = delegate->GetSessionID().id(); } } break; } } } delegate->ShowBrowserWindow(); if (disposition == CURRENT_TAB && current_delegate && current_delegate->GetActiveWebContents()) { current_delegate->CloseTab(); } } else { NOTREACHED(); } if (!restoring_tab_in_window) { delete entry; } restoring_ = false; NotifyTabsChanged(); return web_contents; } void TabRestoreServiceHelper::NotifyTabsChanged() { FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(TabRestoreServiceObserver, observer_list_, TabRestoreServiceChanged(tab_restore_service_)); } void TabRestoreServiceHelper::NotifyLoaded() { FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(TabRestoreServiceObserver, observer_list_, TabRestoreServiceLoaded(tab_restore_service_)); } void TabRestoreServiceHelper::AddEntry(Entry* entry, bool notify, bool to_front) { if (!FilterEntry(entry) || (entries_.size() >= kMaxEntries && !to_front)) { delete entry; return; } if (to_front) entries_.push_front(entry); else entries_.push_back(entry); PruneEntries(); if (notify) NotifyTabsChanged(); if (observer_) observer_->OnAddEntry(); } void TabRestoreServiceHelper::PruneEntries() { Entries new_entries; for (TabRestoreService::Entries::const_iterator iter = entries_.begin(); iter != entries_.end(); ++iter) { TabRestoreService::Entry* entry = *iter; if (FilterEntry(entry) && new_entries.size() < kMaxEntries) { new_entries.push_back(entry); } else { delete entry; } } entries_ = new_entries; } TabRestoreService::Entries::iterator TabRestoreServiceHelper::GetEntryIteratorById(SessionID::id_type id) { for (Entries::iterator i = entries_.begin(); i != entries_.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->id == id) return i; // For Window entries, see if the ID matches a tab. If so, report the window // as the Entry. if ((*i)->type == TabRestoreService::WINDOW) { std::vector& tabs = static_cast(*i)->tabs; for (std::vector::iterator j = tabs.begin(); j != tabs.end(); ++j) { if ((*j).id == id) { return i; } } } } return entries_.end(); } // static bool TabRestoreServiceHelper::ValidateEntry(Entry* entry) { if (entry->type == TabRestoreService::TAB) return ValidateTab(static_cast(entry)); if (entry->type == TabRestoreService::WINDOW) return ValidateWindow(static_cast(entry)); NOTREACHED(); return false; } void TabRestoreServiceHelper::PopulateTab( Tab* tab, int index, TabRestoreServiceDelegate* delegate, NavigationController* controller) { const int pending_index = controller->GetPendingEntryIndex(); int entry_count = controller->GetEntryCount(); if (entry_count == 0 && pending_index == 0) entry_count++; tab->navigations.resize(static_cast(entry_count)); for (int i = 0; i < entry_count; ++i) { NavigationEntry* entry = (i == pending_index) ? controller->GetPendingEntry() : controller->GetEntryAtIndex(i); tab->navigations[i] = sessions::SerializedNavigationEntry::FromNavigationEntry(i, *entry); } tab->timestamp = TimeNow(); tab->current_navigation_index = controller->GetCurrentEntryIndex(); if (tab->current_navigation_index == -1 && entry_count > 0) tab->current_navigation_index = 0; tab->tabstrip_index = index; extensions::TabHelper* extensions_tab_helper = extensions::TabHelper::FromWebContents(controller->GetWebContents()); // extensions_tab_helper is NULL in some browser tests. if (extensions_tab_helper) { const extensions::Extension* extension = extensions_tab_helper->extension_app(); if (extension) tab->extension_app_id = extension->id(); } tab->user_agent_override = controller->GetWebContents()->GetUserAgentOverride(); // TODO(ajwong): This does not correctly handle storage for isolated apps. tab->session_storage_namespace = controller->GetDefaultSessionStorageNamespace(); // Delegate may be NULL during unit tests. if (delegate) { tab->browser_id = delegate->GetSessionID().id(); tab->pinned = delegate->IsTabPinned(tab->tabstrip_index); } } TabRestoreServiceDelegate* TabRestoreServiceHelper::RestoreTab( const Tab& tab, TabRestoreServiceDelegate* delegate, chrome::HostDesktopType host_desktop_type, WindowOpenDisposition disposition, WebContents** contents) { WebContents* web_contents; if (disposition == CURRENT_TAB && delegate) { web_contents = delegate->ReplaceRestoredTab( tab.navigations, tab.current_navigation_index, tab.from_last_session, tab.extension_app_id, tab.session_storage_namespace.get(), tab.user_agent_override); } else { // We only respsect the tab's original browser if there's no disposition. if (disposition == UNKNOWN && tab.has_browser()) { delegate = TabRestoreServiceDelegate::FindDelegateWithID( tab.browser_id, host_desktop_type); } int tab_index = -1; // |delegate| will be NULL in cases where one isn't already available (eg, // when invoked on Mac OS X with no windows open). In this case, create a // new browser into which we restore the tabs. if (delegate && disposition != NEW_WINDOW) { tab_index = tab.tabstrip_index; } else { delegate = TabRestoreServiceDelegate::Create(profile_, host_desktop_type, std::string()); if (tab.has_browser()) UpdateTabBrowserIDs(tab.browser_id, delegate->GetSessionID().id()); } // Place the tab at the end if the tab index is no longer valid or // we were passed a specific disposition. if (tab_index < 0 || tab_index > delegate->GetTabCount() || disposition != UNKNOWN) { tab_index = delegate->GetTabCount(); } web_contents = delegate->AddRestoredTab(tab.navigations, tab_index, tab.current_navigation_index, tab.extension_app_id, disposition != NEW_BACKGROUND_TAB, tab.pinned, tab.from_last_session, tab.session_storage_namespace.get(), tab.user_agent_override); web_contents->GetController().LoadIfNecessary(); } RecordAppLaunch(profile_, tab); if (contents) *contents = web_contents; return delegate; } bool TabRestoreServiceHelper::ValidateTab(Tab* tab) { if (tab->navigations.empty()) return false; tab->current_navigation_index = std::max(0, std::min(tab->current_navigation_index, static_cast(tab->navigations.size()) - 1)); return true; } bool TabRestoreServiceHelper::ValidateWindow(Window* window) { window->selected_tab_index = std::max(0, std::min(window->selected_tab_index, static_cast(window->tabs.size() - 1))); int i = 0; for (std::vector::iterator tab_i = window->tabs.begin(); tab_i != window->tabs.end();) { if (!ValidateTab(&(*tab_i))) { tab_i = window->tabs.erase(tab_i); if (i < window->selected_tab_index) window->selected_tab_index--; else if (i == window->selected_tab_index) window->selected_tab_index = 0; } else { ++tab_i; ++i; } } if (window->tabs.empty()) return false; return true; } bool TabRestoreServiceHelper::IsTabInteresting(const Tab* tab) { if (tab->navigations.empty()) return false; if (tab->navigations.size() > 1) return true; return tab->pinned || tab->navigations.at(0).virtual_url() != GURL(chrome::kChromeUINewTabURL); } bool TabRestoreServiceHelper::IsWindowInteresting(const Window* window) { if (window->tabs.empty()) return false; if (window->tabs.size() > 1) return true; return IsTabInteresting(&window->tabs[0]); } bool TabRestoreServiceHelper::FilterEntry(Entry* entry) { if (!ValidateEntry(entry)) return false; if (entry->type == TabRestoreService::TAB) return IsTabInteresting(static_cast(entry)); else if (entry->type == TabRestoreService::WINDOW) return IsWindowInteresting(static_cast(entry)); NOTREACHED(); return false; } void TabRestoreServiceHelper::UpdateTabBrowserIDs(SessionID::id_type old_id, SessionID::id_type new_id) { for (Entries::iterator i = entries_.begin(); i != entries_.end(); ++i) { Entry* entry = *i; if (entry->type == TabRestoreService::TAB) { Tab* tab = static_cast(entry); if (tab->browser_id == old_id) tab->browser_id = new_id; } } } base::Time TabRestoreServiceHelper::TimeNow() const { return time_factory_ ? time_factory_->TimeNow() : base::Time::Now(); }