// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/speech/tts_controller.h" #include #include #include "base/float_util.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/speech/extension_api/tts_engine_extension_api.h" #include "chrome/browser/speech/extension_api/tts_extension_api.h" #include "chrome/browser/speech/tts_platform.h" #include "chrome/common/extensions/api/speech/tts_engine_manifest_handler.h" #include "extensions/browser/extension_system.h" #include "extensions/common/extension.h" namespace { // A value to be used to indicate that there is no char index available. const int kInvalidCharIndex = -1; // Given a language/region code of the form 'fr-FR', returns just the basic // language portion, e.g. 'fr'. std::string TrimLanguageCode(std::string lang) { if (lang.size() >= 5 && lang[2] == '-') return lang.substr(0, 2); else return lang; } } // namespace bool IsFinalTtsEventType(TtsEventType event_type) { return (event_type == TTS_EVENT_END || event_type == TTS_EVENT_INTERRUPTED || event_type == TTS_EVENT_CANCELLED || event_type == TTS_EVENT_ERROR); } // // UtteranceContinuousParameters // UtteranceContinuousParameters::UtteranceContinuousParameters() : rate(-1), pitch(-1), volume(-1) {} // // VoiceData // VoiceData::VoiceData() : gender(TTS_GENDER_NONE), remote(false), native(false) {} VoiceData::~VoiceData() {} // // Utterance // // static int Utterance::next_utterance_id_ = 0; Utterance::Utterance(Profile* profile) : profile_(profile), id_(next_utterance_id_++), src_id_(-1), gender_(TTS_GENDER_NONE), can_enqueue_(false), char_index_(0), finished_(false) { options_.reset(new base::DictionaryValue()); } Utterance::~Utterance() { DCHECK(finished_); } void Utterance::OnTtsEvent(TtsEventType event_type, int char_index, const std::string& error_message) { if (char_index >= 0) char_index_ = char_index; if (IsFinalTtsEventType(event_type)) finished_ = true; if (event_delegate_) event_delegate_->OnTtsEvent(this, event_type, char_index, error_message); if (finished_) event_delegate_.reset(); } void Utterance::Finish() { finished_ = true; } void Utterance::set_options(const base::Value* options) { options_.reset(options->DeepCopy()); } // // TtsController // // static TtsController* TtsController::GetInstance() { return Singleton::get(); } TtsController::TtsController() : current_utterance_(NULL), paused_(false), platform_impl_(NULL) { } TtsController::~TtsController() { if (current_utterance_) { current_utterance_->Finish(); delete current_utterance_; } // Clear any queued utterances too. ClearUtteranceQueue(false); // Don't sent events. } void TtsController::SpeakOrEnqueue(Utterance* utterance) { // If we're paused and we get an utterance that can't be queued, // flush the queue but stay in the paused state. if (paused_ && !utterance->can_enqueue()) { Stop(); paused_ = true; return; } if (paused_ || (IsSpeaking() && utterance->can_enqueue())) { utterance_queue_.push(utterance); } else { Stop(); SpeakNow(utterance); } } void TtsController::SpeakNow(Utterance* utterance) { // Get all available voices and try to find a matching voice. std::vector voices; GetVoices(utterance->profile(), &voices); int index = GetMatchingVoice(utterance, voices); VoiceData voice; if (index != -1) { // Select the matching voice. voice = voices[index]; } else { // However, if no match was found on a platform without native tts voices, // attempt to get a voice based only on the current locale without respect // to any supplied voice names. std::vector native_voices; if (GetPlatformImpl()->PlatformImplAvailable()) GetPlatformImpl()->GetVoices(&native_voices); if (native_voices.empty() && !voices.empty()) { // TODO(dtseng): Notify extension caller of an error. utterance->set_voice_name(""); utterance->set_lang(g_browser_process->GetApplicationLocale()); index = GetMatchingVoice(utterance, voices); // If even that fails, just take the first available voice. if (index == -1) index = 0; voice = voices[index]; } else { // Otherwise, simply give native voices a chance to handle this utterance. voice.native = true; } } GetPlatformImpl()->WillSpeakUtteranceWithVoice(utterance, voice); if (!voice.native) { #if !defined(OS_ANDROID) DCHECK(!voice.extension_id.empty()); current_utterance_ = utterance; utterance->set_extension_id(voice.extension_id); ExtensionTtsEngineSpeak(utterance, voice); bool sends_end_event = voice.events.find(TTS_EVENT_END) != voice.events.end(); if (!sends_end_event) { utterance->Finish(); delete utterance; current_utterance_ = NULL; SpeakNextUtterance(); } #endif } else { // It's possible for certain platforms to send start events immediately // during |speak|. current_utterance_ = utterance; GetPlatformImpl()->clear_error(); bool success = GetPlatformImpl()->Speak( utterance->id(), utterance->text(), utterance->lang(), voice, utterance->continuous_parameters()); if (!success) current_utterance_ = NULL; // If the native voice wasn't able to process this speech, see if // the browser has built-in TTS that isn't loaded yet. if (!success && GetPlatformImpl()->LoadBuiltInTtsExtension(utterance->profile())) { utterance_queue_.push(utterance); return; } if (!success) { utterance->OnTtsEvent(TTS_EVENT_ERROR, kInvalidCharIndex, GetPlatformImpl()->error()); delete utterance; return; } } } void TtsController::Stop() { paused_ = false; if (current_utterance_ && !current_utterance_->extension_id().empty()) { #if !defined(OS_ANDROID) ExtensionTtsEngineStop(current_utterance_); #endif } else { GetPlatformImpl()->clear_error(); GetPlatformImpl()->StopSpeaking(); } if (current_utterance_) current_utterance_->OnTtsEvent(TTS_EVENT_INTERRUPTED, kInvalidCharIndex, std::string()); FinishCurrentUtterance(); ClearUtteranceQueue(true); // Send events. } void TtsController::Pause() { paused_ = true; if (current_utterance_ && !current_utterance_->extension_id().empty()) { #if !defined(OS_ANDROID) ExtensionTtsEnginePause(current_utterance_); #endif } else if (current_utterance_) { GetPlatformImpl()->clear_error(); GetPlatformImpl()->Pause(); } } void TtsController::Resume() { paused_ = false; if (current_utterance_ && !current_utterance_->extension_id().empty()) { #if !defined(OS_ANDROID) ExtensionTtsEngineResume(current_utterance_); #endif } else if (current_utterance_) { GetPlatformImpl()->clear_error(); GetPlatformImpl()->Resume(); } else { SpeakNextUtterance(); } } void TtsController::OnTtsEvent(int utterance_id, TtsEventType event_type, int char_index, const std::string& error_message) { // We may sometimes receive completion callbacks "late", after we've // already finished the utterance (for example because another utterance // interrupted or we got a call to Stop). This is normal and we can // safely just ignore these events. if (!current_utterance_ || utterance_id != current_utterance_->id()) { return; } current_utterance_->OnTtsEvent(event_type, char_index, error_message); if (current_utterance_->finished()) { FinishCurrentUtterance(); SpeakNextUtterance(); } } void TtsController::GetVoices(Profile* profile, std::vector* out_voices) { #if !defined(OS_ANDROID) if (profile) GetExtensionVoices(profile, out_voices); #endif TtsPlatformImpl* platform_impl = GetPlatformImpl(); if (platform_impl && platform_impl->PlatformImplAvailable()) platform_impl->GetVoices(out_voices); } bool TtsController::IsSpeaking() { return current_utterance_ != NULL || GetPlatformImpl()->IsSpeaking(); } void TtsController::FinishCurrentUtterance() { if (current_utterance_) { if (!current_utterance_->finished()) current_utterance_->OnTtsEvent(TTS_EVENT_INTERRUPTED, kInvalidCharIndex, std::string()); delete current_utterance_; current_utterance_ = NULL; } } void TtsController::SpeakNextUtterance() { if (paused_) return; // Start speaking the next utterance in the queue. Keep trying in case // one fails but there are still more in the queue to try. while (!utterance_queue_.empty() && !current_utterance_) { Utterance* utterance = utterance_queue_.front(); utterance_queue_.pop(); SpeakNow(utterance); } } void TtsController::RetrySpeakingQueuedUtterances() { if (current_utterance_ == NULL && !utterance_queue_.empty()) SpeakNextUtterance(); } void TtsController::ClearUtteranceQueue(bool send_events) { while (!utterance_queue_.empty()) { Utterance* utterance = utterance_queue_.front(); utterance_queue_.pop(); if (send_events) utterance->OnTtsEvent(TTS_EVENT_CANCELLED, kInvalidCharIndex, std::string()); else utterance->Finish(); delete utterance; } } void TtsController::SetPlatformImpl( TtsPlatformImpl* platform_impl) { platform_impl_ = platform_impl; } int TtsController::QueueSize() { return static_cast(utterance_queue_.size()); } TtsPlatformImpl* TtsController::GetPlatformImpl() { if (!platform_impl_) platform_impl_ = TtsPlatformImpl::GetInstance(); return platform_impl_; } int TtsController::GetMatchingVoice( const Utterance* utterance, std::vector& voices) { // Make two passes: the first time, do strict language matching // ('fr-FR' does not match 'fr-CA'). The second time, do prefix // language matching ('fr-FR' matches 'fr' and 'fr-CA') for (int pass = 0; pass < 2; ++pass) { for (size_t i = 0; i < voices.size(); ++i) { const VoiceData& voice = voices[i]; if (!utterance->extension_id().empty() && utterance->extension_id() != voice.extension_id) { continue; } if (!voice.name.empty() && !utterance->voice_name().empty() && voice.name != utterance->voice_name()) { continue; } if (!voice.lang.empty() && !utterance->lang().empty()) { std::string voice_lang = voice.lang; std::string utterance_lang = utterance->lang(); if (pass == 1) { voice_lang = TrimLanguageCode(voice_lang); utterance_lang = TrimLanguageCode(utterance_lang); } if (voice_lang != utterance_lang) { continue; } } if (voice.gender != TTS_GENDER_NONE && utterance->gender() != TTS_GENDER_NONE && voice.gender != utterance->gender()) { continue; } if (utterance->required_event_types().size() > 0) { bool has_all_required_event_types = true; for (std::set::const_iterator iter = utterance->required_event_types().begin(); iter != utterance->required_event_types().end(); ++iter) { if (voice.events.find(*iter) == voice.events.end()) { has_all_required_event_types = false; break; } } if (!has_all_required_event_types) continue; } return static_cast(i); } } return -1; } void TtsController::VoicesChanged() { for (std::set::iterator iter = voices_changed_delegates_.begin(); iter != voices_changed_delegates_.end(); ++iter) { (*iter)->OnVoicesChanged(); } } void TtsController::AddVoicesChangedDelegate(VoicesChangedDelegate* delegate) { voices_changed_delegates_.insert(delegate); } void TtsController::RemoveVoicesChangedDelegate( VoicesChangedDelegate* delegate) { voices_changed_delegates_.erase(delegate); }