// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/ssl/ssl_manager.h" #include "app/l10n_util.h" #include "app/resource_bundle.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h" #include "chrome/browser/load_from_memory_cache_details.h" #include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host.h" #include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/resource_request_details.h" #include "chrome/browser/ssl/ssl_error_info.h" #include "chrome/browser/ssl/ssl_host_state.h" #include "chrome/browser/ssl/ssl_policy.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/infobar_delegate.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/navigation_controller.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/navigation_entry.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/provisional_load_details.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/tab_util.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_service.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_service.h" #include "grit/generated_resources.h" #include "grit/theme_resources.h" #include "net/base/cert_status_flags.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request.h" #include "webkit/glue/resource_type.h" #if defined(OS_WIN) // TODO(port): Port these files. #include "chrome/browser/load_notification_details.h" #include "views/controls/link.h" #else #include "chrome/common/temp_scaffolding_stubs.h" #endif using WebKit::WebConsoleMessage; class SSLInfoBarDelegate : public ConfirmInfoBarDelegate { public: SSLInfoBarDelegate(TabContents* contents, const std::wstring message, const std::wstring& button_label, Task* task) : ConfirmInfoBarDelegate(contents), message_(message), button_label_(button_label), task_(task) { } virtual ~SSLInfoBarDelegate() {} // Overridden from ConfirmInfoBarDelegate: virtual void InfoBarClosed() { delete this; } virtual std::wstring GetMessageText() const { return message_; } virtual SkBitmap* GetIcon() const { return ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetBitmapNamed( IDR_INFOBAR_SSL_WARNING); } virtual int GetButtons() const { return !button_label_.empty() ? BUTTON_OK : BUTTON_NONE; } virtual std::wstring GetButtonLabel(InfoBarButton button) const { return button_label_; } virtual bool Accept() { if (task_.get()) { task_->Run(); task_.reset(); // Ensures we won't run the task again. } return true; } private: // Labels for the InfoBar's message and button. std::wstring message_; std::wstring button_label_; // A task to run when the InfoBar is accepted. scoped_ptr task_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SSLInfoBarDelegate); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SSLManager // static void SSLManager::RegisterUserPrefs(PrefService* prefs) { prefs->RegisterIntegerPref(prefs::kMixedContentFiltering, FilterPolicy::DONT_FILTER); } SSLManager::SSLManager(NavigationController* controller, Delegate* delegate) : delegate_(delegate), controller_(controller), ssl_host_state_(controller->profile()->GetSSLHostState()) { DCHECK(controller_); // If do delegate is supplied, use the default policy. if (!delegate_) delegate_ = SSLPolicy::GetDefaultPolicy(); // Subscribe to various notifications. registrar_.Add(this, NotificationType::FAIL_PROVISIONAL_LOAD_WITH_ERROR, Source(controller_)); registrar_.Add(this, NotificationType::RESOURCE_RESPONSE_STARTED, Source(controller_)); registrar_.Add(this, NotificationType::RESOURCE_RECEIVED_REDIRECT, Source(controller_)); registrar_.Add(this, NotificationType::LOAD_FROM_MEMORY_CACHE, Source(controller_)); registrar_.Add(this, NotificationType::SSL_INTERNAL_STATE_CHANGED, NotificationService::AllSources()); } SSLManager::~SSLManager() { } // Delegate API method. void SSLManager::ShowMessage(const std::wstring& msg) { ShowMessageWithLink(msg, std::wstring(), NULL); } void SSLManager::ShowMessageWithLink(const std::wstring& msg, const std::wstring& link_text, Task* task) { if (controller_->pending_entry()) { // The main frame is currently loading, wait until the load is committed so // to show the error on the right page (once the location bar shows the // correct url). if (std::find(pending_messages_.begin(), pending_messages_.end(), msg) == pending_messages_.end()) pending_messages_.push_back(SSLMessageInfo(msg, link_text, task)); return; } NavigationEntry* entry = controller_->GetActiveEntry(); if (!entry) return; // Don't show the message if the user doesn't expect an authenticated session. if (entry->ssl().security_style() <= SECURITY_STYLE_UNAUTHENTICATED) return; if (controller_->tab_contents()) { controller_->tab_contents()->AddInfoBar( new SSLInfoBarDelegate(controller_->tab_contents(), msg, link_text, task)); } } // Delegate API method. bool SSLManager::SetMaxSecurityStyle(SecurityStyle style) { NavigationEntry* entry = controller_->GetActiveEntry(); if (!entry) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } if (entry->ssl().security_style() > style) { entry->ssl().set_security_style(style); return true; } return false; } // Delegate API method. void SSLManager::AddMessageToConsole(const string16& message, const WebConsoleMessage::Level& level) { controller_->tab_contents()->render_view_host()->AddMessageToConsole( string16(), message, level); } // Delegate API method. void SSLManager::MarkHostAsBroken(const std::string& host) { ssl_host_state_->MarkHostAsBroken(host); DispatchSSLInternalStateChanged(); } // Delegate API method. bool SSLManager::DidMarkHostAsBroken(const std::string& host) const { return ssl_host_state_->DidMarkHostAsBroken(host); } // Delegate API method. void SSLManager::DenyCertForHost(net::X509Certificate* cert, const std::string& host) { // Remember that we don't like this cert for this host. ssl_host_state_->DenyCertForHost(cert, host); } // Delegate API method. void SSLManager::AllowCertForHost(net::X509Certificate* cert, const std::string& host) { ssl_host_state_->AllowCertForHost(cert, host); } // Delegate API method. net::X509Certificate::Policy::Judgment SSLManager::QueryPolicy( net::X509Certificate* cert, const std::string& host) { return ssl_host_state_->QueryPolicy(cert, host); } // Delegate API method. void SSLManager::AllowMixedContentForHost(const std::string& host) { ssl_host_state_->AllowMixedContentForHost(host); } // Delegate API method. bool SSLManager::DidAllowMixedContentForHost(const std::string& host) const { return ssl_host_state_->DidAllowMixedContentForHost(host); } bool SSLManager::ProcessedSSLErrorFromRequest() const { NavigationEntry* entry = controller_->GetActiveEntry(); if (!entry) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } return net::IsCertStatusError(entry->ssl().cert_status()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ErrorHandler SSLManager::ErrorHandler::ErrorHandler(ResourceDispatcherHost* rdh, URLRequest* request, ResourceType::Type resource_type, const std::string& frame_origin, const std::string& main_frame_origin, MessageLoop* ui_loop) : ui_loop_(ui_loop), io_loop_(MessageLoop::current()), manager_(NULL), request_id_(0, 0), resource_dispatcher_host_(rdh), request_url_(request->url()), resource_type_(resource_type), frame_origin_(frame_origin), main_frame_origin_(main_frame_origin), request_has_been_notified_(false) { DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() != ui_loop); ResourceDispatcherHost::ExtraRequestInfo* info = ResourceDispatcherHost::ExtraInfoForRequest(request); request_id_.process_id = info->process_id; request_id_.request_id = info->request_id; if (!tab_util::GetTabContentsID(request, &render_process_host_id_, &tab_contents_id_)) NOTREACHED(); // This makes sure we don't disappear on the IO thread until we've given an // answer to the URLRequest. // // Release in CompleteCancelRequest, CompleteContinueRequest, // CompleteStartRequest or CompleteTakeNoAction. AddRef(); } void SSLManager::ErrorHandler::Dispatch() { DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == ui_loop_); TabContents* tab_contents = tab_util::GetTabContentsByID(render_process_host_id_, tab_contents_id_); if (!tab_contents) { // We arrived on the UI thread, but the tab we're looking for is no longer // here. OnDispatchFailed(); return; } // Hand ourselves off to the SSLManager. manager_ = tab_contents->controller().ssl_manager(); OnDispatched(); } TabContents* SSLManager::ErrorHandler::GetTabContents() { return tab_util::GetTabContentsByID(render_process_host_id_, tab_contents_id_); } void SSLManager::ErrorHandler::CancelRequest() { DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == ui_loop_); // We need to complete this task on the IO thread. io_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &SSLManager::ErrorHandler::CompleteCancelRequest, net::ERR_ABORTED)); } void SSLManager::ErrorHandler::DenyRequest() { DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == ui_loop_); // We need to complete this task on the IO thread. io_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &SSLManager::ErrorHandler::CompleteCancelRequest, net::ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE)); } void SSLManager::ErrorHandler::ContinueRequest() { DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == ui_loop_); // We need to complete this task on the IO thread. io_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &SSLManager::ErrorHandler::CompleteContinueRequest)); } void SSLManager::ErrorHandler::StartRequest(FilterPolicy::Type filter_policy) { DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == ui_loop_); // We need to complete this task on the IO thread. io_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &SSLManager::ErrorHandler::CompleteStartRequest, filter_policy)); } void SSLManager::ErrorHandler::TakeNoAction() { DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == ui_loop_); // We need to complete this task on the IO thread. io_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &SSLManager::ErrorHandler::CompleteTakeNoAction)); } void SSLManager::ErrorHandler::CompleteCancelRequest(int error) { DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == io_loop_); // It is important that we notify the URLRequest only once. If we try to // notify the request twice, it may no longer exist and |this| might have // already have been deleted. DCHECK(!request_has_been_notified_); if (!request_has_been_notified_) { URLRequest* request = resource_dispatcher_host_->GetURLRequest(request_id_); if (request) { // The request can be NULL if it was cancelled by the renderer (as the // result of the user navigating to a new page from the location bar). DLOG(INFO) << "CompleteCancelRequest() url: " << request->url().spec(); SSLManager::CertError* cert_error = AsCertError(); if (cert_error) request->SimulateSSLError(error, cert_error->ssl_info()); else request->SimulateError(error); } request_has_been_notified_ = true; // We're done with this object on the IO thread. Release(); } } void SSLManager::ErrorHandler::CompleteContinueRequest() { DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == io_loop_); // It is important that we notify the URLRequest only once. If we try to // notify the request twice, it may no longer exist and |this| might have // already have been deleted. DCHECK(!request_has_been_notified_); if (!request_has_been_notified_) { URLRequest* request = resource_dispatcher_host_->GetURLRequest(request_id_); if (request) { // The request can be NULL if it was cancelled by the renderer (as the // result of the user navigating to a new page from the location bar). DLOG(INFO) << "CompleteContinueRequest() url: " << request->url().spec(); request->ContinueDespiteLastError(); } request_has_been_notified_ = true; // We're done with this object on the IO thread. Release(); } } void SSLManager::ErrorHandler::CompleteStartRequest( FilterPolicy::Type filter_policy) { DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == io_loop_); // It is important that we notify the URLRequest only once. If we try to // notify the request twice, it may no longer exist and |this| might have // already have been deleted. DCHECK(!request_has_been_notified_); if (request_has_been_notified_) return; URLRequest* request = resource_dispatcher_host_->GetURLRequest(request_id_); if (request) { // The request can be NULL if it was cancelled by the renderer (as the // result of the user navigating to a new page from the location bar). DLOG(INFO) << "CompleteStartRequest() url: " << request->url().spec(); // The request should not have been started (SUCCESS is the initial state). DCHECK(request->status().status() == URLRequestStatus::SUCCESS); ResourceDispatcherHost::ExtraRequestInfo* info = ResourceDispatcherHost::ExtraInfoForRequest(request); info->filter_policy = filter_policy; request->Start(); } request_has_been_notified_ = true; // We're done with this object on the IO thread. Release(); } void SSLManager::ErrorHandler::CompleteTakeNoAction() { DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == io_loop_); // It is important that we notify the URLRequest only once. If we try to // notify the request twice, it may no longer exist and |this| might have // already have been deleted. DCHECK(!request_has_been_notified_); if (!request_has_been_notified_) { request_has_been_notified_ = true; // We're done with this object on the IO thread. Release(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CertError SSLManager::CertError::CertError( ResourceDispatcherHost* rdh, URLRequest* request, ResourceType::Type resource_type, const std::string& frame_origin, const std::string& main_frame_origin, int cert_error, net::X509Certificate* cert, MessageLoop* ui_loop) : ErrorHandler(rdh, request, resource_type, frame_origin, main_frame_origin, ui_loop), cert_error_(cert_error) { DCHECK(request == resource_dispatcher_host_->GetURLRequest(request_id_)); // We cannot use the request->ssl_info(), it's not been initialized yet, so // we have to set the fields manually. ssl_info_.cert = cert; ssl_info_.SetCertError(cert_error); } // static void SSLManager::OnSSLCertificateError(ResourceDispatcherHost* rdh, URLRequest* request, int cert_error, net::X509Certificate* cert, MessageLoop* ui_loop) { DLOG(INFO) << "OnSSLCertificateError() cert_error: " << cert_error << " url: " << request->url().spec(); ResourceDispatcherHost::ExtraRequestInfo* info = ResourceDispatcherHost::ExtraInfoForRequest(request); DCHECK(info); // A certificate error occurred. Construct a CertError object and hand it // over to the UI thread for processing. ui_loop->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(new CertError(rdh, request, info->resource_type, info->frame_origin, info->main_frame_origin, cert_error, cert, ui_loop), &CertError::Dispatch)); } // static bool SSLManager::ShouldStartRequest(ResourceDispatcherHost* rdh, URLRequest* request, MessageLoop* ui_loop) { ResourceDispatcherHost::ExtraRequestInfo* info = ResourceDispatcherHost::ExtraInfoForRequest(request); DCHECK(info); // We cheat here and talk to the SSLPolicy on the IO thread because we need // to respond synchronously to avoid delaying all network requests... if (!SSLPolicy::IsMixedContent(request->url(), info->resource_type, info->filter_policy, info->frame_origin)) return true; ui_loop->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(new MixedContentHandler(rdh, request, info->resource_type, info->frame_origin, info->main_frame_origin, ui_loop), &MixedContentHandler::Dispatch)); return false; } void SSLManager::OnCertError(CertError* error) { delegate()->OnCertError(error); } void SSLManager::OnMixedContent(MixedContentHandler* handler) { delegate()->OnMixedContent(handler); } void SSLManager::Observe(NotificationType type, const NotificationSource& source, const NotificationDetails& details) { // Dispatch by type. switch (type.value) { case NotificationType::FAIL_PROVISIONAL_LOAD_WITH_ERROR: DidFailProvisionalLoadWithError( Details(details).ptr()); break; case NotificationType::RESOURCE_RESPONSE_STARTED: DidStartResourceResponse(Details(details).ptr()); break; case NotificationType::RESOURCE_RECEIVED_REDIRECT: DidReceiveResourceRedirect( Details(details).ptr()); break; case NotificationType::LOAD_FROM_MEMORY_CACHE: DidLoadFromMemoryCache( Details(details).ptr()); break; case NotificationType::SSL_INTERNAL_STATE_CHANGED: DidChangeSSLInternalState(); break; default: NOTREACHED() << "The SSLManager received an unexpected notification."; } } void SSLManager::DispatchSSLInternalStateChanged() { NotificationService::current()->Notify( NotificationType::SSL_INTERNAL_STATE_CHANGED, Source(controller_), NotificationService::NoDetails()); } void SSLManager::DispatchSSLVisibleStateChanged() { NotificationService::current()->Notify( NotificationType::SSL_VISIBLE_STATE_CHANGED, Source(controller_), NotificationService::NoDetails()); } void SSLManager::UpdateEntry(NavigationEntry* entry) { // We don't always have a navigation entry to update, for example in the // case of the Web Inspector. if (!entry) return; NavigationEntry::SSLStatus original_ssl_status = entry->ssl(); // Copy! delegate()->UpdateEntry(this, entry); if (!entry->ssl().Equals(original_ssl_status)) DispatchSSLVisibleStateChanged(); } void SSLManager::DidLoadFromMemoryCache(LoadFromMemoryCacheDetails* details) { DCHECK(details); // Simulate loading this resource through the usual path. // Note that we specify SUB_RESOURCE as the resource type as WebCore only // caches sub-resources. // This resource must have been loaded with FilterPolicy::DONT_FILTER because // filtered resouces aren't cachable. scoped_refptr info = new RequestInfo( this, details->url(), ResourceType::SUB_RESOURCE, details->frame_origin(), details->main_frame_origin(), FilterPolicy::DONT_FILTER, details->ssl_cert_id(), details->ssl_cert_status()); // Simulate loading this resource through the usual path. delegate()->OnRequestStarted(info.get()); } void SSLManager::DidCommitProvisionalLoad( const NotificationDetails& in_details) { NavigationController::LoadCommittedDetails* details = Details(in_details).ptr(); // Ignore in-page navigations, they should not change the security style or // the info-bars. if (details->is_in_page) return; NavigationEntry* entry = controller_->GetActiveEntry(); if (details->is_main_frame) { if (entry) { // Decode the security details. int ssl_cert_id, ssl_cert_status, ssl_security_bits; DeserializeSecurityInfo(details->serialized_security_info, &ssl_cert_id, &ssl_cert_status, &ssl_security_bits); // We may not have an entry if this is a navigation to an initial blank // page. Reset the SSL information and add the new data we have. entry->ssl() = NavigationEntry::SSLStatus(); entry->ssl().set_cert_id(ssl_cert_id); entry->ssl().set_cert_status(ssl_cert_status); entry->ssl().set_security_bits(ssl_security_bits); } ShowPendingMessages(); } UpdateEntry(entry); } void SSLManager::DidFailProvisionalLoadWithError( ProvisionalLoadDetails* details) { DCHECK(details); // Ignore in-page navigations. if (details->in_page_navigation()) return; if (details->main_frame()) ClearPendingMessages(); } void SSLManager::DidStartResourceResponse(ResourceRequestDetails* details) { DCHECK(details); scoped_refptr info = new RequestInfo( this, details->url(), details->resource_type(), details->frame_origin(), details->main_frame_origin(), details->filter_policy(), details->ssl_cert_id(), details->ssl_cert_status()); // Notify our delegate that we started a resource request. Ideally, the // delegate should have the ability to cancel the request, but we can't do // that yet. delegate()->OnRequestStarted(info.get()); } void SSLManager::DidReceiveResourceRedirect(ResourceRedirectDetails* details) { // TODO(abarth): Make sure our redirect behavior is correct. If we ever see // a non-HTTPS resource in the redirect chain, we want to // trigger mixed content, even if the redirect chain goes back // to HTTPS. This is because the network attacker can redirect // the HTTP request to https://attacker.com/payload.js. } void SSLManager::ShowPendingMessages() { std::vector::const_iterator iter; for (iter = pending_messages_.begin(); iter != pending_messages_.end(); ++iter) { ShowMessageWithLink(iter->message, iter->link_text, iter->action); } ClearPendingMessages(); } void SSLManager::DidChangeSSLInternalState() { UpdateEntry(controller_->GetActiveEntry()); } void SSLManager::ClearPendingMessages() { pending_messages_.clear(); } // static std::string SSLManager::SerializeSecurityInfo(int cert_id, int cert_status, int security_bits) { Pickle pickle; pickle.WriteInt(cert_id); pickle.WriteInt(cert_status); pickle.WriteInt(security_bits); return std::string(static_cast(pickle.data()), pickle.size()); } // static bool SSLManager::DeserializeSecurityInfo(const std::string& state, int* cert_id, int* cert_status, int* security_bits) { DCHECK(cert_id && cert_status && security_bits); if (state.empty()) { // No SSL used. *cert_id = 0; *cert_status = 0; *security_bits = -1; return false; } Pickle pickle(state.data(), static_cast(state.size())); void * iter = NULL; return pickle.ReadInt(&iter, cert_id) && pickle.ReadInt(&iter, cert_status) && pickle.ReadInt(&iter, security_bits); } // static bool SSLManager::GetEVCertNames(const net::X509Certificate& cert, std::wstring* short_name, std::wstring* ca_name) { DCHECK(short_name || ca_name); // EV are required to have an organization name and country. if (cert.subject().organization_names.empty() || cert.subject().country_name.empty()) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } if (short_name) { *short_name = l10n_util::GetStringF( IDS_SECURE_CONNECTION_EV, UTF8ToWide(cert.subject().organization_names[0]), UTF8ToWide(cert.subject().country_name)); } if (ca_name) { // TODO(wtc): should we show the root CA's name instead? *ca_name = l10n_util::GetStringF( IDS_SECURE_CONNECTION_EV_CA, UTF8ToWide(cert.issuer().organization_names[0])); } return true; }