// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/ssl_blocking_page.h" #include "base/string_piece.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_resources.h" #include "chrome/browser/cert_store.h" #include "chrome/browser/dom_operation_notification_details.h" #include "chrome/browser/navigation_controller.h" #include "chrome/browser/navigation_entry.h" #include "chrome/browser/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/render_view_host.h" #include "chrome/browser/ssl_error_info.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents.h" #include "chrome/browser/web_contents.h" #include "chrome/common/jstemplate_builder.h" #include "chrome/common/l10n_util.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_service.h" #include "chrome/common/resource_bundle.h" #include "generated_resources.h" // static SSLBlockingPage::SSLBlockingPageMap* SSLBlockingPage::tab_to_blocking_page_ = NULL; SSLBlockingPage::SSLBlockingPage(SSLManager::CertError* error, Delegate* delegate) : error_(error), delegate_(delegate), delegate_has_been_notified_(false), remove_last_entry_(true), created_nav_entry_(false) { InitSSLBlockingPageMap(); // Remember the tab, because we might not be able to get to it later // via the error. tab_ = error->GetTabContents(); DCHECK(tab_); // If there's already an interstitial in this tab, then we're about to // replace it. We should be ok with just deleting the previous // SSLBlockingPage (not hiding it first), since we're about to be shown. SSLBlockingPageMap::const_iterator iter = tab_to_blocking_page_->find(tab_); if (iter != tab_to_blocking_page_->end()) { // Deleting the SSLBlockingPage will also remove it from the map. delete iter->second; // Since WebContents::InterstitialPageGone won't be called, we need // to clear the last NavigationEntry manually. tab_->controller()->RemoveLastEntry(); } (*tab_to_blocking_page_)[tab_] = this; // Register notifications so we can delete ourself if the tab is closed. NotificationService::current()->AddObserver(this, NOTIFY_TAB_CLOSING, Source(tab_->controller())); NotificationService::current()->AddObserver(this, NOTIFY_INTERSTITIAL_PAGE_CLOSED, Source(tab_->controller())); // Register for DOM operations, this is how the blocking page notifies us of // what the user chooses. NotificationService::current()->AddObserver(this, NOTIFY_DOM_OPERATION_RESPONSE, Source(tab_)); } SSLBlockingPage::~SSLBlockingPage() { NotificationService::current()->RemoveObserver(this, NOTIFY_TAB_CLOSING, Source(tab_->controller())); NotificationService::current()->RemoveObserver(this, NOTIFY_INTERSTITIAL_PAGE_CLOSED, Source(tab_->controller())); NotificationService::current()->RemoveObserver(this, NOTIFY_DOM_OPERATION_RESPONSE, Source(tab_)); SSLBlockingPageMap::iterator iter = tab_to_blocking_page_->find(tab_); DCHECK(iter != tab_to_blocking_page_->end()); tab_to_blocking_page_->erase(iter); if (!delegate_has_been_notified_) { // The page is closed without the user having chosen what to do, default to // deny. NotifyDenyCertificate(); } } void SSLBlockingPage::Show() { // Let's build the html error page. DictionaryValue strings; SSLErrorInfo error_info = delegate_->GetSSLErrorInfo(error_); strings.SetString(L"title", l10n_util::GetString(IDS_SSL_BLOCKING_PAGE_TITLE)); strings.SetString(L"headLine", error_info.title()); strings.SetString(L"description", error_info.details()); strings.SetString(L"moreInfoTitle", l10n_util::GetString(IDS_CERT_ERROR_EXTRA_INFO_TITLE)); SetExtraInfo(&strings, error_info.extra_information()); strings.SetString(L"proceed", l10n_util::GetString(IDS_SSL_BLOCKING_PAGE_PROCEED)); strings.SetString(L"exit", l10n_util::GetString(IDS_SSL_BLOCKING_PAGE_EXIT)); strings.SetString(L"textdirection", (l10n_util::GetTextDirection() == l10n_util::RIGHT_TO_LEFT) ? L"rtl" : L"ltr"); static const StringPiece html( ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetRawDataResource( IDR_SSL_ROAD_BLOCK_HTML)); std::string html_text(jstemplate_builder::GetTemplateHtml(html, &strings, "template_root")); DCHECK(tab_->type() == TAB_CONTENTS_WEB); WebContents* tab = tab_->AsWebContents(); const net::SSLInfo& ssl_info = error_->ssl_info(); int cert_id = CertStore::GetSharedInstance()->StoreCert( ssl_info.cert, tab->render_view_host()->process()->host_id()); NavigationEntry* nav_entry = new NavigationEntry(TAB_CONTENTS_WEB); if (tab_->controller()->GetPendingEntryIndex() == -1) { // New navigation. // We set the page ID to max page id so to ensure the controller considers // this dummy entry a new one. Because we'll remove the entry when the // interstitial is going away, it will not conflict with any future // navigations. created_nav_entry_ = true; nav_entry->set_page_id(tab_->GetMaxPageID() + 1); nav_entry->set_url(error_->request_url()); } else { // Make sure to update the current entry ssl state to reflect the error. *nav_entry = *(tab_->controller()->GetPendingEntry()); } nav_entry->set_page_type(NavigationEntry::INTERSTITIAL_PAGE); nav_entry->ssl().set_security_style(SECURITY_STYLE_AUTHENTICATION_BROKEN); nav_entry->ssl().set_cert_id(cert_id); nav_entry->ssl().set_cert_status(ssl_info.cert_status); nav_entry->ssl().set_security_bits(ssl_info.security_bits); // The controller will own the entry. tab_->controller()->DidNavigateToEntry(nav_entry); tab->ShowInterstitialPage(html_text, NULL); } void SSLBlockingPage::Observe(NotificationType type, const NotificationSource& source, const NotificationDetails& details) { switch (type) { case NOTIFY_TAB_CLOSING: case NOTIFY_INTERSTITIAL_PAGE_CLOSED: { // We created a navigation entry for the interstitial, remove it. // Note that we don't remove the entry if we are closing all tabs so that // the last entry is kept for the restoring on next start-up. Browser* browser = Browser::GetBrowserForController(tab_->controller(), NULL); if (remove_last_entry_ && !browser->tabstrip_model()->closing_all()) { tab_->controller()->RemoveLastEntry(); } delete this; break; } case NOTIFY_DOM_OPERATION_RESPONSE: { std::string json = Details(details)->json(); if (json == "1") { Proceed(); } else { DontProceed(); } break; } default: NOTREACHED(); } } void SSLBlockingPage::Proceed() { // We hide the interstitial page first as allowing the certificate will // resume the request and we want the WebContents back to showing the // non interstitial page (otherwise the request completion messages may // confuse the WebContents if it is still showing the interstitial // page). DCHECK(tab_->type() == TAB_CONTENTS_WEB); tab_->AsWebContents()->HideInterstitialPage(true, true); // Accepting the certificate resumes the loading of the page. NotifyAllowCertificate(); // Do not remove the navigation entry if we have not created it explicitly // as in such cases (session restore) the controller would not create a new // entry on navigation since the page id is less than max page id. if (!created_nav_entry_) remove_last_entry_ = false; } void SSLBlockingPage::DontProceed() { NotifyDenyCertificate(); // We are navigating, remove the current entry before we mess with it. remove_last_entry_ = false; tab_->controller()->RemoveLastEntry(); NavigationEntry* entry = tab_->controller()->GetActiveEntry(); if (!entry) { // Nothing to go to, default to about:blank. Navigating will cause the // interstitial to hide which will trigger "this" to be deleted. tab_->controller()->LoadURL(GURL("about:blank"), PageTransition::AUTO_BOOKMARK); } else if (entry->tab_type() != TAB_CONTENTS_WEB) { // Not a WebContent, reload it so to recreate the TabContents for it. tab_->controller()->Reload(); } else { DCHECK(tab_->type() == TAB_CONTENTS_WEB); if (entry->restored()) { // If this page was restored, it is not available, we have to navigate to // it. tab_->controller()->GoToOffset(0); } else { tab_->AsWebContents()->HideInterstitialPage(false, false); } } // WARNING: we are now deleted! } // static void SSLBlockingPage::InitSSLBlockingPageMap() { if (!tab_to_blocking_page_) tab_to_blocking_page_ = new SSLBlockingPageMap; } void SSLBlockingPage::NotifyDenyCertificate() { DCHECK(!delegate_has_been_notified_); delegate_->OnDenyCertificate(error_); delegate_has_been_notified_ = true; } void SSLBlockingPage::NotifyAllowCertificate() { DCHECK(!delegate_has_been_notified_); delegate_->OnAllowCertificate(error_); delegate_has_been_notified_ = true; } // static SSLBlockingPage* SSLBlockingPage::GetSSLBlockingPage( TabContents* tab_contents) { InitSSLBlockingPageMap(); SSLBlockingPageMap::const_iterator iter = tab_to_blocking_page_->find(tab_contents); if (iter == tab_to_blocking_page_->end()) return NULL; return iter->second; } // static void SSLBlockingPage::SetExtraInfo( DictionaryValue* strings, const std::vector& extra_info) { DCHECK(extra_info.size() < 5); // We allow 5 paragraphs max. const std::wstring keys[5] = { L"moreInfo1", L"moreInfo2", L"moreInfo3", L"moreInfo4", L"moreInfo5" }; int i; for (i = 0; i < static_cast(extra_info.size()); i++) { strings->SetString(keys[i], extra_info[i]); } for (;i < 5; i++) { strings->SetString(keys[i], L""); } }