// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/sync/engine/syncapi.h" #include "build/build_config.h" #if defined(OS_WIN) #include #include #elif defined(OS_MACOSX) #include #include "base/condition_variable.h" #include "base/scoped_cftyperef.h" #include "base/sys_string_conversions.h" #endif #if defined(OS_LINUX) #include #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/lock.h" #include "base/platform_thread.h" #include "base/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/task.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/engine/all_status.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/engine/auth_watcher.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/engine/change_reorder_buffer.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/engine/model_safe_worker.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/engine/net/gaia_authenticator.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/engine/net/server_connection_manager.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/engine/net/syncapi_server_connection_manager.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/engine/syncer.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/engine/syncer_thread.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/notifier/listener/talk_mediator.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/notifier/listener/talk_mediator_impl.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/protocol/bookmark_specifics.pb.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/protocol/preference_specifics.pb.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/protocol/service_constants.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/sessions/sync_session_context.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/syncable/directory_manager.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/syncable/syncable.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/util/character_set_converters.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/util/closure.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/util/crypto_helpers.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/util/event_sys.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/util/path_helpers.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/util/user_settings.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h" #if defined(OS_WIN) #pragma comment(lib, "iphlpapi.lib") #endif using browser_sync::AllStatus; using browser_sync::AllStatusEvent; using browser_sync::AuthWatcher; using browser_sync::AuthWatcherEvent; using browser_sync::ModelSafeWorker; using browser_sync::ModelSafeWorkerRegistrar; using browser_sync::Syncer; using browser_sync::SyncerEvent; using browser_sync::SyncerThread; using browser_sync::UserSettings; using browser_sync::TalkMediator; using browser_sync::TalkMediatorImpl; using browser_sync::sessions::SyncSessionContext; using std::list; using std::hex; using std::string; using std::vector; using syncable::Directory; using syncable::DirectoryManager; using syncable::SPECIFICS; typedef GoogleServiceAuthError AuthError; #if defined(OS_WIN) static const int kServerReachablePollingIntervalMsec = 60000 * 60; #endif static const int kThreadExitTimeoutMsec = 60000; static const int kSSLPort = 443; struct AddressWatchTaskParams { browser_sync::ServerConnectionManager* conn_mgr; #if defined(OS_WIN) HANDLE exit_flag; AddressWatchTaskParams() : conn_mgr(NULL), exit_flag() {} #elif defined(OS_LINUX) int exit_pipe[2]; AddressWatchTaskParams() : conn_mgr(NULL) {} #elif defined(OS_MACOSX) // Protects run_loop and run_loop_initialized. Lock run_loop_lock; // May be NULL if an error was encountered by the AddressWatchTask. CFRunLoopRef run_loop; bool run_loop_initialized; // Signalled when run_loop and run_loop_initialized are set. ConditionVariable params_set; AddressWatchTaskParams() : conn_mgr(NULL), run_loop(NULL), run_loop_initialized(false), params_set(&run_loop_lock) {} #endif private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AddressWatchTaskParams); }; #if defined(OS_MACOSX) CFStringRef NetworkReachabilityCopyDescription(const void *info) { return base::SysUTF8ToCFStringRef( StringPrintf("AddressWatchTask(0x%p)", info)); } void NetworkReachabilityChangedCallback(SCNetworkReachabilityRef target, SCNetworkConnectionFlags flags, void* info) { bool network_active = ((flags & (kSCNetworkFlagsReachable | kSCNetworkFlagsConnectionRequired | kSCNetworkFlagsConnectionAutomatic | kSCNetworkFlagsInterventionRequired)) == kSCNetworkFlagsReachable); LOG(INFO) << "Network reachability changed: it is now " << (network_active ? "active" : "inactive"); AddressWatchTaskParams* params = static_cast(info); if (network_active) { params->conn_mgr->CheckServerReachable(); } else { params->conn_mgr->SetServerUnreachable(); } LOG(INFO) << "Network reachability callback finished"; } SCNetworkReachabilityRef CreateAndScheduleNetworkReachability( SCNetworkReachabilityContext* network_reachability_context, const char* nodename) { scoped_cftyperef network_reachability( SCNetworkReachabilityCreateWithName(kCFAllocatorDefault, nodename)); if (!network_reachability.get()) { LOG(WARNING) << "Could not create network reachability object"; return NULL; } if (!SCNetworkReachabilitySetCallback(network_reachability.get(), &NetworkReachabilityChangedCallback, network_reachability_context)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Could not set network reachability callback"; return NULL; } if (!SCNetworkReachabilityScheduleWithRunLoop(network_reachability.get(), CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Could not schedule network reachability with run loop"; return NULL; } return network_reachability.release(); } #endif // TODO(akalin): This code needs some serious refactoring. At the // very least, all the gross platform-specific code should be put in // one place; ideally, the code shared between this and the network // status detector (in sync/notifier) will be put in one place. // This thread calls CheckServerReachable() whenever a change occurs in the // table that maps IP addresses to interfaces, for example when the user // unplugs his network cable. class AddressWatchTask : public Task { public: explicit AddressWatchTask(AddressWatchTaskParams* params) : params_(params) {} virtual ~AddressWatchTask() {} virtual void Run() { LOG(INFO) << "starting the address watch thread"; #if defined(OS_WIN) OVERLAPPED overlapped = {0}; overlapped.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, TRUE, NULL); HANDLE file; DWORD rc = WAIT_OBJECT_0; while (true) { // Only call NotifyAddrChange() after the IP address has changed or if // this is the first time through the loop. if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == rc) { ResetEvent(overlapped.hEvent); DWORD notify_result = NotifyAddrChange(&file, &overlapped); if (ERROR_IO_PENDING != notify_result) { LOG(ERROR) << "NotifyAddrChange() returned unexpected result " << hex << notify_result; break; } } HANDLE events[] = { overlapped.hEvent, params_->exit_flag }; rc = WaitForMultipleObjects(ARRAYSIZE(events), events, FALSE, kServerReachablePollingIntervalMsec); // If the exit flag was signaled, the thread will exit. if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1 == rc) break; params_->conn_mgr->CheckServerReachable(); } CloseHandle(overlapped.hEvent); #elif defined(OS_LINUX) struct sockaddr_nl socket_address; memset(&socket_address, 0, sizeof(socket_address)); socket_address.nl_family = AF_NETLINK; socket_address.nl_groups = RTMGRP_LINK | RTMGRP_IPV4_IFADDR; // NETLINK_ROUTE is the protocol used to update the kernel routing table. int fd = socket(AF_NETLINK, SOCK_RAW, NETLINK_ROUTE); bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *) &socket_address, sizeof(socket_address)); while (true) { fd_set rdfs; FD_ZERO(&rdfs); FD_SET(fd, &rdfs); FD_SET(params_->exit_pipe[0], &rdfs); int max_fd = fd > params_->exit_pipe[0] ? fd : params_->exit_pipe[0]; int result = select(max_fd + 1, &rdfs, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (result < 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "select() returned unexpected result " << result; break; } // If exit_pipe was written to, we're done. if (FD_ISSET(params_->exit_pipe[0], &rdfs)) { break; } // If fd is set, the network address might have changed. if (FD_ISSET(fd, &rdfs)) { char buf[4096]; struct iovec iov = { buf, sizeof(buf) }; struct sockaddr_nl sa; struct msghdr msg = { (void *)&sa, sizeof(sa), &iov, 1, NULL, 0, 0 }; recvmsg(fd, &msg, 0); params_->conn_mgr->CheckServerReachable(); } else { break; } } close(params_->exit_pipe[0]); #elif defined(OS_MACOSX) SCNetworkReachabilityContext network_reachability_context; network_reachability_context.version = 0; network_reachability_context.info = static_cast(params_); network_reachability_context.retain = NULL; network_reachability_context.release = NULL; network_reachability_context.copyDescription = &NetworkReachabilityCopyDescription; std::string hostname = params_->conn_mgr->GetServerHost(); if (hostname.empty()) { { AutoLock auto_lock(params_->run_loop_lock); params_->run_loop = NULL; params_->run_loop_initialized = true; } params_->params_set.Signal(); LOG(INFO) << "Empty hostname -- stopping address watch thread"; return; } LOG(INFO) << "Monitoring connection to " << hostname; scoped_cftyperef network_reachability( CreateAndScheduleNetworkReachability( &network_reachability_context, hostname.c_str())); if (!network_reachability.get()) { { AutoLock auto_lock(params_->run_loop_lock); params_->run_loop = NULL; params_->run_loop_initialized = true; } params_->params_set.Signal(); LOG(INFO) << "The address watch thread has stopped due to an error"; return; } CFRunLoopRef run_loop = CFRunLoopGetCurrent(); { AutoLock auto_lock(params_->run_loop_lock); params_->run_loop = run_loop; params_->run_loop_initialized = true; } params_->params_set.Signal(); CFRunLoopRun(); #endif LOG(INFO) << "The address watch thread has stopped"; } private: AddressWatchTaskParams* const params_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AddressWatchTask); }; namespace sync_api { static const FilePath::CharType kBookmarkSyncUserSettingsDatabase[] = FILE_PATH_LITERAL("BookmarkSyncSettings.sqlite3"); static const char kDefaultNameForNewNodes[] = " "; // The list of names which are reserved for use by the server. static const char* kForbiddenServerNames[] = { "", ".", ".." }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Static helper functions. // Helper function to look up the int64 metahandle of an object given the ID // string. static int64 IdToMetahandle(syncable::BaseTransaction* trans, const syncable::Id& id) { syncable::Entry entry(trans, syncable::GET_BY_ID, id); if (!entry.good()) return kInvalidId; return entry.Get(syncable::META_HANDLE); } // Checks whether |name| is a server-illegal name followed by zero or more space // characters. The three server-illegal names are the empty string, dot, and // dot-dot. Very long names (>255 bytes in UTF-8 Normalization Form C) are // also illegal, but are not considered here. static bool IsNameServerIllegalAfterTrimming(const std::string& name) { size_t untrimmed_count = name.find_last_not_of(' ') + 1; for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kForbiddenServerNames); ++i) { if (name.compare(0, untrimmed_count, kForbiddenServerNames[i]) == 0) return true; } return false; } static bool EndsWithSpace(const std::string& string) { return !string.empty() && *string.rbegin() == ' '; } // When taking a name from the syncapi, append a space if it matches the // pattern of a server-illegal name followed by zero or more spaces. static void SyncAPINameToServerName(const std::wstring& sync_api_name, std::string* out) { *out = WideToUTF8(sync_api_name); if (IsNameServerIllegalAfterTrimming(*out)) out->append(" "); } // In the reverse direction, if a server name matches the pattern of a // server-illegal name followed by one or more spaces, remove the trailing // space. static void ServerNameToSyncAPIName(const std::string& server_name, std::wstring* out) { int length_to_copy = server_name.length(); if (IsNameServerIllegalAfterTrimming(server_name) && EndsWithSpace(server_name)) --length_to_copy; if (!UTF8ToWide(server_name.c_str(), length_to_copy, out)) { NOTREACHED() << "Could not convert server name from UTF8 to wide"; } } // A UserShare encapsulates the syncable pieces that represent an authenticated // user and their data (share). // This encompasses all pieces required to build transaction objects on the // syncable share. struct UserShare { // The DirectoryManager itself, which is the parent of Transactions and can // be shared across multiple threads (unlike Directory). scoped_ptr dir_manager; // The username of the sync user. This is empty until we have performed at // least one successful GAIA authentication with this username, which means // on first-run it is empty until an AUTH_SUCCEEDED event and on future runs // it is set as soon as the client instructs us to authenticate for the last // known valid user (AuthenticateForLastKnownUser()). std::string authenticated_name; }; //////////////////////////////////// // BaseNode member definitions. BaseNode::BaseNode() {} BaseNode::~BaseNode() {} int64 BaseNode::GetParentId() const { return IdToMetahandle(GetTransaction()->GetWrappedTrans(), GetEntry()->Get(syncable::PARENT_ID)); } int64 BaseNode::GetId() const { return GetEntry()->Get(syncable::META_HANDLE); } bool BaseNode::GetIsFolder() const { return GetEntry()->Get(syncable::IS_DIR); } std::wstring BaseNode::GetTitle() const { std::wstring result; ServerNameToSyncAPIName(GetEntry()->Get(syncable::NON_UNIQUE_NAME), &result); return result; } GURL BaseNode::GetURL() const { return GURL(GetBookmarkSpecifics().url()); } int64 BaseNode::GetPredecessorId() const { syncable::Id id_string = GetEntry()->Get(syncable::PREV_ID); if (id_string.IsRoot()) return kInvalidId; return IdToMetahandle(GetTransaction()->GetWrappedTrans(), id_string); } int64 BaseNode::GetSuccessorId() const { syncable::Id id_string = GetEntry()->Get(syncable::NEXT_ID); if (id_string.IsRoot()) return kInvalidId; return IdToMetahandle(GetTransaction()->GetWrappedTrans(), id_string); } int64 BaseNode::GetFirstChildId() const { syncable::Directory* dir = GetTransaction()->GetLookup(); syncable::BaseTransaction* trans = GetTransaction()->GetWrappedTrans(); syncable::Id id_string = dir->GetFirstChildId(trans, GetEntry()->Get(syncable::ID)); if (id_string.IsRoot()) return kInvalidId; return IdToMetahandle(GetTransaction()->GetWrappedTrans(), id_string); } void BaseNode::GetFaviconBytes(std::vector* output) const { if (!output) return; const std::string& favicon = GetBookmarkSpecifics().favicon(); output->assign(reinterpret_cast(favicon.data()), reinterpret_cast(favicon.data() + favicon.length())); } int64 BaseNode::GetExternalId() const { return GetEntry()->Get(syncable::LOCAL_EXTERNAL_ID); } const sync_pb::BookmarkSpecifics& BaseNode::GetBookmarkSpecifics() const { DCHECK(GetModelType() == syncable::BOOKMARKS); return GetEntry()->Get(SPECIFICS).GetExtension(sync_pb::bookmark); } const sync_pb::PreferenceSpecifics& BaseNode::GetPreferenceSpecifics() const { DCHECK(GetModelType() == syncable::PREFERENCES); return GetEntry()->Get(SPECIFICS).GetExtension(sync_pb::preference); } syncable::ModelType BaseNode::GetModelType() const { return GetEntry()->GetModelType(); } //////////////////////////////////// // WriteNode member definitions void WriteNode::SetIsFolder(bool folder) { if (entry_->Get(syncable::IS_DIR) == folder) return; // Skip redundant changes. entry_->Put(syncable::IS_DIR, folder); MarkForSyncing(); } void WriteNode::SetTitle(const std::wstring& title) { std::string server_legal_name; SyncAPINameToServerName(title, &server_legal_name); string old_name = entry_->Get(syncable::NON_UNIQUE_NAME); if (server_legal_name == old_name) return; // Skip redundant changes. entry_->Put(syncable::NON_UNIQUE_NAME, server_legal_name); MarkForSyncing(); } void WriteNode::SetURL(const GURL& url) { sync_pb::BookmarkSpecifics new_value = GetBookmarkSpecifics(); new_value.set_url(url.spec()); SetBookmarkSpecifics(new_value); } void WriteNode::SetBookmarkSpecifics( const sync_pb::BookmarkSpecifics& new_value) { DCHECK(GetModelType() == syncable::BOOKMARKS); PutBookmarkSpecificsAndMarkForSyncing(new_value); } void WriteNode::PutBookmarkSpecificsAndMarkForSyncing( const sync_pb::BookmarkSpecifics& new_value) { sync_pb::EntitySpecifics entity_specifics; entity_specifics.MutableExtension(sync_pb::bookmark)->CopyFrom(new_value); PutSpecificsAndMarkForSyncing(entity_specifics); } void WriteNode::SetPreferenceSpecifics( const sync_pb::PreferenceSpecifics& new_value) { DCHECK(GetModelType() == syncable::PREFERENCES); PutPreferenceSpecificsAndMarkForSyncing(new_value); } void WriteNode::PutPreferenceSpecificsAndMarkForSyncing( const sync_pb::PreferenceSpecifics& new_value) { sync_pb::EntitySpecifics entity_specifics; entity_specifics.MutableExtension(sync_pb::preference)->CopyFrom(new_value); PutSpecificsAndMarkForSyncing(entity_specifics); } void WriteNode::PutSpecificsAndMarkForSyncing( const sync_pb::EntitySpecifics& specifics) { // Skip redundant changes. if (specifics.SerializeAsString() == entry_->Get(SPECIFICS).SerializeAsString()) { return; } entry_->Put(SPECIFICS, specifics); MarkForSyncing(); } void WriteNode::SetExternalId(int64 id) { if (GetExternalId() != id) entry_->Put(syncable::LOCAL_EXTERNAL_ID, id); } WriteNode::WriteNode(WriteTransaction* transaction) : entry_(NULL), transaction_(transaction) { DCHECK(transaction); } WriteNode::~WriteNode() { delete entry_; } // Find an existing node matching the ID |id|, and bind this WriteNode to it. // Return true on success. bool WriteNode::InitByIdLookup(int64 id) { DCHECK(!entry_) << "Init called twice"; DCHECK_NE(id, kInvalidId); entry_ = new syncable::MutableEntry(transaction_->GetWrappedWriteTrans(), syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, id); return (entry_->good() && !entry_->Get(syncable::IS_DEL)); } // Create a new node with default properties, and bind this WriteNode to it. // Return true on success. bool WriteNode::InitByCreation(syncable::ModelType model_type, const BaseNode& parent, const BaseNode* predecessor) { DCHECK(!entry_) << "Init called twice"; // |predecessor| must be a child of |parent| or NULL. if (predecessor && predecessor->GetParentId() != parent.GetId()) { DCHECK(false); return false; } syncable::Id parent_id = parent.GetEntry()->Get(syncable::ID); // Start out with a dummy name. We expect // the caller to set a meaningful name after creation. string dummy(kDefaultNameForNewNodes); entry_ = new syncable::MutableEntry(transaction_->GetWrappedWriteTrans(), syncable::CREATE, parent_id, dummy); if (!entry_->good()) return false; // Entries are untitled folders by default. entry_->Put(syncable::IS_DIR, true); // Set an empty specifics of the appropriate datatype. The presence // of the specific extension will identify the model type. switch (model_type) { case syncable::BOOKMARKS: PutBookmarkSpecificsAndMarkForSyncing( sync_pb::BookmarkSpecifics::default_instance()); break; case syncable::PREFERENCES: PutPreferenceSpecificsAndMarkForSyncing( sync_pb::PreferenceSpecifics::default_instance()); break; default: NOTREACHED(); } DCHECK(GetModelType() == model_type); // Now set the predecessor, which sets IS_UNSYNCED as necessary. PutPredecessor(predecessor); return true; } bool WriteNode::SetPosition(const BaseNode& new_parent, const BaseNode* predecessor) { // |predecessor| must be a child of |new_parent| or NULL. if (predecessor && predecessor->GetParentId() != new_parent.GetId()) { DCHECK(false); return false; } syncable::Id new_parent_id = new_parent.GetEntry()->Get(syncable::ID); // Filter out redundant changes if both the parent and the predecessor match. if (new_parent_id == entry_->Get(syncable::PARENT_ID)) { const syncable::Id& old = entry_->Get(syncable::PREV_ID); if ((!predecessor && old.IsRoot()) || (predecessor && (old == predecessor->GetEntry()->Get(syncable::ID)))) { return true; } } // Atomically change the parent. This will fail if it would // introduce a cycle in the hierarchy. if (!entry_->Put(syncable::PARENT_ID, new_parent_id)) return false; // Now set the predecessor, which sets IS_UNSYNCED as necessary. PutPredecessor(predecessor); return true; } const syncable::Entry* WriteNode::GetEntry() const { return entry_; } const BaseTransaction* WriteNode::GetTransaction() const { return transaction_; } void WriteNode::Remove() { entry_->Put(syncable::IS_DEL, true); MarkForSyncing(); } void WriteNode::PutPredecessor(const BaseNode* predecessor) { syncable::Id predecessor_id = predecessor ? predecessor->GetEntry()->Get(syncable::ID) : syncable::Id(); entry_->PutPredecessor(predecessor_id); // Mark this entry as unsynced, to wake up the syncer. MarkForSyncing(); } void WriteNode::SetFaviconBytes(const vector& bytes) { sync_pb::BookmarkSpecifics new_value = GetBookmarkSpecifics(); new_value.set_favicon(bytes.empty() ? NULL : &bytes[0], bytes.size()); SetBookmarkSpecifics(new_value); } void WriteNode::MarkForSyncing() { syncable::MarkForSyncing(entry_); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ReadNode member definitions ReadNode::ReadNode(const BaseTransaction* transaction) : entry_(NULL), transaction_(transaction) { DCHECK(transaction); } ReadNode::~ReadNode() { delete entry_; } void ReadNode::InitByRootLookup() { DCHECK(!entry_) << "Init called twice"; syncable::BaseTransaction* trans = transaction_->GetWrappedTrans(); entry_ = new syncable::Entry(trans, syncable::GET_BY_ID, trans->root_id()); if (!entry_->good()) DCHECK(false) << "Could not lookup root node for reading."; } bool ReadNode::InitByIdLookup(int64 id) { DCHECK(!entry_) << "Init called twice"; DCHECK_NE(id, kInvalidId); syncable::BaseTransaction* trans = transaction_->GetWrappedTrans(); entry_ = new syncable::Entry(trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, id); if (!entry_->good()) return false; if (entry_->Get(syncable::IS_DEL)) return false; syncable::ModelType model_type = GetModelType(); LOG_IF(WARNING, model_type == syncable::UNSPECIFIED || model_type == syncable::TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER) << "SyncAPI InitByIdLookup referencing unusual object."; return true; } const syncable::Entry* ReadNode::GetEntry() const { return entry_; } const BaseTransaction* ReadNode::GetTransaction() const { return transaction_; } bool ReadNode::InitByTagLookup(const std::string& tag) { DCHECK(!entry_) << "Init called twice"; if (tag.empty()) return false; syncable::BaseTransaction* trans = transaction_->GetWrappedTrans(); entry_ = new syncable::Entry(trans, syncable::GET_BY_TAG, tag); if (!entry_->good()) return false; if (entry_->Get(syncable::IS_DEL)) return false; syncable::ModelType model_type = GetModelType(); LOG_IF(WARNING, model_type == syncable::UNSPECIFIED || model_type == syncable::TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER) << "SyncAPI InitByTagLookup referencing unusually typed object."; return true; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ReadTransaction member definitions ReadTransaction::ReadTransaction(UserShare* share) : BaseTransaction(share), transaction_(NULL) { transaction_ = new syncable::ReadTransaction(GetLookup(), __FILE__, __LINE__); } ReadTransaction::~ReadTransaction() { delete transaction_; } syncable::BaseTransaction* ReadTransaction::GetWrappedTrans() const { return transaction_; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WriteTransaction member definitions WriteTransaction::WriteTransaction(UserShare* share) : BaseTransaction(share), transaction_(NULL) { transaction_ = new syncable::WriteTransaction(GetLookup(), syncable::SYNCAPI, __FILE__, __LINE__); } WriteTransaction::~WriteTransaction() { delete transaction_; } syncable::BaseTransaction* WriteTransaction::GetWrappedTrans() const { return transaction_; } // A GaiaAuthenticator that uses HttpPostProviders instead of CURL. class BridgedGaiaAuthenticator : public browser_sync::GaiaAuthenticator { public: BridgedGaiaAuthenticator(const string& user_agent, const string& service_id, const string& gaia_url, HttpPostProviderFactory* factory) : GaiaAuthenticator(user_agent, service_id, gaia_url), gaia_source_(user_agent), post_factory_(factory) { } virtual ~BridgedGaiaAuthenticator() { } virtual bool Post(const GURL& url, const string& post_body, unsigned long* response_code, string* response_body) { string connection_url = "https://"; connection_url += url.host(); connection_url += url.path(); HttpPostProviderInterface* http = post_factory_->Create(); http->SetUserAgent(gaia_source_.c_str()); // SSL is on 443 for Gaia Posts always. http->SetURL(connection_url.c_str(), kSSLPort); http->SetPostPayload("application/x-www-form-urlencoded", post_body.length(), post_body.c_str()); int os_error_code = 0; int int_response_code = 0; if (!http->MakeSynchronousPost(&os_error_code, &int_response_code)) { LOG(INFO) << "Http POST failed, error returns: " << os_error_code; return false; } *response_code = static_cast(int_response_code); response_body->assign(http->GetResponseContent(), http->GetResponseContentLength()); post_factory_->Destroy(http); return true; } private: const std::string gaia_source_; scoped_ptr post_factory_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(BridgedGaiaAuthenticator); }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SyncManager's implementation: SyncManager::SyncInternal class SyncManager::SyncInternal { public: explicit SyncInternal(SyncManager* sync_manager) : observer_(NULL), auth_problem_(AuthError::NONE), sync_manager_(sync_manager), address_watch_thread_("SyncEngine_AddressWatcher"), notification_pending_(false), initialized_(false) { } ~SyncInternal() { } bool Init(const FilePath& database_location, const std::string& sync_server_and_path, int port, const char* gaia_service_id, const char* gaia_source, bool use_ssl, HttpPostProviderFactory* post_factory, HttpPostProviderFactory* auth_post_factory, ModelSafeWorkerRegistrar* model_safe_worker_registrar, bool attempt_last_user_authentication, const char* user_agent, const std::string& lsid); // Tell sync engine to submit credentials to GAIA for verification and start // the syncing process on success. Successful GAIA authentication will kick // off the following chain of events: // 1. Cause sync engine to open the syncer database. // 2. Trigger the AuthWatcher to create a Syncer for the directory and call // SyncerThread::SyncDirectory; the SyncerThread will block until (4). // 3. Tell the ServerConnectionManager to pass the newly received GAIA auth // token to a sync server to obtain a sync token. // 4. On receipt of this token, the ServerConnectionManager broadcasts // a server-reachable event, which will unblock the SyncerThread, // and the rest is the future. // // If authentication fails, an event will be broadcast all the way up to // the SyncManager::Observer. It may, in turn, decide to try again with new // credentials. Calling this method again is the appropriate course of action // to "retry". void Authenticate(const std::string& username, const std::string& password, const std::string& captcha); // Call periodically from a database-safe thread to persist recent changes // to the syncapi model. void SaveChanges(); // This listener is called upon completion of a syncable transaction, and // builds the list of sync-engine initiated changes that will be forwarded to // the SyncManager's Observers. void HandleChangeEvent(const syncable::DirectoryChangeEvent& event); void HandleTransactionCompleteChangeEvent( const syncable::DirectoryChangeEvent& event); void HandleCalculateChangesChangeEventFromSyncApi( const syncable::DirectoryChangeEvent& event); void HandleCalculateChangesChangeEventFromSyncer( const syncable::DirectoryChangeEvent& event); // This listener is called by the syncer channel for all syncer events. void HandleSyncerEvent(const SyncerEvent& event); // We have a direct hookup to the authwatcher to be notified for auth failures // on startup, to serve our UI needs. void HandleAuthWatcherEvent(const AuthWatcherEvent& event); // Accessors for the private members. DirectoryManager* dir_manager() { return share_.dir_manager.get(); } SyncAPIServerConnectionManager* connection_manager() { return connection_manager_.get(); } SyncerThread* syncer_thread() { return syncer_thread_.get(); } TalkMediator* talk_mediator() { return talk_mediator_.get(); } AuthWatcher* auth_watcher() { return auth_watcher_.get(); } AllStatus* allstatus() { return &allstatus_; } void set_observer(Observer* observer) { observer_ = observer; } UserShare* GetUserShare() { return &share_; } // Return the currently active (validated) username for use with syncable // types. const std::string& username_for_share() const { return share_.authenticated_name; } // Note about SyncManager::Status implementation: Status is a trimmed // down AllStatus::Status, augmented with authentication failure information // gathered from the internal AuthWatcher. The sync UI itself hooks up to // various sources like the AuthWatcher individually, but with syncapi we try // to keep everything status-related in one place. This means we have to // privately manage state about authentication failures, and whenever the // status or status summary is requested we aggregate this state with // AllStatus::Status information. Status ComputeAggregatedStatus(); Status::Summary ComputeAggregatedStatusSummary(); // See SyncManager::SetupForTestMode for information. void SetupForTestMode(const std::wstring& test_username); // See SyncManager::Shutdown for information. void Shutdown(); // Whether we're initialized to the point of being able to accept changes // (and hence allow transaction creation). See initialized_ for details. bool initialized() const { AutoLock lock(initialized_mutex_); return initialized_; } private: // Try to authenticate using a LSID cookie. void AuthenticateWithLsid(const std::string& lsid); // Try to authenticate using persisted credentials from a previous successful // authentication. If no such credentials exist, calls OnAuthError on the // client to collect credentials. Otherwise, there exist local credentials // that were once used for a successful auth, so we'll try to re-use these. // Failure of that attempt will be communicated as normal using OnAuthError. // Since this entry point will bypass normal GAIA authentication and try to // authenticate directly with the sync service using a cached token, // authentication failure will generally occur due to expired credentials, or // possibly because of a password change. bool AuthenticateForUser(const std::string& username, const std::string& auth_token); // Helper to call OnAuthError when no authentication credentials are // available. void RaiseAuthNeededEvent(); // Helper to set initialized_ to true and raise an event to clients to notify // that initialization is complete and it is safe to send us changes. If // already initialized, this is a no-op. void MarkAndNotifyInitializationComplete(); // Determine if the parents or predecessors differ between the old and new // versions of an entry stored in |a| and |b|. Note that a node's index may // change without its NEXT_ID changing if the node at NEXT_ID also moved (but // the relative order is unchanged). To handle such cases, we rely on the // caller to treat a position update on any sibling as updating the positions // of all siblings. static bool VisiblePositionsDiffer(const syncable::EntryKernel& a, const syncable::Entry& b) { // If the datatype isn't one where the browser model cares about position, // don't bother notifying that data model of position-only changes. if (!b.ShouldMaintainPosition()) return false; if (a.ref(syncable::NEXT_ID) != b.Get(syncable::NEXT_ID)) return true; if (a.ref(syncable::PARENT_ID) != b.Get(syncable::PARENT_ID)) return true; return false; } // Determine if any of the fields made visible to clients of the Sync API // differ between the versions of an entry stored in |a| and |b|. A return // value of false means that it should be OK to ignore this change. static bool VisiblePropertiesDiffer(const syncable::EntryKernel& a, const syncable::Entry& b) { syncable::ModelType model_type = b.GetModelType(); // Suppress updates to items that aren't tracked by any browser model. if (model_type == syncable::UNSPECIFIED || model_type == syncable::TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER) { return false; } if (a.ref(syncable::NON_UNIQUE_NAME) != b.Get(syncable::NON_UNIQUE_NAME)) return true; if (a.ref(syncable::IS_DIR) != b.Get(syncable::IS_DIR)) return true; if (a.ref(SPECIFICS).SerializeAsString() != b.Get(SPECIFICS).SerializeAsString()) { return true; } if (VisiblePositionsDiffer(a, b)) return true; return false; } // We couple the DirectoryManager and username together in a UserShare member // so we can return a handle to share_ to clients of the API for use when // constructing any transaction type. UserShare share_; // A wrapper around a sqlite store used for caching authentication data, // last user information, current sync-related URLs, and more. scoped_ptr user_settings_; // Observer registered via SetObserver/RemoveObserver. // WARNING: This can be NULL! Observer* observer_; // The ServerConnectionManager used to abstract communication between the // client (the Syncer) and the sync server. scoped_ptr connection_manager_; // The thread that runs the Syncer. Needs to be explicitly Start()ed. scoped_refptr syncer_thread_; // Notification (xmpp) handler. scoped_ptr talk_mediator_; // A multi-purpose status watch object that aggregates stats from various // sync components. AllStatus allstatus_; // AuthWatcher kicks off the authentication process and follows it through // phase 1 (GAIA) to phase 2 (sync engine). As part of this work it determines // the initial connectivity and causes the server connection event to be // broadcast, which signals the syncer thread to start syncing. // It has a heavy duty constructor requiring boilerplate so we heap allocate. scoped_refptr auth_watcher_; // A store of change records produced by HandleChangeEvent during the // CALCULATE_CHANGES step, and to be processed, and forwarded to the // observer, by HandleChangeEvent during the TRANSACTION_COMPLETE step. ChangeReorderBuffer change_buffer_; // The event listener hookup that is registered for HandleChangeEvent. scoped_ptr dir_change_hookup_; // The event listener hookup registered for HandleSyncerEvent. scoped_ptr syncer_event_; // The event listener hookup registered for HandleAuthWatcherEvent. scoped_ptr authwatcher_hookup_; // Our cache of a recent authentication problem. If no authentication problem // occurred, or if the last problem encountered has been cleared (by a // subsequent AuthWatcherEvent), this is set to NONE. AuthError::State auth_problem_; // The sync dir_manager to which we belong. SyncManager* const sync_manager_; // Parameters for our thread listening to network status changes. base::Thread address_watch_thread_; AddressWatchTaskParams address_watch_params_; // True if the next SyncCycle should notify peers of an update. bool notification_pending_; // Set to true once Init has been called, and we know of an authenticated // valid) username either from a fresh authentication attempt (as in // first-use case) or from a previous attempt stored in our UserSettings // (as in the steady-state), and the syncable::Directory has been opened, // meaning we are ready to accept changes. Protected by initialized_mutex_ // as it can get read/set by both the SyncerThread and the AuthWatcherThread. bool initialized_; mutable Lock initialized_mutex_; }; SyncManager::SyncManager() { data_ = new SyncInternal(this); } bool SyncManager::Init(const FilePath& database_location, const char* sync_server_and_path, int sync_server_port, const char* gaia_service_id, const char* gaia_source, bool use_ssl, HttpPostProviderFactory* post_factory, HttpPostProviderFactory* auth_post_factory, ModelSafeWorkerRegistrar* registrar, bool attempt_last_user_authentication, const char* user_agent, const char* lsid) { DCHECK(post_factory); string server_string(sync_server_and_path); return data_->Init(database_location, server_string, sync_server_port, gaia_service_id, gaia_source, use_ssl, post_factory, auth_post_factory, registrar, attempt_last_user_authentication, user_agent, lsid); } void SyncManager::Authenticate(const char* username, const char* password, const char* captcha) { data_->Authenticate(std::string(username), std::string(password), std::string(captcha)); } const std::string& SyncManager::GetAuthenticatedUsername() { DCHECK(data_); return data_->username_for_share(); } bool SyncManager::SyncInternal::Init( const FilePath& database_location, const std::string& sync_server_and_path, int port, const char* gaia_service_id, const char* gaia_source, bool use_ssl, HttpPostProviderFactory* post_factory, HttpPostProviderFactory* auth_post_factory, ModelSafeWorkerRegistrar* model_safe_worker_registrar, bool attempt_last_user_authentication, const char* user_agent, const std::string& lsid) { // Set up UserSettings, creating the db if necessary. We need this to // instantiate a URLFactory to give to the Syncer. FilePath settings_db_file = database_location.Append(FilePath(kBookmarkSyncUserSettingsDatabase)); user_settings_.reset(new UserSettings()); if (!user_settings_->Init(settings_db_file)) return false; share_.dir_manager.reset(new DirectoryManager(database_location)); string client_id = user_settings_->GetClientId(); connection_manager_.reset(new SyncAPIServerConnectionManager( sync_server_and_path, port, use_ssl, user_agent, client_id, post_factory)); // TODO(timsteele): This is temporary windows crap needed to listen for // network status changes. We should either pump this up to the embedder to // do (and call us in CheckServerReachable, for ex), or at least make this // platform independent in here. #if defined(OS_WIN) HANDLE exit_flag = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE /*manual reset*/, FALSE, NULL); address_watch_params_.exit_flag = exit_flag; #elif defined(OS_LINUX) if (pipe(address_watch_params_.exit_pipe) == -1) { LOG(ERROR) << "Could not create pipe for exit signal."; return false; } #endif address_watch_params_.conn_mgr = connection_manager(); bool address_watch_started = address_watch_thread_.Start(); DCHECK(address_watch_started); address_watch_thread_.message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, new AddressWatchTask(&address_watch_params_)); #if defined(OS_MACOSX) { AutoLock auto_lock(address_watch_params_.run_loop_lock); while (!address_watch_params_.run_loop_initialized) { address_watch_params_.params_set.Wait(); } } #endif // Watch various objects for aggregated status. allstatus()->WatchConnectionManager(connection_manager()); std::string gaia_url = browser_sync::kGaiaUrl; const char* service_id = gaia_service_id ? gaia_service_id : SYNC_SERVICE_NAME; talk_mediator_.reset(new TalkMediatorImpl()); allstatus()->WatchTalkMediator(talk_mediator()); BridgedGaiaAuthenticator* gaia_auth = new BridgedGaiaAuthenticator( gaia_source, service_id, gaia_url, auth_post_factory); auth_watcher_ = new AuthWatcher(dir_manager(), connection_manager(), &allstatus_, gaia_source, service_id, gaia_url, user_settings_.get(), gaia_auth, talk_mediator()); talk_mediator()->WatchAuthWatcher(auth_watcher()); allstatus()->WatchAuthWatcher(auth_watcher()); authwatcher_hookup_.reset(NewEventListenerHookup(auth_watcher_->channel(), this, &SyncInternal::HandleAuthWatcherEvent)); // Build a SyncSessionContext and store the worker in it. SyncSessionContext* context = new SyncSessionContext( connection_manager_.get(), dir_manager(), model_safe_worker_registrar); // The SyncerThread takes ownership of |context|. syncer_thread_ = new SyncerThread(context, &allstatus_); syncer_thread()->WatchTalkMediator(talk_mediator()); allstatus()->WatchSyncerThread(syncer_thread()); syncer_thread()->Start(); // Start the syncer thread. This won't actually // result in any syncing until at least the // DirectoryManager broadcasts the OPENED event, // and a valid server connection is detected. bool attempting_auth = false; std::string username, auth_token; if (attempt_last_user_authentication && auth_watcher()->settings()->GetLastUserAndServiceToken( SYNC_SERVICE_NAME, &username, &auth_token)) { #ifndef NDEBUG const CommandLine& command_line = *CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess(); if (command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kInvalidateSyncLogin)) { auth_token += "bogus"; } #endif attempting_auth = AuthenticateForUser(username, auth_token); } else if (!lsid.empty()) { attempting_auth = true; AuthenticateWithLsid(lsid); } if (attempt_last_user_authentication && !attempting_auth) RaiseAuthNeededEvent(); return true; } void SyncManager::SyncInternal::MarkAndNotifyInitializationComplete() { // There is only one real time we need this mutex. If we get an auth // success, and before the initial sync ends we get an auth failure. In this // case we'll be listening to both the AuthWatcher and Syncer, and it's a race // between their respective threads to call MarkAndNotify. We need to make // sure the observer is notified once and only once. { AutoLock lock(initialized_mutex_); if (initialized_) return; initialized_ = true; } // Notify that initialization is complete. if (observer_) observer_->OnInitializationComplete(); } void SyncManager::SyncInternal::Authenticate(const std::string& username, const std::string& password, const std::string& captcha) { DCHECK(username_for_share().empty() || username == username_for_share()) << "Username change from valid username detected"; if (allstatus()->status().authenticated) return; if (password.empty()) { // TODO(timsteele): Seems like this shouldn't be needed, but auth_watcher // currently drops blank password attempts on the floor and doesn't update // state; it only LOGs an error in this case. We want to make sure we set // our GoogleServiceAuthError state to denote an error. RaiseAuthNeededEvent(); } auth_watcher()->Authenticate(username, password, std::string(), captcha, true); } void SyncManager::SyncInternal::AuthenticateWithLsid(const string& lsid) { DCHECK(!lsid.empty()); auth_watcher()->AuthenticateWithLsid(lsid); } bool SyncManager::SyncInternal::AuthenticateForUser( const std::string& username, const std::string& auth_token) { share_.authenticated_name = username; // We optimize by opening the directory before the "fresh" authentication // attempt completes so that we can immediately begin processing changes. if (!dir_manager()->Open(username_for_share())) { DCHECK(false) << "Had last known user but could not open directory"; return false; } // Set the sync data type so that the server only sends us bookmarks // changes. { syncable::ScopedDirLookup lookup(dir_manager(), username_for_share()); if (!lookup.good()) { DCHECK(false) << "ScopedDirLookup failed on successfully opened dir"; return false; } if (lookup->initial_sync_ended()) MarkAndNotifyInitializationComplete(); } // Load the last-known good auth token into the connection manager and send // it off to the AuthWatcher for validation. The result of the validation // will update the connection manager if necessary. connection_manager()->set_auth_token(auth_token); auth_watcher()->AuthenticateWithToken(username, auth_token); return true; } void SyncManager::SyncInternal::RaiseAuthNeededEvent() { auth_problem_ = AuthError::INVALID_GAIA_CREDENTIALS; if (observer_) observer_->OnAuthError(AuthError(auth_problem_)); } SyncManager::~SyncManager() { delete data_; } void SyncManager::SetObserver(Observer* observer) { data_->set_observer(observer); } void SyncManager::RemoveObserver() { data_->set_observer(NULL); } void SyncManager::Shutdown() { data_->Shutdown(); } void SyncManager::SyncInternal::Shutdown() { // First reset the AuthWatcher in case an auth attempt is in progress so that // it terminates gracefully before we shutdown and close other components. // Otherwise the attempt can complete after we've closed the directory, for // example, and cause initialization to continue, which is bad. if (auth_watcher_) { auth_watcher_->Shutdown(); auth_watcher_ = NULL; } if (syncer_thread()) { if (!syncer_thread()->Stop(kThreadExitTimeoutMsec)) DCHECK(false) << "Unable to stop the syncer, it won't be happy..."; } // Shutdown the xmpp buzz connection. LOG(INFO) << "P2P: Mediator logout started."; if (talk_mediator()) { talk_mediator()->Logout(); } LOG(INFO) << "P2P: Mediator logout completed."; if (dir_manager()) { dir_manager()->FinalSaveChangesForAll(); dir_manager()->Close(username_for_share()); } // Reset the DirectoryManager and UserSettings so they relinquish sqlite // handles to backing files. share_.dir_manager.reset(); user_settings_.reset(); // We don't want to process any more events. dir_change_hookup_.reset(); syncer_event_.reset(); authwatcher_hookup_.reset(); #if defined(OS_WIN) // Stop the address watch thread by signaling the exit flag. // TODO(timsteele): Same as todo in Init(). SetEvent(address_watch_params_.exit_flag); #elif defined(OS_LINUX) char data = 0; // We can't ignore the return value on write(), since that generates a compile // warning. However, since we're exiting, there's nothing we can do if this // fails except to log it. if (write(address_watch_params_.exit_pipe[1], &data, 1) == -1) { LOG(WARNING) << "Error sending error signal to AddressWatchTask"; } close(address_watch_params_.exit_pipe[1]); #elif defined(OS_MACOSX) { AutoLock auto_lock(address_watch_params_.run_loop_lock); if (address_watch_params_.run_loop) { CFRunLoopStop(address_watch_params_.run_loop); } } #endif address_watch_thread_.Stop(); #if defined(OS_WIN) CloseHandle(address_watch_params_.exit_flag); #endif } // Listen to model changes, filter out ones initiated by the sync API, and // saves the rest (hopefully just backend Syncer changes resulting from // ApplyUpdates) to data_->changelist. void SyncManager::SyncInternal::HandleChangeEvent( const syncable::DirectoryChangeEvent& event) { if (event.todo == syncable::DirectoryChangeEvent::TRANSACTION_COMPLETE) { HandleTransactionCompleteChangeEvent(event); return; } else if (event.todo == syncable::DirectoryChangeEvent::CALCULATE_CHANGES) { if (event.writer == syncable::SYNCAPI) { HandleCalculateChangesChangeEventFromSyncApi(event); return; } HandleCalculateChangesChangeEventFromSyncer(event); return; } else if (event.todo == syncable::DirectoryChangeEvent::SHUTDOWN) { dir_change_hookup_.reset(); } } void SyncManager::SyncInternal::HandleTransactionCompleteChangeEvent( const syncable::DirectoryChangeEvent& event) { DCHECK_EQ(event.todo, syncable::DirectoryChangeEvent::TRANSACTION_COMPLETE); // This notification happens immediately after a syncable WriteTransaction // falls out of scope. if (change_buffer_.IsEmpty() || !observer_) return; ReadTransaction trans(GetUserShare()); vector ordered_changes; change_buffer_.GetAllChangesInTreeOrder(&trans, &ordered_changes); if (!ordered_changes.empty()) { observer_->OnChangesApplied(&trans, &ordered_changes[0], ordered_changes.size()); } change_buffer_.Clear(); } void SyncManager::SyncInternal::HandleCalculateChangesChangeEventFromSyncApi( const syncable::DirectoryChangeEvent& event) { // We have been notified about a user action changing the bookmark model. DCHECK_EQ(event.todo, syncable::DirectoryChangeEvent::CALCULATE_CHANGES); DCHECK_EQ(event.writer, syncable::SYNCAPI); LOG_IF(WARNING, !change_buffer_.IsEmpty()) << "CALCULATE_CHANGES called with unapplied old changes."; bool exists_unsynced_items = false; for (syncable::OriginalEntries::const_iterator i = event.originals->begin(); i != event.originals->end() && !exists_unsynced_items; ++i) { int64 id = i->ref(syncable::META_HANDLE); syncable::Entry e(event.trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, id); DCHECK(e.good()); if (e.IsRoot()) { // Ignore root object, should it ever change. continue; } else if (e.GetModelType() != syncable::BOOKMARKS) { // Ignore non-bookmark objects. continue; } else if (e.Get(syncable::IS_UNSYNCED)) { // Unsynced items will cause us to nudge the the syncer. exists_unsynced_items = true; } } if (exists_unsynced_items && syncer_thread()) { syncer_thread()->NudgeSyncer(200, SyncerThread::kLocal); // 1/5 a second. } } void SyncManager::SyncInternal::HandleCalculateChangesChangeEventFromSyncer( const syncable::DirectoryChangeEvent& event) { // We only expect one notification per sync step, so change_buffer_ should // contain no pending entries. DCHECK_EQ(event.todo, syncable::DirectoryChangeEvent::CALCULATE_CHANGES); DCHECK_EQ(event.writer, syncable::SYNCER); LOG_IF(WARNING, !change_buffer_.IsEmpty()) << "CALCULATE_CHANGES called with unapplied old changes."; for (syncable::OriginalEntries::const_iterator i = event.originals->begin(); i != event.originals->end(); ++i) { int64 id = i->ref(syncable::META_HANDLE); syncable::Entry e(event.trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, id); bool existed_before = !i->ref(syncable::IS_DEL); bool exists_now = e.good() && !e.Get(syncable::IS_DEL); DCHECK(e.good()); // Ignore root object, should it ever change. if (e.IsRoot()) continue; // Ignore non-bookmark objects. if (e.GetModelType() != syncable::BOOKMARKS) continue; if (exists_now && !existed_before) change_buffer_.PushAddedItem(id); else if (!exists_now && existed_before) change_buffer_.PushDeletedItem(id); else if (exists_now && existed_before && VisiblePropertiesDiffer(*i, e)) change_buffer_.PushUpdatedItem(id, VisiblePositionsDiffer(*i, e)); } } SyncManager::Status::Summary SyncManager::SyncInternal::ComputeAggregatedStatusSummary() { switch (allstatus()->status().icon) { case AllStatus::OFFLINE: return Status::OFFLINE; case AllStatus::OFFLINE_UNSYNCED: return Status::OFFLINE_UNSYNCED; case AllStatus::SYNCING: return Status::SYNCING; case AllStatus::READY: return Status::READY; case AllStatus::CONFLICT: return Status::CONFLICT; case AllStatus::OFFLINE_UNUSABLE: return Status::OFFLINE_UNUSABLE; default: return Status::INVALID; } } SyncManager::Status SyncManager::SyncInternal::ComputeAggregatedStatus() { Status return_status = { ComputeAggregatedStatusSummary(), allstatus()->status().authenticated, allstatus()->status().server_up, allstatus()->status().server_reachable, allstatus()->status().server_broken, allstatus()->status().notifications_enabled, allstatus()->status().notifications_received, allstatus()->status().notifications_sent, allstatus()->status().unsynced_count, allstatus()->status().conflicting_count, allstatus()->status().syncing, allstatus()->status().initial_sync_ended, allstatus()->status().syncer_stuck, allstatus()->status().updates_available, allstatus()->status().updates_received, allstatus()->status().disk_full, false, // TODO(ncarter): invalid store? allstatus()->status().max_consecutive_errors}; return return_status; } void SyncManager::SyncInternal::HandleSyncerEvent(const SyncerEvent& event) { if (!initialized()) { // We get here if A) We have successfully authenticated at least once // (because we attach HandleSyncerEvent only once we receive notification // of successful authentication [locally or otherwise]), but B) the initial // sync had not completed at that time. if (event.snapshot->is_share_usable) MarkAndNotifyInitializationComplete(); return; } if (!observer_) return; // Only send an event if this is due to a cycle ending and this cycle // concludes a canonical "sync" process; that is, based on what is known // locally we are "all happy" and up-to-date. There may be new changes on // the server, but we'll get them on a subsequent sync. // // Notifications are sent at the end of every sync cycle, regardless of // whether we should sync again. if (event.what_happened == SyncerEvent::SYNC_CYCLE_ENDED) { if (!event.snapshot->has_more_to_sync) { observer_->OnSyncCycleCompleted(); } // TODO(chron): Consider changing this back to track has_more_to_sync // only notify peers if a successful commit has occurred. if (event.snapshot->syncer_status.num_successful_commits > 0) { // We use a member variable here because talk may not have connected yet. // The notification must be stored until it can be sent. notification_pending_ = true; } // SyncCycles are started by the following events: creation of the syncer, // (re)connection to buzz, local changes, peer notifications of updates. // Peers will be notified of changes made while there is no buzz connection // immediately after a connection has been re-established. // the next sync cycle. // TODO(brg): Move this to TalkMediatorImpl as a SyncerThread event hook. if (notification_pending_ && talk_mediator()) { LOG(INFO) << "Sending XMPP notification..."; bool success = talk_mediator()->SendNotification(); if (success) { notification_pending_ = false; } } else { LOG(INFO) << "Didn't send XMPP notification!" << " event.snapshot.did_commit_items: " << event.snapshot->did_commit_items << " talk_mediator(): " << talk_mediator(); } } } void SyncManager::SyncInternal::HandleAuthWatcherEvent( const AuthWatcherEvent& event) { // We don't care about an authentication attempt starting event, and we // don't want to reset our state to GoogleServiceAuthError::NONE because the // fact that an _attempt_ is starting doesn't change the fact that we have an // auth problem. if (event.what_happened == AuthWatcherEvent::AUTHENTICATION_ATTEMPT_START) return; // We clear our last auth problem cache on new auth watcher events, and only // set it to indicate a problem state for certain AuthWatcherEvent types. auth_problem_ = AuthError::NONE; switch (event.what_happened) { case AuthWatcherEvent::AUTH_SUCCEEDED: // We now know the supplied username and password were valid. If this // wasn't the first sync, authenticated_name should already be assigned. if (username_for_share().empty()) { share_.authenticated_name = event.user_email; } DCHECK(LowerCaseEqualsASCII(username_for_share(), StringToLowerASCII(event.user_email).c_str())) << "username_for_share= " << username_for_share() << ", event.user_email= " << event.user_email; if (observer_) observer_->OnAuthError(AuthError::None()); // Hook up the DirectoryChangeEvent listener, HandleChangeEvent. { syncable::ScopedDirLookup lookup(dir_manager(), username_for_share()); if (!lookup.good()) { DCHECK(false) << "ScopedDirLookup creation failed; unable to hook " << "up directory change event listener!"; return; } dir_change_hookup_.reset(NewEventListenerHookup( lookup->changes_channel(), this, &SyncInternal::HandleChangeEvent)); if (lookup->initial_sync_ended()) MarkAndNotifyInitializationComplete(); } { // Start watching the syncer channel directly here. DCHECK(syncer_thread() != NULL); syncer_event_.reset( NewEventListenerHookup(syncer_thread()->relay_channel(), this, &SyncInternal::HandleSyncerEvent)); } return; // Authentication failures translate to GoogleServiceAuthError events. case AuthWatcherEvent::GAIA_AUTH_FAILED: // Invalid GAIA credentials. if (event.auth_results->auth_error == browser_sync::CaptchaRequired) { auth_problem_ = AuthError::CAPTCHA_REQUIRED; std::string url_string("https://www.google.com/accounts/"); url_string += event.auth_results->captcha_url; GURL captcha(url_string); observer_->OnAuthError(AuthError::FromCaptchaChallenge( event.auth_results->captcha_token, captcha, GURL(event.auth_results->auth_error_url))); return; } else if (event.auth_results->auth_error == browser_sync::ConnectionUnavailable) { auth_problem_ = AuthError::CONNECTION_FAILED; } else { auth_problem_ = AuthError::INVALID_GAIA_CREDENTIALS; } break; case AuthWatcherEvent::SERVICE_AUTH_FAILED: // Expired GAIA credentials. auth_problem_ = AuthError::INVALID_GAIA_CREDENTIALS; break; case AuthWatcherEvent::SERVICE_USER_NOT_SIGNED_UP: auth_problem_ = AuthError::USER_NOT_SIGNED_UP; break; case AuthWatcherEvent::SERVICE_CONNECTION_FAILED: auth_problem_ = AuthError::CONNECTION_FAILED; break; default: // We don't care about the many other AuthWatcherEvent types. return; } // Fire notification that the status changed due to an authentication error. if (observer_) observer_->OnAuthError(AuthError(auth_problem_)); } SyncManager::Status::Summary SyncManager::GetStatusSummary() const { return data_->ComputeAggregatedStatusSummary(); } SyncManager::Status SyncManager::GetDetailedStatus() const { return data_->ComputeAggregatedStatus(); } SyncManager::SyncInternal* SyncManager::GetImpl() const { return data_; } void SyncManager::SaveChanges() { data_->SaveChanges(); } void SyncManager::SyncInternal::SaveChanges() { syncable::ScopedDirLookup lookup(dir_manager(), username_for_share()); if (!lookup.good()) { DCHECK(false) << "ScopedDirLookup creation failed; Unable to SaveChanges"; return; } lookup->SaveChanges(); } void SyncManager::SetupForTestMode(const std::wstring& test_username) { DCHECK(data_) << "SetupForTestMode requires initialization"; data_->SetupForTestMode(test_username); } void SyncManager::SyncInternal::SetupForTestMode( const std::wstring& test_username) { share_.authenticated_name = WideToUTF8(test_username); if (!dir_manager()->Open(username_for_share())) DCHECK(false) << "Could not open directory when running in test mode"; // Hook up the DirectoryChangeEvent listener, HandleChangeEvent. { syncable::ScopedDirLookup lookup(dir_manager(), username_for_share()); if (!lookup.good()) { DCHECK(false) << "ScopedDirLookup creation failed; unable to hook " << "up directory change event listener!"; return; } dir_change_hookup_.reset(NewEventListenerHookup( lookup->changes_channel(), this, &SyncInternal::HandleChangeEvent)); } MarkAndNotifyInitializationComplete(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BaseTransaction member definitions BaseTransaction::BaseTransaction(UserShare* share) : lookup_(NULL) { DCHECK(share && share->dir_manager.get()); lookup_ = new syncable::ScopedDirLookup(share->dir_manager.get(), share->authenticated_name); if (!(lookup_->good())) DCHECK(false) << "ScopedDirLookup failed on valid DirManager."; } BaseTransaction::~BaseTransaction() { delete lookup_; } UserShare* SyncManager::GetUserShare() const { DCHECK(data_->initialized()) << "GetUserShare requires initialization!"; return data_->GetUserShare(); } } // namespace sync_api