// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/sync/glue/bookmark_model_associator.h" #include #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/containers/hash_tables.h" #include "base/format_macros.h" #include "base/location.h" #include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_model.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/glue/bookmark_change_processor.h" #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h" #include "sync/api/sync_error.h" #include "sync/internal_api/public/delete_journal.h" #include "sync/internal_api/public/read_node.h" #include "sync/internal_api/public/read_transaction.h" #include "sync/internal_api/public/write_node.h" #include "sync/internal_api/public/write_transaction.h" #include "sync/syncable/syncable_write_transaction.h" #include "sync/util/cryptographer.h" #include "sync/util/data_type_histogram.h" using content::BrowserThread; namespace browser_sync { // The sync protocol identifies top-level entities by means of well-known tags, // which should not be confused with titles. Each tag corresponds to a // singleton instance of a particular top-level node in a user's share; the // tags are consistent across users. The tags allow us to locate the specific // folders whose contents we care about synchronizing, without having to do a // lookup by name or path. The tags should not be made user-visible. // For example, the tag "bookmark_bar" represents the permanent node for // bookmarks bar in Chrome. The tag "other_bookmarks" represents the permanent // folder Other Bookmarks in Chrome. // // It is the responsibility of something upstream (at time of writing, // the sync server) to create these tagged nodes when initializing sync // for the first time for a user. Thus, once the backend finishes // initializing, the ProfileSyncService can rely on the presence of tagged // nodes. // // TODO(ncarter): Pull these tags from an external protocol specification // rather than hardcoding them here. static const char kBookmarkBarTag[] = "bookmark_bar"; static const char kMobileBookmarksTag[] = "synced_bookmarks"; static const char kOtherBookmarksTag[] = "other_bookmarks"; static const char kServerError[] = "Server did not create top-level nodes. Possibly we are running against " "an out-of-date server?"; // Bookmark comparer for map of bookmark nodes. class BookmarkComparer { public: // Compares the two given nodes and returns whether node1 should appear // before node2 in strict weak ordering. bool operator()(const BookmarkNode* node1, const BookmarkNode* node2) const { DCHECK(node1); DCHECK(node2); // Keep folder nodes before non-folder nodes. if (node1->is_folder() != node2->is_folder()) return node1->is_folder(); int result = node1->GetTitle().compare(node2->GetTitle()); if (result != 0) return result < 0; return node1->url() < node2->url(); } }; // Provides the following abstraction: given a parent bookmark node, find best // matching child node for many sync nodes. class BookmarkNodeFinder { public: // Creates an instance with the given parent bookmark node. explicit BookmarkNodeFinder(const BookmarkNode* parent_node); // Finds the bookmark node that matches the given url, title and folder // attribute. Returns the matching node if one exists; NULL otherwise. If a // matching node is found, it's removed for further matches. const BookmarkNode* FindBookmarkNode(const GURL& url, const std::string& title, bool is_folder); private: typedef std::multiset BookmarkNodesSet; const BookmarkNode* parent_node_; BookmarkNodesSet child_nodes_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(BookmarkNodeFinder); }; class ScopedAssociationUpdater { public: explicit ScopedAssociationUpdater(BookmarkModel* model) { model_ = model; model->BeginExtensiveChanges(); } ~ScopedAssociationUpdater() { model_->EndExtensiveChanges(); } private: BookmarkModel* model_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ScopedAssociationUpdater); }; BookmarkNodeFinder::BookmarkNodeFinder(const BookmarkNode* parent_node) : parent_node_(parent_node) { for (int i = 0; i < parent_node_->child_count(); ++i) { child_nodes_.insert(parent_node_->GetChild(i)); } } const BookmarkNode* BookmarkNodeFinder::FindBookmarkNode( const GURL& url, const std::string& title, bool is_folder) { // Create a bookmark node from the given bookmark attributes. BookmarkNode temp_node(url); temp_node.SetTitle(UTF8ToUTF16(title)); if (is_folder) temp_node.set_type(BookmarkNode::FOLDER); else temp_node.set_type(BookmarkNode::URL); const BookmarkNode* result = NULL; BookmarkNodesSet::iterator iter = child_nodes_.find(&temp_node); if (iter != child_nodes_.end()) { result = *iter; // Remove the matched node so we don't match with it again. child_nodes_.erase(iter); } return result; } // Helper class to build an index of bookmark nodes by their IDs. class BookmarkNodeIdIndex { public: BookmarkNodeIdIndex() { } ~BookmarkNodeIdIndex() { } // Adds the given bookmark node and all its descendants to the ID index. // Does nothing if node is NULL. void AddAll(const BookmarkNode* node); // Finds the bookmark node with the given ID. // Returns NULL if none exists with the given id. const BookmarkNode* Find(int64 id) const; // Returns the count of nodes in the index. size_t count() const { return node_index_.size(); } private: typedef base::hash_map BookmarkIdMap; // Map that holds nodes indexed by their ids. BookmarkIdMap node_index_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(BookmarkNodeIdIndex); }; void BookmarkNodeIdIndex::AddAll(const BookmarkNode* node) { if (!node) return; node_index_[node->id()] = node; if (!node->is_folder()) return; for (int i = 0; i < node->child_count(); ++i) AddAll(node->GetChild(i)); } const BookmarkNode* BookmarkNodeIdIndex::Find(int64 id) const { BookmarkIdMap::const_iterator iter = node_index_.find(id); return iter == node_index_.end() ? NULL : iter->second; } BookmarkModelAssociator::BookmarkModelAssociator( BookmarkModel* bookmark_model, Profile* profile, syncer::UserShare* user_share, DataTypeErrorHandler* unrecoverable_error_handler, bool expect_mobile_bookmarks_folder) : bookmark_model_(bookmark_model), profile_(profile), user_share_(user_share), unrecoverable_error_handler_(unrecoverable_error_handler), expect_mobile_bookmarks_folder_(expect_mobile_bookmarks_folder), weak_factory_(this) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); DCHECK(bookmark_model_); DCHECK(user_share_); DCHECK(unrecoverable_error_handler_); } BookmarkModelAssociator::~BookmarkModelAssociator() { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); } void BookmarkModelAssociator::UpdatePermanentNodeVisibility() { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); DCHECK(bookmark_model_->loaded()); bookmark_model_->SetPermanentNodeVisible( BookmarkNode::MOBILE, id_map_.find(bookmark_model_->mobile_node()->id()) != id_map_.end()); } syncer::SyncError BookmarkModelAssociator::DisassociateModels() { id_map_.clear(); id_map_inverse_.clear(); dirty_associations_sync_ids_.clear(); return syncer::SyncError(); } int64 BookmarkModelAssociator::GetSyncIdFromChromeId(const int64& node_id) { BookmarkIdToSyncIdMap::const_iterator iter = id_map_.find(node_id); return iter == id_map_.end() ? syncer::kInvalidId : iter->second; } const BookmarkNode* BookmarkModelAssociator::GetChromeNodeFromSyncId( int64 sync_id) { SyncIdToBookmarkNodeMap::const_iterator iter = id_map_inverse_.find(sync_id); return iter == id_map_inverse_.end() ? NULL : iter->second; } bool BookmarkModelAssociator::InitSyncNodeFromChromeId( const int64& node_id, syncer::BaseNode* sync_node) { DCHECK(sync_node); int64 sync_id = GetSyncIdFromChromeId(node_id); if (sync_id == syncer::kInvalidId) return false; if (sync_node->InitByIdLookup(sync_id) != syncer::BaseNode::INIT_OK) return false; DCHECK(sync_node->GetId() == sync_id); return true; } void BookmarkModelAssociator::Associate(const BookmarkNode* node, int64 sync_id) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); int64 node_id = node->id(); DCHECK_NE(sync_id, syncer::kInvalidId); DCHECK(id_map_.find(node_id) == id_map_.end()); DCHECK(id_map_inverse_.find(sync_id) == id_map_inverse_.end()); id_map_[node_id] = sync_id; id_map_inverse_[sync_id] = node; dirty_associations_sync_ids_.insert(sync_id); PostPersistAssociationsTask(); UpdatePermanentNodeVisibility(); } void BookmarkModelAssociator::Disassociate(int64 sync_id) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); SyncIdToBookmarkNodeMap::iterator iter = id_map_inverse_.find(sync_id); if (iter == id_map_inverse_.end()) return; id_map_.erase(iter->second->id()); id_map_inverse_.erase(iter); dirty_associations_sync_ids_.erase(sync_id); } bool BookmarkModelAssociator::SyncModelHasUserCreatedNodes(bool* has_nodes) { DCHECK(has_nodes); *has_nodes = false; bool has_mobile_folder = true; int64 bookmark_bar_sync_id; if (!GetSyncIdForTaggedNode(kBookmarkBarTag, &bookmark_bar_sync_id)) { return false; } int64 other_bookmarks_sync_id; if (!GetSyncIdForTaggedNode(kOtherBookmarksTag, &other_bookmarks_sync_id)) { return false; } int64 mobile_bookmarks_sync_id; if (!GetSyncIdForTaggedNode(kMobileBookmarksTag, &mobile_bookmarks_sync_id)) { has_mobile_folder = false; } syncer::ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, user_share_); syncer::ReadNode bookmark_bar_node(&trans); if (bookmark_bar_node.InitByIdLookup(bookmark_bar_sync_id) != syncer::BaseNode::INIT_OK) { return false; } syncer::ReadNode other_bookmarks_node(&trans); if (other_bookmarks_node.InitByIdLookup(other_bookmarks_sync_id) != syncer::BaseNode::INIT_OK) { return false; } syncer::ReadNode mobile_bookmarks_node(&trans); if (has_mobile_folder && mobile_bookmarks_node.InitByIdLookup(mobile_bookmarks_sync_id) != syncer::BaseNode::INIT_OK) { return false; } // Sync model has user created nodes if any of the permanent nodes has // children. *has_nodes = bookmark_bar_node.HasChildren() || other_bookmarks_node.HasChildren() || (has_mobile_folder && mobile_bookmarks_node.HasChildren()); return true; } bool BookmarkModelAssociator::NodesMatch( const BookmarkNode* bookmark, const syncer::BaseNode* sync_node) const { if (bookmark->GetTitle() != UTF8ToUTF16(sync_node->GetTitle())) return false; if (bookmark->is_folder() != sync_node->GetIsFolder()) return false; if (bookmark->is_url()) { if (bookmark->url() != GURL(sync_node->GetBookmarkSpecifics().url())) return false; } // Don't compare favicons here, because they are not really // user-updated and we don't have versioning information -- a site changing // its favicon shouldn't result in a bookmark mismatch. return true; } bool BookmarkModelAssociator::AssociateTaggedPermanentNode( const BookmarkNode* permanent_node, const std::string&tag) { // Do nothing if |permanent_node| is already initialized and associated. int64 sync_id = GetSyncIdFromChromeId(permanent_node->id()); if (sync_id != syncer::kInvalidId) return true; if (!GetSyncIdForTaggedNode(tag, &sync_id)) return false; Associate(permanent_node, sync_id); return true; } bool BookmarkModelAssociator::GetSyncIdForTaggedNode(const std::string& tag, int64* sync_id) { syncer::ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, user_share_); syncer::ReadNode sync_node(&trans); if (sync_node.InitByTagLookup(tag.c_str()) != syncer::BaseNode::INIT_OK) return false; *sync_id = sync_node.GetId(); return true; } syncer::SyncError BookmarkModelAssociator::AssociateModels( syncer::SyncMergeResult* local_merge_result, syncer::SyncMergeResult* syncer_merge_result) { syncer::SyncError error = CheckModelSyncState(local_merge_result, syncer_merge_result); if (error.IsSet()) return error; scoped_ptr association_updater( new ScopedAssociationUpdater(bookmark_model_)); DisassociateModels(); return BuildAssociations(local_merge_result, syncer_merge_result); } syncer::SyncError BookmarkModelAssociator::BuildAssociations( syncer::SyncMergeResult* local_merge_result, syncer::SyncMergeResult* syncer_merge_result) { // Algorithm description: // Match up the roots and recursively do the following: // * For each sync node for the current sync parent node, find the best // matching bookmark node under the corresponding bookmark parent node. // If no matching node is found, create a new bookmark node in the same // position as the corresponding sync node. // If a matching node is found, update the properties of it from the // corresponding sync node. // * When all children sync nodes are done, add the extra children bookmark // nodes to the sync parent node. // // This algorithm will do a good job of merging when folder names are a good // indicator of the two folders being the same. It will handle reordering and // new node addition very well (without creating duplicates). // This algorithm will not do well if the folder name has changes but the // children under them are all the same. DCHECK(bookmark_model_->loaded()); // To prime our association, we associate the top-level nodes, Bookmark Bar // and Other Bookmarks. if (!AssociateTaggedPermanentNode(bookmark_model_->bookmark_bar_node(), kBookmarkBarTag)) { return unrecoverable_error_handler_->CreateAndUploadError( FROM_HERE, "Bookmark bar node not found", model_type()); } if (!AssociateTaggedPermanentNode(bookmark_model_->other_node(), kOtherBookmarksTag)) { return unrecoverable_error_handler_->CreateAndUploadError( FROM_HERE, "Other bookmarks node not found", model_type()); } if (!AssociateTaggedPermanentNode(bookmark_model_->mobile_node(), kMobileBookmarksTag) && expect_mobile_bookmarks_folder_) { return unrecoverable_error_handler_->CreateAndUploadError( FROM_HERE, "Mobile bookmarks node not found", model_type()); } int64 bookmark_bar_sync_id = GetSyncIdFromChromeId( bookmark_model_->bookmark_bar_node()->id()); DCHECK_NE(bookmark_bar_sync_id, syncer::kInvalidId); int64 other_bookmarks_sync_id = GetSyncIdFromChromeId( bookmark_model_->other_node()->id()); DCHECK_NE(other_bookmarks_sync_id, syncer::kInvalidId); int64 mobile_bookmarks_sync_id = GetSyncIdFromChromeId( bookmark_model_->mobile_node()->id()); if (expect_mobile_bookmarks_folder_) { DCHECK_NE(syncer::kInvalidId, mobile_bookmarks_sync_id); } // WARNING: The order in which we push these should match their order in the // bookmark model (see BookmarkModel::DoneLoading(..)). std::stack dfs_stack; dfs_stack.push(bookmark_bar_sync_id); dfs_stack.push(other_bookmarks_sync_id); if (mobile_bookmarks_sync_id != syncer::kInvalidId) dfs_stack.push(mobile_bookmarks_sync_id); syncer::WriteTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, user_share_); syncer::ReadNode bm_root(&trans); if (bm_root.InitByTagLookup(syncer::ModelTypeToRootTag(syncer::BOOKMARKS)) == syncer::BaseNode::INIT_OK) { syncer_merge_result->set_num_items_before_association( bm_root.GetTotalNodeCount()); } local_merge_result->set_num_items_before_association( bookmark_model_->root_node()->GetTotalNodeCount()); // Remove obsolete bookmarks according to sync delete journal. local_merge_result->set_num_items_deleted( ApplyDeletesFromSyncJournal(&trans)); while (!dfs_stack.empty()) { int64 sync_parent_id = dfs_stack.top(); dfs_stack.pop(); syncer::ReadNode sync_parent(&trans); if (sync_parent.InitByIdLookup(sync_parent_id) != syncer::BaseNode::INIT_OK) { return unrecoverable_error_handler_->CreateAndUploadError( FROM_HERE, "Failed to lookup node.", model_type()); } // Only folder nodes are pushed on to the stack. DCHECK(sync_parent.GetIsFolder()); const BookmarkNode* parent_node = GetChromeNodeFromSyncId(sync_parent_id); DCHECK(parent_node->is_folder()); BookmarkNodeFinder node_finder(parent_node); std::vector children; sync_parent.GetChildIds(&children); int index = 0; for (std::vector::const_iterator it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it) { int64 sync_child_id = *it; syncer::ReadNode sync_child_node(&trans); if (sync_child_node.InitByIdLookup(sync_child_id) != syncer::BaseNode::INIT_OK) { return unrecoverable_error_handler_->CreateAndUploadError( FROM_HERE, "Failed to lookup node.", model_type()); } const BookmarkNode* child_node = NULL; child_node = node_finder.FindBookmarkNode( GURL(sync_child_node.GetBookmarkSpecifics().url()), sync_child_node.GetTitle(), sync_child_node.GetIsFolder()); if (child_node) { Associate(child_node, sync_child_id); // All bookmarks are currently modified at association time, even if // nothing has changed. // TODO(sync): Only modify the bookmark model if necessary. BookmarkChangeProcessor::UpdateBookmarkWithSyncData( sync_child_node, bookmark_model_, child_node, profile_); bookmark_model_->Move(child_node, parent_node, index); local_merge_result->set_num_items_modified( local_merge_result->num_items_modified() + 1); } else { child_node = BookmarkChangeProcessor::CreateBookmarkNode( &sync_child_node, parent_node, bookmark_model_, profile_, index); if (child_node) Associate(child_node, sync_child_id); local_merge_result->set_num_items_added( local_merge_result->num_items_added() + 1); } if (sync_child_node.GetIsFolder()) dfs_stack.push(sync_child_id); ++index; } // At this point all the children nodes of the parent sync node have // corresponding children in the parent bookmark node and they are all in // the right positions: from 0 to index - 1. // So the children starting from index in the parent bookmark node are the // ones that are not present in the parent sync node. So create them. for (int i = index; i < parent_node->child_count(); ++i) { int64 sync_child_id = BookmarkChangeProcessor::CreateSyncNode( parent_node, bookmark_model_, i, &trans, this, unrecoverable_error_handler_); if (syncer::kInvalidId == sync_child_id) { return unrecoverable_error_handler_->CreateAndUploadError( FROM_HERE, "Failed to create sync node.", model_type()); } syncer_merge_result->set_num_items_added( syncer_merge_result->num_items_added() + 1); if (parent_node->GetChild(i)->is_folder()) dfs_stack.push(sync_child_id); } } local_merge_result->set_num_items_after_association( bookmark_model_->root_node()->GetTotalNodeCount()); syncer_merge_result->set_num_items_after_association( bm_root.GetTotalNodeCount()); return syncer::SyncError(); } struct FolderInfo { FolderInfo(const BookmarkNode* f, const BookmarkNode* p, int64 id) : folder(f), parent(p), sync_id(id) {} const BookmarkNode* folder; const BookmarkNode* parent; int64 sync_id; }; typedef std::vector FolderInfoList; int64 BookmarkModelAssociator::ApplyDeletesFromSyncJournal( syncer::BaseTransaction* trans) { int64 num_bookmark_deleted = 0; syncer::BookmarkDeleteJournalList bk_delete_journals; syncer::DeleteJournal::GetBookmarkDeleteJournals(trans, &bk_delete_journals); if (bk_delete_journals.empty()) return 0; size_t num_journals_unmatched = bk_delete_journals.size(); // Check bookmark model from top to bottom. std::stack dfs_stack; dfs_stack.push(bookmark_model_->bookmark_bar_node()); dfs_stack.push(bookmark_model_->other_node()); if (expect_mobile_bookmarks_folder_) dfs_stack.push(bookmark_model_->mobile_node()); // Remember folders that match delete journals in first pass but don't delete // them in case there are bookmarks left under them. After non-folder // bookmarks are removed in first pass, recheck the folders in reverse order // to remove empty ones. FolderInfoList folders_matched; while (!dfs_stack.empty()) { const BookmarkNode* parent = dfs_stack.top(); dfs_stack.pop(); BookmarkNodeFinder finder(parent); // Iterate through journals from back to front. Remove matched journal by // moving an unmatched journal at the tail to its position so that we can // read unmatched journals off the head in next loop. for (int i = num_journals_unmatched - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const BookmarkNode* child = finder.FindBookmarkNode( GURL(bk_delete_journals[i].specifics.bookmark().url()), bk_delete_journals[i].specifics.bookmark().title(), bk_delete_journals[i].is_folder); if (child) { if (child->is_folder()) { // Remember matched folder without removing and delete only empty // ones later. folders_matched.push_back(FolderInfo(child, parent, bk_delete_journals[i].id)); } else { bookmark_model_->Remove(parent, parent->GetIndexOf(child)); ++num_bookmark_deleted; } // Move unmatched journal here and decrement counter. bk_delete_journals[i] = bk_delete_journals[--num_journals_unmatched]; } } if (num_journals_unmatched == 0) break; for (int i = 0; i < parent->child_count(); ++i) { if (parent->GetChild(i)->is_folder()) dfs_stack.push(parent->GetChild(i)); } } // Ids of sync nodes not found in bookmark model, meaning the deletions are // persisted and correponding delete journals can be dropped. std::set journals_to_purge; // Remove empty folders from bottom to top. for (FolderInfoList::reverse_iterator it = folders_matched.rbegin(); it != folders_matched.rend(); ++it) { if (it->folder->child_count() == 0) { bookmark_model_->Remove(it->parent, it->parent->GetIndexOf(it->folder)); ++num_bookmark_deleted; } else { // Keep non-empty folder and remove its journal so that it won't match // again in the future. journals_to_purge.insert(it->sync_id); } } // Purge unmatched journals. for (size_t i = 0; i < num_journals_unmatched; ++i) journals_to_purge.insert(bk_delete_journals[i].id); syncer::DeleteJournal::PurgeDeleteJournals(trans, journals_to_purge); return num_bookmark_deleted; } void BookmarkModelAssociator::PostPersistAssociationsTask() { // No need to post a task if a task is already pending. if (weak_factory_.HasWeakPtrs()) return; base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind( &BookmarkModelAssociator::PersistAssociations, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); } void BookmarkModelAssociator::PersistAssociations() { // If there are no dirty associations we have nothing to do. We handle this // explicity instead of letting the for loop do it to avoid creating a write // transaction in this case. if (dirty_associations_sync_ids_.empty()) { DCHECK(id_map_.empty()); DCHECK(id_map_inverse_.empty()); return; } int64 new_version = syncer::syncable::kInvalidTransactionVersion; std::vector bnodes; { syncer::WriteTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, user_share_, &new_version); DirtyAssociationsSyncIds::iterator iter; for (iter = dirty_associations_sync_ids_.begin(); iter != dirty_associations_sync_ids_.end(); ++iter) { int64 sync_id = *iter; syncer::WriteNode sync_node(&trans); if (sync_node.InitByIdLookup(sync_id) != syncer::BaseNode::INIT_OK) { unrecoverable_error_handler_->OnSingleDatatypeUnrecoverableError( FROM_HERE, "Could not lookup bookmark node for ID persistence."); return; } const BookmarkNode* node = GetChromeNodeFromSyncId(sync_id); if (node && sync_node.GetExternalId() != node->id()) { sync_node.SetExternalId(node->id()); bnodes.push_back(node); } } dirty_associations_sync_ids_.clear(); } BookmarkChangeProcessor::UpdateTransactionVersion(new_version, bookmark_model_, bnodes); } bool BookmarkModelAssociator::CryptoReadyIfNecessary() { // We only access the cryptographer while holding a transaction. syncer::ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, user_share_); const syncer::ModelTypeSet encrypted_types = trans.GetEncryptedTypes(); return !encrypted_types.Has(syncer::BOOKMARKS) || trans.GetCryptographer()->is_ready(); } syncer::SyncError BookmarkModelAssociator::CheckModelSyncState( syncer::SyncMergeResult* local_merge_result, syncer::SyncMergeResult* syncer_merge_result) const { std::string version_str; if (bookmark_model_->root_node()->GetMetaInfo(kBookmarkTransactionVersionKey, &version_str)) { syncer::ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, user_share_); int64 native_version = syncer::syncable::kInvalidTransactionVersion; if (!base::StringToInt64(version_str, &native_version)) return syncer::SyncError(); local_merge_result->set_pre_association_version(native_version); int64 sync_version = trans.GetModelVersion(syncer::BOOKMARKS); syncer_merge_result->set_pre_association_version(sync_version); if (native_version != sync_version) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Sync.LocalModelOutOfSync", ModelTypeToHistogramInt(syncer::BOOKMARKS), syncer::MODEL_TYPE_COUNT); // Clear version on bookmark model so that we only report error once. bookmark_model_->DeleteNodeMetaInfo(bookmark_model_->root_node(), kBookmarkTransactionVersionKey); // If the native version is higher, there was a sync persistence failure, // and we need to delay association until after a GetUpdates. if (sync_version < native_version) { std::string message = base::StringPrintf( "Native version (%" PRId64 ") does not match sync version (%" PRId64 ")", native_version, sync_version); return syncer::SyncError(FROM_HERE, syncer::SyncError::PERSISTENCE_ERROR, message, syncer::BOOKMARKS); } } } return syncer::SyncError(); } } // namespace browser_sync