// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifdef CHROME_PERSONALIZATION #include "build/build_config.h" #include "base/file_version_info.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/chrome_thread.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/glue/change_processor.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/glue/sync_backend_host.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/glue/http_bridge.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/glue/bookmark_model_worker.h" #include "webkit/glue/webkit_glue.h" static const int kSaveChangesIntervalSeconds = 10; static const char kGaiaServiceId[] = "chromiumsync"; static const char kGaiaSourceForChrome[] = "ChromiumBrowser"; static const FilePath::CharType kSyncDataFolderName[] = FILE_PATH_LITERAL("Sync Data"); namespace browser_sync { SyncBackendHost::SyncBackendHost(SyncFrontend* frontend, const FilePath& profile_path, ChangeProcessingInterface* processor) : core_thread_("Chrome_SyncCoreThread"), frontend_loop_(MessageLoop::current()), bookmark_model_worker_(NULL), frontend_(frontend), processor_(processor), sync_data_folder_path_(profile_path.Append(kSyncDataFolderName)), last_auth_error_(AUTH_ERROR_NONE) { core_ = new Core(this); } SyncBackendHost::~SyncBackendHost() { DCHECK(!core_ && !frontend_) << "Must call Shutdown before destructor."; } void SyncBackendHost::Initialize(const GURL& sync_service_url, URLRequestContext* baseline_context) { if (!core_thread_.Start()) return; bookmark_model_worker_ = new BookmarkModelWorker(frontend_loop_); core_.get()->SetBaseRequestContext(baseline_context); core_thread_.message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(core_.get(), &SyncBackendHost::Core::DoInitialize, sync_service_url, bookmark_model_worker_, true)); } void SyncBackendHost::Authenticate(const std::string& username, const std::string& password) { core_thread_.message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(core_.get(), &SyncBackendHost::Core::DoAuthenticate, username, password)); } void SyncBackendHost::Shutdown(bool sync_disabled) { // Thread shutdown should occur in the following order: // - SyncerThread // - CoreThread // - UI Thread (stops some time after we return from this call). core_thread_.message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(core_.get(), &SyncBackendHost::Core::DoShutdown, sync_disabled)); // Before joining the core_thread_, we wait for the BookmarkModelWorker to // give us the green light that it is not depending on the frontend_loop_ to // process any more tasks. Stop() blocks until this termination condition // is true. bookmark_model_worker_->Stop(); // Stop will return once the thread exits, which will be after DoShutdown // runs. DoShutdown needs to run from core_thread_ because the sync backend // requires any thread that opened sqlite handles to relinquish them // personally. We need to join threads, because otherwise the main Chrome // thread (ui loop) can exit before DoShutdown finishes, at which point // virtually anything the sync backend does (or the post-back to // frontend_loop_ by our Core) will epically fail because the CRT won't be // initialized. For now this only ever happens at sync-enabled-Chrome exit, // meaning bug 1482548 applies to prolonged "waiting" that may occur in // DoShutdown. core_thread_.Stop(); bookmark_model_worker_ = NULL; frontend_ = NULL; core_ = NULL; // Releases reference to core_. } void SyncBackendHost::Core::NotifyFrontend(FrontendNotification notification) { if (!host_ || !host_->frontend_) { return; // This can happen in testing because the UI loop processes tasks // after an instance of SyncBackendHost was destroyed. In real // life this doesn't happen. } switch (notification) { case INITIALIZED: host_->frontend_->OnBackendInitialized(); return; case SYNC_CYCLE_COMPLETED: host_->frontend_->OnSyncCycleCompleted(); return; } } SyncBackendHost::UserShareHandle SyncBackendHost::GetUserShareHandle() const { return core_->syncapi()->GetUserShare(); } SyncBackendHost::Status SyncBackendHost::GetDetailedStatus() { return core_->syncapi()->GetDetailedStatus(); } SyncBackendHost::StatusSummary SyncBackendHost::GetStatusSummary() { return core_->syncapi()->GetStatusSummary(); } string16 SyncBackendHost::GetAuthenticatedUsername() const { return UTF8ToUTF16(core_->syncapi()->GetAuthenticatedUsername()); } AuthErrorState SyncBackendHost::GetAuthErrorState() const { return last_auth_error_; } void SyncBackendHost::Core::SetBaseRequestContext( URLRequestContext* request_context) { DCHECK(base_request_context_ == NULL); base_request_context_ = request_context; // This ref is removed on the IO thread after the core thread is over. base_request_context_->AddRef(); } SyncBackendHost::Core::Core(SyncBackendHost* backend) : host_(backend), syncapi_(new sync_api::SyncManager()), base_request_context_(NULL) { } SyncBackendHost::Core::~Core() { if (base_request_context_) { ChromeThread::GetMessageLoop(ChromeThread::IO)->ReleaseSoon(FROM_HERE, base_request_context_); base_request_context_ = NULL; } } // Helper to construct a user agent string (ASCII) suitable for use by // the syncapi for any HTTP communication. This string is used by the sync // backend for classifying client types when calculating statistics. std::string MakeUserAgentForSyncapi() { std::string user_agent; user_agent = "Chrome "; #if defined(OS_WIN) user_agent += "WIN "; #elif defined(OS_LINUX) user_agent += "LINUX "; #elif defined(OS_MACOSX) user_agent += "MAC "; #endif scoped_ptr version_info( FileVersionInfo::CreateFileVersionInfoForCurrentModule()); if (version_info == NULL) { DLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to create FileVersionInfo object"; return user_agent; } user_agent += WideToASCII(version_info->product_version()); user_agent += " (" + WideToASCII(version_info->last_change()) + ")"; if (!version_info->is_official_build()) user_agent += "-devel"; return user_agent; } void SyncBackendHost::Core::DoInitialize( const GURL& service_url, BookmarkModelWorker* bookmark_model_worker, bool attempt_last_user_authentication) { DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == host_->core_thread_.message_loop()); // Make sure that the directory exists before initializing the backend. // If it already exists, this will do no harm. bool success = file_util::CreateDirectory(host_->sync_data_folder_path()); DCHECK(success); syncapi_->SetObserver(this); string16 path_str; #if defined (OS_WIN) path_str = host_->sync_data_folder_path().value(); #elif (defined(OS_LINUX) || defined(OS_MACOSX)) path_str = UTF8ToUTF16(sync_data_folder_path().value()); #endif success = syncapi_->Init(path_str.c_str(), (service_url.host() + service_url.path()).c_str(), service_url.EffectiveIntPort(), kGaiaServiceId, kGaiaSourceForChrome, service_url.SchemeIsSecure(), new HttpBridgeFactory(base_request_context_), new HttpBridgeFactory(base_request_context_), bookmark_model_worker, attempt_last_user_authentication, MakeUserAgentForSyncapi().c_str()); DCHECK(success) << "Syncapi initialization failed!"; } void SyncBackendHost::Core::DoAuthenticate(const std::string& username, const std::string& password) { DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == host_->core_thread_.message_loop()); syncapi_->Authenticate(username.c_str(), password.c_str()); } void SyncBackendHost::Core::DoShutdown(bool sync_disabled) { DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == host_->core_thread_.message_loop()); save_changes_timer_.Stop(); syncapi_->Shutdown(); // Stops the SyncerThread. syncapi_->RemoveObserver(); host_->bookmark_model_worker_->OnSyncerShutdownComplete(); if (sync_disabled && file_util::DirectoryExists(host_->sync_data_folder_path())) { // Delete the sync data folder to cleanup backend data. bool success = file_util::Delete(host_->sync_data_folder_path(), true); DCHECK(success); } host_ = NULL; } static AuthErrorState AuthProblemToAuthError( const sync_api::SyncManager::AuthProblem& auth_problem) { switch (auth_problem) { case sync_api::SyncManager::AUTH_PROBLEM_NONE: return AUTH_ERROR_NONE; case sync_api::SyncManager::AUTH_PROBLEM_INVALID_GAIA_CREDENTIALS: return AUTH_ERROR_INVALID_GAIA_CREDENTIALS; case sync_api::SyncManager::AUTH_PROBLEM_CONNECTION_FAILED: return AUTH_ERROR_CONNECTION_FAILED; case sync_api::SyncManager::AUTH_PROBLEM_USER_NOT_SIGNED_UP: return AUTH_ERROR_USER_NOT_SIGNED_UP; } NOTREACHED() << "Unknown AuthProblem."; return AUTH_ERROR_NONE; } void SyncBackendHost::Core::OnChangesApplied( const sync_api::BaseTransaction* trans, const sync_api::SyncManager::ChangeRecord* changes, int change_count) { if (!host_ || !host_->frontend_) { DCHECK(false) << "OnChangesApplied called after Shutdown?"; return; } // ChangesApplied is the one exception that should come over from the sync // backend already on the service_loop_ thanks to our BookmarkModelWorker. // SyncFrontend changes exclusively on the UI loop, because it updates // the bookmark model. As such, we don't need to worry about changes that // have been made to the bookmark model but not yet applied to the sync // model -- such changes only happen on the UI loop, and there's no // contention. if (host_->frontend_loop_ != MessageLoop::current()) { // TODO(ncarter): Bug 1480644. Make this a DCHECK once syncapi filters // out all irrelevant changes. DLOG(WARNING) << "Could not update bookmark model from non-UI thread"; return; } host_->processor_->ApplyChangesFromSyncModel(trans, changes, change_count); } void SyncBackendHost::Core::OnSyncCycleCompleted() { host_->frontend_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &Core::NotifyFrontend, SYNC_CYCLE_COMPLETED)); } void SyncBackendHost::Core::OnInitializationComplete() { if (!host_ || !host_->frontend_) return; // We may have been told to Shutdown before initialization // completed. // We could be on some random sync backend thread, so MessageLoop::current() // can definitely be null in here. host_->frontend_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &Core::NotifyFrontend, INITIALIZED)); // Initialization is complete, so we can schedule recurring SaveChanges. host_->core_thread_.message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &Core::StartSavingChanges)); } void SyncBackendHost::Core::OnAuthProblem( sync_api::SyncManager::AuthProblem auth_problem) { // We could be on SyncEngine_AuthWatcherThread. Post to our core loop so // we can modify state. host_->frontend_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &Core::HandleAuthErrorEventOnFrontendLoop, AuthProblemToAuthError(auth_problem))); } void SyncBackendHost::Core::HandleAuthErrorEventOnFrontendLoop( AuthErrorState new_auth_error) { if (!host_ || !host_->frontend_) return; DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), host_->frontend_loop_); host_->last_auth_error_ = new_auth_error; host_->frontend_->OnAuthError(); } void SyncBackendHost::Core::StartSavingChanges() { save_changes_timer_.Start( base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kSaveChangesIntervalSeconds), this, &Core::SaveChanges); } void SyncBackendHost::Core::SaveChanges() { syncapi_->SaveChanges(); } } // namespace browser_sync #endif