// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/sync/profile_sync_service.h" #include #include #include #include #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram.h" #include "base/string16.h" #include "base/stringprintf.h" #include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h" #include "build/build_config.h" #include "chrome/browser/about_flags.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h" #include "chrome/browser/defaults.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_system.h" #include "chrome/browser/net/chrome_cookie_notification_details.h" #include "chrome/browser/prefs/pref_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/signin/signin_manager.h" #include "chrome/browser/signin/signin_manager_factory.h" #include "chrome/browser/signin/token_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/signin/token_service_factory.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/backend_migrator.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/glue/change_processor.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/glue/chrome_encryptor.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/glue/chrome_report_unrecoverable_error.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/glue/data_type_controller.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/glue/session_data_type_controller.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/glue/session_model_associator.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/glue/typed_url_data_type_controller.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/profile_sync_components_factory_impl.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/sync_global_error.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/user_selectable_sync_type.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_list.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_window.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/global_error/global_error_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/global_error/global_error_service_factory.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_notification_types.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_version_info.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "chrome/common/time_format.h" #include "chrome/common/url_constants.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_details.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_service.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_source.h" #include "google_apis/gaia/gaia_constants.h" #include "grit/generated_resources.h" #include "net/cookies/cookie_monster.h" #include "sync/api/sync_error.h" #include "sync/internal_api/public/configure_reason.h" #include "sync/internal_api/public/sync_encryption_handler.h" #include "sync/internal_api/public/util/experiments.h" #include "sync/internal_api/public/util/sync_string_conversions.h" #include "sync/js/js_arg_list.h" #include "sync/js/js_event_details.h" #include "sync/notifier/invalidator_registrar.h" #include "sync/util/cryptographer.h" #include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h" using browser_sync::ChangeProcessor; using browser_sync::DataTypeController; using browser_sync::DataTypeManager; using browser_sync::SyncBackendHost; using syncer::ModelType; using syncer::ModelTypeSet; using syncer::JsBackend; using syncer::JsController; using syncer::JsEventDetails; using syncer::JsEventHandler; using syncer::ModelSafeRoutingInfo; using syncer::SyncCredentials; using syncer::SyncProtocolError; using syncer::WeakHandle; typedef GoogleServiceAuthError AuthError; const char* ProfileSyncService::kSyncServerUrl = "https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync"; const char* ProfileSyncService::kDevServerUrl = "https://clients4.google.com/chrome-sync/dev"; static const int kSyncClearDataTimeoutInSeconds = 60; // 1 minute. static const char* kRelevantTokenServices[] = { GaiaConstants::kSyncService }; static const int kRelevantTokenServicesCount = arraysize(kRelevantTokenServices); static const char* kSyncUnrecoverableErrorHistogram = "Sync.UnrecoverableErrors"; // Helper to check if the given token service is relevant for sync. static bool IsTokenServiceRelevant(const std::string& service) { for (int i = 0; i < kRelevantTokenServicesCount; ++i) { if (service == kRelevantTokenServices[i]) return true; } return false; } bool ShouldShowActionOnUI( const syncer::SyncProtocolError& error) { return (error.action != syncer::UNKNOWN_ACTION && error.action != syncer::DISABLE_SYNC_ON_CLIENT); } ProfileSyncService::ProfileSyncService(ProfileSyncComponentsFactory* factory, Profile* profile, SigninManager* signin_manager, StartBehavior start_behavior) : last_auth_error_(AuthError::None()), passphrase_required_reason_(syncer::REASON_PASSPHRASE_NOT_REQUIRED), factory_(factory), profile_(profile), // |profile| may be NULL in unit tests. sync_prefs_(profile_ ? profile_->GetPrefs() : NULL), invalidator_storage_(profile_ ? profile_->GetPrefs(): NULL), sync_service_url_(kDevServerUrl), is_first_time_sync_configure_(false), backend_initialized_(false), is_auth_in_progress_(false), signin_(signin_manager), unrecoverable_error_reason_(ERROR_REASON_UNSET), weak_factory_(ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(this)), expect_sync_configuration_aborted_(false), encrypted_types_(syncer::SyncEncryptionHandler::SensitiveTypes()), encrypt_everything_(false), encryption_pending_(false), auto_start_enabled_(start_behavior == AUTO_START), failed_datatypes_handler_(ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(this)), configure_status_(DataTypeManager::UNKNOWN), setup_in_progress_(false), invalidator_state_(syncer::DEFAULT_INVALIDATION_ERROR) { #if defined(OS_ANDROID) chrome::VersionInfo version_info; if (version_info.IsOfficialBuild()) { sync_service_url_ = GURL(kSyncServerUrl); } #else // By default, dev, canary, and unbranded Chromium users will go to the // development servers. Development servers have more features than standard // sync servers. Users with officially-branded Chrome stable and beta builds // will go to the standard sync servers. // // GetChannel hits the registry on Windows. See http://crbug.com/70380. base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io; chrome::VersionInfo::Channel channel = chrome::VersionInfo::GetChannel(); if (channel == chrome::VersionInfo::CHANNEL_STABLE || channel == chrome::VersionInfo::CHANNEL_BETA) { sync_service_url_ = GURL(kSyncServerUrl); } #endif } ProfileSyncService::~ProfileSyncService() { sync_prefs_.RemoveSyncPrefObserver(this); // Shutdown() should have been called before destruction. CHECK(!backend_initialized_); } bool ProfileSyncService::IsSyncEnabledAndLoggedIn() { // Exit if sync is disabled. if (IsManaged() || sync_prefs_.IsStartSuppressed()) return false; // Sync is logged in if there is a non-empty authenticated username. return !signin_->GetAuthenticatedUsername().empty(); } bool ProfileSyncService::IsSyncTokenAvailable() { TokenService* token_service = TokenServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile_); if (!token_service) return false; return token_service->HasTokenForService(GaiaConstants::kSyncService); } void ProfileSyncService::Initialize() { DCHECK(!invalidator_registrar_.get()); invalidator_registrar_.reset(new syncer::InvalidatorRegistrar()); InitSettings(); // We clear this here (vs Shutdown) because we want to remember that an error // happened on shutdown so we can display details (message, location) about it // in about:sync. ClearStaleErrors(); sync_prefs_.AddSyncPrefObserver(this); // For now, the only thing we can do through policy is to turn sync off. if (IsManaged()) { DisableForUser(); return; } RegisterAuthNotifications(); if (!HasSyncSetupCompleted() || signin_->GetAuthenticatedUsername().empty()) { // Clean up in case of previous crash / setup abort / signout. DisableForUser(); } TrySyncDatatypePrefRecovery(); TryStart(); } void ProfileSyncService::TrySyncDatatypePrefRecovery() { DCHECK(!sync_initialized()); if (!HasSyncSetupCompleted()) return; // There was a bug where OnUserChoseDatatypes was not properly called on // configuration (see crbug.com/154940). We detect this by checking whether // kSyncKeepEverythingSynced has a default value. If so, and sync setup has // completed, it means sync was not properly configured, so we manually // set kSyncKeepEverythingSynced. PrefService* const pref_service = profile_->GetPrefs(); if (!pref_service) return; if (sync_prefs_.HasKeepEverythingSynced()) return; const syncer::ModelTypeSet registered_types = GetRegisteredDataTypes(); if (sync_prefs_.GetPreferredDataTypes(registered_types).Size() > 1) return; const PrefService::Preference* keep_everything_synced = pref_service->FindPreference(prefs::kSyncKeepEverythingSynced); // This will be false if the preference was properly set or if it's controlled // by policy. if (!keep_everything_synced->IsDefaultValue()) return; // kSyncKeepEverythingSynced was not properly set. Set it and the preferred // types now, before we configure. UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("Sync.DatatypePrefRecovery", 1); sync_prefs_.SetKeepEverythingSynced(true); sync_prefs_.SetPreferredDataTypes(registered_types, registered_types); } void ProfileSyncService::TryStart() { if (!IsSyncEnabledAndLoggedIn()) return; TokenService* token_service = TokenServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile_); if (!token_service) return; // Don't start the backend if the token service hasn't finished loading tokens // yet (if the backend is started before the sync token has been loaded, // GetCredentials() will return bogus credentials). On auto_start platforms // (like ChromeOS) we don't start sync until tokens are loaded, because the // user can be "signed in" on those platforms long before the tokens get // loaded, and we don't want to generate spurious auth errors. if (IsSyncTokenAvailable() || (!auto_start_enabled_ && token_service->TokensLoadedFromDB())) { if (HasSyncSetupCompleted() || auto_start_enabled_) { // If sync setup has completed we always start the backend. // If autostart is enabled, but we haven't completed sync setup, we try to // start sync anyway, since it's possible we crashed/shutdown after // logging in but before the backend finished initializing the last time. // Note that if we haven't finished setting up sync, backend bring up will // be done by the wizard. StartUp(); } } } void ProfileSyncService::StartSyncingWithServer() { if (backend_.get()) backend_->StartSyncingWithServer(); } void ProfileSyncService::RegisterAuthNotifications() { TokenService* token_service = TokenServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile_); registrar_.Add(this, chrome::NOTIFICATION_TOKEN_AVAILABLE, content::Source(token_service)); registrar_.Add(this, chrome::NOTIFICATION_TOKEN_LOADING_FINISHED, content::Source(token_service)); registrar_.Add(this, chrome::NOTIFICATION_TOKEN_REQUEST_FAILED, content::Source(token_service)); registrar_.Add(this, chrome::NOTIFICATION_GOOGLE_SIGNIN_SUCCESSFUL, content::Source(profile_)); } void ProfileSyncService::RegisterDataTypeController( DataTypeController* data_type_controller) { DCHECK_EQ(data_type_controllers_.count(data_type_controller->type()), 0U); data_type_controllers_[data_type_controller->type()] = data_type_controller; } browser_sync::SessionModelAssociator* ProfileSyncService::GetSessionModelAssociator() { if (data_type_controllers_.find(syncer::SESSIONS) == data_type_controllers_.end() || data_type_controllers_.find(syncer::SESSIONS)->second->state() != DataTypeController::RUNNING) { return NULL; } return static_cast( data_type_controllers_.find( syncer::SESSIONS)->second.get())->GetModelAssociator(); } void ProfileSyncService::GetDataTypeControllerStates( browser_sync::DataTypeController::StateMap* state_map) const { for (browser_sync::DataTypeController::TypeMap::const_iterator iter = data_type_controllers_.begin(); iter != data_type_controllers_.end(); ++iter) (*state_map)[iter->first] = iter->second.get()->state(); } void ProfileSyncService::InitSettings() { const CommandLine& command_line = *CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess(); // Override the sync server URL from the command-line, if sync server // command-line argument exists. if (command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kSyncServiceURL)) { std::string value(command_line.GetSwitchValueASCII( switches::kSyncServiceURL)); if (!value.empty()) { GURL custom_sync_url(value); if (custom_sync_url.is_valid()) { sync_service_url_ = custom_sync_url; } else { LOG(WARNING) << "The following sync URL specified at the command-line " << "is invalid: " << value; } } } } SyncCredentials ProfileSyncService::GetCredentials() { SyncCredentials credentials; credentials.email = signin_->GetAuthenticatedUsername(); DCHECK(!credentials.email.empty()); TokenService* service = TokenServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile_); if (service->HasTokenForService(GaiaConstants::kSyncService)) { credentials.sync_token = service->GetTokenForService( GaiaConstants::kSyncService); UMA_HISTOGRAM_BOOLEAN("Sync.CredentialsLost", false); } else { // We've lost our sync credentials (crbug.com/121755), so just make up some // invalid credentials so the backend will generate an auth error. UMA_HISTOGRAM_BOOLEAN("Sync.CredentialsLost", true); credentials.sync_token = "credentials_lost"; } return credentials; } void ProfileSyncService::InitializeBackend(bool delete_stale_data) { if (!backend_.get()) { NOTREACHED(); return; } SyncCredentials credentials = GetCredentials(); scoped_refptr request_context_getter( profile_->GetRequestContext()); if (delete_stale_data) ClearStaleErrors(); backend_unrecoverable_error_handler_.reset( new browser_sync::BackendUnrecoverableErrorHandler( MakeWeakHandle(weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()))); backend_->Initialize( this, MakeWeakHandle(sync_js_controller_.AsWeakPtr()), sync_service_url_, credentials, delete_stale_data, &sync_manager_factory_, backend_unrecoverable_error_handler_.get(), &browser_sync::ChromeReportUnrecoverableError); } void ProfileSyncService::CreateBackend() { backend_.reset( new SyncBackendHost(profile_->GetDebugName(), profile_, sync_prefs_.AsWeakPtr(), invalidator_storage_.AsWeakPtr())); } bool ProfileSyncService::IsEncryptedDatatypeEnabled() const { if (encryption_pending()) return true; const syncer::ModelTypeSet preferred_types = GetPreferredDataTypes(); const syncer::ModelTypeSet encrypted_types = GetEncryptedDataTypes(); DCHECK(encrypted_types.Has(syncer::PASSWORDS)); return !Intersection(preferred_types, encrypted_types).Empty(); } void ProfileSyncService::OnSyncConfigureDone( DataTypeManager::ConfigureResult result) { if (failed_datatypes_handler_.UpdateFailedDatatypes(result.failed_data_types, FailedDatatypesHandler::STARTUP)) { ReconfigureDatatypeManager(); } } void ProfileSyncService::OnSyncConfigureRetry() { // In platforms with auto start we would just wait for the // configure to finish. In other platforms we would throw // an unrecoverable error. The reason we do this is so that // the login dialog would show an error and the user would have // to relogin. // Also if backend has been initialized(the user is authenticated // and nigori is downloaded) we would simply wait rather than going into // unrecoverable error, even if the platform has auto start disabled. // Note: In those scenarios the UI does not wait for the configuration // to finish. if (!auto_start_enabled_ && !backend_initialized_) { OnInternalUnrecoverableError(FROM_HERE, "Configure failed to download.", true, ERROR_REASON_CONFIGURATION_RETRY); } NotifyObservers(); } void ProfileSyncService::StartUp() { // Don't start up multiple times. if (backend_.get()) { DVLOG(1) << "Skipping bringing up backend host."; return; } DCHECK(IsSyncEnabledAndLoggedIn()); last_synced_time_ = sync_prefs_.GetLastSyncedTime(); start_up_time_ = base::Time::Now(); #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) std::string bootstrap_token = sync_prefs_.GetEncryptionBootstrapToken(); if (bootstrap_token.empty()) { sync_prefs_.SetEncryptionBootstrapToken( sync_prefs_.GetSpareBootstrapToken()); } #endif CreateBackend(); // Initialize the backend. Every time we start up a new SyncBackendHost, // we'll want to start from a fresh SyncDB, so delete any old one that might // be there. InitializeBackend(!HasSyncSetupCompleted()); // |backend_| may end up being NULL here in tests (in synchronous // initialization mode). // // TODO(akalin): Fix this horribly non-intuitive behavior (see // http://crbug.com/140354). if (backend_.get()) { backend_->UpdateRegisteredInvalidationIds( invalidator_registrar_->GetAllRegisteredIds()); } if (!sync_global_error_.get()) { #if !defined(OS_ANDROID) sync_global_error_.reset(new SyncGlobalError(this, signin())); #endif GlobalErrorServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile_)->AddGlobalError( sync_global_error_.get()); AddObserver(sync_global_error_.get()); } } void ProfileSyncService::RegisterInvalidationHandler( syncer::InvalidationHandler* handler) { invalidator_registrar_->RegisterHandler(handler); } void ProfileSyncService::UpdateRegisteredInvalidationIds( syncer::InvalidationHandler* handler, const syncer::ObjectIdSet& ids) { invalidator_registrar_->UpdateRegisteredIds(handler, ids); // If |backend_| is NULL, its registered IDs will be updated when // it's created and initialized. if (backend_.get()) { backend_->UpdateRegisteredInvalidationIds( invalidator_registrar_->GetAllRegisteredIds()); } } void ProfileSyncService::UnregisterInvalidationHandler( syncer::InvalidationHandler* handler) { invalidator_registrar_->UnregisterHandler(handler); } syncer::InvalidatorState ProfileSyncService::GetInvalidatorState() const { return invalidator_registrar_->GetInvalidatorState(); } void ProfileSyncService::EmitInvalidationForTest( const invalidation::ObjectId& id, const std::string& payload) { syncer::ObjectIdSet notify_ids; notify_ids.insert(id); const syncer::ObjectIdInvalidationMap& invalidation_map = ObjectIdSetToInvalidationMap(notify_ids, payload); OnIncomingInvalidation(invalidation_map, syncer::REMOTE_INVALIDATION); } void ProfileSyncService::Shutdown() { DCHECK(invalidator_registrar_.get()); // TODO(akalin): Remove this once http://crbug.com/153827 is fixed. ExtensionService* const extension_service = extensions::ExtensionSystem::Get(profile_)->extension_service(); // |extension_service| may be NULL if it was never initialized // (e.g., extension sync wasn't enabled in tests). if (extension_service) extension_service->OnProfileSyncServiceShutdown(); // Reset |invalidator_registrar_| first so that ShutdownImpl cannot // use it. invalidator_registrar_.reset(); ShutdownImpl(false); } void ProfileSyncService::ShutdownImpl(bool sync_disabled) { // First, we spin down the backend and wait for it to stop syncing completely // before we Stop the data type manager. This is to avoid a late sync cycle // applying changes to the sync db that wouldn't get applied via // ChangeProcessors, leading to back-from-the-dead bugs. base::Time shutdown_start_time = base::Time::Now(); if (backend_.get()) { backend_->StopSyncingForShutdown(); } // Stop all data type controllers, if needed. Note that until Stop // completes, it is possible in theory to have a ChangeProcessor apply a // change from a native model. In that case, it will get applied to the sync // database (which doesn't get destroyed until we destroy the backend below) // as an unsynced change. That will be persisted, and committed on restart. if (data_type_manager_.get()) { if (data_type_manager_->state() != DataTypeManager::STOPPED) { // When aborting as part of shutdown, we should expect an aborted sync // configure result, else we'll dcheck when we try to read the sync error. expect_sync_configuration_aborted_ = true; data_type_manager_->Stop(); } data_type_manager_.reset(); } // Shutdown the migrator before the backend to ensure it doesn't pull a null // snapshot. migrator_.reset(); sync_js_controller_.AttachJsBackend(WeakHandle()); // Move aside the backend so nobody else tries to use it while we are // shutting it down. scoped_ptr doomed_backend(backend_.release()); if (doomed_backend.get()) { doomed_backend->Shutdown(sync_disabled); doomed_backend.reset(); } base::TimeDelta shutdown_time = base::Time::Now() - shutdown_start_time; UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("Sync.Shutdown.BackendDestroyedTime", shutdown_time); weak_factory_.InvalidateWeakPtrs(); // Clear various flags. expect_sync_configuration_aborted_ = false; is_auth_in_progress_ = false; backend_initialized_ = false; // NULL if we're called from Shutdown(). if (invalidator_registrar_.get()) UpdateInvalidatorRegistrarState(); cached_passphrase_.clear(); encryption_pending_ = false; encrypt_everything_ = false; encrypted_types_ = syncer::SyncEncryptionHandler::SensitiveTypes(); passphrase_required_reason_ = syncer::REASON_PASSPHRASE_NOT_REQUIRED; last_auth_error_ = AuthError::None(); if (sync_global_error_.get()) { GlobalErrorServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile_)->RemoveGlobalError( sync_global_error_.get()); RemoveObserver(sync_global_error_.get()); sync_global_error_.reset(NULL); } } void ProfileSyncService::DisableForUser() { // Clear prefs (including SyncSetupHasCompleted) before shutting down so // PSS clients don't think we're set up while we're shutting down. sync_prefs_.ClearPreferences(); invalidator_storage_.Clear(); ClearUnrecoverableError(); ShutdownImpl(true); // TODO(atwilson): Don't call SignOut() on *any* platform - move this into // the UI layer if needed (sync activity should never result in the user // being logged out of all chrome services). if (!auto_start_enabled_ && !signin_->GetAuthenticatedUsername().empty()) signin_->SignOut(); NotifyObservers(); } bool ProfileSyncService::HasSyncSetupCompleted() const { return sync_prefs_.HasSyncSetupCompleted(); } void ProfileSyncService::SetSyncSetupCompleted() { sync_prefs_.SetSyncSetupCompleted(); } void ProfileSyncService::UpdateLastSyncedTime() { last_synced_time_ = base::Time::Now(); sync_prefs_.SetLastSyncedTime(last_synced_time_); } void ProfileSyncService::NotifyObservers() { FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(Observer, observers_, OnStateChanged()); // TODO(akalin): Make an Observer subclass that listens and does the // event routing. sync_js_controller_.HandleJsEvent( "onServiceStateChanged", JsEventDetails()); } void ProfileSyncService::ClearStaleErrors() { ClearUnrecoverableError(); last_actionable_error_ = SyncProtocolError(); } void ProfileSyncService::ClearUnrecoverableError() { unrecoverable_error_reason_ = ERROR_REASON_UNSET; unrecoverable_error_message_.clear(); unrecoverable_error_location_ = tracked_objects::Location(); } // static std::string ProfileSyncService::GetExperimentNameForDataType( syncer::ModelType data_type) { switch (data_type) { case syncer::SESSIONS: return "sync-tabs"; default: break; } NOTREACHED(); return ""; } void ProfileSyncService::RegisterNewDataType(syncer::ModelType data_type) { if (data_type_controllers_.count(data_type) > 0) return; NOTREACHED(); } // An invariant has been violated. Transition to an error state where we try // to do as little work as possible, to avoid further corruption or crashes. void ProfileSyncService::OnUnrecoverableError( const tracked_objects::Location& from_here, const std::string& message) { // Unrecoverable errors that arrive via the syncer::UnrecoverableErrorHandler // interface are assumed to originate within the syncer. unrecoverable_error_reason_ = ERROR_REASON_SYNCER; OnUnrecoverableErrorImpl(from_here, message, true); } void ProfileSyncService::OnUnrecoverableErrorImpl( const tracked_objects::Location& from_here, const std::string& message, bool delete_sync_database) { DCHECK(HasUnrecoverableError()); unrecoverable_error_message_ = message; unrecoverable_error_location_ = from_here; UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION(kSyncUnrecoverableErrorHistogram, unrecoverable_error_reason_, ERROR_REASON_LIMIT); NotifyObservers(); std::string location; from_here.Write(true, true, &location); LOG(ERROR) << "Unrecoverable error detected at " << location << " -- ProfileSyncService unusable: " << message; // Shut all data types down. MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&ProfileSyncService::ShutdownImpl, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), delete_sync_database)); } void ProfileSyncService::DisableBrokenDatatype( syncer::ModelType type, const tracked_objects::Location& from_here, std::string message) { // First deactivate the type so that no further server changes are // passed onto the change processor. DeactivateDataType(type); syncer::SyncError error(from_here, message, type); std::list errors; errors.push_back(error); // Update this before posting a task. So if a configure happens before // the task that we are going to post, this type would still be disabled. failed_datatypes_handler_.UpdateFailedDatatypes(errors, FailedDatatypesHandler::RUNTIME); MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&ProfileSyncService::ReconfigureDatatypeManager, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); } void ProfileSyncService::OnInvalidatorStateChange( syncer::InvalidatorState state) { invalidator_state_ = state; UpdateInvalidatorRegistrarState(); } void ProfileSyncService::OnIncomingInvalidation( const syncer::ObjectIdInvalidationMap& invalidation_map, syncer::IncomingInvalidationSource source) { invalidator_registrar_->DispatchInvalidationsToHandlers(invalidation_map, source); } void ProfileSyncService::OnBackendInitialized( const syncer::WeakHandle& js_backend, bool success) { is_first_time_sync_configure_ = !HasSyncSetupCompleted(); if (is_first_time_sync_configure_) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_BOOLEAN("Sync.BackendInitializeFirstTimeSuccess", success); } else { UMA_HISTOGRAM_BOOLEAN("Sync.BackendInitializeRestoreSuccess", success); } if (!start_up_time_.is_null()) { base::Time on_backend_initialized_time = base::Time::Now(); base::TimeDelta delta = on_backend_initialized_time - start_up_time_; if (is_first_time_sync_configure_) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_LONG_TIMES("Sync.BackendInitializeFirstTime", delta); } else { UMA_HISTOGRAM_LONG_TIMES("Sync.BackendInitializeRestoreTime", delta); } start_up_time_ = base::Time(); } if (!success) { // Something went unexpectedly wrong. Play it safe: stop syncing at once // and surface error UI to alert the user sync has stopped. // Keep the directory around for now so that on restart we will retry // again and potentially succeed in presence of transient file IO failures // or permissions issues, etc. // // TODO(rlarocque): Consider making this UnrecoverableError less special. // Unlike every other UnrecoverableError, it does not delete our sync data. // This exception made sense at the time it was implemented, but our new // directory corruption recovery mechanism makes it obsolete. By the time // we get here, we will have already tried and failed to delete the // directory. It would be no big deal if we tried to delete it again. OnInternalUnrecoverableError(FROM_HERE, "BackendInitialize failure", false, ERROR_REASON_BACKEND_INIT_FAILURE); return; } backend_initialized_ = true; UpdateInvalidatorRegistrarState(); sync_js_controller_.AttachJsBackend(js_backend); // If we have a cached passphrase use it to decrypt/encrypt data now that the // backend is initialized. We want to call this before notifying observers in // case this operation affects the "passphrase required" status. ConsumeCachedPassphraseIfPossible(); // The very first time the backend initializes is effectively the first time // we can say we successfully "synced". last_synced_time_ will only be null // in this case, because the pref wasn't restored on StartUp. if (last_synced_time_.is_null()) { UpdateLastSyncedTime(); } NotifyObservers(); if (auto_start_enabled_ && !FirstSetupInProgress()) { // Backend is initialized but we're not in sync setup, so this must be an // autostart - mark our sync setup as completed and we'll start syncing // below. SetSyncSetupCompleted(); NotifyObservers(); } if (HasSyncSetupCompleted()) { ConfigureDataTypeManager(); } else { DCHECK(FirstSetupInProgress()); } } void ProfileSyncService::OnSyncCycleCompleted() { UpdateLastSyncedTime(); if (GetSessionModelAssociator()) { // Trigger garbage collection of old sessions now that we've downloaded // any new session data. TODO(zea): Have this be a notification the session // model associator listens too. Also consider somehow plumbing the current // server time as last reported by CheckServerReachable, so we don't have to // rely on the local clock, which may be off significantly. MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&browser_sync::SessionModelAssociator::DeleteStaleSessions, GetSessionModelAssociator()->AsWeakPtr())); } DVLOG(2) << "Notifying observers sync cycle completed"; NotifyObservers(); } void ProfileSyncService::OnExperimentsChanged( const syncer::Experiments& experiments) { if (current_experiments.Matches(experiments)) return; // If this is a first time sync for a client, this will be called before // OnBackendInitialized() to ensure the new datatypes are available at sync // setup. As a result, the migrator won't exist yet. This is fine because for // first time sync cases we're only concerned with making the datatype // available. if (migrator_.get() && migrator_->state() != browser_sync::BackendMigrator::IDLE) { DVLOG(1) << "Dropping OnExperimentsChanged due to migrator busy."; return; } const syncer::ModelTypeSet registered_types = GetRegisteredDataTypes(); syncer::ModelTypeSet to_add; const syncer::ModelTypeSet to_register = Difference(to_add, registered_types); DVLOG(2) << "OnExperimentsChanged called with types: " << syncer::ModelTypeSetToString(to_add); DVLOG(2) << "Enabling types: " << syncer::ModelTypeSetToString(to_register); for (syncer::ModelTypeSet::Iterator it = to_register.First(); it.Good(); it.Inc()) { // Received notice to enable experimental type. Check if the type is // registered, and if not register a new datatype controller. RegisterNewDataType(it.Get()); // Enable the about:flags switch for the experimental type so we don't have // to always perform this reconfiguration. Once we set this, the type will // remain registered on restart, so we will no longer go down this code // path. std::string experiment_name = GetExperimentNameForDataType(it.Get()); if (experiment_name.empty()) continue; about_flags::SetExperimentEnabled(g_browser_process->local_state(), experiment_name, true); } // Check if the user has "Keep Everything Synced" enabled. If so, we want // to turn on all experimental types if they're not already on. Otherwise we // leave them off. // Note: if any types are already registered, we don't turn them on. This // covers the case where we're already in the process of reconfiguring // to turn an experimental type on. if (sync_prefs_.HasKeepEverythingSynced()) { // Mark all data types as preferred. sync_prefs_.SetPreferredDataTypes(registered_types, registered_types); // Only automatically turn on types if we have already finished set up. // Otherwise, just leave the experimental types on by default. if (!to_register.Empty() && HasSyncSetupCompleted() && migrator_.get()) { DVLOG(1) << "Dynamically enabling new datatypes: " << syncer::ModelTypeSetToString(to_register); OnMigrationNeededForTypes(to_register); } } // Now enable any non-datatype features. if (experiments.sync_tab_favicons) { DVLOG(1) << "Enabling syncing of tab favicons."; about_flags::SetExperimentEnabled(g_browser_process->local_state(), "sync-tab-favicons", true); #if defined(OS_ANDROID) // Android does not support about:flags and experiments, so we need to force // setting the experiments as command line switches. CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->AppendSwitch(switches::kSyncTabFavicons); #endif } current_experiments = experiments; } void ProfileSyncService::UpdateAuthErrorState(const AuthError& error) { is_auth_in_progress_ = false; last_auth_error_ = error; // Fan the notification out to interested UI-thread components. NotifyObservers(); } namespace { AuthError ConnectionStatusToAuthError( syncer::ConnectionStatus status) { switch (status) { case syncer::CONNECTION_OK: return AuthError::None(); break; case syncer::CONNECTION_AUTH_ERROR: return AuthError(AuthError::INVALID_GAIA_CREDENTIALS); break; case syncer::CONNECTION_SERVER_ERROR: return AuthError(AuthError::CONNECTION_FAILED); break; default: NOTREACHED(); return AuthError(AuthError::CONNECTION_FAILED); } } } // namespace void ProfileSyncService::OnConnectionStatusChange( syncer::ConnectionStatus status) { UpdateAuthErrorState(ConnectionStatusToAuthError(status)); } void ProfileSyncService::OnStopSyncingPermanently() { UpdateAuthErrorState(AuthError(AuthError::SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE)); sync_prefs_.SetStartSuppressed(true); DisableForUser(); } void ProfileSyncService::OnPassphraseRequired( syncer::PassphraseRequiredReason reason, const sync_pb::EncryptedData& pending_keys) { DCHECK(backend_.get()); DCHECK(backend_->IsNigoriEnabled()); // TODO(lipalani) : add this check to other locations as well. if (HasUnrecoverableError()) { // When unrecoverable error is detected we post a task to shutdown the // backend. The task might not have executed yet. return; } DVLOG(1) << "Passphrase required with reason: " << syncer::PassphraseRequiredReasonToString(reason); passphrase_required_reason_ = reason; // Notify observers that the passphrase status may have changed. NotifyObservers(); } void ProfileSyncService::OnPassphraseAccepted() { DVLOG(1) << "Received OnPassphraseAccepted."; // If we are not using an explicit passphrase, and we have a cache of the gaia // password, use it for encryption at this point. DCHECK(cached_passphrase_.empty()) << "Passphrase no longer required but there is still a cached passphrase"; // Reset passphrase_required_reason_ since we know we no longer require the // passphrase. We do this here rather than down in ResolvePassphraseRequired() // because that can be called by OnPassphraseRequired() if no encrypted data // types are enabled, and we don't want to clobber the true passphrase error. passphrase_required_reason_ = syncer::REASON_PASSPHRASE_NOT_REQUIRED; // Make sure the data types that depend on the passphrase are started at // this time. const syncer::ModelTypeSet types = GetPreferredDataTypes(); if (data_type_manager_.get()) { // Unblock the data type manager if necessary. data_type_manager_->Configure(types, syncer::CONFIGURE_REASON_RECONFIGURATION); } NotifyObservers(); } void ProfileSyncService::OnEncryptedTypesChanged( syncer::ModelTypeSet encrypted_types, bool encrypt_everything) { encrypted_types_ = encrypted_types; encrypt_everything_ = encrypt_everything; DVLOG(1) << "Encrypted types changed to " << syncer::ModelTypeSetToString(encrypted_types_) << " (encrypt everything is set to " << (encrypt_everything_ ? "true" : "false") << ")"; DCHECK(encrypted_types_.Has(syncer::PASSWORDS)); } void ProfileSyncService::OnEncryptionComplete() { DVLOG(1) << "Encryption complete"; if (encryption_pending_ && encrypt_everything_) { encryption_pending_ = false; // This is to nudge the integration tests when encryption is // finished. NotifyObservers(); } } void ProfileSyncService::OnMigrationNeededForTypes( syncer::ModelTypeSet types) { DCHECK(backend_initialized_); DCHECK(data_type_manager_.get()); // Migrator must be valid, because we don't sync until it is created and this // callback originates from a sync cycle. migrator_->MigrateTypes(types); } void ProfileSyncService::OnActionableError(const SyncProtocolError& error) { last_actionable_error_ = error; DCHECK_NE(last_actionable_error_.action, syncer::UNKNOWN_ACTION); switch (error.action) { case syncer::UPGRADE_CLIENT: case syncer::CLEAR_USER_DATA_AND_RESYNC: case syncer::ENABLE_SYNC_ON_ACCOUNT: case syncer::STOP_AND_RESTART_SYNC: // TODO(lipalani) : if setup in progress we want to display these // actions in the popup. The current experience might not be optimal for // the user. We just dismiss the dialog. if (setup_in_progress_) { OnStopSyncingPermanently(); expect_sync_configuration_aborted_ = true; } // Trigger an unrecoverable error to stop syncing. OnInternalUnrecoverableError(FROM_HERE, last_actionable_error_.error_description, true, ERROR_REASON_ACTIONABLE_ERROR); break; case syncer::DISABLE_SYNC_ON_CLIENT: OnStopSyncingPermanently(); break; default: NOTREACHED(); } NotifyObservers(); } void ProfileSyncService::OnConfigureBlocked() { NotifyObservers(); } void ProfileSyncService::OnConfigureDone( const browser_sync::DataTypeManager::ConfigureResult& result) { // We should have cleared our cached passphrase before we get here (in // OnBackendInitialized()). DCHECK(cached_passphrase_.empty()); if (!sync_configure_start_time_.is_null()) { if (result.status == DataTypeManager::OK || result.status == DataTypeManager::PARTIAL_SUCCESS) { base::Time sync_configure_stop_time = base::Time::Now(); base::TimeDelta delta = sync_configure_stop_time - sync_configure_start_time_; if (is_first_time_sync_configure_) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_LONG_TIMES("Sync.ServiceInitialConfigureTime", delta); } else { UMA_HISTOGRAM_LONG_TIMES("Sync.ServiceSubsequentConfigureTime", delta); } } sync_configure_start_time_ = base::Time(); } // Notify listeners that configuration is done. content::NotificationService::current()->Notify( chrome::NOTIFICATION_SYNC_CONFIGURE_DONE, content::Source(this), content::NotificationService::NoDetails()); configure_status_ = result.status; DVLOG(1) << "PSS OnConfigureDone called with status: " << configure_status_; // The possible status values: // ABORT - Configuration was aborted. This is not an error, if // initiated by user. // OK - Everything succeeded. // PARTIAL_SUCCESS - Some datatypes failed to start. // Everything else is an UnrecoverableError. So treat it as such. // First handle the abort case. if (configure_status_ == DataTypeManager::ABORTED && expect_sync_configuration_aborted_) { DVLOG(0) << "ProfileSyncService::Observe Sync Configure aborted"; expect_sync_configuration_aborted_ = false; return; } // Handle unrecoverable error. if (configure_status_ != DataTypeManager::OK && configure_status_ != DataTypeManager::PARTIAL_SUCCESS) { // Something catastrophic had happened. We should only have one // error representing it. DCHECK_EQ(result.failed_data_types.size(), static_cast(1)); syncer::SyncError error = result.failed_data_types.front(); DCHECK(error.IsSet()); std::string message = "Sync configuration failed with status " + DataTypeManager::ConfigureStatusToString(configure_status_) + " during " + syncer::ModelTypeToString(error.type()) + ": " + error.message(); LOG(ERROR) << "ProfileSyncService error: " << message; OnInternalUnrecoverableError(error.location(), message, true, ERROR_REASON_CONFIGURATION_FAILURE); return; } // Now handle partial success and full success. MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&ProfileSyncService::OnSyncConfigureDone, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), result)); // We should never get in a state where we have no encrypted datatypes // enabled, and yet we still think we require a passphrase for decryption. DCHECK(!(IsPassphraseRequiredForDecryption() && !IsEncryptedDatatypeEnabled())); // This must be done before we start syncing with the server to avoid // sending unencrypted data up on a first time sync. if (encryption_pending_) backend_->EnableEncryptEverything(); NotifyObservers(); if (migrator_.get() && migrator_->state() != browser_sync::BackendMigrator::IDLE) { // Migration in progress. Let the migrator know we just finished // configuring something. It will be up to the migrator to call // StartSyncingWithServer() if migration is now finished. migrator_->OnConfigureDone(result); } else { StartSyncingWithServer(); } } void ProfileSyncService::OnConfigureRetry() { // We should have cleared our cached passphrase before we get here (in // OnBackendInitialized()). DCHECK(cached_passphrase_.empty()); OnSyncConfigureRetry(); } void ProfileSyncService::OnConfigureStart() { sync_configure_start_time_ = base::Time::Now(); content::NotificationService::current()->Notify( chrome::NOTIFICATION_SYNC_CONFIGURE_START, content::Source(this), content::NotificationService::NoDetails()); NotifyObservers(); } std::string ProfileSyncService::QuerySyncStatusSummary() { if (HasUnrecoverableError()) { return "Unrecoverable error detected"; } else if (!backend_.get()) { return "Syncing not enabled"; } else if (backend_.get() && !HasSyncSetupCompleted()) { return "First time sync setup incomplete"; } else if (backend_.get() && HasSyncSetupCompleted() && data_type_manager_.get() && data_type_manager_->state() != DataTypeManager::CONFIGURED) { return "Datatypes not fully initialized"; } else if (ShouldPushChanges()) { return "Sync service initialized"; } else { return "Status unknown: Internal error?"; } } bool ProfileSyncService::QueryDetailedSyncStatus( SyncBackendHost::Status* result) { if (backend_.get() && backend_initialized_) { *result = backend_->GetDetailedStatus(); return true; } else { SyncBackendHost::Status status; status.sync_protocol_error = last_actionable_error_; *result = status; return false; } } const AuthError& ProfileSyncService::GetAuthError() const { return last_auth_error_; } bool ProfileSyncService::FirstSetupInProgress() const { return !HasSyncSetupCompleted() && setup_in_progress_; } void ProfileSyncService::SetSetupInProgress(bool setup_in_progress) { bool was_in_progress = setup_in_progress_; setup_in_progress_ = setup_in_progress; if (!setup_in_progress && was_in_progress) { if (sync_initialized()) { ReconfigureDatatypeManager(); } } } bool ProfileSyncService::sync_initialized() const { return backend_initialized_; } bool ProfileSyncService::waiting_for_auth() const { return is_auth_in_progress_; } bool ProfileSyncService::HasUnrecoverableError() const { return unrecoverable_error_reason_ != ERROR_REASON_UNSET; } bool ProfileSyncService::IsPassphraseRequired() const { return passphrase_required_reason_ != syncer::REASON_PASSPHRASE_NOT_REQUIRED; } // TODO(zea): Rename this IsPassphraseNeededFromUI and ensure it's used // appropriately (see http://crbug.com/91379). bool ProfileSyncService::IsPassphraseRequiredForDecryption() const { // If there is an encrypted datatype enabled and we don't have the proper // passphrase, we must prompt the user for a passphrase. The only way for the // user to avoid entering their passphrase is to disable the encrypted types. return IsEncryptedDatatypeEnabled() && IsPassphraseRequired(); } string16 ProfileSyncService::GetLastSyncedTimeString() const { if (last_synced_time_.is_null()) return l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_SYNC_TIME_NEVER); base::TimeDelta last_synced = base::Time::Now() - last_synced_time_; if (last_synced < base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(1)) return l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_SYNC_TIME_JUST_NOW); return TimeFormat::TimeElapsed(last_synced); } void ProfileSyncService::UpdateSelectedTypesHistogram( bool sync_everything, const syncer::ModelTypeSet chosen_types) const { if (!HasSyncSetupCompleted() || sync_everything != sync_prefs_.HasKeepEverythingSynced()) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_BOOLEAN("Sync.SyncEverything", sync_everything); } // Only log the data types that are shown in the sync settings ui. const syncer::ModelType model_types[] = { syncer::APPS, syncer::AUTOFILL, syncer::BOOKMARKS, syncer::EXTENSIONS, syncer::PASSWORDS, syncer::PREFERENCES, syncer::SESSIONS, syncer::THEMES, syncer::TYPED_URLS }; const browser_sync::user_selectable_type::UserSelectableSyncType user_selectable_types[] = { browser_sync::user_selectable_type::APPS, browser_sync::user_selectable_type::AUTOFILL, browser_sync::user_selectable_type::BOOKMARKS, browser_sync::user_selectable_type::EXTENSIONS, browser_sync::user_selectable_type::PASSWORDS, browser_sync::user_selectable_type::PREFERENCES, browser_sync::user_selectable_type::SESSIONS, browser_sync::user_selectable_type::THEMES, browser_sync::user_selectable_type::TYPED_URLS }; COMPILE_ASSERT(20 == syncer::MODEL_TYPE_COUNT, UpdateCustomConfigHistogram); COMPILE_ASSERT(arraysize(model_types) == browser_sync::user_selectable_type::SELECTABLE_DATATYPE_COUNT, UpdateCustomConfigHistogram); COMPILE_ASSERT(arraysize(model_types) == arraysize(user_selectable_types), UpdateCustomConfigHistogram); if (!sync_everything) { const syncer::ModelTypeSet current_types = GetPreferredDataTypes(); for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(model_types); ++i) { const syncer::ModelType type = model_types[i]; if (chosen_types.Has(type) && (!HasSyncSetupCompleted() || !current_types.Has(type))) { // Selected type has changed - log it. UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION( "Sync.CustomSync", user_selectable_types[i], browser_sync::user_selectable_type::SELECTABLE_DATATYPE_COUNT + 1); } } } } #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) void ProfileSyncService::RefreshSpareBootstrapToken( const std::string& passphrase) { browser_sync::ChromeEncryptor encryptor; syncer::Cryptographer temp_cryptographer(&encryptor); // The first 2 params (hostname and username) doesn't have any effect here. syncer::KeyParams key_params = {"localhost", "dummy", passphrase}; std::string bootstrap_token; if (!temp_cryptographer.AddKey(key_params)) { NOTREACHED() << "Failed to add key to cryptographer."; } temp_cryptographer.GetBootstrapToken(&bootstrap_token); sync_prefs_.SetSpareBootstrapToken(bootstrap_token); } #endif void ProfileSyncService::OnUserChoseDatatypes(bool sync_everything, syncer::ModelTypeSet chosen_types) { if (!backend_.get() && !HasUnrecoverableError()) { NOTREACHED(); return; } UpdateSelectedTypesHistogram(sync_everything, chosen_types); sync_prefs_.SetKeepEverythingSynced(sync_everything); failed_datatypes_handler_.OnUserChoseDatatypes(); ChangePreferredDataTypes(chosen_types); AcknowledgeSyncedTypes(); NotifyObservers(); } void ProfileSyncService::ChangePreferredDataTypes( syncer::ModelTypeSet preferred_types) { DVLOG(1) << "ChangePreferredDataTypes invoked"; const syncer::ModelTypeSet registered_types = GetRegisteredDataTypes(); const syncer::ModelTypeSet registered_preferred_types = Intersection(registered_types, preferred_types); sync_prefs_.SetPreferredDataTypes(registered_types, registered_preferred_types); // Now reconfigure the DTM. ReconfigureDatatypeManager(); } syncer::ModelTypeSet ProfileSyncService::GetPreferredDataTypes() const { const syncer::ModelTypeSet registered_types = GetRegisteredDataTypes(); const syncer::ModelTypeSet preferred_types = sync_prefs_.GetPreferredDataTypes(registered_types); const syncer::ModelTypeSet failed_types = failed_datatypes_handler_.GetFailedTypes(); return Difference(preferred_types, failed_types); } syncer::ModelTypeSet ProfileSyncService::GetRegisteredDataTypes() const { syncer::ModelTypeSet registered_types; // The data_type_controllers_ are determined by command-line flags; that's // effectively what controls the values returned here. for (DataTypeController::TypeMap::const_iterator it = data_type_controllers_.begin(); it != data_type_controllers_.end(); ++it) { registered_types.Put(it->first); } return registered_types; } bool ProfileSyncService::IsUsingSecondaryPassphrase() const { syncer::PassphraseType passphrase_type = GetPassphraseType(); return passphrase_type == syncer::FROZEN_IMPLICIT_PASSPHRASE || passphrase_type == syncer::CUSTOM_PASSPHRASE; } syncer::PassphraseType ProfileSyncService::GetPassphraseType() const { return backend_->GetPassphraseType(); } base::Time ProfileSyncService::GetExplicitPassphraseTime() const { return backend_->GetExplicitPassphraseTime(); } bool ProfileSyncService::IsCryptographerReady( const syncer::BaseTransaction* trans) const { return backend_.get() && backend_->IsCryptographerReady(trans); } SyncBackendHost* ProfileSyncService::GetBackendForTest() { // We don't check |backend_initialized_|; we assume the test class // knows what it's doing. return backend_.get(); } void ProfileSyncService::ConfigureDataTypeManager() { // Don't configure datatypes if the setup UI is still on the screen - this // is to help multi-screen setting UIs (like iOS) where they don't want to // start syncing data until the user is done configuring encryption options, // etc. ReconfigureDatatypeManager() will get called again once the UI calls // SetSetupInProgress(false). if (setup_in_progress_) return; bool restart = false; if (!data_type_manager_.get()) { restart = true; data_type_manager_.reset( factory_->CreateDataTypeManager(backend_.get(), &data_type_controllers_, this)); // We create the migrator at the same time. migrator_.reset( new browser_sync::BackendMigrator( profile_->GetDebugName(), GetUserShare(), this, data_type_manager_.get(), base::Bind(&ProfileSyncService::StartSyncingWithServer, base::Unretained(this)))); } const syncer::ModelTypeSet types = GetPreferredDataTypes(); if (IsPassphraseRequiredForDecryption()) { // We need a passphrase still. We don't bother to attempt to configure // until we receive an OnPassphraseAccepted (which triggers a configure). DVLOG(1) << "ProfileSyncService::ConfigureDataTypeManager bailing out " << "because a passphrase required"; NotifyObservers(); return; } syncer::ConfigureReason reason = syncer::CONFIGURE_REASON_UNKNOWN; if (!HasSyncSetupCompleted()) { reason = syncer::CONFIGURE_REASON_NEW_CLIENT; } else if (restart) { // Datatype downloads on restart are generally due to newly supported // datatypes (although it's also possible we're picking up where a failed // previous configuration left off). // TODO(sync): consider detecting configuration recovery and setting // the reason here appropriately. reason = syncer::CONFIGURE_REASON_NEWLY_ENABLED_DATA_TYPE; } else { // The user initiated a reconfiguration (either to add or remove types). reason = syncer::CONFIGURE_REASON_RECONFIGURATION; } data_type_manager_->Configure(types, reason); } syncer::UserShare* ProfileSyncService::GetUserShare() const { if (backend_.get() && backend_initialized_) { return backend_->GetUserShare(); } NOTREACHED(); return NULL; } syncer::sessions::SyncSessionSnapshot ProfileSyncService::GetLastSessionSnapshot() const { if (backend_.get() && backend_initialized_) { return backend_->GetLastSessionSnapshot(); } NOTREACHED(); return syncer::sessions::SyncSessionSnapshot(); } bool ProfileSyncService::HasUnsyncedItems() const { if (backend_.get() && backend_initialized_) { return backend_->HasUnsyncedItems(); } NOTREACHED(); return false; } browser_sync::BackendMigrator* ProfileSyncService::GetBackendMigratorForTest() { return migrator_.get(); } void ProfileSyncService::GetModelSafeRoutingInfo( syncer::ModelSafeRoutingInfo* out) const { if (backend_.get() && backend_initialized_) { backend_->GetModelSafeRoutingInfo(out); } else { NOTREACHED(); } } Value* ProfileSyncService::GetTypeStatusMap() const { ListValue* result = new ListValue(); if (!backend_.get() || !backend_initialized_) { return result; } std::vector errors = failed_datatypes_handler_.GetAllErrors(); std::map error_map; for (std::vector::iterator it = errors.begin(); it != errors.end(); ++it) { error_map[it->type()] = *it; } ModelTypeSet active_types; ModelTypeSet passive_types; ModelSafeRoutingInfo routing_info; backend_->GetModelSafeRoutingInfo(&routing_info); for (ModelSafeRoutingInfo::const_iterator it = routing_info.begin(); it != routing_info.end(); ++it) { if (it->second == syncer::GROUP_PASSIVE) { passive_types.Put(it->first); } else { active_types.Put(it->first); } } SyncBackendHost::Status detailed_status = backend_->GetDetailedStatus(); ModelTypeSet &throttled_types(detailed_status.throttled_types); ModelTypeSet registered = GetRegisteredDataTypes(); for (ModelTypeSet::Iterator it = registered.First(); it.Good(); it.Inc()) { ModelType type = it.Get(); DictionaryValue* type_status = new DictionaryValue(); result->Append(type_status); type_status->SetString("name", ModelTypeToString(type)); if (error_map.find(type) != error_map.end()) { const syncer::SyncError &error = error_map.find(type)->second; DCHECK(error.IsSet()); std::string error_text = "Error: " + error.location().ToString() + ", " + error.message(); type_status->SetString("status", "error"); type_status->SetString("value", error_text); } else if (throttled_types.Has(type) && passive_types.Has(type)) { type_status->SetString("status", "warning"); type_status->SetString("value", "Passive, Throttled"); } else if (passive_types.Has(type)) { type_status->SetString("status", "warning"); type_status->SetString("value", "Passive"); } else if (throttled_types.Has(type)) { type_status->SetString("status", "warning"); type_status->SetString("value", "Throttled"); } else if (active_types.Has(type)) { type_status->SetString("status", "ok"); type_status->SetString("value", "Active: " + ModelSafeGroupToString(routing_info[type])); } else { type_status->SetString("status", "warning"); type_status->SetString("value", "Disabled by User"); } } return result; } void ProfileSyncService::ActivateDataType( syncer::ModelType type, syncer::ModelSafeGroup group, ChangeProcessor* change_processor) { if (!backend_.get()) { NOTREACHED(); return; } DCHECK(backend_initialized_); backend_->ActivateDataType(type, group, change_processor); } void ProfileSyncService::DeactivateDataType(syncer::ModelType type) { if (!backend_.get()) return; backend_->DeactivateDataType(type); } void ProfileSyncService::ConsumeCachedPassphraseIfPossible() { // If no cached passphrase, or sync backend hasn't started up yet, just exit. // If the backend isn't running yet, OnBackendInitialized() will call this // method again after the backend starts up. if (cached_passphrase_.empty() || !sync_initialized()) return; // Backend is up and running, so we can consume the cached passphrase. std::string passphrase = cached_passphrase_; cached_passphrase_.clear(); // If we need a passphrase to decrypt data, try the cached passphrase. if (passphrase_required_reason() == syncer::REASON_DECRYPTION) { if (SetDecryptionPassphrase(passphrase)) { DVLOG(1) << "Cached passphrase successfully decrypted pending keys"; return; } } // If we get here, we don't have pending keys (or at least, the passphrase // doesn't decrypt them) - just try to re-encrypt using the encryption // passphrase. if (!IsUsingSecondaryPassphrase()) SetEncryptionPassphrase(passphrase, IMPLICIT); } void ProfileSyncService::SetEncryptionPassphrase(const std::string& passphrase, PassphraseType type) { // This should only be called when the backend has been initialized. DCHECK(sync_initialized()); DCHECK(!(type == IMPLICIT && IsUsingSecondaryPassphrase())) << "Data is already encrypted using an explicit passphrase"; DCHECK(!(type == EXPLICIT && IsPassphraseRequired())) << "Cannot switch to an explicit passphrase if a passphrase is required"; if (type == EXPLICIT) UMA_HISTOGRAM_BOOLEAN("Sync.CustomPassphrase", true); DVLOG(1) << "Setting " << (type == EXPLICIT ? "explicit" : "implicit") << " passphrase for encryption."; if (passphrase_required_reason_ == syncer::REASON_ENCRYPTION) { // REASON_ENCRYPTION implies that the cryptographer does not have pending // keys. Hence, as long as we're not trying to do an invalid passphrase // change (e.g. explicit -> explicit or explicit -> implicit), we know this // will succeed. If for some reason a new encryption key arrives via // sync later, the SBH will trigger another OnPassphraseRequired(). passphrase_required_reason_ = syncer::REASON_PASSPHRASE_NOT_REQUIRED; NotifyObservers(); } backend_->SetEncryptionPassphrase(passphrase, type == EXPLICIT); } bool ProfileSyncService::SetDecryptionPassphrase( const std::string& passphrase) { if (IsPassphraseRequired()) { DVLOG(1) << "Setting passphrase for decryption."; return backend_->SetDecryptionPassphrase(passphrase); } else { NOTREACHED() << "SetDecryptionPassphrase must not be called when " "IsPassphraseRequired() is false."; return false; } } void ProfileSyncService::EnableEncryptEverything() { // Tests override sync_initialized() to always return true, so we // must check that instead of |backend_initialized_|. // TODO(akalin): Fix the above. :/ DCHECK(sync_initialized()); // TODO(atwilson): Persist the encryption_pending_ flag to address the various // problems around cancelling encryption in the background (crbug.com/119649). if (!encrypt_everything_) encryption_pending_ = true; UMA_HISTOGRAM_BOOLEAN("Sync.EncryptAllData", true); } bool ProfileSyncService::encryption_pending() const { // We may be called during the setup process before we're // initialized (via IsEncryptedDatatypeEnabled and // IsPassphraseRequiredForDecryption). return encryption_pending_; } bool ProfileSyncService::EncryptEverythingEnabled() const { DCHECK(backend_initialized_); return encrypt_everything_ || encryption_pending_; } syncer::ModelTypeSet ProfileSyncService::GetEncryptedDataTypes() const { DCHECK(encrypted_types_.Has(syncer::PASSWORDS)); // We may be called during the setup process before we're // initialized. In this case, we default to the sensitive types. return encrypted_types_; } void ProfileSyncService::OnSyncManagedPrefChange(bool is_sync_managed) { NotifyObservers(); if (is_sync_managed) { DisableForUser(); } else if (HasSyncSetupCompleted() && IsSyncEnabledAndLoggedIn() && IsSyncTokenAvailable()) { // Previously-configured sync has been re-enabled, so start sync now. StartUp(); } } void ProfileSyncService::Observe(int type, const content::NotificationSource& source, const content::NotificationDetails& details) { switch (type) { case chrome::NOTIFICATION_GOOGLE_SIGNIN_SUCCESSFUL: { const GoogleServiceSigninSuccessDetails* successful = content::Details( details).ptr(); DCHECK(!successful->password.empty()); if (!sync_prefs_.IsStartSuppressed()) { cached_passphrase_ = successful->password; // Try to consume the passphrase we just cached. If the sync backend // is not running yet, the passphrase will remain cached until the // backend starts up. ConsumeCachedPassphraseIfPossible(); } #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) RefreshSpareBootstrapToken(successful->password); #endif if (!sync_initialized() || GetAuthError().state() != AuthError::NONE) { // Track the fact that we're still waiting for auth to complete. is_auth_in_progress_ = true; } break; } case chrome::NOTIFICATION_TOKEN_REQUEST_FAILED: { const TokenService::TokenRequestFailedDetails& token_details = *(content::Details( details).ptr()); if (IsTokenServiceRelevant(token_details.service()) && !IsSyncTokenAvailable()) { // The additional check around IsSyncTokenAvailable() above prevents us // sounding the alarm if we actually have a valid token but a refresh // attempt by TokenService failed for any variety of reasons (e.g. flaky // network). It's possible the token we do have is also invalid, but in // that case we should already have (or can expect) an auth error sent // from the sync backend. AuthError error(AuthError::INVALID_GAIA_CREDENTIALS); UpdateAuthErrorState(error); } break; } case chrome::NOTIFICATION_TOKEN_AVAILABLE: { const TokenService::TokenAvailableDetails& token_details = *(content::Details( details).ptr()); if (IsTokenServiceRelevant(token_details.service()) && IsSyncEnabledAndLoggedIn() && IsSyncTokenAvailable()) { if (backend_initialized_) backend_->UpdateCredentials(GetCredentials()); else StartUp(); } break; } case chrome::NOTIFICATION_TOKEN_LOADING_FINISHED: { // This notification gets fired when TokenService loads the tokens // from storage. if (IsSyncEnabledAndLoggedIn()) { // Don't start up sync and generate an auth error on auto_start // platforms as they have their own way to resolve TokenService errors. // (crbug.com/128592). if (auto_start_enabled_ && !IsSyncTokenAvailable()) break; // Initialize the backend if sync is enabled. If the sync token was // not loaded, GetCredentials() will generate invalid credentials to // cause the backend to generate an auth error (crbug.com/121755). if (backend_initialized_) backend_->UpdateCredentials(GetCredentials()); else StartUp(); } break; } default: { NOTREACHED(); } } } void ProfileSyncService::AddObserver(Observer* observer) { observers_.AddObserver(observer); } void ProfileSyncService::RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) { observers_.RemoveObserver(observer); } bool ProfileSyncService::HasObserver(Observer* observer) const { return observers_.HasObserver(observer); } base::WeakPtr ProfileSyncService::GetJsController() { return sync_js_controller_.AsWeakPtr(); } void ProfileSyncService::SyncEvent(SyncEventCodes code) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Sync.EventCodes", code, MAX_SYNC_EVENT_CODE); } // static bool ProfileSyncService::IsSyncEnabled() { // We have switches::kEnableSync just in case we need to change back to // sync-disabled-by-default on a platform. return !CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(switches::kDisableSync); } bool ProfileSyncService::IsManaged() const { return sync_prefs_.IsManaged(); } bool ProfileSyncService::ShouldPushChanges() { // True only after all bootstrapping has succeeded: the sync backend // is initialized, all enabled data types are consistent with one // another, and no unrecoverable error has transpired. if (HasUnrecoverableError()) return false; if (!data_type_manager_.get()) return false; return data_type_manager_->state() == DataTypeManager::CONFIGURED; } void ProfileSyncService::StopAndSuppress() { sync_prefs_.SetStartSuppressed(true); ShutdownImpl(false); } void ProfileSyncService::UnsuppressAndStart() { DCHECK(profile_); sync_prefs_.SetStartSuppressed(false); // Set username in SigninManager, as SigninManager::OnGetUserInfoSuccess // is never called for some clients. if (signin_ && signin_->GetAuthenticatedUsername().empty()) { signin_->SetAuthenticatedUsername(sync_prefs_.GetGoogleServicesUsername()); } TryStart(); } void ProfileSyncService::AcknowledgeSyncedTypes() { sync_prefs_.AcknowledgeSyncedTypes(GetRegisteredDataTypes()); } void ProfileSyncService::ReconfigureDatatypeManager() { // If we haven't initialized yet, don't configure the DTM as it could cause // association to start before a Directory has even been created. if (backend_initialized_) { DCHECK(backend_.get()); ConfigureDataTypeManager(); } else if (HasUnrecoverableError()) { // There is nothing more to configure. So inform the listeners, NotifyObservers(); DVLOG(1) << "ConfigureDataTypeManager not invoked because of an " << "Unrecoverable error."; } else { DVLOG(0) << "ConfigureDataTypeManager not invoked because backend is not " << "initialized"; } } const FailedDatatypesHandler& ProfileSyncService::failed_datatypes_handler() const { return failed_datatypes_handler_; } void ProfileSyncService::OnInternalUnrecoverableError( const tracked_objects::Location& from_here, const std::string& message, bool delete_sync_database, UnrecoverableErrorReason reason) { DCHECK(!HasUnrecoverableError()); unrecoverable_error_reason_ = reason; OnUnrecoverableErrorImpl(from_here, message, delete_sync_database); } void ProfileSyncService::UpdateInvalidatorRegistrarState() { const syncer::InvalidatorState effective_state = backend_initialized_ ? invalidator_state_ : syncer::TRANSIENT_INVALIDATION_ERROR; invalidator_registrar_->UpdateInvalidatorState(effective_state); } void ProfileSyncService::ResetForTest() { Profile* profile = profile_; SigninManager* signin = SigninManagerFactory::GetForProfile(profile); ProfileSyncService::StartBehavior behavior = browser_defaults::kSyncAutoStarts ? ProfileSyncService::AUTO_START : ProfileSyncService::MANUAL_START; // We call the destructor and placement new here because we want to explicitly // recreate a new ProfileSyncService instance at the same memory location as // the old one. Doing so is fine because this code is run only from within // integration tests, and the message loop is not running at this point. // See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6224121/is-new-this-myclass-undefined-behaviour-after-directly-calling-the-destru. ProfileSyncService* old_this = this; this->~ProfileSyncService(); new(old_this) ProfileSyncService( new ProfileSyncComponentsFactoryImpl(profile, CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()), profile, signin, behavior); }