// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // TODO(akalin): This file is basically just a unit test for // BookmarkChangeProcessor. Write unit tests for // BookmarkModelAssociator separately. #include #include #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/file_path.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/location.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/string16.h" #include "base/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_model.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/abstract_profile_sync_service_test.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/api/sync_error.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/glue/bookmark_change_processor.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/glue/bookmark_model_associator.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/internal_api/change_record.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/internal_api/read_node.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/internal_api/read_transaction.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/internal_api/write_node.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/internal_api/write_transaction.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/syncable/directory_manager.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/test/engine/test_id_factory.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/test/engine/test_user_share.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h" #include "chrome/test/base/testing_profile.h" #include "content/test/test_browser_thread.h" #include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" namespace browser_sync { using testing::_; using testing::InvokeWithoutArgs; using testing::Mock; using testing::StrictMock; using content::BrowserThread; class TestBookmarkModelAssociator : public BookmarkModelAssociator { public: TestBookmarkModelAssociator( BookmarkModel* bookmark_model, sync_api::UserShare* user_share, UnrecoverableErrorHandler* unrecoverable_error_handler) : BookmarkModelAssociator(bookmark_model, user_share, unrecoverable_error_handler), user_share_(user_share) {} // TODO(akalin): This logic lazily creates any tagged node that is // requested. A better way would be to have utility functions to // create sync nodes from some bookmark structure and to use that. virtual bool GetSyncIdForTaggedNode(const std::string& tag, int64* sync_id) { std::string tag_str = std::string(tag.c_str(), tag.length()); bool root_exists = false; syncable::ModelType type = model_type(); { sync_api::WriteTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, user_share_); sync_api::ReadNode uber_root(&trans); uber_root.InitByRootLookup(); sync_api::ReadNode root(&trans); root_exists = root.InitByTagLookup( ProfileSyncServiceTestHelper::GetTagForType(type)); } if (!root_exists) { bool created = ProfileSyncServiceTestHelper::CreateRoot( type, user_share_, &id_factory_); if (!created) return false; } sync_api::WriteTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, user_share_); sync_api::ReadNode root(&trans); EXPECT_TRUE(root.InitByTagLookup( ProfileSyncServiceTestHelper::GetTagForType(type))); // First, try to find a node with the title among the root's children. // This will be the case if we are testing model persistence, and // are reloading a sync repository created earlier in the test. int64 last_child_id = sync_api::kInvalidId; for (int64 id = root.GetFirstChildId(); id != sync_api::kInvalidId; /***/) { sync_api::ReadNode child(&trans); child.InitByIdLookup(id); last_child_id = id; if (tag_str == child.GetTitle()) { *sync_id = id; return true; } id = child.GetSuccessorId(); } sync_api::ReadNode predecessor_node(&trans); sync_api::ReadNode* predecessor = NULL; if (last_child_id != sync_api::kInvalidId) { predecessor_node.InitByIdLookup(last_child_id); predecessor = &predecessor_node; } sync_api::WriteNode node(&trans); // Create new fake tagged nodes at the end of the ordering. node.InitByCreation(type, root, predecessor); node.SetIsFolder(true); node.entry_->Put(syncable::UNIQUE_SERVER_TAG, tag); node.SetTitle(UTF8ToWide(tag_str)); node.SetExternalId(0); *sync_id = node.GetId(); return true; } private: sync_api::UserShare* user_share_; browser_sync::TestIdFactory id_factory_; }; namespace { // FakeServerChange constructs a list of sync_api::ChangeRecords while modifying // the sync model, and can pass the ChangeRecord list to a // sync_api::SyncObserver (i.e., the ProfileSyncService) to test the client // change-application behavior. // Tests using FakeServerChange should be careful to avoid back-references, // since FakeServerChange will send the edits in the order specified. class FakeServerChange { public: explicit FakeServerChange(sync_api::WriteTransaction* trans) : trans_(trans) { } // Pretend that the server told the syncer to add a bookmark object. int64 Add(const std::wstring& title, const std::string& url, bool is_folder, int64 parent_id, int64 predecessor_id) { sync_api::ReadNode parent(trans_); EXPECT_TRUE(parent.InitByIdLookup(parent_id)); sync_api::WriteNode node(trans_); if (predecessor_id == 0) { EXPECT_TRUE(node.InitByCreation(syncable::BOOKMARKS, parent, NULL)); } else { sync_api::ReadNode predecessor(trans_); EXPECT_TRUE(predecessor.InitByIdLookup(predecessor_id)); EXPECT_EQ(predecessor.GetParentId(), parent.GetId()); EXPECT_TRUE(node.InitByCreation(syncable::BOOKMARKS, parent, &predecessor)); } EXPECT_EQ(node.GetPredecessorId(), predecessor_id); EXPECT_EQ(node.GetParentId(), parent_id); node.SetIsFolder(is_folder); node.SetTitle(title); if (!is_folder) node.SetURL(GURL(url)); sync_api::ChangeRecord record; record.action = sync_api::ChangeRecord::ACTION_ADD; record.id = node.GetId(); changes_.push_back(record); return node.GetId(); } // Add a bookmark folder. int64 AddFolder(const std::wstring& title, int64 parent_id, int64 predecessor_id) { return Add(title, std::string(), true, parent_id, predecessor_id); } // Add a bookmark. int64 AddURL(const std::wstring& title, const std::string& url, int64 parent_id, int64 predecessor_id) { return Add(title, url, false, parent_id, predecessor_id); } // Pretend that the server told the syncer to delete an object. void Delete(int64 id) { { // Delete the sync node. sync_api::WriteNode node(trans_); EXPECT_TRUE(node.InitByIdLookup(id)); EXPECT_FALSE(node.GetFirstChildId()); node.Remove(); } { // Verify the deletion. sync_api::ReadNode node(trans_); EXPECT_FALSE(node.InitByIdLookup(id)); } sync_api::ChangeRecord record; record.action = sync_api::ChangeRecord::ACTION_DELETE; record.id = id; // Deletions are always first in the changelist, but we can't actually do // WriteNode::Remove() on the node until its children are moved. So, as // a practical matter, users of FakeServerChange must move or delete // children before parents. Thus, we must insert the deletion record // at the front of the vector. changes_.insert(changes_.begin(), record); } // Set a new title value, and return the old value. std::wstring ModifyTitle(int64 id, const std::wstring& new_title) { sync_api::WriteNode node(trans_); EXPECT_TRUE(node.InitByIdLookup(id)); std::string old_title = node.GetTitle(); node.SetTitle(new_title); SetModified(id); return UTF8ToWide(old_title); } // Set a new parent and predecessor value. Return the old parent id. // We could return the old predecessor id, but it turns out not to be // very useful for assertions. int64 ModifyPosition(int64 id, int64 parent_id, int64 predecessor_id) { sync_api::ReadNode parent(trans_); EXPECT_TRUE(parent.InitByIdLookup(parent_id)); sync_api::WriteNode node(trans_); EXPECT_TRUE(node.InitByIdLookup(id)); int64 old_parent_id = node.GetParentId(); if (predecessor_id == 0) { EXPECT_TRUE(node.SetPosition(parent, NULL)); } else { sync_api::ReadNode predecessor(trans_); EXPECT_TRUE(predecessor.InitByIdLookup(predecessor_id)); EXPECT_EQ(predecessor.GetParentId(), parent.GetId()); EXPECT_TRUE(node.SetPosition(parent, &predecessor)); } SetModified(id); return old_parent_id; } // Pass the fake change list to |service|. void ApplyPendingChanges(ChangeProcessor* processor) { processor->ApplyChangesFromSyncModel( trans_, sync_api::ImmutableChangeRecordList(&changes_)); } const sync_api::ChangeRecordList& changes() { return changes_; } private: // Helper function to push an ACTION_UPDATE record onto the back // of the changelist. void SetModified(int64 id) { // Coalesce multi-property edits. if (!changes_.empty() && changes_.back().id == id && changes_.back().action == sync_api::ChangeRecord::ACTION_UPDATE) return; sync_api::ChangeRecord record; record.action = sync_api::ChangeRecord::ACTION_UPDATE; record.id = id; changes_.push_back(record); } // The transaction on which everything happens. sync_api::WriteTransaction *trans_; // The change list we construct. sync_api::ChangeRecordList changes_; }; class MockUnrecoverableErrorHandler : public UnrecoverableErrorHandler { public: MOCK_METHOD2(OnUnrecoverableError, void(const tracked_objects::Location&, const std::string&)); }; class ProfileSyncServiceBookmarkTest : public testing::Test { protected: enum LoadOption { LOAD_FROM_STORAGE, DELETE_EXISTING_STORAGE }; enum SaveOption { SAVE_TO_STORAGE, DONT_SAVE_TO_STORAGE }; ProfileSyncServiceBookmarkTest() : ui_thread_(BrowserThread::UI, &message_loop_), file_thread_(BrowserThread::FILE, &message_loop_), model_(NULL) { } virtual ~ProfileSyncServiceBookmarkTest() { StopSync(); UnloadBookmarkModel(); } virtual void SetUp() { test_user_share_.SetUp(); CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->AppendSwitch( switches::kCreateMobileBookmarksFolder); } virtual void TearDown() { test_user_share_.TearDown(); } // Load (or re-load) the bookmark model. |load| controls use of the // bookmarks file on disk. |save| controls whether the newly loaded // bookmark model will write out a bookmark file as it goes. void LoadBookmarkModel(LoadOption load, SaveOption save) { bool delete_bookmarks = load == DELETE_EXISTING_STORAGE; profile_.CreateBookmarkModel(delete_bookmarks); model_ = profile_.GetBookmarkModel(); // Wait for the bookmarks model to load. profile_.BlockUntilBookmarkModelLoaded(); // This noticeably speeds up the unit tests that request it. if (save == DONT_SAVE_TO_STORAGE) model_->ClearStore(); message_loop_.RunAllPending(); } void StartSync() { // Set up model associator. model_associator_.reset(new TestBookmarkModelAssociator( profile_.GetBookmarkModel(), test_user_share_.user_share(), &mock_unrecoverable_error_handler_)); SyncError error; EXPECT_TRUE(model_associator_->AssociateModels(&error)); MessageLoop::current()->RunAllPending(); // Set up change processor. change_processor_.reset( new BookmarkChangeProcessor(model_associator_.get(), &mock_unrecoverable_error_handler_)); change_processor_->Start(&profile_, test_user_share_.user_share()); } void StopSync() { change_processor_->Stop(); change_processor_.reset(); SyncError error; EXPECT_TRUE(model_associator_->DisassociateModels(&error)); model_associator_.reset(); message_loop_.RunAllPending(); // TODO(akalin): Actually close the database and flush it to disk // (and make StartSync reload from disk). This would require // refactoring TestUserShare. } void UnloadBookmarkModel() { profile_.CreateBookmarkModel(false /* delete_bookmarks */); model_ = NULL; message_loop_.RunAllPending(); } bool InitSyncNodeFromChromeNode(const BookmarkNode* bnode, sync_api::BaseNode* sync_node) { return model_associator_->InitSyncNodeFromChromeId(bnode->id(), sync_node); } void ExpectSyncerNodeMatching(sync_api::BaseTransaction* trans, const BookmarkNode* bnode) { sync_api::ReadNode gnode(trans); ASSERT_TRUE(InitSyncNodeFromChromeNode(bnode, &gnode)); // Non-root node titles and parents must match. if (!model_->is_permanent_node(bnode)) { EXPECT_EQ(bnode->GetTitle(), UTF8ToUTF16(gnode.GetTitle())); EXPECT_EQ( model_associator_->GetChromeNodeFromSyncId(gnode.GetParentId()), bnode->parent()); } EXPECT_EQ(bnode->is_folder(), gnode.GetIsFolder()); if (bnode->is_url()) EXPECT_EQ(bnode->url(), gnode.GetURL()); // Check for position matches. int browser_index = bnode->parent()->GetIndexOf(bnode); if (browser_index == 0) { EXPECT_EQ(gnode.GetPredecessorId(), 0); } else { const BookmarkNode* bprev = bnode->parent()->GetChild(browser_index - 1); sync_api::ReadNode gprev(trans); ASSERT_TRUE(InitSyncNodeFromChromeNode(bprev, &gprev)); EXPECT_EQ(gnode.GetPredecessorId(), gprev.GetId()); EXPECT_EQ(gnode.GetParentId(), gprev.GetParentId()); } if (browser_index == bnode->parent()->child_count() - 1) { EXPECT_EQ(gnode.GetSuccessorId(), 0); } else { const BookmarkNode* bnext = bnode->parent()->GetChild(browser_index + 1); sync_api::ReadNode gnext(trans); ASSERT_TRUE(InitSyncNodeFromChromeNode(bnext, &gnext)); EXPECT_EQ(gnode.GetSuccessorId(), gnext.GetId()); EXPECT_EQ(gnode.GetParentId(), gnext.GetParentId()); } if (!bnode->empty()) EXPECT_TRUE(gnode.GetFirstChildId()); } void ExpectSyncerNodeMatching(const BookmarkNode* bnode) { sync_api::ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, test_user_share_.user_share()); ExpectSyncerNodeMatching(&trans, bnode); } void ExpectBrowserNodeMatching(sync_api::BaseTransaction* trans, int64 sync_id) { EXPECT_TRUE(sync_id); const BookmarkNode* bnode = model_associator_->GetChromeNodeFromSyncId(sync_id); ASSERT_TRUE(bnode); int64 id = model_associator_->GetSyncIdFromChromeId(bnode->id()); EXPECT_EQ(id, sync_id); ExpectSyncerNodeMatching(trans, bnode); } void ExpectBrowserNodeUnknown(int64 sync_id) { EXPECT_FALSE(model_associator_->GetChromeNodeFromSyncId(sync_id)); } void ExpectBrowserNodeKnown(int64 sync_id) { EXPECT_TRUE(model_associator_->GetChromeNodeFromSyncId(sync_id)); } void ExpectSyncerNodeKnown(const BookmarkNode* node) { int64 sync_id = model_associator_->GetSyncIdFromChromeId(node->id()); EXPECT_NE(sync_id, sync_api::kInvalidId); } void ExpectSyncerNodeUnknown(const BookmarkNode* node) { int64 sync_id = model_associator_->GetSyncIdFromChromeId(node->id()); EXPECT_EQ(sync_id, sync_api::kInvalidId); } void ExpectBrowserNodeTitle(int64 sync_id, const std::wstring& title) { const BookmarkNode* bnode = model_associator_->GetChromeNodeFromSyncId(sync_id); ASSERT_TRUE(bnode); EXPECT_EQ(bnode->GetTitle(), WideToUTF16Hack(title)); } void ExpectBrowserNodeURL(int64 sync_id, const std::string& url) { const BookmarkNode* bnode = model_associator_->GetChromeNodeFromSyncId(sync_id); ASSERT_TRUE(bnode); EXPECT_EQ(GURL(url), bnode->url()); } void ExpectBrowserNodeParent(int64 sync_id, int64 parent_sync_id) { const BookmarkNode* node = model_associator_->GetChromeNodeFromSyncId(sync_id); ASSERT_TRUE(node); const BookmarkNode* parent = model_associator_->GetChromeNodeFromSyncId(parent_sync_id); EXPECT_TRUE(parent); EXPECT_EQ(node->parent(), parent); } void ExpectModelMatch(sync_api::BaseTransaction* trans) { const BookmarkNode* root = model_->root_node(); EXPECT_EQ(root->GetIndexOf(model_->bookmark_bar_node()), 0); EXPECT_EQ(root->GetIndexOf(model_->other_node()), 1); EXPECT_EQ(root->GetIndexOf(model_->mobile_node()), 2); std::stack stack; stack.push(bookmark_bar_id()); while (!stack.empty()) { int64 id = stack.top(); stack.pop(); if (!id) continue; ExpectBrowserNodeMatching(trans, id); sync_api::ReadNode gnode(trans); ASSERT_TRUE(gnode.InitByIdLookup(id)); stack.push(gnode.GetFirstChildId()); stack.push(gnode.GetSuccessorId()); } } void ExpectModelMatch() { sync_api::ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, test_user_share_.user_share()); ExpectModelMatch(&trans); } int64 mobile_bookmarks_id() { return model_associator_->GetSyncIdFromChromeId(model_->mobile_node()->id()); } int64 other_bookmarks_id() { return model_associator_->GetSyncIdFromChromeId(model_->other_node()->id()); } int64 bookmark_bar_id() { return model_associator_->GetSyncIdFromChromeId( model_->bookmark_bar_node()->id()); } private: // Used by both |ui_thread_| and |file_thread_|. MessageLoop message_loop_; content::TestBrowserThread ui_thread_; // Needed by |model_|. content::TestBrowserThread file_thread_; TestingProfile profile_; scoped_ptr model_associator_; protected: BookmarkModel* model_; TestUserShare test_user_share_; scoped_ptr change_processor_; StrictMock mock_unrecoverable_error_handler_; }; TEST_F(ProfileSyncServiceBookmarkTest, InitialState) { LoadBookmarkModel(DELETE_EXISTING_STORAGE, DONT_SAVE_TO_STORAGE); StartSync(); EXPECT_TRUE(other_bookmarks_id()); EXPECT_TRUE(bookmark_bar_id()); EXPECT_TRUE(mobile_bookmarks_id()); ExpectModelMatch(); } TEST_F(ProfileSyncServiceBookmarkTest, BookmarkModelOperations) { LoadBookmarkModel(DELETE_EXISTING_STORAGE, DONT_SAVE_TO_STORAGE); StartSync(); // Test addition. const BookmarkNode* folder = model_->AddFolder(model_->other_node(), 0, ASCIIToUTF16("foobar")); ExpectSyncerNodeMatching(folder); ExpectModelMatch(); const BookmarkNode* folder2 = model_->AddFolder(folder, 0, ASCIIToUTF16("nested")); ExpectSyncerNodeMatching(folder2); ExpectModelMatch(); const BookmarkNode* url1 = model_->AddURL( folder, 0, ASCIIToUTF16("Internets #1 Pies Site"), GURL("http://www.easypie.com/")); ExpectSyncerNodeMatching(url1); ExpectModelMatch(); const BookmarkNode* url2 = model_->AddURL( folder, 1, ASCIIToUTF16("Airplanes"), GURL("http://www.easyjet.com/")); ExpectSyncerNodeMatching(url2); ExpectModelMatch(); // Test addition. const BookmarkNode* mobile_folder = model_->AddFolder(model_->mobile_node(), 0, ASCIIToUTF16("pie")); ExpectSyncerNodeMatching(mobile_folder); ExpectModelMatch(); // Test modification. model_->SetTitle(url2, ASCIIToUTF16("EasyJet")); ExpectModelMatch(); model_->Move(url1, folder2, 0); ExpectModelMatch(); model_->Move(folder2, model_->bookmark_bar_node(), 0); ExpectModelMatch(); model_->SetTitle(folder2, ASCIIToUTF16("Not Nested")); ExpectModelMatch(); model_->Move(folder, folder2, 0); ExpectModelMatch(); model_->SetTitle(folder, ASCIIToUTF16("who's nested now?")); ExpectModelMatch(); model_->Copy(url2, model_->bookmark_bar_node(), 0); ExpectModelMatch(); model_->SetTitle(mobile_folder, ASCIIToUTF16("strawberry")); ExpectModelMatch(); // Test deletion. // Delete a single item. model_->Remove(url2->parent(), url2->parent()->GetIndexOf(url2)); ExpectModelMatch(); // Delete an item with several children. model_->Remove(folder2->parent(), folder2->parent()->GetIndexOf(folder2)); ExpectModelMatch(); model_->Remove(model_->mobile_node(), 0); ExpectModelMatch(); } TEST_F(ProfileSyncServiceBookmarkTest, ServerChangeProcessing) { LoadBookmarkModel(DELETE_EXISTING_STORAGE, DONT_SAVE_TO_STORAGE); StartSync(); sync_api::WriteTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, test_user_share_.user_share()); FakeServerChange adds(&trans); int64 f1 = adds.AddFolder(L"Server Folder B", bookmark_bar_id(), 0); int64 f2 = adds.AddFolder(L"Server Folder A", bookmark_bar_id(), f1); int64 u1 = adds.AddURL(L"Some old site", "ftp://nifty.andrew.cmu.edu/", bookmark_bar_id(), f2); int64 u2 = adds.AddURL(L"Nifty", "ftp://nifty.andrew.cmu.edu/", f1, 0); // u3 is a duplicate URL int64 u3 = adds.AddURL(L"Nifty2", "ftp://nifty.andrew.cmu.edu/", f1, u2); // u4 is a duplicate title, different URL. adds.AddURL(L"Some old site", "http://slog.thestranger.com/", bookmark_bar_id(), u1); // u5 tests an empty-string title. std::string javascript_url( "javascript:(function(){var w=window.open(" \ "'about:blank','gnotesWin','location=0,menubar=0," \ "scrollbars=0,status=0,toolbar=0,width=300," \ "height=300,resizable');});"); adds.AddURL(L"", javascript_url, other_bookmarks_id(), 0); int64 u6 = adds.AddURL(L"Sync1", "http://www.syncable.edu/", mobile_bookmarks_id(), 0); sync_api::ChangeRecordList::const_iterator it; // The bookmark model shouldn't yet have seen any of the nodes of |adds|. for (it = adds.changes().begin(); it != adds.changes().end(); ++it) ExpectBrowserNodeUnknown(it->id); adds.ApplyPendingChanges(change_processor_.get()); // Make sure the bookmark model received all of the nodes in |adds|. for (it = adds.changes().begin(); it != adds.changes().end(); ++it) ExpectBrowserNodeMatching(&trans, it->id); ExpectModelMatch(&trans); // Part two: test modifications. FakeServerChange mods(&trans); // Mess with u2, and move it into empty folder f2 // TODO(ncarter): Determine if we allow ModifyURL ops or not. /* std::wstring u2_old_url = mods.ModifyURL(u2, L"http://www.google.com"); */ std::wstring u2_old_title = mods.ModifyTitle(u2, L"The Google"); int64 u2_old_parent = mods.ModifyPosition(u2, f2, 0); // Now move f1 after u2. std::wstring f1_old_title = mods.ModifyTitle(f1, L"Server Folder C"); int64 f1_old_parent = mods.ModifyPosition(f1, f2, u2); // Then add u3 after f1. int64 u3_old_parent = mods.ModifyPosition(u3, f2, f1); std::wstring u6_old_title = mods.ModifyTitle(u6, L"Mobile Folder A"); // Test that the property changes have not yet taken effect. ExpectBrowserNodeTitle(u2, u2_old_title); /* ExpectBrowserNodeURL(u2, u2_old_url); */ ExpectBrowserNodeParent(u2, u2_old_parent); ExpectBrowserNodeTitle(f1, f1_old_title); ExpectBrowserNodeParent(f1, f1_old_parent); ExpectBrowserNodeParent(u3, u3_old_parent); ExpectBrowserNodeTitle(u6, u6_old_title); // Apply the changes. mods.ApplyPendingChanges(change_processor_.get()); // Check for successful application. for (it = mods.changes().begin(); it != mods.changes().end(); ++it) ExpectBrowserNodeMatching(&trans, it->id); ExpectModelMatch(&trans); // Part 3: Test URL deletion. FakeServerChange dels(&trans); dels.Delete(u2); dels.Delete(u3); dels.Delete(u6); ExpectBrowserNodeKnown(u2); ExpectBrowserNodeKnown(u3); dels.ApplyPendingChanges(change_processor_.get()); ExpectBrowserNodeUnknown(u2); ExpectBrowserNodeUnknown(u3); ExpectBrowserNodeUnknown(u6); ExpectModelMatch(&trans); } // Tests a specific case in ApplyModelChanges where we move the // children out from under a parent, and then delete the parent // in the same changelist. The delete shows up first in the changelist, // requiring the children to be moved to a temporary location. TEST_F(ProfileSyncServiceBookmarkTest, ServerChangeRequiringFosterParent) { LoadBookmarkModel(DELETE_EXISTING_STORAGE, DONT_SAVE_TO_STORAGE); StartSync(); sync_api::WriteTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, test_user_share_.user_share()); // Stress the immediate children of other_node because that's where // ApplyModelChanges puts a temporary foster parent node. std::string url("http://dev.chromium.org/"); FakeServerChange adds(&trans); int64 f0 = other_bookmarks_id(); // + other_node int64 f1 = adds.AddFolder(L"f1", f0, 0); // + f1 int64 f2 = adds.AddFolder(L"f2", f1, 0); // + f2 int64 u3 = adds.AddURL( L"u3", url, f2, 0); // + u3 NOLINT int64 u4 = adds.AddURL( L"u4", url, f2, u3); // + u4 NOLINT int64 u5 = adds.AddURL( L"u5", url, f1, f2); // + u5 NOLINT int64 f6 = adds.AddFolder(L"f6", f1, u5); // + f6 int64 u7 = adds.AddURL( L"u7", url, f0, f1); // + u7 NOLINT sync_api::ChangeRecordList::const_iterator it; // The bookmark model shouldn't yet have seen any of the nodes of |adds|. for (it = adds.changes().begin(); it != adds.changes().end(); ++it) ExpectBrowserNodeUnknown(it->id); adds.ApplyPendingChanges(change_processor_.get()); // Make sure the bookmark model received all of the nodes in |adds|. for (it = adds.changes().begin(); it != adds.changes().end(); ++it) ExpectBrowserNodeMatching(&trans, it->id); ExpectModelMatch(&trans); // We have to do the moves before the deletions, but FakeServerChange will // put the deletion at the front of the changelist. FakeServerChange ops(&trans); ops.ModifyPosition(f6, other_bookmarks_id(), 0); ops.ModifyPosition(u3, other_bookmarks_id(), f1); // Prev == f1 is OK here. ops.ModifyPosition(f2, other_bookmarks_id(), u7); ops.ModifyPosition(u7, f2, 0); ops.ModifyPosition(u4, other_bookmarks_id(), f2); ops.ModifyPosition(u5, f6, 0); ops.Delete(f1); ops.ApplyPendingChanges(change_processor_.get()); ExpectModelMatch(&trans); } // Simulate a server change record containing a valid but non-canonical URL. TEST_F(ProfileSyncServiceBookmarkTest, ServerChangeWithNonCanonicalURL) { LoadBookmarkModel(DELETE_EXISTING_STORAGE, SAVE_TO_STORAGE); StartSync(); { sync_api::WriteTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, test_user_share_.user_share()); FakeServerChange adds(&trans); std::string url("http://dev.chromium.org"); EXPECT_NE(GURL(url).spec(), url); adds.AddURL(L"u1", url, other_bookmarks_id(), 0); adds.ApplyPendingChanges(change_processor_.get()); EXPECT_TRUE(model_->other_node()->child_count() == 1); ExpectModelMatch(&trans); } // Now reboot the sync service, forcing a merge step. StopSync(); LoadBookmarkModel(LOAD_FROM_STORAGE, SAVE_TO_STORAGE); StartSync(); // There should still be just the one bookmark. EXPECT_TRUE(model_->other_node()->child_count() == 1); ExpectModelMatch(); } // Simulate a server change record containing an invalid URL (per GURL). // TODO(ncarter): Disabled due to crashes. Fix bug 1677563. TEST_F(ProfileSyncServiceBookmarkTest, DISABLED_ServerChangeWithInvalidURL) { LoadBookmarkModel(DELETE_EXISTING_STORAGE, SAVE_TO_STORAGE); StartSync(); int child_count = 0; { sync_api::WriteTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, test_user_share_.user_share()); FakeServerChange adds(&trans); std::string url("x"); EXPECT_FALSE(GURL(url).is_valid()); adds.AddURL(L"u1", url, other_bookmarks_id(), 0); adds.ApplyPendingChanges(change_processor_.get()); // We're lenient about what should happen -- the model could wind up with // the node or without it; but things should be consistent, and we // shouldn't crash. child_count = model_->other_node()->child_count(); EXPECT_TRUE(child_count == 0 || child_count == 1); ExpectModelMatch(&trans); } // Now reboot the sync service, forcing a merge step. StopSync(); LoadBookmarkModel(LOAD_FROM_STORAGE, SAVE_TO_STORAGE); StartSync(); // Things ought not to have changed. EXPECT_EQ(model_->other_node()->child_count(), child_count); ExpectModelMatch(); } // Test strings that might pose a problem if the titles ever became used as // file names in the sync backend. TEST_F(ProfileSyncServiceBookmarkTest, CornerCaseNames) { // TODO(ncarter): Bug 1570238 explains the failure of this test. LoadBookmarkModel(DELETE_EXISTING_STORAGE, DONT_SAVE_TO_STORAGE); StartSync(); const char* names[] = { // The empty string. "", // Illegal Windows filenames. "CON", "PRN", "AUX", "NUL", "COM1", "COM2", "COM3", "COM4", "COM5", "COM6", "COM7", "COM8", "COM9", "LPT1", "LPT2", "LPT3", "LPT4", "LPT5", "LPT6", "LPT7", "LPT8", "LPT9", // Current/parent directory markers. ".", "..", "...", // Files created automatically by the Windows shell. "Thumbs.db", ".DS_Store", // Names including Win32-illegal characters, and path separators. "foo/bar", "foo\\bar", "foo?bar", "foo:bar", "foo|bar", "foo\"bar", "foo'bar", "foobar", "foo%bar", "foo*bar", "foo]bar", "foo[bar", }; // Create both folders and bookmarks using each name. GURL url("http://www.doublemint.com"); for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(names); ++i) { model_->AddFolder(model_->other_node(), 0, ASCIIToUTF16(names[i])); model_->AddURL(model_->other_node(), 0, ASCIIToUTF16(names[i]), url); } // Verify that the browser model matches the sync model. EXPECT_TRUE(model_->other_node()->child_count() == 2*arraysize(names)); ExpectModelMatch(); } // Stress the internal representation of position by sparse numbers. We want // to repeatedly bisect the range of available positions, to force the // syncer code to renumber its ranges. Pick a number big enough so that it // would exhaust 32bits of room between items a couple of times. TEST_F(ProfileSyncServiceBookmarkTest, RepeatedMiddleInsertion) { LoadBookmarkModel(DELETE_EXISTING_STORAGE, DONT_SAVE_TO_STORAGE); StartSync(); static const int kTimesToInsert = 256; // Create two book-end nodes to insert between. model_->AddFolder(model_->other_node(), 0, ASCIIToUTF16("Alpha")); model_->AddFolder(model_->other_node(), 1, ASCIIToUTF16("Omega")); int count = 2; // Test insertion in first half of range by repeatedly inserting in second // position. for (int i = 0; i < kTimesToInsert; ++i) { string16 title = ASCIIToUTF16("Pre-insertion ") + base::IntToString16(i); model_->AddFolder(model_->other_node(), 1, title); count++; } // Test insertion in second half of range by repeatedly inserting in // second-to-last position. for (int i = 0; i < kTimesToInsert; ++i) { string16 title = ASCIIToUTF16("Post-insertion ") + base::IntToString16(i); model_->AddFolder(model_->other_node(), count - 1, title); count++; } // Verify that the browser model matches the sync model. EXPECT_EQ(model_->other_node()->child_count(), count); ExpectModelMatch(); } // Introduce a consistency violation into the model, and see that it // puts itself into a lame, error state. TEST_F(ProfileSyncServiceBookmarkTest, UnrecoverableErrorSuspendsService) { EXPECT_CALL(mock_unrecoverable_error_handler_, OnUnrecoverableError(_, _)); LoadBookmarkModel(DELETE_EXISTING_STORAGE, DONT_SAVE_TO_STORAGE); StartSync(); // Add a node which will be the target of the consistency violation. const BookmarkNode* node = model_->AddFolder(model_->other_node(), 0, ASCIIToUTF16("node")); ExpectSyncerNodeMatching(node); // Now destroy the syncer node as if we were the ProfileSyncService without // updating the ProfileSyncService state. This should introduce // inconsistency between the two models. { sync_api::WriteTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, test_user_share_.user_share()); sync_api::WriteNode sync_node(&trans); ASSERT_TRUE(InitSyncNodeFromChromeNode(node, &sync_node)); sync_node.Remove(); } // The models don't match at this point, but the ProfileSyncService // doesn't know it yet. ExpectSyncerNodeKnown(node); // Add a child to the inconsistent node. This should cause detection of the // problem and the syncer should stop processing changes. model_->AddFolder(node, 0, ASCIIToUTF16("nested")); } // See what happens if we run model association when there are two exact URL // duplicate bookmarks. The BookmarkModelAssociator should not fall over when // this happens. TEST_F(ProfileSyncServiceBookmarkTest, MergeDuplicates) { LoadBookmarkModel(DELETE_EXISTING_STORAGE, SAVE_TO_STORAGE); StartSync(); model_->AddURL(model_->other_node(), 0, ASCIIToUTF16("Dup"), GURL("http://dup.com/")); model_->AddURL(model_->other_node(), 0, ASCIIToUTF16("Dup"), GURL("http://dup.com/")); EXPECT_EQ(2, model_->other_node()->child_count()); // Restart the sync service to trigger model association. StopSync(); StartSync(); EXPECT_EQ(2, model_->other_node()->child_count()); ExpectModelMatch(); } struct TestData { const wchar_t* title; const char* url; }; // TODO(ncarter): Integrate the existing TestNode/PopulateNodeFromString code // in the bookmark model unittest, to make it simpler to set up test data // here (and reduce the amount of duplication among tests), and to reduce the // duplication. class ProfileSyncServiceBookmarkTestWithData : public ProfileSyncServiceBookmarkTest { protected: // Populates or compares children of the given bookmark node from/with the // given test data array with the given size. void PopulateFromTestData(const BookmarkNode* node, const TestData* data, int size); void CompareWithTestData(const BookmarkNode* node, const TestData* data, int size); void ExpectBookmarkModelMatchesTestData(); void WriteTestDataToBookmarkModel(); }; namespace { // Constants for bookmark model that looks like: // |-- Bookmark bar // | |-- u2, http://www.u2.com/ // | |-- f1 // | | |-- f1u4, http://www.f1u4.com/ // | | |-- f1u2, http://www.f1u2.com/ // | | |-- f1u3, http://www.f1u3.com/ // | | +-- f1u1, http://www.f1u1.com/ // | |-- u1, http://www.u1.com/ // | +-- f2 // | |-- f2u2, http://www.f2u2.com/ // | |-- f2u4, http://www.f2u4.com/ // | |-- f2u3, http://www.f2u3.com/ // | +-- f2u1, http://www.f2u1.com/ // +-- Other bookmarks // | |-- f3 // | | |-- f3u4, http://www.f3u4.com/ // | | |-- f3u2, http://www.f3u2.com/ // | | |-- f3u3, http://www.f3u3.com/ // | | +-- f3u1, http://www.f3u1.com/ // | |-- u4, http://www.u4.com/ // | |-- u3, http://www.u3.com/ // | --- f4 // | | |-- f4u1, http://www.f4u1.com/ // | | |-- f4u2, http://www.f4u2.com/ // | | |-- f4u3, http://www.f4u3.com/ // | | +-- f4u4, http://www.f4u4.com/ // | |-- dup // | | +-- dupu1, http://www.dupu1.com/ // | +-- dup // | +-- dupu2, http://www.dupu1.com/ // | // +-- Mobile bookmarks // |-- f5 // | |-- f5u1, http://www.f5u1.com/ // |-- f6 // | |-- f6u1, http://www.f6u1.com/ // | |-- f6u2, http://www.f6u2.com/ // +-- u5, http://www.u5.com/ static TestData kBookmarkBarChildren[] = { { L"u2", "http://www.u2.com/" }, { L"f1", NULL }, { L"u1", "http://www.u1.com/" }, { L"f2", NULL }, }; static TestData kF1Children[] = { { L"f1u4", "http://www.f1u4.com/" }, { L"f1u2", "http://www.f1u2.com/" }, { L"f1u3", "http://www.f1u3.com/" }, { L"f1u1", "http://www.f1u1.com/" }, }; static TestData kF2Children[] = { { L"f2u2", "http://www.f2u2.com/" }, { L"f2u4", "http://www.f2u4.com/" }, { L"f2u3", "http://www.f2u3.com/" }, { L"f2u1", "http://www.f2u1.com/" }, }; static TestData kOtherBookmarkChildren[] = { { L"f3", NULL }, { L"u4", "http://www.u4.com/" }, { L"u3", "http://www.u3.com/" }, { L"f4", NULL }, { L"dup", NULL }, { L"dup", NULL }, }; static TestData kF3Children[] = { { L"f3u4", "http://www.f3u4.com/" }, { L"f3u2", "http://www.f3u2.com/" }, { L"f3u3", "http://www.f3u3.com/" }, { L"f3u1", "http://www.f3u1.com/" }, }; static TestData kF4Children[] = { { L"f4u1", "http://www.f4u1.com/" }, { L"f4u2", "http://www.f4u2.com/" }, { L"f4u3", "http://www.f4u3.com/" }, { L"f4u4", "http://www.f4u4.com/" }, }; static TestData kDup1Children[] = { { L"dupu1", "http://www.dupu1.com/" }, }; static TestData kDup2Children[] = { { L"dupu2", "http://www.dupu2.com/" }, }; static TestData kMobileBookmarkChildren[] = { { L"f5", NULL }, { L"f6", NULL }, { L"u5", "http://www.u5.com/" }, }; static TestData kF5Children[] = { { L"f5u1", "http://www.f5u1.com/" }, { L"f5u2", "http://www.f5u2.com/" }, }; static TestData kF6Children[] = { { L"f6u1", "http://www.f6u1.com/" }, { L"f6u2", "http://www.f6u2.com/" }, }; } // anonymous namespace. void ProfileSyncServiceBookmarkTestWithData::PopulateFromTestData( const BookmarkNode* node, const TestData* data, int size) { DCHECK(node); DCHECK(data); DCHECK(node->is_folder()); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { const TestData& item = data[i]; if (item.url) { model_->AddURL(node, i, WideToUTF16Hack(item.title), GURL(item.url)); } else { model_->AddFolder(node, i, WideToUTF16Hack(item.title)); } } } void ProfileSyncServiceBookmarkTestWithData::CompareWithTestData( const BookmarkNode* node, const TestData* data, int size) { DCHECK(node); DCHECK(data); DCHECK(node->is_folder()); ASSERT_EQ(size, node->child_count()); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { const BookmarkNode* child_node = node->GetChild(i); const TestData& item = data[i]; EXPECT_EQ(child_node->GetTitle(), WideToUTF16Hack(item.title)); if (item.url) { EXPECT_FALSE(child_node->is_folder()); EXPECT_TRUE(child_node->is_url()); EXPECT_EQ(child_node->url(), GURL(item.url)); } else { EXPECT_TRUE(child_node->is_folder()); EXPECT_FALSE(child_node->is_url()); } } } // TODO(munjal): We should implement some way of generating random data and can // use the same seed to generate the same sequence. void ProfileSyncServiceBookmarkTestWithData::WriteTestDataToBookmarkModel() { const BookmarkNode* bookmarks_bar_node = model_->bookmark_bar_node(); PopulateFromTestData(bookmarks_bar_node, kBookmarkBarChildren, arraysize(kBookmarkBarChildren)); ASSERT_GE(bookmarks_bar_node->child_count(), 4); const BookmarkNode* f1_node = bookmarks_bar_node->GetChild(1); PopulateFromTestData(f1_node, kF1Children, arraysize(kF1Children)); const BookmarkNode* f2_node = bookmarks_bar_node->GetChild(3); PopulateFromTestData(f2_node, kF2Children, arraysize(kF2Children)); const BookmarkNode* other_bookmarks_node = model_->other_node(); PopulateFromTestData(other_bookmarks_node, kOtherBookmarkChildren, arraysize(kOtherBookmarkChildren)); ASSERT_GE(other_bookmarks_node->child_count(), 6); const BookmarkNode* f3_node = other_bookmarks_node->GetChild(0); PopulateFromTestData(f3_node, kF3Children, arraysize(kF3Children)); const BookmarkNode* f4_node = other_bookmarks_node->GetChild(3); PopulateFromTestData(f4_node, kF4Children, arraysize(kF4Children)); const BookmarkNode* dup_node = other_bookmarks_node->GetChild(4); PopulateFromTestData(dup_node, kDup1Children, arraysize(kDup1Children)); dup_node = other_bookmarks_node->GetChild(5); PopulateFromTestData(dup_node, kDup2Children, arraysize(kDup2Children)); const BookmarkNode* mobile_bookmarks_node = model_->mobile_node(); PopulateFromTestData(mobile_bookmarks_node, kMobileBookmarkChildren, arraysize(kMobileBookmarkChildren)); ASSERT_GE(mobile_bookmarks_node->child_count(), 3); const BookmarkNode* f5_node = mobile_bookmarks_node->GetChild(0); PopulateFromTestData(f5_node, kF5Children, arraysize(kF5Children)); const BookmarkNode* f6_node = mobile_bookmarks_node->GetChild(1); PopulateFromTestData(f6_node, kF6Children, arraysize(kF6Children)); ExpectBookmarkModelMatchesTestData(); } void ProfileSyncServiceBookmarkTestWithData:: ExpectBookmarkModelMatchesTestData() { const BookmarkNode* bookmark_bar_node = model_->bookmark_bar_node(); CompareWithTestData(bookmark_bar_node, kBookmarkBarChildren, arraysize(kBookmarkBarChildren)); ASSERT_GE(bookmark_bar_node->child_count(), 4); const BookmarkNode* f1_node = bookmark_bar_node->GetChild(1); CompareWithTestData(f1_node, kF1Children, arraysize(kF1Children)); const BookmarkNode* f2_node = bookmark_bar_node->GetChild(3); CompareWithTestData(f2_node, kF2Children, arraysize(kF2Children)); const BookmarkNode* other_bookmarks_node = model_->other_node(); CompareWithTestData(other_bookmarks_node, kOtherBookmarkChildren, arraysize(kOtherBookmarkChildren)); ASSERT_GE(other_bookmarks_node->child_count(), 6); const BookmarkNode* f3_node = other_bookmarks_node->GetChild(0); CompareWithTestData(f3_node, kF3Children, arraysize(kF3Children)); const BookmarkNode* f4_node = other_bookmarks_node->GetChild(3); CompareWithTestData(f4_node, kF4Children, arraysize(kF4Children)); const BookmarkNode* dup_node = other_bookmarks_node->GetChild(4); CompareWithTestData(dup_node, kDup1Children, arraysize(kDup1Children)); dup_node = other_bookmarks_node->GetChild(5); CompareWithTestData(dup_node, kDup2Children, arraysize(kDup2Children)); const BookmarkNode* mobile_bookmarks_node = model_->mobile_node(); CompareWithTestData(mobile_bookmarks_node, kMobileBookmarkChildren, arraysize(kMobileBookmarkChildren)); ASSERT_GE(mobile_bookmarks_node->child_count(), 3); const BookmarkNode* f5_node = mobile_bookmarks_node->GetChild(0); CompareWithTestData(f5_node, kF5Children, arraysize(kF5Children)); const BookmarkNode* f6_node = mobile_bookmarks_node->GetChild(1); CompareWithTestData(f6_node, kF6Children, arraysize(kF6Children)); } // Tests persistence of the profile sync service by unloading the // database and then reloading it from disk. TEST_F(ProfileSyncServiceBookmarkTestWithData, Persistence) { LoadBookmarkModel(DELETE_EXISTING_STORAGE, SAVE_TO_STORAGE); StartSync(); WriteTestDataToBookmarkModel(); ExpectModelMatch(); // Force both models to discard their data and reload from disk. This // simulates what would happen if the browser were to shutdown normally, // and then relaunch. StopSync(); UnloadBookmarkModel(); LoadBookmarkModel(LOAD_FROM_STORAGE, SAVE_TO_STORAGE); StartSync(); ExpectBookmarkModelMatchesTestData(); // With the BookmarkModel contents verified, ExpectModelMatch will // verify the contents of the sync model. ExpectModelMatch(); } // Tests the merge case when the BookmarkModel is non-empty but the // sync model is empty. This corresponds to uploading browser // bookmarks to an initially empty, new account. TEST_F(ProfileSyncServiceBookmarkTestWithData, MergeWithEmptySyncModel) { // Don't start the sync service until we've populated the bookmark model. LoadBookmarkModel(DELETE_EXISTING_STORAGE, SAVE_TO_STORAGE); WriteTestDataToBookmarkModel(); // Restart sync. This should trigger a merge step during // initialization -- we expect the browser bookmarks to be written // to the sync service during this call. StartSync(); // Verify that the bookmark model hasn't changed, and that the sync model // matches it exactly. ExpectBookmarkModelMatchesTestData(); ExpectModelMatch(); } // Tests the merge case when the BookmarkModel is empty but the sync model is // non-empty. This corresponds (somewhat) to a clean install of the browser, // with no bookmarks, connecting to a sync account that has some bookmarks. TEST_F(ProfileSyncServiceBookmarkTestWithData, MergeWithEmptyBookmarkModel) { LoadBookmarkModel(DELETE_EXISTING_STORAGE, DONT_SAVE_TO_STORAGE); StartSync(); WriteTestDataToBookmarkModel(); ExpectModelMatch(); // Force the databse to unload and write itself to disk. StopSync(); // Blow away the bookmark model -- it should be empty afterwards. UnloadBookmarkModel(); LoadBookmarkModel(DELETE_EXISTING_STORAGE, DONT_SAVE_TO_STORAGE); EXPECT_EQ(model_->bookmark_bar_node()->child_count(), 0); EXPECT_EQ(model_->other_node()->child_count(), 0); EXPECT_EQ(model_->mobile_node()->child_count(), 0); // Now restart the sync service. Starting it should populate the bookmark // model -- test for consistency. StartSync(); ExpectBookmarkModelMatchesTestData(); ExpectModelMatch(); } // Tests the merge cases when both the models are expected to be identical // after the merge. TEST_F(ProfileSyncServiceBookmarkTestWithData, MergeExpectedIdenticalModels) { LoadBookmarkModel(DELETE_EXISTING_STORAGE, SAVE_TO_STORAGE); StartSync(); WriteTestDataToBookmarkModel(); ExpectModelMatch(); StopSync(); UnloadBookmarkModel(); // At this point both the bookmark model and the server should have the // exact same data and it should match the test data. LoadBookmarkModel(LOAD_FROM_STORAGE, DONT_SAVE_TO_STORAGE); StartSync(); ExpectBookmarkModelMatchesTestData(); ExpectModelMatch(); StopSync(); UnloadBookmarkModel(); // Now reorder some bookmarks in the bookmark model and then merge. Make // sure we get the order of the server after merge. LoadBookmarkModel(LOAD_FROM_STORAGE, DONT_SAVE_TO_STORAGE); ExpectBookmarkModelMatchesTestData(); const BookmarkNode* bookmark_bar = model_->bookmark_bar_node(); ASSERT_TRUE(bookmark_bar); ASSERT_GT(bookmark_bar->child_count(), 1); model_->Move(bookmark_bar->GetChild(0), bookmark_bar, 1); StartSync(); ExpectModelMatch(); ExpectBookmarkModelMatchesTestData(); } // Tests the merge cases when both the models are expected to be identical // after the merge. TEST_F(ProfileSyncServiceBookmarkTestWithData, MergeModelsWithSomeExtras) { LoadBookmarkModel(DELETE_EXISTING_STORAGE, DONT_SAVE_TO_STORAGE); WriteTestDataToBookmarkModel(); ExpectBookmarkModelMatchesTestData(); // Remove some nodes and reorder some nodes. const BookmarkNode* bookmark_bar_node = model_->bookmark_bar_node(); int remove_index = 2; ASSERT_GT(bookmark_bar_node->child_count(), remove_index); const BookmarkNode* child_node = bookmark_bar_node->GetChild(remove_index); ASSERT_TRUE(child_node); ASSERT_TRUE(child_node->is_url()); model_->Remove(bookmark_bar_node, remove_index); ASSERT_GT(bookmark_bar_node->child_count(), remove_index); child_node = bookmark_bar_node->GetChild(remove_index); ASSERT_TRUE(child_node); ASSERT_TRUE(child_node->is_folder()); model_->Remove(bookmark_bar_node, remove_index); const BookmarkNode* other_node = model_->other_node(); ASSERT_GE(other_node->child_count(), 1); const BookmarkNode* f3_node = other_node->GetChild(0); ASSERT_TRUE(f3_node); ASSERT_TRUE(f3_node->is_folder()); remove_index = 2; ASSERT_GT(f3_node->child_count(), remove_index); model_->Remove(f3_node, remove_index); ASSERT_GT(f3_node->child_count(), remove_index); model_->Remove(f3_node, remove_index); StartSync(); ExpectModelMatch(); StopSync(); LoadBookmarkModel(DELETE_EXISTING_STORAGE, DONT_SAVE_TO_STORAGE); WriteTestDataToBookmarkModel(); ExpectBookmarkModelMatchesTestData(); // Remove some nodes and reorder some nodes. bookmark_bar_node = model_->bookmark_bar_node(); remove_index = 0; ASSERT_GT(bookmark_bar_node->child_count(), remove_index); child_node = bookmark_bar_node->GetChild(remove_index); ASSERT_TRUE(child_node); ASSERT_TRUE(child_node->is_url()); model_->Remove(bookmark_bar_node, remove_index); ASSERT_GT(bookmark_bar_node->child_count(), remove_index); child_node = bookmark_bar_node->GetChild(remove_index); ASSERT_TRUE(child_node); ASSERT_TRUE(child_node->is_folder()); model_->Remove(bookmark_bar_node, remove_index); ASSERT_GE(bookmark_bar_node->child_count(), 2); model_->Move(bookmark_bar_node->GetChild(0), bookmark_bar_node, 1); other_node = model_->other_node(); ASSERT_GE(other_node->child_count(), 1); f3_node = other_node->GetChild(0); ASSERT_TRUE(f3_node); ASSERT_TRUE(f3_node->is_folder()); remove_index = 0; ASSERT_GT(f3_node->child_count(), remove_index); model_->Remove(f3_node, remove_index); ASSERT_GT(f3_node->child_count(), remove_index); model_->Remove(f3_node, remove_index); ASSERT_GE(other_node->child_count(), 4); model_->Move(other_node->GetChild(0), other_node, 1); model_->Move(other_node->GetChild(2), other_node, 3); StartSync(); ExpectModelMatch(); // After the merge, the model should match the test data. ExpectBookmarkModelMatchesTestData(); } // Tests that when persisted model associations are used, things work fine. TEST_F(ProfileSyncServiceBookmarkTestWithData, ModelAssociationPersistence) { LoadBookmarkModel(DELETE_EXISTING_STORAGE, DONT_SAVE_TO_STORAGE); WriteTestDataToBookmarkModel(); StartSync(); ExpectModelMatch(); // Force sync to shut down and write itself to disk. StopSync(); // Now restart sync. This time it should use the persistent // associations. StartSync(); ExpectModelMatch(); } // Tests that when persisted model associations are used, things work fine. TEST_F(ProfileSyncServiceBookmarkTestWithData, ModelAssociationInvalidPersistence) { LoadBookmarkModel(DELETE_EXISTING_STORAGE, DONT_SAVE_TO_STORAGE); WriteTestDataToBookmarkModel(); StartSync(); ExpectModelMatch(); // Force sync to shut down and write itself to disk. StopSync(); // Change the bookmark model before restarting sync service to simulate // the situation where bookmark model is different from sync model and // make sure model associator correctly rebuilds associations. const BookmarkNode* bookmark_bar_node = model_->bookmark_bar_node(); model_->AddURL(bookmark_bar_node, 0, ASCIIToUTF16("xtra"), GURL("http://www.xtra.com")); // Now restart sync. This time it will try to use the persistent // associations and realize that they are invalid and hence will rebuild // associations. StartSync(); ExpectModelMatch(); } TEST_F(ProfileSyncServiceBookmarkTestWithData, SortChildren) { LoadBookmarkModel(DELETE_EXISTING_STORAGE, DONT_SAVE_TO_STORAGE); StartSync(); // Write test data to bookmark model and verify that the models match. WriteTestDataToBookmarkModel(); const BookmarkNode* folder_added = model_->other_node()->GetChild(0); ASSERT_TRUE(folder_added); ASSERT_TRUE(folder_added->is_folder()); ExpectModelMatch(); // Sort the other-bookmarks children and expect that hte models match. model_->SortChildren(folder_added); ExpectModelMatch(); } // See what happens if we enable sync but then delete the "Sync Data" // folder. TEST_F(ProfileSyncServiceBookmarkTestWithData, RecoverAfterDeletingSyncDataDirectory) { LoadBookmarkModel(DELETE_EXISTING_STORAGE, SAVE_TO_STORAGE); StartSync(); WriteTestDataToBookmarkModel(); StopSync(); // Nuke the sync DB and reload. test_user_share_.TearDown(); test_user_share_.SetUp(); StartSync(); // Make sure we're back in sync. In real life, the user would need // to reauthenticate before this happens, but in the test, authentication // is sidestepped. ExpectBookmarkModelMatchesTestData(); ExpectModelMatch(); } } // namespace } // namespace browser_sync