// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/sync/profile_sync_service_harness.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "base/base64.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "base/json/json_writer.h" #include "base/location.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/signin/signin_manager.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/about_sync_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/glue/data_type_controller.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/profile_sync_service_factory.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h" #include "sync/internal_api/public/base/progress_marker_map.h" #include "sync/internal_api/public/sessions/sync_session_snapshot.h" #include "sync/internal_api/public/util/sync_string_conversions.h" using syncer::sessions::SyncSessionSnapshot; // TODO(rsimha): Remove the following lines once crbug.com/91863 is fixed. // The amount of time for which we wait for a live sync operation to complete. static const int kLiveSyncOperationTimeoutMs = 45000; // The amount of time we wait for test cases that verify exponential backoff. static const int kExponentialBackoffVerificationTimeoutMs = 60000; // Simple class to implement a timeout using PostDelayedTask. If it is not // aborted before picked up by a message queue, then it asserts with the message // provided. This class is not thread safe. class StateChangeTimeoutEvent : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe { public: StateChangeTimeoutEvent(ProfileSyncServiceHarness* caller, const std::string& message); // The entry point to the class from PostDelayedTask. void Callback(); // Cancels the actions of the callback. Returns true if success, false // if the callback has already timed out. bool Abort(); private: friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe; ~StateChangeTimeoutEvent(); bool aborted_; bool did_timeout_; // Due to synchronization of the IO loop, the caller will always be alive // if the class is not aborted. ProfileSyncServiceHarness* caller_; // Informative message to assert in the case of a timeout. std::string message_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(StateChangeTimeoutEvent); }; StateChangeTimeoutEvent::StateChangeTimeoutEvent( ProfileSyncServiceHarness* caller, const std::string& message) : aborted_(false), did_timeout_(false), caller_(caller), message_(message) { } StateChangeTimeoutEvent::~StateChangeTimeoutEvent() { } void StateChangeTimeoutEvent::Callback() { if (!aborted_) { if (!caller_->RunStateChangeMachine()) { // Report the message. did_timeout_ = true; DCHECK(!aborted_) << message_; caller_->SignalStateComplete(); } } } bool StateChangeTimeoutEvent::Abort() { aborted_ = true; caller_ = NULL; return !did_timeout_; } ProfileSyncServiceHarness::ProfileSyncServiceHarness( Profile* profile, const std::string& username, const std::string& password) : waiting_for_encryption_type_(syncer::UNSPECIFIED), wait_state_(INITIAL_WAIT_STATE), profile_(profile), service_(NULL), progress_marker_partner_(NULL), username_(username), password_(password), profile_debug_name_(profile->GetDebugName()), waiting_for_status_change_(false) { if (IsSyncAlreadySetup()) { service_ = ProfileSyncServiceFactory::GetInstance()->GetForProfile( profile_); service_->AddObserver(this); ignore_result(TryListeningToMigrationEvents()); wait_state_ = FULLY_SYNCED; } } ProfileSyncServiceHarness::~ProfileSyncServiceHarness() {} // static ProfileSyncServiceHarness* ProfileSyncServiceHarness::CreateAndAttach( Profile* profile) { ProfileSyncServiceFactory* f = ProfileSyncServiceFactory::GetInstance(); if (!f->HasProfileSyncService(profile)) { NOTREACHED() << "Profile has never signed into sync."; return NULL; } return new ProfileSyncServiceHarness(profile, "", ""); } void ProfileSyncServiceHarness::SetCredentials(const std::string& username, const std::string& password) { username_ = username; password_ = password; } bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::IsSyncAlreadySetup() { return ProfileSyncServiceFactory::GetInstance()->HasProfileSyncService( profile_); } bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::SetupSync() { bool result = SetupSync(syncer::ModelTypeSet::All()); if (result == false) { std::string status = GetServiceStatus(); LOG(ERROR) << profile_debug_name_ << ": SetupSync failed. Syncer status:\n" << status; } else { DVLOG(1) << profile_debug_name_ << ": SetupSync successful."; } return result; } bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::SetupSync( syncer::ModelTypeSet synced_datatypes) { // Initialize the sync client's profile sync service object. service_ = ProfileSyncServiceFactory::GetInstance()->GetForProfile(profile_); if (service_ == NULL) { LOG(ERROR) << "SetupSync(): service_ is null."; return false; } // Subscribe sync client to notifications from the profile sync service. if (!service_->HasObserver(this)) service_->AddObserver(this); // Tell the sync service that setup is in progress so we don't start syncing // until we've finished configuration. service_->SetSetupInProgress(true); // Authenticate sync client using GAIA credentials. service_->signin()->StartSignIn(username_, password_, "", ""); // Wait for the OnBackendInitialized() callback. if (!AwaitBackendInitialized()) { LOG(ERROR) << "OnBackendInitialized() not seen after " << kLiveSyncOperationTimeoutMs / 1000 << " seconds."; return false; } // Choose the datatypes to be synced. If all datatypes are to be synced, // set sync_everything to true; otherwise, set it to false. bool sync_everything = synced_datatypes.Equals(syncer::ModelTypeSet::All()); service()->OnUserChoseDatatypes(sync_everything, synced_datatypes); // Notify ProfileSyncService that we are done with configuration. service_->SetSetupInProgress(false); // Subscribe sync client to notifications from the backend migrator // (possible only after choosing data types). if (!TryListeningToMigrationEvents()) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } // Make sure that a partner client hasn't already set an explicit passphrase. if (wait_state_ == SET_PASSPHRASE_FAILED) { LOG(ERROR) << "A passphrase is required for decryption. Sync cannot proceed" " until SetDecryptionPassphrase is called."; return false; } // Set an implicit passphrase for encryption if an explicit one hasn't already // been set. If an explicit passphrase has been set, immediately return false, // since a decryption passphrase is required. if (!service_->IsUsingSecondaryPassphrase()) { service_->SetEncryptionPassphrase(password_, ProfileSyncService::IMPLICIT); } else { LOG(ERROR) << "A passphrase is required for decryption. Sync cannot proceed" " until SetDecryptionPassphrase is called."; return false; } // Wait for initial sync cycle to be completed. DCHECK_EQ(wait_state_, WAITING_FOR_INITIAL_SYNC); if (!AwaitStatusChangeWithTimeout(kLiveSyncOperationTimeoutMs, "Waiting for initial sync cycle to complete.")) { LOG(ERROR) << "Initial sync cycle did not complete after " << kLiveSyncOperationTimeoutMs / 1000 << " seconds."; return false; } // Make sure that initial sync wasn't blocked by a missing passphrase. if (wait_state_ == SET_PASSPHRASE_FAILED) { LOG(ERROR) << "A passphrase is required for decryption. Sync cannot proceed" " until SetDecryptionPassphrase is called."; return false; } // Indicate to the browser that sync setup is complete. service()->SetSyncSetupCompleted(); return true; } bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::TryListeningToMigrationEvents() { browser_sync::BackendMigrator* migrator = service_->GetBackendMigratorForTest(); if (migrator && !migrator->HasMigrationObserver(this)) { migrator->AddMigrationObserver(this); return true; } return false; } void ProfileSyncServiceHarness::SignalStateCompleteWithNextState( WaitState next_state) { wait_state_ = next_state; SignalStateComplete(); } void ProfileSyncServiceHarness::SignalStateComplete() { if (waiting_for_status_change_) MessageLoop::current()->Quit(); } bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::RunStateChangeMachine() { WaitState original_wait_state = wait_state_; switch (wait_state_) { case WAITING_FOR_ON_BACKEND_INITIALIZED: { DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString("WAITING_FOR_ON_BACKEND_INITIALIZED"); if (service()->sync_initialized()) { // The sync backend is initialized. SignalStateCompleteWithNextState(WAITING_FOR_INITIAL_SYNC); } break; } case WAITING_FOR_INITIAL_SYNC: { DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString("WAITING_FOR_INITIAL_SYNC"); if (IsFullySynced()) { // The first sync cycle is now complete. We can start running tests. SignalStateCompleteWithNextState(FULLY_SYNCED); break; } if (service()->passphrase_required_reason() == syncer::REASON_DECRYPTION) { // A passphrase is required for decryption and we don't have it. Do not // wait any more. SignalStateCompleteWithNextState(SET_PASSPHRASE_FAILED); break; } break; } case WAITING_FOR_FULL_SYNC: { DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString("WAITING_FOR_FULL_SYNC"); if (IsFullySynced()) { // The sync cycle we were waiting for is complete. SignalStateCompleteWithNextState(FULLY_SYNCED); break; } break; } case WAITING_FOR_DATA_SYNC: { if (IsDataSynced()) { SignalStateCompleteWithNextState(FULLY_SYNCED); break; } break; } case WAITING_FOR_UPDATES: { DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString("WAITING_FOR_UPDATES"); DCHECK(progress_marker_partner_); if (!MatchesOtherClient(progress_marker_partner_)) { // The client is not yet fully synced; keep waiting until we converge. break; } SignalStateCompleteWithNextState(FULLY_SYNCED); break; } case WAITING_FOR_PASSPHRASE_REQUIRED: { DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString("WAITING_FOR_PASSPHRASE_REQUIRED"); if (service()->IsPassphraseRequired()) { // A passphrase is now required. Wait for it to be accepted. SignalStateCompleteWithNextState(WAITING_FOR_PASSPHRASE_ACCEPTED); } break; } case WAITING_FOR_PASSPHRASE_ACCEPTED: { DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString("WAITING_FOR_PASSPHRASE_ACCEPTED"); if (service()->ShouldPushChanges() && !service()->IsPassphraseRequired() && service()->IsUsingSecondaryPassphrase()) { // The passphrase has been accepted, and sync has been restarted. SignalStateCompleteWithNextState(FULLY_SYNCED); } break; } case WAITING_FOR_ENCRYPTION: { DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString("WAITING_FOR_ENCRYPTION"); // The correctness of this if condition may depend on the ordering of its // sub-expressions. See crbug.com/98607, crbug.com/95619. // TODO(rlarocque): Figure out a less brittle way of detecting this. if (IsTypeEncrypted(waiting_for_encryption_type_) && IsFullySynced() && GetLastSessionSnapshot().num_encryption_conflicts() == 0) { // Encryption is now complete for the the type in which we were waiting. SignalStateCompleteWithNextState(FULLY_SYNCED); break; } break; } case WAITING_FOR_SYNC_CONFIGURATION: { DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString("WAITING_FOR_SYNC_CONFIGURATION"); if (service()->ShouldPushChanges()) { // The Datatype manager is configured and sync is fully initialized. SignalStateCompleteWithNextState(FULLY_SYNCED); } break; } case WAITING_FOR_SYNC_DISABLED: { DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString("WAITING_FOR_SYNC_DISABLED"); if (service()->HasSyncSetupCompleted() == false) { // Sync has been disabled. SignalStateCompleteWithNextState(SYNC_DISABLED); } break; } case WAITING_FOR_EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF_VERIFICATION: { DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString( "WAITING_FOR_EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF_VERIFICATION"); const SyncSessionSnapshot& snap = GetLastSessionSnapshot(); retry_verifier_.VerifyRetryInterval(snap); if (retry_verifier_.done()) { // Retry verifier is done verifying exponential backoff. SignalStateCompleteWithNextState(WAITING_FOR_NOTHING); } break; } case WAITING_FOR_MIGRATION_TO_START: { DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString("WAITING_FOR_MIGRATION_TO_START"); if (HasPendingBackendMigration()) { // There are pending migrations. Wait for them. SignalStateCompleteWithNextState(WAITING_FOR_MIGRATION_TO_FINISH); } break; } case WAITING_FOR_MIGRATION_TO_FINISH: { DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString("WAITING_FOR_MIGRATION_TO_FINISH"); if (!HasPendingBackendMigration()) { // Done migrating. SignalStateCompleteWithNextState(WAITING_FOR_NOTHING); } break; } case WAITING_FOR_ACTIONABLE_ERROR: { DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString("WAITING_FOR_ACTIONABLE_ERROR"); ProfileSyncService::Status status = GetStatus(); if (status.sync_protocol_error.action != syncer::UNKNOWN_ACTION && service_->HasUnrecoverableError() == true) { // An actionable error has been detected. SignalStateCompleteWithNextState(WAITING_FOR_NOTHING); } break; } case SET_PASSPHRASE_FAILED: { // A passphrase is required for decryption. There is nothing the sync // client can do until SetDecryptionPassphrase() is called. DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString("SET_PASSPHRASE_FAILED"); break; } case FULLY_SYNCED: { // The client is online and fully synced. There is nothing to do. DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString("FULLY_SYNCED"); break; } case SYNC_DISABLED: { // Syncing is disabled for the client. There is nothing to do. DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString("SYNC_DISABLED"); break; } case WAITING_FOR_NOTHING: { // We don't care about the state of the syncer for the rest of the test // case. DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString("WAITING_FOR_NOTHING"); break; } default: // Invalid state during observer callback which may be triggered by other // classes using the the UI message loop. Defer to their handling. break; } return original_wait_state != wait_state_; } void ProfileSyncServiceHarness::OnStateChanged() { RunStateChangeMachine(); } void ProfileSyncServiceHarness::OnMigrationStateChange() { // Update migration state. if (HasPendingBackendMigration()) { // Merge current pending migration types into // |pending_migration_types_|. pending_migration_types_.PutAll( service()->GetBackendMigratorForTest()-> GetPendingMigrationTypesForTest()); DVLOG(1) << profile_debug_name_ << ": new pending migration types " << syncer::ModelTypeSetToString(pending_migration_types_); } else { // Merge just-finished pending migration types into // |migration_types_|. migrated_types_.PutAll(pending_migration_types_); pending_migration_types_.Clear(); DVLOG(1) << profile_debug_name_ << ": new migrated types " << syncer::ModelTypeSetToString(migrated_types_); } RunStateChangeMachine(); } bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::AwaitPassphraseRequired() { DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString("AwaitPassphraseRequired"); if (wait_state_ == SYNC_DISABLED) { LOG(ERROR) << "Sync disabled for " << profile_debug_name_ << "."; return false; } if (service()->IsPassphraseRequired()) { // It's already true that a passphrase is required; don't wait. return true; } wait_state_ = WAITING_FOR_PASSPHRASE_REQUIRED; return AwaitStatusChangeWithTimeout(kLiveSyncOperationTimeoutMs, "Waiting for passphrase to be required."); } bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::AwaitPassphraseAccepted() { DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString("AwaitPassphraseAccepted"); if (wait_state_ == SYNC_DISABLED) { LOG(ERROR) << "Sync disabled for " << profile_debug_name_ << "."; return false; } if (service()->ShouldPushChanges() && !service()->IsPassphraseRequired() && service()->IsUsingSecondaryPassphrase()) { // Passphrase is already accepted; don't wait. return true; } wait_state_ = WAITING_FOR_PASSPHRASE_ACCEPTED; return AwaitStatusChangeWithTimeout(kLiveSyncOperationTimeoutMs, "Waiting for passphrase to be accepted."); } bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::AwaitBackendInitialized() { DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString("AwaitBackendInitialized"); if (service()->sync_initialized()) { // The sync backend host has already been initialized; don't wait. return true; } wait_state_ = WAITING_FOR_ON_BACKEND_INITIALIZED; return AwaitStatusChangeWithTimeout(kLiveSyncOperationTimeoutMs, "Waiting for OnBackendInitialized()."); } bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::AwaitSyncRestart() { DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString("AwaitSyncRestart"); if (service()->ShouldPushChanges()) { // Sync has already been restarted; don't wait. return true; } // Wait for the sync backend to be initialized. if (!AwaitBackendInitialized()) { LOG(ERROR) << "OnBackendInitialized() not seen after " << kLiveSyncOperationTimeoutMs / 1000 << " seconds."; return false; } // Wait for sync configuration to complete. wait_state_ = WAITING_FOR_SYNC_CONFIGURATION; return AwaitStatusChangeWithTimeout(kLiveSyncOperationTimeoutMs, "Waiting for sync configuration."); } bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::AwaitDataSyncCompletion( const std::string& reason) { DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString("AwaitDataSyncCompletion"); CHECK(service()->sync_initialized()); CHECK_NE(wait_state_, SYNC_DISABLED); if (IsDataSynced()) { // Client is already synced; don't wait. return true; } wait_state_ = WAITING_FOR_DATA_SYNC; AwaitStatusChangeWithTimeout(kLiveSyncOperationTimeoutMs, reason); if (wait_state_ == FULLY_SYNCED) { return true; } else { LOG(ERROR) << "AwaitDataSyncCompletion failed, state is now: " << wait_state_; return false; } } bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::AwaitFullSyncCompletion( const std::string& reason) { DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString("AwaitFullSyncCompletion"); if (wait_state_ == SYNC_DISABLED) { LOG(ERROR) << "Sync disabled for " << profile_debug_name_ << "."; return false; } if (IsFullySynced()) { // Client is already synced; don't wait. return true; } DCHECK(service()->sync_initialized()); wait_state_ = WAITING_FOR_FULL_SYNC; AwaitStatusChangeWithTimeout(kLiveSyncOperationTimeoutMs, reason); if (wait_state_ == FULLY_SYNCED) { // Client is online; sync was successful. return true; } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid wait state: " << wait_state_; return false; } } bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::AwaitSyncDisabled(const std::string& reason) { DCHECK(service()->HasSyncSetupCompleted()); DCHECK_NE(wait_state_, SYNC_DISABLED); wait_state_ = WAITING_FOR_SYNC_DISABLED; AwaitStatusChangeWithTimeout(kLiveSyncOperationTimeoutMs, reason); return wait_state_ == SYNC_DISABLED; } bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::AwaitExponentialBackoffVerification() { const SyncSessionSnapshot& snap = GetLastSessionSnapshot(); retry_verifier_.Initialize(snap); wait_state_ = WAITING_FOR_EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF_VERIFICATION; AwaitStatusChangeWithTimeout(kExponentialBackoffVerificationTimeoutMs, "Verify Exponential backoff"); return (retry_verifier_.Succeeded()); } bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::AwaitActionableError() { ProfileSyncService::Status status = GetStatus(); CHECK(status.sync_protocol_error.action == syncer::UNKNOWN_ACTION); wait_state_ = WAITING_FOR_ACTIONABLE_ERROR; AwaitStatusChangeWithTimeout(kLiveSyncOperationTimeoutMs, "Waiting for actionable error"); status = GetStatus(); return (status.sync_protocol_error.action != syncer::UNKNOWN_ACTION && service_->HasUnrecoverableError()); } bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::AwaitMigration( syncer::ModelTypeSet expected_migrated_types) { DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString("AwaitMigration"); DVLOG(1) << profile_debug_name_ << ": waiting until migration is done for " << syncer::ModelTypeSetToString(expected_migrated_types); while (true) { bool migration_finished = migrated_types_.HasAll(expected_migrated_types); DVLOG(1) << "Migrated types " << syncer::ModelTypeSetToString(migrated_types_) << (migration_finished ? " contains " : " does not contain ") << syncer::ModelTypeSetToString(expected_migrated_types); if (migration_finished) { return true; } if (HasPendingBackendMigration()) { wait_state_ = WAITING_FOR_MIGRATION_TO_FINISH; } else { wait_state_ = WAITING_FOR_MIGRATION_TO_START; AwaitStatusChangeWithTimeout(kLiveSyncOperationTimeoutMs, "Wait for migration to start"); if (wait_state_ != WAITING_FOR_MIGRATION_TO_FINISH) { DVLOG(1) << profile_debug_name_ << ": wait state = " << wait_state_ << " after migration start is not " << "WAITING_FOR_MIGRATION_TO_FINISH"; return false; } } AwaitStatusChangeWithTimeout(kLiveSyncOperationTimeoutMs, "Wait for migration to finish"); if (wait_state_ != WAITING_FOR_NOTHING) { DVLOG(1) << profile_debug_name_ << ": wait state = " << wait_state_ << " after migration finish is not WAITING_FOR_NOTHING"; return false; } // We must use AwaitDataSyncCompletion rather than the more common // AwaitFullSyncCompletion. As long as crbug.com/97780 is open, we will // rely on self-notifications to ensure that progress markers are updated, // which allows AwaitFullSyncCompletion to return. However, in some // migration tests these notifications are completely disabled, so the // progress markers do not get updated. This is why we must use the less // strict condition, AwaitDataSyncCompletion. if (!AwaitDataSyncCompletion( "Config sync cycle after migration cycle")) { return false; } } } bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::AwaitMutualSyncCycleCompletion( ProfileSyncServiceHarness* partner) { DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString("AwaitMutualSyncCycleCompletion"); if (!AwaitFullSyncCompletion("Sync cycle completion on active client.")) return false; return partner->WaitUntilProgressMarkersMatch(this, "Sync cycle completion on passive client."); } bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::AwaitGroupSyncCycleCompletion( std::vector& partners) { DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString("AwaitGroupSyncCycleCompletion"); if (!AwaitFullSyncCompletion("Sync cycle completion on active client.")) return false; bool return_value = true; for (std::vector::iterator it = partners.begin(); it != partners.end(); ++it) { if ((this != *it) && ((*it)->wait_state_ != SYNC_DISABLED)) { return_value = return_value && (*it)->WaitUntilProgressMarkersMatch(this, "Sync cycle completion on partner client."); } } return return_value; } // static bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::AwaitQuiescence( std::vector& clients) { DVLOG(1) << "AwaitQuiescence."; bool return_value = true; for (std::vector::iterator it = clients.begin(); it != clients.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->wait_state_ != SYNC_DISABLED) return_value = return_value && (*it)->AwaitGroupSyncCycleCompletion(clients); } return return_value; } bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::WaitUntilProgressMarkersMatch( ProfileSyncServiceHarness* partner, const std::string& reason) { DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString("WaitUntilProgressMarkersMatch"); if (wait_state_ == SYNC_DISABLED) { LOG(ERROR) << "Sync disabled for " << profile_debug_name_ << "."; return false; } if (MatchesOtherClient(partner)) { // Progress markers already match; don't wait. return true; } DCHECK(!progress_marker_partner_); progress_marker_partner_ = partner; partner->service()->AddObserver(this); wait_state_ = WAITING_FOR_UPDATES; bool return_value = AwaitStatusChangeWithTimeout(kLiveSyncOperationTimeoutMs, reason); partner->service()->RemoveObserver(this); progress_marker_partner_ = NULL; return return_value; } bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::AwaitStatusChangeWithTimeout( int timeout_milliseconds, const std::string& reason) { DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString("AwaitStatusChangeWithTimeout"); if (wait_state_ == SYNC_DISABLED) { LOG(ERROR) << "Sync disabled for " << profile_debug_name_ << "."; return false; } scoped_refptr timeout_signal( new StateChangeTimeoutEvent(this, reason)); { // Set the flag to tell SignalStateComplete() that it's OK to quit out of // the MessageLoop if we hit a state transition. waiting_for_status_change_ = true; MessageLoop* loop = MessageLoop::current(); MessageLoop::ScopedNestableTaskAllower allow(loop); loop->PostDelayedTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&StateChangeTimeoutEvent::Callback, timeout_signal.get()), base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(timeout_milliseconds)); loop->Run(); waiting_for_status_change_ = false; } if (timeout_signal->Abort()) { DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString("AwaitStatusChangeWithTimeout succeeded"); return true; } else { DVLOG(0) << GetClientInfoString("AwaitStatusChangeWithTimeout timed out"); return false; } } ProfileSyncService::Status ProfileSyncServiceHarness::GetStatus() { DCHECK(service() != NULL) << "GetStatus(): service() is NULL."; ProfileSyncService::Status result; service()->QueryDetailedSyncStatus(&result); return result; } // We use this function to share code between IsFullySynced and IsDataSynced // while ensuring that all conditions are evaluated using on the same snapshot. bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::IsDataSyncedImpl( const SyncSessionSnapshot& snap) { return ServiceIsPushingChanges() && GetStatus().notifications_enabled && !service()->HasUnsyncedItems() && !HasPendingBackendMigration(); } bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::IsDataSynced() { if (service() == NULL) { DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString("IsDataSynced(): false"); return false; } const SyncSessionSnapshot& snap = GetLastSessionSnapshot(); bool is_data_synced = IsDataSyncedImpl(snap); DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString( is_data_synced ? "IsDataSynced: true" : "IsDataSynced: false"); return is_data_synced; } bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::IsFullySynced() { if (service() == NULL) { DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString("IsFullySynced: false"); return false; } const SyncSessionSnapshot& snap = GetLastSessionSnapshot(); // If we didn't try to commit anything in the previous cycle, there's a // good chance that we're now fully up to date. bool is_fully_synced = snap.model_neutral_state().num_successful_commits == 0 && snap.model_neutral_state().commit_result == syncer::SYNCER_OK && IsDataSyncedImpl(snap); DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString( is_fully_synced ? "IsFullySynced: true" : "IsFullySynced: false"); return is_fully_synced; } bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::HasPendingBackendMigration() { browser_sync::BackendMigrator* migrator = service()->GetBackendMigratorForTest(); return migrator && migrator->state() != browser_sync::BackendMigrator::IDLE; } bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::AutoStartEnabled() { return service_->auto_start_enabled(); } bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::MatchesOtherClient( ProfileSyncServiceHarness* partner) { // TODO(akalin): Shouldn't this belong with the intersection check? // Otherwise, this function isn't symmetric. if (!IsFullySynced()) { DVLOG(2) << profile_debug_name_ << ": not synced, assuming doesn't match"; return false; } // Only look for a match if we have at least one enabled datatype in // common with the partner client. const syncer::ModelTypeSet common_types = Intersection(service()->GetPreferredDataTypes(), partner->service()->GetPreferredDataTypes()); DVLOG(2) << profile_debug_name_ << ", " << partner->profile_debug_name_ << ": common types are " << syncer::ModelTypeSetToString(common_types); if (!common_types.Empty() && !partner->IsFullySynced()) { DVLOG(2) << "non-empty common types and " << partner->profile_debug_name_ << " isn't synced"; return false; } for (syncer::ModelTypeSet::Iterator i = common_types.First(); i.Good(); i.Inc()) { const std::string marker = GetSerializedProgressMarker(i.Get()); const std::string partner_marker = partner->GetSerializedProgressMarker(i.Get()); if (marker != partner_marker) { if (VLOG_IS_ON(2)) { std::string marker_base64, partner_marker_base64; if (!base::Base64Encode(marker, &marker_base64)) { NOTREACHED(); } if (!base::Base64Encode( partner_marker, &partner_marker_base64)) { NOTREACHED(); } DVLOG(2) << syncer::ModelTypeToString(i.Get()) << ": " << profile_debug_name_ << " progress marker = " << marker_base64 << ", " << partner->profile_debug_name_ << " partner progress marker = " << partner_marker_base64; } return false; } } return true; } SyncSessionSnapshot ProfileSyncServiceHarness::GetLastSessionSnapshot() const { DCHECK(service_ != NULL) << "Sync service has not yet been set up."; if (service_->sync_initialized()) { return service_->GetLastSessionSnapshot(); } return SyncSessionSnapshot(); } bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::EnableSyncForDatatype( syncer::ModelType datatype) { DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString( "EnableSyncForDatatype(" + std::string(syncer::ModelTypeToString(datatype)) + ")"); if (wait_state_ == SYNC_DISABLED) { return SetupSync(syncer::ModelTypeSet(datatype)); } if (service() == NULL) { LOG(ERROR) << "EnableSyncForDatatype(): service() is null."; return false; } syncer::ModelTypeSet synced_datatypes = service()->GetPreferredDataTypes(); if (synced_datatypes.Has(datatype)) { DVLOG(1) << "EnableSyncForDatatype(): Sync already enabled for datatype " << syncer::ModelTypeToString(datatype) << " on " << profile_debug_name_ << "."; return true; } synced_datatypes.Put(syncer::ModelTypeFromInt(datatype)); service()->OnUserChoseDatatypes(false, synced_datatypes); if (AwaitDataSyncCompletion("Datatype configuration.")) { DVLOG(1) << "EnableSyncForDatatype(): Enabled sync for datatype " << syncer::ModelTypeToString(datatype) << " on " << profile_debug_name_ << "."; return true; } DVLOG(0) << GetClientInfoString("EnableSyncForDatatype failed"); return false; } bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::DisableSyncForDatatype( syncer::ModelType datatype) { DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString( "DisableSyncForDatatype(" + std::string(syncer::ModelTypeToString(datatype)) + ")"); if (service() == NULL) { LOG(ERROR) << "DisableSyncForDatatype(): service() is null."; return false; } syncer::ModelTypeSet synced_datatypes = service()->GetPreferredDataTypes(); if (!synced_datatypes.Has(datatype)) { DVLOG(1) << "DisableSyncForDatatype(): Sync already disabled for datatype " << syncer::ModelTypeToString(datatype) << " on " << profile_debug_name_ << "."; return true; } synced_datatypes.Remove(datatype); service()->OnUserChoseDatatypes(false, synced_datatypes); if (AwaitFullSyncCompletion("Datatype reconfiguration.")) { DVLOG(1) << "DisableSyncForDatatype(): Disabled sync for datatype " << syncer::ModelTypeToString(datatype) << " on " << profile_debug_name_ << "."; return true; } DVLOG(0) << GetClientInfoString("DisableSyncForDatatype failed"); return false; } bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::EnableSyncForAllDatatypes() { DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString("EnableSyncForAllDatatypes"); if (wait_state_ == SYNC_DISABLED) { return SetupSync(); } if (service() == NULL) { LOG(ERROR) << "EnableSyncForAllDatatypes(): service() is null."; return false; } service()->OnUserChoseDatatypes(true, syncer::ModelTypeSet::All()); if (AwaitFullSyncCompletion("Datatype reconfiguration.")) { DVLOG(1) << "EnableSyncForAllDatatypes(): Enabled sync for all datatypes " << "on " << profile_debug_name_ << "."; return true; } DVLOG(0) << GetClientInfoString("EnableSyncForAllDatatypes failed"); return false; } bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::DisableSyncForAllDatatypes() { DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString("DisableSyncForAllDatatypes"); if (service() == NULL) { LOG(ERROR) << "DisableSyncForAllDatatypes(): service() is null."; return false; } service()->DisableForUser(); wait_state_ = SYNC_DISABLED; DVLOG(1) << "DisableSyncForAllDatatypes(): Disabled sync for all " << "datatypes on " << profile_debug_name_; return true; } std::string ProfileSyncServiceHarness::GetSerializedProgressMarker( syncer::ModelType model_type) const { const SyncSessionSnapshot& snap = GetLastSessionSnapshot(); const syncer::ProgressMarkerMap& markers_map = snap.download_progress_markers(); syncer::ProgressMarkerMap::const_iterator it = markers_map.find(model_type); return (it != markers_map.end()) ? it->second : ""; } std::string ProfileSyncServiceHarness::GetClientInfoString( const std::string& message) { std::stringstream os; os << profile_debug_name_ << ": " << message << ": "; if (service()) { const SyncSessionSnapshot& snap = GetLastSessionSnapshot(); const ProfileSyncService::Status& status = GetStatus(); // Capture select info from the sync session snapshot and syncer status. os << ", has_unsynced_items: " << (service()->sync_initialized() ? service()->HasUnsyncedItems() : 0) << ", did_commit: " << (snap.model_neutral_state().num_successful_commits == 0 && snap.model_neutral_state().commit_result == syncer::SYNCER_OK) << ", encryption conflicts: " << snap.num_encryption_conflicts() << ", hierarchy conflicts: " << snap.num_hierarchy_conflicts() << ", server conflicts: " << snap.num_server_conflicts() << ", num_updates_downloaded : " << snap.model_neutral_state().num_updates_downloaded_total << ", passphrase_required_reason: " << syncer::PassphraseRequiredReasonToString( service()->passphrase_required_reason()) << ", notifications_enabled: " << status.notifications_enabled << ", service_is_pushing_changes: " << ServiceIsPushingChanges() << ", has_pending_backend_migration: " << HasPendingBackendMigration(); } else { os << "Sync service not available"; } return os.str(); } // TODO(zea): Rename this EnableEncryption, since we no longer turn on // encryption for individual types but for all. bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::EnableEncryptionForType( syncer::ModelType type) { const syncer::ModelTypeSet encrypted_types = service_->GetEncryptedDataTypes(); if (encrypted_types.Has(type)) return true; service_->EnableEncryptEverything(); // In order to kick off the encryption we have to reconfigure. Just grab the // currently synced types and use them. const syncer::ModelTypeSet synced_datatypes = service_->GetPreferredDataTypes(); bool sync_everything = synced_datatypes.Equals(syncer::ModelTypeSet::All()); service_->OnUserChoseDatatypes(sync_everything, synced_datatypes); // Wait some time to let the enryption finish. return WaitForTypeEncryption(type); } bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::WaitForTypeEncryption(syncer::ModelType type) { // The correctness of this if condition depends on the ordering of its // sub-expressions. See crbug.com/95619. // TODO(rlarocque): Figure out a less brittle way of detecting this. if (IsTypeEncrypted(type) && IsFullySynced() && GetLastSessionSnapshot().num_encryption_conflicts() == 0) { // Encryption is already complete for |type|; do not wait. return true; } std::string reason = "Waiting for encryption."; wait_state_ = WAITING_FOR_ENCRYPTION; waiting_for_encryption_type_ = type; if (!AwaitStatusChangeWithTimeout(kLiveSyncOperationTimeoutMs, reason)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Did not receive EncryptionComplete notification after" << kLiveSyncOperationTimeoutMs / 1000 << " seconds."; return false; } return IsTypeEncrypted(type); } bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::IsTypeEncrypted(syncer::ModelType type) { const syncer::ModelTypeSet encrypted_types = service_->GetEncryptedDataTypes(); bool is_type_encrypted = service_->GetEncryptedDataTypes().Has(type); DVLOG(2) << syncer::ModelTypeToString(type) << " is " << (is_type_encrypted ? "" : "not ") << "encrypted; " << "encrypted types = " << syncer::ModelTypeSetToString(encrypted_types); return is_type_encrypted; } bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::IsTypeRunning(syncer::ModelType type) { browser_sync::DataTypeController::StateMap state_map; service_->GetDataTypeControllerStates(&state_map); return (state_map.count(type) != 0 && state_map[type] == browser_sync::DataTypeController::RUNNING); } bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::IsTypePreferred(syncer::ModelType type) { return service_->GetPreferredDataTypes().Has(type); } size_t ProfileSyncServiceHarness::GetNumEntries() const { return GetLastSessionSnapshot().num_entries(); } size_t ProfileSyncServiceHarness::GetNumDatatypes() const { browser_sync::DataTypeController::StateMap state_map; service_->GetDataTypeControllerStates(&state_map); return state_map.size(); } std::string ProfileSyncServiceHarness::GetServiceStatus() { scoped_ptr value( sync_ui_util::ConstructAboutInformation(service_)); std::string service_status; base::JSONWriter::WriteWithOptions(value.get(), base::JSONWriter::OPTIONS_PRETTY_PRINT, &service_status); return service_status; }