// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/interstitial_page.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_list.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_resources.h" #include "chrome/browser/dom_operation_notification_details.h" #include "chrome/browser/render_widget_host_view_win.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/navigation_controller.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/navigation_entry.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/web_contents.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/web_contents_view_win.h" #include "chrome/views/window.h" #include "chrome/views/window_delegate.h" #include "net/base/escape.h" enum ResourceRequestAction { BLOCK, RESUME, CANCEL }; namespace { class ResourceRequestTask : public Task { public: ResourceRequestTask(RenderViewHost* render_view_host, ResourceRequestAction action) : action_(action), process_id_(render_view_host->process()->host_id()), render_view_host_id_(render_view_host->routing_id()), resource_dispatcher_host_( g_browser_process->resource_dispatcher_host()) { } virtual void Run() { switch (action_) { case BLOCK: resource_dispatcher_host_->BlockRequestsForRenderView( process_id_, render_view_host_id_); break; case RESUME: resource_dispatcher_host_->ResumeBlockedRequestsForRenderView( process_id_, render_view_host_id_); break; case CANCEL: resource_dispatcher_host_->CancelBlockedRequestsForRenderView( process_id_, render_view_host_id_); break; default: NOTREACHED(); } } private: ResourceRequestAction action_; int process_id_; int render_view_host_id_; ResourceDispatcherHost* resource_dispatcher_host_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ResourceRequestTask); }; } // namespace // static InterstitialPage::InterstitialPageMap* InterstitialPage::tab_to_interstitial_page_ = NULL; InterstitialPage::InterstitialPage(WebContents* tab, bool new_navigation, const GURL& url) : tab_(tab), url_(url), action_taken_(false), enabled_(true), new_navigation_(new_navigation), render_view_host_(NULL), should_revert_tab_title_(false), ui_loop_(MessageLoop::current()) { InitInterstitialPageMap(); // It would be inconsistent to create an interstitial with no new navigation // (which is the case when the interstitial was triggered by a sub-resource on // a page) when we have a pending entry (in the process of loading a new top // frame). DCHECK(new_navigation || !tab->controller()->GetPendingEntry()); } InterstitialPage::~InterstitialPage() { InterstitialPageMap::iterator iter = tab_to_interstitial_page_->find(tab_); DCHECK(iter != tab_to_interstitial_page_->end()); tab_to_interstitial_page_->erase(iter); DCHECK(!render_view_host_); } void InterstitialPage::Show() { // If an interstitial is already showing, close it before showing the new one. if (tab_->interstitial_page()) tab_->interstitial_page()->DontProceed(); // Block the resource requests for the render view host while it is hidden. TakeActionOnResourceDispatcher(BLOCK); // We need to be notified when the RenderViewHost is destroyed so we can // cancel the blocked requests. We cannot do that on // NOTIFY_TAB_CONTENTS_DESTROYED as at that point the RenderViewHost has // already been destroyed. notification_registrar_.Add( this, NOTIFY_RENDER_WIDGET_HOST_DESTROYED, Source(tab_->render_view_host())); // Update the tab_to_interstitial_page_ map. InterstitialPageMap::const_iterator iter = tab_to_interstitial_page_->find(tab_); DCHECK(iter == tab_to_interstitial_page_->end()); (*tab_to_interstitial_page_)[tab_] = this; if (new_navigation_) { NavigationEntry* entry = new NavigationEntry(TAB_CONTENTS_WEB); entry->set_url(url_); entry->set_display_url(url_); entry->set_page_type(NavigationEntry::INTERSTITIAL_PAGE); // Give sub-classes a chance to set some states on the navigation entry. UpdateEntry(entry); tab_->controller()->AddTransientEntry(entry); } DCHECK(!render_view_host_); render_view_host_ = CreateRenderViewHost(); std::string data_url = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8," + EscapePath(GetHTMLContents()); render_view_host_->NavigateToURL(GURL(data_url)); notification_registrar_.Add(this, NOTIFY_TAB_CONTENTS_DESTROYED, Source(tab_)); notification_registrar_.Add(this, NOTIFY_NAV_ENTRY_COMMITTED, Source(tab_->controller())); notification_registrar_.Add(this, NOTIFY_NAV_ENTRY_PENDING, Source(tab_->controller())); } void InterstitialPage::Hide() { render_view_host_->Shutdown(); render_view_host_ = NULL; if (tab_->interstitial_page()) tab_->remove_interstitial_page(); // Let's revert to the original title if necessary. NavigationEntry* entry = tab_->controller()->GetActiveEntry(); if (!new_navigation_ && should_revert_tab_title_) { entry->set_title(original_tab_title_); tab_->NotifyNavigationStateChanged(TabContents::INVALIDATE_TITLE); } delete this; } void InterstitialPage::Observe(NotificationType type, const NotificationSource& source, const NotificationDetails& details) { switch (type) { case NOTIFY_NAV_ENTRY_PENDING: // We are navigating away from the interstitial. Make sure clicking on // the interstitial will have no effect. Disable(); break; case NOTIFY_RENDER_WIDGET_HOST_DESTROYED: if (!action_taken_) { // The RenderViewHost is being destroyed (as part of the tab being // closed), make sure we clear the blocked requests. DCHECK(Source(source).ptr() == tab_->render_view_host()); TakeActionOnResourceDispatcher(CANCEL); } break; case NOTIFY_TAB_CONTENTS_DESTROYED: case NOTIFY_NAV_ENTRY_COMMITTED: if (!action_taken_) { // We are navigating away from the interstitial or closing a tab with an // interstitial. Default to DontProceed(). We don't just call Hide as // subclasses will almost certainly override DontProceed to do some work // (ex: close pending connections). DontProceed(); } else { // User decided to proceed and either the navigation was committed or // the tab was closed before that. Hide(); // WARNING: we are now deleted! } break; default: NOTREACHED(); } } RenderViewHost* InterstitialPage::CreateRenderViewHost() { RenderViewHost* render_view_host = new RenderViewHost( SiteInstance::CreateSiteInstance(tab()->profile()), this, MSG_ROUTING_NONE, NULL); RenderWidgetHostViewWin* view = new RenderWidgetHostViewWin(render_view_host); render_view_host->set_view(view); view->Create(tab_->GetContentHWND()); view->set_parent_hwnd(tab_->GetContentHWND()); WebContentsViewWin* web_contents_view = static_cast(tab_->view()); render_view_host->CreateRenderView(); // SetSize must be called after CreateRenderView or the HWND won't show. view->SetSize(web_contents_view->GetContainerSize()); render_view_host->AllowDomAutomationBindings(); return render_view_host; } void InterstitialPage::Proceed() { DCHECK(!action_taken_); Disable(); action_taken_ = true; // Resumes the throbber. tab_->SetIsLoading(true, NULL); // If this is a new navigation, the old page is going away, so we cancel any // blocked requests for it. If it is not a new navigation, then it means the // interstitial was shown as a result of a resource loading in the page. // Since the user wants to proceed, we'll let any blocked request go through. if (new_navigation_) TakeActionOnResourceDispatcher(CANCEL); else TakeActionOnResourceDispatcher(RESUME); // No need to hide if we are a new navigation, we'll get hidden when the // navigation is committed. if (!new_navigation_) { Hide(); // WARNING: we are now deleted! } } void InterstitialPage::DontProceed() { DCHECK(!action_taken_); Disable(); action_taken_ = true; // If this is a new navigation, we are returning to the original page, so we // resume blocked requests for it. If it is not a new navigation, then it // means the interstitial was shown as a result of a resource loading in the // page and we won't return to the original page, so we cancel blocked // requests in that case. if (new_navigation_) TakeActionOnResourceDispatcher(RESUME); else TakeActionOnResourceDispatcher(CANCEL); if (new_navigation_) { // Since no navigation happens we have to discard the transient entry // explicitely. Note that by calling DiscardNonCommittedEntries() we also // discard the pending entry, which is what we want, since the navigation is // cancelled. tab_->controller()->DiscardNonCommittedEntries(); } Hide(); // WARNING: we are now deleted! } void InterstitialPage::SetSize(const gfx::Size& size) { render_view_host_->view()->SetSize(size); } Profile* InterstitialPage::GetProfile() const { return tab_->profile(); } void InterstitialPage::DidNavigate( RenderViewHost* render_view_host, const ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate_Params& params) { // A fast user could have navigated away from the page that triggered the // interstitial while the interstitial was loading, that would have disabled // us. In that case we can dismiss ourselves. if (!enabled_){ DontProceed(); return; } // The RenderViewHost has loaded its contents, we can show it now. render_view_host_->view()->Show(); tab_->set_interstitial_page(this); // Notify the tab we are not loading so the throbber is stopped. It also // causes a NOTIFY_LOAD_STOP notification, that the AutomationProvider (used // by the UI tests) expects to consider a navigation as complete. Without this, // navigating in a UI test to a URL that triggers an interstitial would hang. tab_->SetIsLoading(false, NULL); } void InterstitialPage::RendererGone(RenderViewHost* render_view_host) { // Our renderer died. This should not happen in normal cases. // Just dismiss the interstitial. DontProceed(); } void InterstitialPage::DomOperationResponse(const std::string& json_string, int automation_id) { if (enabled_) CommandReceived(json_string); } void InterstitialPage::UpdateTitle(RenderViewHost* render_view_host, int32 page_id, const std::wstring& title) { DCHECK(render_view_host == render_view_host_); NavigationEntry* entry = tab_->controller()->GetActiveEntry(); // If this interstitial is shown on an existing navigation entry, we'll need // to remember its title so we can revert to it when hidden. if (!new_navigation_ && !should_revert_tab_title_) { original_tab_title_ = entry->title(); should_revert_tab_title_ = true; } entry->set_title(title); tab_->NotifyNavigationStateChanged(TabContents::INVALIDATE_TITLE); } void InterstitialPage::Disable() { enabled_ = false; } void InterstitialPage::TakeActionOnResourceDispatcher( ResourceRequestAction action) { DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == ui_loop_) << "TakeActionOnResourceDispatcher should be called on the main thread."; // The tab might not have a render_view_host if it was closed (in which case, // we have taken care of the blocked requests when processing // NOTIFY_RENDER_WIDGET_HOST_DESTROYED. // Also we need to test there is an IO thread, as when unit-tests we don't // have one. if (tab_->render_view_host() && g_browser_process->io_thread()) { g_browser_process->io_thread()->message_loop()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, new ResourceRequestTask(tab_->render_view_host(), action)); } } // static void InterstitialPage::InitInterstitialPageMap() { if (!tab_to_interstitial_page_) tab_to_interstitial_page_ = new InterstitialPageMap; } // static InterstitialPage* InterstitialPage::GetInterstitialPage( WebContents* web_contents) { InitInterstitialPageMap(); InterstitialPageMap::const_iterator iter = tab_to_interstitial_page_->find(web_contents); if (iter == tab_to_interstitial_page_->end()) return NULL; return iter->second; }