// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_NATIVE_UI_CONTENTS_H__ #define CHROME_BROWSER_NATIVE_UI_CONTENTS_H__ #include "chrome/browser/page_state.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents.h" #include "chrome/views/background.h" #include "chrome/views/link.h" #include "chrome/views/native_button.h" #include "chrome/views/text_field.h" #include "chrome/views/widget_win.h" namespace views { class CheckBox; class FocusTraversable; class ImageView; class ScrollView; class Throbber; } class NativeUIFactory; class NativeUI; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // NativeUIContents // // NativeUIContents is a TabContents that is used to show some pages made with // some native user interface elements. NativeUIContents maintains a list of URL // path mapping to specific NativeUI implementations. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class NativeUIContents : public TabContents, public views::WidgetWin { public: explicit NativeUIContents(Profile* profile); virtual void CreateView(); virtual HWND GetContainerHWND() const { return GetHWND(); } virtual void GetContainerBounds(gfx::Rect* out) const; // Sets the page state. NativeUIContents takes ownership of the supplied // PageState. Use a value of NULL to set the state to empty. void SetPageState(PageState* page_state); // Returns the page state. This is intended for UIs that want to store page // state. const PageState& page_state() const { return *state_; } // // TabContents implementation // virtual bool NavigateToPendingEntry(bool reload); virtual const std::wstring GetDefaultTitle() const; virtual SkBitmap GetFavIcon() const; virtual bool ShouldDisplayURL() { return false; } virtual bool ShouldDisplayFavIcon() { return true; } virtual void DidBecomeSelected(); virtual void SetInitialFocus(); // Sets the current loading state. This is public for NativeUIs to update. void SetIsLoading(bool is_loading, LoadNotificationDetails* details); // FocusTraversable Implementation virtual views::View* FindNextFocusableView( views::View* starting_view, bool reverse, views::FocusTraversable::Direction direction, bool dont_loop, views::FocusTraversable** focus_traversable, views::View** focus_traversable_view); virtual views::RootView* GetContentsRootView() { return GetRootView(); } // Return the scheme used. We currently use chrome-nativeui: static std::string GetScheme(); // Register a NativeUIFactory for a given path. static void RegisterNativeUIFactory(const GURL& url, NativeUIFactory* factory); protected: // Should be deleted via CloseContents. virtual ~NativeUIContents(); // Overridden to create a view that that handles drag and drop. virtual views::RootView* CreateRootView(); private: // Initialize the factories. This is called the first time a NativeUIContents // object is created. If you add a new factory, you need to add a line in this // method. static void InitializeNativeUIFactories(); // Instantiates a native UI for the provided URL. This is done by using the // native factories which have been registered. static NativeUI* InstantiateNativeUIForURL(const GURL& url, NativeUIContents* contents); // Returns the key to use based on the TabUI's url. static std::string GetFactoryKey(const GURL& url); // Size the current UI if any. void Layout(); // Return the Native UI for the provided URL. The NativeUIs are returned from // a cache. Returns NULL if no such UI exists. NativeUI* GetNativeUIForURL(const GURL& url); // Windows message handlers. virtual LRESULT OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT create_struct); virtual void OnDestroy(); virtual void OnSize(UINT size_command, const CSize& new_size); virtual void OnWindowPosChanged(WINDOWPOS* position); // Whether this contents is visible. bool is_visible_; // Path to NativeUI map. We keep reusing the same UIs. typedef std::map PathToUI; PathToUI path_to_native_uis_; // The current UI. NativeUI* current_ui_; // The current view for the current UI. We don't ask again just in case the // UI implementation keeps allocating new uis. views::View* current_view_; // The current page state for the native contents. scoped_ptr state_; // Whether factories have been initialized. static bool g_ui_factories_initialized; DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(NativeUIContents); }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // A native UI needs to implement the following interface to work with the // NativeUIContents. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class NativeUI { public: virtual ~NativeUI() {} // Return the title for this user interface. The title is used as a tab title. virtual const std::wstring GetTitle() const = 0; // Return the favicon id for this user interface. virtual const int GetFavIconID () const = 0; // Return the view that should be used to render this user interface. virtual views::View* GetView() = 0; // Inform the view that it is about to become visible. virtual void WillBecomeVisible(NativeUIContents* parent) = 0; // Inform the view that it is about to become invisible. virtual void WillBecomeInvisible(NativeUIContents* parent) = 0; // Inform the view that it should recreate the provided state. The state // should be updated as needed by using the current navigation entry of // the provided tab contents. virtual void Navigate(const PageState& state) = 0; // Requests the contents set the initial focus. A return value of true // indicates the contents wants focus and requested focus. A return value of // false indicates the contents does not want focus, and that focus should // go to the location bar. virtual bool SetInitialFocus() = 0; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // NativeUIFactory defines the method necessary to instantiate a NativeUI // object. Typically, each NativeUI implementation registers an object that // can instantiate NativeUI objects given the necessary path. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class NativeUIFactory { public: virtual ~NativeUIFactory() {} // Request the factory to instantiate a NativeUI object given the provided // url. The url is a nativeui: URL which contains the path for which this // factory was registered. // // See NativeUIContents::RegisterNativeUI(). virtual NativeUI* CreateNativeUIForURL(const GURL& url, NativeUIContents* contents) = 0; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // A standard background for native UIs. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class NativeUIBackground : public views::Background { public: NativeUIBackground(); virtual ~NativeUIBackground(); virtual void Paint(ChromeCanvas* canvas, views::View* view) const; private: DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(NativeUIBackground); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // A view subclass used to implement native uis that feature a search field. // This view contains a search field and a ScrollView for the contents. It // implements a consistent look for these UIs. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class SearchableUIContainer : public views::View, public views::NativeButton::Listener, public views::LinkController, public views::TextField::Controller { public: // The Delegate is notified when the user clicks the search button. class Delegate { public: virtual void DoSearch(const std::wstring& text) = 0; virtual const std::wstring GetTitle() const = 0; virtual const int GetSectionIconID() const = 0; virtual const std::wstring GetSearchButtonText() const = 0; }; // Create a new SearchableUIContainer given a delegate. explicit SearchableUIContainer(Delegate* delegate); virtual ~SearchableUIContainer(); // Add the view as the contents of the container. void SetContents(views::View* contents); views::View* GetContents(); virtual void Layout(); // Overriden to paint the container. virtual void Paint(ChromeCanvas* canvas); // Provide the mode access to various UI elements. views::TextField* GetSearchField() const; views::ScrollView* GetScrollView() const; // Enable/disable the search text-field/button. void SetSearchEnabled(bool enabled); // Start and stop the throbber. void StartThrobber(); void StopThrobber(); private: // Invoked when the user presses the search button. virtual void ButtonPressed(views::NativeButton* sender); // TextField method, does nothing. virtual void ContentsChanged(views::TextField* sender, const std::wstring& new_contents) {} // Textfield method, if key is the return key the search is updated. virtual void HandleKeystroke(views::TextField* sender, UINT message, TCHAR key, UINT repeat_count, UINT flags); // Notifies the delegate to update the search. void DoSearch(); void LinkActivated(views::Link* link, int event_flags); Delegate* delegate_; views::Link* title_link_; views::ImageView* title_image_; views::ImageView* product_logo_; views::TextField* search_field_; views::NativeButton* search_button_; views::ScrollView* scroll_view_; views::Throbber* throbber_; DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(SearchableUIContainer); }; #endif // CHROME_BROWSER_NATIVE_UI_CONTENTS_H__