// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_TAB_CONTENTS_TAB_CONTENTS_H_ #define CHROME_BROWSER_TAB_CONTENTS_TAB_CONTENTS_H_ #pragma once #include "build/build_config.h" #include #include #include #include #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/gtest_prod_util.h" #include "base/scoped_ptr.h" #include "chrome/browser/cancelable_request.h" #include "chrome/browser/dom_ui/dom_ui_factory.h" #include "chrome/browser/download/save_package.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/image_loading_tracker.h" #include "chrome/browser/fav_icon_helper.h" #include "chrome/browser/find_bar_controller.h" #include "chrome/browser/find_notification_details.h" #include "chrome/browser/jsmessage_box_client.h" #include "chrome/browser/password_manager/password_manager_delegate.h" #include "chrome/browser/shell_dialogs.h" #include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_delegate.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/constrained_window.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/language_state.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/navigation_controller.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/navigation_entry.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/page_navigator.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/render_view_host_manager.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/tab_specific_content_settings.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_registrar.h" #include "chrome/common/property_bag.h" #include "chrome/common/renderer_preferences.h" #include "chrome/common/translate_errors.h" #include "gfx/native_widget_types.h" #include "gfx/rect.h" #include "net/base/load_states.h" #include "webkit/glue/dom_operations.h" namespace gfx { class Rect; } namespace printing { class PrintViewManager; } namespace IPC { class Message; } namespace webkit_glue { struct PasswordForm; } class AutocompleteHistoryManager; class AutoFillManager; class BlockedPluginManager; class BlockedPopupContainer; class DOMUI; class DownloadItem; class Extension; class InfoBarDelegate; class LoadNotificationDetails; class MatchPreview; class OmniboxSearchHint; class PasswordManager; class PluginInstaller; class Profile; struct RendererPreferences; class RenderViewHost; class SiteInstance; class SkBitmap; class TabContents; class TabContentsDelegate; class TabContentsSSLHelper; class TabContentsView; class URLPattern; struct ThumbnailScore; struct ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate_Params; struct ViewHostMsg_RunFileChooser_Params; struct WebPreferences; // Describes what goes in the main content area of a tab. TabContents is // the only type of TabContents, and these should be merged together. class TabContents : public PageNavigator, public NotificationObserver, public RenderViewHostDelegate, public RenderViewHostDelegate::BrowserIntegration, public RenderViewHostDelegate::Resource, public RenderViewHostManager::Delegate, public SelectFileDialog::Listener, public JavaScriptMessageBoxClient, public ImageLoadingTracker::Observer, public PasswordManagerDelegate, public TabSpecificContentSettings::Delegate { public: // Flags passed to the TabContentsDelegate.NavigationStateChanged to tell it // what has changed. Combine them to update more than one thing. enum InvalidateTypes { INVALIDATE_URL = 1 << 0, // The URL has changed. INVALIDATE_TAB = 1 << 1, // The favicon, app icon, or crashed // state changed. INVALIDATE_LOAD = 1 << 2, // The loading state has changed. INVALIDATE_PAGE_ACTIONS = 1 << 3, // Page action icons have changed. INVALIDATE_BOOKMARK_BAR = 1 << 4, // State of ShouldShowBookmarkBar // changed. INVALIDATE_TITLE = 1 << 5, // The title changed. }; // |base_tab_contents| is used if we want to size the new tab contents view // based on an existing tab contents view. This can be NULL if not needed. TabContents(Profile* profile, SiteInstance* site_instance, int routing_id, const TabContents* base_tab_contents); virtual ~TabContents(); static void RegisterUserPrefs(PrefService* prefs); // Intrinsic tab state ------------------------------------------------------- // Returns the property bag for this tab contents, where callers can add // extra data they may wish to associate with the tab. Returns a pointer // rather than a reference since the PropertyAccessors expect this. const PropertyBag* property_bag() const { return &property_bag_; } PropertyBag* property_bag() { return &property_bag_; } TabContentsDelegate* delegate() const { return delegate_; } void set_delegate(TabContentsDelegate* d) { delegate_ = d; } // Gets the controller for this tab contents. NavigationController& controller() { return controller_; } const NavigationController& controller() const { return controller_; } // Returns the user profile associated with this TabContents (via the // NavigationController). Profile* profile() const { return controller_.profile(); } // Returns true if contains content rendered by an extension. bool HostsExtension() const; // Returns the AutoFillManager, creating it if necessary. AutoFillManager* GetAutoFillManager(); // Returns the PasswordManager, creating it if necessary. PasswordManager* GetPasswordManager(); // Returns the PluginInstaller, creating it if necessary. PluginInstaller* GetPluginInstaller(); // Returns the TabContentsSSLHelper, creating if it necessary. TabContentsSSLHelper* GetSSLHelper(); // Returns the MatchPreview. Returns NULL if MatchPreview is not enabled. MatchPreview* match_preview() { return match_preview_.get(); } // Returns the SavePackage which manages the page saving job. May be NULL. SavePackage* save_package() const { return save_package_.get(); } // Return the currently active RenderProcessHost and RenderViewHost. Each of // these may change over time. RenderProcessHost* GetRenderProcessHost() const; RenderViewHost* render_view_host() const { return render_manager_.current_host(); } // Returns the currently active RenderWidgetHostView. This may change over // time and can be NULL (during setup and teardown). RenderWidgetHostView* GetRenderWidgetHostView() const { return render_manager_.GetRenderWidgetHostView(); } // The TabContentsView will never change and is guaranteed non-NULL. TabContentsView* view() const { return view_.get(); } // Returns the FavIconHelper of this TabContents. FavIconHelper& fav_icon_helper() { return fav_icon_helper_; } // App extensions ------------------------------------------------------------ // Sets the extension denoting this as an app. If |extension| is non-null this // tab becomes an app-tab. TabContents does not listen for unload events for // the extension. It's up to consumers of TabContents to do that. // // NOTE: this should only be manipulated before the tab is added to a browser. // TODO(sky): resolve if this is the right way to identify an app tab. If it // is, than this should be passed in the constructor. void SetExtensionApp(Extension* extension); // Convenience for setting the app extension by id. This does nothing if // |extension_app_id| is empty, or an extension can't be found given the // specified id. void SetExtensionAppById(const std::string& extension_app_id); Extension* extension_app() const { return extension_app_; } bool is_app() const { return extension_app_ != NULL; } // If an app extension has been explicitly set for this TabContents its icon // is returned. // // NOTE: the returned icon is larger than 16x16 (it's size is // Extension::EXTENSION_ICON_SMALLISH). SkBitmap* GetExtensionAppIcon(); // Tab navigation state ------------------------------------------------------ // Returns the current navigation properties, which if a navigation is // pending may be provisional (e.g., the navigation could result in a // download, in which case the URL would revert to what it was previously). virtual const GURL& GetURL() const; virtual const string16& GetTitle() const; // Initial title assigned to NavigationEntries from Navigate. static string16 GetDefaultTitle(); // The max PageID of any page that this TabContents has loaded. PageIDs // increase with each new page that is loaded by a tab. If this is a // TabContents, then the max PageID is kept separately on each SiteInstance. // Returns -1 if no PageIDs have yet been seen. int32 GetMaxPageID(); // Updates the max PageID to be at least the given PageID. void UpdateMaxPageID(int32 page_id); // Returns the site instance associated with the current page. By default, // there is no site instance. TabContents overrides this to provide proper // access to its site instance. virtual SiteInstance* GetSiteInstance() const; // Defines whether this tab's URL should be displayed in the browser's URL // bar. Normally this is true so you can see the URL. This is set to false // for the new tab page and related pages so that the URL bar is empty and // the user is invited to type into it. virtual bool ShouldDisplayURL(); // Returns the favicon for this tab, or an isNull() bitmap if the tab does not // have a favicon. The default implementation uses the current navigation // entry. SkBitmap GetFavIcon() const; // Returns true if we are not using the default favicon. bool FavIconIsValid() const; // Returns whether the favicon should be displayed. If this returns false, no // space is provided for the favicon, and the favicon is never displayed. virtual bool ShouldDisplayFavIcon(); // Returns a human-readable description the tab's loading state. virtual std::wstring GetStatusText() const; // Return whether this tab contents is loading a resource. bool is_loading() const { return is_loading_; } // Returns whether this tab contents is waiting for a first-response for the // main resource of the page. This controls whether the throbber state is // "waiting" or "loading." bool waiting_for_response() const { return waiting_for_response_; } bool is_starred() const { return is_starred_; } const std::string& encoding() const { return encoding_; } void set_encoding(const std::string& encoding); void reset_encoding() { encoding_.clear(); } const webkit_glue::WebApplicationInfo& web_app_info() const { return web_app_info_; } const SkBitmap& app_icon() const { return app_icon_; } // Sets an app icon associated with TabContents and fires an INVALIDATE_TITLE // navigation state change to trigger repaint of title. void SetAppIcon(const SkBitmap& app_icon); bool displayed_insecure_content() const { return displayed_insecure_content_; } // Internal state ------------------------------------------------------------ // This flag indicates whether the tab contents is currently being // screenshotted by the DraggedTabController. bool capturing_contents() const { return capturing_contents_; } void set_capturing_contents(bool cap) { capturing_contents_ = cap; } // Indicates whether this tab should be considered crashed. The setter will // also notify the delegate when the flag is changed. bool is_crashed() const { return is_crashed_; } void SetIsCrashed(bool state); // Call this after updating a page action to notify clients about the changes. void PageActionStateChanged(); // Whether the tab is in the process of being destroyed. // Added as a tentative work-around for focus related bug #4633. This allows // us not to store focus when a tab is being closed. bool is_being_destroyed() const { return is_being_destroyed_; } // Convenience method for notifying the delegate of a navigation state // change. See TabContentsDelegate. void NotifyNavigationStateChanged(unsigned changed_flags); // Invoked when the tab contents becomes selected. If you override, be sure // and invoke super's implementation. virtual void DidBecomeSelected(); // Invoked when the tab contents becomes hidden. // NOTE: If you override this, call the superclass version too! virtual void WasHidden(); // Activates this contents within its containing window, bringing that window // to the foreground if necessary. void Activate(); // TODO(brettw) document these. virtual void ShowContents(); virtual void HideContents(); #ifdef UNIT_TEST // Expose the render manager for testing. RenderViewHostManager* render_manager() { return &render_manager_; } #endif // Commands ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Implementation of PageNavigator. virtual void OpenURL(const GURL& url, const GURL& referrer, WindowOpenDisposition disposition, PageTransition::Type transition); // Called by the NavigationController to cause the TabContents to navigate to // the current pending entry. The NavigationController should be called back // with CommitPendingEntry/RendererDidNavigate on success or // DiscardPendingEntry. The callbacks can be inside of this function, or at // some future time. // // The entry has a PageID of -1 if newly created (corresponding to navigation // to a new URL). // // If this method returns false, then the navigation is discarded (equivalent // to calling DiscardPendingEntry on the NavigationController). virtual bool NavigateToPendingEntry( NavigationController::ReloadType reload_type); // Stop any pending navigation. virtual void Stop(); // Called on a TabContents when it isn't a popup, but a new window. virtual void DisassociateFromPopupCount(); // Creates a new TabContents with the same state as this one. The returned // heap-allocated pointer is owned by the caller. virtual TabContents* Clone(); // Shows the page info. void ShowPageInfo(const GURL& url, const NavigationEntry::SSLStatus& ssl, bool show_history); // Window management --------------------------------------------------------- // Create a new window constrained to this TabContents' clip and visibility. // The window is initialized by using the supplied delegate to obtain basic // window characteristics, and the supplied view for the content. Note that // the returned ConstrainedWindow might not yet be visible. ConstrainedWindow* CreateConstrainedDialog( ConstrainedWindowDelegate* delegate); // Adds a new tab or window with the given already-created contents void AddNewContents(TabContents* new_contents, WindowOpenDisposition disposition, const gfx::Rect& initial_pos, bool user_gesture); // Execute code in this tab. Returns true if the message was successfully // sent. bool ExecuteCode(int request_id, const std::string& extension_id, const std::vector& host_permissions, bool is_js_code, const std::string& code_string, bool all_frames); // Called when the blocked popup notification is shown or hidden. virtual void PopupNotificationVisibilityChanged(bool visible); // Returns the number of constrained windows in this tab. Used by tests. size_t constrained_window_count() { return child_windows_.size(); } typedef std::deque ConstrainedWindowList; // Return an iterator for the first constrained window in this tab contents. ConstrainedWindowList::iterator constrained_window_begin() { return child_windows_.begin(); } // Return an iterator for the last constrained window in this tab contents. ConstrainedWindowList::iterator constrained_window_end() { return child_windows_.end(); } // Views and focus ----------------------------------------------------------- // TODO(brettw): Most of these should be removed and the caller should call // the view directly. // Returns the actual window that is focused when this TabContents is shown. gfx::NativeView GetContentNativeView() const; // Returns the NativeView associated with this TabContents. Outside of // automation in the context of the UI, this is required to be implemented. gfx::NativeView GetNativeView() const; // Returns the bounds of this TabContents in the screen coordinate system. void GetContainerBounds(gfx::Rect *out) const; // Makes the tab the focused window. void Focus(); // Focuses the first (last if |reverse| is true) element in the page. // Invoked when this tab is getting the focus through tab traversal (|reverse| // is true when using Shift-Tab). void FocusThroughTabTraversal(bool reverse); // These next two functions are declared on RenderViewHostManager::Delegate // but also accessed directly by other callers. // Returns true if the location bar should be focused by default rather than // the page contents. The view calls this function when the tab is focused // to see what it should do. virtual bool FocusLocationBarByDefault(); // Focuses the location bar. virtual void SetFocusToLocationBar(bool select_all); // Infobars ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Adds an InfoBar for the specified |delegate|. virtual void AddInfoBar(InfoBarDelegate* delegate); // Removes the InfoBar for the specified |delegate|. void RemoveInfoBar(InfoBarDelegate* delegate); // Replaces one infobar with another, without any animation in between. void ReplaceInfoBar(InfoBarDelegate* old_delegate, InfoBarDelegate* new_delegate); // Enumeration and access functions. int infobar_delegate_count() const { return infobar_delegates_.size(); } InfoBarDelegate* GetInfoBarDelegateAt(int index) { return infobar_delegates_.at(index); } // Toolbars and such --------------------------------------------------------- // Returns true if a Bookmark Bar should be shown for this tab. virtual bool ShouldShowBookmarkBar(); // Notifies the delegate that a download is about to be started. // This notification is fired before a local temporary file has been created. bool CanDownload(int request_id); // Notifies the delegate that a download started. void OnStartDownload(DownloadItem* download); // Notify our delegate that some of our content has animated. void ToolbarSizeChanged(bool is_animating); // Called when a ConstrainedWindow we own is about to be closed. void WillClose(ConstrainedWindow* window); // Called when a BlockedPopupContainer we own is about to be closed. void WillCloseBlockedPopupContainer(BlockedPopupContainer* container); // Called when a ConstrainedWindow we own is moved or resized. void DidMoveOrResize(ConstrainedWindow* window); // Interstitials ------------------------------------------------------------- // Various other systems need to know about our interstitials. bool showing_interstitial_page() const { return render_manager_.interstitial_page() != NULL; } // Sets the passed passed interstitial as the currently showing interstitial. // |interstitial_page| should be non NULL (use the remove_interstitial_page // method to unset the interstitial) and no interstitial page should be set // when there is already a non NULL interstitial page set. void set_interstitial_page(InterstitialPage* interstitial_page) { render_manager_.set_interstitial_page(interstitial_page); } // Unsets the currently showing interstitial. void remove_interstitial_page() { render_manager_.remove_interstitial_page(); } // Returns the currently showing interstitial, NULL if no interstitial is // showing. InterstitialPage* interstitial_page() const { return render_manager_.interstitial_page(); } // Find in Page -------------------------------------------------------------- // Starts the Find operation by calling StartFinding on the Tab. This function // can be called from the outside as a result of hot-keys, so it uses the // last remembered search string as specified with set_find_string(). This // function does not block while a search is in progress. The controller will // receive the results through the notification mechanism. See Observe(...) // for details. void StartFinding(string16 search_string, bool forward_direction, bool case_sensitive); // Stops the current Find operation. void StopFinding(FindBarController::SelectionAction selection_action); // Accessors/Setters for find_ui_active_. bool find_ui_active() const { return find_ui_active_; } void set_find_ui_active(bool find_ui_active) { find_ui_active_ = find_ui_active; } // Setter for find_op_aborted_. void set_find_op_aborted(bool find_op_aborted) { find_op_aborted_ = find_op_aborted; } // Used _only_ by testing to get or set the current request ID. int current_find_request_id() { return current_find_request_id_; } void set_current_find_request_id(int current_find_request_id) { current_find_request_id_ = current_find_request_id; } // Accessor for find_text_. Used to determine if this TabContents has any // active searches. string16 find_text() const { return find_text_; } // Accessor for the previous search we issued. string16 previous_find_text() const { return previous_find_text_; } // Accessor for find_result_. const FindNotificationDetails& find_result() const { return last_search_result_; } // Misc state & callbacks ---------------------------------------------------- // Set whether the contents should block javascript message boxes or not. // Default is not to block any message boxes. void set_suppress_javascript_messages(bool suppress_javascript_messages) { suppress_javascript_messages_ = suppress_javascript_messages; } // Prepare for saving the current web page to disk. void OnSavePage(); // Save page with the main HTML file path, the directory for saving resources, // and the save type: HTML only or complete web page. Returns true if the // saving process has been initiated successfully. bool SavePage(const FilePath& main_file, const FilePath& dir_path, SavePackage::SavePackageType save_type); // Tells the user's email client to open a compose window containing the // current page's URL. void EmailPageLocation(); // Displays asynchronously a print preview (generated by the renderer) if not // already displayed and ask the user for its preferred print settings with // the "Print..." dialog box. (managed by the print worker thread). // TODO(maruel): Creates a snapshot of the renderer to be used for the new // tab for the printing facility. void PrintPreview(); // Prints the current document immediately. Since the rendering is // asynchronous, the actual printing will not be completed on the return of // this function. Returns false if printing is impossible at the moment. bool PrintNow(); // Notify the completion of a printing job. void PrintingDone(int document_cookie, bool success); // Returns true if the active NavigationEntry's page_id equals page_id. bool IsActiveEntry(int32 page_id); const std::string& contents_mime_type() const { return contents_mime_type_; } // Returns true if this TabContents will notify about disconnection. bool notify_disconnection() const { return notify_disconnection_; } // Override the encoding and reload the page by sending down // ViewMsg_SetPageEncoding to the renderer. |UpdateEncoding| is kinda // the opposite of this, by which 'browser' is notified of // the encoding of the current tab from 'renderer' (determined by // auto-detect, http header, meta, bom detection, etc). void SetOverrideEncoding(const std::string& encoding); // Remove any user-defined override encoding and reload by sending down // ViewMsg_ResetPageEncodingToDefault to the renderer. void ResetOverrideEncoding(); void WindowMoveOrResizeStarted(); BlockedPopupContainer* blocked_popup_container() const { return blocked_popups_; } RendererPreferences* GetMutableRendererPrefs() { return &renderer_preferences_; } void set_opener_dom_ui_type(DOMUITypeID opener_dom_ui_type) { opener_dom_ui_type_ = opener_dom_ui_type; } // We want to time how long it takes to create a new tab page. This method // gets called as parts of the new tab page have loaded. void LogNewTabTime(const std::string& event_name); // Set the time when we started to create the new tab page. This time is // from before we created this TabContents. void set_new_tab_start_time(const base::TimeTicks& time) { new_tab_start_time_ = time; } // Notification that tab closing has started. This can be called multiple // times, subsequent calls are ignored. void OnCloseStarted(); LanguageState& language_state() { return language_state_; } // Returns true if underlying TabContentsView should accept drag-n-drop. bool ShouldAcceptDragAndDrop() const; // Creates a duplicate of this TabContents. The returned TabContents is // configured such that the renderer has not been loaded (it'll load the first // time it is selected). // This is intended for use with apps. // The caller owns the returned object. TabContents* CloneAndMakePhantom(); // Indicates if this tab was explicitly closed by the user (control-w, close // tab menu item...). This is false for actions that indirectly close the tab, // such as closing the window. The setter is maintained by TabStripModel, and // the getter only useful from within TAB_CLOSED notification void set_closed_by_user_gesture(bool value) { closed_by_user_gesture_ = value; } bool closed_by_user_gesture() const { return closed_by_user_gesture_; } bool is_displaying_pdf_content() const { return displaying_pdf_content_; } // JavaScriptMessageBoxClient ------------------------------------------------ virtual std::wstring GetMessageBoxTitle(const GURL& frame_url, bool is_alert); virtual gfx::NativeWindow GetMessageBoxRootWindow(); virtual void OnMessageBoxClosed(IPC::Message* reply_msg, bool success, const std::wstring& prompt); virtual void SetSuppressMessageBoxes(bool suppress_message_boxes); virtual TabContents* AsTabContents(); virtual ExtensionHost* AsExtensionHost(); // The BookmarkDragDelegate is used to forward bookmark drag and drop events // to extensions. virtual RenderViewHostDelegate::BookmarkDrag* GetBookmarkDragDelegate(); // It is up to callers to call SetBookmarkDragDelegate(NULL) when // |bookmark_drag| is deleted since this class does not take ownership of // |bookmark_drag|. virtual void SetBookmarkDragDelegate( RenderViewHostDelegate::BookmarkDrag* bookmark_drag); // The TabSpecificContentSettings object is used to query the blocked content // state by various UI elements. TabSpecificContentSettings* GetTabSpecificContentSettings() const; // PasswordManagerDelegate implementation. virtual void FillPasswordForm( const webkit_glue::PasswordFormFillData& form_data); virtual void AddSavePasswordInfoBar(PasswordFormManager* form_to_save); virtual Profile* GetProfileForPasswordManager(); virtual bool DidLastPageLoadEncounterSSLErrors(); private: friend class NavigationController; // Used to access the child_windows_ (ConstrainedWindowList) for testing // automation purposes. friend class AutomationProvider; FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TabContentsTest, NoJSMessageOnInterstitials); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TabContentsTest, UpdateTitle); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TabContentsTest, CrossSiteCantPreemptAfterUnload); // Temporary until the view/contents separation is complete. friend class TabContentsView; #if defined(OS_WIN) friend class TabContentsViewWin; #elif defined(OS_MACOSX) friend class TabContentsViewMac; #elif defined(TOOLKIT_USES_GTK) friend class TabContentsViewGtk; #endif // So InterstitialPage can access SetIsLoading. friend class InterstitialPage; // TODO(brettw) TestTabContents shouldn't exist! friend class TestTabContents; // Used to access the UpdateHistoryForNavigation member function. friend class ExternalTabContainer; // Changes the IsLoading state and notifies delegate as needed // |details| is used to provide details on the load that just finished // (but can be null if not applicable). Can be overridden. void SetIsLoading(bool is_loading, LoadNotificationDetails* details); // Adds the incoming |new_contents| to the |blocked_popups_| container. void AddPopup(TabContents* new_contents, const gfx::Rect& initial_pos); // Called by derived classes to indicate that we're no longer waiting for a // response. This won't actually update the throbber, but it will get picked // up at the next animation step if the throbber is going. void SetNotWaitingForResponse() { waiting_for_response_ = false; } ConstrainedWindowList child_windows_; // Expires InfoBars that need to be expired, according to the state carried // in |details|, in response to a new NavigationEntry being committed (the // user navigated to another page). void ExpireInfoBars( const NavigationController::LoadCommittedDetails& details); // Returns the DOMUI for the current state of the tab. This will either be // the pending DOMUI, the committed DOMUI, or NULL. DOMUI* GetDOMUIForCurrentState(); // Navigation helpers -------------------------------------------------------- // // These functions are helpers for Navigate() and DidNavigate(). // Handles post-navigation tasks in DidNavigate AFTER the entry has been // committed to the navigation controller. Note that the navigation entry is // not provided since it may be invalid/changed after being committed. The // current navigation entry is in the NavigationController at this point. void DidNavigateMainFramePostCommit( const NavigationController::LoadCommittedDetails& details, const ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate_Params& params); void DidNavigateAnyFramePostCommit( RenderViewHost* render_view_host, const NavigationController::LoadCommittedDetails& details, const ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate_Params& params); // Closes all constrained windows. void CloseConstrainedWindows(); // Updates the starred state from the bookmark bar model. If the state has // changed, the delegate is notified. void UpdateStarredStateForCurrentURL(); // Send the alternate error page URL to the renderer. This method is virtual // so special html pages can override this (e.g., the new tab page). virtual void UpdateAlternateErrorPageURL(); // Send webkit specific settings to the renderer. void UpdateWebPreferences(); // If our controller was restored and the page id is > than the site // instance's page id, the site instances page id is updated as well as the // renderers max page id. void UpdateMaxPageIDIfNecessary(SiteInstance* site_instance, RenderViewHost* rvh); // Called by OnMsgNavigate to update history state. Overridden by subclasses // that don't want to be added to history. virtual void UpdateHistoryForNavigation(const GURL& virtual_url, const NavigationController::LoadCommittedDetails& details, const ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate_Params& params); // Saves the given title to the navigation entry and does associated work. It // will update history and the view for the new title, and also synthesize // titles for file URLs that have none (so we require that the URL of the // entry already be set). // // This is used as the backend for state updates, which include a new title, // or the dedicated set title message. It returns true if the new title is // different and was therefore updated. bool UpdateTitleForEntry(NavigationEntry* entry, const std::wstring& title); // Misc non-view stuff ------------------------------------------------------- // Helper functions for sending notifications. void NotifySwapped(); void NotifyConnected(); void NotifyDisconnected(); // If params has a searchable form, this tries to create a new keyword. void GenerateKeywordIfNecessary( const ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate_Params& params); // TabSpecificContentSettings::Delegate implementation. virtual void OnContentSettingsAccessed(bool content_was_blocked); // RenderViewHostDelegate ---------------------------------------------------- // RenderViewHostDelegate::BrowserIntegration implementation. virtual void OnUserGesture(); virtual void OnFindReply(int request_id, int number_of_matches, const gfx::Rect& selection_rect, int active_match_ordinal, bool final_update); virtual void GoToEntryAtOffset(int offset); virtual void OnMissingPluginStatus(int status); virtual void OnCrashedPlugin(const FilePath& plugin_path); virtual void OnCrashedWorker(); virtual void OnDidGetApplicationInfo( int32 page_id, const webkit_glue::WebApplicationInfo& info); virtual void OnDisabledOutdatedPlugin(const string16& name, const GURL& update_url); virtual void OnPageContents(const GURL& url, int renderer_process_id, int32 page_id, const string16& contents, const std::string& language, bool page_translatable); virtual void OnPageTranslated(int32 page_id, const std::string& original_lang, const std::string& translated_lang, TranslateErrors::Type error_type); // RenderViewHostDelegate::Resource implementation. virtual void DidStartProvisionalLoadForFrame(RenderViewHost* render_view_host, bool is_main_frame, const GURL& url); virtual void DidStartReceivingResourceResponse( const ResourceRequestDetails& details); virtual void DidRedirectProvisionalLoad(int32 page_id, const GURL& source_url, const GURL& target_url); virtual void DidRedirectResource( const ResourceRedirectDetails& details); virtual void DidLoadResourceFromMemoryCache( const GURL& url, const std::string& frame_origin, const std::string& main_frame_origin, const std::string& security_info); virtual void DidDisplayInsecureContent(); virtual void DidRunInsecureContent(const std::string& security_origin); virtual void DidFailProvisionalLoadWithError( RenderViewHost* render_view_host, bool is_main_frame, int error_code, const GURL& url, bool showing_repost_interstitial); virtual void DocumentLoadedInFrame(); // RenderViewHostDelegate implementation. virtual RenderViewHostDelegate::View* GetViewDelegate(); virtual RenderViewHostDelegate::RendererManagement* GetRendererManagementDelegate(); virtual RenderViewHostDelegate::BrowserIntegration* GetBrowserIntegrationDelegate(); virtual RenderViewHostDelegate::Resource* GetResourceDelegate(); virtual RenderViewHostDelegate::ContentSettings* GetContentSettingsDelegate(); virtual RenderViewHostDelegate::Save* GetSaveDelegate(); virtual RenderViewHostDelegate::Printing* GetPrintingDelegate(); virtual RenderViewHostDelegate::FavIcon* GetFavIconDelegate(); virtual RenderViewHostDelegate::Autocomplete* GetAutocompleteDelegate(); virtual RenderViewHostDelegate::AutoFill* GetAutoFillDelegate(); virtual RenderViewHostDelegate::BlockedPlugin* GetBlockedPluginDelegate(); virtual RenderViewHostDelegate::SSL* GetSSLDelegate(); virtual AutomationResourceRoutingDelegate* GetAutomationResourceRoutingDelegate(); virtual TabContents* GetAsTabContents(); virtual ViewType::Type GetRenderViewType() const; virtual int GetBrowserWindowID() const; virtual void RenderViewCreated(RenderViewHost* render_view_host); virtual void RenderViewReady(RenderViewHost* render_view_host); virtual void RenderViewGone(RenderViewHost* render_view_host); virtual void RenderViewDeleted(RenderViewHost* render_view_host); virtual void DidNavigate(RenderViewHost* render_view_host, const ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate_Params& params); virtual void UpdateState(RenderViewHost* render_view_host, int32 page_id, const std::string& state); virtual void UpdateTitle(RenderViewHost* render_view_host, int32 page_id, const std::wstring& title); virtual void UpdateEncoding(RenderViewHost* render_view_host, const std::string& encoding); virtual void UpdateTargetURL(int32 page_id, const GURL& url); virtual void UpdateThumbnail(const GURL& url, const SkBitmap& bitmap, const ThumbnailScore& score); virtual void UpdateInspectorSetting(const std::string& key, const std::string& value); virtual void ClearInspectorSettings(); virtual void Close(RenderViewHost* render_view_host); virtual void RequestMove(const gfx::Rect& new_bounds); virtual void DidStartLoading(); virtual void DidStopLoading(); virtual void RequestOpenURL(const GURL& url, const GURL& referrer, WindowOpenDisposition disposition); virtual void DomOperationResponse(const std::string& json_string, int automation_id); virtual void ProcessDOMUIMessage(const std::string& message, const ListValue* content, const GURL& source_url, int request_id, bool has_callback); virtual void ProcessExternalHostMessage(const std::string& message, const std::string& origin, const std::string& target); virtual void RunFileChooser(const ViewHostMsg_RunFileChooser_Params& params); virtual void RunJavaScriptMessage(const std::wstring& message, const std::wstring& default_prompt, const GURL& frame_url, const int flags, IPC::Message* reply_msg, bool* did_suppress_message); virtual void RunBeforeUnloadConfirm(const std::wstring& message, IPC::Message* reply_msg); virtual void ShowModalHTMLDialog(const GURL& url, int width, int height, const std::string& json_arguments, IPC::Message* reply_msg); virtual void PasswordFormsFound( const std::vector& forms); virtual void PasswordFormsVisible( const std::vector& visible_forms); virtual void PageHasOSDD(RenderViewHost* render_view_host, int32 page_id, const GURL& url, bool autodetected); virtual ViewHostMsg_GetSearchProviderInstallState_Params GetSearchProviderInstallState(const GURL& url); virtual GURL GetAlternateErrorPageURL() const; virtual RendererPreferences GetRendererPrefs(Profile* profile) const; virtual WebPreferences GetWebkitPrefs(); virtual void OnIgnoredUIEvent(); virtual void OnJSOutOfMemory(); virtual void OnCrossSiteResponse(int new_render_process_host_id, int new_request_id); virtual gfx::Rect GetRootWindowResizerRect() const; virtual void RendererUnresponsive(RenderViewHost* render_view_host, bool is_during_unload); virtual void RendererResponsive(RenderViewHost* render_view_host); virtual void LoadStateChanged(const GURL& url, net::LoadState load_state, uint64 upload_position, uint64 upload_size); virtual bool IsExternalTabContainer() const; virtual void DidInsertCSS(); virtual void FocusedNodeChanged(); virtual void SetDisplayingPDFContent(); // SelectFileDialog::Listener ------------------------------------------------ virtual void FileSelected(const FilePath& path, int index, void* params); virtual void MultiFilesSelected(const std::vector& files, void* params); virtual void FileSelectionCanceled(void* params); // RenderViewHostManager::Delegate ------------------------------------------- // Blocks/unblocks interaction with renderer process. void BlockTabContent(bool blocked); virtual void BeforeUnloadFiredFromRenderManager( bool proceed, bool* proceed_to_fire_unload); virtual void DidStartLoadingFromRenderManager( RenderViewHost* render_view_host); virtual void RenderViewGoneFromRenderManager( RenderViewHost* render_view_host); virtual void UpdateRenderViewSizeForRenderManager(); virtual void NotifySwappedFromRenderManager(); virtual NavigationController& GetControllerForRenderManager(); virtual DOMUI* CreateDOMUIForRenderManager(const GURL& url); virtual NavigationEntry* GetLastCommittedNavigationEntryForRenderManager(); // Initializes the given renderer if necessary and creates the view ID // corresponding to this view host. If this method is not called and the // process is not shared, then the TabContents will act as though the renderer // is not running (i.e., it will render "sad tab"). This method is // automatically called from LoadURL. // // If you are attaching to an already-existing RenderView, you should call // InitWithExistingID. virtual bool CreateRenderViewForRenderManager( RenderViewHost* render_view_host); // NotificationObserver ------------------------------------------------------ virtual void Observe(NotificationType type, const NotificationSource& source, const NotificationDetails& details); // App extensions related methods: // Returns the first extension whose extent contains |url|. Extension* GetExtensionContaining(const GURL& url); // Resets app_icon_ and if |extension| is non-null creates a new // ImageLoadingTracker to load the extension's image. void UpdateExtensionAppIcon(Extension* extension); // ImageLoadingTracker::Observer. virtual void OnImageLoaded(SkBitmap* image, ExtensionResource resource, int index); // Data for core operation --------------------------------------------------- // Delegate for notifying our owner about stuff. Not owned by us. TabContentsDelegate* delegate_; // Handles the back/forward list and loading. NavigationController controller_; // The corresponding view. scoped_ptr view_; // Helper classes ------------------------------------------------------------ // Manages creation and swapping of render views. RenderViewHostManager render_manager_; // Stores random bits of data for others to associate with this object. PropertyBag property_bag_; // Registers and unregisters us for notifications. NotificationRegistrar registrar_; // Handles print preview and print job for this contents. scoped_ptr printing_; // SavePackage, lazily created. scoped_refptr save_package_; // AutocompleteHistoryManager, lazily created. scoped_ptr autocomplete_history_manager_; // AutoFillManager, lazily created. scoped_ptr autofill_manager_; // PasswordManager, lazily created. scoped_ptr password_manager_; // PluginInstaller, lazily created. scoped_ptr plugin_installer_; // TabContentsSSLHelper, lazily created. scoped_ptr ssl_helper_; // BlockedPluginManager, lazily created. scoped_ptr blocked_plugin_manager_; // Handles drag and drop event forwarding to extensions. BookmarkDrag* bookmark_drag_; // Handles downloading favicons. FavIconHelper fav_icon_helper_; // Dialog box used for choosing files to upload from file form fields. scoped_refptr select_file_dialog_; // Cached web app info data. webkit_glue::WebApplicationInfo web_app_info_; // Cached web app icon. SkBitmap app_icon_; // RenderViewHost::ContentSettingsDelegate. scoped_ptr content_settings_delegate_; // Data for loading state ---------------------------------------------------- // Indicates whether we're currently loading a resource. bool is_loading_; // Indicates if the tab is considered crashed. bool is_crashed_; // See waiting_for_response() above. bool waiting_for_response_; // Indicates the largest PageID we've seen. This field is ignored if we are // a TabContents, in which case the max page ID is stored separately with // each SiteInstance. // TODO(brettw) this seems like it can be removed according to the comment. int32 max_page_id_; // System time at which the current load was started. base::TimeTicks current_load_start_; // The current load state and the URL associated with it. net::LoadState load_state_; std::wstring load_state_host_; // Upload progress, for displaying in the status bar. // Set to zero when there is no significant upload happening. uint64 upload_size_; uint64 upload_position_; // Data for current page ----------------------------------------------------- // Whether we have a (non-empty) title for the current page. // Used to prevent subsequent title updates from affecting history. This // prevents some weirdness because some AJAXy apps use titles for status // messages. bool received_page_title_; // Whether the current URL is starred bool is_starred_; // When a navigation occurs, we record its contents MIME type. It can be // used to check whether we can do something for some special contents. std::string contents_mime_type_; // Character encoding. TODO(jungshik) : convert to std::string std::string encoding_; // Object that holds any blocked popups frmo the current page. BlockedPopupContainer* blocked_popups_; // TODO(pkasting): Hack to try and fix Linux browser tests. bool dont_notify_render_view_; // True if this is a secure page which displayed insecure content. bool displayed_insecure_content_; // Data for shelves and stuff ------------------------------------------------ // Delegates for InfoBars associated with this TabContents. std::vector infobar_delegates_; // Data for find in page ----------------------------------------------------- // TODO(brettw) this should be separated into a helper class. // Each time a search request comes in we assign it an id before passing it // over the IPC so that when the results come in we can evaluate whether we // still care about the results of the search (in some cases we don't because // the user has issued a new search). static int find_request_id_counter_; // True if the Find UI is active for this Tab. bool find_ui_active_; // True if a Find operation was aborted. This can happen if the Find box is // closed or if the search term inside the Find box is erased while a search // is in progress. This can also be set if a page has been reloaded, and will // on FindNext result in a full Find operation so that the highlighting for // inactive matches can be repainted. bool find_op_aborted_; // This variable keeps track of what the most recent request id is. int current_find_request_id_; // The current string we are/just finished searching for. This is used to // figure out if this is a Find or a FindNext operation (FindNext should not // increase the request id). string16 find_text_; // The string we searched for before |find_text_|. string16 previous_find_text_; // Whether the last search was case sensitive or not. bool last_search_case_sensitive_; // The last find result. This object contains details about the number of // matches, the find selection rectangle, etc. The UI can access this // information to build its presentation. FindNotificationDetails last_search_result_; // Data for app extensions --------------------------------------------------- // If non-null this tab is an app tab and this is the extension the tab was // created for. Extension* extension_app_; // Icon for extension_app_ (if non-null) or extension_for_current_page_. SkBitmap extension_app_icon_; // Used for loading extension_app_icon_. scoped_ptr extension_app_image_loader_; // Data for misc internal state ---------------------------------------------- // See capturing_contents() above. bool capturing_contents_; // See getter above. bool is_being_destroyed_; // Indicates whether we should notify about disconnection of this // TabContents. This is used to ensure disconnection notifications only // happen if a connection notification has happened and that they happen only // once. bool notify_disconnection_; // Maps from handle to page_id. typedef std::map HistoryRequestMap; HistoryRequestMap history_requests_; #if defined(OS_WIN) // Handle to an event that's set when the page is showing a message box (or // equivalent constrained window). Plugin processes check this to know if // they should pump messages then. ScopedHandle message_box_active_; #endif // The time that the last javascript message was dismissed. base::TimeTicks last_javascript_message_dismissal_; // True if the user has decided to block future javascript messages. This is // reset on navigations to false on navigations. bool suppress_javascript_messages_; // Set to true when there is an active "before unload" dialog. When true, // we've forced the throbber to start in Navigate, and we need to remember to // turn it off in OnJavaScriptMessageBoxClosed if the navigation is canceled. bool is_showing_before_unload_dialog_; // Shows an info-bar to users when they search from a known search engine and // have never used the monibox for search before. scoped_ptr omnibox_search_hint_; // Settings that get passed to the renderer process. RendererPreferences renderer_preferences_; // If this tab was created from a renderer using window.open, this will be // non-NULL and represent the DOMUI of the opening renderer. DOMUITypeID opener_dom_ui_type_; // The time that we started to create the new tab page. base::TimeTicks new_tab_start_time_; // The time that we started to close the tab. base::TimeTicks tab_close_start_time_; // Information about the language the page is in and has been translated to. LanguageState language_state_; // See description above setter. bool closed_by_user_gesture_; // See description in RenderViewHostDelegate::SetDisplayingPDFContent. bool displaying_pdf_content_; scoped_ptr match_preview_; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TabContents); }; #endif // CHROME_BROWSER_TAB_CONTENTS_TAB_CONTENTS_H_